Sverre Erik Kjeldsen

  • Professor emeritus

Publications 2024

Egan BM, Rich MW, Sutherland SE, Wright JT, Kjeldsen SE (2024)
General Principles, Etiologies, Evaluation, and Management in Older Adults
Clin Geriatr Med, 40 (4), 551-571
DOI 10.1016/j.cger.2024.04.008, PubMed 39349031

Fadl Elmula FEM, Mariampillai JE, Heimark S, Kjeldsen SE, Burnier M (2024)
Medical Measures in Hypertensives Considered Resistant
Am J Hypertens, 37 (5), 307-317
DOI 10.1093/ajh/hpad118, PubMed 38124494

Franchi M, Torrigiani G, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G, Corrao G (2024)
Long-term exposure to antihypertensive drugs and the risk of cancer occurrence: evidence from a large population-based study
J Hypertens, 42 (12), 2107-2114
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003841, PubMed 39258512

Halvorsen LV, Søraas CL, Larstorp ACK, Hjørnholm U, Kjær VN, Liestøl K, Aune A, Olsen E, Brobak KM, Bergland OU, Rognstad S, Aarskog NR, Heimark S, Fadl Elmula FEM, Gerdts E, Mo R, Solbu MD, Opdal MS, Kjeldsen SE, Rostrup M, Høieggen A (2024)
Effect of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring on Adherence and Blood Pressure: A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial
Am J Hypertens, 37 (10), 826-836
DOI 10.1093/ajh/hpae059, PubMed 38713475

Kjeldsen SE, Brunström M, Burnier M, Egan B, Narkiewicz K, Kreutz R, Mancia G (2024)
Should treatment of 'elevated' blood pressure, especially in older people, be based on global risk estimation?
Blood Press, 33 (1), 2430228
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2024.2430228, PubMed 39564976

Kjeldsen SE, Egan BM, Burnier M, Narkiewicz K, Kreutz R, Mancia G (2024)
Highlights of the 2023 European Society of Hypertension Guidelines: what has changed in the management of hypertension in patients with cardiac diseases?
Blood Press, 33 (1), 2329571
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2024.2329571, PubMed 38555859

Kjeldsen SE, Elmula FEMF, Fossum E, Høieggen A (2024)
[Not Available]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 144 (15)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.24.0584, PubMed 39692655

Kjeldsen SE, Grassi G (2024)
The role of β-blockers in medical treatment
Curr Med Res Opin, 40 (sup1), 1-2
DOI 10.1080/03007995.2024.2324138, PubMed 38597062

Kreutz R, Brunström M, Burnier M, Grassi G, Januszewicz A, Kjeldsen SE, Muiesan ML, Thomopoulos C, Tsioufis K, Mancia G (2024)
Beta-blocker bashing and downgrading in hypertension management: a fashionable trend representing a matter of concern
J Hypertens, 42 (6), 966-967
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003735, PubMed 38690902

Kreutz R, Brunström M, Burnier M, Grassi G, Januszewicz A, Muiesan ML, Tsioufis K, de Pinho RM, Albini FL, Boivin JM, Doumas M, Nemcsik J, Rodilla E, Agabiti-Rosei E, Algharably EAE, Agnelli G, Benetos A, Hitij JB, Cífková R, Cornelissen V, Danser AHJ, Delles C, Huelgas RG, Járai Z, Palatini P et al. (2024)
2024 European Society of Hypertension clinical practice guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension
Eur J Intern Med, 126, 1-15
DOI 10.1016/j.ejim.2024.05.033, PubMed 38914505

Kreutz R, Brunström M, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Egan B, Burnier M (2024)
Lowering of systolic blood pressure in hypertensive patients: insights and questions from the ESPRIT study
Blood Press, 33 (1), 2394448
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2024.2394448, PubMed 39241222

Mancia G, Brunström M, Burnier M, Grassi G, Januszewicz A, Kjeldsen SE, Muiesan ML, Thomopoulos C, Tsioufis K, Kreutz R (2024)
Rationale for the Inclusion of β-Blockers Among Major Antihypertensive Drugs in the 2023 European Society of Hypertension Guidelines
Hypertension, 81 (5), 1021-1030
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.124.22821, PubMed 38477109

Mancia G, Brunström M, Burnier M, Grassi G, Januszewicz A, Muiesan ML, Tsioufis K, Kjeldsen SE, Kreutz R (2024)
Rationale of treatment recommendations in the 2023 ESH hypertension guidelines
Eur J Intern Med, 121, 4-8
DOI 10.1016/j.ejim.2023.12.015, PubMed 38216445

Olsen E, Jamerson K, Schmieder RE, Søraas CL, Mariampillai JE, Mancia G, Kjeldsen SE, Heimark S, Mehlum MH, Liestøl K, Larstorp ACK, Halvorsen LV, Høieggen A, Burnier M, Rostrup M, Julius S, Weber MA (2024)
Effects of valsartan vs amlodipine and achieved lower blood pressure on the incidence of end-stage kidney disease: The VALUE Trial
Eur J Intern Med, 133, 55-63
DOI 10.1016/j.ejim.2024.12.021, PubMed 39694747

Palatini P, Kjeldsen SE, Burnier M (2024)
Orthostatic hypertension: the forgotten phenotype
Blood Press, 33 (1), 2431565
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2024.2431565, PubMed 39584479

Sevre K, Rist A, Wachtell K, Devereux RB, Aurigemma GP, Smiseth OA, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Pitt B, Burnier M, Kreutz R, Oparil S, Mancia G, Zannad F (2024)
What Is the Current Best Drug Treatment for Hypertensive Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction? Review of the Totality of Evidence
Am J Hypertens, 37 (1), 1-14
DOI 10.1093/ajh/hpad073, PubMed 37551929

Vrsalovic M, Heimark S, Søraas CL, Mehlum MH, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G, Julius S, Weber MA (2024)
Cardiovascular Outcomes in Hypertension-Treated Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease: The VALUE Trial
Hypertension, 81 (7), 1628-1636
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.124.22832, PubMed 38716657

Publications 2023

Brunström M, Carlberg B, Kjeldsen SE (2023)
Effect of antihypertensive treatment in isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) - systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Blood Press, 32 (1), 2226757
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2023.2226757, PubMed 37395100

Burnier M, Brguljan J, Algharably EAE, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Egan B, Oparil S, Kreutz R (2023)
Women's health, cardiovascular risk and hypertension: the perspective still needs to improve
Blood Press, 32 (1), 2193648
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2023.2193648, PubMed 37066492

Burnier M, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE (2023)
How to optimize the use of diuretics in patients with heart failure?
Kardiol Pol, 81 (10), 944-949
DOI 10.33963/, PubMed 37718589

Feinberg JB, Nielsen EE, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB, Gerdts E, Wachtell K, Olsen MH (2023)
Sex Differences in Atrial Fibrillation and Associated Complications in Hypertensive Patients with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: The LIFE Study
Am J Hypertens, 36 (10), 536-541
DOI 10.1093/ajh/hpad057, PubMed 37382177

Heimark S, Mehlum MH, Mancia G, Søraas CL, Liestøl K, Wachtell K, Larstorp AC, Rostrup M, Mariampillai JE, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Weber MA (2023)
Middle-Aged and Older Patients With Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: Higher Mortality With Drug Treated Systolic Blood Pressure Below 130 mm Hg
Hypertension, 80 (8), 1739-1748
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.123.21454, PubMed 37350267

Kjeldsen SE, Burnier M, Narkiewicz K, Kreutz R, Mancia G (2023)
Key questions regarding the SYMPLICITY HTN-3 trial
Lancet, 401 (10385), 1336-1337
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)00340-9, PubMed 37087164

Kjeldsen SE, Egan BM, Narkiewicz K, Kreutz R, Burnier M, Oparil S, Mancia G (2023)
TIME to face the reality about evening dosing of antihypertensive drugs in hypertension
Blood Press, 32 (1), 1-3
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2022.2142512, PubMed 36369908

Kjeldsen SE, Mariampillai JE, Høieggen A (2023)
Uric acid and left ventricular mass in prediction of cardiovascular risk-New insight from the URRAH study
Eur J Intern Med, 114, 45-46
DOI 10.1016/j.ejim.2023.05.016, PubMed 37179137

Mancia G, Kjeldsen SE (2023)
Randomized Clinical Outcome Trials in Hypertension
Hypertension, 81 (1), 17-23
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.123.21725, PubMed 37795644

Mancia G, Kreutz R, Brunström M, Burnier M, Grassi G, Januszewicz A, Muiesan ML, Tsioufis K, Agabiti-Rosei E, Algharably EAE, Azizi M, Benetos A, Borghi C, Hitij JB, Cifkova R, Coca A, Cornelissen V, Cruickshank JK, Cunha PG, Danser AHJ, Pinho RM, Delles C, Dominiczak AF, Dorobantu M, Doumas M et al. (2023)
2023 ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension: Endorsed by the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) and the European Renal Association (ERA)
J Hypertens, 41 (12), 1874-2071
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003480, PubMed 37345492

Mariampillai JE, Halvorsen LV, Larstorp AC, Heimark S, Waldum-Grevbo B, Kjeldsen SE, Nordby G, Stenehjem AE, Berg JP, Høieggen A (2023)
[Diabetes and chronic kidney disease]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 143 (12)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.22.0822, PubMed 37668137

Mariampillai JE, Kjeldsen SE (2023)
Real-world data show the effect of statins in primary prevention
Eur J Prev Cardiol, 30 (17), 1881-1882
DOI 10.1093/eurjpc/zwad231, PubMed 37439146

Persu A, Stoenoiu MS, Maes F, Kreutz R, Mancia G, Kjeldsen SE (2023)
Late outcomes of renal denervation are more favourable than early ones: facts or fancies?
Clin Kidney J, 16 (12), 2357-2364
DOI 10.1093/ckj/sfad231, PubMed 38046011

Rist A, Sevre K, Wachtell K, Devereux RB, Aurigemma GP, Smiseth OA, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Pitt B, Burnier M, Kreutz R, Oparil S, Mancia G, Zannad F (2023)
The current best drug treatment for hypertensive heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Eur J Intern Med, 120, 3-10
DOI 10.1016/j.ejim.2023.10.008, PubMed 37865559

Publications 2022

Burnier M, Kjeldsen SE (2022)
A 30th anniversary and a glimpse of the future
Blood Press, 31 (1), 1-3
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2021.2021638, PubMed 35060412

Burnier M, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Egan B, Kreutz R (2022)
Hypertension management during the COVID-19 pandemic: what can we learn for the future?
Blood Press, 31 (1), 47-49
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2022.2058909, PubMed 35426323

Egan BM, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Kreutz R, Burnier M (2022)
Single-pill combinations, hypertension control and clinical outcomes: potential, pitfalls and solutions
Blood Press, 31 (1), 164-168
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2022.2095254, PubMed 35876172

Esler M, Kjeldsen SE, Pathak A, Grassi G, Kreutz R, Mancia G (2022)
Diverse pharmacological properties, trial results, comorbidity prescribing and neural pathophysiology suggest European hypertension guideline downgrading of beta-blockers is not justified
Blood Press, 31 (1), 210-224
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2022.2110858, PubMed 36029011

Halvorsen LV, Bergland OU, Søraas CL, Larstorp ACK, Hjørnholm U, Kjær VN, Kringen MK, Clasen PE, Haldsrud R, Kjeldsen SE, Rostrup M, Fadl Elmula FEM, Opdal MS, Høieggen A (2022)
Nonadherence by Serum Drug Analyses in Resistant Hypertension: 7-Year Follow-Up of Patients Considered Adherent by Directly Observed Therapy
J Am Heart Assoc, 11 (18), e025879
DOI 10.1161/JAHA.121.025879, PubMed 36073648

Kjeldsen SE, Brunström M, Thomopoulos C, Carlberg B, Kreutz R, Mancia G (2022)
Blood pressure reduction and major cardiovascular events in people with and without type 2 diabetes
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol, 10 (12), 840
DOI 10.1016/S2213-8587(22)00312-6, PubMed 36427519

Kjeldsen SE, Egan BM, Narkiewicz K, Kreutz R, Burnier M, Oparil S (2022)
Thirty years with LIFE-a randomized clinical trial with more than 200 published articles on clinical aspects of left ventricular hypertrophy
Blood Press, 31 (1), 125-128
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2022.2083578, PubMed 35674494

Lilja-Cyron A, Bang CN, Gerdts E, Larstorp AC, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Okin PM, Wachtell K, Devereux RB (2022)
Aortic Root Dilatation in Hypertensive Patients with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy-Application of A New Multivariate Predictive Model. The Life Study
Rev Cardiovasc Med, 23 (3), 95
DOI 10.31083/j.rcm2303095, PubMed 35345262

Mancia G, Kjeldsen SE, Kreutz R, Pathak A, Grassi G, Esler M (2022)
Individualized Beta-Blocker Treatment for High Blood Pressure Dictated by Medical Comorbidities: Indications Beyond the 2018 European Society of Cardiology/European Society of Hypertension Guidelines
Hypertension, 79 (6), 1153-1166
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.122.19020, PubMed 35378981

Mariampillai JE, Kjeldsen SE, Gjesdal K, Skretteberg PT (2022)
Blood pressure during moderate or maximal exercise: hardly two sides of the same coin
J Hypertens, 40 (6), 1243-1244
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003121, PubMed 35703887

Messerli FH, Bavishi C, Brguljan J, Burnier M, Dobner S, Elijovich F, Ferdinand KC, Kjeldsen S, Laffer CL, S Ram CV, Rexhaj E, Ruilope LM, Shalaeva EV, Siontis GCM, Staessen JA, Textor SC, Vongpatanasin W, Vogt L, Volpe M, Wang J, Williams B (2022)
Renal denervation in the antihypertensive arsenal - knowns and known unknowns
J Hypertens, 40 (10), 1859-1875
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003171, PubMed 36052518

Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE, Egan BM, Kreutz R, Burnier M (2022)
Masked hypertension in type 2 diabetes: never take normotension for granted and always assess out-of-office blood pressure
Blood Press, 31 (1), 207-209
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2022.2107483, PubMed 35941816

Publications 2021

Bergland OU, Halvorsen LV, Søraas CL, Hjørnholm U, Kjær VN, Rognstad S, Brobak KM, Aune A, Olsen E, Fauchald YM, Heimark S, Thorstensen CW, Liestøl K, Solbu MD, Gerdts E, Mo R, Rostrup M, Kjeldsen SE, Høieggen A, Opdal MS, Larstorp ACK, Fadl Elmula FEM (2021)
Detection of Nonadherence to Antihypertensive Treatment by Measurements of Serum Drug Concentrations
Hypertension, 78 (3), 617-628
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.121.17514, PubMed 34275336

Brunström M, Kjeldsen SE, Kreutz R, Gjesdal K, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S, Mancia G (2021)
Missing Verification of Source Data in Hypertension Research: The HYGIA PROJECT in Perspective
Hypertension, 78 (2), 555-558
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.121.17356, PubMed 34232677

Burnier M, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2021)
Cuff-less measurements of blood pressure: are we ready for a change?
Blood Press, 30 (4), 205-207
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2021.1956178, PubMed 34308727

Copland E, Canoy D, Nazarzadeh M, Bidel Z, Ramakrishnan R, Woodward M, Chalmers J, Teo KK, Pepine CJ, Davis BR, Kjeldsen S, Sundström J, Rahimi K, Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists' Collaboration (2021)
Antihypertensive treatment and risk of cancer: an individual participant data meta-analysis
Lancet Oncol, 22 (4), 558-570
DOI 10.1016/S1470-2045(21)00033-4, PubMed 33794209

Falk RS, Mariampillai JE, Prestgaard EE, Heir T, Bodegård J, Robsahm TE, Grundvold I, Skretteberg PT, Engeseth K, Bjornholt JV, Stavem K, Liestøl K, Sandvik L, Thaulow E, Erikssen G, Kjeldsen SE, Gjesdal K, Erikssen JE (2021)
The Oslo Ischaemia Study: cohort profile
BMJ Open, 11 (10), e049111
DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049111, PubMed 34645662

Kasiakogias A, Rosei EA, Camafort M, Ehret G, Faconti L, Ferreira JP, Brguljan J, Januszewicz A, Kahan T, Manolis A, Tsioufis K, Weber T, von Lueder TG, Smiseth OA, Wachtell K, Kjeldsen SE, Zannad F, Mancia G, Kreutz R (2021)
Hypertension and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: position paper by the European Society of Hypertension
J Hypertens, 39 (8), 1522-1545
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002910, PubMed 34102660

Kjeldsen SE, Grassi G, Kreutz R, Mancia G (2021)
Attended vs. unattended blood pressure - learnings beyond SPRINT
Blood Press, 30 (6), 439-440
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2021.1995981, PubMed 34714207

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2021)
Better drug adherence improves blood pressure control and lowers cardiovascular disease outcomes - from single pill combinations to monitoring of a nationwide health insurance database
Blood Press, 30 (3), 143-144
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2021.1917192, PubMed 33910432

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2021)
The five RADIANCE-HTN and SPYRAL-HTN randomised studies suggest that the BP lowering effect of RDN corresponds to the effect of one antihypertensive drug
Blood Press, 30 (6), 327-331
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2021.1995975, PubMed 34714185

Kreutz R, Cifkova R, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S, Mancia G (2021)
In memoriam: Jiri Widimsky Sr. 1925-2020
Blood Pressure, 30 (2), 140-142
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1859212

Kreutz R, Cifkova R, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S, Mancia G (2021)
InMemoriam: Jiri Widimsky Sr. 1925-2020
J. Hypertens., 39 (2), 386-388
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002768

Kreutz R, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G (2021)
Why we do not need a single independent international hypertension clinical practice guideline
J Hypertens, 39 (11), 2125-2127
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002940, PubMed 34224539

Mariampillai JE, Prestgaard EE, Kjeldsen SE, Liestøl K, Grundvold I, Bodegård J, Gjesdal K, Erikssen JE, Skretteberg PT (2021)
Novel insights into stroke risk beyond resting and maximal bicycle exercise systolic blood pressure
J Hypertens, 39 (10), 2022-2029
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002894, PubMed 34102659

Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Kjeldsen SE, Oparil S (2021)
Combining proteomics, home blood pressure telemonitoring and patient empowerment to improve cardiovascular and renal protection
Blood Press, 30 (5), 267-268
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2021.1975878, PubMed 34586009

Olsen E, Holzhauer B, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Larstorp ACK, Mancia G, Mehlum MH, Mo R, Rostrup M, Søraas CL, Zappe D, Weber MA (2021)
Cardiovascular outcomes at recommended blood pressure targets in middle-aged and elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension
Blood Press, 30 (2), 82-89
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1855968, PubMed 33403886

Olsen E, Holzhauer B, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Larstorp ACK, Mancia G, Mehlum MH, Mo R, Rostrup M, Søraas CL, Zappe D, Weber MA (2021)
Cardiovascular outcomes at recommended blood pressure targets in middle-aged and elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus compared to all middle-aged and elderly hypertensive study patients with high cardiovascular risk
Blood Press, 30 (2), 90-97
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1856642, PubMed 33403890

Parati G, Kjeldsen S, Coca A, Cushman WC, Wang J (2021)
Adherence to Single-Pill Versus Free-Equivalent Combination Therapy in Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Hypertension, 77 (2), 692-705
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.120.15781, PubMed 33390044

Publications 2020

Burnier M, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2020)
How to deal with the occurrence of rare drug-induced adverse events: the example of sprue-like enteropathy induced by olmesartan medoxomil and other angiotensin-receptor blockers
Blood Press, 29 (2), 68-69
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1726101, PubMed 32049554

Burnier M, Kreutz R, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen S, Oparil S, Mancia G (2020)
Circadian variations in blood pressure and their implications for the administration of antihypertensive drugs: is dosing in the evening better than in the morning?
J Hypertens, 38 (8), 1396-1406
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002532, PubMed 32618895

Holanger M, Kjeldsen SE, Jamerson K, Julius S, HOT Study investigators (2020)
Smoking and overweight associated with masked uncontrolled hypertension: a Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) Sub-Study
Blood Press, 30 (1), 51-59
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1787815, PubMed 32633143

Kjeldsen SE, Halvorsen S, Wyller TB, Bath PM, Sandercock P (2020)
Eivind Berge, MD, PhD, 1964-2020: Cardiologist Who Was Fighting Stroke
Stroke, 51 (5), 1353-1355
DOI 10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.029351, PubMed 32200755

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2020)
The Health Outcomes Prevention and Evaluation 4 (HOPE 4) project: A successful community-based intervention to lower cardiovascular risk in people with hypertension
Blood Press, 29 (1), 1-2
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1707440, PubMed 31902246

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2020)
Intensive systolic blood pressure control and prevention of new onset atrial fibrillation in the SPRINT study: is the association really controversial?
Blood Press, 29 (4), 199-201
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1782595, PubMed 32584173

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2020)
The International Society of Hypertension Guidelines 2020 - a new drug treatment recommendation in the wrong direction?
Blood Press, 29 (5), 264-266
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1806494, PubMed 32808555

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2020)
Was it optimal to drop a diuretic as a first-line choice of drug treatment in the 2020 International Society of Hypertension Guidelines?
Blood Press, 29 (6), 341-343
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1838766, PubMed 33140684

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2020)
Potential protective effects of antihypertensive treatments during the Covid-19 pandemic: from inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system to beta-adrenergic receptor blockers
Blood Press, 30 (1), 1-3
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2021.1862483, PubMed 33349063

Kjeldsen SE, Os I (2020)
Poor reproducibility of masked and white coat uncontrolled hypertension: important new information on MUCH and WUCH
Eur Heart J, 41 (16), 1572-1574
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehz703, PubMed 31580419

Kjeldsen SE, Os I (2020)
Assessing hypertension therapies: randomization or confounding by indication?
Nat Rev Cardiol, 17 (2), 73-74
DOI 10.1038/s41569-019-0313-z, PubMed 31768007

Kreutz R, Kjeldsen SE, Burnier M, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Mancia G (2020)
Blood pressure medication should not be routinely dosed at bedtime. We must disregard the data from the HYGIA project
Blood Press, 29 (3), 135-136
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1747696, PubMed 32338542

Kreutz R, Kjeldsen SE, Burnier M, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Mancia G (2020)
Blood pressure medication should not be routinely dosed at bedtime. We must disregard the data from the HYGIA project
J Hypertens (in press) (Retracted)
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002479, PubMed 32516290

Kreutz R, Kjeldsen SE, Burnier M, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Mancia G (2020)
Disregard the reported data from the HYGIA project: blood pressure medication not to be routinely dosed at bedtime
J Hypertens, 38 (11), 2144-2145
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002671, PubMed 33027108

Kreutz R, Kjeldsen SE, Burnier M, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Mancia G (2020)
In memoriam: Peter Sleight 1929-2020
Blood Pressure, 29 (6), 382-384
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1839224

Kreutz R, Kjeldsen SE, Burnier M, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Mancia G (2020)
In memoriam: Peter Sleight 1929-2020
J. Hypertens., 38 (12), 2546-2548
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002713

Mahfoud F, Azizi M, Ewen S, Pathak A, Ukena C, Blankestijn PJ, Böhm M, Burnier M, Chatellier G, Durand Zaleski I, Grassi G, Joner M, Kandzari DE, Kirtane A, Kjeldsen SE, Lobo MD, Lüscher TF, McEvoy JW, Parati G, Rossignol P, Ruilope L, Schlaich MP, Shahzad A, Sharif F, Sharp ASP et al. (2020)
Proceedings from the 3rd European Clinical Consensus Conference for clinical trials in device-based hypertension therapies
Eur Heart J, 41 (16), 1588-1599
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa121, PubMed 32211888

Mehlum MH, Liestøl K, Kjeldsen SE, Wyller TB, Julius S, Rothwell PM, Mancia G, Parati G, Weber MA, Berge E (2020)
Blood Pressure-Lowering Profiles and Clinical Effects of Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Versus Calcium Channel Blockers
Hypertension, 75 (6), 1584-1592
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.119.14443, PubMed 32336236

Mirza Y, Prestgaard EE, Selmer R, Liestøl K, Grundvold I, Erikssen JE, Kjeldsen SE, Gjesdal K (2020)
[Ten-year prediction of cardiovascular disease in healthy Norwegian men, based on NORRISK-2]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 140 (12)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.20.0089, PubMed 32900157

Okin PM, Hille DA, Wachtell K, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Devereux RB (2020)
On-treatment HDL cholesterol predicts incident atrial fibrillation in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy
Blood Press, 29 (5), 319-326
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1782171, PubMed 32586143

Prestgaard E, Mariampillai J, Engeseth K, Erikssen J, Bodegård J, Liestøl K, Kjeldsen S, Grundvold I, Berge E (2020)
Change in Body Weight and Long-Term Risk of Stroke and Death in Healthy Men
Stroke, 51 (5), 1435-1441
DOI 10.1161/STROKEAHA.119.027233, PubMed 32268850

Willeit P, Tschiderer L, Allara E, Reuber K, Seekircher L, Gao L, Liao X, Lonn E, Gerstein HC, Yusuf S, Brouwers FP, Asselbergs FW, van Gilst W, Anderssen SA, Grobbee DE, Kastelein JJP, Visseren FLJ, Ntaios G, Hatzitolios AI, Savopoulos C, Nieuwkerk PT, Stroes E, Walters M, Higgins P, Dawson J et al. (2020)
Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Progression as Surrogate Marker for Cardiovascular Risk: Meta-Analysis of 119 Clinical Trials Involving 100 667 Patients
Circulation, 142 (7), 621-642
DOI 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.046361, PubMed 32546049

Wyller TB, Kjeldsen SE, Halvorsen S, Bath PM, Sandercock P (2020)
In memoriam Eivind Berge, MD, PhD, 1964-2020: cardiologist, trialist and hypertension/stroke researcher
J. Hypertens., 38 (6), 1199-1200
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002488

Publications 2019

Burnier M, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE, Oparil S (2019)
New data on antihypertensive drugs and risk of cancer: should we worry?
Blood Press, 28 (1), 1-3
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2019.1568182, PubMed 30714837

Egan BM, Kjeldsen SE, Grassi G, Esler M, Mancia G (2019)
The global burden of hypertension exceeds 1.4 billion people: should a systolic blood pressure target below 130 become the universal standard?
J Hypertens, 37 (6), 1148-1153
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002021, PubMed 30624370

Kjeldsen SE, Aksnes TA, Mo R, Klemsdal TO (2019)
Impact of the New ACC/AHA and ESC/ESH Hypertension Guidelines for Norway
Eur Heart J, 40 (19), 1485-1487
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehz266, PubMed 31087051

Kjeldsen SE, Atar D, von Lueder TG (2019)
Angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibition for the treatment of hypertension: the neglected child in cardiovascular pharmacotherapy
Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother, 5 (2), 122-123
DOI 10.1093/ehjcvp/pvz005, PubMed 30698668

