MRI guided Interventions and image research

MRI guided interventions are advanced methods for image guided treatments. Our focus is to develop new and improve methods for MRI guided interventions, as well as improving diagnostic MRI imaging in research settings. The research is mainly conducted in the field of neuroscience including fMRI and fMRI-neurofeedback imaging.

The MRI guided interventions span from intraoperative imaging in neurosurgical procedures to

Invasive catheter- based laser ablation of intracranial lesions, to non- invasive ablation procedures such as High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)-therapy HIFU of soft tissue lesions in the uterine cavity or prostate gland. 

The study group also have a focus on fibrosis in various forms (associated to cancer or degenerative processes) as visualized with different MRI and PET techniques and work closely with the participants in The Convergence Environment: Novel personalized management strategies for fibrosing diseases (FibroPET), FibroPET - UiO:Life Science. The group is also participants in TARACAN (TArgeted RAdionuclide Therapy for CANcer); OUH - Institute for Cancer Research, OUH -

Contact information:
Group leader Einar Hopp (from March 1st 2025), Consultant radiologist; MD, PhD
The Intervention Centre, Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet, PB 4950 Nydalen, N-0424 Oslo,
Tel + 47 23070160, Mail: