Improved chest CT diagnostics and contrast medium administration.
Should ultra low dose CT replace the chest x-ray as the first choice of referral in lung diagnostics?
Long-term clinical respiratory outcomes in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 infection. PROLUN and NOR-SOLIDARITY sub studies
Optimisation of CT thorax using hyperdrive and AI based reconstruction, phantom studies and clinical study.
Differentiation betweenintrapulmonary lymph nodes and early stage lung metastases from colorectal cancer based on chest CT
Radiologic characterization of granulomatous-lymphocytic interstitial lung disease in common variable immunodeficiency. Cross-sectional studies on the unselected patient cohorts.
In collaboration with the Department of Rheumatology and Department of Pulmonology several ongoing inter-disciplinary, cross-sectional studies on interstitial lung disease in idiopathic disorders and patient cohorts with connective tissue diseases and primary vasculitidis
Andresen K, Klæboe LG, Lie ØH, Broch K, Kvaslerud AB, Bosse G, Hopp E, de Lange C, Haugaa KH, Edvardsen T(2024) No adverse association between exercise exposure and diffuse myocardial fibrosis in male endurance athletes Sci Rep, 14(1), 6581 DOI 10.1038/s41598-024-57233-5, PubMed 38503845
Barratt-Due A, Pettersen K, Børresdatter-Dahl T, Holter JC, Grønli RH, Dyrhol-Riise AM, Lerum TV, Holten AR, Tonby K, Trøseid M, Skjønsberg OH, Granerud BK, Heggelund L, Kildal AB, Schjalm C, Aaløkken TM, Aukrust P, Ueland T, Mollnes TE, Halvorsen B, NOR‐Solidarity study groupThe Norwegian SARS‐CoV‐2 study group(2024) Escalated complement activation during hospitalization is associated with higher risk of 60-day mortality in SARS-CoV-2-infected patients J Intern Med, 296(1), 80-92 DOI 10.1111/joim.13783, PubMed 38539241
Klaeboe LG, Lie ØH, Brekke PH, Bosse G, Hopp E, Haugaa KH, Edvardsen T(2024) Differentiation of Myocardial Properties in Physiological Athletic Cardiac Remodeling and Mild Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Biomedicines, 12(2) DOI 10.3390/biomedicines12020420, PubMed 38398022
Get in touch
Trond Mogens Aaløkken, Group leader, Consultant; MD, PhD Department of Radiology, Rikshospitalet, Mob. 95906881