Abadpour, Shadab | Experimental cell transplantation [Scholz] |
Abdelmaguid, Naser | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim); Cancer Informatics |
Abdollahi, Pegah | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Abdullah, Rang | The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group [Bjørnebekk] ; RusForsk |
Abel, Kristine Fiksdal | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Abildgaard, Andreas | Abdominal transplantation imaging [Syversveen] |
Abrahamsen, Tore Gunnar | Infection and immunology [Landsverk] |
Aden, Petra | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Aders, Eirin | Reproductive Medicine Group [Fedorcsak] |
Advani, Rajiv | Oslo Stroke Clinical Research Group [Else Charlotte Sandset] |
Aga, Anna-Birgitte | Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group [Aga] |
Ager-Wick, Gunnhild | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Ahmad, Rafi | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Ahmadi, Arash | Structural Biology and DNA repair [Dalhus] |
Ahmed, Mohammed Shakil | Molecular cardiology [Attramadal] |
Ailte, Ieva | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Aittokallio, Tero | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Akdeniz, Bayram Cevdet | Dominguez-Valentin project group |
Akerø, Aina | Department of Respiratory Medicine; Dept of Pulmonary Diseases |
Akkouh, Ibrahim | Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group [Djurovic] |
Akre, Harriet | HPV in Head and Neck [Harriet Akre] ; The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Aksnes, Gunnar | Pediatric surgery |
Aksnes, Mari | Dementia research group [Knapskog] |
Aksnes, Tonje Amb | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Al-Baldawi, Huda | Virology Research Group [Kaarbø] ; Clinical Virology Research Group |
Albregtsen, Fritz | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Alemu, Endalkachew Ashenafi | Computational Biology: The role of non-coding RNAs in disease (Rayner) |
Alexandersen, Tatjana | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Alfheim, Hanne Birgit | Symptoms and acute and critical illness [Rustøen] |
Alfonso, Jose Hernán | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Alfstad, Kristin Å. | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Al-Haidari, Ghazwan | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Ali, Muhammad | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Ali Ahmad, Ahmad | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Allen, Sara Maria Kristina | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Allevato, Ilaria | Department of Pediatric Research; Molecular biology of oxidative stress and cancer |
Almdahl, Ina Selseth | Old Age Psychiatry [Arvid S. Hammerstad] |
Alme, Hanne Lyche | The Norwegian PSC Research Center; Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders |
Alm-Kruse, Kristin | Prehospital Research Group; Symptoms and acute and critical illness |
Almaas, Runar | Department of Pediatric Research |
Almaas, Vibeke Marie | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] ; Cardiology; The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group |
Alnæs, Dag | Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Alnæs, Grethe I. Grenaker | Cancer Genome Variation [Kristensen] |
Alonso, Andrés Server | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] |
Alonso-Rodriguez, Noelia | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Al Outa, Amani | Autophagy regulation in development and disease [Knævelsrud] |
Alseth, Ingrun | RNA/DNA base modifications [Alseth] |
Alsøe, Lene | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Alterskjær, Mia-Charlotte Ringmo | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Altinönder, Ilayda | Breast Cancer Heterogeneity and Oncoimmunology [Tekpli] |
Alver, Tine Norman | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] ; Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer; Lung Cancer |
Alvestad, Silje | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Al-Zirqi, Iqbal | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Amdal, Cecilie Delphin | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Aminoff, Sofie Ragnhild | Service innovation and digitalization in mental health care service [Kristin Lie Romm] ; Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Amland, Rachel | Dept of Geriatric Medicine |
Amlie, Kristine | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Amrutkar, Manoj | Pancreatic pathology research group [Verbeke] |
Amstutz, Alain | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE); Clinical Trials Research Group |
Amundsen, Bente | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Amundsen, Erik Koldberg | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Amundsen, Silja Svanstrøm | Functional Immunogenetics [Sollid] |
Amundsen, Tord Bastian | Therapeutic Drug Monitoring [Mimi S. Opdal] |
Amundsen-Isaksen, Enya | Experimental Hepatology [Melum] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Anda, Silje | Regulation of translation in cell cycle and stress [Grallert] |
Andelic, Nada | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Andersen, Anders M. | Precision Pharmacotherapy [Vethe] |
Andersen, Cecilie Torp | Fungal and Bacterial Infections Research Group [Bjørnholt] |
Andersen, Elisabeth | Dept. of Haematology |
Andersen, Geir Øystein | Cardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen] |
Andersen, Ina Marie | Clinical studies PSC; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Andersen, Ingrid Alm | Thyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Sara Hammerstad] |
Andersen, Jack Gunnar | CT Research and Technology [Kristin Jensen] ; Research group for Patient Reported Outcomes and Health Economy |
Andersen, Jannike Mørch | Neurobiology [Inger Lise Bogen] |
Andersen, Jan Terje | Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis [J.T. Andersen] |
Andersen, Kristin | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Andersen, Kristoffer Andreas Aamodt | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Andersen, Maren Stolp | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Andersen, Marit Helen | Research group for Patient Reported Outcomes and Health Economy; Transplant Oncology Research Group |
Andersen, Nina Gjerde | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Andersen, Rosa Linn | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Andersen, Rune | Vascular diagnostics and intervention [Ylva Haig] |
Andersen, Sarah Hjort | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Andersen, Vibeke Balas | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] |
Andersen, Øyvind Senstad | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Andersgaard, Astri | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine; Neuro-oncology |
Andersson, Helena | Fibrotic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases [Hoffmann-Vold] |
Andersson, Sarah Natalia | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Andersson, Vebjørn | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Andersson, Yvonne | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Andreassen, Arne K. | Cardiology |
Andreassen, Geir Stray | Orthopaedic traumatology [Madsen] |
Andreassen, Grete | Cellular therapy |
Andreassen, Johanna | Cardiology |
Andreassen, Ole Andreas | Psychosis research, NORMENT; Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group |
Andreassen, Silje Malen | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Andresen, Ina Jungersen | Maternal-fetal interactions [Michelsen] |
Andresen, Kristoffer | Myocardial function and cardiac imaging [Edvardsen] ; Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death |
Andresen, Lavinia Athanasiu | Psychosis research, NORMENT; Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group |
Andresen, Marianne Seierstad | Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer [Stavik] |
Andresen, Nikolai Kragøe | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] ; Breast Oncology; Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Andresen, Per Arne | Pancreatic pathology research group [Verbeke] |
Andressen, Kjetil Wessel | Compartmentation of cardiac signalling [Andressen] ; Receptors, Signalling and Cardiac Pharmacology |
Andrup, Simon | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Angel, Kristin | Interventional Cardiology [Øyvind Lie] |
Anisdahl, Karoline | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Anker Elfmark, Liv | Cellular therapy |
Annexstad, Ellen | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Anstensrud, Anne Kristine | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] |
Anthi, Aina Karen | Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis [J.T. Andersen] |
Antonsen, Olaf H. | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Antunes, Marina | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Anwari, Hamida | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Argren, Maria Bengtson | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] ; Headache and pain |
Arnesen, Erik K. | Lipid research group [Asprusten] |
Arnesen, Harald | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Arnesen, Karen Irene | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Arnesen, Karen Irene | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Arnestad, Marianne | Forensic sciences; Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse |
Arnevik, Espen Ajo | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Aronsen, Jan Magnus | Receptors, Signalling and Cardiac Pharmacology [Levy] |
Arora, Satish | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] |
Arora, Tarun | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Arous, Delmon | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Arozamena, Carlos Casas | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Arranz, Lorena | Stem Cells, Ageing and Cancer [Arranz] |
Arunthavarajah, Dulasi | Compartmentation of cardiac signalling [Andressen] |
Asbjørnsen, Rikke Aune | Department of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes] |
Askautrud, Hanne | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Askeland, Frida Bugge | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Aslam, Tayyba Naz | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Asp, Nagham Theres | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Aspelin, Trude | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Asphaug, Lars | Research group for Patient Reported Outcomes and Health Economy; Health Economics |
Asprusten, Emil Andreas | Lipid research group [Asprusten] |
Astrup, Guro Lindviksmoen | Palliative treatment; Research group for Patient Reported Outcomes and Health Economy |
Asvall, Jørund | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Atar, Dan | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Athanasiadis, Paschalis | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Atneosen-Åsegg, Monica | Department of Pediatric Research |
Attramadal, Håvard | Molecular cardiology [Attramadal] |
Auensen, Andreas | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] |
Auestad, Nina | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] |
Augestad, Ingrid Lovise | RNA/DNA base modifications [Alseth] |
Aukrust, Camilla Grøver | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Aukrust, Inger Kristine Fjeldskaar | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] ; Recombinant Light Activated Therapeutics |
Aukrust, Pål | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Aukrust, Sverre Grøver | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Aune, Susanne Kristine | Emergency & Critical Care; Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory |
Aurlien, Dag | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Aurlien, Ellen | Dept. of Oncology |
Aurore, Dougé | Cellular therapy |
Awoyemi, Ayodeji | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Axcrona, Karol | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Axcrona, Ulrika | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Axcrona, Ulrika | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Aydemir Ay, Imran | Cellular therapy |
Ayuda-Durán, Pilar | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Aziz, Asma Binte | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] |
Azouzi, Naima | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Azulay, Naomi | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Bach de Courtade, Sandra Monica | Medical Biochemistry; Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology; Mitogroup |
Bache-Andreassen, Lihn | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] |
Bach-Gansmo, Tore | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Bachs, Liliana | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] ; Forensic age assessment research group |
Backe, Paul Hoff | Structural Biology and DNA repair [Dalhus] ; Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology |
Baco, Eduard | Prostate cancer research group [Berge] |
Bai, Xiangning | Matussek project group [Matussek] ; Unit for Genome Dynamics |
Bains, Karen Eline Stensby | ORAACLE |
Bains, Simer J. | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Bains, Sukhjeet | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Bakkan, Sara Marie Engelsberg | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Bakke, Eirin | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] |
Bakke, Kine Mari | Computational Radiology & Artificial Intelligence (CRAI) Research Group [Bjørnerud] |
Bakke, Kristin Andersen | NevSom - Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias |
Bakke, Pål | Research Director's Office |
Bakke, Øyvind | Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group [Aga] ; Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Bakken, Anne Cathrine | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Bakken, Arnhild | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Bakken, Trine Lise | National Advisory Unit on Mental Health in Intellectual Disability |
Bakkerud, Morten | Prehospital Research Group |
Bakketun, Cecilie Bugge | Medical Genetics |
Baksaas-Aasen, Kjersti | Traumatology |
Bakåsmoen-Holm, Ingeborg Emmy | Morbid obesity [Tom Mala] |
Balarajah, Wygeya | Targeting tumors of central nervous system [Pandey] |
Balasingham, Ilangko | Wireless Sensor Network Research Group [Balasingham] |
Bang, Lasse | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Bangen-Wangen, Katrine | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Bansod, Saurabh | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Barbakken, Annbjørg | Bioinformatics Core Facility |
Barca, Maria Lage | Dept of Geriatric Medicine |
Bardan, Imane | Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group [Aga] |
Barder, Helene Eidsmo | Div. of Mental Health & Addiction |
Barlinn, Regine | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] |
Barratt-Due, Andreas | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] ; Complement Research Group |
Barrett, Elizabeth Ann | Div. of Mental Health & Addiction |
Bartolomé-Casado, Raquel | Computational Oncology [Sveen] |
Barua, Imon Shoumitra | Fibrotic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases [Hoffmann-Vold] |
Bassarova, Assia | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Bassols, Chema | Department of Molecular Biology |
Baumann-Larsen, Monica | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Baumbusch, Lars O. | Department of Pediatric Research; Molecular biology of oxidative stress and cancer |
Baumgarten, Saphira F. | Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer [Stavik] |
Bautz-Holter, Erik | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] ; Painful musculoskeletal conditions |
Beck, Carole | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Behsen, Alenka Djarmila | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Beigi, Marzieh | Pancreatic pathology research group [Verbeke] |
Beiske, Klaus | Pathology Research - The Norwegian Radium Hospital |
Beitnes, Jan Otto | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] ; Cardiology |
Bekkenes, Maria Egeland Bøgh | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Bekkevold, Marit | Prehospital Research Group |
Bendz, Bjørn | Invasive cardiology and intensive coronary care |
Bendz, Christina Holt | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] |
Benjakul, Sopisa | Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis [J.T. Andersen] |
Benterud, Anna | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Benterud, Bjørn Petter | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Bentsen, Gunnar Kristoffer | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] ; Pediatric Radiation |
Bentsen, Signe Berit | Symptoms and acute and critical illness [Rustøen] |
Bere, Tone | Orthopaedic traumatology [Madsen] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Berents, Teresa Løvold | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Berg, Jens Petter | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Berg, Kristian | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Berg, Thomas | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] |
Berg, Thomas Moe | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery |
Berg, Tore Julsrud | Diabetes 1 |
Berg, Trond Olav | Oslo Hospital Services |
Bergan, Harald Arne | Clinical and experimental cardiovascular monitoring [Per S. Halvorsen] |
Bergan, Stein | Precision Pharmacotherapy [Vethe] |
Berge, Helene | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Berge, Knut Erik | Cellular Cholesterol Metabolism [Thea Bismo Strøm] |
Berge, Tone | Molecular and immunological MS studies; Multiple Sclerosis; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS |
Berge, Trygve | Department of Cardiology Ullevaal |
Berge, Urszula | Genomic Technology Group [Gilfillan] |
Berge, Victoria-Seidl | Molecular studies of Parkinson's disease [Toft] |
Berge, Viktor | Prostate cancer research group [Berge] ; Urological Molecular Biology |
Berger, Kari Aalrust | Institute for Cancer Research Administration; Institute for Cancer Research |
Berger, Sigurd | Vascular Anomalies Research Group [Charles Filip] ; Vascular diagnostics and intervention |
Berger, Simon Girmai | Translational arrhythmology and electrophysiology [Mathis K. Stokke] ; Dept of Acute Medicine |
Berger, Toni C. | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Bergersen, Anne Gro | Department of Molecular Biology |
Bergersen, Bente Magny | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Bergersen, Tone Kristin | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Bergh, Julie | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Bergh, Marianne Skov-Skov | Neurobiology [Inger Lise Bogen] |
Berg-Hansen, Pål | Multiple Sclerosis |
Bergheim, Inger Riise | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Genomic alterations in breast cancer |
Bergholtz, Helga | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Bergly, Laila | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Bergseth, Erik Francisco | Forensic Genetics Research Group [Fonneløp] |
Bergsland, Christian H. | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Bergsland, Jacob | Wireless Sensor Network Research Group [Balasingham] |
Berild, Dag | Dept of Infectious Diseases |
Bernard, Jean-Paul A. | Therapeutic Drug Monitoring [Mimi S. Opdal] |
Berner, Kjetil | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] |
Berntsen, Irene | Dept. of Oncology |
Berntzen, Helene | Symptoms and acute and critical illness [Rustøen] ; Intensive Care Clinical Research Group |
Berstad, Audun Elnæs | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine; Abdominal Radiology; Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy |
Berve, Per-Olav Stefferud | Prehospital Research Group |
Bettella, Francesco | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Beyer, Mona K. | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] ; Imaging studies of MS; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS |
Bhattacharya, Anindita | Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer [Stavik] |
Biba, Maria | Reproductive Medicine Group [Fedorcsak] |
Biernat, Donata | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] |
Birhanu, Alemayehu Godana | Unit for Genome Dynamics [Tønjum] |
Birkeland, Eline | Morbid obesity [Tom Mala] |
Birkeland, Jon Arne Kro | Renal research group |
Birkeland, Kåre Inge | Diabetes 2; Experimental cell transplantation; Section of Endocrinology |
Birkeland, Rebekka Eckhoff | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Birkeland, Sigurd | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Bischof, Katharina | Gynecological Oncology [Lindemann] ; Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation |
Bitarafan, Fatemeh | Genetics of rare congenital brain diseases [Frengen] |
Bjerke, Jonas Landbakk | Breast Cancer Heterogeneity and Oncoimmunology [Tekpli] ; Cancer Genome Variation |
Bjerkehagen, Bodil | Department of Pathology; Sarcoma |
Bjerkeli, Vigdis | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] ; The Cerebrovascular Research Group |
Bjerknes, Silje Kristin | Inger Marie Skogseid’s Project Group [Skogseid] ; Molecular studies of Parkinson's disease |
Bjerkreim, Betty Ann | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Bjerring, Anders Wold | Myocardial function and cardiac imaging [Edvardsen] ; Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death |
Bjordal, Kristin | Research group for Patient Reported Outcomes and Health Economy; Oslo Hospital Services |
Bjorland, Siri | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] |
Bjugn, Roger | Pancreatic pathology research group [Verbeke] |
Bjune, Katrine | Cellular Cholesterol Metabolism [Thea Bismo Strøm] |
Bjurstrøm, Elin | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Bjørgo, Kathrine | Phenotype and Genotype in Rare Disorders (Paus) |
Björk, Ida Gabriella | Abdominal transplantation imaging [Syversveen] |
Bjørke, Agnes Balint | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Bjørkekjær, Hilde Jenssen | Fibrotic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases [Hoffmann-Vold] |
Bjørkelund, Elisabeth | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] |
Bjørkly, Stål | Forensic Psychiatry [Friestad] |
Bjørnbeth, Bjørn Atle | Hepatobiliary malignancies |
Bjørnebekk, Astrid Kristine | The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group [Bjørnebekk] ; RusForsk |
Bjørneboe, John | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] ; Rehabilitation after trauma |
Bjørnenak, Tone | Emergency & Critical Care |
Bjørnerem, Åshild Marit | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Bjørnerud, Atle | Computational Radiology & Artificial Intelligence (CRAI) Research Group [Bjørnerud] ; Brain plasticity; Neuroimaging Research Group |
Bjørnerud, Birgitte | Cancer cell migration, invasion and metastasis [Haugsten] ; Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Bjørnholt, Jørgen Vildershøj | Fungal and Bacterial Infections Research Group [Bjørnholt] |
Bjørnland, Kristin | Pediatric surgery |
Bjørnnes, Ann Kristin | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] |
Bjørnsdottir, Valgerdur | Laboratory of Immunoregulation and T Cell Biology [Johanne T. Jacobsen] |
Bjørnsen, Stine | Haemostasis and Bleeding Disorders [Holme] |
Bjørnstad, Ellen | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research Unit [Øvergaard] |
Bjørnstad, Johannes Lagethon | Myocardial remodeling and reverse remodeling in pressure overload [Theis Tønnessen] |
Bjørnstad, Sigrid | Department of Pathology |
Bjørnvold, Marit | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Bjørnaas, Mari Asphjell | Dept of Acute Medicine |
Bjøro, Kristian | Clinical studies PSC |
Bjøro, Trine | Tumour Marker Group |
Bjørås, Magnar | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] |
Bjaanæs, Maria Moksnes | Lung Cancer |
Blagojevic, Dragoljub | Imaging studies of MS |
Blaker, Yngvild Nuvin | Gyncologcial radiotherapy |
Blakkisrud, Johan | Theragnostic Imaging [Caroline Stokke] |
Blakstad, Hanne K. | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Blandhol, Merethe | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Bleka, Øyvind | Forensic Genetics Research Group [Fonneløp] ; Forensic age assessment research group |
Blicher, Pernille | Structural Biology and DNA repair [Dalhus] |
Blichfeldt-Ærø, Stine Camilla | T-ABU [Diseth] |
Bliksrud, Yngve Thomas | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] ; Mitogroup |
Blix, Are Jordahl | General abdominal surgery [Fasting] |
Blom, Kathrine | Centre for Eye Research |
Blom, Kjersti Benedicte | Renal research group |
Blomhoff, Rune | Diet and Oxidative Stress [Blomhoff] |
Blom-Høgestøl, Ingvild K. | Morbid obesity [Tom Mala] |
Blystad, Anne Kirsti | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Boateng, Marcus Juliussen | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Boberg, Kirsten Muri | Clinical studies PSC; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Bodor, Iván József | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Autophagy and related pathways |
Bogale Bungudo, Binyam | Multiple Sclerosis |
Bogen, Bjarne | Molecular immunology and vaccine development [Ranveig Braathen] ; Cellular and Molecular Immunology |
Bogen, Inger Lise | Neurobiology [Inger Lise Bogen] |
Bogsrud, Trond Velde | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Bogstrand, Stig Tore | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] ; Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma |
Bogaard, Mari | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Boix, Fernando | Neurobiology [Inger Lise Bogen] |
Boldingh, Marion | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Bollerslev, Jens | Section of Endocrinology |
Bolstad, Nils | Tumour Marker Group |
Booth, James Alexander | Bacterial Defense Systems and Antimicrobial Resistance Group [Booth and Helgesen] ; Cellular responses to DNA damage |
Borchers, Ann-Christin | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Bordin, Diana Lilian | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Borgen, Ida M.H. | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] ; Neuro-oncology |
Borgersen, Ingrid Sand | Dominguez-Valentin project group |
Bornstedt, Mette Eskild | Lipid research group [Asprusten] |
Bos, Steffan Daniël | Molecular and immunological MS studies; Multiple Sclerosis |
Bostad, Monica | Department of Core Facilities; Lymphoma Biology |
Bostrøm, Katrine | Department of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes] |
Botten, Nora Cecilie Maria | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Boxaspen, Thorstein | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Boxaspen, Thorstein | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Boye, Birgitte | Psychosocial Oncology; Brain plasticity |
Boye, Erik | Regulation of translation in cell cycle and stress [Grallert] |
Boye, Kjetil | Sarcoma; Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Brabrand, Knut | Abdominal transplantation imaging [Syversveen] |
Brabrand, Sigmund | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] |
Bragadottir, Ragnheidur | Centre for Eye Research; Dept of Ophthalmology |
Bramness, Jørgen G. | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Brandal, Petter | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Brandal, Siri Helene Bertelsen | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Brandt Winge, Sara | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Brandtzæg, Petter | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Brankiewicz, Wioletta | Cancer Genome Variation [Kristensen] |
Brantsæter, Arne Broch | Dept of Infectious Diseases |
Brathovde, Mari | Cancer Epidemiology Research Group [Reza Ghiasvand] ; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Bratland, Åse | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Bratseth, Vibeke | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Bratteteig, Mari | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE); Cancer Epidemiology Research Group |
Brattgjerd, Jan Egil | Biomechanics Laboratory [Steen] ; Orthopaedic Surgery; Orthopaedic traumatology |
Brataas, Maja | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Brautaset, Kristine Victoria | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] |
Brea, Pablo | Genetics of rare congenital brain diseases [Frengen] |
Brech, Andreas | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Advanced Electron Microscopy Montebello |
Bredahl, May Kristin Lyamouri | Biochemical endocrinology and metabolism research group [Thorsby] ; Thyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group |
Breder, Sigurd | Clinical studies PSC |
Breder, Sigurd Skiaker | The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Bredesen, Ida Marie | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Bredmose, Per Poelhøi | Prehospital Research Group |
Breen, Anne Berg | Pediatric Orthopaedics [Horn] |
Breen, Jan Mario | Experimental Forensic Medicine [Stray-Pedersen] |
Breivik, Harald | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Brekke, Kristin | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Brekke, Pål Haugar | Myocardial function and cardiac imaging [Edvardsen] ; Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death |
Bremer, Sara | Medical Biochemistry |
Brennhovd, Bjørn | Prostate cancer research group [Berge] ; Testicular Cancer Research Group |
Bretthauer, Michael | Clinical Effectiveness |
Bright, Mentowa Fürst | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Brinch, Shoshy Alam | Cell Signaling and Drug Discovery [Waaler] |
Brinchmann, Jan E. | Department of Immunology |