Kjeldsen SE, Fadl Elmula FEM, Persu A (2019)
Future of Renal Sympathetic Denervation in the Treatment of Hypertension
J Am Coll Cardiol, 73 (13), 1643-1645
DOI 10.1016/j.jacc.2019.02.008, PubMed 30947916

Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G (2019)
Unattended automated office vs. ambulatory blood pressure in people with high cardiovascular risk: implications for understanding the SPRINT results
J Hypertens, 37 (1), 6-8
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001874, PubMed 30499916

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2019)
Will we ever use angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibition (ARNi) for the treatment of hypertension?
Blood Press, 28 (2), 75-76
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2019.1584975, PubMed 30806086

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2019)
Need for multiple risk reduction strategies in clinical trials enrolling high risk patients - FOURIER investigating PCSK-9 inhibitor to lower cholesterol revisited
Blood Press, 28 (3), 144-145
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2019.1614278, PubMed 31076016

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2019)
The PARAGON Heart Failure trial - ongoing investigation of the angiotensin receptor antagonist/neprilysin inhibitor sacubitril/valsartan in heart failure patients with hypertension and preserved ejection fraction
Blood Press, 28 (4), 215-216
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2019.1625523, PubMed 31184508

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2019)
The PARAGON-Heart failure trial - another disappointment for heart failure patients with hypertension and preserved ejection fraction
Blood Press, 28 (5), 276-278
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2019.1664717, PubMed 31542958

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2019)
Systolic blood pressure control prevents cognitive decline and slows development of white matter lesions in the brain: the SPRINT MIND study outcomes
Blood Press, 28 (6), 356-357
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2019.1678261, PubMed 31623467

Kjeldsen SE, Os I (2019)
Are People With Masked Hypertension Adherent to Their Antihypertensive Medication?
Hypertension, 74 (3), 497-498
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.119.13350, PubMed 31327260

Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Westheim A (2019)
Could adverse events offset the benefit of intensive blood pressure lowering treatment in the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial?
J Hypertens, 37 (5), 902-904
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002018, PubMed 30920495

Kjeldsen SE, von Lueder TG, Smiseth OA, Wachtell K, Mistry N, Westheim AS, Hopper I, Julius S, Pitt B, Reid CM, Devereux RB, Zannad F (2019)
Medical Therapies for Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction
Hypertension, 75 (1), 23-32
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.119.14057, PubMed 31786973

Larstorp ACK, Stokke IM, Kjeldsen SE, Hecht Olsen M, Okin PM, Devereux RB, Wachtell K (2019)
Antihypertensive therapy prevents new-onset atrial fibrillation in patients with isolated systolic hypertension: the LIFE study
Blood Press, 28 (5), 317-326
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2019.1633905, PubMed 31259628

Mariampillai JE, Liestøl K, Kjeldsen SE, Prestgaard EE, Engeseth K, Bodegard J, Berge E, Gjesdal K, Erikssen J, Grundvold I, Skretteberg PT (2019)
Exercise Systolic Blood Pressure at Moderate Workload Is Linearly Associated With Coronary Disease Risk in Healthy Men
Hypertension, 75 (1), 44-50
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.119.13528, PubMed 31735088

Mariampillai JE, Prestgaard EE, Kjeldsen SE, Liestøl K, Engeseth K, Erikssen J, Bodegard J, Berge E, Grundvold I, Skretteberg PT (2019)
SBP above 180 mmHg at moderate exercise workload increases coronary heart disease risk in healthy men during 28-year follow-up
J Hypertens, 37 (5), 949-955
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001959, PubMed 30325341

Okin PM, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB (2019)
Effect of antihypertensive therapy on development of incident conduction system disease in hypertensive patients
J Hypertens, 37 (3), 629-635
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001915, PubMed 30676480

Smiseth OA, Kjeldsen SE, Andersen OS, Mistry N, Westheim AS, Skulstad H, Gude E (2019)
Heart Failure with normal ejection fraction
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen., 139 (6), 522-527

Smiseth OA, Kjeldsen SE, Andersen ØS, Mistry N, Westheim AS, Skulstad H, Gude E (2019)
[Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 139 (6)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.18.0523, PubMed 30917641

Stokke IM, Li ZB, Cicala S, Okin PM, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB, Wachtell K (2019)
Association of left bundle branch block with new onset abnormal wall motion in treated hypertensive patients with left ventricle hypertrophy: the LIFE Echo Sub-study
Blood Press, 28 (2), 84-92
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2019.1569463, PubMed 30698038

Williams B, Mancia G, Spiering W, Rosei EA, Azizi M, Burnier M, Clement DL, Coca A, de Simone G, Dominiczak A, Kahan T, Mahfoud F, Redon J, Ruilope L, Zanchetti A, Kerins M, Kjeldsen SE, Kreutz R, Laurent S, Lip GYH, McManus R, Narkiewicz K, Ruschitzka F, Schmieder RE, Shlyakhto E et al. (2019)
[2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension]
Kardiol Pol, 77 (2), 71-159
DOI 10.5603/KP.2019.0018, PubMed 30816983

Publications 2018

Burnier M, Oparil S, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE (2018)
New 2017 American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology guideline for hypertension in the adults: major paradigm shifts, but will they help to fight against the hypertension disease burden?
Blood Press, 27 (2), 62-65
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2018.1430504, PubMed 29447001

Engeseth K, Prestgaard EE, Mariampillai JE, Grundvold I, Liestol K, Kjeldsen SE, Bodegard J, Erikssen JE, Gjesdal K, Skretteberg PT (2018)
Physical fitness is a modifiable predictor of early cardiovascular death: A 35-year follow-up study of 2014 healthy middle-aged men
Eur J Prev Cardiol, 25 (15), 1655-1663
DOI 10.1177/2047487318793459, PubMed 30103630

Heimark S, Mariampillai JE, Narkiewicz K, Nilsson PM, Kjeldsen SE (2018)
Which Target Blood Pressure in Year 2018? Evidence from Recent Clinical Trials
High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev, 25 (2), 151-158
DOI 10.1007/s40292-018-0258-z, PubMed 29663195

Kjeldsen SE, Esler MD (2018)
Take a blood pressure pill or undergo renal denervation?
Lancet, 391 (10137), 2298-2300
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)31126-7, PubMed 29803587

Kjeldsen SE, Mariampillai JE, Nilsson PM (2018)
Optimal Blood Pressure Target in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Hypertensive Patients
Circ Res, 123 (5), 528-530
DOI 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.312763, PubMed 30355140

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2018)
Renal denervation achieved by endovascular delivery of ultrasound in RADIANCE-HTN SOLO or by radiofrequency energy in SPYRAL HTN-OFF and SPYRAL-ON lowers blood pressure
Blood Press, 27 (4), 185-187
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2018.1486178, PubMed 29936868

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2018)
Intensive blood pressure lowering prevents mild cognitive impairment and possible dementia and slows development of white matter lesions in brain: the SPRINT Memory and Cognition IN Decreased Hypertension (SPRINT MIND) study
Blood Press, 27 (5), 247-248
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2018.1507621, PubMed 30175661

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2018)
2018 Practice guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension
Blood Press, 27 (6), 313
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2018.1530564, PubMed 30380927

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2018)
Take a Blood Pressure Pill or Benefit from Renal Denervation?
Eur Heart J, 39 (33), 3010-3012
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehy440, PubMed 30990870

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2018)
In memoriam: Alberto Zanchetti
Blood Pressure, 27 (3), 123-124
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2018.1464383

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2018)
Final Farewell to Alber to Zanchetti MD
Eur. Heart J., 39 (28), 2616-2617
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehy327

Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Nilsson PM (2018)
Does Intensive Glucose Control Cancel Out Benefits of Systolic Blood Pressure Target <120 mm Hg in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Participating in ACCORD?
Hypertension, 72 (2), 291-293
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.118.11455, PubMed 29967041

Kjeldsen SE, Stenehjem AE, Os I, van den Borne P (2018)
European Society of Hypertension Scientific Newsletter: Update on Hypertension Management 2016; 17: Nr. 63* Treatment of High Blood Pressure in Elderly and Octogenarians
J. Hyperton., 22 (2), 46-48

Mehlum MH, Liestøl K, Kjeldsen SE, Berge E (2018)
Response to letters from Torp-Pedersen and colleagues and de Courson and colleagues
Eur Heart J, 39 (47), 4221
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehy605, PubMed 30496492

Mehlum MH, Liestøl K, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Hua TA, Rothwell PM, Mancia G, Parati G, Weber MA, Berge E (2018)
Blood pressure variability and risk of cardiovascular events and death in patients with hypertension and different baseline risks
Eur Heart J, 39 (24), 2243-2251
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehx760, PubMed 29365085

Okin PM, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB (2018)
The relationship of all-cause mortality to average on-treatment systolic blood pressure is significantly related to baseline systolic blood pressure: implications for interpretation of the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial study
J Hypertens, 36 (4), 916-923
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001620, PubMed 29176391

Persu A, Gordin D, Jacobs L, Thijs L, Bots ML, Spiering W, Miroslawska A, Spaak J, Rosa J, de Jong MR, Berra E, Fadl Elmula FEM, Wuerzner G, Taylor AHM, Olszanecka A, Czarnecka D, Mark PB, Burnier M, Renkin J, Kjeldsen SE, Widimský J, Elvan A, Kahan T, Steigen TK, Blankestijn PJ et al. (2018)
Blood pressure response to renal denervation is correlated with baseline blood pressure variability: a patient-level meta-analysis
J Hypertens, 36 (2), 221-229
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001582, PubMed 29045339

Prestgaard E, Mariampillai J, Engeseth K, Erikssen J, Bodegård J, Liestøl K, Gjesdal K, Kjeldsen S, Grundvold I, Berge E (2018)
Change in Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Risk of Stroke and Death: Long-Term Follow-Up of Healthy Middle-Aged Men
Stroke, 50 (1), 155-161
DOI 10.1161/STROKEAHA.118.021798, PubMed 30580727

Williams B, Mancia G, Spiering W, Agabiti Rosei E, Azizi M, Burnier M, Clement D, Coca A, De Simone G, Dominiczak A, Kahan T, Mahfoud F, Redon J, Ruilope L, Zanchetti A, Kerins M, Kjeldsen S, Kreutz R, Laurent S, Lip GYH, McManus R, Narkiewicz K, Ruschitzka F, Schmieder R, Shlyakhto E et al. (2018)
2018 Practice Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension
Blood Press, 27 (6), 314-340
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2018.1527177, PubMed 30380928

Williams B, Mancia G, Spiering W, Agabiti Rosei E, Azizi M, Burnier M, Clement D, Coca A, De Simone G, Dominiczak A, Kahan T, Mahfoud F, Redon J, Ruilope L, Zanchetti A, Kerins M, Kjeldsen S, Kreutz R, Laurent S, Lip GYH, McManus R, Narkiewicz K, Ruschitzka F, Schmieder R, Shlyakhto E et al. (2018)
2018 Practice Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension and the European Society of Cardiology: ESH/ESC Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension
J Hypertens, 36 (12), 2284-2309
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001961, PubMed 30379783

Williams B, Mancia G, Spiering W, Agabiti Rosei E, Azizi M, Burnier M, Clement DL, Coca A, de Simone G, Dominiczak A, Kahan T, Mahfoud F, Redon J, Ruilope L, Zanchetti A, Kerins M, Kjeldsen SE, Kreutz R, Laurent S, Lip GYH, McManus R, Narkiewicz K, Ruschitzka F, Schmieder RE, Shlyakhto E et al. (2018)
2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension
J Hypertens, 36 (10), 1953-2041
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001940, PubMed 30234752

Williams B, Mancia G, Spiering W, Agabiti Rosei E, Azizi M, Burnier M, Clement DL, Coca A, de Simone G, Dominiczak A, Kahan T, Mahfoud F, Redon J, Ruilope L, Zanchetti A, Kerins M, Kjeldsen SE, Kreutz R, Laurent S, Lip GYH, McManus R, Narkiewicz K, Ruschitzka F, Schmieder RE, Shlyakhto E et al. (2018)
2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension
Eur Heart J, 39 (33), 3021-3104
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehy339, PubMed 30165516

Williams B, Mancia G, Spiering W, Rosei EA, Azizi M, Burnier M, Clement DL, Coca A, de Simone G, Dominiczak A, Kahan T, Mahfoud F, Redon J, Ruilope L, Zanchetti A, Kerins M, Kjeldsen SE, Kreutz R, Laurent S, Lip GYH, McManus R, Narkiewicz K, Ruschitzka F, Schmieder RE, Shlyakhto E et al. (2018)
[2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Society of Hypertension (ESH)]
G Ital Cardiol (Rome), 19 (11 Suppl 1), 3S-73S
DOI 10.1714/3026.30245, PubMed 30520455

Publications 2017

Burnier M, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE (2017)
Prevention of heart failure mortality and hospitalizations in SPRINT, EMPA-REG, ALLHAT and HYVET: are diuretics the clue?
Blood Press, 26 (4), 193-194
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2017.1332478, PubMed 28566004

Burnier M, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE, Oparil S (2017)
Renal denervation in hypertension: is it the end or the beginning of a SPYRAL?
Blood Press, 26 (6), 319-320
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2017.1386539, PubMed 28975817

Fadl Elmula FEM, Feng YM, Jacobs L, Larstorp AC, Kjeldsen SE, Persu A, Staessen JA, European Network COordinating research on Renal Denervation (ENCOReD) (2017)
Sham or no sham control: that is the question in trials of renal denervation for resistant hypertension. A systematic meta-analysis
Blood Press, 26 (4), 195-203
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2017.1311769, PubMed 28443356

Jacobs L, Persu A, Huang QF, Lengelé JP, Thijs L, Hammer F, Yang WY, Zhang ZY, Renkin J, Sinnaeve P, Wei FF, Pasquet A, Fadl Elmula FEM, Carlier M, Elvan A, Wunder C, Kjeldsen SE, Toennes SW, Janssens S, Verhamme P, Staessen JA, European Network Coordinating Research on Renal Denervation (2017)
Results of a randomized controlled pilot trial of intravascular renal denervation for management of treatment-resistant hypertension
Blood Press, 26 (6), 321-331
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2017.1320939, PubMed 28489464

Kjeldsen SE (2017)
Hypertension and cardiovascular risk: General aspects
Pharmacol Res, 129, 95-99
DOI 10.1016/j.phrs.2017.11.003, PubMed 29127059

Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G (2017)
The Un-Observed Automated Office Blood Pressure Measurement Technique Used in the SPRINT Study Points to a Standard Target Office Systolic Blood Pressure <140 mmHg
Curr Hypertens Rep, 19 (1), 3
DOI 10.1007/s11906-017-0700-y, PubMed 28091868

Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G (2017)
A critical review of the systolic blood pressure intervention trial (SPRINT)
Eur. Heart J., 38 (44), 3260-3265

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2017)
The INTERSALT Study and the complex relationship between salt intake and blood pressure
Blood Press, 26 (2), 65-66
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2016.1274957, PubMed 28049345

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2017)
The INTERSTROKE Study: hypertension is by far the most important modifiable risk factor for stroke
Blood Press, 26 (3), 131-132
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2017.1292456, PubMed 28224820

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2017)
Treatment strategies for comorbid conditions lower residual risk in patients with treated hypertension: FOURIER and other randomized outcome trials
Blood Press, 26 (5), 257-258
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2017.1357110, PubMed 28724313

Kjeldsen SE, Os I (2017)
Interventions to improve adherence of antihypertensive medication in African-Americans
J Hypertens, 35 (6), 1164-1165
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001249, PubMed 28441256

Kjeldsen SE, Wachtell K (2017)
Consensus document on hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias
Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother, 3 (4), 251-252
DOI 10.1093/ehjcvp/pvx022, PubMed 28922836

Klemsdal TO, Gjelsvik B, Elling I, Johansen S, Kjeldsen SE, Kristensen O, Madsen S, Njolstad I, Selmer R, Tonstad S, Voie H (2017)
New guidelines for the prevention of cardiovascular disease
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen., 137 (16), 1164-1168

Klemsdal TO, Gjelsvik B, Elling I, Johansen S, Kjeldsen SE, Kristensen Ø, Madsen S, Njølstad I, Selmer R, Tonstad S, Voie H (2017)
New guidelines for the prevention of cardiovascular disease
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 137 (16)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.17.0109, PubMed 28871738

Klemsdal TO, Gjelsvik B, Elling I, Johansen S, Kjeldsen SE, Kristensen Ø, Madsen S, Njølstad I, Selmer R, Tonstad S, Voie H (2017)
[Not Available]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 137 (19)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.17.0794, PubMed 29043734

Lüscher TF, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G, Papademetriou V (2017)
From 'essential' hypertension to intensive blood pressure lowering: the pros and cons of lower target values
Eur Heart J, 38 (44), 3258-3271
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehx643, PubMed 29177419

Mahfoud F, Schmieder RE, Azizi M, Pathak A, Sievert H, Tsioufis C, Zeller T, Bertog S, Blankestijn PJ, Böhm M, Burnier M, Chatellier G, Durand Zaleski I, Ewen S, Grassi G, Joner M, Kjeldsen SE, Lobo MD, Lotan C, Lüscher TF, Parati G, Rossignol P, Ruilope L, Sharif F, van Leeuwen E et al. (2017)
Proceedings from the 2nd European Clinical Consensus Conference for device-based therapies for hypertension: state of the art and considerations for the future
Eur Heart J, 38 (44), 3272-3281
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehx215, PubMed 28475773

Mancia G, Kjeldsen SE (2017)
Adopting Systolic Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT)-like office blood pressure measurements in clinical practice
J Hypertens, 35 (3), 471-472
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001229, PubMed 28121838

Mariampillai JE, Engeseth K, Kjeldsen SE, Grundvold I, Liestøl K, Erikssen G, Erikssen J, Bodegard J, Skretteberg PT (2017)
Exercise systolic blood pressure at moderate workload predicts cardiovascular disease and mortality through 35 years of follow-up in healthy, middle-aged men
Blood Press, 26 (4), 229-236
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2017.1291276, PubMed 28276720

Messerli FH, Bangalore S, Kjeldsen SE (2017)
Letter by Messerli et al Regarding Article, "The Implications of Blood Pressure Measurement Methods on Treatment Targets for Blood Pressure"
Circulation, 135 (7), e45-e46
DOI 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.025301, PubMed 28193803

Messerli FH, Hofstetter L, Agabiti-Rosei E, Burnier M, Elliott WJ, Franklin SS, Grodzicki T, Kario K, Kjeldsen SE, Kostis JB, Laurent S, Leenen FH, de Leeuw PW, Lund-Johansen P, Mancia G, Narkiewicz K, Papademetriou V, Parati G, Poulter N, Redon J, Rimoldi SF, Ruilope LM, Schiffrin EL, Schmieder RE, Schwartz AB et al. (2017)
J Hypertens, 35 (11), 2327-2328
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001526, PubMed 28953595

Messerli FH, Hofstetter L, Agabiti-Rosei E, Burnier M, Elliott WJ, Franklin SS, Grodzicki T, Kario K, Kjeldsen SE, Kostis JB, Laurent S, Leenen FH, Lund-Johansen P, Mancia G, Narkiewicz K, Papademetriou V, Parati G, Poulter N, Redon J, Rimoldi SF, Ruilope LM, Schiffrin EL, Schmieder RE, Schwartz AB, Sever P et al. (2017)
Expertise: No Longer a Sine Qua Non for Guideline Authors?
Hypertension, 70 (2), 235-237
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.117.09470, PubMed 28652465

Messerli FH, Hofstetter L, Agabiti-Rosei E, Burnier M, Elliott WJ, Franklin SS, Grodzicki T, Kario K, Kjeldsen SE, Kostis JB, Laurent S, Leenen FH, Lund-Johansen P, Mancia G, Narkiewicz K, Papademetriou V, Parati G, Poulter N, Redon J, Rimoldi SF, Ruilope LM, Schiffrin EL, Schmieder RE, Schwartz AB, Sever P et al. (2017)
Expertise: no longer a sine qua non for guideline authors?
J Hypertens, 35 (8), 1564-1566
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001435, PubMed 28657972

Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE, Burnier M, Oparil S (2017)
Challenges in oscillometric blood pressure measurement in atrial fibrillation: looking for practical solutions
Blood Press, 27 (1), 1-2
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2017.1407218, PubMed 29179586

Nilsson PM, Kjeldsen SE (2017)
Blood pressure goals in type 2 diabetes-assessing the evidence
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol, 5 (5), 319-321
DOI 10.1016/S2213-8587(17)30035-9, PubMed 28169174

Okin PM, Hille DA, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB (2017)
Combining ECG Criteria for Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Improves Risk Prediction in Patients With Hypertension
J Am Heart Assoc, 6 (11)
DOI 10.1161/JAHA.117.007564, PubMed 29151037

Prestgaard E, Hodnesdal C, Engeseth K, Erikssen J, Bodegård J, Liestøl K, Gjesdal K, Kjeldsen SE, Grundvold I, Berge E (2017)
Long-term predictors of stroke in healthy middle-aged men
Int J Stroke, 13 (3), 292-300
DOI 10.1177/1747493017730760, PubMed 28929941

Publications 2016

Aksnes TA, Kjeldsen SE, Rostrup M, Holzhauer B, Hua TA, Julius S (2016)
Predictors of cardiac morbidity in diabetic, new-onset diabetic and non-diabetic high-risk hypertensive patients: The Valsartan Antihypertensive Long-term Use Evaluation (VALUE) trial
Blood Press, 25 (4), 235-40
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2015.1134071, PubMed 26808585

Berra E, Azizi M, Capron A, Høieggen A, Rabbia F, Kjeldsen SE, Staessen JA, Wallemacq P, Persu A (2016)
Evaluation of Adherence Should Become an Integral Part of Assessment of Patients With Apparently Treatment-Resistant Hypertension
Hypertension, 68 (2), 297-306
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.07464, PubMed 27296995

Elliott HL, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Hedner T (2016)
Peter Meredith
Blood Press, 25 (2), 129-30
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2016.1139360, PubMed 26873622

Engeseth K, Hodnesdal C, Grundvold I, Liestøl K, Gjesdal K, Kjeldsen SE, Erikssen JE, Bodegard J, Skretteberg PT (2016)
Temporal Reduction in Chronotropic Index Predicts Risk of Cardiovascular Death Among Healthy Middle-Aged Men: a 28-Year Follow-Up Study
J Am Heart Assoc, 5 (12)
DOI 10.1161/JAHA.116.004555, PubMed 27881424

Hasvold P, Thuresson M, Sundström J, Hammar N, Kjeldsen SE, Johansson G, Holme I, Bodegård J (2016)
Association Between Paradoxical HDL Cholesterol Decrease and Risk of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients Initiated on Statin Treatment in a Primary Care Setting
Clin Drug Investig, 36 (3), 225-33
DOI 10.1007/s40261-015-0372-9, PubMed 26718960

Hedner T, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2016)
The polypill: an emerging treatment alternative for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease
Blood Press, 25 (5), 276-9
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2016.1139324, PubMed 27071504

Kjeldsen SE, Aksnes TA, Wachtell K, Okin PM (2016)
Arterial Stiffness Predicts Incident Atrial Fibrillation in the Framingham Heart Study: A Mechanistic Contribution in People With High Blood Pressure or History of Hypertension
Hypertension, 68 (3), 555-7
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.07671, PubMed 27456524

Kjeldsen SE, Cha G, Villa G, Mancia G, DISTINCT Investigators (2016)
Nifedipine GITS/Candesartan Combination Therapy Lowers Blood Pressure Across Different Baseline Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure Categories: DISTINCT Study Subanalyses
J Clin Pharmacol, 56 (9), 1120-9
DOI 10.1002/jcph.712, PubMed 26829251

Kjeldsen SE, Dzongowski P, Li N, Wang L, Radlmaier A (2016)
Fixed-dose combination of nifedipine gastrointestinal therapeutic system and candesartan cilexetil in patients with moderate-to-severe essential hypertension: an open-label, long-term safety and efficacy study
J Clin Pharm Ther, 41 (6), 695-702
DOI 10.1111/jcpt.12451, PubMed 27670639

Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T, Narkiewicz K (2016)
HOPE-3, SPRINT, VALUE and a meta-analysis of trials in patients with diabetes support treatment of hypertension to a target below 140 mmHg
Blood Press, 25 (3), 131-2
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2016.1182857, PubMed 27160151

Kjeldsen SE, Lund-Johansen P (2016)
[Limited basis for changing the goals for blood pressure treatment]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 136 (3), 209-10
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.15.1298, PubMed 26860378

Kjeldsen SE, Lund-Johansen P, Nilsson PM, Mancia G (2016)
Unattended Blood Pressure Measurements in the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial: Implications for Entry and Achieved Blood Pressure Values Compared With Other Trials
Hypertension, 67 (5), 808-12
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.07257, PubMed 27001295

Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G (2016)
Unobserved automated office blood pressure measurement in the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT): systolic blood pressure treatment target remains below 140 mmHg
Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother, 2 (2), 79-80
DOI 10.1093/ehjcvp/pvw002, PubMed 27533517

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Burnier M, Oparil S (2016)
The Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 and Blood Pressure
Blood Press, 26 (1), 1
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2016.1267557, PubMed 27951726

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Hedner T, Mancia G (2016)
The SPRINT study: Outcome may be driven by difference in diuretic treatment demasking heart failure and study design may support systolic blood pressure target below 140 mmHg rather than below 120 mmHg
Blood Press, 25 (2), 63-6
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2015.1130775, PubMed 26743157

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2016)
Blood Pressure in 2016: increased impact factor and change of editors
Blood Press, 25 (6), 331-332
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2016.1225493, PubMed 27592522

Kjeldsen SE, Os I (2016)
High blood pressure in US diabetic veterans with normal renal function: a plea for the design of a more powerful and conclusive outcome trial
J Hypertens, 34 (5), 836-7
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000896, PubMed 27027378

Kjeldsen SE, Os I (2016)
Hypertension: When should we treat hypertension in patients with diabetes?
Nat Rev Cardiol, 13 (5), 252-3
DOI 10.1038/nrcardio.2016.49, PubMed 27053453

Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Redon J (2016)
Treatment of hypertension and the price to pay; adverse events and discontinuation from randomized treatment in clinical trials
J Hypertens, 34 (8), 1489-91
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001002, PubMed 27355995

Kjeldsen SE, Stenehjem A, Os I, Van de Borne P, Burnier M, Narkiewicz K, Redon J, Agabiti Rosei E, Mancia G (2016)
Treatment of high blood pressure in elderly and octogenarians: European Society of Hypertension statement on blood pressure targets
Blood Press, 25 (6), 333-336
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2016.1236329, PubMed 27644446

