Tor Erik Danielsen

  • Group leader; MD
  • +47 221 18269

Publications 2019

Berild JD, Steens A, Winje BA, Danielsen TE, Fjeldheim JH, Holmemo HD, Vestrheim DF (2019)
Management and control of an outbreak of vaccine-preventable severe pneumococcal disease at a shipyard in Norway
J Infect, 80 (5), 578-606
DOI 10.1016/j.jinf.2019.12.015, PubMed 31891730

Publications 2017

Borander AK, Voie ØA, Longva K, Danielsen TE, Grahnstedt S, Sandvik L, Kongerud J, Sikkeland LIB (2017)
Military small arms fire in association with acute decrements in lung function
Occup Environ Med, 74 (9), 639-644
DOI 10.1136/oemed-2016-104207, PubMed 28408655

Mahler V, Aalto-Korte K, Alfonso JH, Bakker JG, Bauer A, Bensefa-Colas L, Boman A, Bourke J, Bubaš M, Bulat P, Chaloupka J, Constandt L, Danielsen TE, Darlenski R, Dugonik A, Ettler K, Gimenez-Arnau A, Gonçalo M, Johansen JD, John SM, Kiec-Swierczynska M, Koch P, Kohánka V, Krecisz B, Larese Filon F et al. (2017)
Occupational skin diseases: actual state analysis of patient management pathways in 28 European countries
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 31 Suppl 4, 12-30
DOI 10.1111/jdv.14316, PubMed 28656731

Publications 2016

Sikkeland L, Alexis NE, Fry RC, Martin E, Danielsen TE, Søstrand P, Kongerud J (2016)
Inflammation in induced sputum after aluminium oxide exposure: an experimental chamber study
Occup Environ Med, 73 (3), 199-205
DOI 10.1136/oemed-2015-103254, PubMed 26786756

Søstrand P, Sverre L, Danielsen TE (2016)
100 kBq m-3 Radon Activity Concentration in the Atmosphere of a Bathroom Supplied with Groundwater From A Gneissic Rock Area with Consanguineous Intrusions
Health Phys, 111 (6), 559-561
DOI 10.1097/HP.0000000000000568, PubMed 27798479

Publications 2015

Alfonso JH, Danielsen TE, Holm JØ (2015)
[Re: The working environment continues to cause illness]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 135 (1), 10-1
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.14.1489, PubMed 25589104

Naess EM, Hofgaard A, Skaug V, Gulbrandsen M, Danielsen TE, Grahnstedt S, Skogstad A, Holm JØ (2015)
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles in sunscreen penetrate the skin into viable layers of the epidermis: a clinical approach
Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed, 32 (1), 48-51
DOI 10.1111/phpp.12217, PubMed 26447850

Publications 2014

Chauhan A, Anand T, Kishore J, Danielsen TE, Ingle GK (2014)
Occupational hazard exposure and general health profile of welders in rural Delhi
Indian J Occup Environ Med, 18 (1), 21-6
DOI 10.4103/0019-5278.134953, PubMed 25006312

Voie Ø, Borander AK, Sikkeland LI, Grahnstedt S, Johnsen A, Danielsen TE, Longva K, Kongerud J (2014)
Health effects after firing small arms comparing leaded and unleaded ammunition
Inhal Toxicol, 26 (14), 873-9
DOI 10.3109/08958378.2014.970783, PubMed 25373830

Publications 2012

Watts E, Brenno P, Søstrand P, Lillelund K, Danielsen TE (2012)
[Exposure to noise during orthopedic procedures]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 132 (19), 2149
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.12.0882, PubMed 23076478

Publications 2005

Tindholdt TT, Danielsen TE, Abyholm FE (2005)
Skin burned by contact with flagstones made of cement
Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg, 39 (6), 373-5
DOI 10.1080/02844310500295844, PubMed 16298811

Publications 2000

Danielsen TE, Langård S, Andersen A (2000)
Incidence of cancer among welders and other shipyard workers with information on previous work history
J Occup Environ Med, 42 (1), 101-9
DOI 10.1097/00043764-200001000-00023, PubMed 10652696

