Nada Andelic

  • Professor; MD, PhD
  • +47 22 11 86 87

Publications 2025

Zeldovich M, Krol L, Cunitz K, Auer C, Pinggera D, Schön V, Geiger P, Suss J, Koerte IK, Howe EI, Andelic N, Buchheim A, Gondan M, von Steinbüchel N (2025)
Headache after pediatric traumatic brain injury: a comparison between a post-acute sample of children and adolescents and general population
J Headache Pain, 26 (1), 15
DOI 10.1186/s10194-025-01951-2, PubMed 39871123

Publications 2024

Andelic N, Moksnes H, Rasmussen MS, Schäfer C, Hellstrøm T, Howe EI, Sveen U, Perrin PB, Røe C, Anke A, Soberg HL (2024)
Needs for Community-Based Rehabilitation Services and Support 12 Months After Moderate and Severe Physical Traumatic Injuries: A Brief Report
Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 103 (8), 740-744
DOI 10.1097/PHM.0000000000002492, PubMed 38662737

Bockhop F, Greving S, Zeldovich M, Krenz U, Cunitz K, Timmermann D, Kieslich M, Andelic N, Buchheim A, Koerte IK, Roediger M, Brockmann K, Bonfert MV, Berweck S, Lendt M, Staebler M, von Steinbuechel N (2024)
Applicability and clinical utility of the German rivermead post-concussion symptoms questionnaire in proxies of children after traumatic brain injury: an instrument validation study
BMC Neurol, 24 (1), 133
DOI 10.1186/s12883-024-03587-2, PubMed 38641780

Dahl HM, Holthe IL, Andelic N, Løvstad M, Myhre MC (2024)
Unmet health care needs over the first 2 years after pediatric traumatic brain injury
Eur J Paediatr Neurol, 49, 73-81
DOI 10.1016/j.ejpn.2024.01.002, PubMed 38430714

Flusund AH, Bø LE, Reinertsen I, Solheim O, Skandsen T, Håberg A, Andelic N, Vik A, Moen KG (2024)
Lesion Frequency Distribution Maps of Traumatic Axonal Injury on Early Magnetic Resonance Imaging After Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and Associations to 12 Months Outcome
J Neurotrauma, 41 (15-16), 1901-1913
DOI 10.1089/neu.2023.0534, PubMed 38588255

Forslund MV, Borgen IMH, Karic T, Kleffelgård I, Hauger SL, Løvstad M, van Walsem MR, Howe EI, Brunborg C, Andelic N, Røe C (2024)
Validity of the Norwegian Version of the Needs and Provision Complexity Scale (NPCS) in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury and Atraumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
J Clin Med, 13 (3)
DOI 10.3390/jcm13030752, PubMed 38337446

Hellstrøm T, Castillo Laderas JL, Moksnes HØ, Anke A, Schäfer C, Soberg HL, Rohrer-Baumgartner N, Holthe IL, Andelic N, Rasmussen MS (2024)
Family Health Care Needs in a Pediatric Population 6 Months After Moderate and Severe Physical Trauma
J Clin Med, 13 (21)
DOI 10.3390/jcm13216490, PubMed 39518629

Hovset CG, Røe C, Søberg HL, Brunborg C, Helseth E, Andelic N, Forslund MV (2024)
Patient satisfaction with rehabilitation services following traumatic brain injury: a quality registry study
J Rehabil Med, 56, jrm35115
DOI 10.2340/jrm.v56.35115, PubMed 39539069

Howe EI, Andelic N, Brunborg C, Zeldovich M, Helseth E, Skandsen T, Olsen A, Fure SCR, Theadom A, Rauen K, Madsen BÅ, Jacobs B, van der Naalt J, Tartaglia MC, Einarsen CE, Storvig G, Tronvik E, Tverdal C, von Steinbüchel N, Røe C, Hellstrøm T, CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators (2024)
Frequency and predictors of headache in the first 12 months after traumatic brain injury: results from CENTER-TBI
J Headache Pain, 25 (1), 44
DOI 10.1186/s10194-024-01751-0, PubMed 38528477

Moen KG, Flusund AH, Moe HK, Andelic N, Skandsen T, Håberg A, Kvistad KA, Olsen Ø, Saksvoll EH, Abel-Grüner S, Anke A, Follestad T, Vik A (2024)
The prognostic importance of traumatic axonal injury on early MRI: the Trondheim TAI-MRI grading and quantitative models
Eur Radiol, 34 (12), 8015-8029
DOI 10.1007/s00330-024-10841-1, PubMed 38896232

Moksnes HØ, Andelic N, Schäfer C, Anke A, Soberg HL, Røe C, Howe EI, Forslund MV, Røise O, Dahl HM, Becker F, Løvstad M, Perrin PB, Lu J, Sveen U, Hellstrøm T, Rasmussen MS (2024)
Unmet rehabilitation needs in the first 6 months post-injury in a trauma centre population with moderate-to-severe traumatic injuries
J Rehabil Med, 56, jrm40078
DOI 10.2340/jrm.v56.40078, PubMed 38803207

Rasmussen MS, Andelic N, Selj JN, Danielsen VM, Løvstad M, Howe EI, Hellstrøm T, Soberg HL, Brunborg C, Aas E, Moksnes H, Sveen U, Gaarder C, Næss PA, Helseth E, Røise O, Aarhus M, Øra HP, Bjørneboe JA, Fure S, Røe C, Schäfer C, Perrin PB, Lu J, Elf M et al. (2024)
Self-management support program delivered in the sub-acute phase after traumatic injury-study protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial
Trials, 25 (1), 639
DOI 10.1186/s13063-024-08492-0, PubMed 39350137

Rasmussen MS, Zhang Y, Andelic N, Aas E (2024)
Health care costs and service utilization in the first year following moderate to severe traumatic injury
BMC Health Serv Res, 24 (1), 1535
DOI 10.1186/s12913-024-12016-6, PubMed 39627835

Røe C, Borgen IMH, Fure SCR, Forslund MV, Kleffelgård I, Andelic N, Løvstad M, Hauger SL (2024)
The Participation Assessment with Recombined Tools-Objective (PART-O): measurement properties of the Norwegian version after traumatic brain injury
Brain Inj, 38 (1), 12-18
DOI 10.1080/02699052.2024.2304855, PubMed 38240028

Røe C, Gutenbrunner C, Bökel A, Kirkevold M, Nugraha B, Andelic N, Lu J, Bautz-Holter E, Perrin PB, Anke A, Jahnsen R, Månum G, Howe E, Kildal Bragstad L, Soberg HL (2024)
Proposed categories for reporting of service organization in rehabilitation in clinical trials: a discussion paper
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 60 (6), 1070-1077
DOI 10.23736/S1973-9087.24.08494-6, PubMed 39374051

Schäfer C, Moksnes HØ, Rasmussen MS, Hellstrøm T, Brunborg C, Soberg HL, Røise O, Røe C, Andelic N, Anke A (2024)
Return to Work One Year after Moderate to Severe Traumatic Injury in a Working Age Population
J Clin Med, 13 (17)
DOI 10.3390/jcm13175308, PubMed 39274521

Søberg HL, Solvang PK, Andelic N, Røe C, Kirkevold M (2024)
Users' Perspectives on the Organization of Rehabilitation Services - A Focus Group Study of User Organization Representatives in Norway
Health Expect, 27 (6), e70139
DOI 10.1111/hex.70139, PubMed 39722436

van Walsem MR, Howe EI, Andelic N, Frich JC (2024)
Primary health care professionals' experiences with caring for patients with advanced Huntington's disease: a qualitative study
BMC Prim Care, 25 (1), 155
DOI 10.1186/s12875-024-02408-2, PubMed 38714964