Mancia G, Cha G, Gil-Extremera B, Harvey P, Lewin AJ, Villa G, Kjeldsen SE (2016)
Blood pressure-lowering effects of nifedipine/candesartan combinations in high-risk individuals: subgroup analysis of the DISTINCT randomised trial
J Hum Hypertens, 31 (3), 178-188
DOI 10.1038/jhh.2016.54, PubMed 27511476

Mariampillai JE, Eskås PA, Heimark S, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Mancia G (2016)
A Case for Less Intensive Blood Pressure Control: It Matters to Achieve Target Blood Pressure Early and Sustained Below 140/90mmHg
Prog Cardiovasc Dis, 59 (3), 209-218
DOI 10.1016/j.pcad.2016.09.002, PubMed 27619341

Okin PM, Kamel H, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB (2016)
Electrocardiographic left atrial abnormalities and risk of incident stroke in hypertensive patients with electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy
J Hypertens, 34 (9), 1831-7
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000989, PubMed 27254312

Okin PM, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB (2016)
Impact of achieved systolic blood pressure on renal function in hypertensive patients
Eur Heart J Qual Care Clin Outcomes, 2 (4), 271-276
DOI 10.1093/ehjqcco/qcw017, PubMed 29474712

Palatini P, Rosei EA, Casiglia E, Chalmers J, Ferrari R, Grassi G, Inoue T, Jelakovic B, Jensen MT, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G, Parati G, Pauletto P, Stella A, Zanchetti A (2016)
Management of the hypertensive patient with elevated heart rate: Statement of the Second Consensus Conference endorsed by the European Society of Hypertension
J Hypertens, 34 (5), 813-21
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000865, PubMed 26982382

Persu A, Kjeldsen S, Staessen JA, Azizi M (2016)
Renal Denervation for Treatment of Hypertension: a Second Start and New Challenges
Curr Hypertens Rep, 18 (1), 6
DOI 10.1007/s11906-015-0610-9, PubMed 26739586

Tanoue MT, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB, Okin PM (2016)
Relationship of diastolic function to new or persistent electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy
Blood Press, 25 (6), 364-372
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2016.1179514, PubMed 27146272

Tanoue MT, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB, Okin PM (2016)
Relationship between abnormal P-wave terminal force in lead V1 and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in hypertensive patients: the LIFE study
Blood Press, 26 (2), 94-101
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2016.1215765, PubMed 27601135

Publications 2015

Fadl Elmula FE, Jin Y, Yang WY, Thijs L, Lu YC, Larstorp AC, Persu A, Sapoval M, Rosa J, Widimský P, Jacobs L, Renkin J, Petrák O, Chatellier G, Shimada K, Widimský J, Kario K, Azizi M, Kjeldsen SE, Staessen JA, European Network Coordinating Research On Renal Denervation (ENCOReD) Consortium (2015)
Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of renal denervation in treatment-resistant hypertension
Blood Press, 24 (5), 263-74
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2015.1058595, PubMed 26194721

Fadl Elmula FE, Larstorp AC, Kjeldsen SE, Persu A, Jin Y, Staessen JA (2015)
Renal sympathetic denervation after Symplicity HTN-3 and therapeutic drug monitoring in severe hypertension
Front Physiol, 6, 9
DOI 10.3389/fphys.2015.00009, PubMed 25709581

Fadl Elmula FE, Rebora P, Talvik A, Salerno S, Miszkowska-Nagórna E, Liu X, Heinpalu-Kuum M, Comotti T, Larstorp AC, Rostrup M, Świerblewska E, Valsecchi MG, Kjeldsen SE, Viigimaa M, Narkiewicz K, Parati G, Laurent S, BEtter control of blood pressure in hypertensive pAtients monitored Using the HOTMAN sYstem (BEAUTY) Study Investigators (2015)
A randomized and controlled study of noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring as a guide to drug treatment of uncontrolled hypertensive patients
J Hypertens, 33 (12), 2534-45
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000749, PubMed 26485460

Holme I, Kjeldsen SE (2015)
Long-term survival in the randomized trial of drug treatment in mild to moderate hypertension of the Oslo study 1972-3
Eur J Intern Med, 26 (2), 123-6
DOI 10.1016/j.ejim.2015.01.013, PubMed 25681139

Kjeldsen SE, Berge E (2015)
Blood pressure and early neurological deterioration in acute ischemic stroke
J Hypertens, 33 (10), 2020-1
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000689, PubMed 26431189

Kjeldsen SE, Berge E, Bangalore S, Messerli FH, Mancia G, Holzhauer B, Hua TA, Zappe D, Zanchetti A, Weber MA, Julius S (2015)
No evidence for a J-shaped curve in treated hypertensive patients with increased cardiovascular risk: The VALUE trial
Blood Press, 25 (2), 83-92
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2015.1106750, PubMed 26511535

Kjeldsen SE, Fadl Elmula FE, Os I, Persu A, Jin Y, Staessen JA (2015)
Renal sympathetic denervation after Symplicity HTN-3 and therapeutic drug monitoring in patients with resistant hypertension to improve patients' adherence
Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother, 1 (1), 48-56
DOI 10.1093/ehjcvp/pvu009, PubMed 27533966

Kjeldsen SE, Fadl Elmula FEM, Persu A (2015)
The setback of renal denervation should not backfire on sympathetic overactivity in hypertension
J Am Coll Cardiol, 65 (13), 1322-1323
DOI 10.1016/j.jacc.2015.01.038, PubMed 25835444

Kjeldsen SE, Oparil S, Narkiewicz K, Hedner T (2015)
The J-curve phenomenon revisited again: SPRINT outcomes favor target systolic blood pressure below 120 mmHg
Blood Press, 25 (1), 1-3
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2016.1096564, PubMed 26462684

Kjeldsen SE, Persu A, Azizi M (2015)
Design of renal denervation studies not confounded by antihypertensive drugs
J Am Soc Hypertens, 9 (5), 337-40
DOI 10.1016/j.jash.2015.02.015, PubMed 25863572

Mahfoud F, Böhm M, Azizi M, Pathak A, Durand Zaleski I, Ewen S, Tsioufis K, Andersson B, Blankestijn PJ, Burnier M, Chatellier G, Gafoor S, Grassi G, Joner M, Kjeldsen SE, Lüscher TF, Lobo MD, Lotan C, Parati G, Redon J, Ruilope L, Sudano I, Ukena C, van Leeuwen E, Volpe M et al. (2015)
Proceedings from the European clinical consensus conference for renal denervation: considerations on future clinical trial design
Eur Heart J, 36 (33), 2219-27
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehv192, PubMed 25990344

Mancia G, Kjeldsen SE, Zappe DH, Holzhauer B, Hua TA, Zanchetti A, Julius S, Weber MA (2015)
Cardiovascular outcomes at different on-treatment blood pressures in the hypertensive patients of the VALUE trial
Eur Heart J, 37 (12), 955-64
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehv633, PubMed 26590384

Okin PM, Hille DA, Larstorp AC, Wachtell K, Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB (2015)
Effect of lower on-treatment systolic blood pressure on the risk of atrial fibrillation in hypertensive patients
Hypertension, 66 (2), 368-73
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.115.05728, PubMed 26056336

Okin PM, Hille DA, Wachtell K, Kjeldsen SE, Boman K, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB (2015)
Digoxin use and risk of mortality in hypertensive patients with atrial fibrillation
J Hypertens, 33 (7), 1480-6
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000559, PubMed 25799208

Okin PM, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB (2015)
Systolic Blood Pressure Control and Mortality After Stroke in Hypertensive Patients
Stroke, 46 (8), 2113-8
DOI 10.1161/STROKEAHA.115.009592, PubMed 26089332

Persu A, Jin Y, Fadl Elmula FE, Renkin J, Høieggen A, Kjeldsen SE, Staessen JA (2015)
Renal denervation in treatment-resistant hypertension: a reappraisal
Curr Opin Pharmacol, 21, 48-52
DOI 10.1016/j.coph.2014.12.013, PubMed 25601357

Skårn SN, Eggesbø HB, Flaa A, Kjeldsen SE, Rostrup M, Brunborg C, Reims HM, Aksnes TA (2015)
Predictors of abdominal adipose tissue compartments: 18-year follow-up of young men with and without family history of diabetes
Eur J Intern Med, 29, 26-31
DOI 10.1016/j.ejim.2015.11.027, PubMed 26712453

Skårn SN, Flaa A, Kjeldsen SE, Rostrup M, Brunborg C, Reims HM, Fossum E, Høieggen A, Aksnes TA (2015)
High screening blood pressure at young age predicts future masked hypertension: A 17 year follow-up study
Blood Press, 24 (3), 131-8
DOI 10.3109/21695717.2015.1030889, PubMed 25901999

Skårn SN, Flaa A, Kjeldsen SE, Rostrup M, Brunborg C, Reims HM, Fossum E, Høieggen A, Aksnes TA (2015)
Family history of hypertension and serum triglycerides predict future insulin sensitivity: a 17-year follow-up study of young men
J Hypertens, 33 (9), 1845-51; discussion 1852
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000632, PubMed 26103130

Vishram JK, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Ibsen H, Kjeldsen SE, Lindholm LH, Mancia G, Okin PM, Rothwell PM, Wachtell K, Olsen MH (2015)
Blood pressure variability predicts cardiovascular events independently of traditional cardiovascular risk factors and target organ damage: a LIFE substudy
J Hypertens, 33 (12), 2422-30
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000739, PubMed 26378687

Publications 2014

Engeseth K, Hodnesdal C, Grundvold I, Liestøl K, Gjesdal K, Erikssen G, Kjeldsen SE, Erikssen JE, Bodegard J, Skretteberg PT (2014)
Heart rate reserve predicts cardiovascular death among physically unfit but otherwise healthy middle-aged men: a 35-year follow-up study
Eur J Prev Cardiol, 23 (1), 59-66
DOI 10.1177/2047487314553202, PubMed 25281482

Fadl Elmula FE, Hoffmann P, Larstorp AC, Fossum E, Brekke M, Kjeldsen SE, Gjønnæss E, Hjørnholm U, Kjaer VN, Rostrup M, Os I, Stenehjem A, Høieggen A (2014)
Adjusted drug treatment is superior to renal sympathetic denervation in patients with true treatment-resistant hypertension
Hypertension, 63 (5), 991-9
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.114.03246, PubMed 24591332

Gerdts E, Aksnes TA, Hultström M, Kjeldsen SE, Os I (2014)
Ingrid Toft (June 2, 1959-April 26, 2014)
Blood Press, 23 (4), 255
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2014.938919, PubMed 25014276

Hasvold LP, Bodegård J, Thuresson M, Stålhammar J, Hammar N, Sundström J, Russell D, Kjeldsen SE (2014)
Diabetes and CVD risk during angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin II receptor blocker treatment in hypertension: a study of 15,990 patients
J Hum Hypertens, 28 (11), 663-9
DOI 10.1038/jhh.2014.43, PubMed 25211055

Kjeldsen S, Feldman RD, Lisheng L, Mourad JJ, Chiang CE, Zhang W, Wu Z, Li W, Williams B (2014)
Updated national and international hypertension guidelines: a review of current recommendations
Drugs, 74 (17), 2033-51
DOI 10.1007/s40265-014-0306-5, PubMed 25315030

Kjeldsen SE, Aksnes TA, Ruilope LM (2014)
Clinical implications of the 2013 ESH/ESC hypertension guidelines: targets, choice of therapy, and blood pressure monitoring
Drugs R D, 14 (2), 31-43
DOI 10.1007/s40268-014-0049-5, PubMed 24842751

Kjeldsen SE, Fadl Elmula FE, Persu A, Jin Y, Staessen JA (2014)
Renal sympathetic denervation in the aftermath of Symplicity HTN-3
Blood Press, 23 (5), 256-61
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2014.953861, PubMed 25212427

Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Dahlöf B, Weber MA (2014)
Physician (investigator) inertia in apparent treatment-resistant hypertension - insights from large randomized clinical trials. Lennart Hansson Memorial Lecture
Blood Press, 24 (1), 1-6
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2014.946787, PubMed 25162203

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Hedner T (2014)
Hypertension management by practice guidelines
Blood Press, 23 (1), 1-2
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2014.881646, PubMed 24548004

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Hedner T (2014)
Renal denervation in treatment-resistant hypertension - Oslo RDN, Symplicity HTN-3 and INSPiRED randomized trials
Blood Press, 23 (3), 135-7
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2014.916896, PubMed 24842262

Kjeldsen SE, Os I (2014)
Cost-effectiveness of therapeutic drug monitoring in patients with resistant hypertension and improving patients' adherence
J Hypertens, 32 (12), 2357-8
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000385, PubMed 25376250

Kjeldsen SE, Sica D, Haller H, Cha G, Gil-Extremera B, Harvey P, Heyvaert F, Lewin AJ, Villa G, Mancia G, DISTINCT Investigators (2014)
Nifedipine plus candesartan combination increases blood pressure control regardless of race and improves the side effect profile: DISTINCT randomized trial results
J Hypertens, 32 (12), 2488-98; discussion 2498
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000331, PubMed 25144296

Kjeldsen SE, Sørensen H, Fadl Elmula FE, Brekke M, Gjønnæss E, Hjørnholm U, Kjære VN, Rostrup M, Fossum E, Os I, Stenehjem A, Høieggen A, Hoffmann P (2014)
[Re: Renal sympathetic denervation in treatment-resistant hypertension]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 134 (15), 1449-50
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.14.0931, PubMed 25138398

Mariampillai JE, Fadl Elmula FE, Hoffmann P, Sørensen H, Høieggen A, Kjeldsen SE (2014)
[Questionable efficacy of renal denervation]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 134 (17), 1643-4
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.14.0900, PubMed 25223668

Neldam S, Schumacher H, Kjeldsen SE, Neutel JM (2014)
Telmisartan in combination with hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg for the management of patients with hypertension
Curr Med Res Opin, 30 (9), 1715-24
DOI 10.1185/03007995.2014.924912, PubMed 24834808

Okin PM, Bang CN, Wachtell K, Hille DA, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB (2014)
Racial differences in incident atrial fibrillation among hypertensive patients during antihypertensive therapy
Am J Hypertens, 27 (7), 966-72
DOI 10.1093/ajh/hpu006, PubMed 24552888

Persu A, Azizi M, Jin Y, Volz S, Rosa J, Fadl Elmula FE, Pechere-Bertschi A, Burnier M, Mark PB, Elvan A, Renkin J, Sapoval M, Kahan T, Kjeldsen S, Staessen JA, European Network COordinating research on Renal Denervation (ENCOReD) consortium (2014)
Hyperresponders vs. nonresponder patients after renal denervation: do they differ?
J Hypertens, 32 (12), 2422-7; discussion 2427
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000347, PubMed 25375391

Persu A, Fadl Elmula FEM, Jin Y, Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Staessen JA (2014)
Renal Denervation After Symplicity HTN-3 - Back to Basics. Review of the Evidence
Eur Cardiol, 9 (2), 110-114
DOI 10.15420/ecr.2014.9.2.110, PubMed 30310496

Persu A, Jin Y, Baelen M, Vink E, Verloop WL, Schmidt B, Blicher MK, Severino F, Wuerzner G, Taylor A, Pechère-Bertschi A, Jokhaji F, Fadl Elmula FE, Rosa J, Czarnecka D, Ehret G, Kahan T, Renkin J, Widimsky J, Jacobs L, Spiering W, Burnier M, Mark PB, Menne J, Olsen MH et al. (2014)
Eligibility for renal denervation: experience at 11 European expert centers
Hypertension, 63 (6), 1319-25
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.114.03194, PubMed 24664290

Persu A, Jin Y, Fadl Elmula FE, Jacobs L, Renkin J, Kjeldsen S (2014)
Renal denervation after Symplicity HTN-3: an update
Curr Hypertens Rep, 16 (8), 460
DOI 10.1007/s11906-014-0460-x, PubMed 24913923

Sandset EC, Berge E, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Holzhauer B, Krarup LH, Hua TA (2014)
Heart rate as a predictor of stroke in high-risk, hypertensive patients with previous stroke or transient ischemic attack
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 23 (10), 2814-2818
DOI 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2014.07.009, PubMed 25304725

Skoglund PH, Svensson P, Asp J, Dahlöf B, Kjeldsen SE, Jamerson KA, Weber MA, Jia Y, Zappe DH, Östergren J, ACCOMPLISH investigators (2014)
Amlodipine+benazepril is superior to hydrochlorothiazide+benazepril irrespective of baseline pulse pressure: subanalysis of the ACCOMPLISH trial
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich), 17 (2), 141-6
DOI 10.1111/jch.12460, PubMed 25529596

Sørensen H, Fadl Elmula FE, Kjeldsen SE, Brekke M, Gjønnæss E, Hjørnholm U, Kjær VN, Rostrup M, Fossum E, Os I, Stenehjem A, Høieggen A, Hoffmann P (2014)
[Renal sympathetic denervation in treatment-resistant hypertension]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 134 (1), 32-6
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.13.0276, PubMed 24429753

Zannad F, Stough WG, Mahfoud F, Bakris GL, Kjeldsen SE, Kieval RS, Haller H, Yared N, De Ferrari GM, Piña IL, Stein K, Azizi M (2014)
Design considerations for clinical trials of autonomic modulation therapies targeting hypertension and heart failure
Hypertension, 65 (1), 5-15
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.114.04057, PubMed 25350982

Publications 2013

Fadl Elmula FE, Hoffmann P, Fossum E, Brekke M, Gjønnæss E, Hjørnholm U, Kjær VN, Rostrup M, Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Stenehjem AE, Høieggen A (2013)
Renal sympathetic denervation in patients with treatment-resistant hypertension after witnessed intake of medication before qualifying ambulatory blood pressure
Hypertension, 62 (3), 526-32
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.113.01452, PubMed 23836798

Grundvold I, Skretteberg PT, Engeseth K, Gjesdal K, Kjeldsen SE, Arnesen H, Bodegard J, Liestøl K, Erikssen G, Erikssen J (2013)
Response to Letter by Morris et al regarding article, "Low heart rates predict incident atrial fibrillation in healthy middle-aged men" by Grundvold et al
Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol, 6 (6), e102
DOI 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.001154, PubMed 24347602

Grundvold I, Skretteberg PT, Liestøl K, Erikssen G, Engeseth K, Gjesdal K, Kjeldsen SE, Arnesen H, Erikssen J, Bodegard J (2013)
Low heart rates predict incident atrial fibrillation in healthy middle-aged men
Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol, 6 (4), 726-31
DOI 10.1161/CIRCEP.113.000267, PubMed 23873309

Hedner T, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K (2013)
Combination treatment in hypertension - the latest 2013 European Guidelines
Blood Press, 22 Suppl 1, 1-2
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2013.826471, PubMed 23978052

Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Kjeldsen SE (2013)
Primary cardiovascular prevention by Mediterranean diet - the PREDIMED trial
Blood Press, 22 (3), 129-30
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2013.793882, PubMed 23659248

Jin Y, Thijs L, Persu A, Kjeldsen S, Staessen JA (2013)
No support for renal denervation in a meta-analysis
J Am Coll Cardiol, 62 (21), 2029-2030
DOI 10.1016/j.jacc.2013.07.094, PubMed 24060456

Kjeldsen S, Mancia G, Schmieder R, Mattheus M, Unger T (2013)
An update on telmisartan/hydrochlorothiazide combinations for the management of hypertensive patients with additional cardiovascular risk factors
Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther, 11 (6), 673-82
DOI 10.1586/erc.13.63, PubMed 23750676

Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2013)
Revisiting the pre-hypertension debate: increasing evidence for treatment--or not?
Blood Press, 22 (6), 344
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2013.787711, PubMed 23635037

Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G (2013)
Wolfgang Kiowski 1949-2012 In Memoriam
Hypertension, 61 (2), 268-269
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.111.00619

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Hedner T (2013)
2013 European Society of Hypertension/European Society of Cardiology Hypertension Guidelines
Blood Press, 22 (4), 191-2
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2013.817814, PubMed 23855424

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Hedner T (2013)
Blood pressure lowering effect of renal sympathetic denervation or placebo? - building expectations for Symplicity-HTN 3
Blood Press, 22 (5), 279-81
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2013.840445, PubMed 24059787

Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Mahfoud F (2013)
Treatment resistant hypertension and renal sympathetic denervation: drug adherence and the consolidation of blood pressure lowering effects
EuroIntervention, 9 Suppl R, R7-9
DOI 10.4244/EIJV9SRA1, PubMed 23732159

Kjeldsen SE, Schultz M, Vinkenes K, Aksnes TA, Høieggen A (2013)
[Blood Pressure Treatment--towards consensus on many things]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 133 (21), 2226
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.13.1374, PubMed 24226313

Kjeldsen SE, Schumacher H, Neldam S, Guthrie RM (2013)
Telmisartan/Hydrochlorothiazide combination therapy for the treatment of hypertension: a pooled analysis in older and younger patients
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich), 15 (6), 380-8
DOI 10.1111/jch.12089, PubMed 23730986

Larsson E, Wahlstrand B, Hedblad B, Hedner T, Kjeldsen SE, Melander O, Lindahl P (2013)
Hypertension and genetic variation in endothelial-specific genes
PLoS One, 8 (4), e62035
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0062035, PubMed 23637959

Mahfoud F, Kjeldsen SE (2013)
Catheter-based renal denervation: a word of caution
EuroIntervention, 8 (9)
DOI 10.4244/EIJV8I9A152, PubMed 23339819

Mancia G, Fagard R, Narkiewicz K, Redon J, Zanchetti A, Böhm M, Christiaens T, Cifkova R, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, Galderisi M, Grobbee DE, Jaarsma T, Kirchhof P, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Manolis AJ, Nilsson PM, Ruilope LM, Schmieder RE, Sirnes PA, Sleight P, Viigimaa M, Waeber B, Zannad F et al. (2013)
2013 ESH/ESC guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: the Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
Eur Heart J, 34 (28), 2159-219
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/eht151, PubMed 23771844

Mancia G, Fagard R, Narkiewicz K, Redon J, Zanchetti A, Böhm M, Christiaens T, Cifkova R, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, Galderisi M, Grobbee DE, Jaarsma T, Kirchhof P, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Manolis AJ, Nilsson PM, Ruilope LM, Schmieder RE, Sirnes PA, Sleight P, Viigimaa M, Waeber B, Zannad F et al. (2013)
2013 ESH/ESC Practice Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension
Blood Press, 23 (1), 3-16
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2014.868629, PubMed 24359485

Mancia G, Fagard R, Narkiewicz K, Redón J, Zanchetti A, Böhm M, Christiaens T, Cifkova R, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, Galderisi M, Grobbee DE, Jaarsma T, Kirchhof P, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Manolis AJ, Nilsson PM, Ruilope LM, Schmieder RE, Sirnes PA, Sleight P, Viigimaa M, Waeber B, Zannad F et al. (2013)
2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: the Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
J Hypertens, 31 (7), 1281-357
DOI 10.1097/, PubMed 23817082

Okin PM, Bang CN, Wachtell K, Hille DA, Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB (2013)
Relationship of sudden cardiac death to new-onset atrial fibrillation in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy
Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol, 6 (2), 243-51
DOI 10.1161/CIRCEP.112.977777, PubMed 23403268

Okin PM, Hille DA, Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB (2013)
Persistence of left ventricular hypertrophy is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hypertensive patients with lower achieved systolic pressure during antihypertensive treatment
Blood Press, 23 (2), 71-80
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2013.791414, PubMed 23721506

Okin PM, Hille DA, Wiik BP, Kjeldsen SE, Lindholm LH, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB (2013)
In-treatment HDL cholesterol levels and development of new diabetes mellitus in hypertensive patients: the LIFE Study
Diabet Med, 30 (10), 1189-97
DOI 10.1111/dme.12213, PubMed 23587029

Persu A, Jin Y, Azizi M, Baelen M, Völz S, Elvan A, Severino F, Rosa J, Adiyaman A, Fadl Elmula FE, Taylor A, Pechère-Bertschi A, Wuerzner G, Jokhaji F, Kahan T, Renkin J, Monge M, Widimský P, Jacobs L, Burnier M, Mark PB, Kjeldsen SE, Andersson B, Sapoval M, Staessen JA et al. (2013)
Blood pressure changes after renal denervation at 10 European expert centers
J Hum Hypertens, 28 (3), 150-6
DOI 10.1038/jhh.2013.88, PubMed 24067345

Schlaich MP, Schmieder RE, Bakris G, Blankestijn PJ, Böhm M, Campese VM, Francis DP, Grassi G, Hering D, Katholi R, Kjeldsen S, Krum H, Mahfoud F, Mancia G, Messerli FH, Narkiewicz K, Parati G, Rocha-Singh KJ, Ruilope LM, Rump LC, Sica DA, Sobotka PA, Tsioufis C, Vonend O, Weber MA et al. (2013)
International expert consensus statement: Percutaneous transluminal renal denervation for the treatment of resistant hypertension
J Am Coll Cardiol, 62 (22), 2031-45
DOI 10.1016/j.jacc.2013.08.1616, PubMed 24021387

Schmieder RE, Grassi G, Kjeldsen SE (2013)
Patients with treatment-resistant hypertension report increased stress and anxiety: a worldwide study
J Hypertens, 31 (3), 610-5; discussion 615
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e32835d6e53, PubMed 23303395

Schmieder RE, Redon J, Grassi G, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G, Narkiewicz K, Parati G, Ruilope L, van de Borne P, Tsioufis C, European Society of Hypertension (2013)
Updated ESH position paper on interventional therapy of resistant hypertension
EuroIntervention, 9 Suppl R, R58-66
DOI 10.4244/EIJV9SRA11, PubMed 23732157

Schultz M, Aksnes TA, Høieggen A, Kjeldsen SE (2013)
[Choice of drug in hypertension]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 133 (17), 1802-3
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.13.0311, PubMed 24042290

Skretteberg PT, Grundvold I, Kjeldsen SE, Engeseth K, Liestøl K, Erikssen G, Erikssen J, Gjesdal K, Bodegard J (2013)
Seven-year increase in exercise systolic blood pressure at moderate workload predicts long-term risk of coronary heart disease and mortality in healthy middle-aged men
Hypertension, 61 (5), 1134-40
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.111.00793, PubMed 23529164

Skretteberg PT, Grytten AN, Gjertsen K, Grundvold I, Kjeldsen SE, Erikssen J, Mellbin L, Liestøl K, Fraser DA, Erikssen G, Pedersen TR, Bodegard J (2013)
Triglycerides-diabetes association in healthy middle-aged men: modified by physical fitness? A long term follow-up of 1962 Norwegian men in the Oslo Ischemia Study
Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 101 (2), 201-9
DOI 10.1016/j.diabres.2013.06.001, PubMed 23827210