Jakobsen SÅ, Danielsen T, Fjeldseth Ø, Gustavson T (2000)
Norges jeger- og fiskerforbund, [Hvalstad], 19 s.
BIBSYS 010498915, ISBN 82-7348-170-0

Publications 1999

Danielsen T (1999)
Friluftsliv: 4H-oppgave
Norske 4H, Skjetten (5. utg.), 59 s.
BIBSYS 021546924, ISBN 82-7348-103-4

Danielsen TE (1999)
Welding and lung cancer: new knowledge from historical exposure among electric welders
Institute of General Practice and Community Medicine, TheFaculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, 1 b. (flere pag.)
BIBSYS 000579742, ISBN 82-7703-056-8

Publications 1998

Danielsen TE (1998)
Senfølger etter en plastbrann
In Publikasjon, HD, Arbeidsmiljøinstituttet, Oslo, 1088/98 FOU, 43 s.
BIBSYS 982183860

Danielsen TE, Lang rd S, Andersen A (1998)
Incidence of lung cancer among shipyard welders investigated for siderosis
Int J Occup Environ Health, 4 (2), 85-8
DOI 10.1179/oeh.1998.4.2.85, PubMed 10026469

Nordby G, Danielsen T (1998)
4H-bedrift: veileder til gjennomføring av 4H-oppgava på en annen måte
Norske 4H, Skjetten, 20 s.
BIBSYS 990523683, ISBN 82-7348-149-2

Publications 1997

Danielsen T (1997)
Jakt og fangst: 4H-oppgave
Norske 4H, Skjetten, 51 s.
BIBSYS 980506522, ISBN 82-7348-143-3

Publications 1996

Danielsen TE, Langård S, Andersen A (1996)
Incidence of cancer among Norwegian boiler welders
Occup Environ Med, 53 (4), 231-4
DOI 10.1136/oem.53.4.231, PubMed 8664959

Publications 1994

Bjørnsrud B, Danielsen T (1994)
Fugleholker: 4H-oppgave for juniorer og seniorer [opprinnelig utarbeidet av Bjørn Bjørnsrud]
Norske 4H, Skjetten (Rev. [utg.]), 51 s.
BIBSYS 950191973, ISBN 82-7348-117-4

Publications 1993

Danielsen T (1993)
Friluftsliv: 4H-oppgave
Norske 4H, Skjetten, 59 s.
BIBSYS 940160544, ISBN 82-7348-103-4

Danielsen T, Mjærum E (1993)
Hund: 4H-oppgave
Norske 4H, Skjetten, 64 s.
BIBSYS 930346084, ISBN 82-7348-072-0

Danielsen TE, Langård S (1993)
Incidence of cancer among welders of mild steel and othershipyard workers
[British Medical Association], [London], Bl. 1097-1103.
BIBSYS 941923592

Danielsen TE, Langård S, Andersen A, Knudsen O (1993)
Incidence of cancer among welders of mild steel and other shipyard workers
Br J Ind Med, 50 (12), 1097-103
DOI 10.1136/oem.50.12.1097, PubMed 8280640

Publications 1992

Molteberg T, Danielsen T (1992)
Ungskogpleie: 4H-oppgave
Norske 4H, Skjetten, 48 s.
BIBSYS 922172412, ISBN 82-7348-097-6

Publications 1991

Danielsen T (1991)
Viltstell: 4H-oppgave senior
Norske 4H, Skjetten, 51 s.
BIBSYS 920235476, ISBN 82-7348-098-4

Publications 1984

Danielsen T (1984)
Avvirkningsstrategi ved eierskifte: en modellanalyse av skogbeskatningen
[T. Danielsen], Ås, VI, 67, 21 bl.
BIBSYS 100292518

Enggrav S, Danielsen T, Sannes TB, Slethei R, Høiset J, Rønsen T, Dæhli O, Hägg MB, Mosbye J (1984)
Kjemikalier i hjemmet
Telemark ingeniørhøgskole, Porsgrunn
BIBSYS 922132194

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