The Core Facility for Advanced Light Microscopy - Montebello
The Core Facility for Advanced Light Microscopy, Montebello provides services within light microscopy techniques to local and regional Helse Sør-Øst users.
Services.We provide services within a range of imaging techniques such as confocal microscopy, live-cell imaging, superresolution microscopy (Airyscan, SoRa), TIRF, and Photokinetics.
We offer training in microscopy to enable users to independently operate our microscopes, and we provide access to advanced image analysis software. For more details about available techniques, visit Services.
Location and Organization. The core facility is located at Institute for Cancer Research, The Norwegian Radium Hospital, building K, 6th floor, west wing. Our core facility is part of an Advanced Light Microscopy core facility at Oslo University Hospital, supported by Helse Sør-Øst, which includes two additional nodes located at the Department of Pathology, Rikshospitalet, Gaustad (Gaustad), and at the Institute of Experimental Research, Ullevål University Hospital (UUH).
User Fees. All users of the core facility services are charged an hourly fee. For Helse Sør-Øst users the fee is 150-300 NOK/hour for the use of a microscope, and additionally, 650 NOK/hour for assistance from core facility staff. Academic users outside of Helse Sør-Øst are charged an additional 50% on the above fees, while non-academic users are charged an additional 100%. Price list
- For contact information visit Contact.
- Registrated users of the core facility microscopes can make reservations for microscopy through our online booking system at