Staessen JA, Jin Y, Thijs L, Persu A, Azizi M, Kjeldsen S (2013)
First-in-man randomized clinical trial of renal denervation for atrial arrhythmia raises concern
J Am Coll Cardiol, 62 (21), e445-e446
DOI 10.1016/j.jacc.2013.07.095, PubMed 24060455

Søraas CL, Friis C, Engebretsen KV, Sandvik L, Kjeldsen SE, Tønnessen T (2013)
Authors' reply to the letter from Dr Wang: troponins after coronary artery bypass grafting: continuous or cut-point approach?
Am Heart J, 166 (2), e3
DOI 10.1016/j.ahj.2013.05.001, PubMed 23895825

Vinkenes K, Kjeldsen SE (2013)
[Hypertension in healthy people over 80 should be treated]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 133 (17), 1804-5
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.13.0539, PubMed 24042291

Publications 2012

Aksnes TA, Skårn SN, Kjeldsen SE (2012)
Treatment of hypertension in diabetes: what is the best therapeutic option?
Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther, 10 (6), 727-34
DOI 10.1586/erc.12.59, PubMed 22894629

Flaa A, Rostrup M, Kjeldsen SE (2012)
Sympathoadrenal Reactivity to Stress as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Risk Factors
J. Hyperton., 16 (2), 13-18

Fyhrquist F, Eriksson A, Saijonmaa O, Nordestgaard BG, Kontula K, de Faire U, Ibsen H, Kjeldsen S, Os I, Dahlöf B (2012)
Telomere length is associated with ACE I/D polymorphism in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy
J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst, 14 (3), 227-34
DOI 10.1177/1470320312460292, PubMed 23077078

Grundvold I, Skretteberg PT, Liestøl K, Erikssen G, Kjeldsen SE, Arnesen H, Erikssen J, Bodegard J (2012)
Upper normal blood pressures predict incident atrial fibrillation in healthy middle-aged men: a 35-year follow-up study
Hypertension, 59 (2), 198-204
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.111.179713, PubMed 22252392

Grundvold I, Skretteberg PT, Liestøl K, Gjesdal K, Erikssen G, Kjeldsen SE, Arnesen H, Erikssen J, Bodegard J (2012)
Importance of physical fitness on predictive effect of body mass index and weight gain on incident atrial fibrillation in healthy middle-age men
Am J Cardiol, 110 (3), 425-32
DOI 10.1016/j.amjcard.2012.03.043, PubMed 22579085

Hamrefors V, Sjögren M, Almgren P, Wahlstrand B, Kjeldsen S, Hedner T, Melander O (2012)
Pharmacogenetic implications for eight common blood pressure-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms
J Hypertens, 30 (6), 1151-60
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3283536338, PubMed 22525200

Hassellund SS, Flaa A, Kjeldsen SE, Seljeflot I, Karlsen A, Erlund I, Rostrup M (2012)
Effects of anthocyanins on cardiovascular risk factors and inflammation in pre-hypertensive men: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled crossover study
J Hum Hypertens, 27 (2), 100-6
DOI 10.1038/jhh.2012.4, PubMed 22336903

Hedner T, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K (2012)
State of global health--hypertension burden and control
Blood Press, 21 Suppl 1, 1-2
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2012.704786, PubMed 22809199

Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Kjeldsen SE (2012)
Direct renin inhibitors in hypertension - approaching the moment of truth
Blood Press, 21 (5), 267-8
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2012.728304, PubMed 23013445

Hodnesdal C, Prestgaard E, Erikssen G, Gjesdal K, Kjeldsen SE, Liestol K, Skretteberg PT, Erikssen J, Bodegard J (2012)
Rapidly upsloping ST-segment on exercise ECG: a marker of reduced coronary heart disease mortality risk
Eur J Prev Cardiol, 20 (4), 541-8
DOI 10.1177/2047487312444370, PubMed 22492865

Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2012)
Increased time varying heart rate and cardiovascular risk in hypertension: benefit of selective I((f)) channel inhibitor?
Blood Press, 21 (1), 1-2
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2012.652818, PubMed 22263600

Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2012)
Angiotensin receptor--neprilysin inhibiton (ARNI)--a novel therapeutic concept for management of hypertension and heart failure
Blood Press, 21 (6), 329-30
DOI 10.3109/10582452.2012.741765, PubMed 23210746

Kjeldsen SE, Messerli FH, Chiang CE, Meredith PA, Liu L (2012)
Are fixed-dose combination antihypertensives suitable as first-line therapy?
Curr Med Res Opin, 28 (10), 1685-97
DOI 10.1185/03007995.2012.729505, PubMed 22978777

Kjeldsen SE, Okin PM (2012)
Prediction and prevention of atrial fibrillation in patients with high blood pressure or history of hypertension
J Hypertens, 30 (5), 887-9
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e328352c507, PubMed 22495133

Kjeldsen SE, Okin PM (2012)
High resting heart rate predicts mortality, disability, and cognitive decline in patients after ischaemic stroke: time for additional selective I(f) channel inhibitor trials?
Eur Heart J, 33 (22), 2761-3
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehs260, PubMed 22922504

Larstorp AC, Ariansen I, Gjesdal K, Olsen MH, Ibsen H, Devereux RB, Okin PM, Dahlöf B, Kjeldsen SE, Wachtell K (2012)
Association of pulse pressure with new-onset atrial fibrillation in patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy: the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint (LIFE) reduction in hypertension study
Hypertension, 60 (2), 347-53
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.112.195032, PubMed 22753219

Larstorp AC, Okin PM, Devereux RB, Olsen MH, Ibsen H, Dahlöf B, Kjeldsen SE, Wachtell K (2012)
Regression of ECG-LVH is associated with lower risk of new-onset heart failure and mortality in patients with isolated systolic hypertension; The LIFE study
Am J Hypertens, 25 (10), 1101-9
DOI 10.1038/ajh.2012.86, PubMed 22717544

Manolis AJ, Rosei EA, Coca A, Cifkova R, Erdine SE, Kjeldsen S, Lip GY, Narkiewicz K, Parati G, Redon J, Schmieder R, Tsioufis C, Mancia G (2012)
Hypertension and atrial fibrillation: diagnostic approach, prevention and treatment. Position paper of the Working Group 'Hypertension Arrhythmias and Thrombosis' of the European Society of Hypertension
J Hypertens, 30 (2), 239-52
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e32834f03bf, PubMed 22186358

Okin PM, Hille DA, Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB (2012)
Impact of lower achieved blood pressure on outcomes in hypertensive patients
J Hypertens, 30 (4), 802-10; discussion 810
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3283516499, PubMed 22343536

Okin PM, Kjeldsen SE, Lindholm LH, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB (2012)
The relationship of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy to decreased serum potassium
Blood Press, 21 (3), 146-52
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2011.649537, PubMed 22243363

Perlini S, Naditch-Brule L, Farsang C, Zidek W, Kjeldsen SE (2012)
Pulse pressure and heart rate in patients with metabolic syndrome across Europe: insights from the GOOD survey
J Hum Hypertens, 27 (7), 412-6
DOI 10.1038/jhh.2012.61, PubMed 23235366

Ruwald AC, Westergaard B, Sehestedt T, Kjeldsen SE, Lindholm LH, Wachtell K, Devereux RB, Ibsen H, Nieminen MS, Dahlöf B, Olsen MH (2012)
Losartan versus atenolol-based antihypertensive treatment reduces cardiovascular events especially well in elderly patients: the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension (LIFE) study
J Hypertens, 30 (6), 1252-9
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e328352f7f6, PubMed 22499288

Sandset EC, Murray GD, Bath PM, Kjeldsen SE, Berge E, Scandinavian Candesartan Acute Stroke Trial (SCAST) Study Group (2012)
Relation between change in blood pressure in acute stroke and risk of early adverse events and poor outcome
Stroke, 43 (8), 2108-14
DOI 10.1161/STROKEAHA.111.647362, PubMed 22627991

Schmieder RE, Redon J, Grassi G, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G, Narkiewicz K, Parati G, Ruilope L, van de Borne P, Tsioufis C (2012)
ESH position paper: renal denervation - an interventional therapy of resistant hypertension
J Hypertens, 30 (5), 837-41
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e328352ce78, PubMed 22469838

Søraas CL, Friis C, Engebretsen KV, Sandvik L, Kjeldsen SE, Tønnessen T (2012)
Troponin T is a better predictor than creatine kinase-MB of long-term mortality after coronary artery bypass graft surgery
Am Heart J, 164 (5), 779-85
DOI 10.1016/j.ahj.2012.05.027, PubMed 23137510

Weber MA, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Jia Y, Brunner HR, Zappe DH, Hua TA, McInnes GT, Schork A, Mancia G, Zanchetti A (2012)
Cardiovascular outcomes in hypertensive patients: comparing single-agent therapy with combination therapy
J Hypertens, 30 (11), 2213-22
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3283582ed6, PubMed 23011525

Publications 2011

Ariansen I, Reims HM, Gjesdal K, Olsen MH, Ibsen H, Devereux RB, Okin PM, Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B, Wachtell K (2011)
Impact of alcohol habits and smoking on the risk of new-onset atrial fibrillation in hypertensive patients with ECG left ventricular hypertrophy: the LIFE study
Blood Press, 21 (1), 6-11
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2011.622978, PubMed 22070095

Banach M, Michalska M, Kjeldsen SE, Małyszko J, Mikhailidis DP, Rysz J (2011)
What should be the optimal levels of blood pressure: Does the J-curve phenomenon really exist?
Expert Opin Pharmacother, 12 (12), 1835-44
DOI 10.1517/14656566.2011.579106, PubMed 21517698

Bodegard J, Skretteberg PT, Gjesdal K, Pyörälä K, Kjeldsen SE, Liestøl K, Erikssen G, Erikssen J (2011)
Low-grade systolic murmurs in healthy middle-aged individuals: innocent or clinically significant? A 35-year follow-up study of 2014 Norwegian men
J Intern Med, 271 (6), 581-8
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2796.2011.02480.x, PubMed 22061296

Hassellund SS, Flaa A, Sandvik L, Kjeldsen SE, Rostrup M (2011)
Effects of anthocyanins on blood pressure and stress reactivity: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled crossover study
J Hum Hypertens, 26 (6), 396-404
DOI 10.1038/jhh.2011.41, PubMed 21544087

Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen S (2011)
Post-registration studies for the evaluation of antihypertensive drugs
Blood Press Suppl, 2, 3-4
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2011.631283, PubMed 22352119

Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen S, Oparil S (2011)
Antihypertensive therapy and cancer risks?
Blood Press, 20 (3), 127-8
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2011.575554, PubMed 21599451

Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Kjeldsen S (2011)
An appropriate SCORE to assess cardiovascular risk in hypertension?
Blood Press, 20 (6), 320-1
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2011.625628, PubMed 22077635

Hultstrom M, Aksnes TA, Gerdts E, Kjeldsen SE, Toft I (2011)
Bjarne Magnus Iversen (30 March 1942-5 August 2011) OBITUARY
Blood Pressure, 20 (5), 317
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2011.617859

Julius S, Palatini P, Kjeldsen SE, Zanchetti A, Weber MA, McInnes GT, Brunner HR, Mancia G, Schork MA, Hua TA, Holzhauer B, Zappe D, Majahalme S, Jamerson K, Koylan N (2011)
Usefulness of heart rate to predict cardiac events in treated patients with high-risk systemic hypertension
Am J Cardiol, 109 (5), 685-92
DOI 10.1016/j.amjcard.2011.10.025, PubMed 22169130

Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2011)
Treatment of high blood pressure in acute stroke--the SCAST study
Blood Press, 20 (2), 67-8
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2011.564914, PubMed 21405956

Kjeldsen SE, Jamerson KA, Bakris GL, Pitt B, Dahlöf B, Velazquez EJ, Hua TA, Kelly RY, Zappe D, Hester A, Tuomilehto J, Ostergren J, Ibsen H, Weber M, Avoiding Cardiovascular Events Through Combination Therapy In Patients Living With Systolic Hypertension (ACCOMPLISH) (2011)
Predictors of systolic BP <140 mmHg and systolic BP level by randomly assigned treatment group (benazepril plus amlodipine or hydrochlorothiazide) in the ACCOMPLISH Study
Blood Press, 21 (2), 82-7
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2011.598699, PubMed 21830844

Kjeldsen SE, Nicholls M (2011)
Spotlight: Sverre Erik Kjeldsen, MD, PhD, FAHA, FESC
Circulation, 123 (16), F91-F95

Kjeldsen SE, Oparil S, Narkiewicz K, Hedner T (2011)
High mortality explained by mildly elevated blood pressure in Scandinavian adolescent conscripts: a plea for early drug treatment?
Blood Press, 20 (4), 188-9
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2011.595962, PubMed 21780952

Kubon C, Mistry NB, Grundvold I, Halvorsen S, Kjeldsen SE, Westheim AS (2011)
The role of beta-blockers in the treatment of chronic heart failure
Trends Pharmacol Sci, 32 (4), 206-12
DOI 10.1016/, PubMed 21376403

Mistry N, Abdelnoor M, Seljeflot I, Hoffmann P, Bøhmer E, Bjørnerheim R, Kjeldsen SE, Halvorsen S (2011)
Amino-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) levels 3 months after myocardial infarction are more strongly associated with magnetic resonance-determined ejection fraction than NTproBNP levels in the acute phase
J Card Fail, 17 (6), 479-86
DOI 10.1016/j.cardfail.2011.02.006, PubMed 21624736

Mistry N, Beitnes JO, Halvorsen S, Abdelnoor M, Hoffmann P, Kjeldsen SE, Smith G, Aakhus S, Bjørnerheim R (2011)
Assessment of left ventricular function in ST-elevation myocardial infarction by global longitudinal strain: a comparison with ejection fraction, infarct size, and wall motion score index measured by non-invasive imaging modalities
Eur J Echocardiogr, 12 (9), 678-83
DOI 10.1093/ejechocard/jer113, PubMed 21810829

Okin PM, Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB (2011)
Racial differences in incident heart failure during antihypertensive therapy
Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes, 4 (2), 157-64
DOI 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.110.960112, PubMed 21304095

Okin PM, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB (2011)
Racial differences in sudden cardiac death among hypertensive patients during antihypertensive therapy: the LIFE study
Heart Rhythm, 9 (4), 531-7
DOI 10.1016/j.hrthm.2011.11.008, PubMed 22079554

Okin PM, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Hille DA, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB (2011)
Effect of changing heart rate during treatment of hypertension on incidence of heart failure
Am J Cardiol, 109 (5), 699-704
DOI 10.1016/j.amjcard.2011.10.026, PubMed 22154318

Okin PM, Oikarinen L, Viitasalo M, Toivonen L, Kjeldsen SE, Nieminen MS, Edelman JM, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, LIFE Study Investigators (2011)
Serial assessment of the electrocardiographic strain pattern for prediction of new-onset heart failure during antihypertensive treatment: the LIFE study
Eur J Heart Fail, 13 (4), 384-91
DOI 10.1093/eurjhf/hfq224, PubMed 21239405

Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Ibsen H, Lindholm L, Kjeldsen SE, Omvik P, Nieminen MS, Dahlöf B, Okin PM, Devereux RB (2011)
Changes in subclinical organ damage vs. in Framingham risk score for assessing cardiovascular risk reduction during continued antihypertensive treatment: a LIFE substudy
J Hypertens, 29 (5), 997-1004
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e328344daa3, PubMed 21358415

Oparil S, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen S, Hedner T (2011)
Renal nerve ablation: emerging role in therapeutics
Blood Press, 20 (5), 253-5
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2011.613296, PubMed 21905971

Skretteberg PT, Grundvold I, Kjeldsen SE, Erikssen JE, Sandvik L, Liestøl K, Erikssen G, Pedersen TR, Bodegard J (2011)
HDL-cholesterol and prediction of coronary heart disease: modified by physical fitness? A 28-year follow-up of apparently healthy men
Atherosclerosis, 220 (1), 250-6
DOI 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2011.10.009, PubMed 22062589

Svensson-Färbom P, Wahlstrand B, Almgren P, Dahlberg J, Fava C, Kjeldsen S, Hedner T, Melander O (2011)
A functional variant of the NEDD4L gene is associated with beneficial treatment response with β-blockers and diuretics in hypertensive patients
J Hypertens, 29 (2), 388-95
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3283410390, PubMed 21052022

Søraas CL, Larstorp AC, Mangschau A, Tønnessen T, Kjeldsen SE, Bjørnerheim R (2011)
Echocardiographic demonstration of improved myocardial function early after coronary artery bypass graft surgery
Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg, 12 (6), 946-51
DOI 10.1510/icvts.2010.260414, PubMed 21422155

Weir MR, Bakris GL, Weber MA, Dahlof B, Devereux RB, Kjeldsen SE, Pitt B, Wright JT, Kelly RY, Hua TA, Hester RA, Velazquez E, Jamerson KA (2011)
Renal outcomes in hypertensive Black patients at high cardiovascular risk
Kidney Int, 81 (6), 568-76
DOI 10.1038/ki.2011.417, PubMed 22189843

Publications 2010

Aksnes TA, Kjeldsen SE (2010)
A link between hypertension and atrial fibrillation: methods of treatment and prevention
Curr Vasc Pharmacol, 8 (6), 769-74
DOI 10.2174/157016110793563807, PubMed 20626338

Aksnes TA, Kjeldsen SE (2010)
A Link Between Hypertension and Atrial Fibrillation: Methods of Treatment and Prevention
Current Vascular Pharmacology, 8 (6), 769-774

Banach M, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K (2010)
Controversies in hypertension treatment
Curr Vasc Pharmacol, 8 (6), 731-2
DOI 10.2174/157016110793563915, PubMed 20840062

Bangalore S, Kumar S, Kjeldsen SE, Makani H, Grossman E, Wetterslev J, Gupta AK, Sever PS, Gluud C, Messerli FH (2010)
Antihypertensive drugs and risk of cancer: network meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses of 324,168 participants from randomised trials
Lancet Oncol, 12 (1), 65-82
DOI 10.1016/S1470-2045(10)70260-6, PubMed 21123111

Cicala S, de Simone G, Gerdts E, Dahlof B, Lindholm LH, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB (2010)
Are coronary revascularization and myocardial infarction a homogeneous combined endpoint in hypertension trials? The Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension study
J. Hypertens., 28 (6), 1134-1140
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e328337a9c8

Cicala S, de Simone G, Gerdts E, Dahlöf B, Lindholm LH, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB (2010)
Are coronary revascularization and myocardial infarction a homogeneous combined endpoint in hypertension trials? The Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension study
J Hypertens, 28 (6), 1134-40
PubMed 20486280

Hedner T, Kjeldsen S, Narkiewicz K (2010)
Implementation of 24-hour blood pressure control
Blood Press Suppl, 1, 3-4
DOI 10.3109/08037051003668884, PubMed 20175713

Hedner T, Kjeldsen S, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2010)
Hypertension research into the new millennium
Blood Press, 19 (1), 1-2
DOI 10.3109/08037051003650874, PubMed 20175651

Hedner T, Kjeldsen S, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2010)
Blood pressure and migration
Blood Press, 19 (2), 65-6
DOI 10.3109/08037051003731724, PubMed 20367544

Henriksson M, Russell D, Bodegard J, Kjeldsen S, Hasvold P, Stålhammar J, Levin LÅ (2010)
Health-care costs of losartan and candesartan in the primary treatment of hypertension
J Hum Hypertens, 25 (2), 130-6
DOI 10.1038/jhh.2010.36, PubMed 20376078

Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Weber MA (2010)
Angiotensin-receptor blockade, cancer, and concerns
Lancet Oncol, 11 (9), 820-1; author reply 821-2
DOI 10.1016/S1470-2045(10)70159-5, PubMed 20816379

Kjeldsen SE, Aksnes TA, Schmieder RE (2010)
European Society of Hypertension Scientific Newsletter: Update on Hypertension Management 2009; 10: No.42 Hypertension and Atrial Fibrillation with Emphasis on Prevention
J. Hyperton., 14 (3), 36-39

Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2010)
Blood Pressure celebrates 20 years of dedication to Nordic hypertension research
Blood Press, 19 (3), 130-1
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2010.487989, PubMed 20482441

Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T, Oparil S, Narkiewicz K (2010)
Angiotensin receptor blockers and cancer - Relationship dismissed by VALUE data while waiting for EMA and FDA reports
Blood Press, 19 (5), 271-2
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2010.518666, PubMed 20858047

Kjeldsen SE, Schmieder RE, Unger T, Mancia G (2010)
Telmisartan and hydrochlorothiazide combination therapy for the treatment of hypertension
Curr Med Res Opin, 26 (4), 879-87
DOI 10.1185/03007991003635178, PubMed 20144138

Larstorp AC, Okin PM, Devereux RB, Olsen MH, Ibsen H, Dahlöf B, Kjeldsen SE, Wachtell K (2010)
Changes in electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy and risk of major cardiovascular events in isolated systolic hypertension: the LIFE study
J Hum Hypertens, 25 (3), 178-85
DOI 10.1038/jhh.2010.52, PubMed 20505749

Mancia G, Laurent S, Agabiti-Rosei E, Ambrosioni E, Burnier M, Caulfield MJ, Cifkova R, Clement D, Coca A, Dominiczak A, Erdine S, Fagard R, Farsang C, Grassi G, Haller H, Heagerty A, Kjeldsen SE, Kiowski W, Mallion JM, Manolis A, Narkiewiczu K, Nilsson P, Olsen MH, Rahn KH, Redon J et al. (2010)
European guidelines on the management of hypertension: The European Society of Hypertension position statement (2009)
Arterial Hypertens, 14 (1), 1-47

Mistry N, Bøhmer E, Hoffmann P, Müller C, Bjørnerheim R, Kjeldsen SE, Halvorsen S (2010)
Left ventricular function in acute myocardial infarction treated with thrombolysis followed by early versus late invasive strategy
Am Heart J, 160 (1), 73-9
DOI 10.1016/j.ahj.2010.04.011, PubMed 20598975

Mistry N, Halvorsen S, Hoffmann P, Müller C, Bøhmer E, Kjeldsen SE, Bjørnerheim R (2010)
Assessment of left ventricular function with magnetic resonance imaging vs. echocardiography, contrast echocardiography, and single-photon emission computed tomography in patients with recent ST-elevation myocardial infarction
Eur J Echocardiogr, 11 (9), 793-800
DOI 10.1093/ejechocard/jeq069, PubMed 20525984

Okin PM, Hille DA, Kjeldsen SE, Lindholm LH, Edelman JM, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB (2010)
Greater regression of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy during hydrochlorothiazide therapy in hypertensive patients
Am J Hypertens, 23 (7), 786-93
DOI 10.1038/ajh.2010.65, PubMed 20395941

Okin PM, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Hille DA, Dahlöf B, Edelman JM, Devereux RB (2010)
All-cause and cardiovascular mortality in relation to changing heart rate during treatment of hypertensive patients with electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy
Eur Heart J, 31 (18), 2271-9
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehq225, PubMed 20601389

Olsen MH, Mallion JM, Rahn KH, Erdine S, Viigimaa M, Laurent S, Agabiti-Rosei E, Mancia G, Schmieder RE, Cifkova R, Dominiczak A, Kjeldsen SE, Redon J, Zanchetti A, Nilsson P, Narkiewicz K, ESH Council (2010)
Agreement within Europe about antihypertensive treatment and education - results from the European Society of Hypertension questionnaire
J Hypertens, 28 (7), 1593-4
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e32833b7b08, PubMed 20574253

Oparil S, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Hedner T (2010)
Blood pressure variability: Emerging role in risk assessment and therapeutics
Blood Press, 19 (4), 209-11
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2010.510279, PubMed 20684659

Padmanabhan S, Melander O, Johnson T, Di Blasio AM, Lee WK, Gentilini D, Hastie CE, Menni C, Monti MC, Delles C, Laing S, Corso B, Navis G, Kwakernaak AJ, van der Harst P, Bochud M, Maillard M, Burnier M, Hedner T, Kjeldsen S, Wahlstrand B, Sjögren M, Fava C, Montagnana M, Danese E et al. (2010)
Genome-wide association study of blood pressure extremes identifies variant near UMOD associated with hypertension
PLoS Genet, 6 (10), e1001177
DOI 10.1371/journal.pgen.1001177, PubMed 21082022

Russell D, Stålhammar J, Bodegard J, Hasvold P, Thuresson M, Kjeldsen SE (2010)
Cardiovascular events in subgroups of patients during primary treatment of hypertension with candesartan or losartan
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich), 13 (3), 189-97
DOI 10.1111/j.1751-7176.2010.00410.x, PubMed 21366850

Schneider MP, Hua TA, Böhm M, Wachtell K, Kjeldsen SE, Schmieder RE (2010)
Prevention of atrial fibrillation by Renin-Angiotensin system inhibition a meta-analysis
J Am Coll Cardiol, 55 (21), 2299-307
DOI 10.1016/j.jacc.2010.01.043, PubMed 20488299

Skretteberg PT, Bodegard J, Kjeldsen SE, Erikssen G, Thaulow E, Sandvik L, Erikssen JE (2010)
Interaction between inflammation and blood viscosity predicts cardiovascular mortality
Scand. Cardiovasc. J., 44 (2), 107-112
DOI 10.3109/14017430903171248

Skretteberg PT, Bodegård J, Kjeldsen SE, Erikssen G, Thaulow E, Sandvik L, Erikssen JE (2010)
Interaction between inflammation and blood viscosity predicts cardiovascular mortality
Scand Cardiovasc J, 44 (2), 107-12
DOI 10.1080/14017430903171248, PubMed 19670036

Søraas CL, Wachtell K, Okin PM, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Tønnessen T, Kjeldsen SE, Olsen MH (2010)
Lack of regression of left ventricular hypertrophy is associated with higher incidence of revascularization in hypertension: The LIFE Study
Blood Press, 19 (3), 145-51
DOI 10.3109/08037051.2010.481812, PubMed 20429689

Tjugen TB, Flaa A, Kjeldsen SE (2010)
The prognostic significance of heart rate for cardiovascular disease and hypertension
Curr Hypertens Rep, 12 (3), 162-9
DOI 10.1007/s11906-010-0104-8, PubMed 20431967

Weber MA, Bakris GL, Jamerson K, Weir M, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB, Velazquez EJ, Dahlöf B, Kelly RY, Hua TA, Hester A, Pitt B, ACCOMPLISH Investigators (2010)
Cardiovascular events during differing hypertension therapies in patients with diabetes
J Am Coll Cardiol, 56 (1), 77-85
DOI 10.1016/j.jacc.2010.02.046, PubMed 20620720

