Project group leader Tore-Geir Iversen: Nanoparticles in Biomedicine: In vitro studies

Research on nanoparticles has evolved into biological applications with large expectations for the use of nanoparticles for imaging and drug delivery in humans and as probes at the cellular level. In this research project we addresses several questions concerning the fate of these nanoparticles after binding to the cells that need to be answered in connection with their use in cell biological studies and certainly before applying them in humans: To which extent are they internalized? Can they be recycled out again, or are they degraded by the cell? If they accumulate in the cells, to which extent do they disturb trafficking of natural ligands, and do they have a cytotoxic effect? An important question is whether the answer to the questions above is dependent on the type and size of the nanoparticles.
The project aims at gaining more knowledge about the endocytic mechanisms and intracellular pathways followed by various nanoparticles in cells, and the role of size and composition of nanoparticles for the compartments reached and for clearance from the cells.
Our group is part of the national competence building project “Biodegradable Nanoparticles in Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy” headed by professor Sandvig. Tore-Geir Iversen is a member of the project management group and is coordinator for all in vitro activities within the project.
Our group is part of the Centre for Cancer Biomedicine, a Norwegian Centre of Excellence appointed by The Research Council of Norway.
I am a Management Committee (MC) member of the COST Action TD1204: Modeling Nanomaterial Toxicity (MODENA).
Our research is supported by: |
The Norwegian Research Council |
Contact information:
Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute for Cancer Research
The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Montebello, 0379 Oslo, Norway
Phone +47 22 78 18 26 (Iversen), Switchboard: +47 22 93 40 00