Cecilie Bugge
- PhD fellow; MD
Cecilie Bugge got her medical degree at the University of Oslo (UiO), Norway in 2019. After her internship at Stavanger University Hospital (SUS), she worked two years as a resident at the devision of medicine and the department of cardiology at SUS.
She startes as a PhD fellow in 2023. Her main research focus is on arrhythmic mitral valve syndrome (AMVS) to improve knowledge about ventricular arrhythmias and treatment in this patient group.
Supervisors: Eivind Westrum Aabel, MD, PhD and Professor Kristina Hermann Hauga, MD, PhD.
Publications 2018
Kateterbasert behandling av aortastenose - skrøpelighetsvurdering av pasienter.
Hjerteforum, 31 (3), 49-54
PublikaID 440