Wiik BP, Larstorp AC, Høieggen A, Kjeldsen SE, Olsen MH, Ibsen H, Lindholm L, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Okin PM, Wachtell K (2010)
Serum uric acid is associated with new-onset diabetes in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy: The LIFE Study
Am J Hypertens, 23 (8), 845-51
DOI 10.1038/ajh.2010.89, PubMed 20431530

Publications 2009

Aksnes TA, Kjeldsen SE, Schmieder RE (2009)
Hypertension and atrial fi brillation with emphasis on prevention
Blood Press, 18 (3), 94-8
DOI 10.1080/08037050903040744, PubMed 20499443

Banach M, Mikhailidis DP, Kjeldsen SE, Rysz J (2009)
Time for new indications for statins?
Med Sci Monit, 15 (12), MS1-5
PubMed 19946240

Banach M, Mikhailidis DP, Kjeldsen SE, Rysz J (2009)
Time for new indications for statins?
Med. Sci. Monitor, 15 (12), MS1-MS5

de Simone G, Okin PM, Gerdts E, Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Hille DA, Dahlöf B, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB (2009)
Clustered metabolic abnormalities blunt regression of hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy: the LIFE study
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis, 19 (9), 634-40
DOI 10.1016/j.numecd.2008.12.012, PubMed 19361968

Gudmundsdottir H, Taarnhøj NC, Strand AH, Kjeldsen SE, Høieggen A, Os I (2009)
Blood pressure development and hypertensive retinopathy: 20-year follow-up of middle-aged normotensive and hypertensive men
J Hum Hypertens, 24 (8), 505-13
DOI 10.1038/jhh.2009.94, PubMed 20010619

Hassellund SS, Flaa A, Sandvik L, Kjeldsen SE, Rostrup M (2009)
Long-term stability of cardiovascular and catecholamine responses to stress tests: an 18-year follow-up study
Hypertension, 55 (1), 131-6
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.109.143164, PubMed 19948985

Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Kjeldsen S (2009)
Critical aspects in hypertension diagnosis and treatment
Blood Press Suppl, 1, 3-4
PubMed 20050099

Hedner T, Oparil S, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE (2009)
The J-curve phenomenon revisited
Blood Press, 18 (4), 168-70
DOI 10.1080/08037050903145386, PubMed 20804362

Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB, Hille DA, Lyle PA, Dahlöf B, Julius S, Edelman JM, Snapinn SM, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H (2009)
Predictors of cardiovascular events in patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy: the Losartan Intervention for Endpoint reduction in hypertension study
Blood Press, 18 (6), 348-61
DOI 10.3109/08037050903460590, PubMed 20001655

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Hedner T (2009)
The surge of Japanese studies supporting the use of angiotensin receptor blockers in hypertension
Blood Press, 18 (5), 240-1
DOI 10.3109/08037050903318769, PubMed 19919393

Kjeldsen SE, Oparil S, Hedner T, Narkiewicz K (2009)
Does GISSI-AF change the concept of using RAS inhibitors in the primary prevention of atrial fibrillation in hypertensive patients?
Blood Press, 18 (3), 92-3
DOI 10.1080/08037050903040777, PubMed 19484619

Kjeldsen SE, Oparil S, Narkiewicz K, Hedner T (2009)
Should we treat prehypertension?
Blood Press, 18 (6), 298-9
DOI 10.3109/08037050903416410, PubMed 20001652

Kjeldsen SE, Stålhammar J, Hasvold P, Bodegard J, Olsson U, Russell D (2009)
Effects of losartan vs candesartan in reducing cardiovascular events in the primary treatment of hypertension
J Hum Hypertens, 24 (4), 263-73
DOI 10.1038/jhh.2009.77, PubMed 19890371

Madsen S, Gjelsvik B, Kjeldsen SE, Klemsdal TO, Meland E, Narvesen S, Norheim OF, Njølstad I, Tonstad S, Ulvin F (2009)
[Solid guidelines for prevention of cardiovascular diseases]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 129 (16), 1660
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.09.0851, PubMed 19721488

Mancia G, Laurent S, Agabiti-Rosei E, Ambrosioni E, Burnier M, Caulfield MJ, Cifkova R, Clément D, Coca A, Dominiczak A, Erdine S, Fagard R, Farsang C, Grassi G, Haller H, Heagerty A, Kjeldsen SE, Kiowski W, Mallion JM, Manolis A, Narkiewicz K, Nilsson P, Olsen MH, Rahn KH, Redon J et al. (2009)
Reappraisal of European guidelines on hypertension management: a European Society of Hypertension Task Force document
Blood Press, 18 (6), 308-47
DOI 10.3109/08037050903450468, PubMed 20001654

Mancia G, Laurent S, Agabiti-Rosei E, Ambrosioni E, Burnier M, Caulfield MJ, Cifkova R, Clément D, Coca A, Dominiczak A, Erdine S, Fagard R, Farsang C, Grassi G, Haller H, Heagerty A, Kjeldsen SE, Kiowski W, Mallion JM, Manolis A, Narkiewicz K, Nilsson P, Olsen MH, Rahn KH, Redon J et al. (2009)
Reappraisal of European guidelines on hypertension management: a European Society of Hypertension Task Force document
J Hypertens, 27 (11), 2121-58
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e328333146d, PubMed 19838131

Morin DP, Oikarinen L, Viitasalo M, Toivonen L, Nieminen MS, Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B, John M, Devereux RB, Okin PM (2009)
QRS duration predicts sudden cardiac death in hypertensive patients undergoing intensive medical therapy: the LIFE study
Eur Heart J, 30 (23), 2908-14
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehp321, PubMed 19687165

Okin PM, Devereux RB, Kjeldsen SE, Edelman JM, Dahlöf B (2009)
Incidence of heart failure in relation to QRS duration during antihypertensive therapy: the LIFE study
J Hypertens, 27 (11), 2271-7
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e328330b66b, PubMed 19834342

Okin PM, Oikarinen L, Viitasalo M, Toivonen L, Kjeldsen SE, Nieminen MS, Edelman JM, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, LIFE Study Investigators (2009)
Prognostic value of changes in the electrocardiographic strain pattern during antihypertensive treatment: the Losartan Intervention for End-Point Reduction in Hypertension Study (LIFE)
Circulation, 119 (14), 1883-91
DOI 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.108.812313, PubMed 19332468

Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Beevers G, Dahlöf B, de Simone G, Devereux RB, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Kjeldsen SE, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Lyle PA, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H (2009)
Effects of losartan compared with atenolol on lipids in patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy: the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension study
J Hypertens, 27 (3), 567-74
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e32831daf96, PubMed 19262226

Oparil S, Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T, Narkiewicz K (2009)
ONTARGET, TRANSCEND and PROFESS--clarifying, confusing or misleading?
Blood Press, 18 (1-2), 4-6
DOI 10.1080/08037050902742282, PubMed 19191085

Stepien M, Banach M, Mikhailidis DP, Gluba A, Kjeldsen SE, Rysz J (2009)
Role and significance of statins in the treatment of hypertensive patients
Curr Med Res Opin, 25 (8), 1995-2005
DOI 10.1185/03007990903098081, PubMed 19555312

Tjugen TB, Flaa A, Kjeldsen SE (2009)
High heart rate as predictor of essential hypertension: the hyperkinetic state, evidence of prediction of hypertension, and hemodynamic transition to full hypertension
Prog Cardiovasc Dis, 52 (1), 20-5
DOI 10.1016/j.pcad.2009.05.008, PubMed 19615489

Wahlstrand B, Orho-Melander M, Delling L, Kjeldsen S, Narkiewicz K, Almgren P, Hedner T, Melander O (2009)
The myocardial infarction associated CDKN2A/CDKN2B locus on chromosome 9p21 is associated with stroke independently of coronary events in patients with hypertension
J Hypertens, 27 (4), 769-73
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e328326f7eb, PubMed 19293724

Zanchetti A, Mancia G, Black HR, Oparil S, Waeber B, Schmieder RE, Bakris GL, Messerli FH, Kjeldsen SE, Ruilope LM (2009)
Facts and fallacies of blood pressure control in recent trials: implications in the management of patients with hypertension
J Hypertens, 27 (4), 673-9
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3283298ea2, PubMed 19516168

Zidek W, Naditch-Brûlé L, Perlini S, Farsang C, Kjeldsen SE (2009)
Blood pressure control and components of the metabolic syndrome: the GOOD survey
Cardiovasc Diabetol, 8, 51
DOI 10.1186/1475-2840-8-51, PubMed 19754934

Publications 2008

Aksnes TA, Flaa A, Sevre K, Mundal HH, Rostrup M, Kjeldsen SE (2008)
Effects on plasma noradrenaline may explain some of the improved insulin sensitivity seen by AT-1 receptor blockade
Blood Press, 17 (3), 156-63
DOI 10.1080/08037050802162847, PubMed 18608197

Aksnes TA, Flaa A, Strand A, Kjeldsen SE (2008)
Prevention of atrial fibrillation in hypertension
Curr Hypertens Rep, 10 (3), 175-81
DOI 10.1007/s11906-008-0034-x, PubMed 18765086

Aksnes TA, Kjeldsen SE, Rostrup M, Störset O, Hua TA, Julius S (2008)
Predictors of new-onset diabetes mellitus in hypertensive patients: the VALUE trial
J Hum Hypertens, 22 (8), 520-7
DOI 10.1038/jhh.2008.41, PubMed 18509347

Aksnes TA, Schmieder RE, Kjeldsen SE, Ghani S, Hua TA, Julius S (2008)
Impact of new-onset diabetes mellitus on development of atrial fibrillation and heart failure in high-risk hypertension (from the VALUE Trial)
Am J Cardiol, 101 (5), 634-8
DOI 10.1016/j.amjcard.2007.10.025, PubMed 18308012

Bakris G, Böhm M, Dagenais G, Diener HC, Fujita T, Gorelick P, Kjeldsen SE, Laakso M, Mancia G, Pitt B, Sharma A, Sleight P, Teo K, Unger T, Weber M, Williams B, Zannad F (2008)
Cardiovascular protection for all individuals at high risk: evidence-based best practice
Clin Res Cardiol, 97 (10), 713-25
DOI 10.1007/s00392-008-0713-2, PubMed 18726243

Cífková R, Mancia G, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S (2008)
European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: past, present, and future: a need for joint forces
J Hypertens, 26 (2), 157-60
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3282f424f9, PubMed 18192823

Farsang C, Naditch-Brule L, Perlini S, Zidek W, Kjeldsen SE, GOOD investigators (2008)
Inter-regional comparisons of the prevalence of cardiometabolic risk factors in patients with hypertension in Europe: the GOOD survey
J Hum Hypertens, 23 (5), 316-24
DOI 10.1038/jhh.2008.136, PubMed 19005476

Flaa A, Aksnes TA, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Rostrup M (2008)
Increased sympathetic reactivity may predict insulin resistance: an 18-year follow-up study
Metabolism, 57 (10), 1422-7
DOI 10.1016/j.metabol.2008.05.012, PubMed 18803948

Flaa A, Eide IK, Kjeldsen SE, Rostrup M (2008)
Sympathoadrenal stress reactivity is a predictor of future blood pressure: an 18-year follow-up study
Hypertension, 52 (2), 336-41
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.108.111625, PubMed 18574074

Flaa A, Sandvik L, Kjeldsen SE, Eide IK, Rostrup M (2008)
Does sympathoadrenal activity predict changes in body fat? An 18-y follow-up study
Am J Clin Nutr, 87 (6), 1596-601
DOI 10.1093/ajcn/87.6.1596, PubMed 18541545

Färbom P, Wahlstrand B, Almgren P, Skrtic S, Lanke J, Weiss L, Kjeldsen S, Hedner T, Melander O (2008)
Interaction between renal function and microalbuminuria for cardiovascular risk in hypertension: the nordic diltiazem study
Hypertension, 52 (1), 115-22
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.107.109264, PubMed 18504324

Gudmundsdottir H, Strand AH, Høieggen A, Reims HM, Westheim AS, Eide IK, Kjeldsen SE, Os I (2008)
Do screening blood pressure and plasma catecholamines predict development of hypertension? Twenty-year follow-up of middle-aged men
Blood Press, 17 (2), 94-103
DOI 10.1080/08037050801972923, PubMed 18568698

Gudmundsdottir H, Strand AH, Kjeldsen SE, Høieggen A, Os I (2008)
Serum phosphate, blood pressure, and the metabolic syndrome--20-year follow-up of middle-aged men
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich), 10 (11), 814-21
DOI 10.1111/j.1751-7176.2008.00032.x, PubMed 19128269

Hedner T, Kjeldsen S, Oparil S, Narkiewics K (2008)
Management of older hypertensive patients
Blood Press, 17 (4), 184-5
DOI 10.1080/08037050802486642, PubMed 18932064

Hedner T, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2008)
Urgent need to address quality control issues of out-of-office blood pressure measurement and patient risk assessment
Blood Press, 17 (1), 5-6
DOI 10.1080/08037050801972949, PubMed 18568686

Hedner T, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2008)
More focus on therapeutic targets and improved tolerability in hypertension
Blood Press Suppl, 2, 3-4
DOI 10.1080/08038020802571775, PubMed 19203018

Hedner T, Oparil S, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE (2008)
Achieving better blood pressure control
Blood Press Suppl, 1, 3-4
DOI 10.1080/08038020802184504, PubMed 18705529

Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2008)
More is less? Optimal combination therapy for adequate blood pressure lowering in hypertension
Blood Press, 17 (3), 132-3
DOI 10.1080/08037050802312418, PubMed 18665471

Kjeldsen SE, Jamerson KA, Bakris GL, Pitt B, Dahlöf B, Velazquez EJ, Gupte J, Staikos L, Hua TA, Shi V, Hester A, Tuomilehto J, Ostergren J, Ibsen H, Weber M, Avoiding Cardiovascular events through COMbination therapy in Patients LIving with Systolic Hypertension Investigators (2008)
Predictors of blood pressure response to intensified and fixed combination treatment of hypertension: the ACCOMPLISH study
Blood Press, 17 (1), 7-17
DOI 10.1080/08037050801972857, PubMed 18568687

Kjeldsen SE, McInnes GT, Mancia G, Hua TA, Julius S, Weber MA, Coca A, Girerd X, Jamerson K, Larochelle P, Macdonald T, Schmieder RE, Anthony Schork M, Viskoper R, Widimsky J, Zanchetti A (2008)
Progressive effects of valsartan compared with amlodipine in prevention of diabetes according to categories of diabetogenic risk in hypertensive patients: the VALUE trial
Blood Press, 17 (3), 170-7
DOI 10.1080/08037050802169644, PubMed 18608200

Kjeldsen SE, Naditch-Brule L, Perlini S, Zidek W, Farsang C (2008)
Increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome in uncontrolled hypertension across Europe: the Global Cardiometabolic Risk Profile in Patients with hypertension disease survey
J Hypertens, 26 (10), 2064-70
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e32830c45c3, PubMed 18806632

Kjeldsen SE, Oparil S, Narkiewicz K, Hedner T (2008)
A stunning day in hypertension research - Results of ONTARGET, ACCOMPLISH and HYVET
Blood Press, 17 (2), 68-9
DOI 10.1080/08037050802117791, PubMed 18568694

Kjeldsen SE, Weber M, Oparil S, Jamerson KA (2008)
Combining RAAS and calcium channel blockade: ACCOMPLISH in perspective
Blood Press, 17 (5-6), 260-9
DOI 10.1080/08037050802565171, PubMed 19061055

Li Z, Dahlöf B, Okin PM, Kjeldsen SE, Wachtell K, Ibsen H, Nieminen MS, Jern S, Devereux RB (2008)
Left bundle branch block and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy: the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension study
J Hypertens, 26 (6), 1244-9
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3282fcc23c, PubMed 18475164

Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Kjeldsen S, Hedner T (2008)
Benefits of hypertension management in diabetes: an opportunity not to be missed
Blood Press, 17 (5-6), 248-9
DOI 10.1080/08037050802636105, PubMed 19085534

Okin PM, Gerdts E, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Edelman JM, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension Study Investigators (2008)
Gender differences in regression of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy during antihypertensive therapy
Hypertension, 52 (1), 100-6
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.108.110064, PubMed 18504323

Okin PM, Wachtell K, Devereux RB, Nieminen MS, Oikarinen L, Viitasalo M, Toivonen L, Ibsen H, Olsen MH, Borch-Johnsen K, Lindholm LH, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Dahlöf B, LIFE Study Investigators (2008)
Combination of the electrocardiographic strain pattern and albuminuria for the prediction of new-onset heart failure in hypertensive patients: the LIFE study
Am J Hypertens, 21 (3), 273-9
DOI 10.1038/ajh.2007.66, PubMed 18219298

Okin PM, Wachtell K, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Lindholm LH, Dahlöf B, Hille DA, Nieminen MS, Edelman JM, Devereux RB (2008)
Incidence of atrial fibrillation in relation to changing heart rate over time in hypertensive patients: the LIFE study
Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol, 1 (5), 337-43
DOI 10.1161/CIRCEP.108.795351, PubMed 19808428

Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Beevers G, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Kjeldsen SE, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Narayan P, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H (2008)
Prognostic importance of hemoglobin in hypertensive patients with electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy: the Losartan Intervention For End point reduction in hypertension (LIFE) study
Am Heart J, 157 (1), 177-84
DOI 10.1016/j.ahj.2008.08.011, PubMed 19081416

Os I, Franco V, Kjeldsen SE, Manhem K, Devereux RB, Gerdts E, Hille DA, Lyle PA, Okin PM, Dahlöf B, Oparil S (2008)
Effects of losartan in women with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy: results from the Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension Study
Hypertension, 51 (4), 1103-8
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.107.105296, PubMed 18259029

Ostergren J, Poulter NR, Sever PS, Dahlöf B, Wedel H, Beevers G, Caulfield M, Collins R, Kjeldsen SE, Kristinsson A, McInnes GT, Mehlsen J, Nieminen M, O'Brien E, ASCOT investigators (2008)
The Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial: blood pressure-lowering limb: effects in patients with type II diabetes
J Hypertens, 26 (11), 2103-11
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e328310e0d9, PubMed 18854748

Schmieder RE, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, McInnes GT, Zanchetti A, Hua TA, VALUE Trial Group (2008)
Reduced incidence of new-onset atrial fibrillation with angiotensin II receptor blockade: the VALUE trial
J Hypertens, 26 (3), 403-11
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3282f35c67, PubMed 18300848

Sever PS, Poulter NR, Dahlof B, Wedel H, Beevers G, Caulfield M, Collins R, Kjeldsen SE, Kristinsson A, McInnes G, Mehlsen J, Nieminen MS, O'Brien ET, Ostergren J, ASCOT Investigators (2008)
The Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial lipid lowering arm: extended observations 2 years after trial closure
Eur Heart J, 29 (4), 499-508
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehm583, PubMed 18175773

Strand A, Kjeldsen SE, Gudmundsdottir H, Os I, Smith G, Bjørnerheim R (2008)
Tissue Doppler imaging describes diastolic function in men prone to develop hypertension over twenty years
Eur J Echocardiogr, 9 (1), 34-9
DOI 10.1016/j.euje.2007.02.007, PubMed 17448731

Publications 2007

Aksnes TA, Flaa A, Strand A, Kjeldsen SE (2007)
Prevention of new-onset atrial fibrillation and its predictors with angiotensin II-receptor blockers in the treatment of hypertension and heart failure
J Hypertens, 25 (1), 15-23
DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000254378.26607.1f, PubMed 17143167

Aksnes TA, Kjeldsen SE, Rostrup M, Omvik P, Hua TA, Julius S (2007)
Impact of new-onset diabetes mellitus on cardiac outcomes in the Valsartan Antihypertensive Long-term Use Evaluation (VALUE) trial population
Hypertension, 50 (3), 467-73
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.106.085654, PubMed 17679652

Aksnes TA, Seljeflot I, Torjesen PA, Höieggen A, Moan A, Kjeldsen SE (2007)
Improved insulin sensitivity by the angiotensin II-receptor blocker losartan is not explained by adipokines, inflammatory markers, or whole blood viscosity
Metabolism, 56 (11), 1470-7
DOI 10.1016/j.metabol.2007.06.012, PubMed 17950096

Bakris G, Hill M, Mancia G, Steyn K, Black HR, Pickering T, De Geest S, Ruilope L, Giles TD, Morgan T, Kjeldsen S, Schiffrin EL, Coenen A, Mulrow P, Loh A, Mensah G (2007)
Achieving blood pressure goals globally: five core actions for health-care professionals. A worldwide call to action
J Hum Hypertens, 22 (1), 63-70
DOI 10.1038/sj.jhh.1002284, PubMed 17728797

Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Kjeldsen SE, Lyle PA, Zhang Z, Edelman JM (2007)
Atenolol as a comparator in outcome trials in hypertension: a correct choice in the past, but not for the future?
Blood Press, 16 (1), 6-12
DOI 10.1080/08037050701246386, PubMed 17453746

de Simone G, Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Hille DA, Dahlöf B, Ibsen H, Kjeldsen SE, Lyle PA, Devereux RB (2007)
Clusters of metabolic risk factors predict cardiovascular events in hypertension with target-organ damage: the LIFE study
J Hum Hypertens, 21 (8), 625-32
DOI 10.1038/sj.jhh.1002203, PubMed 17476291

Devereux RB, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Harris KE, Ibsen H, Kjeldsen SE, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H, Hille DA, Dahlöf B (2007)
Blood pressure reduction and antihypertensive medication use in the losartan intervention for endpoint reduction in hypertension (LIFE) study in patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy
Curr Med Res Opin, 23 (2), 259-70
DOI 10.1185/030079906X162854, PubMed 17288679

Eid HM, Reims H, Arnesen H, Kjeldsen SE, Lyberg T, Seljeflot I (2007)
Decreased levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine during acute hyperinsulinemia
Metabolism, 56 (4), 464-9
DOI 10.1016/j.metabol.2006.11.003, PubMed 17379002

Flaa A, Aksnes TA, Strand A, Kjeldsen SE (2007)
Complications of hypertension and the role of angiotensin receptor blockers in hypertension trials
Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther, 5 (3), 451-61
DOI 10.1586/14779072.5.3.451, PubMed 17489670

Flaa A, Ekeberg O, Kjeldsen SE, Rostrup M (2007)
Personality may influence reactivity to stress
Biopsychosoc Med, 1, 5
DOI 10.1186/1751-0759-1-5, PubMed 17371575

Fossum E, Gleim GW, Kjeldsen SE, Kizer JR, Julius S, Devereux RB, Brady WE, Hille DA, Lyle PA, Dahlöf B (2007)
The effect of baseline physical activity on cardiovascular outcomes and new-onset diabetes in patients treated for hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy: the LIFE study
J Intern Med, 262 (4), 439-48
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2796.2007.01808.x, PubMed 17875180

Graham I, Atar D, Borch-Johnsen K, Boysen G, Burell G, Cifkova R, Dallongeville J, De Backer G, Ebrahim S, Gjelsvik B, Herrmann-Lingen C, Hoes A, Humphries S, Knapton M, Perk J, Priori SG, Pyorala K, Reiner Z, Ruilope L, Sans-Menendez S, Op Reimer WS, Weissberg P, Wood D, Yarnell J, Zamorano JL et al. (2007)
European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: executive summary. Fourth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and other societies on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (constituted by representatives of nine societies and by invited experts)
Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil, 14 Suppl 2, E1-40
DOI 10.1097/01.hjr.0000277984.31558.c4, PubMed 17726406

Graham I, Atar D, Borch-Johnsen K, Boysen G, Burell G, Cifkova R, Dallongeville J, De Backer G, Ebrahim S, Gjelsvik B, Herrmann-Lingen C, Hoes A, Humphries S, Knapton M, Perk J, Priori SG, Pyorala K, Reiner Z, Ruilope L, Sans-Menendez S, Op Reimer WS, Weissberg P, Wood D, Yarnell J, Zamorano JL et al. (2007)
European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: full text. Fourth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and other societies on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (constituted by representatives of nine societies and by invited experts)
Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil, 14 Suppl 2, S1-113
DOI 10.1097/01.hjr.0000277983.23934.c9, PubMed 17726407

Grupo de Trabajo para el Tratamiento de la Hipertensión Arterial de la Sociedad Europea, Sociedad Europea de Cardiología, Mancia G, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, Cifkova R, Fagard R, Germano G, Grassi G, Heagerty AM, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K, Ruilope L, Rynkiewicz A, Schmieder RE, Boudier HA, Zanchetti A, Vahanian A, Camm J, De Caterina R, Dean V, Dickstein K, Filippatos G, Funck-Brentano C et al. (2007)
[ESH/ESC 2007 Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension]
Rev Esp Cardiol, 60 (9), 968.e1-94
DOI 10.1157/13109650, PubMed 17915153

Hedner T T, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE, Oparil S, European Society of Hypertension, European Society of Cardiology (2007)
New ESH/ESC guidelines signal progress in hypertension management
Blood Press, 16 (3), 132-4
DOI 10.1080/08037050701550746, PubMed 17846924

Hedner T, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S (2007)
Blood pressure control--slowly getting there through new strategies?
Blood Press, 16 (2), 68-71
DOI 10.1080/08037050701428174, PubMed 17612903

Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE (2007)
There is a need for more aggressive implementation of combination strategies to control hypertensive risk
Blood Press Suppl, 1, 4-5
DOI 10.1080/08038020701244037, PubMed 17566312

Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE (2007)
The evolution of ACE inhibition--a turning point in cardiovascular medicine
Blood Press Suppl, 2, 5-6
DOI 10.1080/08038020701538313, PubMed 18046972

Jamerson K, Bakris GL, Dahlöf B, Pitt B, Velazquez E, Gupte J, Lefkowitz M, Hester A, Shi V, Kjeldsen SE, Cushman W, Papademetriou V, Weber M, ACCOMPLISH Investigators (2007)
Exceptional early blood pressure control rates: the ACCOMPLISH trial
Blood Press, 16 (2), 80-6
DOI 10.1080/08037050701395571, PubMed 17612905

Jonsson G, Abdelnoor M, Seljeflot I, Arnesen H, Hostmark AT, Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Westheim AS (2007)
The antioxidative effects of long-term treatment are more pronounced for carvedilol than for atenolol in post-myocardial infarction patients
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 49 (1), 27-32
DOI 10.1097/FJC.0b013e31802bdd8c, PubMed 17261960

Kjeldsen SE, Lyle PA, Kizer JR, Oparil S, Høieggen A, Os I (2007)
Fixed combination of losartan and hydrochlorothiazide and reduction of risk of stroke
Vasc Health Risk Manag, 3 (3), 299-305
PubMed 17703637

Kjeldsen SE, Oparil S, Hedner T, Narkiewicz K (2007)
Documentation of endpoint prevention with combination therapy in hypertension is urgently needed
Blood Press, 16 (1), 4-5
DOI 10.1080/08037050701342599, PubMed 17453745