Bringsrud, Silje | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Britu Marås, Thilde | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Brkic, Alen | Palliative treatment |
Broch, Kaspar | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] ; Inflammatory Biomarkers in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease; Cardiology |
Broch, Line | Multiple Sclerosis |
Brochmann, Gerd Wenche | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] |
Brodal, Hans Petter | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Brodersen, Andrea Moen | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Brodshaug, Irene | Perioperative anaesthesiology [Lenz] |
Brodtkorb, Marianne | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Broen, Eivind Kjeka | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Brommeland, Tor | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Brorson, Ina Skaara | Cancer Genome Variation [Kristensen] ; Multiple Sclerosis; Molecular and immunological MS studies |
Brorson, Sverre-Henning | Department of Pathology |
Brottveit, Margit | Gastroenterology |
Brox, Jens Ivar | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] |
Brudvik, Kristoffer Watten | Hepatobiliary malignancies |
Bruel, Arno | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Bruheim, Kjersti | Gyncologcial radiotherapy |
Bruland, Øyvind S. | Sarcoma; Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy |
Brunborg, Cathrine | Methodological advising [Are Hugo Pripp] ; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Brune-Ingebretsen, Synne | Molecular and immunological MS studies; Multiple Sclerosis |
Brunetti, Marta | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Brunvoll, Sonja Hjellegjerde | Genome and epigenome regulation in embryo development, ageing and disease [Dahl] |
Brusletto, Berit Sletbakk | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] ; Microarray Core Facility |
Brustad, Hilde Kjelgaard | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE); Clinical Trials Research Group |
Bruun, Lina D. | Therapeutic Drug Monitoring [Mimi S. Opdal] |
Bryde, Pia Elisabeth | Cardiology |
Bryne, Eline | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Brynjulfsen, Lisa Rebeca Vestgøte | Experimental Hepatology [Melum] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Brynjulvsen, Marit | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Brækhus, Anne | Dept of Geriatric Medicine |
Brække, Kristin | NeoCHIBS; Neonatal Intensive Care |
Brænden, Astrid Irene | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research Unit [Øvergaard] |
Brændengen, Morten | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Braadland, Peder Rustøen | Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders [Hov] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center; Urological Molecular Biology |
Braanaas, Karoline Svensen | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] |
Braarud, Anne-Cathrine | Prehospital Research Group |
Bråten, Lars Christian Haugli | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Braaten, Øivind | Genetics of rare congenital brain diseases [Frengen] |
Bråthen, Camilla Christin | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Braathen, Martin Rygh | Perioperative anaesthesiology [Lenz] |
Braathen, Ranveig | Molecular immunology and vaccine development [Ranveig Braathen] ; Cellular and Molecular Immunology |
Buanes, Trond | Pancreatic cancer |
Buer, Linn | Tumor Immunology group [Corthay] |
Buer, Lydia Celine Tansem | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Bugge, Cecilie | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Bugge, Ingrid | T-ABU [Diseth] |
Bugge, Robin Anton Birkeland | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Bukten, Anne | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Bunne, Marie | Cochlear implant, hearing and ear surgery [Marte Myhrum] |
Burns, Margrete Larsen | Therapeutic Drug Monitoring [Mimi S. Opdal] |
Byard, Roger W. | Forensic Pathology [Ferrante] |
Büchner, Jochen | INTERPRET |
Bye, Asta | Palliative treatment |
Bürker, Britta | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Byrkjeland, Rune | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Bækken, Morten | Renal research group |
Bækkevold, Espen S. | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] |
Böddeker, Thomas | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Bøe, Berte Grimsmo | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Bøe, Espen | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Bøe, Sigurd Leinæs | Tumour Marker Group; Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Bøe, Stig Ove | Cell and tissue dynamics (Bøe) |
Bøen, Erlend | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Bøen, Rune | Rare Genetic Variants in Neurodevelopment Disorders [Sønderby] |
Bøker, Tordis | MSK radiology [Hellund] |
Börner, Frank | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Børte, Sigrid | Headache and pain [Winsvold] |
Børve, Mari | Therapy prediction in lung cancer [Haakensen] ; Lung Cancer; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Børøsund, Elin | Department of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes] |
Bøstrand, Sunniva M. K. | Breast Cancer Heterogeneity and Oncoimmunology [Tekpli] |
Bøyesen, Pernille Helen | Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group [Aga] |
Bøylestad, Lillian | Forensic Pathology [Ferrante] |
Bånerud, Ingrid Fjeldheim | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Baarset, Anne Marte | Neurobiology [Inger Lise Bogen] |
Calamera, Gaia | Compartmentation of cardiac signalling [Andressen] |
Calland, Jessica Kate | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE); Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) |
Callegari, Enrico | Drug use in the elderly [Romskaug] |
Cancellieri, Samuele | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Cao, Elena Sofie | Autophagy in cancer [Engedal] |
Cappelletti, Chiara | Molecular and immunological MS studies; Multiple Sclerosis |
Carevic, Biljana | Fungal and Bacterial Infections Research Group [Bjørnholt] |
Carling, Ulrik | Vascular diagnostics and intervention [Ylva Haig] |
Carlsen, Karin Cecilie Lødrup | ORAACLE |
Carlson, Cathrine Rein | Inst for Experimental Medical Research |
Carlsson, Kamila Anna Zub | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Carrizosa, Christian | Family-based Genetic Analysis [Vigeland] ; Digital solutions for genomic medicine |
Carstens, Maylen Nordgård | Fibrotic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases [Hoffmann-Vold] |
Casoni, Giovanna Perinetti | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Castaneda Zegarra, Sergio Miguel | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] ; Recombinant Light Activated Therapeutics |
Castells López, Júlia | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Castrini, Anna Isotta | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] ; Myocardial function and cardiac imaging |
Cataliotti, Alessandro | Inst for Experimental Medical Research |
Cecchetto, Thomas | Genomic Regulation for Precision Cancer Medicine Lab [Urbanucci] |
Celius, Elisabeth Gulowsen | Multiple Sclerosis; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS |
Cengija, Vanja | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] |
Cengiz, Aylin | Laboratory for Dynamic Gene regulation [Klungland] |
Chahal-Kummen, Monica | Morbid obesity [Tom Mala] |
Chandler, Nicholas J. | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Chauhan, Sudhir Kumar | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Chica, Nathalia | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Chinillach, Alejandro Torregrosa | Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders [Hov] |
Chivulescu, Monica | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] ; Myocardial function and cardiac imaging |
Chollet, Maria Eugenia | Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer [Stavik] |
Chotta, Nicholas | Experimental Forensic Medicine [Stray-Pedersen] |
Choudalakis, Michel | Genome and epigenome regulation in embryo development, ageing and disease [Dahl] |
Choudhury, Subhendu Roy | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Christensen, Anders H. | Department of Pediatric Research |
Christensen, Eidi | Photodynamic Therapy and Photodetection [Q. Peng] |
Christensen, Erik Egeland | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Christensen, Geir | Inst for Experimental Medical Research |
Christensen, Terje | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Christensen, Thea Josefine | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Christensen, Vivi Lycke | Symptoms and acute and critical illness [Rustøen] |
Christophersen, Asbjørn Otto | Department of Immunology |
Christophersen, Ingrid Elisabeth | Phenotype and Genotype in Rare Disorders (Paus) |
Chung, Brian K. | Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders [Hov] ; Experimental Hepatology; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Ciocca, Margherita | Laboratory of Immunoregulation and T Cell Biology [Johanne T. Jacobsen] |
Clarke-Jenssen, John | Orthopaedic traumatology [Madsen] |
Clausen, Ole Petter F. | Pancreatic pathology research group [Verbeke] |
Clausen, Thomas | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Claussen, Hege Synnøve | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Comelon, Marlin | Perioperative anaesthesiology [Lenz] |
Connelly, James Patrick | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Corona, Iris Fortes | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Corral Castroviejo, Blanca | Reproductive Medicine Group [Fedorcsak] |
Corrales, Jeanne G. | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Corthay, Alexandre | Tumor Immunology group [Corthay] |
Corwin, Linn Merete Brendefur | Fungal and Bacterial Infections Research Group [Bjørnholt] |
Costa, Denise Reis | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Costa, Luís | Cellular Cholesterol Metabolism [Thea Bismo Strøm] |
Cui, Xue-Yan | Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer [Stavik] |
Cuminetti, Vincent | Stem Cells, Ageing and Cancer [Arranz] |
Cunen, Celine | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE); Clinical Trials Research Group |
Cvancarova, Milada Småstuen | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Cyll, Karolina | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Caan, Matthan W. | Computational Radiology & Artificial Intelligence (CRAI) Research Group [Bjørnerud] ; MRI Research & Technology |
Dagenborg, Vegar Johansen | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Dahl, Alv A. | Long Term Studies |
Dahl, Anette Kathinka | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Dahl, Christen Peder | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] |
Dahl, Hilde M. | T-ABU [Diseth] |
Dahl, John Arne | Genome and epigenome regulation in embryo development, ageing and disease [Dahl] |
Dahl, Jon | Orthopaedic Surgery; Spine |
Dahl, Kari Gire | Research group for Patient Reported Outcomes and Health Economy |
Dahl, Sandra Rinne | Biochemical endocrinology and metabolism research group [Thorsby] |
Dahl, Sigrun | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] ; Skin- and head and neck cancer |
Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Dahlberg, Daniel | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Dahlberg, Pål Skage | Forensic age assessment research group [Rolseth] ; Forensic Pathology |
Dahle, Gry | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Dahle, Maria Aaanesland | Molecular precision medicine in breast cancer [Haugen] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Dahl-Jørgensen, Knut | Diabetes |
Dahlström, Anna Maria | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Dai, Ke-Zheng | Innate lymphocyte group [Inngjerdingen] |
Dajani, Olav F. | Palliative treatment; Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Dakhil, Shams | Oslo Delirium Research Group [Neerland] |
Dalby, Gry Cecilie | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Dale, Berit | Department of Pediatric Research |
Dale, Einar | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Dalen, Tonje Sofie | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Lung Cancer; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Dale-Åkerlund, Katrine | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Dalhus, Bjørn | Structural Biology and DNA repair [Dalhus] |
Dalland, Marianne | Genomic Technology Group [Gilfillan] |
Dalsgaard, Astrid Marie | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Dammen, Toril | Psychotherapy for adults [Røssberg] |
Damrath, Martin | Wireless Sensor Network Research Group [Balasingham] |
Danenbarger, Teodor | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Danielsen, Anders Skyrud | Fungal and Bacterial Infections Research Group [Bjørnholt] |
Danielsen, Britina Kjuul | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Translational studies on solid tumours |
Danielsen, Stein Ove | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] |
Danielsen, Tor Erik | Occup Environ Med |
Daoudi, Dounia | Department of Pathology |
Darvekar, Sagar | Photodynamic Therapy and Photodetection [Q. Peng] |
Davidson, Ben | Pathology Research - The Norwegian Radium Hospital; Gynecological Oncology |
de Assis, Denis Reis | Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group [Djurovic] ; Functional Molecular Mechanisms in Bipolar Disorder |
Debes, Sara | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] |
de Deckere, Saartje | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Degnes, Maren-Helene Langeland | Maternal-fetal interactions [Michelsen] |
Dehnes, Yvette | Doping |
Dejgaard, Lars Andreas | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] ; Myocardial function and cardiac imaging |
de la Ballina, Laura Rodriguez | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
de Lange, Charlotte | Pediatric Radiation |
Delatre, Daniel W. | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Denault, William | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Deng, Ke | Genomic Regulation for Precision Cancer Medicine Lab [Urbanucci] |
Deng, Min | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Deng, Wei Hai | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE); Cancer Epidemiology Research Group |
de Presno, Sofie Garcia | Targeting tumors of central nervous system [Pandey] |
Dernjami, Nurtene | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
de Rodez Benavent, Sigrid A. | Multiple Sclerosis |
Desgarnier, Marie-Catherine Drigeard | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Membrane dynamics in tumorigenesis |
de Sousa, Ana Rita Sequeira | Preventive Cardiology |
De Souza, Gustavo Antonio | de Souza |
Detlie, Trond Espen | Unit for Genome Dynamics [Tønjum] |
Dhakal, Sushil | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Dheyauldeen, Sinan Ahmed D. | HPV in Head and Neck [Harriet Akre] |
Dhillon, Amandeep Kaur | Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders [Hov] |
Dhondup, Yangchen | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Diep, Lien My | Methodological advising [Are Hugo Pripp] ; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Diep, Phuong Phuong | Fibrotic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases [Hoffmann-Vold] |
Dieset, Ingrid | Acute psychiatry [Færden] |
Dietrichs, Espen | Clinical Studies of Movement Disorders |
Digernes, Ingrid | Computational Radiology & Artificial Intelligence (CRAI) Research Group [Bjørnerud] |
Dillard, Caroline | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Dimova-Svetoslavova, Veselka P. | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] |
Diseth, Trond Haaken | T-ABU [Diseth] |
Distante, Sonia | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] |
Djirackor, Luna | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Djurovic, Srdjan | Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group [Djurovic] ; Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Do, Hoang Oanh Pauline | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Dodgson, Christopher S. | Interventional Cardiology [Øyvind Lie] |
Dokken, Mette | Symptoms and acute and critical illness [Rustøen] ; Intensive Care Clinical Research Group |
Domanska, Diana | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] ; Genome instability in disease and ageing |
Dominguez-Valentin, Mev | Dominguez-Valentin project group; Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Dorenberg, Eric | Vascular diagnostics and intervention [Ylva Haig] |
Dormagen, Johann B. | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Douvlataniotis, Karolos | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Drews, Ainar | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Dreyer, Stine | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Drolsum, Anders | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Drolsum, Liv | Anterior segment of the eye [Drolsum] ; Centre for Eye Research; Dept of Ophthalmology |
Drægni, Tomas | Perioperative anaesthesiology [Lenz] |
Dudman, Susanne G. | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] |
Dueland, Svein | Transplant Oncology Research Group [Line] ; Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Due-Tønnessen, Bernt Johan | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] ; Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma |
Due-Tønnessen, Paulina | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] ; MRI Research & Technology |
Dunker, Øystein | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Dunn, Claire | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Dunne, Cecilia | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Dunvoll, Guro | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
du Pré, Marie Fleur | Functional Immunogenetics [Sollid] |
Durheim, Michael Thomas | Department of Respiratory Medicine |
Dybdahl, Brit | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Dybdal, Morgan | Tumor Immunology group [Corthay] |
Dybedal, Ingunn | Dept. of Haematology |
Dybwad, Anniken | CT Research and Technology [Kristin Jensen] |
Dyrhol-Riise, Anne Margarita | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Dyvik, Ingrid | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Dørum, Anne | Gynecological Oncology [Lindemann] |
Døving, Mats | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Dåstøl, Vilde Øverlien | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Ebbs, Eira Kathleen | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Eberhard-Gran, Malin | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Eddin, Lara Gherz | Targeting tumors of central nervous system [Pandey] |
Edin, Nina Jeppesen | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Edlund, Iselin Høgbakk | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Edvardsen, Hilde Marie Erøy | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] ; Substance use and health outcomes |
Edvardsen, Therese | Gastroenterology |
Edvardsen, Thor | Myocardial function and cardiac imaging [Edvardsen] ; Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death |
Edwards, Victoria Tudor | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Edwin, Bjørn | Image guided general surgery and intervention [Edwin] |
Edwin, Trine Holt | Dementia research group [Knapskog] |
Eek, Christian | Interventional Cardiology [Øyvind Lie] ; Cardiology |
Egeland, Anne | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] |
Egeland, Eivind Valen | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Egeland, Thore | Forensic Genetics Research Group [Fonneløp] ; Forensic age assessment research group |
Egge, Arild | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] ; Pediatric Neurosurgery |
Eggesbø, Heidi Beate | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Eidahl, Johanna Marie Lundesgaard | Experimental Forensic Medicine [Stray-Pedersen] ; Forensic Pathology |
Eide, Hanne Astrid | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Eide, Inger Johanne Zwicky | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] |
Eide, Lars | Mitogroup [Lars Eide] |
Eide, Nils Andreas | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Eide, Per Kristian | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Eide, Tor J. | Pancreatic pathology research group [Verbeke] |
Eide, Turid | Div. of Laboratory Medicine; Urological Molecular Biology |
Eidet, Jo | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Eidhammer, Gunnar | Forensic Psychiatry [Friestad] |
Eike, Morten C. | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Eikenes, Marte | Mitogroup [Lars Eide] |
Eikenæs, Ingeborg Ulltveit-Moe | Personality Disorders Research Units [E. H. Kvarstein] |
Eikeseth, Fillip Ferreira | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Eilertsen, Ina Andrassy | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Eilertsen, Karsten | Medical Physics |
Einertsen, Emilie | Cellular therapy |
Ekeberg, Øivind | Div. of Mental Health & Addiction; Dept of Acute Medicine |
Eken, Torsten | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Ekholdt, Christopher | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Ekiz, Nil | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Eknæs, Mette | Genetics Group (Lothe); Functional Oncology |
Ekstrøm, Per Olaf | Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Eldor, Kari Beate Boye | Pediatric Radiation |
Elgstøen, Katja Benedikte Prestø | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] |
Eliassen, Hege | Inflammation and Vascular Biology [Haraldsen] |
Eliassen, Natalie S. | Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Elkafas, Noha Abdelwahab Mohamed Abdou | Neurobiology [Inger Lise Bogen] |
Elle, Ole Jacob | Medical Robotics, visualisation and navigation [Elle] |
Ellefsen, Rune | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Ellingsen, Dan-Mikael | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Ellingsen, Liv | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Ellingsen, Maren Mikkelsen | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Elsais, Ahmed | Clinical Studies of Movement Disorders |
Elvebakk, Ole | Bioimpedance |
Elveseter, Lise | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] ; Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Elzawahry, Asmaa | Sarcoma |
Emblem, Kyrre Eeg | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] ; Neuroimaging Research Group |
Emblem, Ragnhild | Pediatric surgery |
Emdadi, Mahdi | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Enden, Tone | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Endre, Kim Advocaat | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Enes, Anna | Cancer Genome Variation [Kristensen] |
Engebretsen, Kaia Beck | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] |
Engebretsen, Lars | Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center [Engebretsen & Bahr] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Engebretsen, Stine | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Engebråten, Olav | Breast Oncology; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Engedal, Nikolai | Autophagy in cancer [Engedal] |
Enger, Asle | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Enger, Martine | Orthopaedic traumatology [Madsen] |
Engesæter, Lise Katrine | Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders [Hov] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Engstad, Tora | Frailty and cancer [Rostoft] |
Engstrand, Helene | Headache and pain [Winsvold] |
Engvig, Andreas | Preventive Cardiology |
Enriquez, Brian Anthony | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] ; The Cerebrovascular Research Group |
Enserink, Jorrit | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Eppe, Lars | Laboratory of Immunoregulation and T Cell Biology [Johanne T. Jacobsen] |
Eri, Lars Magne | Prostate cancer research group [Berge] |
Eribe, Inger Elisabeth Løkken | Morbid obesity [Tom Mala] |
Erichsen, Aksel | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Erichsen, Aage | Department of Pathology |
Eriksen, Morten | Inst for Experimental Medical Research |
Eriksen, Morten Tandberg | Colorectal surgery |
Eriksson, Ane Gerda Zahl | Gynecological Oncology [Lindemann] |
Eriksson, Anna Maria | Molecular and immunological MS studies |
Eritsland, Jan | Cardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen] |
Erke, Maja Gran | Dept of Ophthalmology |
Erlingsson, Linnéa Anna Margaretha | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Espada Serrano, Sandra | Cell Signaling and Drug Discovery [Waaler] |
Espeland, Kristian | Photodynamic Therapy and Photodetection [Q. Peng] |
Espeseth, Thomas | Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Espinoza, Andreas | Clinical and experimental cardiovascular monitoring [Per S. Halvorsen] |
Estabillo, Lance Joederick Lopez | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Estensen, Mette-Elise | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] ; Cardiology |
Etholm, Lars | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] |
Evandt, Jorunn | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Evang, Johan Arild | Section of Endocrinology |
Evenrød, Ida Marie | Genomic Technology Group [Gilfillan] |
Evensen, Helge | Gastroenterology |
Evensen, Julie Horgen | Psychotherapy for adults [Røssberg] |
Evensen, Stig | Div. of Mental Health & Addiction |
Evju, Øyvind | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Eyjólfsdóttir, Brynhildur | Gynecological Oncology [Lindemann] |
Fagerland, Morten W. | Clinical Trials Research Group [Ruegg] ; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Falch, Camilla Maria | Section of Endocrinology; Inflammatory Biomarkers in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease |
Falk, Ragnhild Sørum | Cancer Epidemiology Research Group [Reza Ghiasvand] ; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Falkum, Erik | Div. of Mental Health & Addiction |
Famestad, Marlene Tande | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Fantinato, Chiara | Forensic Genetics Research Group [Fonneløp] |
Farnes, Nadine | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Farooqi, Saima Jamil | Therapy prediction in lung cancer [Haakensen] ; Lung Cancer; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Farstad, Inger Nina | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Fasting, Kristine Lyck | Experimental cell transplantation [Scholz] |
Fasting, Magnus Hølmo | General abdominal surgery [Fasting] |
Fauske, Lena | Sarcoma |
Fawad, Haris | Methodological advising [Are Hugo Pripp] |
Faye, Cathrine | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Fedorcsak, Peter | Reproductive Medicine Group [Fedorcsak] ; Testicular Cancer Research Group |
Feenstra, Marike | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo); Molecular dynamics during T cell activation |
Feilum, Veronica | Breast Oncology |
Feith, Marek | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Femtehjell, Mathias | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Fenn, Joanna Mary | Thoracic imaging and intervention [Aaløkken] |
Ferrante, Linda | Forensic Pathology [Ferrante] |
Feruglio, Siri Laura | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Fevang, Børre | Clinical immunology and infectious diseases [Fevang] |
Fiane, Arnt Eltvedt | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Figved, Wender | Orthopaedic traumatology [Madsen] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Filip, Charles | Vascular Anomalies Research Group [Charles Filip] |
Filipczyk, Adam A. | Filipczyk project group [Filipczyk] |
Fink, Trine Synnøve | Myocardial function and cardiac imaging [Edvardsen] |
Finnes, Elisabeth | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Finnes, Trine Elisabeth | Thyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Sara Hammerstad] |
Finnsdatter, Marte | Radiation Biology and DNA Damage Signaling (Syljuåsen) |
Finstad, Jeanette | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] ; Symptoms and acute and critical illness |
Fiskvik, Hilde | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Five, Christian Kullmann | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Fjalestad, Tore | Orthopaedic traumatology [Madsen] |
Fjeld, Bente | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Fjeld, Hilde | Oslo Hospital Services |
Fjeld, Jan Gunnar | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Fjeld, Olaf Randall | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Fjell, Anders Martin | Computational Radiology & Artificial Intelligence (CRAI) Research Group [Bjørnerud] |
Fjellbirkeland, Lars | Department of Respiratory Medicine |
Fjermestad-Noll, Jane | Personality Disorders Research Units [E. H. Kvarstein] |
Fjukstad, Ragnhild | Experimental cell transplantation [Scholz] |
Flatekvål, Helene Midtun | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Breast tumor initiation and progression; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Flatmark, Kjersti | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Flatø, Berit | Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group [Aga] |
Flatøy, Bernhard | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Fleischer, Thomas | Epigenomics of Breast Cancer [Fleischer] ; Computational Systems Medicine |
Flemmen, Heidi Øyen | Multiple Sclerosis |
Flemmen, Per Trygge Kjelland | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] |
Flengsrud, Karoline | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Fleten, Karianne Giller | Experimental treatment of peritoneal metastasis [Fleten] ; Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Flinder, Liv Ingrid | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Flingtorp, Lars Didrik | Prehospital Research Group |
