Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary and abdominal transplantation imaging

Group leader
Section for Abdominal Radiology Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet works in cooperation with various specialties. All solid abdominal organ transplantation in Norway are performed at OUS, Rikshospitalet. Our hospital is a referral center for hepato-biliary and pancreatic surgery, and a referral center for neuroendocrine tumor. The high volumes of transplantations and surgical procedures place the hospital close to the top internationally. Imaging is an essential part in the diagnostic work-up, follow-up and treatment of these patients. Our expertise involves relevant imaging practice, interventions and research. Patients are often followed up at regular intervals in our hospital, making our databases extensive.
This group aims to gather and recruit research-interested colleagues from Section for Abdominal Radiology, Rikshospitalet to research projects. We get frequent requests to participate in projects initiated by our clinical colleagues from collaborating departments where data from imaging constitute an important part of the projects. To contribute to well-designed clinical projects is an important part of our group’s task in addition to group member initiated projects.
The members of the group participate in several different research topics, see list of Research projects.