Kjeldsen SE, Oparil S, Narkiewicz K, Hedner T (2007)
Ambulatory blood pressure adds to explaining benefits of AT-1 receptor blockade in the treatment of left ventricular hypertrophy
Blood Press, 16 (6), 344-6
DOI 10.1080/08037050701797263, PubMed 18058453

Mancia G, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, Cifkova R, Fagard R, Germano G, Grassi G, Heagerty AM, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K, Ruilope L, Rynkiewicz A, Schmieder RE, Boudier HA, Zanchetti A, ESH-ESC Task Force on the Management of Arterial Hypertension (2007)
2007 ESH-ESC Practice Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension: ESH-ESC Task Force on the Management of Arterial Hypertension
J Hypertens, 25 (9), 1751-62
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3282f0580f, PubMed 17762635

Mancia G, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, Cifkova R, Fagard R, Germano G, Grassi G, Heagerty AM, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K, Ruilope L, Rynkiewicz A, Schmieder RE, Boudier HA, Zanchetti A, Vahanian A, Camm J, De Caterina R, Dean V, Dickstein K, Filippatos G, Funck-Brentano C, Hellemans I, Kristensen SD et al. (2007)
2007 Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension: The Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
J Hypertens, 25 (6), 1105-87
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3281fc975a, PubMed 17563527

Mancia G, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, Cifkova R, Fagard R, Germano G, Grassi G, Heagerty AM, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K, Ruilope L, Rynkiewicz A, Schmieder RE, Boudier HAJS, Zanchetti A (2007)
Guidelines 2007 Guidelines for the treatment of hypertension by the Committee for the drafting of the Guidelines of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
G. Ital. Cardiol., 8 (7), 389-479

Mancia G, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, Cifkova R, Fagard R, Germanò G, Grassi G, Heagerty AM, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K, Ruilope L, Rynkiewicz A, Schmieder RE, Struijker Boudier HA, Zanchetti A, Vahanian A, Camm J, De Caterina R, Dean V, Dickstein K, Filippatos G, Funck-Brentano C, Hellemans I, Dalby Kristensen S et al. (2007)
[Practice guidelines 2007 for the treatment of arterial hypertension]
G Ital Cardiol (Rome), 8 (7), 389-479
PubMed 17695132

Mancia G, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, Cifkova R, Fagard R, Germano G, Grassi G, Heagerty AM, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K, Ruilope L, Rynkiewicz A, Schmieder RE, Struijker Boudier HA, Zanchetti A, Vahanian A, Camm J, De Caterina R, Dean V, Dickstein K, Filippatos G, Funck-Brentano C, Hellemans I, Kristensen SD et al. (2007)
2007 Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
Eur Heart J, 28 (12), 1462-536
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehm236, PubMed 17562668

Mansia G, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, Cifkova R, Fagard R, Germano G, Grassi G, Heagerty AM, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K, Ruilope L, Rynkiewicz A, Schmieder RE, Struijker Boudier HA, Zanchetti A, European Society of Hypertension, European Society of Cardiology (2007)
2007 ESH-ESC Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: the task force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
Blood Press, 16 (3), 135-232
DOI 10.1080/08037050701461084, PubMed 17846925

Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE, Oparil S, Hedner T (2007)
Hypertension and cardiovascular disease: is arterial stiffness the heart of the matter?
Blood Press, 16 (4), 236-7
DOI 10.1080/08037050701645033, PubMed 17917863

Okin PM, Devereux RB, Harris KE, Jern S, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Edelman JM, Dahlöf B, LIFE Study Investigators (2007)
Regression of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy is associated with less hospitalization for heart failure in hypertensive patients
Ann Intern Med, 147 (5), 311-9
DOI 10.7326/0003-4819-147-5-200709040-00006, PubMed 17785486

Okin PM, Devereux RB, Harris KE, Jern S, Kjeldsen SE, Lindholm LH, Dahlöf B, LIFE Study Investigators (2007)
In-treatment resolution or absence of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy is associated with decreased incidence of new-onset diabetes mellitus in hypertensive patients: the Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension (LIFE) Study
Hypertension, 50 (5), 984-90
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.107.096818, PubMed 17893425

Pedersen OL, Mancia G, Pickering T, Høegholm A, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Nielsen ES, Refsgaard J, Weber M, VALUE trial group (2007)
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring after 1 year on valsartan or amlodipine-based treatment: a VALUE substudy
J Hypertens, 25 (3), 707-12
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e3280147119, PubMed 17278988

Ruilope L, Kjeldsen SE, de la Sierra A, Mancia G, Ruggenenti P, Stergiou GS, Bakris GL, Giles TD (2007)
The kidney and cardiovascular risk--implications for management: a consensus statement from the European Society of Hypertension
Blood Press, 16 (2), 72-9
DOI 10.1080/08037050701338985, PubMed 17612904

Smebye ML, Iversen EK, Høieggen A, Flaa A, Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Olsen MH, Chattopadhyay A, Hille DA, Lyle PA, Devereux RB, Dahlöf B (2007)
Effect of hemoglobin levels on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with isolated systolic hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy (from the LIFE study)
Am J Cardiol, 100 (5), 855-9
DOI 10.1016/j.amjcard.2007.03.109, PubMed 17719333

Strand A, Gudmundsdottir H, Høieggen A, Fossum E, Bjørnerheim R, Os I, Kjeldsen SE (2007)
Increased hematocrit before blood pressure in men who develop hypertension over 20 years
J Am Soc Hypertens, 1 (6), 400-6
DOI 10.1016/j.jash.2007.07.002, PubMed 20409872

Strand AH, Gudmundsdottir H, Fossum E, Os I, Bjørnerheim R, Kjeldsen SE (2007)
Arterial plasma vasopressin and aldosterone predict left ventricular mass in men who develop hypertension over 20 years
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich), 9 (5), 365-71
DOI 10.1111/j.1524-6175.2007.06479.x, PubMed 17485972

Tjugen TB, Halvorsen S, Bjornerheim R, Kjeldsen SE (2007)
The role of statins in patients with arterial hypertension
Arch. Med. Sci., 3 (4A), S97-S101

Viigimaa M, Farsang C, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Mancia G (2007)
ESH hypertension excellence centres: a new strategy to combat an old foe
J. Hypertens., 25 (8), 1744-1748
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e328286266e

Wachtell K, Okin PM, Olsen MH, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Ibsen H, Kjeldsen SE, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Thygesen K (2007)
Regression of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy during antihypertensive therapy and reduction in sudden cardiac death: the LIFE Study
Circulation, 116 (7), 700-5
DOI 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.106.666594, PubMed 17664372

Weber MA, Bakris GL, Dahlöf B, Pitt B, Velazquez E, Gupte J, Lefkowitz M, Hester A, Shi V, Weir M, Kjeldsen S, Massie B, Nesbitt S, Ofili E, Jamerson K (2007)
Baseline characteristics in the Avoiding Cardiovascular events through Combination therapy in Patients Living with Systolic Hypertension (ACCOMPLISH) trial: a hypertensive population at high cardiovascular risk
Blood Press, 16 (1), 13-9
DOI 10.1080/08037050701217643, PubMed 17453747

Weycker D, Edelsberg J, Vincze G, Kjeldsen SE, Jamerson K, Khan ZM, Oster G (2007)
Risk of diabetes in a real-world setting among patients initiating antihypertensive therapy with valsartan or amlodipine
J Hum Hypertens, 21 (5), 374-80
DOI 10.1038/sj.jhh.1002159, PubMed 17314999

Publications 2006

Aksnes TA, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G (2006)
The effect of antihypertensive agents on new-onset diabetes mellitus: time to amend the guidelines?
Am J Cardiovasc Drugs, 6 (3), 139-47
DOI 10.2165/00129784-200606030-00001, PubMed 16780387

Aksnes TA, Reims HM, Guptha S, Moan A, Os I, Kjeldsen SE (2006)
Improved insulin sensitivity with the angiotensin II-receptor blocker losartan in patients with hypertension and other cardiovascular risk factors
J Hum Hypertens, 20 (11), 860-6
DOI 10.1038/sj.jhh.1002087, PubMed 16988754

Christensen MK, Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Tuxen C, Fossum E, Bang LE, Wiinberg N, Devereux RB, Kjeldsen SE, Hildebrandt P, Rokkedal J, Ibsen H (2006)
Does long-term losartan- vs atenolol-based antihypertensive treatment influence collagen markers differently in hypertensive patients? A LIFE substudy
Blood Press, 15 (4), 198-206
DOI 10.1080/08037050600962968, PubMed 17078155

Erdine S, Ari O, Zanchetti A, Cifkova R, Fagard R, Kjeldsen S, Mancia G, Poulter N, Rahn KH, Rodicio JL, Ruilope LM, Staessen J, van Zwieten P, Waeber B, Williams B (2006)
ESH-ESC guidelines for the management of hypertension
Herz, 31 (4), 331-8
DOI 10.1007/s00059-006-2829-3, PubMed 16810473

Flaa A, Kjeldsen SE (2006)
Are all the hypertensives made equal?
Herz, 31 (4), 323-30
DOI 10.1007/s00059-006-2782-1, PubMed 16810472

Flaa A, Mundal HH, Eide I, Kjeldsen S, Rostrup M (2006)
Sympathetic activity and cardiovascular risk factors in young men in the low, normal, and high blood pressure ranges
Hypertension, 47 (3), 396-402
DOI 10.1161/01.HYP.0000203952.27988.79, PubMed 16446389

Fossum E, Olsen MH, Høieggen A, Wachtell K, Reims HM, Kjeldsen SE, Ibsen H, Wan Y, Julius S (2006)
Long-term effects of a losartan- compared with an atenolol-based treatment regimen on carotid artery plaque development in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy: ICARUS, a LIFE substudy
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich), 8 (3), 169-73
DOI 10.1111/j.1524-6175.2006.04838.x, PubMed 16522993

Hedner T, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K (2006)
RAAS inhibition--a practice of medical progress
Blood Press Suppl, 1, 5-6
DOI 10.1080/08038020600613480, PubMed 16513578

Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE (2006)
Cost-effectiveness of blood pressure measurement and hypertension follow-up
Blood Press, 15 (1), 4-5
DOI 10.1080/08037050600587591, PubMed 16492609

Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE (2006)
Medical decision making in hypertension
Blood Press, 15 (4), 196-7
DOI 10.1080/08037050601002822, PubMed 17060114

Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Oparil S, Kjeldsen SE (2006)
The question of whether diabetes and its cardiovascular risks can be prevented: a realistic DREAM?
Blood Press, 15 (5), 260-2
DOI 10.1080/08037050601121804, PubMed 17380842

Jonsson G, Abdelnoor M, Landaas S, Muller C, Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Westheim A (2006)
N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide in risk stratification after acute myocardial infarction in patients on long-term beta-adrenergic receptor blocker therapy
Cardiology, 106 (2), 102-8
DOI 10.1159/000092743, PubMed 16636540

Julius S, Weber MA, Kjeldsen SE, McInnes GT, Zanchetti A, Brunner HR, Laragh J, Schork MA, Hua TA, Amerena J, Balazovjech I, Cassel G, Herczeg B, Koylan N, Magometschnigg D, Majahalme S, Martinez F, Oigman W, Seabra Gomes R, Zhu JR (2006)
The Valsartan Antihypertensive Long-Term Use Evaluation (VALUE) trial: outcomes in patients receiving monotherapy
Hypertension, 48 (3), 385-91
DOI 10.1161/01.HYP.0000236119.96301.f2, PubMed 16864741

Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Mancia G, McInnes GT, Hua T, Weber MA, Coca A, Ekman S, Girerd X, Jamerson K, Larochelle P, MacDonald TM, Schmieder RE, Schork MA, Stolt P, Viskoper R, Widimský J, Zanchetti A, VALUE Trial Investigators (2006)
Effects of valsartan compared to amlodipine on preventing type 2 diabetes in high-risk hypertensive patients: the VALUE trial
J Hypertens, 24 (7), 1405-12
DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000234122.55895.5b, PubMed 16794491

Kjeldsen SE, Knudsen K, Ekrem G, Fure TO, Movinckel P, Erikssen JE (2006)
Is there an association between severe job strain, transient rise in blood pressure and increased mortality?
Blood Press, 15 (2), 93-100
DOI 10.1080/08037050600750157, PubMed 16754272

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Cífková R, Mancia G (2006)
ESH statement on detection and punishment of abstract fraud and poster plagiarism
J Hypertens, 24 (1), 203-4
DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000198043.31881.11, PubMed 16331121

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Hedner T (2006)
An American TROPHY in the prevention of hypertension
Blood Press, 15 (3), 132-4
DOI 10.1080/08037050600819739, PubMed 16864154

Kjeldsen SE, Strand A, Julius S, Okin PM (2006)
Mechanism of angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker action in the regression of left ventricular hypertrophy
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich), 8 (7), 487-92
DOI 10.1111/j.1524-6175.2006.05366.x, PubMed 16849902

Larstorp AC, Lund Søraas C, Tønnessen T, Müller C, Kjeldsen SE, Mangschau A (2006)
Scintigraphic demonstration of myocardial perfusion and ischaemia associated with coronary artery bypass grafting
Scand Cardiovasc J, 40 (6), 354-62
DOI 10.1080/14017430601004063, PubMed 17118826

Mistry NB, Westheim AS, Kjeldsen SE (2006)
The angiotensin receptor antagonist valsartan: a review of the literature with a focus on clinical trials
Expert Opin Pharmacother, 7 (5), 575-81
DOI 10.1517/14656566.7.5.575, PubMed 16553573

Mistry NB, Westheim AS, Kjeldsen SE (2006)
Treatment of hypertension in patients with congestive cardiac failure
Heart Fail Monit, 5 (2), 38-43
PubMed 16816875

Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T (2006)
Hypertension and cardiovascular disease in women: progress towards better understanding of gender-specific differences?
Blood Press, 15 (2), 68-70
DOI 10.1080/08037050600750165, PubMed 16754268

Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE, Oparil S, Hedner T (2006)
Beta-blockers as sub-optimal treatment for hypertension: time for first-line therapy revision?
Blood Press, 15 (6), 323-4
DOI 10.1080/08037050601164986, PubMed 17472021

Nilsson PM, Cifkova R, Kjeldsen SE (2006)
Update on Hypertension Management: treatment of hypertension in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
J Hypertens, 24 (1), 208-10
DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000198038.01387.9b, PubMed 16331123

Nilsson pM, Cifkova R, Kjeldsen SE (2006)
Treatment of Hypertension in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus
Blood Press, 15 (1), 62-3
DOI 10.1080/080370505100088999, PubMed 16566081

Nilsson PM, Cifkova R, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G (2006)
Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus with antihypertensive drugs
Blood Press, 15 (4), 253-4
PubMed 17078188

Nilsson PM, Cifkova R, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G (2006)
European Society of Hypertension Scientific Newsletter: update on hypertension management: prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus with antihypertensive drugs
J Hypertens, 24 (12), 2478-82
DOI 10.1097/HJH.0b013e328010b96f, PubMed 17082736

Nilsson PM, Cifkova R, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G (2006)
Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus with antihypertensive drugs
Blood Pressure, 15 (4), 253-254

Okin PM, Devereux RB, Gerdts E, Snapinn SM, Harris KE, Jern S, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Edelman JM, Lindholm LH, Dahlöf B, LIFE Study Investigators (2006)
Impact of diabetes mellitus on regression of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy and the prediction of outcome during antihypertensive therapy: the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint (LIFE) Reduction in Hypertension Study
Circulation, 113 (12), 1588-96
DOI 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.105.574822, PubMed 16534012

Okin PM, Wachtell K, Devereux RB, Harris KE, Jern S, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Edelman JM, Hille DA, Dahlöf B (2006)
Regression of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy and decreased incidence of new-onset atrial fibrillation in patients with hypertension
JAMA, 296 (10), 1242-8
DOI 10.1001/jama.296.10.1242, PubMed 16968848

Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Ibsen H, Kjeldsen SE, Lindholm LH, Lyle PA, Nieminen MS (2006)
The effect of losartan compared with atenolol on the incidence of revascularization in patients with hypertension and electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy. The LIFE study
J Hum Hypertens, 20 (6), 460-4
DOI 10.1038/sj.jhh.1002013, PubMed 16572193

Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Ibsen H, Lindholm LH, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Kjeldsen SE, Oikarinen L, Okin PM, LIFE Study Investigators (2006)
Reductions in albuminuria and in electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy independently improve prognosis in hypertension: the LIFE study
J Hypertens, 24 (4), 775-81
DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000217862.50735.dc, PubMed 16531808

Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Nielsen OW, Hall C, Wergeland R, Ibsen H, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB, Dahlöf B, Hildebrandt PR (2006)
N-terminal brain natriuretic peptide predicted cardiovascular events stronger than high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in hypertension: a LIFE substudy
J Hypertens, 24 (8), 1531-9
DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000239288.10013.04, PubMed 16877955

Os I, Gudmundsdottir H, Kjeldsen SE, Oparil S (2006)
Treatment of isolated systolic hypertension in diabetes mellitus type 2
Diabetes Obes Metab, 8 (4), 381-7
DOI 10.1111/j.1463-1326.2005.00523.x, PubMed 16776744

Palatini P, Benetos A, Grassi G, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G, Narkiewicz K, Parati G, Pessina AC, Ruilope LM, Zanchetti A, European Society of Hypertension (2006)
Identification and management of the hypertensive patient with elevated heart rate: statement of a European Society of Hypertension Consensus Meeting
J Hypertens, 24 (4), 603-10
DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000217838.49842.1e, PubMed 16531784

Sever P, Dahlöf B, Poulter N, Wedel H, Beevers G, Caulfield M, Collins R, Kjeldsen S, Kristinsson A, McInnes G, Mehlsen J, Nieminem M, O'Brien E, Ostergren J, ASCOT Steering Committee Members (2006)
Potential synergy between lipid-lowering and blood-pressure-lowering in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial
Eur Heart J, 27 (24), 2982-8
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehl403, PubMed 17145722

Strand AH, Gudmundsdottir H, Os I, Smith G, Westheim AS, Bjørnerheim R, Kjeldsen SE (2006)
Arterial plasma noradrenaline predicts left ventricular mass independently of blood pressure and body build in men who develop hypertension over 20 years
J Hypertens, 24 (5), 905-13
DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000222761.07477.7b, PubMed 16612253

Zanchetti A, Julius S, Kjeldsen S, McInnes GT, Hua T, Weber M, Laragh JH, Plat F, Battegay E, Calvo-Vargas C, Cieśliński A, Degaute JP, Holwerda NJ, Kobalava J, Pedersen OL, Rudyatmoko FP, Siamopoulos KC, Störset O (2006)
Outcomes in subgroups of hypertensive patients treated with regimens based on valsartan and amlodipine: An analysis of findings from the VALUE trial
J Hypertens, 24 (11), 2163-8
DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000249692.96488.46, PubMed 17053536

Publications 2005

Aksnes TA, Reims HM, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G (2005)
Antihypertensive treatment and new-onset diabetes mellitus
Curr Hypertens Rep, 7 (4), 298-303
DOI 10.1007/s11906-005-0029-9, PubMed 16061050

Dahlöf B, Sever PS, Poulter NR, Wedel H, Beevers DG, Caulfield M, Collins R, Kjeldsen SE, Kristinsson A, McInnes GT, Mehlsen J, Nieminen M, O'Brien E, Ostergren J, ASCOT Investigators (2005)
Prevention of cardiovascular events with an antihypertensive regimen of amlodipine adding perindopril as required versus atenolol adding bendroflumethiazide as required, in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial-Blood Pressure Lowering Arm (ASCOT-BPLA): a multicentre randomised controlled trial
Lancet, 366 (9489), 895-906
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)67185-1, PubMed 16154016

de Simone G, Wachtell K, Palmieri V, Hille DA, Beevers G, Dahlöf B, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Devereux RB (2005)
Body build and risk of cardiovascular events in hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy: the LIFE (Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension) study
Circulation, 111 (15), 1924-31
DOI 10.1161/01.CIR.0000161799.91577.0A, PubMed 15837945

Fossum E, Moan A, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB, Julius S, Snapinn SM, Edelman JM, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H, Dahlöf B, LIFE Study Group (2005)
The effect of losartan versus atenolol on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with hypertension taking aspirin: the Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in hypertension (LIFE) study
J Am Coll Cardiol, 46 (5), 770-5
DOI 10.1016/j.jacc.2005.05.060, PubMed 16139123

Franklin SS, Wachtell K, Papademetriou V, Olsen MH, Devereux RB, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B (2005)
Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hypertensive patients with lower versus higher risk: a LIFE substudy
Hypertension, 46 (3), 492-9
DOI 10.1161/01.HYP.0000179604.42845.8d, PubMed 16116047

Fyhrquist F, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Beevers G, de Faire U, Ibsen H, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Hille DA, Lyle PA, Edelman JM, Snapinn SM, Wedel H, LIFE Study Group (2005)
Pulse pressure and effects of losartan or atenolol in patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy
Hypertension, 45 (4), 580-5
DOI 10.1161/01.HYP.0000161186.55933.6b, PubMed 15790960

Hedner T, Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K (2005)
Health economy of the metabolic syndrome pandemic
Blood Press, 14 (3), 131-2
DOI 10.1080/08037051510034310, PubMed 16036491

Hedner T, Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE (2005)
Hypertension control- A global challenge
Blood Press Suppl, 1, 4-5
DOI 10.1080/08037050510034266, PubMed 16144128

Høieggen A, Os I, Kjeldsen SE (2005)
[Uric acid--more deleterious than we thought?]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 125 (10), 1330-2
PubMed 15909004

Ibsen H, Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Borch-Johnsen K, Lindholm LH, Mogensen CE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wan Y (2005)
Reduction in albuminuria translates to reduction in cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients: losartan intervention for endpoint reduction in hypertension study
Hypertension, 45 (2), 198-202
DOI 10.1161/01.HYP.0000154082.72286.2a, PubMed 15655123

Ibsen H, Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Borch-Johnsen K, Lindholm LH, Mogensen CE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wan Y (2005)
Lowering Albuminuria-Does It Lower the Cardiovascular Risk?: Reduction in Albuminuria Translates to Reduction in Cardiovascular Events in Hypertensive Patients: Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension Study. Hypertension 45: 198-202, 2005
J Am Soc Nephrol, 16 (8), 2247-2250
DOI 10.1681/01.asn.0000926732.38641.89, PubMed 36996478

Ibsen H, Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Borch-Johnsen K, Lindholm LH, Mogensen CE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wan Y (2005)
Reducing Microalbuminuria-Does It Lower Cardiovascular Risk?: Reduction in Albuminuria Translates to Reduction in Cardiovascular Events in Hypertensive Patients: Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension Study. Hypertension 45: 198-202, 2005
J Am Soc Nephrol, 16 (9), 2521-2527
DOI 10.1681/, PubMed 36996483

Jonsson G, Abdelnoor M, Müller C, Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Westheim A (2005)
A comparison of the two beta-blockers carvedilol and atenolol on left ventricular ejection fraction and clinical endpoints after myocardial infarction. a single-centre, randomized study of 232 patients
Cardiology, 103 (3), 148-55
DOI 10.1159/000084584, PubMed 15785019

Kjeldsen SE (2005)
[Misinterpretation of research]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 125 (3), 327
PubMed 15702162

Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T, Narkiewicz K (2005)
Angiotensin receptor blockers and endpoint protection
Blood Press, 14 (4), 195
DOI 10.1080/08037050500224006, PubMed 16126552

Kjeldsen SE, Lyle PA, Kizer JR, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Julius S, Beevers G, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Snapinn SM, Harris KE, Wedel H, LIFE Study Group (2005)
The effects of losartan compared to atenolol on stroke in patients with isolated systolic hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy. The LIFE study
J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich), 7 (3), 152-8
DOI 10.1111/j.1524-6175.2005.04254.x, PubMed 15785156

Kjeldsen SE, Lyle PA, Tershakovec AM, Devereux RB, Oparil S, Dahlöf B, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Wedel H (2005)
Targeting the renin-angiotensin system for the reduction of cardiovascular outcomes in hypertension: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers
Expert Opin Emerg Drugs, 10 (4), 729-45
DOI 10.1517/14728214.10.4.729, PubMed 16262560

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Cifková R, Mancia G (2005)
ESH statement on detection and punishment of abstract fraud and poster plagiarism
Blood Press, 14 (6), 322-3
DOI 10.1080/08037050500445619, PubMed 16403685

Kjeldsen SE, Narkiewicz K, Hedner T (2005)
ASCOT - more than a horse race!
Blood Press, 14 (5), 262-3
DOI 10.1080/08037050500350942, PubMed 16257870

Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Høieggen A, Beckey K, Gleim GW, Oparil S (2005)
Fixed-dose combinations in the management of hypertension: defining the place of angiotensin receptor antagonists and hydrochlorothiazide
Am J Cardiovasc Drugs, 5 (1), 17-22
DOI 10.2165/00129784-200505010-00003, PubMed 15631534

Kjeldsen SE, Westheim AS, Os I (2005)
Prevention of cardiovascular events and diabetes with angiotensin-receptor blockers in hypertension: LIFE, SCOPE, and VALUE
Curr Hypertens Rep, 7 (3), 155-7
DOI 10.1007/s11906-005-0001-8, PubMed 15913486

Kjeldsen SE, Westheim AS, Os I (2005)
More heat to support aggressive blood pressure lowering: the FEVER study
J Hypertens, 23 (12), 2145-6
DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000194123.27475.25, PubMed 16269953

Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T (2005)
Is smoking a causative factor of hypertension?
Blood Press, 14 (2), 69-71
DOI 10.1080/08037050510034202, PubMed 16036482

Narkiewicz K, Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T (2005)
Hypertension and coronary artery disease: mechanistic insights and therapeutic challenges
Blood Press, 14 (5), 260-1
DOI 10.1080/08037050500350876, PubMed 16257869

Okin PM, Devereux RB, Nieminen MS, Jern S, Oikarinen L, Viitasalo M, Toivonen L, Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B, LIFE Study Investigators (2005)
Electrocardiographic strain pattern and prediction of new-onset congestive heart failure in hypertensive patients: the Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension (LIFE) study
Circulation, 113 (1), 67-73
DOI 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.105.569491, PubMed 16365195

Olsen MH, Christensen MK, Wachtell K, Tuxen C, Fossum E, Bang LE, Wiinberg N, Devereux RB, Kjeldsen SE, Hildebrandt P, Dige-Petersen H, Rokkedal J, Ibsen H (2005)
Markers of collagen synthesis is related to blood pressure and vascular hypertrophy: a LIFE substudy
J Hum Hypertens, 19 (4), 301-7
DOI 10.1038/sj.jhh.1001819, PubMed 15647776