Flote, Vidar Gordon | Breast Oncology; Friday meetings |
Flugsrud, Gunnar Birkeland | Orthopaedic traumatology [Madsen] |
Flugstad, Runar | Abdominal transplantation imaging [Syversveen] |
Fløisand, Yngvar | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink); Immunomodulation and Targeted Therapies |
Flaa, Arnljot | Cardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen] ; Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory |
Flåm, Siri T. | Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Foerster-Massay, Nina | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Folge, Juni Kristensen | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Folseraas, Trine | Clinical studies PSC; The Norwegian PSC Research Center; Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders |
Fongaard, Marie | Breast Cancer Heterogeneity and Oncoimmunology [Tekpli] ; Cancer Genome Variation |
Fonneløp, Ane Elida | Forensic Genetics Research Group [Fonneløp] |
Forcados, Christopher | Cellular therapy |
Forfot Rise, Anne-Sofie | Functional precision medicine for haematological cancers [Skånland] ; Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation |
Formica, Miriam | Autophagy regulation in development and disease [Knævelsrud] |
Forslund, Marit Vindal | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Forstrøm, Rune Johansen | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] |
Forså, Marianne Inngjerdingen | Myocardial function and cardiac imaging [Edvardsen] ; Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death |
Fosdahl, Merete Aarsland | Department of Clinical Neuroscience for Children |
Fosen, Jan Toralf | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] |
Foslid, Sara | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Foss, Stian | Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis [J.T. Andersen] |
Fosse, Erik | Organization, education and technology development in the health care services [Wendt] ; Economic and organizational consequences of new procedures and treatments |
Fosse, Hilde Kristin | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Fosshaug, Linn Elisabeth | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Fossli, Maria | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Fossmark, Reidar | Gastroenterology |
Fossmo, Hanne Ludt | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Fossum, Even | Molecular immunology and vaccine development [Ranveig Braathen] ; Cellular and Molecular Immunology |
Fossum, Hanne Kari | National Advisory Unit on Mental Health in Intellectual Disability |
Fosså, Alexander | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] ; Friday meetings |
Fosså, Kristian | Thoracic imaging and intervention [Aaløkken] |
Fosså, Sophie D. | Long Term Studies |
Frank, Anna Katharina | Experimental Hepatology [Melum] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Fraz, Mai Sasaki Aanensen | Clinical immunology and infectious diseases [Fevang] |
Fremstedal, Ane Sofie Viset | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Frengen, Eirik | Genetics of rare congenital brain diseases [Frengen] |
Frerker, Nadine | Department of Immunology |
Fretheim, Håvard | Fibrotic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases [Hoffmann-Vold] |
Fretland, Signe Øien | Oslo Hospital Services; Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Fretland, Åsmund Avdem | Image guided general surgery and intervention [Edwin] ; Hepatobiliary malignancies |
Frič, Radek | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] ; Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group; Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma |
Frich, Jan Christian | Clinical Studies of Movement Disorders |
Frich, Lars | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Frich, Pål Stefan | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Friestad, Christine | Forensic Psychiatry [Friestad] |
Friis, Svein | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research Unit [Øvergaard] |
Frikstad, Kari-Anne Myrum | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Frostelid, Vetle | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Frydenberg, Hanne | Breast Oncology |
Frye, Stephan Alfons | Fungal and Bacterial Infections Research Group [Bjørnholt] |
Frøland, Stig S. | Clinical immunology and infectious diseases [Fevang] |
Frøystad, Monica | Inflammatory Biomarkers in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease [Ueland] |
Fugelseth, Drude Merete | NeoCHIBS; Neonatal Intensive Care |
Fuglehaug, Stine | Preventive Cardiology |
Funderud, Cecilie Klem | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research Unit [Øvergaard] |
Funderud, Ingrid | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Furevik, Liv Lygre | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] |
Furre, Torbjørn | Medical Physics |
Furuly, June | Laboratory of Immunoregulation and T Cell Biology [Johanne T. Jacobsen] |
Fuster-Garcia, Elies | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Fyksen, Tea Sætereng | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Fylkesnes, Jon-Marius | Targeting tumors of central nervous system [Pandey] |
Færden, Ann | Acute psychiatry [Færden] |
Færden, Ida Høy | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Førde, Jan-Lukas | Molecular precision medicine in breast cancer [Haugen] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Førland, Dag Tidemann | Esophagus and stomach |
Gadan, Zhilwan | Headache and pain [Winsvold] |
Gadmar, Øystein Bech | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] ; MRI Research & Technology |
Gajewska, Kasia | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Membrane dynamics in tumorigenesis |
Galteland, Pål | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Gamboa, Danil | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] |
Gammelsrud, Karianne Wiger | Fungal and Bacterial Infections Research Group [Bjørnholt] |
García-Díaz, Nuria | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Garen, Torhild | Rheumatology, dermatology and infectious diseases |
Garred, Øystein | Department of Pathology |
Garvert, Anna Christina | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] |
Gashi, Lauresa | Functional precision medicine for haematological cancers [Skånland] ; Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation |
Gaski, Iver Anders | Traumatology |
Gedde-Dahl, Tobias | Dept. of Haematology |
Géhin, Johanna Elin | Tumour Marker Group |
Geier, Oliver Marcel | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] ; Computational Radiology & Artificial Intelligence (CRAI) Research Group |
Geiran, Odd Ragnar | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Geitvik, Gry Aarum | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik) |
Gervin, Kristina | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] |
Ghafaji, Hajar | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Ghiasvand, Reza | Cancer Epidemiology Research Group [Reza Ghiasvand] ; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Giannakopoulou, Eirini | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Gibory, Moustafa | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] |
Gilfillan, Gregor D. | Genomic Technology Group [Gilfillan] ; Genetics and computational genetics (Lyle) |
Gilfillan, Siv | Forensic Genetics Research Group [Fonneløp] ; Genomic Technology Group |
Gill, Peter | Forensic Genetics Research Group [Fonneløp] |
Gillstrøm, Marie K. | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] |
Gillstrøm, Marie K. | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] |
Giltvedt, Håvard Stenbekk | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Giorcelli, Anastasia | Cancer Epidemiology Research Group [Reza Ghiasvand] ; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Gislefoss, Randi Elin | Medical Biochemistry |
Gjefsen, Elisabeth | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Gjellesvik, Kristin Beck | Old Age Psychiatry [Arvid S. Hammerstad] |
Gjerald, Sjur Urdson | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Gjerde, Hallvard | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] ; Experimental Forensic Medicine |
Gjerdingen, Thea Johanne | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Gjermundsen, Kristine | Service innovation and digitalization in mental health care service [Kristin Lie Romm] |
Gjerstad, Leif | Department of Neurology |
Gjersvik, Petter | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Gjersvoll Paulsen, Kirsti Marie | Department of Pediatric Research; Molecular biology of oxidative stress and cancer |
Gjesdal, Ola | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Gjone, Helene | T-ABU [Diseth] |
Gjølberg, Torleif Tollefsrud | Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis [J.T. Andersen] |
Gjøstøl Strømsvåg, Ida Sophie | Genetics Group (Lothe); Functional Oncology |
Glad, Dagfinn | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Glad, Ida Frivold | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Gladhaug, Ivar Prydz | Pancreatic cancer; Pediatric surgery |
Glesaaen, Emilie Rylund | Oligodendrocytes in health and disease [Rinholm] |
Glittum, Jan | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Glomsaker, Tom | Colorectal surgery |
Glover, Joel Clinton | Department of Immunology |
Glømmi Bergmann, Dina | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Glømmi Bergmann, Dina | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Godang, Kristin | Section of Endocrinology; Inflammatory Biomarkers in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease |
Godt, Johannes Jacob Clemens | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Gómez Muñoz, Marta | Unit for Genome Dynamics [Tønjum] |
Gondal, Aisha Riaz | Oslo Myeloma Center |
González, Alba | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Gorunova, Ludmila | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Gottås, André | Therapeutic Drug Monitoring [Mimi S. Opdal] |
Gotaas, Håvard Torvik | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Grallert, Beata | Regulation of translation in cell cycle and stress [Grallert] |
Gramstad, Olav Rogde | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Gran, Jon Michael | Clinical Trials Research Group [Ruegg] ; Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma |
Granan, Lars-Petter Ness | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Granberg, Anette Lie | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Grande, Ragnhild Berling | NevSom - Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias |
Granerud, Beathe Kiland | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] |
Granlund, Carin | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Grannes, Helene | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Gravensteen, Ida Kathrine | Forensic Pathology [Ferrante] |
Gravning, Jørgen A. | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Grebstad Tune, Benedicte | Department of Pediatric Research; Molecular biology of oxidative stress and cancer |
Gregersen, Ida | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Greiff, Victor | Computational and Systems Immunology [Greiff] |
Gresslien, Kaja | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Grieg, Zanina | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Grimholt, Runa Marie | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Grimholt, Tine K. | Dept of Acute Medicine |
Grimsrud, Marit Mæhle | Clinical studies PSC |
Grimsrud, Marit Mæhle | The Norwegian PSC Research Center; Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders |
Grindedal, Eli Marie | Research Group Inherited Cancer [Grindedal] ; Abdominal Radiology |
Groote, Inge Rasmus | Computational Radiology & Artificial Intelligence (CRAI) Research Group [Bjørnerud] ; Neuroimaging Research Group |
Grotle, Margreth | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Grov, Ingeborg Austlid | Laboratory for Dynamic Gene regulation [Klungland] |
Grut, Harald | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] ; Abdominal Radiology |
Grytli, Helene Hartvedt | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] |
Grødeland, Gunnveig | Influenza and adaptive immunity [Grødeland] |
Grøgaard, Haakon Kiil | Interventional Cardiology [Øyvind Lie] |
Grønning, Anna | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Grønning, Anna | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Grønningsæter, Lasse | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Grøstad, Hanne | Thoracic imaging and intervention [Aaløkken] |
Grøtta, Ole Jørgen | Vascular diagnostics and intervention [Ylva Haig] |
Gudbrandsson, Birgir | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Guddal, Maren Hjelle | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Gude, Einar | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] ; Cardiology |
Gudmundsdottir, Helga | Renal research group |
Gudmundsdottir, Hrefna Katrin | ORAACLE |
Guevara, Cecilia | Cardiology |
Gukasyan, Liana | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Gulati, Geeta | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Gulbrandsen, Eirik Sandvik | Molecular and immunological MS studies |
Gulbrandsen, Nina | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Guldsten, Hanne | Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders [Hov] |
Guldsten, Hanne | The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Guldvik, Ingrid Jenny | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] |
Gullestad, Lars | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] ; Inflammatory Biomarkers in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease |
Gulseth, Eirik | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg); Research group for Patient Reported Outcomes and Health Economy |
Gulseth, Hanne Løvdal | Diabetes 2; Section of Endocrinology |
Gunathasan, Krishanti | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Gundersen, Vidar | Clinical Studies of Movement Disorders |
Gunderson, Ragnhild Beate | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Gunnarsson, Ragnar | Fibrotic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases [Hoffmann-Vold] |
Gunnes, Nina | Clinical Trials Research Group [Ruegg] ; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Gupta, Hedda | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Guren, Marianne Grønlie | Gastrointestinal Oncology; Abdominal Radiology |
Guren, Tormod Kyrre | Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Gustavsen, Alice | Department of Immunology |
Gustavsen, Ingebjørg | Therapeutic Drug Monitoring [Mimi S. Opdal] |
Gutale, Ashalul Ahmed Nur | Tumor Immunology group [Corthay] |
Guterud, Mona | Prehospital Research Group |
Guttorm, Sander Johannes Thorbjørnsen | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] |
Günther, Anne | Thoracic imaging and intervention [Aaløkken] ; Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine; Vascular diagnostics and intervention |
Gøransson, Martine | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Gaarder, Christine | Traumatology |
Hadley, Cathrine Lund | Dept of Acute Medicine |
Haftorn, Kristine Løkås | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Haga, Wenche | Cardiology |
Haga Brandtzæg, Karianne | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Hagberg, Guri | Oslo Stroke Clinical Research Group [Else Charlotte Sandset] |
Hage, Trine Wiig | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Hagemo, Jostein Skjalg | Prehospital Research Group |
Hagen, Gaute | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Hagen, Kjersti Thorvaldsen | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] ; Inflammation and Vascular Biology |
Hagen, Mona | Institute for Cancer Research Administration; Institute for Cancer Research |
Hagen, Thijs | Vascular diagnostics and intervention [Ylva Haig] |
Haglund, Kaisa | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Cytokinesis in development and carcinogenesis (Haglund) |
Hagness, Morten | Transplant Oncology Research Group [Line] ; Experimental cell transplantation |
Haig, Ylva | Vascular diagnostics and intervention [Ylva Haig] ; Abdominal Radiology |
Hajdarevic, Riad | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Hall, Trygve Sundby | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Halldórsson, Skarphéðinn | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Halse, Ingeborg | Dept of Geriatric Medicine |
Halset, Eline Holli | Breast Oncology |
Halvorsen, Ann Rita | Lung Cancer |
Halvorsen, Bente | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Halvorsen, Jon Anders | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Halvorsen, Lene Vernås | Renal research group |
Halvorsen, Per Steinar | Clinical and experimental cardiovascular monitoring [Per S. Halvorsen] |
Halvorsen, Pia Skovholt | Breast Cancer Heterogeneity and Oncoimmunology [Tekpli] |
Halvorsen, Sigrun | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Halvorsen, Vera Baasland | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Halaas, Nathalie Bodd | Oslo Delirium Research Group [Neerland] |
Hamersma, Eline | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Hamfjord, Julian | Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer [Kure] ; Translational studies on solid tumours; Section for lymphoma and medicine |
Hammarström, Clara Louise | Inflammation and Vascular Biology [Haraldsen] |
Hammersbøen, Lars-Egil | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Hammerstad, Arvid Skjerve | Old Age Psychiatry [Arvid S. Hammerstad] |
Hammerstad, Sara Salehi | Thyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Sara Hammerstad] |
Hamnvik, Lars Henrik Dahl | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Hamsund, Ida | Renal research group |
Hanekamp, Bettina | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Hanes, Robert | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Hanicinec, Vojtech | Breast Cancer Heterogeneity and Oncoimmunology [Tekpli] |
Hansem, Lise Mari Klepp | Medical Genetics |
Hansen, Ariane Jussara Aasbø | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Hansen, Berit Hjelde | NevSom - Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias |
Hansen, Charlotte Holst | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Hansen, Ida Sannes | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Hansen, Simen Hyll | Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders [Hov] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center; Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
Hansen, Thor Willy Ruud | NeoCHIBS; Neonatal Intensive Care |
Hansen, Trond Boye | Experimental Forensic Medicine [Stray-Pedersen] |
Hanson, Ingunn | Molecular cardiology [Attramadal] |
Hanssen, Eirik Natås | Forensic Genetics Research Group [Fonneløp] |
Hanssen, Kristian F. | Diabetes 1 |
Hansson, Oskar | Forensic Genetics Research Group [Fonneløp] |
Hanvold, Susanna Elisabeth | Morbid obesity [Tom Mala] |
Haraldsen, Guttorm | Inflammation and Vascular Biology [Haraldsen] |
Haraldsen, Hannah Diotima | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Haraldsen, Ira Ronit Hebold | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Haram, Marit | Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Harbo, Hanne Flinstad | Molecular and immunological MS studies; Multiple Sclerosis; Imaging studies of MS; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS |
Harboe, Morten | Department of Immunology |
Hardeland, Camilla | Prehospital Research Group |
Harring, Astrid Karina Valås | Prehospital Research Group |
Harrison, Sean | Department of Pediatric Research; Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer |
Hartgill, Usha | Rheumatology, dermatology and infectious diseases |
Hartmann, Anders | Kidney Transplant Research Group |
Haslestad, Jannike | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] |
Hassel, Bjørnar | Intellectual disability and neurohabilitation [Hassel] |
Hasselberg, Nina Eide | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] ; Myocardial function and cardiac imaging |
Hatlestad-Hall, Christoffer | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Haub, Martin Mowinckel Keyser | Pediatric Radiation |
Hauff, Edvard | Div. of Mental Health & Addiction |
Haug, Helene Marie | Morbid obesity [Tom Mala] |
Haug, Kari Bente Foss | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Haugan, Hildegunn | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Hauge, Sissel | Radiation Biology and DNA Damage Signaling (Syljuåsen) |
Haugen, Guttorm Nils | Maternal-fetal interactions [Michelsen] |
Haugen, Mads Haugland | Molecular precision medicine in breast cancer [Haugen] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Hauger, Lisa Evju | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] ; The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group |
Haugland, Martin Gullaksen | Institute for Cancer Research Administration |
Haugsten, Ellen M. | Cancer cell migration, invasion and metastasis [Haugsten] ; Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Haugvik, Severina | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Haugaa, Håkon | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Haugaa, Kristina Hermann | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] ; Cardiology; Myocardial function and cardiac imaging |
Haukeland, Hilde | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Haukeland, John Willy | Hepatology research group [Midgard] |
Haukeland, Nora Sofie | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Haukland, Vegard | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Haukvik, Unn Kristin | Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Haukaas, Håvard | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Hausken, John | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Havig, Stine Marie | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] |
Havnes, Ingrid Amalie | The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group [Bjørnebekk] ; RusForsk; Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma |
Heck, Ansgar | Section of Endocrinology; Testicular Cancer Research Group |
Heen, Espen Kolstad | Thyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Sara Hammerstad] |
Heggebø, Liv Cathrine | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Heggelund, Julie Elisabeth | Functional Immunogenetics [Sollid] |
Heggen, Eli | Preventive Cardiology |
Heiberg, Lise | Pediatric Radiation |
Heiberg, Turid | Pancreatic cancer |
Heide, Gunhild | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] |
Heier, Ingvild | Vascular Anomalies Research Group [Charles Filip] ; Infection and immunology |
Heieren, Ole Einar | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Heiervang, Einar | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research Unit [Øvergaard] |
Heikkilä, Reino | Dept. of Oncology |
Heim, Sverre | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Heimark, Sondre | Renal research group |
Heimdal, Hans Julius | Prehospital Research Group |
Heimisdottir, Fridny | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] ; Genetics and epigenetics in disease |
Heimli, Marte | Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Heinicke, Fatima | Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Heintz, Karen-Marie | Institute for Cancer Research Administration |
Heinzelbecker, Julia | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Heitmann, Linn Aarbakke | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Hektoen, Helga Helseth | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] |
Hektoen, Merete | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Heldahl, Mariann Gjervik | Cochlear implant, hearing and ear surgery [Marte Myhrum] |
Heldal, Dag | Dept. of Haematology |
Helgadottir, Holmfridur | The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Helgeland, Helene | T-ABU [Diseth] |
Helgesen, Anne Lise Ording | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health; Dermatology Research Group |
Helgesen, Emily | Bacterial Defense Systems and Antimicrobial Resistance Group [Booth and Helgesen] ; Cellular responses to DNA damage |
Helland, Gisle Berg | Multiple Sclerosis; Imaging studies of MS |
Helland, Ingrid B. | Department of Clinical Neuroscience for Children |
Helland, Åslaug | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] ; Lung Cancer |
Hellebust, Taran Paulsen | Medical Physics; Neuro-oncology |
Helle-Valle, Thomas | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] ; Myocardial function and cardiac imaging |
Hellstrøm, Torgeir | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Hellum, Christian | Spine [Hellum] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Hellum, Marit | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Hellund, Johan Castberg | MSK radiology [Hellund] |
Helmstaedter, Christoph | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Helset, Elin | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Helseth, Eirik | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] ; Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma |
Helseth, Ragnhild | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Heltne, Aleksander Gulla | Personality Disorders Research Units [E. H. Kvarstein] |
Helverschou, Sissel Berge | NevSom - Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias |
Hemmersbach, Peter J. | Doping; Hemmersbach |
Henning, Mette Karen | Thoracic imaging and intervention [Aaløkken] |
Henning, Oliver J. | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Henriksen, Hans Christian B. | The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group [Bjørnebekk] |
Henriksen, Tore | Maternal-fetal interactions [Michelsen] |
Henriksson, Carola Elisabeth | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Herder, Ingrid | Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group [Aga] |
Herlofson, Bente Brokstad | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] ; Uro-oncological Research Group |
Hermann, Robert | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Hermansen, Johanne Uthus | Functional precision medicine for haematological cancers [Skånland] ; Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation |
Hermoso Duran, Sonia | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Hernández Mesa, Maria | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Hernes, Eivor | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Herrman, Helle | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Hervani, Maziar | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Hess, Siri Lothe | Long Term Studies |
Hestetun, Sigrid V. | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Hestnes, Ingvild | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Hetland, Geir | Transfusion, Immunomodulation and Allergology (TRIAL) [Nissen-Meyer] |
Hetlevik, Siri Opsahl | Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group [Aga] |
Heuch, Ingrid | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Heugel, Marcel | Stem Cells, Ageing and Cancer [Arranz] |
Heuser, Kjell | Translational epilepsy research [Heuser] ; ERGO - Dept of Neurology |
Hewitt, Stephen | Morbid obesity [Tom Mala] |
Heyerdahl, Fridtjof | Prehospital Research Group; Dept of Acute Medicine |
Hilden, Vera Irene | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Hildrestrand, Gunn A. | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] |
Hillestad, Tiril | Department of Core Facilities |
Hilstad, Ingeborg Dahl | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Hinke, Daniëla Maria | Molecular immunology and vaccine development [Ranveig Braathen] |
Hisdal, Jonny | Jonny Hisdal's group [Hisdal] ; The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group; Dept of Vascular Surgery |
Hjelmeland, Knut | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] |
Hjermstad, Marianne Jensen | Palliative treatment |
Hjortdahl, Magnus | Prehospital Research Group |
Hjorthaug, Hanne Sagsveen | Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Hjortland, Geir Olav | Gastrointestinal Oncology; Department of Clinical Cancer Research; Esophagus and stomach |
Hjørnevik, Trine | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] ; Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy |
Hlauschek, Gernot | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Ho, Kim-Chi Ngoc | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Hodt, Anders | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] ; Testicular Cancer Research Group |
Hoel, Hanna Julie | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Hoel, Ragnhild Elisabet | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research Unit [Øvergaard] |
Hoel, Tom Nilsen | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Hoff, Ingrid | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Hoffmann, Pavel | Cardiology |
Hoffmann-Vold, Anna-Maria | Fibrotic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases [Hoffmann-Vold] |
Hofsvang, Aurora | Forensic Genetics Research Group [Fonneløp] |
Hofsø, Kristin | Symptoms and acute and critical illness [Rustøen] |
Hol, Haakon Ramsland | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] |
Hol, Johanna | Inflammation and Vascular Biology [Haraldsen] |
Hol, Per Kristian | MR guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound treatment [Einar Hopp] |
Holberg-Petersen, Mona | Virology Research Group [Kaarbø] |
Holdaas, Hallvard | Kidney Transplant Research Group |
Hole, Knut Håkon | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Hole, Mikal Jacob | Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders [Hov] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Holen, Arne | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Holen, Børge | Psychosis research, NORMENT; Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group |