Publications 2023

Borgen IMH, Løvstad M, Hauger SL, Forslund MV, Kleffelgård I, Andelic N, Sveen U, Søberg HL, Sigurdardottir S, Winter L, Lindstad MØ, Brunborg C, Røe C (2023)
Effect of an Individually Tailored and Home-Based Intervention in the Chronic Phase of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized Clinical Trial
JAMA Netw Open, 6 (5), e2310821
DOI 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.10821, PubMed 37145600

Cunitz K, Holloway I, Harzendorf A, Greving S, Zeldovich M, Krenz U, Timmermann D, Koerte IK, Bonfert MV, Berweck S, Kieslich M, Brockmann K, Roediger M, Buchheim A, Andelic N, Lendt M, Staebler M, Muehlan H, von Steinbuechel N (2023)
Health-Related Quality of Life after Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: A Quantitative Comparison between Children's and Parents' Perspectives of the QOLIBRI-KID/ADO Questionnaire
J Clin Med, 12 (23)
DOI 10.3390/jcm12237439, PubMed 38068491

Dahl HM, Holthe IL, Løvstad M, Tverdal C, Andelic N, Myhre MC (2023)
Almost half of children and adolescents had unmet need 6 months after their traumatic brain injury
Acta Paediatr, 112 (5), 1019-1028
DOI 10.1111/apa.16693, PubMed 36708075

Hauger SL, Borgen IMH, Forslund MV, Kleffelgård I, Andelic N, Løvstad M, Perrin PB, Røe C, Fure SCR (2023)
Participation in the Chronic Phase after Traumatic Brain Injury: Variations and Key Predictors
J Clin Med, 12 (17)
DOI 10.3390/jcm12175584, PubMed 37685651

Kleffelgård I, Andelic N, Bruusgaard KA, Langhammer B, Tamber AL, Soberg HL (2023)
Dizziness-Related Disability One Year after a Mild-to-Moderate TBI-A Follow-Up Study
J Clin Med, 12 (16)
DOI 10.3390/jcm12165192, PubMed 37629234

Lu J, Rasmussen MS, Sigurdardottir S, Forslund MV, Howe EI, Fure SCR, Løvstad M, Overeem R, Røe C, Andelic N (2023)
Community Integration and Associated Factors 10 Years after Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
J Clin Med, 12 (2)
DOI 10.3390/jcm12020405, PubMed 36675333

Madsen BÅ, Fure SCR, Andelic N, Løke D, Løvstad M, Røe C, Howe EI (2023)
Exploring the Association between Personality Traits, Symptom Burden, and Return to Work after Mild-to-Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury
J Clin Med, 12 (14)
DOI 10.3390/jcm12144654, PubMed 37510769

Moksnes HØ, Schäfer C, Rasmussen MS, Soberg HL, Røise O, Anke A, Røe C, Næss PA, Gaarder C, Helseth E, Dahl HM, Hestnes M, Brunborg C, Andelic N, Hellstrøm T (2023)
Functional Outcomes at 6 and 12 Months Post-Injury in a Trauma Centre Population with Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Injuries
J Clin Med, 12 (16)
DOI 10.3390/jcm12165300, PubMed 37629342

Moksnes HØ, Schäfer C, Rasmussen MS, Søberg HL, Røise O, Anke A, Røe C, Næss PA, Gaarder C, Helseth E, Dahl HM, Hestnes M, Brunborg C, Andelic N, Hellstrøm T (2023)
Factors associated with discharge destination from acute care after moderate-to-severe traumatic injuries in Norway: a prospective population-based study
Inj Epidemiol, 10 (1), 20
DOI 10.1186/s40621-023-00431-y, PubMed 37055808

Rasmussen MS, Howe EI, Andelic N, Soberg HL (2023)
Associations between protective resources and family functioning after traumatic brain injury: A cross-sectional study using a structural equation modeling approach
NeuroRehabilitation, 52 (1), 47-58
DOI 10.3233/NRE-220131, PubMed 36617761

Schäfer C, Moksnes HØ, Rasmussen MS, Hellstrøm T, Lundgaard Soberg H, Røise O, Røe C, Frisvold S, Bartnes K, Næss PA, Garder C, Helseth E, Bruborg C, Andelic N, Anke A (2023)
Adherence to Guidelines for Acute Rehabilitation in the Norwegian Trauma Plan
J Rehabil Med, 55, jrm6552
DOI 10.2340/jrm.v55.6552, PubMed 37366570

Spjelkavik Ø, Enehaug H, Klethagen P, Howe EI, Fure SCR, Terjesen HCA, Løvstad M, Andelic N (2023)
Workplace accommodation in return to work after mild traumatic brain injury
Work, 74 (3), 1149-1163
DOI 10.3233/WOR-211440, PubMed 36442182

Theadom A, Andelic N, Chavda V, Pedersen M (2023)
Unravelling the current shortfalls, challenges, and opportunities in traumatic brain injury
BMC Neurol, 23 (1), 438
DOI 10.1186/s12883-023-03484-0, PubMed 38082269

Valaas LV, Soberg HL, Rasmussen MS, Steenstrup SE, Andelic N, Kleffelgård I (2023)
Sub-symptom threshold aerobic exercise for patients with persisting post-concussion symptoms and exercise intolerance after mild traumatic brain injury - a study protocol with a nested feasibility study for a randomized controlled trial
BMC Neurol, 23 (1), 179
DOI 10.1186/s12883-023-03221-7, PubMed 37138202

von Steinbuechel N, Hahm S, Muehlan H, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Bockhop F, Covic A, Schmidt S, Steyerberg EW, Maas AIR, Menon D, Andelic N, Zeldovich M, The Center-Tbi Participants And Investigators (2023)
Impact of Sociodemographic, Premorbid, and Injury-Related Factors on Patient-Reported Outcome Trajectories after Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
J Clin Med, 12 (6)
DOI 10.3390/jcm12062246, PubMed 36983247

von Steinbuechel N, Krenz U, Bockhop F, Koerte IK, Timmermann D, Cunitz K, Zeldovich M, Andelic N, Rojczyk P, Bonfert MV, Berweck S, Kieslich M, Brockmann K, Roediger M, Lendt M, Buchheim A, Muehlan H, Holloway I, Olabarrieta-Landa L (2023)
A Multidimensional Approach to Assessing Factors Impacting Health-Related Quality of Life after Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury
J Clin Med, 12 (12)
DOI 10.3390/jcm12123895, PubMed 37373590

Publications 2022

Borgen IMH, Hauger SL, Forslund MV, Kleffelgård I, Brunborg C, Andelic N, Sveen U, Søberg HL, Sigurdardottir S, Røe C, Løvstad M (2022)
Goal Attainment in an Individually Tailored and Home-Based Intervention in the Chronic Phase after Traumatic Brain Injury
J Clin Med, 11 (4)
DOI 10.3390/jcm11040958, PubMed 35207231

Fure SCR, Howe EI, Andelic N, Brunborg C, Olsen A, Rike PO, Spjelkavik Ø, Enehaug H, Røe C, Løvstad M (2022)
Workplace Factors Associated With Return to Work After Mild-to-Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury
J Head Trauma Rehabil, 38 (1), E1-E9
DOI 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000772, PubMed 35293367

Hauger SL, Borgen IMH, Løvstad M, Lu J, Forslund MV, Kleffelgård I, Andelic N, Røe C (2022)
Community-Based Interventions After Acquired Brain Injury-A Systematic Review of Intervention Types and Their Effectiveness
J Head Trauma Rehabil, 37 (5), E355-E369
DOI 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000765, PubMed 35125426

Hellstrøm T, Andelic N, Holthe ØØ, Helseth E, Server A, Eiklid K, Sigurdardottir S (2022)
APOE-ε4 Is Associated With Reduced Verbal Memory Performance and Higher Emotional, Cognitive, and Everyday Executive Function Symptoms Two Months After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Front Neurol, 13, 735206
DOI 10.3389/fneur.2022.735206, PubMed 35250800