Olsen MH, Fossum E, Høieggen A, Wachtell K, Hjerkinn E, Nesbitt SD, Andersen UB, Phillips RA, Gaboury CL, Ibsen H, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S (2005)
Long-term treatment with losartan versus atenolol improves insulin sensitivity in hypertension: ICARUS, a LIFE substudy
J Hypertens, 23 (4), 891-8
DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000163160.60234.15, PubMed 15775796

Poulter NR, Wedel H, Dahlöf B, Sever PS, Beevers DG, Caulfield M, Kjeldsen SE, Kristinsson A, McInnes GT, Mehlsen J, Nieminen M, O'Brien E, Ostergren J, Pocock S, ASCOT Investigators (2005)
Role of blood pressure and other variables in the differential cardiovascular event rates noted in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial-Blood Pressure Lowering Arm (ASCOT-BPLA)
Lancet, 366 (9489), 907-13
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)67186-3, PubMed 16154017

Reims HM, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G (2005)
Home blood pressure monitoring
J Hypertens, 23 (7), 1437-9
DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000173532.03674.5a, PubMed 15942472

Reims HM, Sevre K, Fossum E, Mellem H, Eide IK, Kjeldsen SE (2005)
Adrenaline during mental stress in relation to fitness, metabolic risk factors and cardiovascular responses in young men
Blood Press, 14 (4), 217-26
DOI 10.1080/08037050510034275, PubMed 16126555

Reims HM, Sevre K, Høieggen A, Fossum E, Eide I, Kjeldsen SE (2005)
Blood viscosity: effects of mental stress and relations to autonomic nervous system function and insulin sensitivity
Blood Press, 14 (3), 159-69
DOI 10.1080/08037050510034176, PubMed 16036496

Sever PS, Poulter NR, Dahlöf B, Wedel H, Collins R, Beevers G, Caulfield M, Kjeldsen SE, Kristinsson A, McInnes GT, Mehlsen J, Nieminen M, O'Brien E, Ostergren J (2005)
Reduction in cardiovascular events with atorvastatin in 2,532 patients with type 2 diabetes: Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial--lipid-lowering arm (ASCOT-LLA)
Diabetes Care, 28 (5), 1151-7
DOI 10.2337/diacare.28.5.1151, PubMed 15855581

Wachtell K, Hornestam B, Lehto M, Slotwiner DJ, Gerdts E, Olsen MH, Aurup P, Dahlöf B, Ibsen H, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Rokkedal J, Devereux RB (2005)
Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hypertensive patients with a history of atrial fibrillation: The Losartan Intervention For End Point Reduction in Hypertension (LIFE) study
J Am Coll Cardiol, 45 (5), 705-11
DOI 10.1016/j.jacc.2004.06.080, PubMed 15734614

Wachtell K, Lehto M, Gerdts E, Olsen MH, Hornestam B, Dahlöf B, Ibsen H, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Devereux RB (2005)
Angiotensin II receptor blockade reduces new-onset atrial fibrillation and subsequent stroke compared to atenolol: the Losartan Intervention For End Point Reduction in Hypertension (LIFE) study
J Am Coll Cardiol, 45 (5), 712-9
DOI 10.1016/j.jacc.2004.10.068, PubMed 15734615

Publications 2004

Fossum E, Høieggen A, Reims HM, Moan A, Rostrup M, Eide I, Kjeldsen SE (2004)
High screening blood pressure is related to sympathetic nervous system activity and insulin resistance in healthy young men
Blood Press, 13 (2), 89-94
DOI 10.1080/08037050310031008, PubMed 15182111

Fossum E, Olsen MH, Høieggen A, Wachtell K, Reims HM, Ibsen H, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE (2004)
Long-term plasma catecholamines in patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy treated with losartan or atenolol: ICARUS, a LIFE substudy
J Hum Hypertens, 18 (6), 375-80
DOI 10.1038/sj.jhh.1001712, PubMed 15057253

Gerdts E, Omvik P, Mo R, Kjeldsen SE (2004)
[Hypertension and heart disease]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 124 (6), 802-5
PubMed 15039815

Hedner T, Kjeldsen SE, Himmelmann A (2004)
Valuable lessons from VALUE
Blood Press, 13 (4), 196-7
DOI 10.1080/080370504100000912, PubMed 15581332

Himmelmann A, Kjeldsen S, Hedner T (2004)
Cardiovascular risk stratification: an important tool for treatment to lower cardiovascular disease risk
Blood Press, 13 (3), 125-6
DOI 10.1080/08037050410015088, PubMed 15223719

Høieggen A, Alderman MH, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Devereux RB, De Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H, Chen C, Dahlöf B, LIFE Study Group (2004)
The impact of serum uric acid on cardiovascular outcomes in the LIFE study
Kidney Int, 65 (3), 1041-9
DOI 10.1111/j.1523-1755.2004.00484.x, PubMed 14871425

Ibsen H, Wachtell K, Olsen MH, Borch-Johnsen K, Lindholm LH, Mogensen CE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wan Y, LIFE substudy (2004)
Does albuminuria predict cardiovascular outcome on treatment with losartan versus atenolol in hypertension with left ventricular hypertrophy? A LIFE substudy
J Hypertens, 22 (9), 1805-11
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200409000-00026, PubMed 15311110

Julius S, Alderman MH, Beevers G, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Douglas JG, Edelman JM, Harris KE, Kjeldsen SE, Nesbitt S, Randall OS, Wright JT (2004)
Cardiovascular risk reduction in hypertensive black patients with left ventricular hypertrophy: the LIFE study
J Am Coll Cardiol, 43 (6), 1047-55
DOI 10.1016/j.jacc.2003.11.029, PubMed 15028365

Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Weber M, Brunner HR, Ekman S, Hansson L, Hua T, Laragh J, McInnes GT, Mitchell L, Plat F, Schork A, Smith B, Zanchetti A, VALUE trial group (2004)
Outcomes in hypertensive patients at high cardiovascular risk treated with regimens based on valsartan or amlodipine: the VALUE randomised trial
Lancet, 363 (9426), 2022-31
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(04)16451-9, PubMed 15207952

Kizer JR, Dahlöf B, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Beevers G, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H, Wachtell K, Edelman JM, Snapinn SM, Harris KE, Devereux RB (2004)
Stroke reduction in hypertensive adults with cardiac hypertrophy randomized to losartan versus atenolol: the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension study
Hypertension, 45 (1), 46-52
DOI 10.1161/01.HYP.0000151324.05355.1c, PubMed 15583076

Kjeldsen SE (2004)
[Failing basis for the use of thiazides]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 124 (20), 2659-60
PubMed 15534650

Kjeldsen SE, Julius S (2004)
Hypertension mega-trials with cardiovascular end points: effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers
Am Heart J, 148 (5), 747-54
DOI 10.1016/j.ahj.2004.04.037, PubMed 15523303

Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Hedner T, Himmelmann A (2004)
Renal hypertensive target organ damage--new evidence emerges in diabetics and smokers
Blood Press, 13 (6), 324-5
DOI 10.1080/08037050410010416, PubMed 15771214

McInnes GT, Kjeldsen SE (2004)
Never mind the quality, feel the width--ALLHAT revisited
Blood Press, 13 (6), 330-4
DOI 10.1080/08037050410004576, PubMed 15771216

Okin PM, Devereux RB, Jern S, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Nieminen MS, Snapinn S, Harris KE, Aurup P, Edelman JM, Wedel H, Lindholm LH, Dahlöf B, LIFE Study Investigators (2004)
Regression of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy during antihypertensive treatment and the prediction of major cardiovascular events
JAMA, 292 (19), 2343-9
DOI 10.1001/jama.292.19.2343, PubMed 15547161

Okin PM, Devereux RB, Liu JE, Oikarinen L, Jern S, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Wachtell K, Nieminen MS, Dahlöf B (2004)
Regression of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy predicts regression of echocardiographic left ventricular mass: the LIFE study
J Hum Hypertens, 18 (6), 403-9
DOI 10.1038/sj.jhh.1001707, PubMed 15057252

Okin PM, Devereux RB, Nieminen MS, Jern S, Oikarinen L, Viitasalo M, Toivonen L, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Snapinn S, Dahlöf B, LIFE Study Investigators (2004)
Electrocardiographic strain pattern and prediction of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hypertensive patients
Hypertension, 44 (1), 48-54
DOI 10.1161/01.HYP.0000132556.91792.6a, PubMed 15173125

Omvik P, Bratland B, Gerhardsen G, Gisholt K, Risanger T, Smedsrud T, Kjeldsen SE (2004)
[Treatment of hypertension in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 124 (6), 788-91
PubMed 15039810

Reims HM, Fossum E, Høieggen A, Moan A, Eide I, Kjeldsen SE (2004)
Adrenal medullary overactivity in lean, borderline hypertensive young men
Am J Hypertens, 17 (7), 611-8
DOI 10.1016/j.amjhyper.2004.03.676, PubMed 15233980

Reims HM, Kjeldsen SE, Brady WE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Julius S, Beevers G, De Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H (2004)
Alcohol consumption and cardiovascular risk in hypertensives with left ventricular hypertrophy: the LIFE study
J Hum Hypertens, 18 (6), 381-9
DOI 10.1038/sj.jhh.1001731, PubMed 15103313

Reims HM, Oparil S, Kjeldsen SE, Devereux RB, Julius S, Brady WE, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Lindholm LH, Omvik P, Wedel H, Beevers G, de Faire U, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Nieminen MS, Dahlöf B, LIFE Study Group (2004)
Losartan benefits over atenolol in non-smoking hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy: the LIFE study
Blood Press, 13 (6), 376-84
DOI 10.1080/08037050410016483, PubMed 15771223

Reims HM, Sevre K, Fossum E, Høieggen A, Eide I, Kjeldsen SE (2004)
Plasma catecholamines, blood pressure responses and perceived stress during mental arithmetic stress in young men
Blood Press, 13 (5), 287-94
DOI 10.1080/08037050410016474, PubMed 15545152

Reims HM, Sevre K, Fossum E, Høieggen A, Mellem H, Kjeldsen SE (2004)
Relations between insulin sensitivity, fitness and autonomic cardiac regulation in healthy, young men
J Hypertens, 22 (10), 2007-15
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200410000-00025, PubMed 15361774

Sever PS, Dahlöf B, Poulter NR, Wedel H, Beevers G, Caulfield M, Collins R, Kjeldsen SE, Kristinsson A, McInnes GT, Mehlsen J, Nieminen M, O'Brien E, Ostergren J, ASCOT Investigators (2004)
Prevention of coronary and stroke events with atorvastatin in hypertensive patients who have average or lower-than-average cholesterol concentrations, in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial--Lipid Lowering Arm (ASCOT-LLA): a multicentre randomised controlled trial
Drugs, 64 Suppl 2, 43-60
DOI 10.2165/00003495-200464002-00005, PubMed 15765890

Svilaas A, Kjeldsen S, Midtbø K, Westheim A, Syvertsen JO (2004)
[Statin therapy for hypertensive patients]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 124 (2), 165-6
PubMed 14743227

Svilaas A, Kjeldsen SE, Midtbø K, Westheim A, Syvertsen JO (2004)
[Prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke with statins]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 124 (13-14), 1821
PubMed 15229678

Weber MA, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Brunner HR, Ekman S, Hansson L, Hua T, Laragh JH, McInnes GT, Mitchell L, Plat F, Schork MA, Smith B, Zanchetti A (2004)
Blood pressure dependent and independent effects of antihypertensive treatment on clinical events in the VALUE Trial
Lancet, 363 (9426), 2049-51
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(04)16456-8, PubMed 15207957

Publications 2003

Bjørnholt JV, Erikssen G, Kjeldsen SE, Bodegård J, Thaulow E, Erikssen J (2003)
Fasting blood glucose is independently associated with resting and exercise blood pressures and development of elevated blood pressure
J Hypertens, 21 (7), 1383-9
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200307000-00029, PubMed 12817188

Cifkova R, Erdine S, Fagard R, Farsang C, Heagerty AM, Kiowski W, Kjeldsen S, Lüscher T, Mallion JM, Mancia G, Poulter N, Rahn KH, Rodicio JL, Ruilope LM, van Zwieten P, Waeber B, Williams B, Zanchetti A, ESH/ESC Hypertension Guidelines Committee (2003)
Practice guidelines for primary care physicians: 2003 ESH/ESC hypertension guidelines
J Hypertens, 21 (10), 1779-86
DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000084773.37215.1b, PubMed 14508180

Devereux RB, Dahlöf B, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Aurup P, Beevers G, Edelman JM, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Helle Berg S, Ibsen H, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Snapinn S, Wedel H, LIFE Study Group (2003)
Effects of losartan or atenolol in hypertensive patients without clinically evident vascular disease: a substudy of the LIFE randomized trial
Ann Intern Med, 139 (3), 169-77
DOI 10.7326/0003-4819-139-3-200308050-00006, PubMed 12899584

Hedner T, Himmelmann A, Kjeldsen SE (2003)
Contrasting messages but not contradicting results from ALLHAT and ANBP2
Blood Press, 12 (2), 68-9
DOI 10.1080/08037050310004658, PubMed 12797626

Hedner T, Himmelmann A, Kjeldsen SE (2003)
Masked hypertension--a new entity and challenge for clinical hypertension research and management
Blood Press, 12 (5-6), 261-3
DOI 10.1080/08037050310025178, PubMed 14763655

Hedner T, Kjeldsen SE, Himmelmann A (2003)
Novel aspects of therapeutics in Blood Pressure: drug therapy supplements
Blood Press Suppl, 1, 4
DOI 10.1080/08038020310000131, PubMed 21067342

Himmelmann A, Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T (2003)
Recent hypertension guidelines: JNC-7 and 2003 ESH/ESC
Blood Press, 12 (4), 196-7
DOI 10.1080/08037050310015854, PubMed 14596354

Höieggen A, Fossum E, Reims H, Kjeldsen SE (2003)
Serum uric acid and hemorheology in borderline hypertensives and in subjects with established hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy
Blood Press, 12 (2), 104-10
PubMed 12797630

Ibsen H, Lindholm LH, Pedersen OL, Dahlöf B, Kjeldsen S (2003)
[The effect of losartan versus atenolol on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus in the LIFE-study]
Ugeskr Laeger, 165 (5), 459-62
PubMed 12599844

Ibsen H, Pedersen OL, Dahlöf B, Kjeldsen SE, Lindholm LH (2003)
[The effect of losartan versus atenolol on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with hypertension and ECG-verified left ventricular hypertrophy in the LIFE-study]
Ugeskr Laeger, 165 (5), 456-9
PubMed 12599843

Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Brunner H, Hansson L, Platt F, Ekman S, Laragh JH, McInnes G, Schork AM, Smith B, Weber M, Zanchetti A, VALUE Trial (2003)
VALUE trial: Long-term blood pressure trends in 13,449 patients with hypertension and high cardiovascular risk
Am J Hypertens, 16 (7), 544-8
DOI 10.1016/s0895-7061(03)00904-x, PubMed 12850387

Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Oparil S, Wedel H, SCOPE Study Group (2003)
Comparison of the SCOPE and LIFE results
J Hypertens, 21 (9), 1772-3; author reply 1773
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200309000-00030, PubMed 12923412

Kjeldsen SE, Erdine S, Farsang C, Sleight P, Mancia G (2003)
1999 WHO/ISH Hypertension Guidelines--highlights & ESH Update
Blood Press, 12 (3), 181-2
PubMed 12875481

Kjeldsen SE, Fossum E, Reims HM, Høieggen A (2003)
Hypertension treatment and stroke prevention
Blood Press, 12 (5-6), 264-8
DOI 10.1080/08037050310016501, PubMed 14763656

Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T, Himmelman A (2003)
In light of ALLHAT and ASCOT: are there benefits of statins as add-on treatment in hypertensives?
Blood Press, 12 (3), 132-3
DOI 10.1080/08037050310008005, PubMed 12875472

Kjeldsen SE, Os I (2003)
Hypertension in very old people
J Hypertens, 21 (12), 2249-50
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200312000-00011, PubMed 14654743

Kristianson K, Fyhrquist F, Devereux RB, Kjeldsen SE, Lindholm LH, Lyle PA, Nieminen MS, Snapinn SM (2003)
An analysis of cholesterol control and statin use in the Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension Study
Clin Ther, 25 (4), 1186-99
DOI 10.1016/s0149-2918(03)80075-9, PubMed 12809965

Mancia G, Rosei EA, Cifkova R, DeBacker G, Erdine S, Fagard R, Farsang C, Heagerty AM, Kawecka-Jaszcs K, Kiowski W, Kjeldsen S, Luscher T, McInnes G, Mallion JM, Brien EO, Poulter NR, Priori SG, Rahn KH, Rodicio JL, Ruilope LM, Safar M, Staessen JA, van Zwieten P, Waeber B, Williams B et al. (2003)
2003 European society of hypertension - European Society of Cardiology guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension
J. Hypertens., 21 (6), 1011-1053
DOI 10.1097/01.hjh.0000059051.65882.32

Okin PM, Devereux RB, Jern S, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Nieminen MS, Snapinn S, Harris KE, Aurup P, Edelman JM, Dahlof B, Losartan Intervention for Endpoint reduction in hypertension Study Investigations (2003)
Regression of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy by losartan versus atenolol: The Losartan Intervention for Endpoint reduction in Hypertension (LIFE) Study
Circulation, 108 (6), 684-90
DOI 10.1161/01.CIR.0000083724.28630.C3, PubMed 12885747

Olsen MH, Hjerkinn E, Wachtell K, Høieggen A, Bella JN, Nesbitt SD, Fossum E, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Ibsen H (2003)
Are left ventricular mass, geometry and function related to vascular changes and/or insulin resistance in long-standing hypertension? ICARUS: a LIFE substudy
J Hum Hypertens, 17 (5), 305-11
DOI 10.1038/sj.jhh.1001545, PubMed 12756402

Reims H, Kjeldsen SE, Mancia G (2003)
Home blood pressure monitoring
Blood Press, 12 (3), 187-8
PubMed 12875484

Sever PS, Dahlöf B, Poulter NR, Wedel H, Beevers G, Caulfield M, Collins R, Kjeldsen SE, Kristinsson A, McInnes GT, Mehlsen J, Nieminen M, O'Brien E, Ostergren J, ASCOT investigators (2003)
Prevention of coronary and stroke events with atorvastatin in hypertensive patients who have average or lower-than-average cholesterol concentrations, in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial--Lipid Lowering Arm (ASCOT-LLA): a multicentre randomised controlled trial
Lancet, 361 (9364), 1149-58
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(03)12948-0, PubMed 12686036

Wachtell K, Ibsen H, Olsen MH, Borch-Johnsen K, Lindholm LH, Mogensen CE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Beevers G, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Nieminen MS, Okin PM, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H, Snapinn SM, Aurup P (2003)
Albuminuria and cardiovascular risk in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy: the LIFE study
Ann Intern Med, 139 (11), 901-6
DOI 10.7326/0003-4819-139-11-200312020-00008, PubMed 14644892

Publications 2002

Bodegard J, Erikssen G, Sandvik L, Kjeldsen SE, Bjørnholt J, Erikssen JE (2002)
Early versus late morning measurement of blood pressure in healthy men. A potential source of measurement bias?
Blood Press, 11 (6), 366-70
DOI 10.1080/080370502321095339, PubMed 12523680

Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Beevers G, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Kristiansson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H, LIFE Study Group (2002)
Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension study (LIFE): a randomised trial against atenolol
Lancet, 359 (9311), 995-1003
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(02)08089-3, PubMed 11937178

Jonsson G, Fossum E, Kjeldsen SE, Høieggen A, Os I, Eide I, Westheim A (2002)
Lower plasma noradrenaline and blood viscosity on carvedilol vs atenolol in men with recent myocardial infarction
Blood Press, 11 (6), 377-84
DOI 10.1080/080370502321095357, PubMed 12523682

Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Julius S, Aurup P, Edelman J, Beevers G, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Snapinn S, Wedel H, LIFE (Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction) Study Group (2002)
Effects of losartan on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with isolated systolic hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy: a Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction (LIFE) substudy
JAMA, 288 (12), 1491-8
DOI 10.1001/jama.288.12.1491, PubMed 12243636

Kjeldsen SE, Erdine S, Farsang C, Sleight P, Mancia G, 1999 WHO/ISH Hypertension Guidelines subcommittee (2002)
1999 WHO/ISH Hypertension Guidelines--highlights & ESH update
J Hypertens, 20 (1), 153-5
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200201000-00022, PubMed 11791039

Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T, Syvertsen JO, Lund-Johansen P, Hansson L, Lanke J, Lindholm LH, De Faire U, Dahlöf B, Karlberg BE, NORDIL Study Group (2002)
Influence of age, sex and blood pressure on the principal endpoints of the Nordic Diltiazem (NORDIL) Study
J Hypertens, 20 (6), 1231-7
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200206000-00038, PubMed 12023696

Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T, Syvertsen JO, Lund-Johansen P, Hansson L, NORDIL Group. Nordic Diltiazem (2002)
Comparison of home and office blood pressure in treated hypertensives in the Nordic Diltiazem (NORDIL) Study
Blood Press, 11 (6), 371-6
DOI 10.1080/080370502321095348, PubMed 12523681

Lindholm LH, Ibsen H, Borch-Johnsen K, Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Beevers G, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H, Aurup P, Edelman JM, Snapinn S, LIFE study group (2002)
Risk of new-onset diabetes in the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension study
J Hypertens, 20 (9), 1879-86
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200209000-00035, PubMed 12195132

Lindholm LH, Ibsen H, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Beevers G, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Kristiansson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H, Aurup P, Edelman J, Snapinn S, LIFE Study Group (2002)
Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes in the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension study (LIFE): a randomised trial against atenolol
Lancet, 359 (9311), 1004-10
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(02)08090-X, PubMed 11937179

Olsen MH, Wachtell K, Borch-Johnsen K, Okin PM, Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Ibsen H (2002)
A blood pressure independent association between glomerular albumin leakage and electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy. The LIFE Study. Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction
J Hum Hypertens, 16 (8), 591-5
DOI 10.1038/sj.jhh.1001450, PubMed 12149666

Wachtell K, Olsen MH, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Kjeldsen SE, Nieminen MS, Okin PM, Papademetriou V, Mogensen CE, Borch-Johnsen K, Ibsen H (2002)
Microalbuminuria in hypertensive patients with electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy: the LIFE study
J Hypertens, 20 (3), 405-12
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200203000-00015, PubMed 11875307

Publications 2001

Fossum E, Berge KE, Høieggen A, Moan A, Rostrup M, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Berg K (2001)
Polymorphisms in candidate genes for blood pressure regulation in young men with normal or elevated screening blood pressure
Blood Press, 10 (2), 92-100
DOI 10.1080/08037050152112078, PubMed 11467765

Hildebrandt PR, Tuxen CD, Kjeldsen SE, Lund-Johansen P, Hansson L (2001)
[Are newer antihypertensive agents better than the older ones? Results of trials (CAPPP, STOP-2, NORDIL, INSIGHT and ALLHAT) with newer antihypertensive agents]
Ugeskr Laeger, 164 (1), 18-21
PubMed 11810791

Høieggen A, Fossum E, Moan A, Rostrup M, Eide IK, Kjeldsen SE (2001)
Biphasic effect of epinephrine on blood glucose during hyperinsulinemia in borderline hypertensive young men
Am J Hypertens, 14 (6 Pt 1), 539-45
DOI 10.1016/s0895-7061(00)01306-6, PubMed 11411733

Jacobsen D, Ingvaldsen B, Kjeldsen SE, Solheim K, Lund K (2001)
Sykdomslære: indremedisin, kirurgi og anestesi
Gyldendal akademisk, Oslo, 703 s.
BIBSYS 000601713, ISBN 978-82-00-42441-3

Kjeldsen SE (2001)
Warning for antihypertensive drug?
Lancet, 358 (9288), 1181-2
DOI 10.1016/s0140-6736(01)06280-8, PubMed 11597701

Kjeldsen SE, Farsang C, Sleigh P, Mancia G, World Health Organization, International Society of Hypertension (2001)
1999 WHO/ISH hypertension guidelines--highlights and esh update
J Hypertens, 19 (12), 2285-8
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200112000-00026, PubMed 11725177

Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Brunner H, Hansson L, Henis M, Ekman S, Laragh J, McInnes G, Smith B, Weber M, Zanchetti A (2001)
Characteristics of 15,314 hypertensive patients at high coronary risk. The VALUE trial. The Valsartan Antihypertensive Long-term Use Evaluation
Blood Press, 10 (2), 83-91
DOI 10.1080/08037050152112069, PubMed 11467764

Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Hedner T, Hansson L (2001)
Stroke is more common than myocardial infarction in hypertension: analysis based on 11 major randomized intervention trials
Blood Press, 10 (4), 190-2
DOI 10.1080/08037050152669684, PubMed 11800055

Kjeldsen SE, Mundal R, Sandvik L, Erikssen G, Thaulow E, Erikssen J (2001)
Supine and exercise systolic blood pressure predict cardiovascular death in middle-aged men
J Hypertens, 19 (8), 1343-8
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200108000-00001, PubMed 11518841

Kjeldsen SE, Syvertsen JO, Lund-Johansen P, Hildebrandt P, Hansson L (2001)
[Comparison of preventive effect of "new" and "old" antihypertensive agents]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 121 (11), 1374-6
PubMed 11419108

Okin PM, Devereux RB, Jern S, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B (2001)
Relation of echocardiographic left ventricular mass and hypertrophy to persistent electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients: the LIFE Study
Am J Hypertens, 14 (8 Pt 1), 775-82
DOI 10.1016/s0895-7061(01)01291-2, PubMed 11497193

Okin PM, Devereux RB, Nieminen MS, Jern S, Oikarinen L, Viitasalo M, Toivonen L, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Dahlöf B (2001)
Relationship of the electrocardiographic strain pattern to left ventricular structure and function in hypertensive patients: the LIFE study. Losartan Intervention For End point
J Am Coll Cardiol, 38 (2), 514-20
DOI 10.1016/s0735-1097(01)01378-x, PubMed 11499746

Reims H, Fossum E, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S (2001)
Home blood pressure monitoring. Current knowledge and directions for future research
Blood Press, 10 (5-6), 271-87
DOI 10.1080/080370501753400584, PubMed 11822532

Reims HM, Høieggen A, Fossum E, Rostrup M, Eide I, Kjeldsen SE (2001)
Glucose disposal rates calculated from 60- to 90-minute isoglycemic hyperinsulinemic glucose clamp correlate with cardiovascular risk factors in borderline hypertensive young men
Metabolism, 50 (10), 1175-80
DOI 10.1053/meta.2001.26761, PubMed 11586489

Ross AE, Flaa A, Høieggen A, Reims H, Eide IK, Kjeldsen SE (2001)
Gender specific sympathetic and hemorrheological responses to mental stress in healthy young subjects
Scand Cardiovasc J, 35 (5), 307-12
DOI 10.1080/140174301317116271, PubMed 11771821