Holien, Toril | Photodynamic Therapy and Photodetection [Q. Peng] |
Holland, Petter | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Holm, Adelheid | Haemostasis and Bleeding Disorders [Holme] |
Holm, Are Martin | Department of Respiratory Medicine |
Holm, Henriette Veiby | Research group for reconstructive urology and neurourology [Henriette Veiby Holm] |
Holm, Inger | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Holm, Jan Øivind | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Holm, Kristian | Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders [Hov] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Holm, Maia Blomhoff | Pancreatic pathology research group [Verbeke] |
Holm, Marianne | Preventive Cardiology |
Holm, Sverre | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Holmberg, Anne | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Holme, Frederic André | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Holme, Pål André | Haemostasis and Bleeding Disorders [Holme] |
Holmen, Heidi | Organization, education and technology development in the health care services [Wendt] |
Holmen, Lone | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Holmen, Marit Muri | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Holmgren, Asbjørn | Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group [Djurovic] ; Functional Molecular Mechanisms in Bipolar Disorder |
Holmstrøm, Henrik A. | PRECISE |
Holst, Renè | Methodological advising [Are Hugo Pripp] |
Holtan, Anders | Traumatology |
Holte, Harald H. | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] ; Lymphoma Biology |
Holten, Aleksander Rygh | Dept of Acute Medicine; Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) |
Holter, Jan Cato | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] |
Holter, Kristine Dahlen | Genomic Technology Group [Gilfillan] |
Holth, Arild | Pathology Research - The Norwegian Radium Hospital |
Holven, Kirsten Bjørklund | Lipid research group [Asprusten] |
Homberset, Håvard | Unit for Genome Dynamics [Tønjum] |
Hommelstad, Jorunn | Department of Neurosurgery |
Hompland, Ivar | Sarcoma |
Hompland, Tord | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng); Department of Core Facilities |
Hope, Sigrun | Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Hopp, Einar | Vascular diagnostics and intervention [Ylva Haig] ; Pediatric Radiation; Thoracic imaging and intervention |
Horn, Joachim | Pediatric Orthopaedics [Horn] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Horndalsveen, Henrik | Lung Cancer; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Hornslien, Kjersti | Lung Cancer |
Horrieh, Parvin | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] |
Hortemo, Kristin Halvorsen | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Hou, Jie | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Hougen, Karina | Abdominal transplantation imaging [Syversveen] |
Hougaard, Peter Fourde | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Hov, Johannes Espolin Roksund | Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders [Hov] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Hov, Maren Ranhoff | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Hovda, Knut Erik | Dept of Acute Medicine |
Hovden, Ivar Thokle | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Hovdenes, Jan | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Hove, Christine | Renal research group |
Hovig, Eivind | Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig); Bioinformatics Core Facility; Dominguez-Valentin project group |
Hovland, Ida Heir | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Hovland, Ingvild Strand | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] |
Hovland, Oline Øie | The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Howe, Emilie I. | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Hoyle, Henry William | The Norwegian PSC Research Center; Experimental Hepatology |
Hoøen, Rebecca Mae | Cancer Genome Variation [Kristensen] |
Hradicka, Petra | Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders [Hov] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Hu, Xian Edna | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Hubers, Lisa | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Hughes, Timothy | Functional Molecular Mechanisms in Bipolar Disorder [Hughes] ; Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group |
Huhnstock, Stefan | Pediatric Orthopaedics [Horn] |
Hummelen, Benjamin | Personality Disorders Research Units [E. H. Kvarstein] ; Psychotherapy for adults |
Hunt, Tove-Elizabeth | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Husby, Ellen Marie | Theragnostic Imaging [Caroline Stokke] |
Husbyn, Hannah Cuthbertson | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Huse, Camilla | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Huse, Kanutte | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Husebye, Elisabeth Ellingsen | Orthopaedic traumatology [Madsen] |
Husebye, Trygve | Cardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen] |
Hussain, Amjad Iqbal | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] ; Cardiology |
Hustad, Kristin Solheim | Palliative treatment |
Huszthy, Peter Csaba | Molecular immunology and vaccine development [Ranveig Braathen] ; Cellular and Molecular Immunology |
Huynh, Thuy-Tien Maria | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Hveem, Tarjei Sveinsgjerd | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Hvid, Ivan | Pediatric Orthopaedics [Horn] |
Hynnekleiv, Torfinn | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Hødnebø, Stina | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Høgestøl, Einar August | Multiple Sclerosis; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS; Imaging studies of MS |
Høgetveit, Jan Olav | Bioimpedance |
Høgevold, Hans Erik | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery |
Høglo, Thale Christine | Cancer Genome Variation [Kristensen] |
Høie, Sverre | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Høieggen, Aud | Renal research group |
Høiseth, Gudrun | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] ; Substance use and health outcomes |
Høiseth, Lars Øivind | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Høivik, Marte Lie | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Hølmebakk, Toto | Sarcoma |
Hønnåshagen, Kirsti | Cellular therapy |
Høye, Eirik | Genomic Regulation for Precision Cancer Medicine Lab [Urbanucci] |
Høyem, Merete | Experimental cell transplantation [Scholz] |
Høyvik, Anna Julie Kjøl | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Haabeth, Ole Audun | Department of Immunology; Cellular and Molecular Immunology |
Haakensen, Vilde Drageset | Therapy prediction in lung cancer [Haakensen] ; Translational studies on solid tumours; Lung Cancer |
Håkerud, Monika | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Håland, Geir | ORAACLE |
Håland, Roger | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Håndstad, Tony | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Haatveit, Beathe | Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Idland, Siri | Prehospital Research Group |
Ihle-Hansen, Hege | Oslo Stroke Clinical Research Group [Else Charlotte Sandset] |
Ihler, Henrik Myhre | Service innovation and digitalization in mental health care service [Kristin Lie Romm] |
Ikonomou, Ida M. | Department of Pathology |
Inderberg, Else Marit | Cellular therapy |
Inderhaug, Elin | Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group [Djurovic] |
Ingeborgrud, Christine Baalsrud | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research Unit [Øvergaard] |
Ingebretsen, André | Fungal and Bacterial Infections Research Group [Bjørnholt] ; Oslo Hospital Services |
Ingvaldsen, Christoffer Aam | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Inngjerdingen, Marit | Innate lymphocyte group [Inngjerdingen] |
Inoue, Katsuji | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Iqbal, Zafar | Molecular studies of Parkinson's disease [Toft] |
Irion, Karen | Tumor Immunology group [Corthay] |
Isaksen, Kathrine Thuestad | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Isaksen, Maria | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Isern, Cecilie Benedicte | Prehospital Research Group |
Isom, Martine Mesel | Medical Genetics |
Issa-Epe, Aart | Abdominal transplantation imaging [Syversveen] |
Istre, Mette Stausland | Genome and epigenome regulation in embryo development, ageing and disease [Dahl] |
Ivanauskiene, Kristina | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Ivanovic, Jugoslav | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] ; Pediatric Neurosurgery |
Iversen, Jon Reidar | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] |
Iversen, Marie Hellan | Department of Pediatric Research; Molecular biology of oxidative stress and cancer |
Iversen, Nina | Functional Genomics in Coagulation and Cancer [Nina Iversen] ; Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer; Cancer Genome Variation |
Iversen, Per Ole | Dept. of Haematology |
Iversen, Rasmus | Department of Immunology |
Iversen, Tore-Geir | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Nanoparticles in Biomedicine: In vitro studies (Iversen) |
Jablonski, Greg Eigner | Cochlear implant, hearing and ear surgery [Marte Myhrum] |
Jacewicz, Maciej | Prostate cancer research group [Berge] |
Jacobsen, Anne Flem | Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
Jacobsen, Dag | Dept of Acute Medicine |
Jacobsen, Eva Marie | Dept. of Haematology |
Jacobsen, Henrik Børsting | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] ; Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma |
Jacobsen, Johanne Tracey | Laboratory of Immunoregulation and T Cell Biology [Johanne T. Jacobsen] |
Jacobsen, Kari Dolven | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Jacobsen, Lars | Prehospital Research Group |
Jacobsen, Liv Mejdell | Renal research group |
Jahnsen, Frode L. | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] |
Jain, Preeti | Targeting tumors of central nervous system [Pandey] |
Jakobsen, Britt | Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer [Stavik] |
Jakobsen, Jarl Åsbjørn | Abdominal transplantation imaging [Syversveen] |
Jallad, Mary-Ann | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Jallad, Mary-Ann | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Jamaly, Simin | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Jamt, Ragnhild Elén Gjulem | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] ; Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse |
Jamtli, Bjørn | Prehospital Research Group |
Janas, Martyna | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Jarovic, Mirna | Molecular and immunological MS studies |
Javadi, Arezo | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Jebsen, Jenny Karoline | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Jensen, Kristin | CT Research and Technology [Kristin Jensen] ; Abdominal Radiology; Thoracic imaging and intervention |
Jenssen, Håvard Bjørke | Abdominal transplantation imaging [Syversveen] |
Jenssen, Trond Geir | Kidney Transplant Research Group; Experimental cell transplantation |
Jenum, Anne Karen | Diabetes 2 |
Jenum, Synne | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Jeppesen, Elisabeth | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Jespersen, Henrik | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Jessen, Stian | Department of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes] |
Jiang, Xiaojun | Experimental Hepatology [Melum] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Jin, Kangxuan | Laboratory for Dynamic Gene regulation [Klungland] |
Jin, Yixin | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Joaquina, Sandy | Cellular therapy |
Johannesen, Synne | Treatment and vaccine studies in MS [Gro O. Nygaard] |
Johannesen, Tom B. | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Johannessen, Asgeir | Tropical |
Johannessen, Bjarne | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim); Cancer Informatics |
Johannessen, Hanna | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] |
Johannessen, Hans-Olaf | Esophagus and stomach; Pediatric surgery |
Johannessen, Helen Maria | Forensic Genetics Research Group [Fonneløp] |
Johannessen, Julie Aarmo | Autophagy regulation in development and disease [Knævelsrud] |
Johansen, Anette | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Johansen, Anna Torp | Old Age Psychiatry [Arvid S. Hammerstad] |
Johansen, Cathrine K. | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Johansen, Ingunn | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Johansen, Merethe Lia | Orthopaedic oncology [Thorkildsen] |
Johansen, Morten | Oslo Hospital Services |
Johansen, Safora | Dept. of Oncology |
Johansen, Truls Erik Bjerklund | Fungal and Bacterial Infections Research Group [Bjørnholt] |
Johnsen, Marianne Bakke | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] |
Johnson, Egil | Esophagus and stomach; Abdominal Radiology |
Johnson, Lauren Sophie | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Johnsrud, Kjersti | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Joner, Geir | Diabetes |
Jonsdottir, Thora Elisabet | Dept of Ophthalmology |
Jonuzi, Visame | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Jordal Moe, Joachim | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Jordal Moe, Joachim | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Josefsen, Dag | Cellular therapy; Experimental cell transplantation |
Juel, Niels Gunnar | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] |
Juell, Siri | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Julbø, Frida Marie Ihle | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Juliebø, August Tronstad | Clinical studies PSC; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Juul, Frederik Emil | Clinical Effectiveness |
Juvkam, Inga Solgård | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Juvodden, Hilde Therese | NevSom - Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias |
Juzenas, Petras | Protonics [Theodossiou] ; Photodynamic Therapy and Photodetection |
Juzeniene, Asta | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Jördens, Markus | Experimental Hepatology [Melum] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Jørgenrud, Benedicte Marie | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] ; Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma |
Jørgensen, Anders P. | Section of Endocrinology |
Jørgensen, Joakim J. | Traumatology |
Jørgensen, Kristin Kaasen | Clinical studies PSC; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Jørgensen, Silje Fjellgård | Clinical immunology and infectious diseases [Fevang] ; Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders |
Jørgensen, Trine Møgster | Prehospital Research Group |
Jørstad, Marie Lindvik | The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group [Bjørnebekk] ; RusForsk |
Jørstad, Øystein Kalsnes | Dept of Ophthalmology |
Kabashi, Saranda | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] |
Kaddoura, Ahmad | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Kakar, Manish | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Kalager, Mette | Clinical Effectiveness |
Kalbskopf, Victor | Bioinformatics Core Facility |
Kalsnes, Joakim | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Kalstad, Are Annesønn | Emergency & Critical Care; Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory |
Kalvøy, Håvard | Bioimpedance |
Kanduth, Markus | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Kanse, Sandip Mahadev | Dept. of Haematology |
Karadas, Ayse Miriam | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark); Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Karim, Hamayoun | Institute for Cancer Research Administration |
Karlberg, Anna Cecilie | MSK radiology [Hellund] |
Karlsen, Karine Flem | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Karlsen, Kjersti | National Advisory Unit on Mental Health in Intellectual Disability |
Karlsen, Tom Hemming | The Norwegian PSC Research Center; Karlsen |
Karlsen, Tommy Aleksander | Department of Immunology |
Karlsen, Victoria Therese | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] |
Karterud, Hilde Nordahl | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Karterud, Lena Korsmo | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Katare, Parmeshwar Bajirao | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng); Preclinical and translational proton therapy |
Katavic, Marina | Experimental cell transplantation [Scholz] |
Katyayini, Niveditha Umesh | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Katz, Betina | Department of Pathology; Testicular Cancer Research Group |
Kaufmann, Tobias | Psychosis research, NORMENT; The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group |
Kaur, Namrita | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Autophagy and related pathways |
Kaur, Puneet | Vascular Anomalies Research Group [Charles Filip] |
Kaveh, Fatemeh | Cellular therapy |
Kavlie, Anita | Inflammation and Vascular Biology [Haraldsen] |
Kaya, Esra | Myocardial function and cardiac imaging [Edvardsen] ; Integrated Cardiovascular Function |
Kazemi, Amirhossein | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE); Clinical Trials Research Group |
Kazmierowska, Anna Maria | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Kefaloykos, Christina | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Kefi, Wafa | Cellular therapy |
Kelpanides, Inga Katherina | Prehospital Research Group |
Kemmerich, Gunter | Abdominal transplantation imaging [Syversveen] |
Kenne Pagui, Euloge Clovis | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Kerty, Emilia | Clinical Studies of Movement Disorders |
Khadse, Anand | Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer [Kure] ; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Khan, Faraz Hameed | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Khan, Yusuf | Inflammatory Biomarkers in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease [Ueland] |
Khezri, Rojyar | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Khnykin, Denis | Department of Pathology |
Kibsgård, Thomas | Orthopaedic Surgery; Spine |
Kidd, Susanne G. | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Kierulf, Peter Bull | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Kildahl, Arvid Nikolai | NevSom - Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias; National Advisory Unit on Mental Health in Intellectual Disability |
Kildal, Wanja | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Kilian, Karin | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Kindberg, Kristine Mørk | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Kirkeby, Ingunn Rise | Department of Neurosurgery |
Kirkels, Feddo | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Kirkhus, Eva | MSK radiology [Hellund] ; Pediatric Radiation |
Kiserud, Cecilie E. | Long Term Studies |
Kitsos, Ioannis | Department of Neurology |
Kjekshus, John | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] ; Cardiology |
Kjeldsen, Simen Hagerup | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Kjeldsen, Simen Hagerup | Vascular diagnostics and intervention [Ylva Haig] |
Kjeldsen, Sverre Erik | Renal research group |
Kjetland, Eyrun Flörecke | Tropical |
Kjosbakken, Heidi | Pediatric Radiation |
Kjæreng, Marna Lill | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Kjøsen, Gisle | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Kleffelgård, Ingerid | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Kleggetveit, Inge Petter | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Kleinauskas, Andrius | Protonics [Theodossiou] ; Photodynamic Therapy and Photodetection |
Klemsdal, Tor Ole | Preventive Cardiology |
Klepp, Kristina | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Kleppe, Andreas | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Kleppestø, Magne M. | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Kleve, Ragnhild | Preventive Cardiology |
Kling, Daniel | Forensic Genetics Research Group [Fonneløp] |
Klingenberg, Olav | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Klokkerud, Solveig Margrete Knoph | Computational Oncology [Sveen] |
Klonteig, Sandra | The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group [Bjørnebekk] ; RusForsk |
Kluge, Karsten Engseth | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Klungland, Arne | Laboratory for Dynamic Gene regulation [Klungland] |
Klungsøyr, Ole | Psychotherapy for adults [Røssberg] |
Klæboe, Lars Gunnar | Myocardial function and cardiac imaging [Edvardsen] |
Kløve, Sophie Foss | Interventional Cardiology [Øyvind Lie] |
Kløw, Nils Einar | Vascular diagnostics and intervention [Ylva Haig] ; Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Klaasen, Rolf Arne | Tumour Marker Group |
Knapskog, Anne Brita | Dementia research group [Knapskog] |
Knaus, Andreas | Pediatric Orthopaedics [Horn] |
Knudsen, Eva Cecilie | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Knudsen, Ida Kristine | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Knudsen, Lars Mørland | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Knudsen, Lars Mørland | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Knudsen, Per Kristian | Infection and immunology [Landsverk] |
Knudsen, Stine | NevSom - Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias |
Knutstad, Kjetil | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine; Neuro-oncology |
Knævelsrud, Helene | Autophagy regulation in development and disease [Knævelsrud] |
Kobbeltvedt, Marthe Rosvoll | Sarcoma |
Kocijančič, Anja | Targeting tumors of central nervous system [Pandey] |
Koht, Jeanette | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] |
Kokkvoll, Solveig | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Translational studies on solid tumours |
Kolbenstvedt, Alf | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Kolberg, Matthias | Research Director's Office |
Kolnes, Anders Jensen | Section of Endocrinology |
Kolrud, Finn Kristian | Abdominal transplantation imaging [Syversveen] |
Kolstad, Arne | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Kolstad, Frode | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] |
Kolstadbraaten, Knut Magne | Traumatology |
Kong, Xiang Yi | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Konglund, Ane Eidahl | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] |
Kongsgaard, Ulf E. | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Kongsrud, Karoline | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Konopski, Zbigniew | Hepatology research group [Midgard] |
Korsgren, Olle | Experimental cell transplantation [Scholz] |
Kostas, Michal | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Kostov, Konstantin H. | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Kournoutis, Athanasios | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Kowalewska-Harbiyeli, Magdalena Maria | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Krabbe, Silje Helen | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Kraglund, Kristian Lundsgaard | Oslo Stroke Clinical Research Group [Else Charlotte Sandset] |
Krajci, Peter | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Kramer-Johansen, Jo | Prehospital Research Group |
Kramer-Johansen, Lillian | Research Director's Office |
Kran, Anne-Marte Bakken | Virology Research Group [Kaarbø] |
Kranjec, Christian | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Krauss, Stefan | Cell Signalling Research Group [Krauss] |
Krave, Maria V. | Department of Pediatric Research |
Kresse, Stine Henrichson | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Kreyberg, Ina | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Kristensen, Erle | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] |
Kristensen, Gunnar B. | Dept. of Oncology |
Kristensen, Vendel A. | Gastroenterology; Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
Kristensen, Vessela N. | Cancer Genome Variation [Kristensen] |
Kristiansen, Elise Svindseth | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] |
Kristiansen, Felicia Iselin Svensson | Laboratory for Dynamic Gene regulation [Klungland] |
Kristiansen, Jørn Dehli | Dept. of Haematology |
Kristiansen, Knut Ivan | Virology Research Group [Kaarbø] ; Cellular responses to DNA damage |
Kristiansen, Sandra Kvarsvik | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Kristiansen, Thomas | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Kristianslund, Olav | Anterior segment of the eye [Drolsum] ; Dept of Ophthalmology |
Kristinsson, Jon | Morbid obesity [Tom Mala] |
Kristjansdottir, Olof Birna | Department of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes] |
Kristoffersen, Hannah Veseth | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Kristoffersen, Lena | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] |
Kro, Grete Anette Birkeland | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] ; Virology Research Group |
Krobert, Kurt Allen | Receptors, Signalling and Cardiac Pharmacology [Levy] |
Krog, Charlotte Solum | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] |
Krogh, Henriette Walaas | Lipid research group [Asprusten] |
Krogstad, Marianne Linnerud | Dementia research group [Knapskog] |
Krogvold, Lars | Diabetes |
Krohg-Sørensen, Kirsten | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Krokeide, Silje Zandstra | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Krpina, Klara | Cellular therapy |
Kryeziu, Kushtrim | Genetics Group (Lothe); Functional Oncology |
Krüger, Stig | Inflammation and Vascular Biology [Haraldsen] |
Kumar, Nikhil Pramod | Wireless Sensor Network Research Group [Balasingham] |
Kumar, Rahul Prasanna | Medical Robotics, visualisation and navigation [Elle] |
Kumar, Theresa | Department of Pathology |
Kummen, Martin | Dept. of Oncology |
Kunke, David | Cancer Genome Variation [Kristensen] ; Surg. Intens. Med. |
Kure, Elin H. | Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer [Kure] ; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Kurganovs, Natalie Jayne | Autophagy in cancer [Engedal] |
Kvale, Dag | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] ; Infectious Diseases Research Lab |
Kvalheim, Gunnar | Cellular therapy; Lung Cancer |
Kvalheim, Synnøve | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] |
Kvalsvik, Tomine | Reproductive Medicine Group [Fedorcsak] |
Kvalvaag, Audun Sverre | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Molecular dynamics during T cell activation |
Kvaløy, Stein O. | Long Term Studies |
Kvam, Anne Marie | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Kvam, Ann Kristin | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Kvarstein, Elfrida H. | Personality Disorders Research Units [E. H. Kvarstein] |
Kvarstein, Gunnvald | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Kvarstein, Lars Eivind | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Kvaslerud, Anette Borger | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] |
Kvasnička, Aleš | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] |
Kvassheim, Monika | Theragnostic Imaging [Caroline Stokke] |
Kveberg, Lise | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Kvernebo, Anne Kari | Anterior segment of the eye [Drolsum] |
Kvernebo, Knut | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Kverneland, Magnhild | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Kvernmo, Hebe Désirée | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Kvernmo, Nadja Anette Myrvik | Inger Marie Skogseid’s Project Group [Skogseid] |
Kvestad, Ellen | Head & Neck |
Kværner, Ane Sørlie | Diet and Oxidative Stress [Blomhoff] |
Kværner, Kari Jorunn | Service innovation and digitalization in mental health care service [Kristin Lie Romm] |
Kynø, Nina M. | NeoCHIBS |
Kyte, Eli B. | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Kyte, Jon Amund | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] ; Department of Clinical Cancer Research; Breast Oncology |
Köhn-Luque, Alvaro | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
König, Marton | Multiple Sclerosis; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS |
Kaale, Anett | NevSom - Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias |
Kaarbø, Mari | Virology Research Group [Kaarbø] |
Kåresen, Rolf | Breast & Endocrine Surgery |
Kaasa, Stein | Palliative treatment; Dept. of Oncology |
Kåsine, Trine | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Kaastad, Trine Sand | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Kåvik, Berit Riise | Thoracic imaging and intervention [Aaløkken] |
Labori, Knut Jørgen | Pancreatic cancer; Abdominal Radiology; Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer |
Lagerberg, Trine Vik | Psychosis research, NORMENT; Service innovation and digitalization in mental health care service |
Laine, Katariina | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Lambert, Anna Tancin | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
LaMont, Colin Harry | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Lamsal, Apsana | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Membrane dynamics in tumorigenesis |
Lande, Karin Teien | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik) |
Lande, Karin Teien | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Landmark, Cecilie Johannessen | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] ; Therapeutic Drug Monitoring |
