Ole Klungsøyr

  • Researcher; PhD

Publications 2024

Dibaj IS, Tørmoen AJ, Klungsøyr O, Morken KTE, Haga E, Dymbe KJ, Mehlum L (2024)
Early remission of deliberate self-harm predicts emotion regulation capacity in adulthood: 12.4 years follow-up of a randomized controlled trial of adolescents with repeated self-harm and borderline features
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (in press)
DOI 10.1007/s00787-024-02602-8, PubMed 39470788

Sudmann TM, Torblaa A, Austeng D, Reshodko I, Rehm J, Bro T, Brækhus A, Klungsøyr O, Rowe F, Jørstad ØK (2024)
Validation of the European visual field standards for driving: A driving simulator-based study
Acta Ophthalmol, 103 (2), 222-231
DOI 10.1111/aos.16783, PubMed 39428625

Publications 2023

Dammen T, Tunheim K, Munkhaugen J, Klungsøyr O, Papageorgiou C (2023)
Attention training technique delivered in groups as treatment for anxiety and depression in patients with coronary heart disease: study protocol for a waiting-list randomized controlled trial
Front Psychol, 14, 1226539
DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1226539, PubMed 37790218

Dibaj IS, Tørmoen AJ, Klungsøyr O, Haga E, Mehlum L (2023)
Trajectories and Predictors of Change in Emotion Dysregulation and Deliberate Self-Harm Amongst Adolescents with Borderline Features
Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry, 29 (2), 407-423
DOI 10.1177/13591045231177374, PubMed 37220421

Dong L, Nygård M, Støer NC, Klungsøyr O, Hansen BT (2023)
Real-world effectiveness of HPV vaccination against cervical neoplasia among birth cohorts ineligible for routine vaccination
Int J Cancer, 153 (2), 399-406
DOI 10.1002/ijc.34489, PubMed 36866965

Jacobsen HB, Solvoll Lyby P, Johansen T, Reme SE, Klungsøyr O (2023)
Can cognitive inflexibility reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression? Promoting the structural nested mean model in psychotherapy research
Psychother Res, 33 (8), 1096-1116
DOI 10.1080/10503307.2023.2221808, PubMed 37433125

Landrø NI, Harmer CJ, Blackwell SE, Bø R, Dawson G, Goodwin G, Hagen HS, Kingslake J, Klovning A, Klungsøyr O, Schjøtt-Pedersen O, Sæther AK, Torgersen KS, Vaaler A, Andreassen OA, Røssberg JI (2023)
Combining antidepressants and attention bias modification in primary health care (DEPTREAT): Protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial
Contemp Clin Trials, 133, 107326
DOI 10.1016/j.cct.2023.107326, PubMed 37652355

Nyquist OE, Dalgaard J, Spetalen S, Torkildsen S, Frøen H, Galteland E, Klungsøyr O, Bergrem A, Vo C, Sørbø H, Eiken B, Lerdal H, Solvang AK, Jensvoll H, Pandzic T, Baliakas P, Dybedal I (2023)
Pathogenic DDX41 variants, possible response predictors to low-dose melphalan in hypo- and normocellular MDS and AML
Br J Haematol, 204 (2), 724-729
DOI 10.1111/bjh.19226, PubMed 38016923

Publications 2022

Brager-Larsen A, Zeiner P, Klungsøyr O, Mehlum L (2022)
Is age of self-harm onset associated with increased frequency of non-suicidal self-injury and suicide attempts in adolescent outpatients?
BMC Psychiatry, 22 (1), 58
DOI 10.1186/s12888-022-03712-w, PubMed 35081930

Publications 2021

Klungsøyr O, Lystad JU, Bull H, Evensen S, Ueland T, Falkum E (2021)
G-estimation of causal pathways in vocational rehabilitation for adults with psychotic disorders - a secondary analysis of a randomized trial
BMC Psychiatry, 21 (1), 370
DOI 10.1186/s12888-021-03349-1, PubMed 34301224

Kvarstein EH, Antonsen BT, Klungsøyr O, Pedersen G, Wilberg T (2021)
Avoidant personality disorder and social functioning: A longitudinal, observational study investigating predictors of change in a clinical sample
Personal Disord, 12 (6), 594-605
DOI 10.1037/per0000471, PubMed 33507789

