Pediatric Radiology Research Group

Group leader
The group was founded in January 2015.
Pediatric radiology is a wide and diverse branch of the specialty of Radiology, and includes diagnostic and interventional procedures of the whole body in children and adolescents, aged 0-18 years. Paediatric radiology is a multimodality specialty where ultrasonography, fluoroscopy, radiography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as well as nuclear medicine techniques are used. Technical advances in ultrasonography, CT, and MRI are crucial in pediatric diagnostics especially in the cardiac- and oncology imaging. Children constitute a vast and important part of the patients at Oslo University Hospital.
Currently there are two PhD-candidates holding 50% research posts within the Paediatric research group and further three PhD-candidates from other hospitals are co-supervised by members of the group. The group has no full-time researchers, but the group members are actively involved in several projects and has been awarded two HSØ PhD-grants over the last five years. One of the HSØ-funded projects is still ongoing and one PhD was obtained in 2023. In addition, one PhD has been obtained funded by OUS and external grants.