Holthe IL, Dahl HM, Rohrer-Baumgartner N, Eichler S, Elseth MF, Holthe Ø, Berntsen T, Yeates KO, Andelic N, Løvstad M (2022)
Neuropsychological Impairment, Brain Injury Symptoms, and Health-Related Quality of Life After Pediatric TBI in Oslo
Front Neurol, 12, 719915
DOI 10.3389/fneur.2021.719915, PubMed 35153967

Howe EI, Andelic N, Fure SCR, Røe C, Søberg HL, Hellstrøm T, Spjelkavik Ø, Enehaug H, Lu J, Ugelstad H, Løvstad M, Aas E (2022)
Cost-effectiveness analysis of combined cognitive and vocational rehabilitation in patients with mild-to-moderate TBI: results from a randomized controlled trial
BMC Health Serv Res, 22 (1), 185
DOI 10.1186/s12913-022-07585-3, PubMed 35151285

Howe EI, Zeldovich M, Andelic N, von Steinbuechel N, Fure SCR, Borgen IMH, Forslund MV, Hellstrøm T, Søberg HL, Sveen U, Rasmussen M, Kleffelgaard I, Tverdal C, Helseth E, Løvstad M, Lu J, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Tenovuo O, Azouvi P, Dawes H, Roe C, CENTER-TBI participants and investigators (2022)
Rehabilitation and outcomes after complicated vs uncomplicated mild TBI: results from the CENTER-TBI study
BMC Health Serv Res, 22 (1), 1536
DOI 10.1186/s12913-022-08908-0, PubMed 36527074

Løke D, Andelic N, Helseth E, Vassend O, Andersson S, Ponsford JL, Tverdal C, Brunborg C, Løvstad M (2022)
Impact of Somatic Vulnerability, Psychosocial Robustness and Injury-Related Factors on Fatigue following Traumatic Brain Injury-A Cross-Sectional Study
J Clin Med, 11 (6)
DOI 10.3390/jcm11061733, PubMed 35330057

Løke D, Andelic N, Helseth E, Vassend O, Andersson S, Ponsford JL, Tverdal C, Brunborg C, Løvstad M (2022)
Stability and Change in Biopsychosocial Factors Associated With Fatigue 6 and 12 Months After Traumatic Brain Injury: An Exploratory Multilevel Study
J Head Trauma Rehabil, 38 (4), E244-E253
DOI 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000847, PubMed 36602267

Løke D, Løvstad M, Andelic N, Andersson S, Ystrom E, Vassend O (2022)
The role of pain and psychological distress in fatigue: a co-twin and within-person analysis of confounding and causal relations
Health Psychol Behav Med, 10 (1), 160-179
DOI 10.1080/21642850.2022.2033121, PubMed 35173998

Maas AIR, Menon DK, Manley GT, Abrams M, Åkerlund C, Andelic N, Aries M, Bashford T, Bell MJ, Bodien YG, Brett BL, Büki A, Chesnut RM, Citerio G, Clark D, Clasby B, Cooper DJ, Czeiter E, Czosnyka M, Dams-O'Connor K, De Keyser V, Diaz-Arrastia R, Ercole A, van Essen TA, Falvey É et al. (2022)
Traumatic brain injury: progress and challenges in prevention, clinical care, and research
Lancet Neurol, 21 (11), 1004-1060
DOI 10.1016/S1474-4422(22)00309-X, PubMed 36183712

Nugraha B, Engen G, Roe C, Kirkevold M, Soberg HL, Andelic N, Gutenbrunner C (2022)
Development of a Minimum Reporting Set of Contextual Factors for Rehabilitation Studies: A Delphi Study
J Rehabil Med, 54, jrm00265
DOI 10.2340/jrm.v54.2033, PubMed 35174867

Retel Helmrich IRA, van Klaveren D, Andelic N, Lingsma H, Maas A, Menon D, Polinder S, Røe C, Steyerberg EW, Van Veen E, Wilson L, CENTER-TBI participants and investigators (2022)
Discrepancy between disability and reported well-being after traumatic brain injury
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 93 (7), 785-96 (in press)
DOI 10.1136/jnnp-2021-326615, PubMed 35537823

Røe C, Bautz-Holter E, Andelic N, Søberg HL, Nugraha B, Gutenbrunner C, Boekel A, Kirkevold M, Engen G, Lu J (2022)
Organization of Rehabilitation Services in Randomized Controlled Trials: Which Factors Influence Functional Outcome? A Systematic Review
Arch Rehabil Res Clin Transl, 4 (2), 100197
DOI 10.1016/j.arrct.2022.100197, PubMed 35756983

Sagstad K, Howe EI, Fure SCR, Løvstad M, Enehaug H, Ugelstad H, Feiring M, Andelic N, Sveen U (2022)
Transition back to work after mild TBI: A qualitative study
Scand J Occup Ther, 30 (4), 527-538
DOI 10.1080/11038128.2022.2120067, PubMed 36084237

Soberg HL, Moksnes HØ, Anke A, Røise O, Røe C, Aas E, Sveen U, Gaarder C, Næss PA, Helseth E, Dahl HM, Becker F, Løvstad M, Bartnes K, Schäfer C, Rasmusssen MS, Perrin P, Lu J, Hellstrøm T, Andelic N (2022)
Correction: Rehabilitation Needs, Service Provision, and Costs in the First Year Following Traumatic Injuries: Protocol for a Prospective Cohort Study
JMIR Res Protoc, 11 (3), e37723
DOI 10.2196/37723, PubMed 35320112

Tverdal C, Brunborg C, Helseth E, Andelic N, Koch M, Røe C, Aarhus M, Hellstrøm T (2022)
Referrals to Early Specialized Rehabilitation after Traumatic Brain Injury during the Covid-19 Pandemic
J Rehabil Med, 54, jrm00334
DOI 10.2340/jrm.v54.2203, PubMed 36083786

Tverdal C, Aarhus M, Rønning P, Skaansar O, Skogen K, Andelic N, Helseth E (2022)
Incidence of emergency neurosurgical TBI procedures: a population-based study
BMC Emerg Med, 22 (1), 1
DOI 10.1186/s12873-021-00561-w, PubMed 34991477

van der Vlegel M, Mikolić A, Lee Hee Q, Kaplan ZLR, Retel Helmrich IRA, van Veen E, Andelic N, Steinbuechel NV, Plass AM, Zeldovich M, Wilson L, Maas AIR, Haagsma JA, Polinder S, CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators (2022)
Health care utilization and outcomes in older adults after Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI study
Injury, 53 (8), 2774-2782
DOI 10.1016/j.injury.2022.05.009, PubMed 35725508

van Walsem MR, Frich JC, Gómez Castañeda M, Howe EI, Pihlstrøm L, Andelic N, Aas E (2022)
Health related quality of life, service utilization and costs for patients with Huntington's disease in Norway
BMC Health Serv Res, 22 (1), 1527
DOI 10.1186/s12913-022-08881-8, PubMed 36517848

Publications 2021

Andelic N, Røe C, Brunborg C, Zeldovich M, Løvstad M, Løke D, Borgen IM, Voormolen DC, Howe EI, Forslund MV, Dahl HM, von Steinbuechel N, CENTER-TBI participants investigators (2021)
Correction to: Frequency of fatigue and its changes in the first 6 months after traumatic brain injury: results from the CENTER-TBI study
J Neurol, 268 (1), 74-76
DOI 10.1007/s00415-020-10174-1, PubMed 32910254