Otterstad JE, Norum IB, Ruddox V, Le ACM, Bendz B, Munkhaugen J, Klungsøyr O, Edvardsen T (2021)
Prognostic impact of non-improvement of global longitudinal strain in patients with revascularized acute myocardial infarction
Int J Cardiovasc Imaging, 37 (12), 3477-3487
DOI 10.1007/s10554-021-02349-2, PubMed 34327649

Røssberg JI, Evensen J, Dammen T, Wilberg T, Klungsøyr O, Jones M, Bøen E, Egeland R, Breivik R, Løvgren A, Ulberg R (2021)
Mechanisms of change and heterogeneous treatment effects in psychodynamic and cognitive behavioural therapy for patients with depressive disorder: a randomized controlled trial
BMC Psychol, 9 (1), 11
DOI 10.1186/s40359-021-00517-6, PubMed 33482927

Øie MG, Sundet K, Haug E, Zeiner P, Klungsøyr O, Rund BR (2021)
Cognitive Performance in Early-Onset Schizophrenia and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A 25-Year Follow-Up Study
Front Psychol, 11, 606365
DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.606365, PubMed 33519613

Publications 2020

Jacobsen HB, Klungsøyr O, Landrø NI, Stiles TC, Roche BT (2020)
MINDflex Training for Cognitive Flexibility in Chronic Pain: A Randomized, Controlled Cross-Over Trial
Front Psychol, 11, 604832
DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.604832, PubMed 33408670

Jansen A, Berg JP, Klungsøyr O, Müller MHB, Lyche JL, Aaseth JO (2020)
The Influence of Persistent Organic Pollutants on Thyroidal, Reproductive and Adrenal Hormones After Bariatric Surgery
Obes Surg, 30 (4), 1368-1378
DOI 10.1007/s11695-019-04273-w, PubMed 31721064

Publications 2019

Chahal-Kummen M, Blom-Høgestøl IK, Eribe I, Klungsøyr O, Kristinsson J, Mala T (2019)
Abdominal pain and symptoms before and after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
BJS Open, 3 (3), 317-326
DOI 10.1002/bjs5.50148, PubMed 31183448

Hanvold SE, Vinknes KJ, Løken EB, Hjartåker A, Klungsøyr O, Birkeland E, Risstad H, Gulseth HL, Refsum H, Aas AM (2019)
Does Lifestyle Intervention After Gastric Bypass Surgery Prevent Weight Regain? A Randomized Clinical Trial
Obes Surg, 29 (11), 3419-3431
DOI 10.1007/s11695-019-04109-7, PubMed 31363961

Publications 2018

Jansen A, Müller MHB, Grønnestad R, Klungsøyr O, Polder A, Skjerve E, Aaseth J, Lyche JL (2018)
Decreased plasma levels of perfluoroalkylated substances one year after bariatric surgery
Sci Total Environ, 657, 863-870
DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.453, PubMed 30677951

Publications 2017

Falkum E, Klungsøyr O, Lystad JU, Bull HC, Evensen S, Martinsen EW, Friis S, Ueland T (2017)
Vocational rehabilitation for adults with psychotic disorders in a Scandinavian welfare society
BMC Psychiatry, 17 (1), 24
DOI 10.1186/s12888-016-1183-0, PubMed 28095813

Klungsøyr O, Antonsen B, Wilberg T (2017)
Contours of a causal feedback mechanism between adaptive personality and psychosocial function in patients with personality disorders: a secondary analysis from a randomized clinical trial
BMC Psychiatry, 17 (1), 210
DOI 10.1186/s12888-017-1365-4, PubMed 28583098

Publications 2016

Evensen S, Ueland T, Lystad JU, Bull H, Klungsøyr O, Martinsen EW, Falkum E (2016)
Employment outcome and predictors of competitive employment at 2-year follow-up of a vocational rehabilitation programme for individuals with schizophrenia in a high-income welfare society
Nord J Psychiatry, 71 (3), 180-187
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2016.1247195, PubMed 27774843

Leinonen MK, Campbell S, Klungsøyr O, Lönnberg S, Hansen BT, Nygård M (2016)
Personal and provider level factors influence participation to cervical cancer screening: A retrospective register-based study of 1.3 million women in Norway
Prev Med, 94, 31-39
DOI 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.11.018, PubMed 27894911

