Research at the Division of Oslo Hospital Services

Head of research
The division has several internal research groups, but many of the researchers are full or associated members of other research groups in Oslo university hospital (OUS) or University of Oslo. Many publications are linked to out advising services to PhD and other researchers from the various departments within Research support services, especial related to the statistical supervision from Oslo centre for biostatistics and epidemiology (OCBE).
An increasing proportion is related to research projects where our researchers are the first and last authors, project managers and/or supervisors for PhDs and postdoctoral candidates. The division has increasingly achieved external funding of PhDs and postdoctoral positions from a number of sources of funding. We have a career scholarship from Health South-East and receive significant sums due to participation in EU/EU-IMI projects. Our researchers are also partners in various projects organised in other divisions within OUS or in other hospitals in the region.