Andelic N, Røe C, Tenovuo O, Azouvi P, Dawes H, Majdan M, Ranta J, Howe EI, Wiegers EJA, Tverdal C, Borgen I, Forslund MV, Kleffelgaard I, Dahl HM, Jacob L, Cogné M, Lu J, von Steinbuechel N, Zeldovich M (2021)
Unmet Rehabilitation Needs after Traumatic Brain Injury across Europe: Results from the CENTER-TBI Study
J Clin Med, 10 (5)
DOI 10.3390/jcm10051035, PubMed 33802336

Borgen IMH, Kleffelgård I, Hauger SL, Forslund MV, Søberg HL, Andelic N, Sveen U, Winter L, Løvstad M, Røe C (2021)
Patient-Reported Problem Areas in Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury
J Head Trauma Rehabil, 37 (5), E336-E345
DOI 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000744, PubMed 34743086

Borgen IMH, Røe C, Brunborg C, Tenovuo O, Azouvi P, Dawes H, Majdan M, Ranta J, Rusnak M, Wiegers EJA, Tverdal C, Jacob L, Cogné M, von Steinbuechel N, Andelic N, CENTER-TBI participants investigators (2021)
Care transitions in the first 6months following traumatic brain injury: Lessons from the CENTER-TBI study
Ann Phys Rehabil Med, 64 (6), 101458
DOI 10.1016/, PubMed 33246186

Dahl HM, Andelic N, Løvstad M, Holthe IL, Hestnes M, Diseth TH, Myhre MC (2021)
Epidemiology of traumatic brain injury in children 15 years and younger in South-Eastern Norway in 2015-16. Implications for prevention and follow-up needs
Eur J Paediatr Neurol, 31, 70-77
DOI 10.1016/j.ejpn.2021.02.002, PubMed 33647532

Forslund MV, Perrin PB, Sigurdardottir S, Howe EI, van Walsem MR, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Lu J, Aza A, Jerstad T, Røe C, Andelic N (2021)
Health-Related Quality of Life Trajectories across 10 Years after Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Norway
J Clin Med, 10 (1)
DOI 10.3390/jcm10010157, PubMed 33466321

Fure SCR, Howe EI, Andelic N, Brunborg C, Sveen U, Røe C, Rike PO, Olsen A, Spjelkavik Ø, Ugelstad H, Lu J, Ponsford J, Twamley EW, Hellstrøm T, Løvstad M (2021)
Cognitive and vocational rehabilitation after mild-to-moderate traumatic brain injury: A randomised controlled trial
Ann Phys Rehabil Med, 64 (5), 101538
DOI 10.1016/, PubMed 33957293

Fure SCR, Howe EI, Spjelkavik Ø, Røe C, Rike PO, Olsen A, Ponsford J, Andelic N, Løvstad M (2021)
Post-concussion symptoms three months after mild-to-moderate TBI: characteristics of sick-listed patients referred to specialized treatment and consequences of intracranial injury
Brain Inj, 35 (9), 1054-1064
DOI 10.1080/02699052.2021.1953593, PubMed 34314269

Graves WC, Oyesanya TO, Gormley M, Røe C, Andelic N, Seel RT, Lu J (2021)
Pre- and in-hospital mortality for moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injuries: an analysis of the National Trauma Data Bank (2008-2014)
Brain Inj, 35 (3), 265-274
DOI 10.1080/02699052.2021.1873419, PubMed 33529087

Hellstrøm T, Andelic N, de Lange AG, Helseth E, Eiklid K, Westlye LT (2021)
Apolipoprotein ɛ4 Status and Brain Structure 12 Months after Mild Traumatic Injury: Brain Age Prediction Using Brain Morphometry and Diffusion Tensor Imaging
J Clin Med, 10 (3)
DOI 10.3390/jcm10030418, PubMed 33499167

Nugraha B, Andelic N, Søberg HL, Engen G, Kirkevold M, Røe C, Gutenbrunner C (2021)
Towards standardized reporting of service organization in rehabilitation for clinical trials
J Rehabil Med, 53 (6), jrm00207
DOI 10.2340/16501977-2842, PubMed 33961056

Rasmussen MS, Andelic N, Pripp AH, Nordenmark TH, Soberg HL (2021)
The effectiveness of a family-centred intervention after traumatic brain injury: A pragmatic randomised controlled trial
Clin Rehabil, 35 (10), 1428-1441
DOI 10.1177/02692155211010369, PubMed 33858221

Rønning P, Helseth E, Skaansar O, Tverdal C, Andelic N, Bhatnagar R, Melberg M, Skaga NO, Aarhus M, Halvorsen S, Helseth R (2021)
Impact of Preinjury Antithrombotic Therapy on 30-Day Mortality in Older Patients Hospitalized With Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Front Neurol, 12, 650695
DOI 10.3389/fneur.2021.650695, PubMed 34054695

Soberg HL, Moksnes HØ, Anke A, Røise O, Røe C, Aas E, Sveen U, Gaarder C, Næss PA, Helseth E, Dahl HM, Becker F, Løvstad M, Bartnes K, Schäfer C, Rasmussen MS, Perrin P, Lu J, Hellstrøm T, Andelic N (2021)
Rehabilitation Needs, Service Provision, and Costs in the First Year Following Traumatic Injuries: Protocol for a Prospective Cohort Study
JMIR Res Protoc, 10 (4), e25980
DOI 10.2196/25980, PubMed 33688841

Søberg HL, Andelic N, Langhammer B, Tamber AL, Bruusgaard KA, Kleffelgaard I (2021)
Effect of vestibular rehabilitation on change in health-related quality of life in patients with dizziness and balance problems after traumatic brain injury: A randomized controlled trial
J Rehabil Med, 53 (4), jrm00181
DOI 10.2340/16501977-2823, PubMed 33842981

Tverdal C, Andelic N, Helseth E, Brunborg C, Rønning P, Hellstrøm T, Røe C, Aarhus M (2021)
In the Aftermath of Acute Hospitalization for Traumatic Brain Injury: Factors Associated with the Direct Pathway into Specialized Rehabilitation
J Clin Med, 10 (16)
DOI 10.3390/jcm10163577, PubMed 34441872

Wang B, Zeldovich M, Rauen K, Wu YJ, Covic A, Muller I, Haagsma JA, Polinder S, Menon D, Asendorf T, Andelic N, von Steinbuechel N, Center-Tbi Participants And Investigators (2021)
Longitudinal Analyses of the Reciprocity of Depression and Anxiety after Traumatic Brain Injury and Its Clinical Implications
J Clin Med, 10 (23)
DOI 10.3390/jcm10235597, PubMed 34884299

Publications 2020

Alves DE, Nilsen W, Fure SCR, Enehaug H, Howe EI, Løvstad M, Fink L, Andelic N, Spjelkavik Ø (2020)
What characterises work and workplaces that retain their employees following acquired brain injury? Systematic review
Occup Environ Med, 77 (2), 122-130
DOI 10.1136/oemed-2019-106102, PubMed 31907293

Andelic N, Forslund MV, Perrin PB, Sigurdardottir S, Lu J, Howe EI, Sveen U, Rasmussen MS, Søberg HL, Røe C (2020)
Long-term follow-up of use of therapy services for patients with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury
J Rehabil Med, 52 (3), jrm00034
DOI 10.2340/16501977-2662, PubMed 32179933

Andelic N, Lu J, Gutenbrunner C, Nugraha B, Gormley M, Søberg HL, Sveen U, Anke A, Kirkevold M, Røe C (2020)
Description of health-related rehabilitation service provision and delivery in randomized controlled trials: A topic review
J Rehabil Med, 52 (8), jrm00093
DOI 10.2340/16501977-2726, PubMed 32830278

