Lise Solberg Nes
- Head of Department; PhD
- +47 23075443 / 91332341
Publications 2025
Changes in cognition, coping, pain and emotions after 12-months access to the digital self-management program EPIO
Frontiers in Psychology, 16, 14
DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2025.1540852, PublikaID 537
Publications 2024
Digital behaviour change intervention for weight loss maintenance in adults with obesity: A feasibility pilot study of eCHANGE
Behaviour & Information Technology, 0, 1-19
DOI 10.1080/0144929x.2024.2399299, PublikaID 500
Implementation of a digital behavior change intervention (eCHANGE) for weight loss maintenance support: a service design and technology transfer approach
Front Digit Health, 6, 1394599
DOI 10.3389/fdgth.2024.1394599, PubMed 39015479
Health-related quality of life among women diagnosed with in situ or invasive breast cancer and age-matched controls: a population-based study
J Patient Rep Outcomes, 8 (1), 105
DOI 10.1186/s41687-024-00781-1, PubMed 39298004
Living well with chronic pain: a 12-month randomized controlled trial revealing impact from the digital pain self-management program EPIO
Pain Rep, 9 (4), e1174
DOI 10.1097/PR9.0000000000001174, PubMed 38962688
Psychometric Properties of the REMAP Resilience Scale in a Norwegian Sample of ME/CFS Patients and Healthy Controls
Psychological Test Adaptation and Development, 5 (1), 163–174
DOI 10.1027/2698-1866/a000076, PublikaID 499
How Did Breast Cancer Patients Fare during Different Phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Norway Compared to Age-Matched Controls?
Cancers (Basel), 16 (3)
DOI 10.3390/cancers16030602, PubMed 38339359
The Caregiver Pathway Intervention Can Contribute to Reduced Post-Intensive Care Syndrome Among Family Caregivers of ICU Survivors: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Crit Care Med, 53 (3), e555-e566
DOI 10.1097/CCM.0000000000006546, PubMed 39718436
Publications 2023
Short-Term Findings From Testing EPIO, a Digital Self-Management Program for People Living With Chronic Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial
J Med Internet Res, 25, e47284
DOI 10.2196/47284, PubMed 37624622
Digital Cognitive Behavioral- and Mindfulness-Based Stress-Management Interventions for Survivors of Breast Cancer: Development Study
JMIR Form Res, 7, e48719
DOI 10.2196/48719, PubMed 37725424
Coping After Breast Cancer: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial of Stress Management eHealth Interventions
JMIR Res Protoc, 12, e47195
DOI 10.2196/47195, PubMed 37103493
Patient-centered development of Embrace Pain: an online acceptance and commitment therapy intervention for cancer survivors with chronic painful chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
Acta Oncol, 62 (7), 676-688
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2023.2187260, PubMed 36939672
The Caregiver Pathway, a Model for the Systematic and Individualized Follow-up of Family Caregivers at Intensive Care Units: Development Study
JMIR Form Res, 7, e46299
DOI 10.2196/46299, PubMed 37097744
Publications 2022
Combining Persuasive System Design Principles and Behavior Change Techniques in Digital Interventions Supporting Long-term Weight Loss Maintenance: Design and Development of eCHANGE
JMIR Hum Factors, 9 (2), e37372
DOI 10.2196/37372, PubMed 35622394
Engaging with EPIO, a digital pain self-management program: a qualitative study
BMC Health Serv Res, 22 (1), 577
DOI 10.1186/s12913-022-07963-x, PubMed 35488295
Patients' Experiences of Using an eHealth Pain Management Intervention Combined With Psychomotor Physiotherapy: Qualitative Study
JMIR Form Res, 6 (3), e34458
DOI 10.2196/34458, PubMed 35293866
