Tone Enden
- Senior consultant; MD, PhD
- +47 22 11 81 87
Publications 2025
Healthcare speech for primary and specialist care
145 (2)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.25.0048, PubMed 39932082
[Not Available]
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.25.0121, PubMed 40042049
Effect of drug interactions with apixaban on clinical outcomes in cancer patients with venous thromboembolism
15, 1520725
DOI 10.3389/fonc.2025.1520725, PubMed 39931081
Publications 2024
Have a pretty radiant day!
144 (2)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.24.0049, PubMed 38349095
[Not Available]
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.24.0110, PubMed 38506168
On the dating market
144 (7)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.24.0286, PubMed 38832600
Included patients and integrated clinical treatment trials
144 (14)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.24.0564, PubMed 39605149
[Not Available]
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.24.0596, PubMed 39606795
Publications 2023
In training or at work?
143 (2)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.23.0031, PubMed 36718885
Equality under the Health Research Act
143 (9)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.23.0386, PubMed 37341395
Peer reviewers, commonship and ownership
143 (17)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.23.0751, PubMed 37987061
[Not Available]
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.23.0843, PubMed 38372223
Arterial events in cancer patients treated with apixaban for venous thrombosis
228, 128-133
DOI 10.1016/j.thromres.2023.05.017, PubMed 37327527
Publications 2022
[Not Available]
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.22.0656, PubMed 36303471
Low dose apixaban as secondary prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in cancer patients - 30 months follow-up
20 (5), 1166-1181
DOI 10.1111/jth.15666, PubMed 35114046
"Low dose apixaban as secondary prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in cancer patients - 30 months follow-up": Reply
20 (8), 1937-1939
DOI 10.1111/jth.15774, PubMed 35859282
Publications 2021
Predictors of long-term post-thrombotic syndrome following high proximal deep vein thrombosis: a cross-sectional study
19 (1), 3
DOI 10.1186/s12959-020-00253-8, PubMed 33419441
Publications 2020
Thrombosis and bleedings in a cohort of cancer patients treated with apixaban for venous thromboembolism
196, 238-244
DOI 10.1016/j.thromres.2020.08.042, PubMed 32919178
Publications 2019
Does the Villalta scale capture the essence of postthrombotic syndrome? A qualitative study of patient experience and expert opinion
17 (10), 1707-1714
DOI 10.1111/jth.14557, PubMed 31265193
Limitations of the Villalta scale in diagnosing post-thrombotic syndrome
184, 62-66
DOI 10.1016/j.thromres.2019.10.018, PubMed 31707153
Publications 2018
Patients know their own health best
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen., 138 (8), 716-718
[Patients know their own health best]
138 (8)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.17.1054, PubMed 29737772
Infrainguinal inflow assessment and endovenous stent placement in iliofemoral post-thrombotic obstructions
1 (1), 29
DOI 10.1186/s42155-018-0038-9, PubMed 30652160
Publications 2017
Late consequences of venous thromboembolism: Measuring quality of life after deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
164, 170-176
DOI 10.1016/j.thromres.2017.07.025, PubMed 28760416
Patency and Clinical Outcome After Stent Placement for Chronic Obstruction of the Inferior Vena Cava
54 (5), 620-628
DOI 10.1016/j.ejvs.2017.07.003, PubMed 28797661
Publications 2016
Post-thrombotic syndrome after catheter-directed thrombolysis for deep vein thrombosis (CaVenT): 5-year follow-up results of an open-label, randomised controlled trial
3 (2), e64-71
DOI 10.1016/S2352-3026(15)00248-3, PubMed 26853645
Radiology response in the emergency department during a mass casualty incident: a retrospective study of the two terrorist attacks on 22 July 2011 in Norway
27 (7), 2828-2834
DOI 10.1007/s00330-016-4677-8, PubMed 27957642
Publications 2015
Benign metastasizing pleomorphic adenoma in liver mimicking synchronic metastatic disease from colorectal cancer: a case report with emphasis on imaging findings