Andelic N, Røe C, Brunborg C, Zeldovich M, Løvstad M, Løke D, Borgen IM, Voormolen DC, Howe EI, Forslund MV, Dahl HM, von Steinbuechel N, CENTER-TBI participants investigators (2020)
Frequency of fatigue and its changes in the first 6 months after traumatic brain injury: results from the CENTER-TBI study
J Neurol, 268 (1), 61-73
DOI 10.1007/s00415-020-10022-2, PubMed 32676767

Arango-Lasprilla JC, Zeldovich M, Olabarrieta-Landa L, Forslund MV, Núñez-Fernández S, von Steinbuechel N, Howe EI, Røe C, Andelic N, Center-Tbi Participants And Investigators (2020)
Early Predictors of Employment Status One Year Post Injury in Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury in Europe
J Clin Med, 9 (6)
DOI 10.3390/jcm9062007, PubMed 32604823

Aza A, Verdugo MÁ, Orgaz MB, Andelic N, Fernández M, Forslund MV (2020)
The predictors of proxy- and self-reported quality of life among individuals with acquired brain injury
Disabil Rehabil, 44 (8), 1333-1345
DOI 10.1080/09638288.2020.1803426, PubMed 32847433

Borgen IMH, Løvstad M, Andelic N, Hauger S, Sigurdardottir S, Søberg HL, Sveen U, Forslund MV, Kleffelgård I, Lindstad MØ, Winter L, Røe C (2020)
Traumatic brain injury-needs and treatment options in the chronic phase: Study protocol for a randomized controlled community-based intervention
Trials, 21 (1), 294
DOI 10.1186/s13063-020-4195-5, PubMed 32216840

Howe EI, Fure SCR, Løvstad M, Enehaug H, Sagstad K, Hellstrøm T, Brunborg C, Røe C, Nordenmark TH, Søberg HL, Twamley E, Lu J, Andelic N (2020)
Effectiveness of Combining Compensatory Cognitive Training and Vocational Intervention vs. Treatment as Usual on Return to Work Following Mild-to-Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury: Interim Analysis at 3 and 6 Month Follow-Up
Front Neurol, 11, 561400
DOI 10.3389/fneur.2020.561400, PubMed 33240196

Jacob L, Cogné M, Tenovuo O, Røe C, Andelic N, Majdan M, Ranta J, Ylen P, Dawes H, Azouvi P, CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators (2020)
Predictors of Access to Rehabilitation in the Year Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A European Prospective and Multicenter Study
Neurorehabil Neural Repair, 34 (9), 814-830
DOI 10.1177/1545968320946038, PubMed 32762407

Moe HK, Follestad T, Andelic N, Håberg AK, Flusund AH, Kvistad KA, Saksvoll EH, Olsen Ø, Abel-Grüner S, Sandrød O, Skandsen T, Vik A, Moen KG (2020)
Traumatic axonal injury on clinical MRI: association with the Glasgow Coma Scale score at scene of injury or at admission and prolonged posttraumatic amnesia
J Neurosurg, 135 (2), 562-573
DOI 10.3171/2020.6.JNS20112, PubMed 33096528

Rasmussen MS, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Andelic N, Nordenmark TH, Soberg HL (2020)
Mental Health and Family Functioning in Patients and Their Family Members after Traumatic Brain Injury: A Cross-Sectional Study
Brain Sci, 10 (10)
DOI 10.3390/brainsci10100670, PubMed 32992808

Røe C, Anke A, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Andelic N, Caracuel A, Rivera D, Norup A (2020)
The Family Needs Questionnaire-Revised: a Rasch analysis of measurement properties in the chronic phase after traumatic brain injury
Brain Inj, 34 (10), 1375-1383
DOI 10.1080/02699052.2020.1802664, PubMed 32758024

Sigurdardottir S, Andelic N, Røe C, Schanke AK (2020)
Trajectory of 10-Year Neurocognitive Functioning After Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Early Associations and Clinical Application
J Int Neuropsychol Soc, 26 (7), 654-667
DOI 10.1017/S1355617720000193, PubMed 32098637

Skaansar O, Tverdal C, Rønning PA, Skogen K, Brommeland T, Røise O, Aarhus M, Andelic N, Helseth E (2020)
Traumatic brain injury-the effects of patient age on treatment intensity and mortality
BMC Neurol, 20 (1), 376
DOI 10.1186/s12883-020-01943-6, PubMed 33069218

Tverdal C, Aarhus M, Andelic N, Skaansar O, Skogen K, Helseth E (2020)
Characteristics of traumatic brain injury patients with abnormal neuroimaging in Southeast Norway
Inj Epidemiol, 7 (1), 45
DOI 10.1186/s40621-020-00269-8, PubMed 32867838

van Walsem MR, Howe EI, Perrin PB, Sigurdardottir S, Røe C, Sveen U, Lu J, Forslund MV, Andelic N (2020)
Trajectories of self-reported competency up to 10 years following moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury
Brain Inj, 34 (3), 335-342
DOI 10.1080/02699052.2019.1704061, PubMed 31928233

Voormolen DC, Zeldovich M, Haagsma JA, Polinder S, Friedrich S, Maas AIR, Wilson L, Steyerberg EW, Covic A, Andelic N, Plass AM, Wu YJ, Asendorf T, von Steinbüechel N, Center-Tbi Participants Investigators CT (2020)
Outcomes after Complicated and Uncomplicated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury at Three-and Six-Months Post-Injury: Results from the CENTER-TBI Study
J Clin Med, 9 (5)
DOI 10.3390/jcm9051525, PubMed 32443573

Zeldovich M, Wu YJ, Gorbunova A, Mikolic A, Polinder S, Plass AM, Covic A, Asendorf T, Andelic N, Voormolen DC, von Steinbüchel N, On The Behalf Of The Center-Tbi Participants And Investigators (2020)
Influence of Sociodemographic, Premorbid, and Injury-Related Factors on Post-Concussion Symptoms after Traumatic Brain Injury
J Clin Med, 9 (6)
DOI 10.3390/jcm9061931, PubMed 32575667

Publications 2019

Andelic N, Løvstad M, Norup A, Ponsford J, Røe C (2019)
Editorial: Impact of Traumatic Brain Injuries on Participation in Daily Life and Work: Recent Research and Future Directions
Front Neurol, 10, 1153
DOI 10.3389/fneur.2019.01153, PubMed 31736861

Forslund MV, Perrin PB, Røe C, Sigurdardottir S, Hellstrøm T, Berntsen SA, Lu J, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Andelic N (2019)
Global Outcome Trajectories up to 10 Years After Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Front Neurol, 10, 219
DOI 10.3389/fneur.2019.00219, PubMed 30923511

Gormley M, Devanaboyina M, Andelic N, Røe C, Seel RT, Lu J (2019)
Long-term employment outcomes following moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Brain Inj, 33 (13-14), 1567-1580
DOI 10.1080/02699052.2019.1658222, PubMed 31454278

Holthe OO, Hellstrom T, Andelic N, Server A, Sigurdardottir S (2019)
Improvement and Prediction of Memory and Executive Functions in Patients Admitted to a Neurosurgery Service With Complicated and Uncomplicated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
J Head Trauma Rehabil, 34 (5), E45-E56
DOI 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000463, PubMed 30829814

Røe C, Tverdal C, Howe EI, Tenovuo O, Azouvi P, Andelic N (2019)
Randomized Controlled Trials of Rehabilitation Services in the Post-acute Phase of Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury - A Systematic Review
Front Neurol, 10, 557
DOI 10.3389/fneur.2019.00557, PubMed 31244748

Teymoori A, Real R, Gorbunova A, Haghish EF, Andelic N, Wilson L, Asendorf T, Menon D, von Steinbüchel N (2019)
Measurement invariance of assessments of depression (PHQ-9) and anxiety (GAD-7) across sex, strata and linguistic backgrounds in a European-wide sample of patients after Traumatic Brain Injury
J Affect Disord, 262, 278-285
DOI 10.1016/j.jad.2019.10.035, PubMed 31732280

