Thoracic imaging and intervention

Group leader
The research group was established in 2021 as a replacement for the former Head, neck and thoracic radiology research group, and aim to focus on diagnostic thoracic imaging and image-guided diagnostic interventional chest procedures, however not including heart imaging.
The group members include cardiopulmonary radiologists, specialist radiographers, and physicists interested in the science and practice of cardiothoracic imaging. Many of the members of the group have existing research collaborations across clinical specialties at OUS, but only to a small extent across the locations. A reasonable primary ambition of this research group is to exploit the potential of established long-term interdisciplinary collaborations on every single location at OUS, and to combine and utilize the strengths and experience across the locations.
The potential of advances in scientific knowledge for chest diseases is based on the development of different imaging techniques concerning the use of chest radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and all other promising imaging techniques in cardiopulmonary radiology. High-resolution CT and more recently thin-collimation MDCT providing the assessment of the entire chest during a single breath hold with a volumetric high-resolution data set provides for better understanding and clinical assessment of focal or diffuse airway and infiltrative lung diseases. So, a key research issue in our group is detection and characterization of interstitial lung disease and airways disease, development and support standards for teaching and practice, fostering research, promotion of fellowship and exchange of ideas, meetings for presentation and discussion of papers, the dissemination of knowledge, promotion of closer cooperation between thoracic radiology and other branches of medicine