Publications 2015

Lorentzen S, Fjeldstad A, Ruud T, Marble A, Klungsoyr O, Ulberg R, Hoglend PA (2015)
The Effectiveness of Short- and Long-Term Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy on Self-Concept: Three Years Follow-Up of a Randomized Clinical Trial
Int. J. Group Psychother., 65 (3), 363-385

Lorentzen S, Fjeldstad A, Ruud T, Marble A, Klungsøyr O, Ulberg R, Høglend PA (2015)
The Effectiveness of Short- and Long-Term Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy on Self-Concept: Three Years Follow-Up of a Randomized Clinical Trial
Int J Group Psychother, 65 (3), 362-85
DOI 10.1521/ijgp.2015.65.3.362, PubMed 26076204

Publications 2014

Antonsen BT, Klungsøyr O, Kamps A, Hummelen B, Johansen MS, Pedersen G, Urnes O, Kvarstein EH, Karterud S, Wilberg T (2014)
Step-down versus outpatient psychotherapeutic treatment for personality disorders: 6-year follow-up of the Ullevål personality project
BMC Psychiatry, 14, 119
DOI 10.1186/1471-244X-14-119, PubMed 24758722

Fredriksen M, Dahl AA, Martinsen EW, Klungsoyr O, Faraone SV, Peleikis DE (2014)
Childhood and persistent ADHD symptoms associated with educational failure and long-term occupational disability in adult ADHD
Atten Defic Hyperact Disord, 6 (2), 87-99
DOI 10.1007/s12402-014-0126-1, PubMed 24497125

Fredriksen M, Dahl AA, Martinsen EW, Klungsøyr O, Haavik J, Peleikis DE (2014)
Effectiveness of one-year pharmacological treatment of adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): an open-label prospective study of time in treatment, dose, side-effects and comorbidity
Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 24 (12), 1873-84
DOI 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2014.09.013, PubMed 25453480

Jordbru AA, Smedstad LM, Klungsøyr O, Martinsen EW (2014)
Psychogenic gait disorder: a randomized controlled trial of physical rehabilitation with one-year follow-up
J Rehabil Med, 46 (2), 181-7
DOI 10.2340/16501977-1246, PubMed 24248149

Publications 2013

Bakali JV, Wilberg T, Klungsoyr O, Lorentzen S (2013)
Development of Group Climate in Short- and Long-Term Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy
Int. J. Group Psychother., 63 (3), 367-393

Bakali JV, Wilberg T, Klungsøyr O, Lorentzen S (2013)
Development of group climate in short- and long-term psychodynamic group psychotherapy
Int J Group Psychother, 63 (3), 366-93
DOI 10.1521/ijgp.2013.63.3.366, PubMed 23734920

Klungsoyr O, Sexton J, Sandanger I, Nygard JF (2013)
A time-varying measurement error model for age of onset of a psychiatric diagnosis: applied to first depressive episode diagnosed by the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI)
J. Appl. Stat., 40 (4), 843-861
DOI 10.1080/02664763.2012.756859

Larsson S, Aas M, Klungsøyr O, Agartz I, Mork E, Steen NE, Barrett EA, Lagerberg TV, Røssberg JI, Melle I, Andreassen OA, Lorentzen S (2013)
Patterns of childhood adverse events are associated with clinical characteristics of bipolar disorder
BMC Psychiatry, 13, 97
DOI 10.1186/1471-244X-13-97, PubMed 23522391

Publications 2012

Gullestad FS, Wilberg T, Klungsøyr O, Johansen MS, Urnes O, Karterud S (2012)
Is treatment in a day hospital step-down program superior to outpatient individual psychotherapy for patients with personality disorders? 36 months follow-up of a randomized clinical trial comparing different treatment modalities
Psychother Res, 22 (4), 426-41
DOI 10.1080/10503307.2012.662608, PubMed 22417131

Publications 2010

Rossberg JI, Johannessen JO, Klungsoyr O, Opjordsmoen S, Evensen J, Fjell A, Haahr U, Joa I, Langeveld J, Larsen TK, Melle I, Rund BR, Simonsen E, ten Velden W, Vaglum P, Friis S, McGlashan T (2010)
Are multi family groups appropriate for patients with first episode psychosis? A 5-year naturalistic follow-up study
Acta Psychiatr Scand, 122 (5), 384-94
DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0447.2010.01571.x, PubMed 20491714