Voormolen DC, Haagsma JA, Polinder S, Maas AIR, Steyerberg EW, Vuleković P, Sewalt CA, Gravesteijn BY, Covic A, Andelic N, Plass AM, von Steinbuechel N (2019)
Post-Concussion Symptoms in Complicated vs. Uncomplicated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients at Three and Six Months Post-Injury: Results from the CENTER-TBI Study
J Clin Med, 8 (11)
DOI 10.3390/jcm8111921, PubMed 31717436

Publications 2018

Andelic N, Howe EI, Hellstrøm T, Sanchez MF, Lu J, Løvstad M, Røe C (2018)
Disability and quality of life 20 years after traumatic brain injury
Brain Behav, 8 (7), e01018
DOI 10.1002/brb3.1018, PubMed 29888869

Fernández M, Gómez LE, Arias VB, Aguayo V, Amor AM, Andelic N, Verdugo MA (2018)
A new scale for measuring quality of life in acquired brain injury
Qual Life Res, 28 (3), 801-814
DOI 10.1007/s11136-018-2047-5, PubMed 30448910

Howe EI, Andelic N, Perrin PB, Røe C, Sigurdardottir S, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Lu J, Løvstad M, Forslund MV (2018)
Employment Probability Trajectories Up To 10 Years After Moderate-To-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Front Neurol, 9, 1051
DOI 10.3389/fneur.2018.01051, PubMed 30568630

Lu J, Roe C, Sigurdardottir S, Andelic N, Forslund M (2018)
Trajectory of Functional Independent Measurements during First Five Years after Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
J Neurotrauma, 35 (14), 1596-1603
DOI 10.1089/neu.2017.5299, PubMed 29466920

Manskow US, Arntzen C, Damsgård E, Braine M, Sigurdardottir S, Andelic N, Røe C, Anke A (2018)
Family members' experience with in-hospital health care after severe traumatic brain injury: a national multicentre study
BMC Health Serv Res, 18 (1), 951
DOI 10.1186/s12913-018-3773-7, PubMed 30526574

Røe C, Kirkevold M, Andelic N, Soberg HL, Sveen U, Bautz-Holter E, Jahnsen R, van Walsem MR, Kildal Bragstad L, Gabrielsen Hjelle E, Klevberg G, Oretorp P, Habberstad A, Hagfors J, Væhle R, Engen G, Gutenbrunner C (2018)
The challenges of describing rehabilitation services: A discussion paper
J Rehabil Med, 50 (2), 151-158
DOI 10.2340/16501977-2299, PubMed 29260837

Sigurdardottir S, Andelic N, Wehling E, Anke A, Skandsen T, Holthe OO, Manskow US, Roe C (2018)
Return to work after severe traumatic brain injury: a national study with a one-year follow-up of neurocognitive and behavioural outcomes
Neuropsychol Rehabil, 30 (2), 281-297
DOI 10.1080/09602011.2018.1462719, PubMed 29667477

Tverdal CB, Howe EI, Røe C, Helseth E, Lu J, Tenovuo O, Andelic N (2018)
Traumatic brain injury: Patient experience and satisfaction with discharge from trauma hospital
J Rehabil Med, 50 (6), 505-513
DOI 10.2340/16501977-2332, PubMed 29620136

Publications 2017

Arango-Lasprilla J, Olabarrieta-Landa L, Ertl MM, Stevens LF, Morlett-Paredes A, Andelic N, Zasler N (2017)
Survey on International Health Professional Training and Attitudes on Sexuality After Traumatic Brain Injury
Sex. Disabil., 35 (4), 473-484
DOI 10.1007/s11195-017-9503-y

Arango-Lasprilla JC, Olabarrieta-Landa L, Ertl MM, Stevens LF, Morlett-Paredes A, Andelic N, Zasler N (2017)
Provider perceptions of the assessment and rehabilitation of sexual functioning after Traumatic Brain Injury
Brain Inj, 31 (12), 1605-1611
DOI 10.1080/02699052.2017.1332784, PubMed 28699795

Forslund MV, Roe C, Perrin PB, Sigurdardottir S, Lu J, Berntsen S, Andelic N (2017)
The trajectories of overall disability in the first 5 years after moderate and severe traumatic brain injury
Brain Inj, 31 (3), 329-335
DOI 10.1080/02699052.2016.1255778, PubMed 28095032

Hauger SL, Olafsen K, Schnakers C, Andelic N, Nilsen KB, Helseth E, Funderud I, Andersson S, Schanke AK, Løvstad M (2017)
Cognitive Event-Related Potentials during the Sub-Acute Phase of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and Their Relationship to Outcome
J Neurotrauma, 34 (22), 3124-3133
DOI 10.1089/neu.2017.5062, PubMed 28594285

Hellstrøm T, Kaufmann T, Andelic N, Soberg HL, Sigurdardottir S, Helseth E, Andreassen OA, Westlye LT (2017)
Predicting Outcome 12 Months after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Patients Admitted to a Neurosurgery Service
Front Neurol, 8, 125
DOI 10.3389/fneur.2017.00125, PubMed 28443058

Hellstrøm T, Westlye LT, Kaufmann T, Trung Doan N, Søberg HL, Sigurdardottir S, Nordhøy W, Helseth E, Andreassen OA, Andelic N (2017)
White matter microstructure is associated with functional, cognitive and emotional symptoms 12 months after mild traumatic brain injury
Sci Rep, 7 (1), 13795
DOI 10.1038/s41598-017-13628-1, PubMed 29061970

Hellstrøm T, Westlye LT, Sigurdardottir S, Brunborg C, Soberg HL, Holthe Ø, Server A, Lund MJ, Andreassen OA, Andelic N (2017)
Longitudinal changes in brain morphology from 4 weeks to 12 months after mild traumatic brain injury: Associations with cognitive functions and clinical variables
Brain Inj, 31 (5), 674-685
DOI 10.1080/02699052.2017.1283537, PubMed 28414250

Howe EI, Langlo KS, Terjesen HCA, Røe C, Schanke AK, Søberg HL, Sveen U, Aas E, Enehaug H, Alves DE, Klethagen P, Sagstad K, Moen CM, Torsteinsbrend K, Linnestad AM, Nordenmark TH, Rismyhr BS, Wangen G, Lu J, Ponsford J, Twamley EW, Ugelstad H, Spjelkavik Ø, Løvstad M, Andelic N (2017)
Combined cognitive and vocational interventions after mild to moderate traumatic brain injury: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Trials, 18 (1), 483
DOI 10.1186/s13063-017-2218-7, PubMed 29041954

Maas AIR, Menon DK, Adelson PD, Andelic N, Bell MJ, Belli A, Bragge P, Brazinova A, Büki A, Chesnut RM, Citerio G, Coburn M, Cooper DJ, Crowder AT, Czeiter E, Czosnyka M, Diaz-Arrastia R, Dreier JP, Duhaime AC, Ercole A, van Essen TA, Feigin VL, Gao G, Giacino J, Gonzalez-Lara LE et al. (2017)
Traumatic brain injury: integrated approaches to improve prevention, clinical care, and research
Lancet Neurol, 16 (12), 987-1048
DOI 10.1016/S1474-4422(17)30371-X, PubMed 29122524

Soberg HL, Roe C, Brunborg C, von Steinbüchel N, Andelic N (2017)
The Norwegian version of the QOLIBRI - a study of metric properties based on a 12 month follow-up of persons with traumatic brain injury
Health Qual Life Outcomes, 15 (1), 14
DOI 10.1186/s12955-017-0589-9, PubMed 28103876

van Walsem MR, Howe EI, Ruud GA, Frich JC, Andelic N (2017)
Health-related quality of life and unmet healthcare needs in Huntington's disease
Health Qual Life Outcomes, 15 (1), 6
DOI 10.1186/s12955-016-0575-7, PubMed 28069034