4 (8), 2058460115594199
DOI 10.1177/2058460115594199, PubMed 26331091
Publications 2014
Residual rates of reflux and obstruction and their correlation to post-thrombotic syndrome in a randomized study on catheter-directed thrombolysis for deep vein thrombosis
2 (2), 123-30
DOI 10.1016/j.jvsv.2013.10.054, PubMed 26993176
Publications 2013
Symptom burden and job absenteeism after treatment with additional catheter-directed thrombolysis for deep vein thrombosis
4, 55-9
DOI 10.2147/PROM.S47233, PubMed 24082798
Cost-effectiveness of additional catheter-directed thrombolysis for deep vein thrombosis
11 (6), 1032-42
DOI 10.1111/jth.12184, PubMed 23452204
Health-related quality of life after catheter-directed thrombolysis for deep vein thrombosis: secondary outcomes of the randomised, non-blinded, parallel-group CaVenT study
3 (8), e002984
DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-002984, PubMed 23988361
Publications 2012
Catheter-directed thrombolysis for acute deep vein thrombosis Reply
Lancet, 379 (9828), 1786-1787
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60754-5
Evidence-based practice for patients with severe venous thrombosis
132 (10), 1215-6
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.12.0474, PubMed 22669381
Determinants of early and long-term efficacy of catheter-directed thrombolysis in proximal deep vein thrombosis
24 (1), 17-24; quiz 26
DOI 10.1016/j.jvir.2012.09.023, PubMed 23176966
Publications 2011
Long-term outcome after additional catheter-directed thrombolysis versus standard treatment for acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis (the CaVenT study): a randomised controlled trial
379 (9810), 31-8
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61753-4, PubMed 22172244
Recurrent venous thrombosis, post-thrombotic syndrome and quality of life after catheter-directed thrombolysis in severe proximal deep vein thrombosis
9 (6), 1261-3
DOI 10.1111/j.1538-7836.2011.04298.x, PubMed 21489133
Publications 2010
Visualization of deep veins and detection of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) with balanced turbo field echo (b-TFE) and contrast-enhanced T1 fast field echo (CE-FFE) using a blood pool agent (BPA)
31 (2), 416-24
DOI 10.1002/jmri.22046, PubMed 20099355
Publications 2009
Catheter-directed thrombolysis vs. anticoagulant therapy alone in deep vein thrombosis: results of an open randomized, controlled trial reporting on short-term patency
7 (8), 1268-75
DOI 10.1111/j.1538-7836.2009.03464.x, PubMed 19422443
Publications 2008
Assessing burden of illness following acute deep vein thrombosis: data quality, reliability and validity of the Norwegian version of VEINES-QOL/Sym, a disease-specific questionnaire
23 (2), 369-74
DOI 10.1111/j.1471-6712.2008.00618.x, PubMed 19068041
Publications 2007
Catheter-directed Venous Thrombolysis in acute iliofemoral vein thrombosis--the CaVenT study: rationale and design of a multicenter, randomized, controlled, clinical trial (NCT00251771)
154 (5), 808-14
DOI 10.1016/j.ahj.2007.07.010, PubMed 17967583
Publications 2006
[Catheter-directed thrombolysis in acute deep venous thrombosis]
126 (13), 1765
PubMed 16794675
Survival and complications after insertion of self-expandable metal stents for malignant oesophageal stenosis
41 (3), 252-6
DOI 10.1080/00365520500206350, PubMed 16497610
Publications 2005
[Surgery and stenting for oesophageal cancer]
125 (3), 286-8
PubMed 15702148
Publications 2003
Ct pulmonary angiography and suspected acute pulmonary embolism
Acta Radiol., 44 (3), 310-315
DOI 10.1034/j.1600-0455.2003.00074.x
CT pulmonary angiography and suspected acute pulmonary embolism
44 (3), 310-5
DOI 10.1080/j.1600-0455.2003.00074.x, PubMed 12752003
Publications 1995
Skjult alkoholmisbruk hos kvinne : læringsoppgave nr. 66 i samfunnsmedisinske fag
[S. n.], [S. l.], 30 bl.
BIBSYS 000459917
Binding of human factor VIIa to tissue factor induces cytosolic Ca2+ signals in J82 cells, transfected COS-1 cells, Madin-Darby canine kidney cells and in human endothelial cells induced to synthesize tissue factor
270 (9), 4650-60
DOI 10.1074/jbc.270.9.4650, PubMed 7876236
Publications 1994
Polar expression of tissue factor in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
14 (11), 1815-20
DOI 10.1161/01.atv.14.11.1815, PubMed 7947608