Landrø, Karoline | Hepatology research group [Midgard] |
Landrø, Linn | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Landsverk, Hans Christian Erichsen | Infection and immunology [Landsverk] ; Experimental Forensic Medicine |
Landsverk, Svein Aslak | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Landaas, Elisabeth Toverud | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] |
Langballe, Emily V. | Fibrotic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases [Hoffmann-Vold] |
Langberg, Carl W. | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Langen, Ingrid | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Langerud, Anne Kathrine | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Langerud, Jonas | Computational Oncology [Sveen] |
Langesæter, Eldrid | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] ; Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Langmoen, Iver Arne | Department of Neurosurgery; Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Langmoen, Kjersti | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Langmyhr, Margrete | Epigenomics of Breast Cancer [Fleischer] ; Computational Systems Medicine |
Langseth, Miriam Sjåstad | Cardiology; Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory |
Langvatn, Erlend | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Lao, Yvonne E. | Dept of Acute Medicine |
Lappen, Karina Råheim | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Larsen, Alise | CT Research and Technology [Kristin Jensen] |
Larsen, Camilla Kjellstad | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Larsen, Karianne | Oslo Stroke Clinical Research Group [Else Charlotte Sandset] |
Larsen, Karl-Otto | Dept of Pulmonary Diseases |
Larsen, Signe Melsen | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Larsen, Stein Gunnar | Hepatobiliary malignancies; Pediatric surgery |
Larssen, Lene | Gastroenterology |
Larssen, Stein Sæbøe | Cellular therapy |
Larsson, Geir | Gastroenterology; Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
Larsson, Pål Gunnar | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] |
Larstorp, Anne Cecilie K. | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Lashkarivand, Aslan | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Lassen, Kristoffer | Hepatobiliary malignancies |
Latysheva, Anna | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] |
Lauritzen, Knut Husø | Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer [Stavik] |
Lauritzen, Peter Mæhre | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Lavelle, Timothy J. | Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Lavrichenko, Ksenia | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Le, Marie Skogstad | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Lee, Seo Young | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Leer-Salvesen, Astrid | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Lee-Ødegård, Sindre | Diabetes 2; Thyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group |
Lefol, Yohan | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Lehander, Madeleine | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Lehne, Gustav | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Leithe, Edward | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Leithe, Edward | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Leknes, Siri | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Lekva, Tove | Inflammatory Biomarkers in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease [Ueland] |
Lensing, Michael B. | NevSom - Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias |
Lenz, Harald | Perioperative anaesthesiology [Lenz] |
Leonhardt, Marja | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Lerang, Karoline | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Leray, Thibault | Cellular therapy |
Leren, Ida Skrinde | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Leren, Trond Paul | Medical Genetics |
Leuckfeld, Inga | Department of Respiratory Medicine |
Levy, Finn Olav | Receptors, Signalling and Cardiac Pharmacology [Levy] |
Li, Yanjiao | Laboratory for Dynamic Gene regulation [Klungland] |
Li, Yingqian | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Li, Youxian | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Lian, Sofie Lysholm | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Liao, Sifang | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Lid, Ana B. | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] |
Lie, Anine | ORAACLE |
Lie, Benedicte A. | Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Lie, Ingeborg Haugesag | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Lie, Irene | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] ; Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Lie, Iselin | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Lie, Selma Øverland | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Lie, Øyvind Haugen | Interventional Cardiology [Øyvind Lie] ; Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death; Myocardial function and cardiac imaging |
Lied, Bjarne | Department of Neurosurgery |
Lien, Guro Flor | Dept. of Microbiology |
Lien, Torbjørn Amundsen | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Lieng, Marit | Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
Liestøl, Knut | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Lilja, Didrik | Clinical and experimental cardiovascular monitoring [Per S. Halvorsen] |
Lilleby, Vibke | Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group [Aga] |
Lilleby, Wolfgang | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] ; Prostate cancer research group; Urological oncology |
Lin, Xiaolin | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] |
Lind, Andreas | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] ; Virology Research Group; Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) |
Lind, Guro Elisabeth | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Lind, Sara Marie | Functional Genomics in Coagulation and Cancer [Nina Iversen] |
Lindalen, Einar | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Lindberg, Harald Lauritz | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Lindberg, Nina Ellefsen | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Lindbergsengen, Lilian | Radiation Biology and DNA Damage Signaling (Syljuåsen); Regulation of translation in cell cycle and stress |
Linde, Anja Grinde | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Lindeman, Ida | Functional Immunogenetics [Sollid] |
Lindemann, Kristina | Gynecological Oncology [Lindemann] |
Lindheim, Maren Østvold | T-ABU [Diseth] |
Lindholm, Espen Eivind | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Lindholm, Håvard Takle | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] ; Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
Lindin Jørgensen, Jens Andreas | Cellular therapy |
Lindland, Elisabeth | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] |
Lindland, Kim | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Line, Pål-Dag | Transplant Oncology Research Group [Line] |
Lingjærde, Ole Christian | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Lingaas, Egil | Oslo Hospital Services |
Lingaas, Per Snorre | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Linnerud, Hege | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Lirussi, Lisa | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Liu, Dan | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Liu, Qinghui | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Liukaityte, Rugile | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Llorente, Alicia | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Exosomes and Prostate Cancer (Llorente) |
Lobie, Tekle Airgecho | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] |
Lode, Heidrun Elisabeth | Dept of Ophthalmology |
Lode, Kristin | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark); Experimental treatment of peritoneal metastasis |
Loeve, Arjo | Experimental Forensic Medicine [Stray-Pedersen] |
Lofterød, Trygve | Breast Oncology |
Lohne, Siri M. Hugo | Pediatric Radiation |
Lomia, Nino | Experimental Forensic Medicine [Stray-Pedersen] |
Longva, Ane Sager | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] ; Recombinant Light Activated Therapeutics |
López, Alberto | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Lorentsen, Jing Lisa Li | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Lorentzen, Caroline B. | Department of Pediatric Research |
Lorentzen, Åslaug R. | Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Lorenz, Susanne | Bioinformatics Core Facility; Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche); Department of Core Facilities; Translational Genomics |
Losnedal, Hilde | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Lossius, Astrid Haaskjold | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] ; Inflammation and Vascular Biology |
Lossius, Morten Ingvar | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Lothe, Inger Marie Bowitz | Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer [Kure] |
Lothe, Ragnhild A. | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Louch, William E. | Inst for Experimental Medical Research |
Lumor, Josephine Sena | Neurobiology [Inger Lise Bogen] |
Luna, Luisa | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Lund, Charlotte | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Lund, Charotte Indre | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Lund, Christian G. | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Lund, Kjersti Vassmo | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Lund, Solveig Osnes | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Lund, Tormod | Dept of Vascular Surgery; Transplant Oncology Research Group |
Lund-Andersen, Christin | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Lundblad, Runar | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Lundby, Marianne | Cellular therapy |
Lundby, Rigmor | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] ; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS; MSK radiology |
Lunde, Ida Gjervold | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Lunde, Ketil | Interventional Cardiology [Øyvind Lie] ; Cardiology |
Lunde, Per Kristian | Inst for Experimental Medical Research |
Lundeby, Tonje | Palliative treatment |
Lundekvam, Jonas Andre | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Lundesgaard, Kristoffer Kopstad | Abdominal transplantation imaging [Syversveen] |
Lundin, Knut E. A. | Transplantation medicine |
Lund-Iversen, Marius | Department of Pathology; Lung Cancer |
Lund-Johansen, Fridtjof | Protein array group [Lund-Johansen] |
Lund-Melchier, Bianca Therese | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] |
Lunestad, Astrid | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Luo, Hongxing | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Lyberg, Torstein | Regenerative medicine [Utheim] |
Lyle, Robert | Genetics and computational genetics (Lyle) |
Lyng, Heidi | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng); Gynecological Oncology |
Lysén, Anna | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Lystad, June Ullevoldsæter | Psychotherapy for adults [Røssberg] |
Lystad, Alf Håkon | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Autophagy and related pathways |
Lystad Fosslie, Madeleine | Genome and epigenome regulation in embryo development, ageing and disease [Dahl] |
Lysvik, Elisabeth Kirkeby | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Lærdahl, Jon K. | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] ; Cellular Cholesterol Metabolism |
Læret, Riccarda K. | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Løberg, Else Marit | Department of Pathology |
Løberg, Magnus | Clinical Effectiveness |
Løchen, Arja Katrina Lea Arnesen | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Løchting, Ida | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Løhne, Kari | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Løkkevik, Erik | Breast Oncology |
Lømo, Jon | Department of Pathology |
Løndalen, Ayca | Theragnostic Imaging [Caroline Stokke] |
Lønning, Kjersti | Research group for Patient Reported Outcomes and Health Economy |
Løstegaard, Sven Olav | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Løvgården, Gunilla | Virology Research Group [Kaarbø] |
Løvstakken, Emil | Experimental treatment of peritoneal metastasis [Fleten] ; Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Laake, Jon Henrik | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Laake, Knut Ole | Dept of Gastroenterology |
Laake, Kristian | Division of Head, Neck and Reconstructive Surgery |
Lång, Anna | Cell and tissue dynamics (Bøe) |
Lång, Emma | Cell and tissue dynamics (Bøe) |
Ma, Li-Wei | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
MacIntosh, Bradley J. | Computational Radiology & Artificial Intelligence (CRAI) Research Group [Bjørnerud] ; Neuroimaging Research Group |
Mack, Jennifer Sinead | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Macpherson, Magnhild Eide | Clinical immunology and infectious diseases [Fevang] |
Madsen, Jan Erik | Orthopaedic traumatology [Madsen] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Madsen, Ulla | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Magamadov, Isa | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Magelssen, Henriette | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Maggadottir, Solrun Melkorka | Cellular therapy |
Magnusson, Marte Traae | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Mahootiha, Maryam | Wireless Sensor Network Research Group [Balasingham] |
Majak, Peter | Myocardial remodeling and reverse remodeling in pressure overload [Theis Tønnessen] |
Majid, Umar | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] |
Maki-Marttunen, Veronica | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Mala, Tom | Esophagus and stomach; Abdominal Radiology; Morbid obesity |
Malecka, Agnieszka | Pathology Research - The Norwegian Radium Hospital |
Malerbakken, Anne | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Malinen, Eirik | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] ; Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy |
Malmberg, Karl-Johan | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Malt, Ulrik F. | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Maltau, Aase M. V. | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Manaf, Adeel | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] |
Mangersnes, Julie | T-ABU [Diseth] |
Maniaol, Angelina Hatlø | Myasthenia gravis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [Maniaol] |
Manner, Ingjerd Wangensteen | Renal research group |
Marciniak, Katarzyna | Inflammation and Vascular Biology [Haraldsen] |
Mariampillai, Adrian Eek | Radiation Biology and DNA Damage Signaling (Syljuåsen) |
Markhus, Rune | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Markusson, Sara Bachmann | Targeting tumors of central nervous system [Pandey] |
Marrah, Musa | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Marsdal, Kjersti Engen | Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
Marstein, Henriette S. | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Marthinsen, Pål Bache | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Martin, Karen Elizatebeth | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Martín-Gracia, Beatriz | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Exosomes and Prostate Cancer (Llorente) |
Martinov, Vladimir | Compartmentation of cardiac signalling [Andressen] |
Martinsen, Amy E. | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] ; Headache and pain |
Martinsen, Tormod | Bioimpedance |
Martinsen, Ørjan Grøttem | Bioimpedance |
Maseng, Maria Gjerstad | The Norwegian PSC Research Center; Inflammatory Bowel Disease; Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders |
Massey, Richard John | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] |
Massiah, Nadine | Reproductive Medicine Group [Fedorcsak] |
Masuda, Kasumi | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Mathai, Benan John | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Mathiesen, Linda | Phenotype and Genotype in Rare Disorders (Paus) |
Mathiesen, Randi Margit Ruud | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] ; Breast Oncology |
Mathisen, Charlotte Bache-Wiig | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Mathisen, Lars | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Mathisen, Øystein | Hepatobiliary malignancies; Pediatric surgery |
Matussek, Andreas | Matussek project group [Matussek] ; Unit for Genome Dynamics |
Maurtveten, Ellen Hoven | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Maurud, Sigurd | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Mayerhofer, Cristiane | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] |
McCarron, Katy | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Mechanisms and importance of lysosome repair |
McGowan, Marc | Blood and Lymphoproliferative Diseases [Munthe] |
McLean, Arran | Genomic Technology Group [Gilfillan] |
McQuade, Tao Angell-Petersen | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] |
Medbøen, Ingrid Tøndel | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Medhus, Asle Wilhelm | Gastroenterology; Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
Medhus, Astrid | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] ; Recombinant Light Activated Therapeutics |
Mehlum, Maria Hollund | Dept of Geriatric Medicine |
Meier, Isabell M. | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Melberg, Kari | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] ; Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death; Myocardial function and cardiac imaging |
Melberg, Mathias Baumann | Cardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen] |
Melbye, Gøril Brevik | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Melheim, Maria | Department of Pediatric Research; Molecular biology of oxidative stress and cancer |
Melichova, Daniela | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] ; Myocardial function and cardiac imaging |
Melin, Erik | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] |
Melle, Ingrid Sigfrid | Psychosis research, NORMENT; Service innovation and digitalization in mental health care service |
Mellegård, Monica | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Mellesmo, Sindre | Emergency & Critical Care |
Mello, Ine | Autophagy in cancer [Engedal] |
Meltzer, Carin | Thoracic imaging and intervention [Aaløkken] |
Melum, Espen | Experimental Hepatology [Melum] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Mendoza Mireles, Eduardo Erasmus | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] |
Mensali, Nadia | Cellular therapy |
Merckoll, Else | Pediatric Radiation |
Mero, Inger-Lise | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] ; Vascular Anomalies Research Group; Phenotype and Genotype in Rare Disorders (Paus) |
Mesel, Martine | Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Mester, Simone | Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis [J.T. Andersen] |
Metz, Marlene Elisabeth | Cancer Genome Variation [Kristensen] |
Meyer, Käthe Birgitte | Research group for Patient Reported Outcomes and Health Economy |
Meyer, Saskia | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Meyer-Myklestad, Malin Holm | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Meza-Zepeda, Leonardo A. | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] ; Department of Core Facilities; Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
M Hård af Segerstad, Elin | Department of Pediatric Research |
Micci, Francesca | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics; Gynecological Oncology |
Michelet, Mona | Dept of Geriatric Medicine |
Michelsen, Annika E. | Inflammatory Biomarkers in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease [Ueland] |
Michelsen, Trond Melbye | Maternal-fetal interactions [Michelsen] |
Middelkoop, Gerrit | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] |
Midgard, Håvard | Hepatology research group [Midgard] |
Midtlyng, Egil | NevSom - Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias |
Midtlyng, Lena | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] |
Midttun, Helene L.E. Dahle | Centre for Advanced Cell Therapy (ACT) |
Midtvedt, Karsten | Kidney Transplant Research Group |
Midtvedt, Øyvind | Fibrotic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases [Hoffmann-Vold] |
Migliano, Simona | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Membrane dynamics in tumorigenesis |
Mikalsen, Ingrid Marie | Gastroenterology |
Mikalsen, Lars Tore Gyland | Theragnostic Imaging [Caroline Stokke] |
Mikkelsen, Thea Falk | Reproductive Medicine Group [Fedorcsak] |
Mirmaksudov, Mirakhmadjon | Myocardial function and cardiac imaging [Edvardsen] |
Mirza, Shanu Shanima | Regulation of translation in cell cycle and stress [Grallert] |
Misceo, Doriana | Cilia Dysfunction in Congenital Brain Malformations [Misceo] ; Genetics of rare congenital brain diseases |
Mitchell, Ann-Kristin | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Mjøen, Geir Harald | Kidney Transplant Research Group |
Mjøen, Linda Uv | Institute for Cancer Research Administration; Institute for Cancer Research |
Mjønes, Sverre Bugge | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Mjørud, Marit | Dept of Geriatric Medicine |
Mjåset, Christer | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Mo, Torgeir | Epigenomics of Breast Cancer [Fleischer] ; Computational Systems Medicine |
Moan, Jon M. | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Moatshe, Gilbert | Biomechanics Laboratory [Steen] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Moberget, Torgeir | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] ; Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Mochol, Monika | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Moe, Sigrid Reppe | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Moe, Ingrid Skare | Preventive Cardiology |
Moe, Morten C. | Centre for Eye Research; Dept of Ophthalmology; Eye innovation |
Moe, Natasha | Thoracic imaging and intervention [Aaløkken] |
Moens, Walt | Autophagy in cancer [Engedal] |
Mohn, Cathrine Helene | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Moksnes, Håkon Øgreid | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Molberg, Øyvind | Fibrotic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases [Hoffmann-Vold] ; Functional Immunogenetics |
Mollnes, Tom Eirik | Complement Research Group [Mollnes] |
Molteberg, Ellen | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Moltzau, Lise Román | Regulation of cardiac signalling [Moltzau] ; Receptors, Signalling and Cardiac Pharmacology |
Monrad, Julie | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Monrad, Julie Synøve | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik) |
Monrad-Hansen, Peter Wiel | Traumatology |
Monsen, Vivi Talstad | Molecular cardiology [Attramadal] |
Montaldo, Nicola Pietro | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Moore, Kari Lenita Falck | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Moosavi, Seyed Hossein | Computational Oncology [Sveen] |
Morales, Veronica Suaste | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Mork, Erlend | Service innovation and digitalization in mental health care service [Kristin Lie Romm] |
Mork, Jon | HPV in Head and Neck [Harriet Akre] |
Mosaker, Emilie | Radiation Biology and DNA Damage Signaling (Syljuåsen) |
Mossige, Ingrid | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] ; MRI Research & Technology |
Moum, Bjørn Allan | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Mowinckel, Lene | Cellular therapy |
Mowinckel, Marie-Christine | Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer [Stavik] |
Mrazikova, Monika | Medical Genetics |
Msuya, Sia | Experimental Forensic Medicine [Stray-Pedersen] |
Mughal, Awais Ahmad | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] ; Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Mundal, Liv Jorunn | Lipid research group [Asprusten] |
Munkhaugen, Ellen Kathrine | National Advisory Unit on Mental Health in Intellectual Disability |
Muñoz, Georgina Faura | Mitogroup [Lars Eide] |
Munthe, Else | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Munthe, Ludvig André | Blood and Lymphoproliferative Diseases [Munthe] |
Munthe-Kaas, Monica Cheng | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Murbraech, Klaus | Cardiology |
Murphy, Sarah Louise | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Murzakanova, Gulim | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Musse, Musse Ahmed | Experimental Forensic Medicine [Stray-Pedersen] |
Mygland, Line | Medical Genetics; Cell Signaling and Drug Discovery |
Myhre, Anne-Margrethe | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research Unit [Øvergaard] |
Myhre, Kjersti | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] |
Myhre, Marte | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Myhre, Peder Langeland | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Myhrum, Marte | Cochlear implant, hearing and ear surgery [Marte Myhrum] |
Myklebost, Ola | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Myklebust, Christiane Filion | Dept. of Haematology |
Myklebust, June Helen | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Müller, Ebba Gløersen | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] ; Neuroimaging Research Group |
Müller, Elisabeth | Therapy prediction in lung cancer [Haakensen] ; Translational studies on solid tumours; Lung Cancer |
Müller, Fredrik | Fungal and Bacterial Infections Research Group [Bjørnholt] ; Clinical Virology Research Group; Virology Research Group |
Mynarek, Georg Karl | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Mynarek, Ida Maria | Diabetes |
Myrdal, Ole Henrik | Department of Respiratory Medicine |
Myrseth, Larisa | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Myrseth, Lars Eldar | Hand [Røkkum] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Myrvang, Bjørn | Dept of Infectious Diseases |
Mæhle, Lovise Olaug | Research Group Inherited Cancer [Grindedal] ; Melanoma |
Mæhlen, Jan | Department of Pathology |
Mæland, Arild | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Mæland, Karolina Sofia | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Mælandsmo, Gunhild Mari | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo); Lung Cancer |
Mærli, Ingrid-Juliane Blakstvedt | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Møller, Pål | Dominguez-Valentin project group; Research Group Inherited Cancer; Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Møllersen, Linda | Medical Biochemistry; Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology |
Mørk, Marianne | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Mørkrid, Lars | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] |
Mørkved Stenersen, Jakob | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Maagaard, Anne | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Maamoen, Anniken | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Måseide, Ragnhild Johanne | Haemostasis and Bleeding Disorders [Holme] |
Naderi, Elin Hallan | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Nafisi, Sara | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Nafstad, Eidi | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Nakken, Britt | B-Cell Receptor signaling Group (BCRSG) [Szodoray] |
Nakken, Karl Otto | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Nakken, Sigve | Dominguez-Valentin project group; Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Nakstad, Espen Rostrup | Dept of Acute Medicine |
Nakstad, Per Hjalmar | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Naper, Christian | Innate lymphocyte group [Inngjerdingen] |
Naranjo-Galindo, Francisco Jose | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Narud, Kjersti | Forensic Psychiatry [Friestad] |
Narverud, Ingunn | Lipid research group [Asprusten] |
Narverud, Sverre Flatabø | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Natvig, Bård | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Naume, Bjørn | Breast Oncology |
Ndongson-Dongmo, Bernadin | Receptors, Signalling and Cardiac Pharmacology [Levy] |
Nebdal, Daniel | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Computational Systems Medicine |
Nedberg, Anne Grete | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Neerland, Bjørn Erik | Oslo Delirium Research Group [Neerland] |
Negera, Kebebew | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Negaard, Helene F. S. | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Nendl, Andraz | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Nerem, Elisabeth | Neurobiology [Inger Lise Bogen] |
Nesaragi, Naimahmed | Wireless Sensor Network Research Group [Balasingham] |
Nesbakken, Arild | Colorectal surgery |
Nesbakken, Arild | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Nese, Soran | Cellular therapy |
Neset, Kirsti Agnethe | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Nesheim, John Arne | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Nesland, Jahn Marthin | Photodynamic Therapy and Photodetection [Q. Peng] |
Nesse, Gaute | Laboratory for Dynamic Gene regulation [Klungland] |
Netskar, Herman Krogstad | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Netteland, Dag Ferner | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] ; Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma |
Neurauter, Christine Gran | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] |