Publications 2016

Andelic N, Sigurdardottir S, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Godbolt AK (2016)
Long-Term Functional and Psychosocial Consequences and Health Care Provision after Traumatic Brain Injury
Behav Neurol, 2016, 2678081
DOI 10.1155/2016/2678081, PubMed 27034584

Hellstrøm T, Westlye LT, Server A, Løvstad M, Brunborg C, Lund MJ, Nordhøy W, Andreassen OA, Andelic N (2016)
Volumetric and morphometric MRI findings in patients with mild traumatic brain injury
Brain Inj, 30 (13-14), 1683-1691
DOI 10.1080/02699052.2016.1199905, PubMed 27996331

Sveen U, Røe C, Sigurdardottir S, Skandsen T, Andelic N, Manskow U, Berntsen SA, Soberg HL, Anke A (2016)
Rehabilitation pathways and functional independence one year after severe traumatic brain injury
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 52 (5), 650-661
PubMed 27050083

van Walsem MR, Howe EI, Frich JC, Andelic N (2016)
Assistive Technology for Cognition and Health-related Quality of Life in Huntington's Disease
J Huntingtons Dis, 5 (3), 261-270
DOI 10.3233/JHD-160210, PubMed 27689618

Publications 2015

Andelic N, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Perrin PB, Sigurdardottir S, Lu J, Landa LO, Forslund MV, Roe C (2015)
Modeling of Community Integration Trajectories in the First Five Years after Traumatic Brain Injury
J Neurotrauma, 33 (1), 95-100
DOI 10.1089/neu.2014.3844, PubMed 25897980

Anke A, Andelic N, Skandsen T, Knoph R, Ader T, Manskow U, Sigurdardottir S, Røe C (2015)
Functional Recovery and Life Satisfaction in the First Year After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Prospective Multicenter Study of a Norwegian National Cohort
J Head Trauma Rehabil, 30 (4), E38-49
DOI 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000080, PubMed 25033035

Manskow US, Sigurdardottir S, Røe C, Andelic N, Skandsen T, Damsgård E, Elmståhl S, Anke A (2015)
Factors Affecting Caregiver Burden 1 Year After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Prospective Nationwide Multicenter Study
J Head Trauma Rehabil, 30 (6), 411-23
DOI 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000085, PubMed 25119652

Norup A, Perrin PB, Cuberos-Urbano G, Anke A, Andelic N, Doyle ST, Cristina Quijano M, Caracuel A, Mar D, Guadalupe Espinosa Jove I, Carlos Arango-Lasprilla J (2015)
Family needs after brain injury: A cross cultural study
NeuroRehabilitation, 36 (2), 203-14
DOI 10.3233/NRE-151208, PubMed 26410614

Sandhaug M, Andelic N, Langhammer B, Mygland A (2015)
Community integration 2 years after moderate and severe traumatic brain injury
Brain Inj, 29 (7-8), 915-20
DOI 10.3109/02699052.2015.1022880, PubMed 25962927

Sandhaug M, Andelic N, Langhammer B, Mygland A (2015)
Functional level during the first 2 years after moderate and severe traumatic brain injury
Brain Inj, 29 (12), 1431-8
DOI 10.3109/02699052.2015.1063692, PubMed 26361939

Sigurdardottir S, Andelic N, Skandsen T, Anke A, Roe C, Holthe OO, Wehling E (2015)
Olfactory identification and its relationship to executive functions, memory, and disability one year after severe traumatic brain injury
Neuropsychology, 30 (1), 98-108
DOI 10.1037/neu0000206, PubMed 26076319

Sigurdardottir S, Andelic N, Wehling E, Roe C, Anke A, Skandsen T, Holthe OO, Jerstad T, Aslaksen PM, Schanke AK (2015)
Neuropsychological functioning in a national cohort of severe traumatic brain injury: demographic and acute injury-related predictors
J Head Trauma Rehabil, 30 (2), E1-12
DOI 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000039, PubMed 24695265

Soberg HL, Bautz-Holter E, Finset A, Roise O, Andelic N (2015)
Physical and mental health 10 years after multiple trauma: A prospective cohort study
J Trauma Acute Care Surg, 78 (3), 628-33
DOI 10.1097/TA.0000000000000541, PubMed 25710437

van Walsem MR, Howe EI, Iversen K, Frich JC, Andelic N (2015)
Unmet needs for healthcare and social support services in patients with Huntington's disease: a cross-sectional population-based study
Orphanet J Rare Dis, 10, 124
DOI 10.1186/s13023-015-0324-8, PubMed 26411462

Publications 2014

Andelic N, Perrin PB, Forslund MV, Soberg HL, Sigurdardottir S, Sveen U, Jerstad T, Roe C (2014)
Trajectories of physical health in the first 5 years after traumatic brain injury
J Neurol, 262 (3), 523-31
DOI 10.1007/s00415-014-7595-1, PubMed 25476694

Andelic N, Soberg HL, Berntsen S, Sigurdardottir S, Roe C (2014)
Self-perceived health care needs and delivery of health care services 5 years after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury
PM R, 6 (11), 1013-21; quiz 1021
DOI 10.1016/j.pmrj.2014.05.005, PubMed 24844444

Andelic N, Ye J, Tornas S, Roe C, Lu J, Bautz-Holter E, Moger T, Sigurdardottir S, Schanke AK, Aas E (2014)
Cost-effectiveness analysis of an early-initiated, continuous chain of rehabilitation after severe traumatic brain injury
J Neurotrauma, 31 (14), 1313-20
DOI 10.1089/neu.2013.3292, PubMed 24720788

Forslund MV, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Roe C, Perrin PB, Andelic N (2014)
Multilevel modeling of partnered relationship trajectories and relationship stability at 1, 2, and 5 years after traumatic brain injury in Norway
NeuroRehabilitation, 34 (4), 781-8
DOI 10.3233/NRE-141084, PubMed 24820168

Forslund MV, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Roe C, Perrin PB, Sigurdardottir S, Andelic N (2014)
Multi-level modelling of employment probability trajectories and employment stability at 1, 2 and 5 years after traumatic brain injury
Brain Inj, 28 (7), 980-6
DOI 10.3109/02699052.2014.888770, PubMed 24655118

Johansen JB, Roe C, Bakke E, Mengshoel AM, Andelic N (2014)
Reliability and responsiveness of the Norwegian version of the Neck Disability Index
Scand J Pain, 5 (1), 28-33
DOI 10.1016/j.sjpain.2013.10.001, PubMed 29913660

Johansen JB, Røe C, Bakke E, Mengshoel AM, Andelic N (2014)
Reliability and responsiveness of the Norwegian version of the Neck Disability Index
Scand J Pain, 5 (1), 28-33
DOI 10.1016/j.sjpain.2013.10.001, PublikaID 192

Løvstad M, Andelic N, Knoph R, Jerstad T, Anke A, Skandsen T, Hauger SL, Giacino JT, Røe C, Schanke AK (2014)
Rate of disorders of consciousness in a prospective population-based study of adults with traumatic brain injury
J Head Trauma Rehabil, 29 (5), E31-43
DOI 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000017, PubMed 24413075

Sigurdardottir S, Andelic N, Roe C, Schanke AK (2014)
Identifying longitudinal trajectories of emotional distress symptoms 5 years after traumatic brain injury
Brain Inj, 28 (12), 1542-50
DOI 10.3109/02699052.2014.934285, PubMed 25029224

Sveen U, Andelic N, Bautz-Holter E, Røe C (2014)
Self-reported competency--validation of the Norwegian version of the patient competency rating scale for traumatic brain injury
Disabil Rehabil, 37 (3), 239-46
DOI 10.3109/09638288.2014.913706, PubMed 24773117