Turnip SS, Klungsøyr O, Hauff E (2010)
The mental health of populations directly and indirectly exposed to violent conflict in Indonesia
Confl Health, 4, 14
DOI 10.1186/1752-1505-4-14, PubMed 20673322

Publications 2009

Engh JA, Friis S, Birkenaes AB, Jónsdóttir H, Klungsøyr O, Ringen PA, Simonsen C, Vaskinn A, Opjordsmoen S, Andreassen OA (2009)
Delusions are associated with poor cognitive insight in schizophrenia
Schizophr Bull, 36 (4), 830-5
DOI 10.1093/schbul/sbn193, PubMed 19176474

Klungsøyr O, Nygård M, Skare G, Eriksen T, Nygård JF (2009)
Validity of self-reported Pap smear history in Norwegian women
J Med Screen, 16 (2), 91-7
DOI 10.1258/jms.2009.008087, PubMed 19564522

Nygård JF, Klungsøyr O, Sandanger I, Svensson E (2009)
Selection effects in psychiatric epidemiology: a 14-year prospective study of the Hopkins Symptom Check List-25 as a predictor of mortality in the Norwegian general population
Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 44 (10), 881-6
DOI 10.1007/s00127-009-0010-z, PubMed 19255703

Publications 2008

Klungsøyr O (2008)
On causal inference in psychiatric epidemiology: methodological issues, illustrated by an association between cigarette smoking and depression in a Norwegian communitysample
In Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Unipub, Oslo, no. 648, 1 b. (flere pag.)
BIBSYS 08109227x, ISBN 978-82-8072-263-8

Klungsøyr O, Sexton J, Sandanger I, Nygård JF (2008)
Sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounding in a marginal structural Cox proportional hazards model
Lifetime Data Anal, 15 (2), 278-94
DOI 10.1007/s10985-008-9109-x, PubMed 19109770

Publications 2006

Klungsoyr O, Nygard JF (2006)
Re: "Cigarette smoking and incidence of first depressive episode: An 11-year, population-based follow-up study" - Two of the authors reply
Am. J. Epidemiol., 164 (9), 919-920
DOI 10.1093/aje/kwj307

Klungsøyr O, Nygård JF, Sørensen T, Sandanger I (2006)
Cigarette smoking and incidence of first depressive episode: an 11-year, population-based follow-up study
Am J Epidemiol, 163 (5), 421-32
DOI 10.1093/aje/kwj058, PubMed 16394201

Publications 2002

Klungsøyr O (2002)
Lineære modeller: av høyeste rang
In Notater, Statistisk sentralbyrå, [Oslo], 2002/54, 74 s.
BIBSYS 022275169

Publications 2001

Klungsøyr O (2001)
Ekstremverdimodell for industrinæringenes investeringer i90-årene
In Notater, Statistisk sentralbyrå, [Oslo], 2001/14, 29 s.
BIBSYS 010577211

Klungsøyr O (2001)
Markovkjede Monte Carlo i varianskomponentmodell for sysselsettingsdata
In Notater, Statistisk sentralbyrå, [Oslo], 2001/15, 29 s.
BIBSYS 010577246

Klungsøyr O (2001)
Sesongjustering av tidsserier: spektralanalyse og filtrering
In Notater, Statistisk sentralbyrå, [Oslo], 2001/54, 46 s.
BIBSYS 011713240

Publications 2000

Klungsøyr O (2000)
Sammenligning av mikroformler for prisindekser og modelltilpasning
In Notater, Statistisk sentralbyrå, [Oslo], 2000/52, 35 s.
BIBSYS 001229761

Publications 1998

Zhang LC, Klungsøyr O (1998)
Med orden på data: estimering av terminvise omsetningstall
In Notater, Statistisk sentralbyrå, [Oslo], 98/76, 21 s.
BIBSYS 982560699

Publications 1991

Klungsøyr O (1991)
Simulering og estimering av tidsavhengig poisson-prosess med periodisk varierende parameter
[O. Klungsøyr], Oslo, 140 s.
BIBSYS 910196605