Feasibility of a Digital Patient-Provider Communication Intervention to Support Shared Decision-Making in Chronic Health Care, InvolveMe: Pilot Study
JMIR Form Res, 6 (4), e34738
DOI 10.2196/34738, PubMed 35389356
Effectiveness of the online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention "Embrace Pain" for cancer survivors with chronic painful chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Trials, 23 (1), 642
DOI 10.1186/s13063-022-06592-3, PubMed 35945582
Publications 2021
Digital stress management in cancer: Testing StressProffen in a 12-month randomized controlled trial
Cancer, 128 (7), 1503-1512
DOI 10.1002/cncr.34046, PubMed 34855212
Evaluating a Strengths-Based mHealth Tool (MyStrengths): Explorative Feasibility Trial
JMIR Form Res, 5 (11), e30572
DOI 10.2196/30572, PubMed 34787580
A Digital Patient-Provider Communication Intervention (InvolveMe): Qualitative Study on the Implementation Preparation Based on Identified Facilitators and Barriers
J Med Internet Res, 23 (4), e22399
DOI 10.2196/22399, PubMed 33830063
Health care providers' experiences of pain management and attitudes towards digitally supported self-management interventions for chronic pain: a qualitative study
BMC Health Serv Res, 21 (1), 275
DOI 10.1186/s12913-021-06278-7, PubMed 33766028
Video as an alternative to in-person consultations in outpatient renal transplant recipient follow-up: a qualitative study
BMC Nephrol, 22 (1), 105
DOI 10.1186/s12882-021-02284-3, PubMed 33752608
Publications 2020
Identifying Persuasive Design Principles and Behavior Change Techniques Supporting End User Values and Needs in eHealth Interventions for Long-Term Weight Loss Maintenance: Qualitative Study
J Med Internet Res, 22 (11), e22598
DOI 10.2196/22598, PubMed 33252347
Digital Self-Management in Support of Patients Living With Chronic Pain: Feasibility Pilot Study
JMIR Form Res, 4 (10), e23893
DOI 10.2196/23893, PubMed 33094734
Results from a randomized controlled trial testing StressProffen; an application-based stress-management intervention for cancer survivors
Cancer Med, 9 (11), 3775-3785
DOI 10.1002/cam4.3000, PubMed 32243717
Pilot testing an app-based stress management intervention for cancer survivors
Transl Behav Med, 10 (3), 770-780
DOI 10.1093/tbm/ibz062, PubMed 31330023
MyStrengths, a Strengths-Focused Mobile Health Tool: Participatory Design and Development
JMIR Form Res, 4 (7), e18049
DOI 10.2196/18049, PubMed 32706651
A User-Centered Approach to an Evidence-Based Electronic Health Pain Management Intervention for People With Chronic Pain: Design and Development of EPIO
J Med Internet Res, 22 (1), e15889
DOI 10.2196/15889, PubMed 31961331
Content and system development of a digital patient-provider communication tool to support shared decision making in chronic health care: InvolveMe
BMC Med Inform Decis Mak, 20 (1), 46
DOI 10.1186/s12911-020-1065-8, PubMed 32131808
Publications 2019
Persuasive System Design Principles and Behavior Change Techniques to Stimulate Motivation and Adherence in Electronic Health Interventions to Support Weight Loss Maintenance: Scoping Review
J Med Internet Res, 21 (6), e14265
DOI 10.2196/14265, PubMed 31228174
Spirituality and Emotional Distress Among Lung Cancer Survivors
Clin Lung Cancer, 20 (6), e661-e666
DOI 10.1016/j.cllc.2019.06.015, PubMed 31378618
Patients' Needs and Requirements for eHealth Pain Management Interventions: Qualitative Study
J Med Internet Res, 21 (4), e13205
DOI 10.2196/13205, PubMed 30877780
Digital Health in Cardiology: Time for Action
Cardiology, 145 (2), 106-109
DOI 10.1159/000504797, PubMed 31825946
Pain is associated with reduced quality of life and functional status in patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Scand J Pain, 19 (1), 61-72