Publications 2013

Andelic N, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Røe C (2013)
The complexity of traumatic brain injury. Forward
J Rehabil Med, 45 (8), 708-9
DOI 10.2340/16501977-1224, PubMed 24002303

Forslund MV, Roe C, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Sigurdardottir S, Andelic N (2013)
Impact of personal and environmental factors on employment outcome two years after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury
J Rehabil Med, 45 (8), 801-7
DOI 10.2340/16501977-1168, PubMed 24002317

Forslund MV, Roe C, Sigurdardottir S, Andelic N (2013)
Predicting health-related quality of life 2 years after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury
Acta Neurol Scand, 128 (4), 220-7
DOI 10.1111/ane.12130, PubMed 23621298

Johansen JB, Andelic N, Bakke E, Holter EB, Mengshoel AM, Røe C (2013)
Measurement properties of the norwegian version of the neck disability index in chronic neck pain
Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 38 (10), 851-6
DOI 10.1097/BRS.0b013e31827fc3e9, PubMed 23202354

Johansen JB, Røe C, Bakke ES, Mengshoel AM, Storheim K, Andelic N (2013)
The determinants of function and disability in neck patients referred to a specialized outpatient clinic
Clin J Pain, 29 (12), 1029-35
DOI 10.1097/AJP.0b013e31828027a2, PubMed 23370090

Lu J, Roe C, Aas E, Lapane KL, Niemeier J, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Andelic N (2013)
Traumatic brain injury: methodological approaches to estimate health and economic outcomes
J Neurotrauma, 30 (23), 1925-33
DOI 10.1089/neu.2013.2891, PubMed 23879599

Roe C, Skandsen T, Anke A, Ader T, Vik A, Lund SB, Mannskow U, Sollid S, Sundstrøm T, Hestnes M, Andelic N (2013)
Severe traumatic brain injury in Norway: impact of age on outcome
J Rehabil Med, 45 (8), 734-40
DOI 10.2340/16501977-1198, PubMed 24002308

Sigurdardottir S, Andelic N, Roe C, Schanke AK (2013)
Depressive symptoms and psychological distress during the first five years after traumatic brain injury: Relationship with psychosocial stressors, fatigue and pain
J Rehabil Med, 45 (8), 808-14
DOI 10.2340/16501977-1156, PubMed 24002318

Soberg HL, Røe C, Anke A, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Skandsen T, Sveen U, von Steinbüchel N, Andelic N (2013)
Health-related quality of life 12 months after severe traumatic brain injury: a prospective nationwide cohort study
J Rehabil Med, 45 (8), 785-91
DOI 10.2340/16501977-1158, PubMed 24002315

Publications 2012

Andelic N (2012)
The epidemiology of traumatic brain injury
Lancet Neurol, 12 (1), 28-9
DOI 10.1016/S1474-4422(12)70294-6, PubMed 23177533

Andelic N, Anke A, Skandsen T, Sigurdardottir S, Sandhaug M, Ader T, Roe C (2012)
Incidence of hospital-admitted severe traumatic brain injury and in-hospital fatality in Norway: a national cohort study
Neuroepidemiology, 38 (4), 259-67
DOI 10.1159/000338032, PubMed 22678449

Andelic N, Johansen JB, Bautz-Holter E, Mengshoel AM, Bakke E, Roe C (2012)
Linking self-determined functional problems of patients with neck pain to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF)
Patient Prefer Adherence, 6, 749-55
DOI 10.2147/PPA.S36165, PubMed 23118531

Andelic N, Stevens LF, Sigurdardottir S, Arango-Lasprilla JC, Roe C (2012)
Associations between disability and employment 1 year after traumatic brain injury in a working age population
Brain Inj, 26 (3), 261-9
DOI 10.3109/02699052.2012.654589, PubMed 22372413

Jerstad T, Røe C, Rønning P, Sigurdardottir S, Nakstad P, Andelic N (2012)
Predicting Functional Outcome One Year After Traumatic Brain Injury With CT and MRI Findings
J Neurol Res, 2 (4), 134-144
DOI 10.4021/jnr133w, PublikaID 156

Publications 2011

Andelic N, Bautz-Holter E, Ronning P, Olafsen K, Sigurdardottir S, Schanke AK, Sveen U, Tornas S, Sandhaug M, Roe C (2011)
Does an early onset and continuous chain of rehabilitation improve the long-term functional outcome of patients with severe traumatic brain injury?
J Neurotrauma, 29 (1), 66-74
DOI 10.1089/neu.2011.1811, PubMed 21864138

Borg J, Röe C, Nordenbo A, Andelic N, de Boussard C, af Geijerstam JL (2011)
Trends and challenges in the early rehabilitation of patients with traumatic brain injury: a Scandinavian perspective
Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 90 (1), 65-73
DOI 10.1097/PHM.0b013e3181fc80e7, PubMed 21169746

Sandhaug M, Andelic N, Berntsen SA, Seiler S, Mygland A (2011)
Self and near relative ratings of functional level one year after traumatic brain injury
Disabil Rehabil, 34 (11), 904-9
DOI 10.3109/09638288.2011.626484, PubMed 22148905

Sandhaug M, Andelic N, Berntsen SA, Seiler S, Mygland A (2011)
Functional Level During the First Year After Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Course and Predictors of Outcome
J Neurol Res, 1 (2), 48-58
DOI 10.4021/jnr20w, PublikaID 125

Publications 2010

Andelic N, Jerstad T, Sigurdardottir S, Schanke AK, Sandvik L, Roe C (2010)
Effects of acute substance use and pre-injury substance abuse on traumatic brain injury severity in adults admitted to a trauma centre
J Trauma Manag Outcomes, 4, 6
DOI 10.1186/1752-2897-4-6, PubMed 20504353

Andelic N, Sigurdardottir S, Schanke AK, Sandvik L, Sveen U, Roe C (2010)
Disability, physical health and mental health 1 year after traumatic brain injury
Disabil Rehabil, 32 (13), 1122-31
DOI 10.3109/09638280903410722, PubMed 20113311

Sandhaug M, Andelic N, Vatne A, Seiler S, Mygland A (2010)
Functional level during sub-acute rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury: course and predictors of outcome
Brain Inj, 24 (5), 740-7
DOI 10.3109/02699051003652849, PubMed 20334472

Sigurdardottir S, Jerstad T, Andelic N, Roe C, Schanke AK (2010)
Olfactory dysfunction, gambling task performance and intracranial lesions after traumatic brain injury
Neuropsychology, 24 (4), 504-13
DOI 10.1037/a0018934, PubMed 20604624

Publications 2009

Sigurdardottir S, Andelic N, Roe C, Jerstad T, Schanke AK (2009)
Post-concussion symptoms after traumatic brain injury at 3 and 12 months post-injury: a prospective study
Brain Inj, 23 (6), 489-97
DOI 10.1080/02699050902926309, PubMed 19484622

Sigurdardottir S, Andelic N, Roe C, Schanke AK (2009)
Cognitive recovery and predictors of functional outcome 1 year after traumatic brain injury
J Int Neuropsychol Soc, 15 (5), 740-50
DOI 10.1017/S1355617709990452, PubMed 19602303

Publications 2008

Andelic N, Hammergren N, Bautz-Holter E, Sveen U, Brunborg C, Røe C (2008)
Functional outcome and health-related quality of life 10 years after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury
Acta Neurol Scand, 120 (1), 16-23
DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0404.2008.01116.x, PubMed 18976326

Andelic N, Sigurdardottir S, Brunborg C, Roe C (2008)
Incidence of hospital-treated traumatic brain injury in the Oslo population
Neuroepidemiology, 30 (2), 120-8
DOI 10.1159/000120025, PubMed 18334828