Léa Rosselle

  • Postdoc; PhD, MSc
  • +47 22 78 23 16

NFR CellFit


2018-2021: PhD in Biotechnology, Development of biological models to test new treatments for chronic and infected wounds, University of Lille, France

2015-2017: Master degree in Biotechnology, Specialized in Molecular and cellular engineering, University of Lille, France

2013-2015: Bachelor degree in Cell Biology and Physiology, specialized in genomics, cellular and molecular biology, University of Lille, France

2011-2013: 2 years technological degree in Biology (DUT), Specialized in Biological and biochemical analysis, University of Lille, France


Research interests/projects:

Cancer immunotherapy, novel cellular therapies (CARs, engineered TCRs), T-cell optimal growth condition, manufacturing processes


Work experience:

2022-Present: Postdoc, Development of Cancer Immunotherapy, Department of Cellular Therapy, OUS Radiumhospitalet, Oslo, Norway

2018-2021: PhD student, Development of biological models to test new treatments for chronic and infected wounds, Contract associating IEMN Institute (University of Lille) and TissueAegis Company, Lille, France

2016-2017: Assistant project manager, Optimization of a multiplex test for the detection of anti-HLA antibodies, Innobiochips company, Lille, France

April-June 2016: Intern, Bioinformatic analysis of RNA-sequencing data to decipher the molecular genetics and biology of complex diseases, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

May-June 2015: Intern, Signaling pathway characterisation of Nods-like receptor in validated cells in infection and immunity of chronic disease, Centre for Infection and Immunity of Lille (CIIL) at Pasteur Institute, Lille, France

April-June 2013: Intern, Synthesis of anti-cancer drug, HIST University, Trondheim, Norway

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