DOI 10.1515/sjpain-2018-0095, PubMed 30325738
Implementation Strategies to Enhance the Implementation of eHealth Programs for Patients With Chronic Illnesses: Realist Systematic Review
J Med Internet Res, 21 (9), e14255
DOI 10.2196/14255, PubMed 31573934
Publications 2018
A Stress Management App Intervention for Cancer Survivors: Design, Development, and Usability Testing
JMIR Form Res, 2 (2), e19
DOI 10.2196/formative.9954, PubMed 30684438
Publications 2016
Peer Mentorship Programs for Breast Cancer Patients
J Pain Symptom Manage, 51 (5), e5-7
DOI 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2016.03.001, PubMed 27033161
Self-Regulatory Fatigue: A Missing Link in Understanding Fibromyalgia and Other Chronic MultiSymptom Illnesses
Pain Pract, 17 (4), 460-469
DOI 10.1111/papr.12480, PubMed 27589266
Publications 2015
Improving Spiritual Well-Being in Patients with Lung Cancers
J Pastoral Care Counsel, 69 (3), 156-62
DOI 10.1177/1542305015602711, PubMed 26463853
Publications 2014
Self-regulatory fatigue, quality of life, health behaviors, and coping in patients with hematologic malignancies
Ann Behav Med, 48 (3), 411-23
DOI 10.1007/s12160-014-9621-z, PubMed 24802991
Publications 2013
Self-regulatory fatigue in chronic multisymptom illnesses: scale development, fatigue, and self-control
J Pain Res, 6, 181-8
DOI 10.2147/JPR.S40014, PubMed 23526193
Self-regulatory fatigue in hematologic malignancies: impact on quality of life, coping, and adherence to medical recommendations
Int J Behav Med, 20 (1), 13-21
DOI 10.1007/s12529-011-9194-1, PubMed 21928059
Breast cancer survivors' self-reported needs and preferences of survivorship care
Breast J, 20 (1), 107-9
DOI 10.1111/tbj.12221, PubMed 24262015
Publications 2012
Patient understanding of the revised USPSTF screening mammogram guidelines: need for development of patient decision aids
BMC Womens Health, 12, 36
DOI 10.1186/1472-6874-12-36, PubMed 23051022
Output order reflects the cognitive accessibility of goals
J Soc Psychol, 152 (1), 5-16
DOI 10.1080/00224545.2010.538761, PubMed 22308758
A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study Assessing Feasibility and Impact of Yoga Practice on Quality of Life, Mood, and Perceived Stress in Women With Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer
Glob Adv Health Med, 1 (5), 30-5
DOI 10.7453/gahmj.2012.1.5.010, PubMed 27257529
Physical activity level and quality of life in long term lung cancer survivors
Lung Cancer, 77 (3), 611-6
DOI 10.1016/j.lungcan.2012.05.096, PubMed 22681871
Publications 2011
Individual differences and self-regulatory fatigue: optimism, conscientiousness, and self-consciousness
Pers Individ Dif, 50 (4)
DOI 10.1016/j.paid.2010.11.011, PubMed 24409005
Publications 2010
Self-regulatory deficits in fibromyalgia and temporomandibular disorders
Pain, 151 (1), 37-44
DOI 10.1016/j.pain.2010.05.009, PubMed 20561749
Publications 2009
Executive functions, self-regulation, and chronic pain: a review
Ann Behav Med, 37 (2), 173-83
DOI 10.1007/s12160-009-9096-5, PubMed 19357933
Publications 2007
Heart rate variability reflects self-regulatory strength, effort, and fatigue
Psychol Sci, 18 (3), 275-81
DOI 10.1111/j.1467-9280.2007.01888.x, PubMed 17444926
Publications 2006
Dispositional optimism and coping: a meta-analytic review
Pers Soc Psychol Rev, 10 (3), 235-51
DOI 10.1207/s15327957pspr1003_3, PubMed 16859439
When Goals Conflict But People Prosper: The Case of Dispositional Optimism
J Res Pers, 40 (5), 675-693
DOI 10.1016/j.jrp.2005.08.001, PubMed 17016545
Publications 2005
Engagement and arousal: optimism's effects during a brief stressor
Pers Soc Psychol Bull, 31 (1), 111-20
DOI 10.1177/0146167204271319, PubMed 15574666