Erlend Mork

  • Clinical Psychologist; PhD

Publications 2025

Romm KL, Skoge M, Barrett EA, Berentzen LC, Bergsager D, Fugelli P, Bjella T, Gardsjord ES, Kling K, Kruse SH, Kværner KJ, Melle I, Mork E, Ihler HM, Rognli EB, Simonsen C, Værnes TG, Aminoff SR (2025)
A Mobile Health Intervention to Support Collaborative Decision-Making in Mental Health Care: Development and Usability
JMIR Form Res, 9, e57614
DOI 10.2196/57614, PubMed 39823632

Solberg A, Ottesen A, Barrett EA, Kristiansen I, Mork E, Qin P, Melle I (2025)
Trajectories of suicidal behavior and their clinical correlates in the early phases of schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Psychiatry Res, 347, 116409 (in press)
DOI 10.1016/j.psychres.2025.116409, PubMed 40015038

Publications 2024

Langjord T, Pedersen G, Bovim T, Bremer K, Christensen TB, Hove O, Kildahl AN, Mork E, Norheim AB, Ramleth RK, Romm KL, Siqveland J, Schønning T, Stänicke LI, Torgersen T, Pettersen MS, Tveit T, Urnes Ø, Walby FA, Kvarstein EH (2024)
Evaluation of health services and treatment alliance among extensively hospitalized patients due to severe self-harm - results from the Extreme Challenges project
Nord J Psychiatry, 78 (7), 591-602
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2024.2376162, PubMed 39126325

Publications 2023

Langjord T, Pedersen G, Bovim T, Christensen TB, Eikenæs IU, Hove O, Kildahl AN, Mork E, Norheim AB, Ramleth RK, Ringen PA, Romm KL, Siqveland J, Schønning T, Stänicke L, Torgersen T, Pettersen M, Tveit T, Urnes Ø, Walby F, Kvarstein EH (2023)
Mental health disorders, functioning and health-related quality of life among extensively hospitalized patients due to severe self-harm - results from the Extreme Challenges project
Front Psychiatry, 14, 1258025
DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1258025, PubMed 37920539

Saidi T, Mork E, Aminoff S, Lobban F, Romm KL (2023)
Crossing boundaries in the delivery of healthcare - a qualitative study of an eHealth intervention in relation to boundary object theory
Digit Health, 9, 20552076231196970
DOI 10.1177/20552076231196970, PubMed 37662674

Publications 2022

Aminoff SR, Mork E, Barrett EA, Simonsen C, Ten Velden Hegelstad W, Lagerberg TV, Melle I, Romm KL (2022)
Locked out during COVID-19 lockdown-an online survey of relatives of people with psychotic and bipolar disorders in Norway
BMC Public Health, 22 (1), 294
DOI 10.1186/s12889-022-12625-y, PubMed 35151293

Barrett EA, Simonsen C, Aminoff SR, Hegelstad WTV, Lagerberg TV, Melle I, Mork E, Romm KL (2022)
The COVID-19 pandemic impact on wellbeing and mental health in people with psychotic and bipolar disorders
Brain Behav, 12 (5), e2559
DOI 10.1002/brb3.2559, PubMed 35385888

Mork E, Aminoff SR, Barrett EA, Simonsen C, Hegelstad WTV, Lagerberg TV, Melle I, Romm KL (2022)
COVID-19 lockdown - who cares? The first lockdown from the perspective of relatives of people with severe mental illness
BMC Public Health, 22 (1), 1104
DOI 10.1186/s12889-022-13458-5, PubMed 35655294

Publications 2017

Madsen MV, Scheppan S, Mørk E, Kissmeyer P, Rosenberg J, Gätke MR (2017)
Influence of deep neuromuscular block on the surgeonś assessment of surgical conditions during laparotomy: a randomized controlled double blinded trial with rocuronium and sugammadex
Br J Anaesth, 119 (3), 435-442
DOI 10.1093/bja/aex241, PubMed 28969327

Madsen MV, Scheppan S, Mørk E, Kissmeyer P, Rosenberg J, Gätke MR (2017)
Influence of deep neuromuscular block on the surgeonś assessment of surgical conditions during laparotomy: a randomized controlled double blinded trial with rocuronium and sugammadex
Br J Anaesth, 119 (6), 1247
DOI 10.1093/bja/aex396, PubMed 29040455

Publications 2016

Sæheim A, Hestetun I, Mork E, Nrugham L, Mehlum L (2016)
A 12-year National Study of Suicide by Jumping From Bridges in Norway
Arch Suicide Res, 21 (4), 568-576
DOI 10.1080/13811118.2016.1199988, PubMed 27309998

Publications 2015

Barrett EA, Mork E, Færden A, Nesvåg R, Agartz I, Andreassen OA, Melle I (2015)
The development of insight and its relationship with suicidality over one year follow-up in patients with first episode psychosis
Schizophr Res, 162 (1-3), 97-102
DOI 10.1016/j.schres.2015.01.004, PubMed 25620119

