Surgical Intensive Medicine

Professor Ansgar O. Aasen has retired, from September 1st 2014, and his research group "Surgical Intensive Care Medicine" has been closed.
Research area
Infections following surgery or trauma continue to be a major clinical problem. Due to the immunological consequences of surgery, infections frequently develop into severe septic complications and multiple organ injuries.
The problem in severe sepsis is a paradoxical and self-destructing inflammation and disturbances in the plasma protease cascade systems leading to dysfunctional host defense and injury to vital organ systems.
More than one million patients are expected to die annually from severe sepsis worldwide.
Our aim is to develop novel means to prevent or ameliorate the self-destructive inflammation and the abdominal plasma proteolysis in patients with infection.
A major focus of our work is research into the cellular mechanisms and proteins involved and to facilitate translation of new knowledge from basic research into clinical practice.
Read the annual report 2013 for more information on the activities of the research group