Nguyen, Maria Thuy Kieu Thi | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Nguyen, Thuy Mi | Myocardial function and cardiac imaging [Edvardsen] |
Nguyen, Cecilie | Cellular therapy |
Nicolaissen, Bjørn | Centre for Eye Research; Dept of Ophthalmology |
Nicolaysen, Janne | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Niehusmann, Pitt | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Nielsen, Birgitte | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Nielsen, Christopher Sivert | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Nielsen, Morten Milek | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Niemi, Essi | Cardiology; Experimental cell transplantation |
Nilsen, Anita Smith | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Nilsen, Hilde Loge | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Nilsen, Hogne Røed | Department of Pathology |
Nilsen, Jan-Vegard | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Nilsen, Jeannette | Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis [J.T. Andersen] |
Nilsen, Jens Aksel | Gastroenterology |
Nilsen, Kristian Bernhard | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Nilsen, Line Brennhaug | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Nilsen, Mariann | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] ; Virology Research Group |
Nilsen, Thale Andrea | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Nilsson, Galina | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] |
Nilsson, Lars N.G. | Neuropharmacology - Alzheimer's Disease Research [Nilsson] |
Nissen-Meyer, Lise Sofie Haug | Transfusion, Immunomodulation and Allergology (TRIAL) [Nissen-Meyer] |
Njølstad, Tormund | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Njaastad, Anne Mette | Dept. of Haematology |
Noer, Agate | Centre for Eye Research; Dept of Ophthalmology |
Noer, Marie Therese | Fungal and Bacterial Infections Research Group [Bjørnholt] |
Nome, Cecilie G. | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Nome, Ragnhild Veline | Tumour Marker Group |
Nome, Terje | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] |
Norby, Gudrun Elisabeth | Kidney Transplant Research Group |
Nordal, Kristin | Precision Pharmacotherapy [Vethe] |
Nordang, Gry B. Namløs | Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Nordeng, Jostein | Department of Cardiology Ullevaal; Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory |
Nordengen, Kaja | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Nordenmark, Tonje Haug | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Nordheim, Espen | Renal research group |
Nordhus, Kathrine Sivertsen | Experimental Hepatology [Melum] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Nordhøy, Wibeke | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] ; Pediatric Radiation; Imaging studies of MS; MRI Research & Technology |
Nordquelle, Kaja Hermine | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Nordseth, Trond | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Nordsletten, Lars | Ostearthritis [Nordsletten] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Nordstrøm, Marianne | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Nordtorp, Henrik | Forensic Genetics Research Group [Fonneløp] |
Nordvoll, Kristin | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Nordøy, Ingvild | Rheumatology, dermatology and infectious diseases |
Nordøy, Ingvild | Clinical immunology and infectious diseases [Fevang] |
Nore, Kristin Grotle | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Normann, Kjersti Ringvoll | Section of Endocrinology |
Normann, Mathilde Haraldsen | Friday meetings |
Normann-Eide, Eivind | Personality Disorders Research Units [E. H. Kvarstein] |
Normannseth, Henrik | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Norreen-Thorsen, Marthe | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Norseth, Hanne Marie | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Norum, Hilde Margrethe | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] ; Inflammatory Biomarkers in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease |
Norum, Jens Henrik | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Norum, Line | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Norum, Ole-Jacob | Orthopaedic oncology [Thorkildsen] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Notø, Heidi Ødegaard | Department of Core Facilities; Lymphoma Biology |
Novoa-del-Toro, Elva Maria | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] |
Nunes, Luís | Computational Oncology [Sveen] |
Nunes-Xavier, Caroline Elisabeth | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Nur, Sarah | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Nyakas, Marta Sølvi | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo); Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Nyberg, Henriette | Neurobiology [Inger Lise Bogen] |
Nyenget, Tove | Department of Pediatric Research |
Nyfløt, Lill Trine | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Nygaard, Anders B. | Genome and epigenome regulation in embryo development, ageing and disease [Dahl] |
Nygaard, Gro Owren | Treatment and vaccine studies in MS [Gro O. Nygaard] ; Multiple Sclerosis; Imaging studies of MS |
Nygaard, Ilah Le | Therapeutic Drug Monitoring [Mimi S. Opdal] |
Nygaard, Vigdis | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Nyman, Anna Armika Tussilago | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] |
Nyman, Tuula Anneli | Cell Signalling Networks in Innate Immunity [Nyman] ; Proteomics Core Facility |
Nymoen, Hanne Marte Gjertsen | Therapy prediction in lung cancer [Haakensen] ; Translational studies on solid tumours; Lung Cancer |
Nyquist, Cecilie Bjertness | T-ABU [Diseth] |
Nystedt, Ann Helen | Pediatric Radiation |
Nytrøen, Gunhild | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Nytrøen, Kari | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] ; Cardiology |
Nähse, Viola | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Nærland, Terje | NevSom - Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias |
Næss, Ingar | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Næss, Pål Aksel | Traumatology; Pediatric Radiation; Experimental Forensic Medicine |
Næss, Stine | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Næss, Torgun | Department of Pediatric Research; The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Nævra, Marianne | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] |
Nørgaard, Jakob Nordberg | Oslo Myeloma Center |
O'Connell, Kevin | Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group [Djurovic] |
Ohnstad, Hege Oma | Breast Oncology |
Ohnstad, Mari Oma | Clinical neonatal medicine and epidemiology [Rønnestad] |
Oksvold, Morten Pedersen | Photodynamic Therapy and Photodetection [Q. Peng] |
Olafsen, Morten Kvam | Oslo Delirium Research Group [Neerland] |
Olarescu, Nicoleta Cristina | Section of Endocrinology; Inflammatory Biomarkers in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease |
Olasveengen, Theresa Mariero | Brain-Heart Research Group [Sunde] |
Olaussen, Richard W | Cellular therapy |
Oldereid, Tine Simensen | The Norwegian PSC Research Center; Experimental Hepatology |
Olesen, Christian | Computational Biology: The role of non-coding RNAs in disease (Rayner) |
Olsen, Elena | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Olsen, Inge Christoffer | Clinical Trials Research Group [Ruegg] ; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Olsen, Jan-Åge | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Olsen, Ketil Berg | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] ; Functional Neurosurgery Group |
Olsen, Maria Belland | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Olsen, Paul Anders Sletten | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Olsen, Petter Angell | Cell Signalling Research Group [Krauss] |
Olsen, Thomas | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] ; Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse |
Olsen, Øyvind Edon | Paed & Adolesc Med |
Olsrud, Ellen Regine | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] |
Olstad, Ole Kristoffer | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] ; Microarray Core Facility |
Olweus, Johanna | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
O'Mahony, Denise | Cancer Genome Variation [Kristensen] |
Ommundsen, Nina | Frailty and cancer [Rostoft] |
Opdahl, Anders | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] ; Cardiology |
Opdahl, Fredrik Lossius | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Opdahl, Helge | Dept of Acute Medicine |
Opdal, Mimi Stokke | Therapeutic Drug Monitoring [Mimi S. Opdal] |
Opdal, Siri Hauge | Experimental Forensic Medicine [Stray-Pedersen] ; Forensic Pathology |
Opheim, Christina | Vascular Anomalies Research Group [Charles Filip] |
Opheim, Randi | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Opperud, Vigdis Sandviken | Long Term Studies |
Opstad, Trine Baur | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Ording Muller, Lil-Sofie | Pediatric Radiation |
Orlien, Stian Magnus Staurung | Tropical |
Ormel, Lasse | Oslo Stroke Clinical Research Group [Else Charlotte Sandset] |
Ormaasen, Vidar | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] ; Dept of Infectious Diseases |
Orrem, Hilde Elisabeth Lang | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Orrem, Hilde Lang | Emergency & Critical Care |
Osadebey, Michael | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Osberg, Silje | Experimental Forensic Medicine [Stray-Pedersen] |
Osete, Jordi Requena | Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group [Djurovic] |
Osmundsen, Siw Lilly | Prehospital Research Group |
Osnes, Kåre | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Osnes, Terje Andreas | HPV in Head and Neck [Harriet Akre] |
Otterdal, Kari | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] ; Inflammatory Biomarkers in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease |
Otterlei Fjørtoft, Marit | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Otterstad, Marianne | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] ; Hepatology research group |
Ottesen, Akiah Astral | Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Ottestad, Anine | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] |
Ottestad, Anine | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Ottestad, Lars | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Ottosson, Fredrik | Prostate cancer research group [Berge] |
Ougland, Rune | Laboratory for Dynamic Gene regulation [Klungland] |
Oulkadi, Iatimad Timet | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Owe, Katrine Mari | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Paccione, Charles Ethan | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Pacheco, André Pekkola | Psychotherapy for adults [Røssberg] |
Pahnke, Jens | Translational Neurodegeneration Research & Neuropathology [Pahnke] |
Palashati, Heyilimu | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Palm, Øyvind | Rheumatology, dermatology and infectious diseases |
Palmero, Emily T. | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Palmero, Sheryl | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] ; Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Palomar, Rafael | Medical Robotics, visualisation and navigation [Elle] |
Panagopoulos, Ioannis | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Panagopoulos, Ioannis | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics; Neuro-oncology |
Panda, Swarupa | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Pandey, Deo Prakash | Targeting tumors of central nervous system [Pandey] |
Pandya, Abhilash D. | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Pankiv, Serhiy | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Parmar, Naveen | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] |
Parnemann, Anne Gro | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Pasetto, Anna | Centre for Advanced Cell Therapy (ACT) |
Patrons, Corentin LeSaos | Laboratory of Immunoregulation and T Cell Biology [Johanne T. Jacobsen] |
Paulsen, Else Quist | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Paulsen, Torbjørn | Gynecological Oncology [Lindemann] |
Paulsen, Vemund | Clinical studies PSC; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Paus, Benedicte | Phenotype and Genotype in Rare Disorders (Paus) |
Pedersen, Geir | Personality Disorders Research Units [E. H. Kvarstein] |
Pedersen, Linda Margareth | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] ; Molecular and immunological MS studies |
Pedersen, Sigrid | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] ; Complex Epilepsy Research Group |
Pedersen, Sigve Lans | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Pekrun, Eva Maria | Pediatric Radiation |
Peng, Qian | Photodynamic Therapy and Photodetection [Q. Peng] ; Immunomodulation and Targeted Therapies |
Pepaj, Milaim | Biochemical endocrinology and metabolism research group [Thorsby] |
Perez, Ana | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Perez, Sonia Peña | Laboratory for Dynamic Gene regulation [Klungland] ; Genome instability in disease and ageing |
Pérez Jiménez, María | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Persett, Per Sverre | Dept of Acute Medicine |
Persiconi, Irene | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Persson, Karin | Dementia research group [Knapskog] |
Pesonen, Henri | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Pesonen, Maiju | Clinical Trials Research Group [Ruegg] ; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Peter, Jessin Janice James | Fungal and Bacterial Infections Research Group [Bjørnholt] |
Petosic, Antonija | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Petrikonyte, Patricija | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Petrovich, Polina | Prehospital Research Group |
Petrovski, Goran | Centre for Eye Research; Dept of Ophthalmology |
Pettersen, Alf-Åge R. | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Pettersen, Frank Olav | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Pettersen, Fred Johan | Bioimpedance |
Pettersen, Ina Katrine Nitschke | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Pettersen, Rolf Dagfinn | Paed & Adolesc Med |
Pettersen, Silje | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Pettersen, Siren | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] |
Pettersen, Solveig | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Pharo, Heidi | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Phuyal, Santosh | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Piehler, Armin P. | Biochemical endocrinology and metabolism research group [Thorsby] |
Pihlstrøm, Lasse | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Pinto, Rita | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Pischke, Søren Erik | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Piskláková, Barbora | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] |
Pitman, Kathinka | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Pladsen, Arne Valebjørg | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Po, Yongfang | Institute for Cancer Research Administration |
Ponzi, Erica | Clinical Trials Research Group [Ruegg] ; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Pope, Marita Knudsen | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Popperud, Trine Haug | Clinical Studies of Movement Disorders |
Popperud, Trine Haug | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Pradhan, Manohar | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Prasmickaite, Lina | Tumor-stroma interactions in metastasis and therapy [Prasmickaite] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Prebensen, Christian Haugland | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Presterud, Rebecca | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Pretorius, Mikkel | Thyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Sara Hammerstad] ; Section of Endocrinology |
Pripp, Are Hugo | Methodological advising [Are Hugo Pripp] ; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Przybyła, Weronika | Department of Pediatric Research; Molecular biology of oxidative stress and cancer |
Puhr, Anita | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Pust, Sascha | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Cytokinesis in development and carcinogenesis (Haglund) |
Paap, Muirne Caitlin Shonagh | Personality Disorders Research Units [E. H. Kvarstein] |
Qadir, Hemin Ali | Wireless Sensor Network Research Group [Balasingham] |
Qiao, Shuo-Wang | Molecular Immunology by Receptor and Transcriptomics Analysis [Qiao] ; Functional Immunogenetics |
Qvigstad, Christian | Haemostasis and Bleeding Disorders [Holme] |
Qvigstad, Eirik | Cardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen] |
Qvigstad, Elisabeth | Diabetes 2; Thyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group |
Qvigstad, Erik | Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
Qvigstad, Lars Fredrik | Prostate cancer research group [Berge] |
Radulovic, Maja | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Mechanisms and importance of lysosome repair |
Raiborg, Camilla | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Protein dynamics in tumor suppressor pathways (Raiborg) |
Raju, Sajan | The Norwegian PSC Research Center; Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders |
Rakaee, Mehrdad | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] |
Ráki, Melinda | Functional Immunogenetics [Sollid] |
Ramadan, Donia Jamal | HLA and Disease [Viken] ; Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Ramberg, Christina | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Ramberg, Håkon | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Ramberg, Oda Helgesen | Experimental Hepatology [Melum] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Ramm-Pettersen, Jon | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Ramsli, Mona-Lovise Talaro | Fibrotic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases [Hoffmann-Vold] |
Randsborg, Vibeke Ely | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Ranheim, Trine | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Ranneberg-Nilsen, Toril | Virology Research Group [Kaarbø] |
Ranum, Helene Wold | Dept. of Microbiology; Institute for Cancer Research Administration |
Rapp, Emma | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] |
Rashidi, Azita | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Rasmussen, Anders | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Rasmussen, Anne-Marie | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Rasmussen, Henrik | Experimental Hepatology [Melum] |
Rasmussen, Magnhild | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Rasmussen, Mari S. | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Rasmussen, Tilde Harridsleff | Treatment and vaccine studies in MS [Gro O. Nygaard] |
Rasmussen-Hellebust, Emil | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Ratajczak-Tretel, Barbara | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Ratajska, Aleksandra | Phenotype and Genotype in Rare Disorders (Paus) |
Ratnaiyah, Sumangaladevi | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Rayner, Simon | Computational Biology: The role of non-coding RNAs in disease (Rayner) |
Reas, Deborah Lynn | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Rehbinder, Eva Maria | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Rehn, Marius | Prehospital Research Group |
Reiersen, Herald | Research Director's Office |
Reigstad, Ole | Hand [Røkkum] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Reikvam, Dag Henrik | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Reims, Henrik M. | Pancreatic pathology research group [Verbeke] |
Rein, Idun Dale | Department of Core Facilities; Lymphoma Biology |
Rein, Kjell Arne | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Reine, Elizabeth | Perioperative anaesthesiology [Lenz] ; Symptoms and acute and critical illness |
Reine, Trine Marita | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Reiner, Andrew Henry | Methodological advising [Are Hugo Pripp] ; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Reinertsen, Kristin Valborg | Breast Oncology |
Reinertsen, Vilde | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Reinholt, Finn P. | Inflammation and Vascular Biology [Haraldsen] |
Reis, José G. T. | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Reiseter, Tor | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Reisæter, Anna Varberg | Kidney Transplant Research Group |
Reitehaug, Karine | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Reith, Albrecht | Photodynamic Therapy and Photodetection [Q. Peng] |
Reme, Silje Endresen | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Remen, Nora | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Remme, Espen W. | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Reponen, Elina Johanna | Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Reppe, Sjur | Regenerative medicine [Utheim] ; Eye innovation |
Retterstøl, Kjetil | Lipid research group [Asprusten] |
Retterstøl, Lars Jørgen | Cellular Cholesterol Metabolism [Thea Bismo Strøm] |
Reusch, Mathias | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Reyes, Yasmin Donnabel | Renal research group |
Riaz, Tahira | Unit for Genome Dynamics [Tønjum] |
Ribe, Margareth Pleym | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] ; Myocardial function and cardiac imaging |
Ribic, Darijan | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] ; Interventional Cardiology |
Richter, Grit | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Riis, Margit Leonie Hesla | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Riis, Margit Leonie Hesla | Breast & Endocrine Surgery |
Riis, Margit Leoni Hesla | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Riise, Jon | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Riisnæs, Mathilde | Bacterial Defense Systems and Antimicrobial Resistance Group [Booth and Helgesen] |
Rimstad, Ivan J. | Perioperative anaesthesiology [Lenz] |
Ringen, Amund Hovengen | Traumatology |
Ringen, Petter Andreas | Div. of Mental Health & Addiction |
Ringstad, Geir Andre | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] ; Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy |
Rinholm, Johanne Egge | Oligodendrocytes in health and disease [Rinholm] |
Risberg, May Arna | Ostearthritis [Nordsletten] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Risdal, Mona | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Rise, Henning Hoel | Imaging studies of MS |
Risnes, Ivar | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Risnes, Louise Fremgaard | Department of Immunology |
Risstad, Hilde | Morbid obesity [Tom Mala] |
Risum, Kristine | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Rizvi, Syed Ali Mujtaba | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Rizvi, Syed Mohammad Husain | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Roald, Borghild | Department of Pathology |
Roaldset, John Olav | Forensic Psychiatry [Friestad] |
Robertsen, Annette | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Robinson, Nina-Cathrin | Department of Pediatric Research |
Robsahm, Trude Eid | Cancer Epidemiology Research Group [Reza Ghiasvand] |
Rodgers, Sam | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Rodrigues, Ana Margarida Dantas de Brito | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Rodriguez, Jezabel Rivero | Thoracic imaging and intervention [Aaløkken] |
Rodríguez, Patricia González | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Rofstad, Einar K. | Radiation Biology |
Rogg, Lotte Victoria | Lung Cancer; Urological oncology |
Rognes, Torbjørn | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Rognli, Eline Borger | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Rognli, Sylvia | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Rognstad, Stine | Therapeutic Drug Monitoring [Mimi S. Opdal] |
Rognum, Torleiv Ole | Experimental Forensic Medicine [Stray-Pedersen] |
Rojahn, Astrid Elisabeth | Infection and immunology [Landsverk] |
Rokkones, Erik | Gynecological Oncology [Lindemann] ; Dominguez-Valentin project group |
Rolfsen, Mads Peder | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Rolid, Katrine | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] |
Rollag, Halvor | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] |
Rolseth, Veslemøy | Forensic age assessment research group [Rolseth] ; Forensic Pathology |
Romaine, Andreas | Molecular cardiology [Attramadal] |
Roman, Giacomo | Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer [Stavik] |
Romero, Silvana | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Exosomes and Prostate Cancer (Llorente) |
Romero-Becerra, Rafael | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Romm, Kristin Lie | Service innovation and digitalization in mental health care service [Kristin Lie Romm] |
Romskaug, Rita | Drug use in the elderly [Romskaug] |
Romundstad, Luis Georg | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] ; Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group |
Rootwelt, Helge | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] |
Rootwelt, Terje | Paed & Adolesc Med |
Rootwelt-Norberg, Christine | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Rootwelt-Revheim, Mona-Elisabeth | MR guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound treatment [Einar Hopp] ; Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy |
Roscher, Ingrid | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Rosenbergova, Zuzana | Molecular cardiology [Attramadal] |
Rossebø, Anne B. | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Rosseland, Leiv Arne | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Rosselle, Léa | Cellular therapy |
Rostoft, Siri | Frailty and cancer [Rostoft] |
Rostrup, Morten | Dept of Acute Medicine |
Rosvold, Marie Elise Engkvist | Epigenomics of Breast Cancer [Fleischer] ; Computational Systems Medicine |
Rotvold, Kamilla | Genomic Technology Group [Gilfillan] |
Rowe, Alexander D. | Paed & Adolesc Med |
Roy, Ansar Ahmad | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Rozario, Diana Denzil | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Rud, Erik | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] ; Testicular Cancer Research Group |
Rueegg, Corina Silvia | Clinical Trials Research Group [Ruegg] ; Cancer Epidemiology Research Group; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Russell, Kristoffer | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] ; Interventional Cardiology |
Russnes, Hege Elisabeth Giercksky | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Russnes, Kjell Magne | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] |
Rustad, Even Holth | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Rusten, Tor Erik | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] ; Cellular membrane dynamics |
Rustøen, Tone | Symptoms and acute and critical illness [Rustøen] |
Ruud, Ellen | INTERPRET |
Ryalen, Pål Christie | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Ryan, Elin | Protonics [Theodossiou] |
Ryan, Stephen James | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Rydenfelt, Kristina Elisabeth | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Ryder, Truls | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Rydland, Anne | Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Rydning, Pål Nicolay Fougner | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Rydning, Siri Lynne | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] |
Rye, Inga Hansine | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Ryg, Una | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Rygg, Silje-Emilie Soltvedt | Oslo Delirium Research Group [Neerland] |
Rykkelid, Anne Marit | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Rypdal, Karoline Bjarnesdatter | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Ræder, Hanna | Diet and Oxidative Stress [Blomhoff] |
Ræder, Johan C. | Perioperative anaesthesiology [Lenz] |
Ræder, Synnøve Brandt | Bacterial Defense Systems and Antimicrobial Resistance Group [Booth and Helgesen] |
Rø, Øyvind | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Röcklinger, Marie Christin | Experimental Hepatology [Melum] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Rødal, Jan | Medical Physics |
Rødevand, Linn Nilsen | Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Rødningen, Olaug K. | Medical Genetics |
Rødseth, Anna Vik | Functional Immunogenetics [Sollid] |
Rødvik, Arne K. | Cochlear implant, hearing and ear surgery [Marte Myhrum] |
Røe, Cecilie | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] ; Rehabilitation after trauma |
Röhrl, Stephan M. | Orthopaedic Surgery; Abdominal Radiology |
Røise, Olav | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Røkeness, Sandra | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] |
Røkkum, Magne | Hand [Røkkum] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Rønneberg, Jørgen Dybevik | The Norwegian PSC Research Center; Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders |
Rønneberg, Karen | The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Rønnestad, Arild | Clinical neonatal medicine and epidemiology [Rønnestad] ; Neonatal Intensive Care |
Rønning, Benedicte | Renal research group |
Rønning, Pål | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] ; Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group |
Rønningen, Helene | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Røsok, Bård Ingvald | Hepatobiliary malignancies |
Røssberg, Jan Ivar | Psychotherapy for adults [Røssberg] |
Røssevold, Andreas Hagen | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] ; Department of Clinical Cancer Research; Breast Oncology |
Røstad, Kjerstin | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Røsvik, Janne | Dept of Geriatric Medicine |
Røysland, Knut Aksel | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Raabe, Tine T. Henriksen | Protonics [Theodossiou] |
Raad, Line Samuelsen | Department of Pediatric Research |
Raaf, Nora | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Saberniak, Jørg | Myocardial function and cardiac imaging [Edvardsen] |
Saeedi, Haleh | Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Sagberg, Ingunn | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Sagedal, Solbjørg | Renal research group |
Sagen, Ellen Lund | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Saidu, Nathaniel Edward Bennett | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Sakinis, Tomas | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] |
Salte, Odd Bjørn | Morbid obesity [Tom Mala] |
Salvador, Cathrin Lytomt | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] |
Salvadori, Gabriela | Wireless Sensor Network Research Group [Balasingham] |
Samarakoon, Pubudu Saneth | Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Sambamoorthy, Gayathri | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Samrend, Alan | Genetics of rare congenital brain diseases [Frengen] |
Sandanger, Øystein S. | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Sandanger, Øystein S. | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Sandberg, Cecilie Jonsgar | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Sandberg, Mårten | Prehospital Research Group |
Sandbæk, Gunnar | Vascular diagnostics and intervention [Ylva Haig] ; Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Sande, Nina Krafft | Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group [Aga] |
Sandnes, Dagny Lise | Pharmacology |
Sandset, Else Charlotte | Oslo Stroke Clinical Research Group [Else Charlotte Sandset] |
Sandset, Per Morten | Dept. of Haematology; Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer |
Sandstad, Olav | Gastroenterology |
Sandvig, Kirsten | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Sandås, Elise Mørk | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] |
Sanner, Helga | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Sannes, Mette | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Santervas, Leonor Roa | Drug use in the elderly [Romskaug] |
Sántha, Petra | Targeting tumors of central nervous system [Pandey] |
Sarna, Vikas Kumar | Hepatology research group [Midgard] ; Gastroenterology |
Sarvari, Sebastian Imre | Myocardial function and cardiac imaging [Edvardsen] ; Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death |
Sathesan, Anikka | Functional Genomics in Coagulation and Cancer [Nina Iversen] |
Saugstad, Ola Didrik | Department of Pediatric Research |
Saunders, Carina Madelen | ORAACLE |
Sauter, Axel R. | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Saxhaug, Cathrine | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] ; Melanoma; Neuro-oncology |
Sayed, Shabana | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Scarth, Morgan | The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group [Bjørnebekk] ; RusForsk |
Schalit, Itai | Clinical and experimental cardiovascular monitoring [Per S. Halvorsen] |
Schanke, Ylva | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Scheirlynck, Esther | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] ; Myocardial function and cardiac imaging |
Schellhorn, Till | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] ; Abdominal Radiology |
Scherer, Eveline | Cellular therapy |
Schink, Kay Oliver | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Phosphoinositide control of early endocytic trafficking (Schink); Advanced Light Microscopy Montebello |
Schistad, Ellina Iordanova | Dept of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation |
Schjesvold, Fredrik Hellem | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Schjølberg, Aasa | Pancreatic pathology research group [Verbeke] |
Schjørlien, Therese | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Schlichting, Ellen | Breast & Endocrine Surgery; Breast Oncology |
Schneditz, Georg | The Norwegian PSC Research Center; Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders |
Scholz, Hanne | Experimental cell transplantation [Scholz] |
Schou-Bredal, Inger | Breast & Endocrine Surgery |
Schreiner, Thomas | Section of Endocrinology |
Schrumpf, Elisabeth | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] ; Experimental Hepatology |
Schrumpf, Erik | Clinical studies PSC |
Schrøder-Aasen, Anne Marte | Vascular diagnostics and intervention [Ylva Haig] |
Schultz, Alexander | Prostate cancer research group [Berge] |
Schultz, Nina Haagenrud | Haemostasis and Bleeding Disorders [Holme] ; Vascular Anomalies Research Group |
Schultz, Sebastian W. | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Advanced Electron Microscopy Montebello |
Schulz, Anselm | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] ; Pediatric Radiation; Vascular diagnostics and intervention; Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy |
Schulze, Daniel Gregor | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Scott, Helge | Inflammation and Vascular Biology [Haraldsen] |
Sederevičius, Donatas | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Seeberg, Kathrine A. | Gastroenterology |
Seem, Egil | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Seferowicz, Maria | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] |
Segers, Filip M. | Innate lymphocyte group [Inngjerdingen] |
Seierstad, Andreas | Psychotherapy for adults [Røssberg] |
Seierstad, Therese | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Seim, Gunnhild | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Seip, Kotryna | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo); Tumor-stroma interactions in metastasis and therapy |
Seipajærvi, Anne-Lise | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Sejersted, Ole Mathias | Inst for Experimental Medical Research |
Sejersted, Yngve | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Seland, Lene | Thyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Sara Hammerstad] |
Selbo, Pål Kristian | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Selboe, Silje | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Selbæk, Geir | Dept of Geriatric Medicine |
Seljeflot, Ingebjørg | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Seljelid, Berit | Department of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes] |
Sellevold, Simen | Orthopaedic oncology [Thorkildsen] |
Selmer, Kaja K. | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] ; Complex Epilepsy Research Group |
Selmer, Lisa Marie | Myocardial function and cardiac imaging [Edvardsen] |
Selvarajah, Mughilan | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Exosomes and Prostate Cancer (Llorente); Nanoparticles in Biomedicine: In vitro studies (Iversen) |
Serina Gilje Grøsvik, Anne | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Sert, Bilal | Gynecological Oncology [Lindemann] |
Severinsen, Erik | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Shahmohammadi, Saeedeh | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Shariatnasery, Maria | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Sharma, Ankush | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Shehata, Ola | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Sheng, Ying | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Shetelig, Christian | Cardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen] |
Shoji, Kayoko | Computational Biology: The role of non-coding RNAs in disease (Rayner) |
Siddique, Khadeeja | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Siewers, Vibeke | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Siewers, Vibeke | Inger Marie Skogseid’s Project Group [Skogseid] |
Sike, Ádám | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Sikkeland, Liv Ingunn Bjoner | Department of Respiratory Medicine |
Siksjø, Monica | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Silwal-Pandit, Laxmi | Department of Pathology |
Simensen, Julia Elisabeth | Medical Genetics |
Simensen, Randi | Prehospital Research Group |
Simensen, Vetle | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Simonsen, Anne Gjøen | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Simonsen, Carmen | Service innovation and digitalization in mental health care service [Kristin Lie Romm] |
Simonsen, Cecilia Smith | Multiple Sclerosis |
Simonsen, Guro Reyes | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Singh, Amrinder | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Singh, Rohit | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Singh, Sachin | Proteomics Core Facility |
Singh, Sakshi | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Singleton, Amanda | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Molecular dynamics during T cell activation |
Singstad, Øyvind | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Sioud, Mouldy | Immunomodulation and Targeted Therapies [Sioud] |
Sitek, Jan Cezary | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Sitras, Vasileios | Maternal-fetal interactions [Michelsen] |
Sivanesan, Shivanthe | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Sivertsen, Magne Sand | Centre for Eye Research; Dept of Ophthalmology |
Sjo, Ole Helmer | Colorectal surgery |
Sjue, Liv | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Sjøen, Gunnar Helge | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Sjåheim, Tone | Department of Respiratory Medicine |
Sjåmo, Maren Baarsrud | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Sjaastad, Ivar | Inst for Experimental Medical Research |
Skaga, Erlend | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Skaga, Nils Oddvar | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Skagen, Karolina Ryeng | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] ; Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases |
Skalleberg, Jakob | HPV in Head and Neck [Harriet Akre] ; Cochlear implant, hearing and ear surgery |
Skanthamany, Sujeevini | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Skarbø, Anne-Britt | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Skari, Hans | Pediatric surgery |
Skarpen, Ellen | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Department of Core Facilities; Advanced Light Microscopy Montebello |
Skattebøl, Lars | Multiple Sclerosis; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS; Imaging studies of MS |
Skattør, Thor Håkon | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] ; Neuroimaging Research Group; The Cerebrovascular Research Group |
Skauby, Ragnhild | Precision Pharmacotherapy [Vethe] |
Skeie, Hilde Solesvik | CT Research and Technology [Kristin Jensen] |
Skeie, Linda Gail | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Skeie, Marianne | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] ; Tumor Immunology group |
Skeie-Jensen, Tone | Gynecological Oncology [Lindemann] |
Skingen, Vilde Eide | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Skinningsrud, Beate | Medical Genetics |
Skinningsrud, Bendik | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Skipar, Kjersti | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Skjeie, Holgeir | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Skjelland, Mona | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] ; Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases |
Skjerven, Håvard Ove | Department of Pediatric Research; ORAACLE |
Skjerven Strømnes, Nora | Functional Oncology [Kryeziu] ; Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Skjetne, Alexander Myhr | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Skjølsvik, Eystein | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] ; Myocardial function and cardiac imaging |
Skjønsberg, Gudbrand | Breast & Endocrine Surgery |
Skjønsberg, Ole Henning | Dept of Pulmonary Diseases |
Skodje, Gry Irene | Dept. Clinical Service |
Skodjereite, Jannicke | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Skogan, Annette Holth | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Skoge, Lisbeth J. | Cellular therapy |
Skoge, Mari | Service innovation and digitalization in mental health care service [Kristin Lie Romm] |
Skogen, Karoline | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] ; Abdominal Radiology; MRI Research & Technology |
Skogseid, Inger Marie | Inger Marie Skogseid’s Project Group [Skogseid] |
Skogstad, Laila | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] |
Skogvold, Hanne Bendiksen | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] ; Forensic Pathology |
Skonnord, Trygve | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Skotheim, Rolf I. | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim); Testicular Cancer Research Group |
Skotland, Tore | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Skourti, Eleni | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo); Tumor-stroma interactions in metastasis and therapy |
Skram, Marius Kurås | ORAACLE |
Skrede, Martina Landschoof | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Skrede, Ole-Johan | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Skrivarhaug, Torild | Diabetes |
Skraastad, Øyvind | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Skuggen, Linda Ellevog | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] |
Skulberg, Arne Kristian | Prehospital Research Group |
Skullerud, Kristin H. | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Skulstad, Helge | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] ; Cardiology |
Skurtveit, Svetlana | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Skytioti, Maria | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Skøyeneie, Sigrid Cecilie | Research group for Patient Reported Outcomes and Health Economy |
Skålhegg, Bjørn Steen | Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer [Kure] |
Skålhegg, Tore | Prehospital Research Group |
Skaane, Per | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Skånland, Sigrid S. | Functional precision medicine for haematological cancers [Skånland] ; Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation |
Skårdal, Rita | Cardiology |
Skåttun, Irmelin Vilde | Radiation Biology and DNA Damage Signaling (Syljuåsen) |
Slagsvold, Carl-Erik | Dept of Vascular Surgery |
Sletten, Ida | Vascular Anomalies Research Group [Charles Filip] |
Sletten, Marit | Functional Genomics in Coagulation and Cancer [Nina Iversen] |
Sletten, Ole Jakob | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Slørdahl, Kathinka Schmidt | Lung Cancer |
Smeby, Jørgen | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Smebye, Kristofer Lislerud | Dementia research group [Knapskog] |
Smedman, Tor Magnus | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Smedsland, Solveig Katrine | Breast Oncology |
Smedsrud, Marit Kristine | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] ; PRECISE |
Smedsrud, Thea | Department of Core Facilities |
Smedsrud, Thea C. | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] |
Smeland, Anja Hetland | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Smeland, Erlend Bremertun | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] ; Research Director's Office |
Smeland, Knut Halvor Bjøro | Department of Clinical Cancer Research; Section for lymphoma and medicine |
Smeland, Olav Bjerkehagen | Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Smeland, Sigbjørn | Division of Cancer Medicine |
Smevik, Bjarne | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Smiseth, Otto A. | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Smith, Camilla | Cardiology |
Smolkova, Barbora | Department of Pediatric Research |
Sogn, Carl Johan | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Sohail, Isma | The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Solbakken, Arne M. | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Solberg, Lene Bergendal | Orthopaedic Surgery; Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma |
Solberg, Nina Therese | Cell Signalling Research Group [Krauss] |
Solberg, Ole Geir | Interventional Cardiology [Øyvind Lie] |
Solberg, Rønnaug | Department of Pediatric Research; Molecular biology of oxidative stress and cancer |
Solberg, Siri Holm | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Solberg, Steinar | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery; Lung Cancer |
Solberg Nes, Lise | Department of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes] |
Solem, Ingrid Konstanse Ledel | Department of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes] |
Solevåg, Anne Lee | Neonatal Intensive Care |
Solfjell, Linda I. | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] ; Inflammation and Vascular Biology |
Solhaug, Inger Camilla | Dept of Gastroenterology |
Solheim, Kaja | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Solheim, Olesya | Gynecological Oncology [Lindemann] |
Solheim, Svein | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Solli, Elise | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Sollid, Ludvig M. | Functional Immunogenetics [Sollid] |
Sollid, Stephen J. M. | Prehospital Research Group |
Solvik-Olsen, Tone | Prehospital Research Group |
Solvoll, Ingjerd | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] |
Sonnenberg, Markus Bækkedal | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Sorteberg, Angelika Gabriele | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] ; Pediatric Neurosurgery |
Sorteberg, Wilhelm | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Sowa, Piotr | Multiple Sclerosis; Imaging studies of MS; Neuroimaging Research Group; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS |
Spasevska, Ivana | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Sprauten, Mette | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Spustova, Karolina | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Stabell, Siri Hansen | Inflammation and Vascular Biology [Haraldsen] |
Stabell, Siri Hansen | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] |
Stadheim, Barbro Fossøy | Phenotype and Genotype in Rare Disorders (Paus) |
Stadheim, Maria | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Staff, Anne Cathrine | RESearch Centre for Obstetrics and Gynaecology (RESCOG) [Annetine Staff] |
Stafseth, Siv K. | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] |
Stalheim, Astrid Melteig | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Stamnæs, Jorunn | Proteomics Core Facility; Functional Immunogenetics |
Stang, Espen | Division of Cancer Medicine |
Stang, Nora Kathinka | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Stangeland, Helle | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Stavik, Benedicte | Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer [Stavik] |
Stavrinou, Maria L. | Theragnostic Imaging [Caroline Stokke] |
Stavseth, Marianne Riksheim | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Stedal, Kristin | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Steen, Chloé Beate | Cancer Biology in Silico [Chloe B. Steen] ; Cancer Genome Variation; Lymphoma Biology |
Steen, Ivar | CT Research and Technology [Kristin Jensen] |
Steen, Nils Eiel | Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Steen, Harald | Biomechanics Laboratory [Steen] ; Orthopaedic Surgery; Pediatric Orthopaedics |
Steffensen, Anne Katrine | Fungal and Bacterial Infections Research Group [Bjørnholt] |
Steineger, Johan Edvard | HPV in Head and Neck [Harriet Akre] |
Steinfeldt-Reisse, Claudius Henrich | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Steinsland, Synne | Neurobiology [Inger Lise Bogen] |
Stenehjem, Aud Eldrid | Renal research group |
Stenehjem, Jo S. | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Stenersen, Jakob Mørkved | Genetics Group (Lothe); Functional Oncology |
Stenmark, Harald | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Advanced Light Microscopy Montebello; Institute for Cancer Research |
Stensheim, Hanne | Palliative treatment |
Stensland, Maria Ekman | Proteomics Core Facility; Cell Signalling Networks in Innate Immunity |
Stensland, Synne Øien | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Stensrud, Kjetil Juul | Pediatric surgery |
Stenstad, Elise Helene | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Stensvold, Einar | Dept of Paediatric Medicine; Pediatric Neurosurgery |
Stern, Nadide Mutlukoca | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Stigum, Vetle Malmer | Genomic Technology Group [Gilfillan] |
Stiksrud, Birgitte | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Stiris, Morten | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Stiris, Tom | NeoCHIBS; Neonatal Intensive Care |
Stjernberg, Mi | Perioperative anaesthesiology [Lenz] |
Stokke, Caroline | Theragnostic Imaging [Caroline Stokke] ; Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy |
Stokke, Thomas Muri | Myocardial function and cardiac imaging [Edvardsen] |
Stokke, Trond | Radiation Biology |
Stokke, Mathis Korseberg | Translational arrhythmology and electrophysiology [Mathis K. Stokke] ; Inst for Experimental Medical Research; Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death |
Stokmo, Henning Langen | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] ; Abdominal Radiology |
Stoltenberg, Catharina | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Stonyte, Vilte | Regulation of translation in cell cycle and stress [Grallert] |
Storheim, Kjersti | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Stormorken, Astrid T. | Research Group Inherited Cancer [Grindedal] |
Storsten, Petter | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Storås, Anne Holck | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] |
Storås, Tryggve Holck | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Strahm, Yvan | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Strand, Dag Helge | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] |
Strand, Elin Bolle | Department of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes] |
Strand, Maren Cecilie | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] |
Strand, Mari Elen | Genetics of rare congenital brain diseases [Frengen] |
Strand-Amundsen, Runar James | Technology and Innovation [Høgetveit] ; Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies |
Strandberg, Sindre Tobias | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Strande, Vibeke | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Stranger, Ane | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Stray, August Vincent | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Stray-Aspholm, Tønnes | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Stray-Pedersen, Arne | Experimental Forensic Medicine [Stray-Pedersen] |
Stray-Pedersen, Asbjørg | Paed & Adolesc Med |
Strøm, Ellen Charlotte | Lipid research group [Asprusten] |
Strøm, Erik Heyerdahl | Department of Pathology |
Strøm, Thea Bismo | Cellular Cholesterol Metabolism [Thea Bismo Strøm] |
Strømme, Petter | NervOUS; Genetics of rare congenital brain diseases |
Strømmen Martinsen, Karoline | Cellular therapy |
Strømsøe, Knut | Biomechanics Laboratory [Steen] |
Stubhaug, Audun | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Stuge, Britt | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Stugaard, Marie | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Stuksrud, Silje | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Stær-Jensen, Henrik | Emergency & Critical Care |
Stø, Kristine | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Støen, Mari | Unit for Genome Dynamics [Tønjum] |
Støer, Nathalie C. | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Støme, Linn Nathalie | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Støme, Linn Nathalie | Service innovation and digitalization in mental health care service [Kristin Lie Romm] |
Størdal, Ketil | Department of Pediatric Research |
Størvold, Gro Leite | Inst for Experimental Medical Research |
Stålberg, Stina Margrethe | Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer [Kure] ; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Sudworth, Amanda | Innate lymphocyte group [Inngjerdingen] |
Suganthan, Rajikala | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] |
Sullivan, Gareth J. | Department of Pediatric Research; Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer |
Sun, Jinchang | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] |
Sunde, Kjetil | Brain-Heart Research Group [Sunde] |
Sundelius, Kristin | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Sundgot-Borgen, Christine | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Sundhagen, Jon Otto | Dept of Vascular Surgery |
Sundlisæter, Eirik | Inflammation and Vascular Biology [Haraldsen] |
Sundnes, Olav | Dermatology Research Group [Sundnes] ; Inflammation and Vascular Biology |
Sundset, Arve | Department of Respiratory Medicine |
Sundseth, Jarle | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Sundvold, Hilde | Cellular Cholesterol Metabolism [Thea Bismo Strøm] |
Suther, Kathrine Rydén | Pediatric Radiation |
Svalheim, Sigrid | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Sveberg, Line | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Sveen, Anita | Computational Oncology [Sveen] |
Sveen, Kari Anne | Preventive Cardiology |
Sveen, Unni | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Svendsen, Edel Jannecke | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Svendsen, Karianne | Lipid research group [Asprusten] |
Svendsen, Mette | Preventive Cardiology |
Svendsen, Torleiv | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Svennevig, Jan Ludvig | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery; Lung Cancer |
Svensen, Lars | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Svensson, Siri Fløgstad | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Svensøy, Johannes Nordsteien | Prehospital Research Group |
Sverre, Elise | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Swaminathan, Priyanka | Regulation of translation in cell cycle and stress [Grallert] |
Switlyk, Marta Daniela | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] ; Neuro-oncology |
Syljuåsen, Randi Gussgard | Radiation Biology and DNA Damage Signaling (Syljuåsen) |
Sylte Hammeren, Karin | Department of Pediatric Research |
Syversveen, Trygve | Abdominal transplantation imaging [Syversveen] |
Syvertsen, Rolf Anders | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Szabo, Attila | Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group [Djurovic] |
Szabo, Edina Krisztina | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Szczepanski, Tomasz Szymon | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Szodoray, Peter | B-Cell Receptor signaling Group (BCRSG) [Szodoray] |
Sæbø, Ingvill Pedersen | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] |
Sæter, Gunnar | Division of Cancer Medicine |
Sætersdal, Anna Barbro | Breast Oncology |
Sæther, Hanne | Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Sætre, Erik | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Sætre, Frank | Technology and Innovation [Høgetveit] |
Sævik, Marte | Clinical and experimental cardiovascular monitoring [Per S. Halvorsen] |
Søberg, Helene Lundgaard | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] ; Painful musculoskeletal conditions |
Søberg, Kristoffer | Phenotype and Genotype in Rare Disorders (Paus) |
Sødal, Hild Flatmark | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] ; Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma |
Sødal, Hild Flatmark | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Sølie, Jarle Rambo | CT Research and Technology [Kristin Jensen] |
Sømark, Jesper | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Sønderby, Ida Elken | Rare Genetic Variants in Neurodevelopment Disorders [Sønderby] ; Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group |
Sørensen, Ingvild Menes | Diabetes |
Sørensen, Kari | Symptoms and acute and critical illness [Rustøen] ; The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Sørensen, Vigdis | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Advanced Light Microscopy Montebello; Department of Core Facilities |
Sørlie, Anna | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Sørlie, Therese | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Søraas, Arne Vasli Lund | Genome and epigenome regulation in embryo development, ageing and disease [Dahl] ; Transfusion, Immunomodulation and Allergology (TRIAL) |
Søvik, Torgeir T. | Morbid obesity [Tom Mala] ; Esophagus and stomach |
Saatcioglu, Fahri | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Saatvedt, Kjell | Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery |
Tadele, Dagim | Computational Biology: The role of non-coding RNAs in disease (Rayner) |
Tafjord, Gunnar | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] |
Tahri, Jasmin | Vascular Anomalies Research Group [Charles Filip] |
Taksdal, Ingeborg | MSK radiology [Hellund] |
Tallaksen, Chantal M.E. | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] |
Tan, Manuela MX | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Tanbo, Tom Gunnar | Reproductive Medicine Group [Fedorcsak] |
Tandsæther, Maren Randi | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Tangen, Jorun | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Taraldsrud, Eli | Department of Immunology |