Publications 2014

Tørmoen AJ, Rossow I, Mork E, Mehlum L (2014)
Contact with child and adolescent psychiatric services among self-harming and suicidal adolescents in the general population: a cross sectional study
Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health, 8, 13
DOI 10.1186/1753-2000-8-13, PubMed 24742154

Publications 2013

Fadum EA, Stanley B, Rossow I, Mork E, Törmoen AJ, Mehlum L (2013)
Use of health services following self-harm in urban versus suburban and rural areas: a national cross-sectional study
BMJ Open, 3 (7)
DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-002570, PubMed 23892421

Larsson S, Aas M, Klungsøyr O, Agartz I, Mork E, Steen NE, Barrett EA, Lagerberg TV, Røssberg JI, Melle I, Andreassen OA, Lorentzen S (2013)
Patterns of childhood adverse events are associated with clinical characteristics of bipolar disorder
BMC Psychiatry, 13, 97
DOI 10.1186/1471-244X-13-97, PubMed 23522391

Mork E, Walby FA, Harkavy-Friedman JM, Barrett EA, Steen NE, Lorentzen S, Andreassen OA, Melle I, Mehlum L (2013)
Clinical characteristics in schizophrenia patients with or without suicide attempts and non-suicidal self-harm--a cross-sectional study
BMC Psychiatry, 13, 255
DOI 10.1186/1471-244X-13-255, PubMed 24106884

Publications 2012

Larsson S, Andreassen OA, Aas M, Røssberg JI, Mork E, Steen NE, Barrett EA, Lagerberg TV, Peleikis D, Agartz I, Melle I, Lorentzen S (2012)
High prevalence of childhood trauma in patients with schizophrenia spectrum and affective disorder
Compr Psychiatry, 54 (2), 123-7
DOI 10.1016/j.comppsych.2012.06.009, PubMed 22901835

Mork E, Mehlum L, Barrett EA, Agartz I, Harkavy-Friedman JM, Lorentzen S, Melle I, Andreassen OA, Walby FA (2012)
Self-harm in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Arch Suicide Res, 16 (2), 111-23
DOI 10.1080/13811118.2012.667328, PubMed 22551042

Publications 2011

Steen NE, Methlie P, Lorentzen S, Hope S, Barrett EA, Larsson S, Mork E, Almås B, Løvås K, Agartz I, Melle I, Berg JP, Andreassen OA (2011)
Increased systemic cortisol metabolism in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: a mechanism for increased stress vulnerability?
J Clin Psychiatry, 72 (11), 1515-21
DOI 10.4088/JCP.10m06068yel, PubMed 21367348

Publications 2010

Barrett EA, Sundet K, Faerden A, Agartz I, Bratlien U, Romm KL, Mork E, Rossberg JI, Steen NE, Andreassen OA, Melle I (2010)
Suicidality in first episode psychosis is associated with insight and negative beliefs about psychosis
Schizophr Res, 123 (2-3), 257-62
DOI 10.1016/j.schres.2010.07.018, PubMed 20685083

Barrett EA, Sundet K, Faerden A, Nesvåg R, Agartz I, Fosse R, Mork E, Steen NE, Andreassen OA, Melle I (2010)
Suicidality before and in the early phases of first episode psychosis
Schizophr Res, 119 (1-3), 11-7
DOI 10.1016/j.schres.2010.03.022, PubMed 20399077

Barrett EA, Sundet K, Simonsen C, Agartz I, Lorentzen S, Mehlum L, Mork E, Andreassen OA, Melle I (2010)
Neurocognitive functioning and suicidality in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Compr Psychiatry, 52 (2), 156-63
DOI 10.1016/j.comppsych.2010.06.001, PubMed 21295222

Mehlum L, Mork E, Reinholdt NP, Fadum EA, Rossow I (2010)
Quality of psychosocial care of suicide attempters at general hospitals in Norway--a longitudinal nationwide study
Arch Suicide Res, 14 (2), 146-57
DOI 10.1080/13811111003704753, PubMed 20455150

Mork E, Mehlum L, Fadum EA, Rossow I (2010)
Collaboration between general hospitals and community health services in the care of suicide attempters in Norway: a longitudinal study
Ann Gen Psychiatry, 9, 26
DOI 10.1186/1744-859X-9-26, PubMed 20540725

Steen NE, Tesli M, Kähler AK, Methlie P, Hope S, Barrett EA, Larsson S, Mork E, Løvås K, Røssberg JI, Agartz I, Melle I, Djurovic S, Lorentzen S, Berg JP, Andreassen OA (2010)
SRD5A2 is associated with increased cortisol metabolism in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 34 (8), 1500-6
DOI 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2010.08.013, PubMed 20800085