Taskén, Kjetil | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] ; Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) |
Taskén, Kristin Austlid | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Taubøll, Erik | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Taxt, Arne Michael | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] |
Taylor, Kristofer Gordon | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim); Cancer Informatics |
Tegn, Nicolai Kloumann | Invasive cardiology and intensive coronary care |
Teigen, Marianne | Cellular Cholesterol Metabolism [Thea Bismo Strøm] |
Tekpli, Xavier | Breast Cancer Heterogeneity and Oncoimmunology [Tekpli] ; Cancer Genome Variation |
Telet, Ali | Cellular therapy |
Tengesdal, Stig | Epidemiology and outcomes in rheumatic diseases [Sanner] |
Terjesen, Terje | Pediatric Orthopaedics [Horn] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Terrasi, Andrea | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Terrasi, Andrea | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] |
Tesgera, Obse Melkamu | Department of Pediatric Research; Molecular biology of oxidative stress and cancer |
Tesli, Martin Steen | Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Thadchanamoorthy, Janani | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Thapa, Suraj Bahadur | Div. of Mental Health & Addiction |
Tharmathas, Usha | The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Thaulow, Cecilie Hasselø | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] |
Thaulow, Erik | PRECISE |
Theodossiou, Theodossis Athanassios | Protonics [Theodossiou] |
Thielemann, Marit | Prehospital Research Group |
Thiis-Evensen, Espen | Neuroendocrine tumors |
Thomassen, Kristian S. | Pediatric Radiation |
Thomassen, Solveig Undheim | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Thomsen, Maria | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Thon, Kristian | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] |
Thorgersen, Ebbe Billmann | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Thorgersen, Jørn Klepp | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Thorkildsen, Evy Marie | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Thorkildsen, Joachim | Orthopaedic oncology [Thorkildsen] |
Thorsby, Per Medbøe | Biochemical endocrinology and metabolism research group [Thorsby] ; The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group; Thyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group |
Thorsen, Camilla | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Thorsen, Lene | Long Term Studies |
Thorud, Anne | Perioperative anaesthesiology [Lenz] |
Thune, Inger | Breast Oncology |
Thunold, Solfrid Maria | Therapy prediction in lung cancer [Haakensen] ; Translational studies on solid tumours; Lung Cancer |
Tinholt, Mari | Functional Genomics in Coagulation and Cancer [Nina Iversen] ; Coagulation Factors: Role in the Development of Thrombosis, Inflammation and Cancer |
Tisjø, Annebeth | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] |
Titov, Aleksei | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Tjelmeland, Ingvild Beathe Myrhaugen | Prehospital Research Group |
Tjernlund, Irene Urnes | Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group [Aga] |
Tjønnfjord, Geir E. | Dept. of Haematology; Haemostasis and Bleeding Disorders |
Tjønnfjord, Sara Kristina Viberg | Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders [Hov] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Tobin, Kari Anne | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Toft, Mathias | Molecular studies of Parkinson's disease [Toft] |
Tollisen, Anita | Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group [Aga] |
Tolsau, Mireia Franco | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Tomic, Oliver | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Tonby, Kristian | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Tonstad, Serena | Preventive Cardiology |
Torfoss, Dag | Dept. of Oncology |
Torgan, Torstein | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] |
Torgersen, Tone | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] |
Torgunrud, Annette | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Torjesen, Peter Abusdal | Biochemical endocrinology and metabolism research group [Thorsby] |
Torjussen, Tale Mæhre | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Torland, Lilly Anne | Breast Cancer Heterogeneity and Oncoimmunology [Tekpli] |
Tormodsrud, Vera Helene | CT Research and Technology [Kristin Jensen] |
Torp, Henrik Andreas | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] ; Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma; Pharmacology |
Torralba-Raga, Lamberto | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Toska, Karin | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Trachsel-Moncho, Laura Cristina | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Trageton, Marie | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Tranvåg, Oscar | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Treider, Martin Alavi | General abdominal surgery [Fasting] |
Trela, Bartek Maciej | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Trent, Pernille K. Bjerre | Gynecological Oncology [Lindemann] |
Tronstad, Christian | Bioimpedance |
Tropé, Claes Göran | Dept. of Oncology; Gynecological Oncology |
Try, Kirsti | Pediatric Radiation |
Tryggestad, Anne Merete | Cellular therapy |
Tryti, Annette | Headache and pain [Winsvold] |
Trøen, Gunhild | Department of Pathology |
Trøseid, Anne Marie Siebke | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Trøseid, Marius | Infectious immunology [Trøseid] |
Trøstheim, Martin | MRI Research & Technology [Emblem] |
Traaen, Gunn Marit | The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease [Broch] |
Tschamper, Merete Kristin Bustetun | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Tse Zhiong Hellesøy, Henrik | Cellular therapy |
Tulipan, Andreas | Functional and Molecular Imaging and Therapy [Eivor Hernes] |
Tungesvik, Helene Melsom | Jonny Hisdal's group [Hisdal] ; Dept of Vascular Surgery; The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group |
Tunold, Jon-Anders | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Turowski, Gitta | Department of Pathology |
Tuvnes, Frode Alexander | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Tveit, Kjell Magne | Dept. of Oncology; Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer |
Tveit, Lars Hansen | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Tveita, Anders Aune | Blood and Lymphoproliferative Diseases [Munthe] ; Cellular and Molecular Immunology |
Tveitstøl, Thomas | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Tverdal, Cathrine Buaas | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Tveter, Mats | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Tysdahl, Merete | The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Tysdahl, Merete Gunvor | Clinical studies PSC |
Tøien, Kirsti | Symptoms and acute and critical illness [Rustøen] ; Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma |
Tøllefsen, Ingvild M. | Cardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen] ; Dept of Acute Medicine |
Tømte, Mathilde | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Tønjum, Tone | Unit for Genome Dynamics [Tønjum] |
Tønjum, Tuva Catherine Koomey | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] ; Hepatology research group |
Tønne, Elin | Phenotype and Genotype in Rare Disorders (Paus); Pediatric Neurosurgery |
Tønnessen, Theis | Myocardial remodeling and reverse remodeling in pressure overload [Theis Tønnessen] ; Inst for Experimental Medical Research; Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory |
Tønnessen, Tor Inge | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Tønseth, Kim Alexander | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; Eye innovation |
Tørris, Christine | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] |
Tøraasen, Ingrid Høye | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Ueland, Thor | Inflammatory Biomarkers in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease [Ueland] ; Section of Endocrinology |
Ueland, Torill | Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Ulberg, Randi | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research Unit [Øvergaard] ; Psychotherapy for adults |
Uleberg, Oddvar | Anesthesiology and critical care research group - experimental and clinical studies [Tor Inge Tønnessen] |
Uleberg, Oddvar | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Ullern, Andreas | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] ; Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Ulvestad, Dag Anders | Personality Disorders Research Units [E. H. Kvarstein] |
Ulvin, Line Bédos | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] ; Research group for applied neurophysiology |
Ulvmoen, Aina | Department of Pediatric Research; Innate lymphocyte group; Pediatric Neurosurgery |
Umar, Muhammad | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Umu, Sinan Uğur | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] |
Underhaug, Katrine Aas | Department of Pediatric Research |
Undlien, Dag Erik | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Undseth, Christine | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Undseth, Ragnhild Marie | MR guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound treatment [Einar Hopp] |
Upreti, Ramesh | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Urbanucci, Alfonso | Genomic Regulation for Precision Cancer Medicine Lab [Urbanucci] ; Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Urke, Eli Bjørnøy | Lipid research group [Asprusten] |
Urrizola, Amaia | Palliative treatment |
Utheim, Karen Sivertsen | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] |
Utheim, Tor Paaske | Regenerative medicine [Utheim] ; Eye innovation |
Vagolu, Siva Krishna | Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases [Bente Halvorsen] |
Valberg, Morten | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE); Cancer Epidemiology Research Group; Clinical Trials Research Group |
Valestrand, Laura | Experimental Hepatology [Melum] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Vallersnes, Odd Martin | Dept of Acute Medicine |
Valnes, Lars Magnus | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Valori, Miko | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Vambheim, Sara Magelssen | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Vander-Elst, Karoline Rapp | Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research [Jahnsen] ; Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
van de Ven, Janiek | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Vandraas, Kathrine F. | Breast Oncology; Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
van Eggelen, Marieke Cecilia | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Vangen, Siri | Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health |
Vangstad, Marie | Dept of Acute Medicine |
Van Meeteren, Alida | Breast Cancer Heterogeneity and Oncoimmunology [Tekpli] |
van Walsem, Marleen R. | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] ; Intellectual disability and neurohabilitation |
Varsi, Cecilie | Department of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes] |
Vaskinn, Anja | Forensic Psychiatry [Friestad] ; Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Vasovic, Vlada | Photodynamic Therapy and Photodetection [Q. Peng] |
Vatnar, Solveig Karin Bø | Forensic Psychiatry [Friestad] |
Vatsgar, Tor Thomas | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Vedeld, Hege Marie | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Veletić, Mladen | Wireless Sensor Network Research Group [Balasingham] |
Vera Quesada, Cesar Luis | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Vera-Rodriguez, Maria | Reproductive Medicine Group [Fedorcsak] |
Verbeke, Caroline Sophie | Pancreatic pathology research group [Verbeke] |
Veroni, Chiara | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Vervaart, Mathyn | Research group for Patient Reported Outcomes and Health Economy; Health Economics |
Vestad, Beate | Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders [Hov] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Vesterhus, Elise | Orthopaedic Surgery |
Vesterhus, Mette | The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Vestre, Katharina | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Vethe, Nils Tore | Precision Pharmacotherapy [Vethe] ; Experimental cell transplantation |
Vetrhus, Turid | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Vettukattil, Riyas | ORAACLE |
Vevelstad, Janita | NevSom - Norwegian Centre of Expertise for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Hypersomnias |
Vevelstad, Merete S. | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] ; Neurobiology |
Vichare, Meenal | Oslo Myeloma Center |
Vidarsdotter Juul, Hedvig | Cellular therapy |
Vidnes, Tone Karine | Research group for Patient Reported Outcomes and Health Economy |
Vietri, Marina | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Membrane dynamics in tumorigenesis |
Vigdal, Ørjan Nesse | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Vigeland, Magnus D. | Family-based Genetic Analysis [Vigeland] ; Forensic Genetics Research Group; Genetics and epigenetics in disease |
Vigeland, Maria Dehli | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] ; Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Vikan Sjurgard, Ingrid | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Vikedal, Krister | Bacterial Defense Systems and Antimicrobial Resistance Group [Booth and Helgesen] |
Viken, Marte Kathrine | HLA and Disease [Viken] ; Genetics of Autoimmunity (Lie) |
Vikin, Truls | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Vik-Mo, Einar Osland | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory; Pediatric Neurosurgery |
Vikse, Jens | Fibrotic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases [Hoffmann-Vold] |
Viktil, Ellen | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Villagran, Antonia | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Villanger, Olaug | Hepatobiliary malignancies |
Villatoro, Alicia | Cellular therapy |
Vincenti, Marianna | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Vinge, Leif Erik | Molecular cardiology [Attramadal] |
Vinklerová, Laura | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Vistnes, Maria | Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar] |
Vlatkovic, Ljiljana | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Vodák, Daniel | Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Vold, Linn Margrethe | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Vollmer-Sandholm, Mary Jo | Experimental Forensic Medicine [Stray-Pedersen] |
von Brandis, Elisabeth | Pediatric Radiation |
von der Lippe, Nanna | Renal research group |
von Lueder, Thomas | Cardiology |
Vu, Phuong | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] ; The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik) |
Vaage, John T. | Innate lymphocyte group [Inngjerdingen] |
Våtsveen, Thea Kristin | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Wachtell, Kristian | Cardiology |
Wahl, Astrid Klopstad | Research group for Patient Reported Outcomes and Health Economy |
Wahlqvist, Rolf | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Walderhaug, Espen | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Waldum-Grevbo, Bård Endre | Renal research group |
Walhovd, Kristine B. | Computational Radiology & Artificial Intelligence (CRAI) Research Group [Bjørnerud] |
Wallace, Sean | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Walø-Syversen, Gro | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Wamstad Finsrud, Jenny Marie | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Wang, Chencheng | Experimental cell transplantation [Scholz] |
Wang, Johan Yuan | Abdominal Radiology [Schulz] |
Wang, Lei | Matussek project group [Matussek] |
Wang, Ling | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Protein dynamics in tumor suppressor pathways (Raiborg) |
Wang, Shixiong | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Wang, Yun | Gynecological Oncology [Lindemann] |
Wangen-Riise, Rina | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Wangensteen, Teresia | Medical Genetics |
Warlo, Ellen Mathea Kirsch | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Warloe, Trond | Photodynamic Therapy and Photodetection [Q. Peng] |
Warncke, Torhild | Department of Neurology |
Warren, David J. | Tumour Marker Group |
Warsame, Abdirashid | Department of Pathology |
Warsza, Bogna | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] ; Pediatric Neurosurgery |
Watland, Solbjørg | Department of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes] |
Weber, Alina Carmen | Genetics of rare congenital brain diseases [Frengen] |
Wedding, Iselin Marie | Inger Marie Skogseid’s Project Group [Skogseid] ; Genetics and epigenetics in disease |
Weedon-Fekjær, Harald | Methodological advising [Are Hugo Pripp] ; Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE); Cancer Epidemiology Research Group |
Weel-Sneve, Ragnhild | Dept. of Microbiology |
Wegner, Catherine Sem | Advanced Electron Microscopy Montebello [Brech] ; Cellular membrane dynamics |
Wei, Qian | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Weider, Therese | Thyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Sara Hammerstad] |
Wendel-Haga, Marte | Multiple Sclerosis; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS |
Wendt, Kjersti | Organization, education and technology development in the health care services [Wendt] |
Wennersberg, Anne Louise | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Wensaas, Anders | Pediatric Orthopaedics [Horn] |
Wenzel, Eva M. | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Protein dynamics in tumor suppressor pathways (Raiborg) |
Wernhoff, Patrik | Genetics and computational genetics (Lyle) |
Wesche, Jørgen | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Wessel, Nicolai | Prostate cancer research group [Berge] |
Westbye, Alexander Bauer | Biochemical endocrinology and metabolism research group [Thorsby] ; Thyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group |
Westerberg, Ane Cecilie | Maternal-fetal interactions [Michelsen] |
Westgaard, Arne | Gastrointestinal Oncology; Pancreatic pathology research group |
Westgaard, Kristine Løken | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Westlye, Lars Tjelta | Psychosis research, NORMENT; The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group |
Westvik, Jostein | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Weyergang, Anette | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] ; Photochemical internalisation (PCI); Recombinant Light Activated Therapeutics |
Wickstrøm, Kristin E. | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Widyasaputra, Maureen Tania | Functional Immunogenetics [Sollid] |
Wie, Ona Bøe | Cochlear implant, hearing and ear surgery [Marte Myhrum] |
Wiedlocha, Antoni | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Wiedmann, Markus | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] ; The Cerebrovascular Research Group |
Wiedswang, Gro | Colorectal surgery |
Wiedswang, Peter | Institute for Cancer Research Administration; Institute for Cancer Research |
Wiencke, Kristine | Clinical studies PSC |
Wiig, Elisabeth | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Wiig, Ola | Pediatric Orthopaedics [Horn] |
Wiig, Ulrikke Straume | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Wiiger, Merete Thune | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Wik, Hilde Skuterud | Dept. of Haematology |
Wik, Jonas Aakre | Inflammation and Vascular Biology [Haraldsen] |
Wik, Lars | Prehospital Research Group; Experimental Forensic Medicine |
Wiken, Thea | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Wik-Klokk, Merete | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Wilberg, Theresa | Personality Disorders Research Units [E. H. Kvarstein] ; Psychotherapy for adults |
Wilhelmsen, Bettina Kjøge | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Willoch, Katarina | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Wilson, Thomas | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] |
Wimmer, Henning | Dept of Acute Medicine |
Winge-Main, Anna K. | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] ; Cellular therapy |
Winger, Anette | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Wingård Skøien, Helene | Cellular therapy |
Winsvold, Bendik S. | Headache and pain [Winsvold] |
Winton, Villads | Breast Cancer Heterogeneity and Oncoimmunology [Tekpli] |
Wirgenes, Katrine Verena | Phenotype and Genotype in Rare Disorders (Paus) |
Wisborg, Torben | Emergency & Critical Care |
Wisløff, Torbjørn | Forensic age assessment research group [Rolseth] |
Wisløff-Aase, Kristin | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Wist, Erik A. | Breast Oncology |
Wisted, Ragnhild | CT Research and Technology [Kristin Jensen] |
Wisting, Line | Eating Disorders Research Group [Rø] |
Witsø, Marit | Integrated Cardiovascular Function [Remme] |
Wium, Cecilie | Diabetes 2 |
Wivestad Elster, Vilde Cecilie | Genetics Group (Lothe); Computational Oncology |
Wold, Bente | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Woldseth, Berit | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] |
Wu, Xuechen | Laboratory for Dynamic Gene regulation [Klungland] |
Wyller, Torgeir Bruun | Drug use in the elderly [Romskaug] ; Oslo Delirium Research Group |
Wüsthoff, Linda Elise Couëssurel | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Wæhre, Anne | T-ABU [Diseth] |
Wæhre, Torgun | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Wälchli, Sébastien | Cellular therapy |
Wøien, Hilde | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Waal, Helge | Div. of Mental Health & Addiction |
Wåland, Erik Pareli | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Waaler, Jo | Cell Signaling and Drug Discovery [Waaler] |
Yang, Mingyi | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] ; Mitogroup |
Yang, Weiwen | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Yang, Ying | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Yaqub, Sheraz | Hepatobiliary malignancies |
Yazdani, Mazyar | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] ; Regenerative medicine; Centre for Eye Research |
Yeoh, Jeremy | Experimental Hepatology [Melum] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Yimer, Solomon | Unit for Genome Dynamics [Tønjum] |
Yin, Yanping | Functional precision medicine for haematological cancers [Skånland] ; Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation |
Yohannes, Zeremariam | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Yohannes, Zeremariam | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Yri, Olav Erich | Palliative treatment; Dept. of Oncology |
Yuan, Xuyang | Digital solutions for genomic medicine [Undlien] |
Zachrisson Totland, Max | Genetics Group (Lothe); Functional Oncology |
Zaidi, Hani | Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde] |
Zaikova, Olga | Orthopaedic oncology [Thorkildsen] ; Orthopaedic Surgery |
Zak, Nathalia | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Zamani, Mahtab | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Zaré, Hasse Khiabani | Clinical Research group [Zaré] |
Zasada, Inga Alicja | Forensic Pathology [Ferrante] |
Zeiner, Pål | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research Unit [Øvergaard] |
Zeller, Bernward | INTERPRET |
Zerouga, Insaf | Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] |
Zeun, Julia | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Zhang, Qindong | Genome instability in disease and ageing [Hilde L. Nilsen] |
Zhen, Yan | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Zhou, Dongjie | Laboratory for Dynamic Gene regulation [Klungland] |
Ziegler, Anders | Department of Pediatric Research |
Zlygosteva, Olga | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Zobolas, John | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Zolfaghari, Sima | Molecular cardiology [Attramadal] |
Zoofaghari, Mohammad | Wireless Sensor Network Research Group [Balasingham] |
Zucknick, Manuela | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Zuo, Rujuan | Filipczyk project group [Filipczyk] |
Zwart, John-Anker | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] ; Headache and pain |
Züchner, Mark | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] |
Zykova, Svetlana N. | Biochemical endocrinology and metabolism research group [Thorsby] |
Øgaard, Jonas | Experimental Hepatology [Melum] ; The Norwegian PSC Research Center; Immune regulation in atherosclerosis and other cardio metabolic diseases |
Øhre, Beate | Div. of Mental Health & Addiction |
Øiestad, Elisabeth Leere | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] |
Øiestad, Åse Marit Leere | Forensic Toxicology and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse [Hilde Erøy Edvardsen] ; Neurobiology |
Øino, Nina | Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics |
Øjlert, Åsa Kristina | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] ; Lung Cancer |
Øktedalen, Olav | Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] |
Ølnes, Åsa Schawlann | Cellular Cholesterol Metabolism [Thea Bismo Strøm] |
Ørbeck, Beate | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research Unit [Øvergaard] |
Ørstavik, Kristin | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Østberg, Marthe Karolina | The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg) |
Østby, Gina Henriette | Medical Genetics |
Østeby Vassli, Anja | Metabolomics and Metabolic Molecular Biology [Elgstøen] |
Østenstad, Bjørn | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Østergaard, Daniel | Abdominal transplantation imaging [Syversveen] |
Østern, Atle Einar | Dept of Ophthalmology |
Østerås, Bjørn Helge | CT Research and Technology [Kristin Jensen] ; Abdominal Radiology; Thoracic imaging and intervention |
Østgaard, Anne Alexandra | Breast Oncology |
Øverbø, Joakim | Clinical Virology Research Group [Dudman] |
Øvergaard, Kristin Romvig | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research Unit [Øvergaard] |
Øverås, Mathias H. | Treatment and vaccine studies in MS [Gro O. Nygaard] |
Øvstebø, Reidun | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Øy, Geir Frode | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Øyjord, Tove | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Øynebråten, Inger | Tumor Immunology group [Corthay] |
Øyri, Karl | Image guided general surgery and intervention [Edwin] |
Øystese, Kristin Astrid | Section of Endocrinology; Inflammatory Biomarkers in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease |
Øyås, Ove | Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) |
Øzeke, Recep | Prostate cancer research group [Berge] |
Aabakken, Lars | Clinical studies PSC |
Aabel, Eivind Westrum | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Aabel, Magdalena Maria | Thoracic imaging and intervention [Aaløkken] |
Aaberg, Kari Modalsli | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Aaberge, Lars | Interventional Cardiology [Øyvind Lie] ; Cardiology |
Aagenæs, Ingegerd | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Aagenæs, Ingegerd | Pediatric Radiation |
Aakervik, Lydia Emilie | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Åkra, Sissel | Clinical studies PSC; The Norwegian PSC Research Center |
Aalberg, Ingrid | Injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma [Rosseland] |
Aalen, John M. | Interventional Cardiology [Øyvind Lie] ; Integrated Cardiovascular Function |
Aaløkken, Ragnhild Margrethe | Genomic Technology Group [Gilfillan] |
Aaløkken, Trond Mogens | Thoracic imaging and intervention [Aaløkken] ; Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Aamdal, Elin | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] ; Department of Clinical Cancer Research; Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Åmellem, Ingrid | Cellular responses to DNA damage [Bjørås] |
Aamodt, Anne Hege | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Aamodt, Eva Birgitte | Neuroimaging Research Group [Ringstad] |
Aanes, Håvard | Genome and epigenome regulation in embryo development, ageing and disease [Dahl] |
Ånonsen, Kim Vidar | Gastroenterology; Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
Aarhus, Mads | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Aarskog, Nikolai Ravn | Dept of Acute Medicine |
Aarsnes, Anette | CT Research and Technology [Kristin Jensen] |
Årving, Alexander Braadvig | Substance use and health outcomes [Bogstrand] |
Aas, Anne-Marie | Diabetes 2 |
Aas, Erlend Marius | RusForsk [Arnevik] |
Aas, Monica | Psychosis research, NORMENT |
Åsberg, Anders | Kidney Transplant Research Group |
Aasdal, Suphansa Thunaphan | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] |
Aasen, Steinar | Radiololgy & Nuclear Medicine |
Aaserud, Linda Tangen | Cardiac genetic diseases and sudden cardiac death [Haugaa] |
Åsheim, June | Genomic Technology Group [Gilfillan] |
Åsheim, Sarah | Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Group [Djurovic] |
Aasheim, Anders Steigan | Pain Research Group [Stubhaug] |
Aasland, Anita Wallumrød | Centre for Patient Centered Heart and Lung research [Irene Lie] |
Aasland, Astrid | T-ABU [Diseth] |
Åsli, Linn Merete | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Aasmundstad, Tor Aksel | Intensive Care Clinical Research Group [Wøien] |
Aass, Hans Christian Dalsbotten | The Blood Cell Research Group [Henriksson] |
Aass, Nina | Palliative treatment |