Sever PS, Dahlöf B, Poulter NR, Wedel H, Beevers G, Caulfield M, Collins R, Kjeldsen SE, McInnes GT, Mehlsen J, Nieminen M, O'Brien E, Ostergren J (2001)
Rationale, design, methods and baseline demography of participants of the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial. ASCOT investigators
J Hypertens, 19 (6), 1139-47
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200106000-00020, PubMed 11403364

Sever PS, Dahlöf B, Poulter NR, Wedel H, Beevers G, Caulfield M, Collins R, Kjeldsen SE, McInnes GT, Mehlsen J, Nieminen M, O'Brien E, Ostergren J, ASCOT Steering Committee, Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (2001)
Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial: a brief history, rationale and outline protocol
J Hum Hypertens, 15 Suppl 1, S11-2
DOI 10.1038/sj.jhh.1001212, PubMed 11685901

Zanchetti A, Hansson L, Dahlöf B, Elmfeldt D, Kjeldsen S, Kolloch R, Larochelle P, McInnes GT, Mallion JM, Ruilope L, Wedel H (2001)
Effects of individual risk factors on the incidence of cardiovascular events in the treated hypertensive patients of the Hypertension Optimal Treatment Study. HOT Study Group
J Hypertens, 19 (6), 1149-59
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200106000-00021, PubMed 11403365

Publications 2000

Belkić K, Schwartz J, Schnall P, Pickering TG, Steptoe A, Marmot M, Theorell T, Fossum E, Høieggen A, Moan A, Rostrup M, Kjeldsen SE (2000)
Evidence for mediating econeurocardiologic mechanisms
Occup Med, 15 (1), 117-62
PubMed 10620789

Denolle T, Waeber B, Kjeldsen S, Parati G, Wilson M, Asmar R (2000)
Self-measurement of blood pressure in clinical trials and therapeutic applications
Blood Press Monit, 5 (2), 145-9
PubMed 10828901

Denolle T, Waeber B, Kjeldsen S, Parati G, Wilson M, Asmar R (2000)
Self-measurement of blood pressure in clinical trials and therapeutic applications
Blood Press. Monit., 5 (2), 145-149

Hansson L, Hedner T, Lund-Johansen P, Kjeldsen SE, Lindholm LH, Syvertsen JO, Lanke J, de Faire U, Dahlöf B, Karlberg BE (2000)
Randomised trial of effects of calcium antagonists compared with diuretics and beta-blockers on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hypertension: the Nordic Diltiazem (NORDIL) study
Lancet, 356 (9227), 359-65
DOI 10.1016/s0140-6736(00)02526-5, PubMed 10972367

Høieggen A, Fossum E, Moan A, Rostrup M, Eide IK, Kjeldsen SE (2000)
Effects of hyperinsulinemia on sympathetic responses to mental stress
Am J Hypertens, 13 (1 Pt 1), 21-8
DOI 10.1016/s0895-7061(99)00146-6, PubMed 10678267

Høieggen A, Fossum E, Nesbitt SD, Palmieri V, Kjeldsen SE (2000)
Blood viscosity, plasma adrenaline and fasting insulin in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy. ICARUS, a LIFE Substudy. Insulin CARotids US Scandinavica
Blood Press, 9 (2-3), 83-90
DOI 10.1080/08037050050151771, PubMed 10855729

Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Julius S, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H (2000)
Lowering of blood pressure and predictors of response in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy: the LIFE study. Losartan Intervention For Endpoint
Am J Hypertens, 13 (8), 899-906
DOI 10.1016/s0895-7061(00)00280-6, PubMed 10950398

Kjeldsen SE, Kolloch RE, Leonetti G, Mallion JM, Zanchetti A, Elmfeldt D, Warnold I, Hansson L (2000)
Influence of gender and age on preventing cardiovascular disease by antihypertensive treatment and acetylsalicylic acid. The HOT study. Hypertension Optimal Treatment
J Hypertens, 18 (5), 629-42
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200018050-00017, PubMed 10826567

Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Farsang C, Mallion JM, Hansson L, Sleight P (2000)
Treatment of hypertension in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus
J Hypertens, 18 (9), 1345-6
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200018090-00023, PubMed 10994767

Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Farsang C, Mallion JM, Hansson L, Sleight P (2000)
Treatment of hypertension in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus
Blood Press, 9 (6), 363-4
PubMed 11212066

Kjeldsen SE, Warnold I, Hansson L, HOT Study Group. Hypertension Optimal Treatment Study Group (2000)
Influence of gender on prevention of myocardial infarction by antihypertensives and acetylsalicylic acid: the HOT study
J Gend Specif Med, 3 (8), 35-8
PubMed 11253266

Kjeldsen SE, Westheim AS, Os I (2000)
INSIGHT and NORDIL. International Nifedipine GITS study: Intervention as a Goal in Hypertension Treatment. Nordic Diltiazem Study
Lancet, 356 (9245), 1929-30
DOI 10.1016/s0140-6736(05)73480-2, PubMed 11130406

Okin PM, Devereux RB, Jern S, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Dahlöf B (2000)
Baseline characteristics in relation to electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients: the Losartan intervention for endpoint reduction (LIFE) in hypertension study. The Life Study Investigators
Hypertension, 36 (5), 766-73
DOI 10.1161/01.hyp.36.5.766, PubMed 11082141

Okin PM, Jern S, Devereux RB, Kjeldsen SE, Dahlöf B, LIFE Study Group (2000)
Effect of obesity on electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients : the losartan intervention for endpoint (LIFE) reduction in hypertension study
Hypertension, 35 (1 Pt 1), 13-8
DOI 10.1161/01.hyp.35.1.13, PubMed 10642268

Olsen MH, Fossum E, Hjerkinn E, Wachtell K, Høieggen A, Nesbitt SD, Andersen UB, Phillips RA, Gaboury CL, Ibsen H, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S (2000)
Relative influence of insulin resistance versus blood pressure on vascular changes in longstanding hypertension. ICARUS, a LIFE sub study. Insulin Carotids US Scandinavia
J Hypertens, 18 (1), 75-81
DOI 10.1097/00004872-200018010-00011, PubMed 10678546

Reims H, Høieggen A, Fossum E, Kjeldsen SE (2000)
Assessment of insulin sensitivity by 90 min isoglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic glucose clamp in healthy young men
Blood Press, 9 (2-3), 121-5
DOI 10.1080/080370500453456, PubMed 10855735

Publications 1999

Fossum E, Høieggen A, Moan A, Rostrup M, Kjeldsen SE (1999)
Insulin sensitivity is related to physical fitness and exercise blood pressure to structural vascular properties in young men
Hypertension, 33 (3), 781-6
DOI 10.1161/01.hyp.33.3.781, PubMed 10082487

Høieggen A, Fossum E, Moan A, Rostrup M, Eide IK, Kjeldsen SE (1999)
Increased forearm blood flow during glucose clamp is related neither to insulin sensitivity nor to hyperinsulinemia in borderline hypertensive young men
Blood Press, 8 (4), 227-32
DOI 10.1080/080370599439616, PubMed 10697303

Kjeldsen SE (1999)
Bicycle exercise blood pressure can be useful in a clinical practice
J Hypertens, 17 (1), 147-8
DOI 10.1097/00004872-199917010-00022, PubMed 10100107

Kjeldsen SE, Midtbø K, Os I, Westheim A (1999)
[An overview of hypertension studies with calcium antagonists]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 119 (13), 1878-82
PubMed 10382332

Klemsdal TO, Moan A, Kjeldsen SE (1999)
Effects of selective angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade with losartan on arterial compliance in patients with mild essential hypertension
Blood Press, 8 (4), 214-9
DOI 10.1080/080370599439599, PubMed 10697301

Publications 1998

Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Beevers G, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Hedner T, Ibsen H, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H (1998)
Characteristics of 9194 patients with left ventricular hypertrophy: the LIFE study. Losartan Intervention For Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension
Hypertension, 32 (6), 989-97
DOI 10.1161/01.hyp.32.6.989, PubMed 9856962

Fossum E, Høieggen A, Moan A, Rostrup M, Nordby G, Kjeldsen SE (1998)
Relationship between insulin sensitivity and maximal forearm blood flow in young men
Hypertension, 32 (5), 838-43
DOI 10.1161/01.hyp.32.5.838, PubMed 9822441

Høieggen A, Fossum E, Moan A, Eide IK, Kjeldsen SE (1998)
Insulin modifies the glucose response to mental stress independently of forearm blood flow
Blood Press, 7 (5-6), 291-8
DOI 10.1080/080370598437150, PubMed 10321442

Høieggen A, Fossum E, Moan A, Enger E, Kjeldsen SE (1998)
Whole-blood viscosity and the insulin-resistance syndrome
J Hypertens, 16 (2), 203-10
DOI 10.1097/00004872-199816020-00011, PubMed 9535148

Kjeldsen SE (1998)
[Therapeutic targets for hypertension in the new media. An optimal antihypertensive therapy]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 118 (23), 3665
PubMed 9820015

Kjeldsen SE, Hedner T, Jamerson K, Julius S, Haley WE, Zabalgoitia M, Butt AR, Rahman SN, Hansson L (1998)
Hypertension optimal treatment (HOT) study: home blood pressure in treated hypertensive subjects
Hypertension, 31 (4), 1014-20
DOI 10.1161/01.hyp.31.4.1014, PubMed 9535429

Mundal R, Kjeldsen SE, Sandvik L, Erikssen G, Thaulow E, Erikssen J (1998)
Clustering of coronary risk factors with increasing blood pressure at rest and during exercise
J Hypertens, 16 (1), 19-22
DOI 10.1097/00004872-199816010-00004, PubMed 9533412

Seljeflot I, Moan A, Aspelin T, Tønnessen T, Kjeldsen SE, Arnesen H (1998)
Circulating levels of endothelin-1 during acute hyperinsulinemia in patients with essential hypertension treated with type 1 angiotensin receptor antagonist or placebo
Metabolism, 47 (3), 292-6
DOI 10.1016/s0026-0495(98)90259-1, PubMed 9500565

Publications 1997

Dahlof B, Devereux R, deFaire U, Fyhrquist F, Hedner T, Ibsen H, Julius S, Kjeldsen S, Kristianson K, LederballePedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H (1997)
The Losartan Intervention for Endpoint reduction (LIFE) in Hypertension study - Rationale, design, and methods
Am. J. Hypertens., 10 (7), 705-713

Dahlöf B, Devereux R, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Hedner T, Ibsen H, Julius S, Kjeldsen S, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H (1997)
The Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction (LIFE) in Hypertension study: rationale, design, and methods. The LIFE Study Group
Am J Hypertens, 10 (7 Pt 1), 705-13
PubMed 9234823

Fossum E, Høieggen A, Moan A, Nordby G, Kjeldsen SE (1997)
Insulin sensitivity relates to other cardiovascular risk factors in young men: validation of some modifications of the hyperinsulinaemic, isoglycaemic glucose clamp technique
Blood Press Suppl, 2, 113-9
PubMed 9495639

Fossum E, Høieggen A, Moan A, Nordby G, Velund TL, Kjeldsen SE (1997)
Whole blood viscosity, blood pressure and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy blood donors
Blood Press, 6 (3), 161-5
DOI 10.3109/08037059709061932, PubMed 9181254

Mundal R, Kjeldsen SE, Sandvik L, Erikssen G, Thaulow E, Erikssen J (1997)
Seasonal covariation in physical fitness and blood pressure at rest and during exercise in healthy middle-aged men
Blood Press, 6 (5), 269-73
DOI 10.3109/08037059709062081, PubMed 9359996

Mundal R, Kjeldsen SE, Sandvik L, Erikssen G, Thaulow E, Erikssen J (1997)
Predictors of 7-year changes in exercise blood pressure: effects of smoking, physical fitness and pulmonary function
J Hypertens, 15 (3), 245-9
DOI 10.1097/00004872-199715030-00005, PubMed 9468451

Oian P, Kjeldsen SE, Eide IK (1997)
Preeclampsia - a state of sympathetic overactivity
N Engl J Med, 336 (18), 1326-7; author reply 1327
PubMed 9132597

von Brandis P, Kjeldsen SE, Gjesdal K (1997)
[Sudden cardiac death in hypertension]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 117 (16), 2337-40
PubMed 9265281

Publications 1996

Kjeldsen SE, Moan A, Petrin J, Weder AB, Julius S (1996)
Effects of increased arterial epinephrine on insulin, glucose and phosphate
Blood Press, 5 (1), 27-31
DOI 10.3109/08037059609062103, PubMed 8777469

Kjeldsen SE, Omvik P (1996)
[Losartan and the LIFE-study. Antihypertensive treatment with AT1-receptor antagonist]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 116 (4), 504-7
PubMed 8644056

Kjeldsen SE, Syvertsen JO, Hedner T (1996)
Cardiac conduction with diltiazem and beta-blockade combined. A review and report on cases
Blood Press, 5 (5), 260-3
DOI 10.3109/08037059609078057, PubMed 8879597

Kjeldsen SE, Syvertsen JO, Lund-Johansen P (1996)
[Status of ongoing controlled clinical trials on hypertension]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 116 (1), 61-3
PubMed 8553340

Kjeldsen SE, Westheim AS (1996)
[Calcium antagonists in the treatment of hypertension and heart failure. A comment to recently published results of clinical trials]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 116 (1), 77-80
PubMed 8553344

Moan A, Eide IK, Kjeldsen SE (1996)
Metabolic and adrenergic characteristics of young men with insulin resistance
Blood Press Suppl, 1, 30-7
PubMed 9162435

Moan A, Høieggen A, Seljeflot I, Risanger T, Arnesen H, Kjeldsen SE (1996)
The effect of angiotensin II receptor antagonism with losartan on glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity
J Hypertens, 14 (9), 1093-7
DOI 10.1097/00004872-199609000-00008, PubMed 8986909

Mundal R, Kjeldsen SE, Sandvik L, Erikssen G, Thaulow E, Erikssen J (1996)
Exercise blood pressure predicts mortality from myocardial infarction
Hypertension, 27 (3 Pt 1), 324-9
DOI 10.1161/01.hyp.27.3.324, PubMed 8698433

Otterstad JE, Smiseth O, Kjeldsen SE (1996)
Hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy: pathophysiology, assessment and treatment
Blood Press, 5 (1), 5-15
DOI 10.3109/08037059609062101, PubMed 8777473

Sandvik E, Steine S, Kjeldsen S (1996)
[Home blood pressure measurement in general practice patients]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 116 (21), 2566-9
PubMed 8928127

Seljeflot I, Moan A, Kjeldsen S, Sandvik E, Arnesen H (1996)
Effect of angiotensin II receptor blockade on fibrinolysis during acute hyperinsulinemia in patients with essential hypertension
Hypertension, 27 (6), 1299-304
DOI 10.1161/01.hyp.27.6.1299, PubMed 8641739

Tomten SE, Nilsson S, Kjeldsen SE, Westheim AS (1996)
[Effect of 1-alpha blockader on maximal oxygen consumption and physical endurance in hypertensive men]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 116 (1), 37-40
PubMed 8553333

Publications 1995

Beckmann SL, Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Eide IK, Westheim AS, Hjermann I (1995)
Effect of dietary counselling on blood pressure and arterial plasma catecholamines in primary hypertension
Am J Hypertens, 8 (7), 704-11
DOI 10.1016/0895-7061(95)00122-6, PubMed 7546496

Kjeldsen SE (1995)
[Is blood pressure treatment as effective in the population as in controlled trials?]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 115 (1), 102-3
PubMed 7846647

Kjeldsen SE, Enger E (1995)
[The Norwegian Society for Stroke]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 115 (13), 1659
PubMed 7778086

Kjeldsen SE, Weder AB, Egan B, Neubig R, Zweifler AJ, Julius S (1995)
Effect of circulating epinephrine on platelet function and hematocrit
Hypertension, 25 (5), 1096-105
DOI 10.1161/01.hyp.25.5.1096, PubMed 7737722

Moan A, Høieggen A, Nordby G, Birkeland K, Eide I, Kjeldsen SE (1995)
The glucose clamp procedure activates the sympathetic nervous system even in the absence of hyperinsulinemia
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 80 (11), 3151-4
DOI 10.1210/jcem.80.11.7593418, PubMed 7593418

Moan A, Høieggen A, Nordby G, Eide IK, Kjeldsen SE (1995)
Effects of losartan on insulin sensitivity in severe hypertension: connections through sympathetic nervous system activity?
J Hum Hypertens, 9 Suppl 5, S45-50
PubMed 8583481

Moan A, Høieggen A, Nordby G, Os I, Eide I, Kjeldsen SE (1995)
Mental stress increases glucose uptake during hyperinsulinemia: associations with sympathetic and cardiovascular responsiveness
Metabolism, 44 (10), 1303-7
DOI 10.1016/0026-0495(95)90034-9, PubMed 7476289

Moan A, Nordby G, Rostrup M, Eide I, Kjeldsen SE (1995)
Insulin sensitivity, sympathetic activity, and cardiovascular reactivity in young men
Am J Hypertens, 8 (3), 268-75
DOI 10.1016/0895-7061(94)00206-Q, PubMed 7794576

Moan A, Os I, Hjermann I, Kjeldsen SE (1995)
Hypertension therapy and risk of coronary heart disease: how do antihypertensives affect metabolic factors?
Cardiology, 86 (2), 89-93
DOI 10.1159/000176845, PubMed 7728812

Nordby G, Moan A, Kjeldsen SE, Eide IK, Os I (1995)
Insulin resistance and sympathetic nervous system activity in hypertensive and normotensive premenopausal women
Blood Press, 4 (5), 287-92
DOI 10.3109/08037059509077609, PubMed 8535550

Nordby G, Moan A, Kjeldsen SE, Os I (1995)
Relationship between hemorheological factors and insulin sensitivity in normotensive and hypertensive premenopausal women
Am J Hypertens, 8 (5 Pt 1), 439-44
DOI 10.1016/0895-7061(95)00044-P, PubMed 7662218

Os I, Eide IK, Kjeldsen SE, Westheim AS, Stokke HP (1995)
[How to combine antihypertensive drugs?]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 115 (18), 2257-9
PubMed 7652723

Os I, Eide IK, Westheim AS, Kjeldsen SE (1995)
[Refractory hypertension]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 115 (6), 723-4
PubMed 7900136

Publications 1994

Ekeberg O, Klemsdal TO, Kjeldsen SE (1994)
Quality of life on enalapril after acute myocardial infarction
Eur Heart J, 15 (8), 1135-9
DOI 10.1093/oxfordjournals.eurheartj.a060640, PubMed 7988608

Kjeldsen SE (1994)
[Is blood pressure therapy as effective in the general population as in controlled trials?]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 114 (28), 3359-60
PubMed 7809899

Kjeldsen SE (1994)
Indremedisin og kirurgi
Universitetsforl., Oslo (4. utg.), 331 s.
BIBSYS 940316927, ISBN 82-00-40907-4

Kjeldsen SE, Westheim A, Eide I, Os I, Enger E (1994)
[Treatment of hypertension in 1994. Comments on the 1993 guidelines of the Norwegian Society of General Practitioners concerning the treatment program for hypertension]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 114 (17), 1990-2
PubMed 8079331

Kjeldsen SE, Zweifler AJ, Petrin J, Weder AB, Julius S (1994)
Sympathetic nervous system involvement in essential hypertension: increased platelet noradrenaline coincides with decreased beta-adrenoreceptor responsiveness
Blood Press, 3 (3), 164-71
DOI 10.3109/08037059409102247, PubMed 8069404

Moan A, Nordby G, Os I, Birkeland KI, Kjeldsen SE (1994)
Relationship between hemorrheologic factors and insulin sensitivity in healthy young men
Metabolism, 43 (4), 423-7
DOI 10.1016/0026-0495(94)90070-1, PubMed 8159097

Moan A, Os I, Hjermann I, Kjeldsen SE (1994)
[Antihypertensive treatment and risk of coronary disease. How significant is the antihypertensive effect for metabolic factors?]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 114 (4), 462-4
PubMed 8009486

Moan A, Risanger T, Eide I, Kjeldsen SE (1994)
The effect of angiotensin II receptor blockade on insulin sensitivity and sympathetic nervous system activity in primary hypertension
Blood Press, 3 (3), 185-8
DOI 10.3109/08037059409102250, PubMed 8069407

Mundal R, Kjeldsen SE, Sandvik L, Erikssen G, Thaulow E, Erikssen J (1994)
Exercise blood pressure predicts cardiovascular mortality in middle-aged men
Hypertension, 24 (1), 56-62
DOI 10.1161/01.hyp.24.1.56, PubMed 8021008

Nordby G, Kjeldsen SE (1994)
Spørsmål og svar om hypertensjon og ACE-hemmere
MSD, Drammen ([2. utg.]), 28 s.
BIBSYS 942714032

Tomten SE, Kjeldsen SE, Nilsson S, Westheim AS (1994)
Effect of alpha 1-adrenoceptor blockade on maximal VO2 and endurance capacity in well-trained athletic hypertensive men
Am J Hypertens, 7 (7 Pt 1), 603-8
DOI 10.1093/ajh/7.7.603, PubMed 7946161

Publications 1993

Kjeldsen SE (1993)
[What do we know about "white coat" hypertension?]
Nord Med, 108 (5), 135
PubMed 8497401

Kjeldsen SE, Moan A, Petrin J, Weder AB, Zweifler AJ, Julius S (1993)
Evaluation of self-measured home vs. clinic intra-arterial blood pressure
Blood Press, 2 (1), 28-34
DOI 10.3109/08037059309077523, PubMed 8193727

Kjeldsen SE, Moan A, Rostrup M, Nordby G, Os I, Eide I (1993)
[White coat hypertension and blood pressure measurement at home]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 113 (15), 1839-43
PubMed 8322321

Kjeldsen SE, Petrin J, Weder AB, Julius S (1993)
Contrasting effects of epinephrine on forearm hemodynamics and arterial plasma norepinephrine
Am J Hypertens, 6 (5 Pt 1), 369-75
DOI 10.1093/ajh/6.5.369, PubMed 8512661

Kjeldsen SE, Syvertsen JO, Lund-Johansen P (1993)
[Can treatment of hypertension prevent myocardial infarction? New controlled clinical trials are proposed]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 113 (6), 737-40
PubMed 8096658

Mundal HH, Nordby G, Lande K, Gjesdal K, Kjeldsen SE, Os I (1993)
Effect of cold pressor test and awareness of hypertension on platelet function in normotensive and hypertensive women
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 53 (6), 585-91
PubMed 8266004

Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Nordby G, Eide I, Lande K, Hjermann I, Westheim A (1993)
Sex differences in essential hypertension
J Intern Med, 233 (1), 13-9
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2796.1993.tb00641.x, PubMed 8429281

Rostrup M, Westheim A, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I (1993)
Cardiovascular reactivity, coronary risk factors, and sympathetic activity in young men
Hypertension, 22 (6), 891-9
DOI 10.1161/01.hyp.22.6.891, PubMed 8244522

Tollan A, Oian P, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Maltau JM (1993)
Progesterone reduces sympathetic tone without changing blood pressure or fluid balance in men
Gynecol Obstet Invest, 36 (4), 234-8
DOI 10.1159/000292636, PubMed 8300009

Tollan A, Oian P, Kjeldsen SE, Holst N, Eide I (1993)
Effects of ovarian stimulation on blood pressure and plasma catecholamine levels
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 53 (4), 353-8
DOI 10.3109/00365519309086627, PubMed 8378738

Publications 1992

Kjeldsen SE, Gupta RK, Krause L, Weder AB, Julius S (1992)
Does blood pressure reduction necessarily compromise cardiac function or renal hemodynamics? Effects of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor quinapril
Am Heart J, 123 (5), 1433-8
DOI 10.1016/0002-8703(92)91066-a, PubMed 1575171

Kjeldsen SE, Rostrup M, Moan A, Mundal HH, Gjesdal K, Eide IK (1992)
The sympathetic nervous system may modulate the metabolic cardiovascular syndrome in essential hypertension
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 20 Suppl 8, S32-9
PubMed 1283768

Moan A, Kjeldsen SE, Enger E, Ibsen H, Dahlöf B, Lund-Johansen P (1992)
[Treatment of hypertension in Norway. Indications, therapeutic intensity and economic aspects]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 112 (1), 69-70
PubMed 1553650

Moan A, Kjeldsen SE, Nordby G, Os I, Eide I, Enger E (1992)
[Treatment of hypertension in the elderly]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 112 (17), 2221-4
PubMed 1523663

Nordby G, Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I (1992)
Mild essential hypertension in nonobese premenopausal women is characterized by low renin
Am J Hypertens, 5 (9), 579-84
DOI 10.1093/ajh/5.9.579, PubMed 1418846

Westheim A, Os I, Thaulow E, Kjeldsen SE, Eritsland J, Eide IK (1992)
Haemodynamic and neurohumoral effects of cold pressor test in severe heart failure
Clin Physiol, 12 (1), 95-106
DOI 10.1111/j.1475-097x.1992.tb00296.x, PubMed 1541087

Publications 1991

Gupta RK, Kjeldsen SE, Motley E, Weder AB, Zweifler AJ, Julius S (1991)
Platelet function during antihypertensive treatment with quinapril, a novel angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 17 (1), 13-9
DOI 10.1097/00005344-199101000-00003, PubMed 1708046

Julius S, Krause L, Schork NJ, Mejia AD, Jones KA, van de Ven C, Johnson EH, Sekkarie MA, Kjeldsen SE, Petrin J (1991)
Hyperkinetic borderline hypertension in Tecumseh, Michigan
J Hypertens, 9 (1), 77-84
DOI 10.1097/00004872-199101000-00012, PubMed 1848264

Kjeldsen SE, Rostrup M, Gjesdal K, Eide I (1991)
The epinephrine-blood platelet connection with special reference to essential hypertension
Am Heart J, 122 (1 Pt 2), 330-6
DOI 10.1016/0002-8703(91)90843-7, PubMed 2053554

Mellem H, Lande K, Kjeldsen SE, Westheim A, Eide I, Ekholt PF, Boye NP (1991)
Faster and more reliable absorption of adrenaline by aerosol inhalation than by subcutaneous injection
Br J Clin Pharmacol, 31 (6), 677-81
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2125.1991.tb05592.x, PubMed 1867961

Os I, Eide I, Kjeldsen SE, Westheim A, Nordby G (1991)
[Ambulatory non-invasive 24-hour blood pressure measurement--do we need it?]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 111 (18), 2280-2
PubMed 1896989

Publications 1990

Ekeberg O, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Leren P (1990)
Childhood traumas and psychosocial characteristics of 50-year-old men with essential hypertension
J Psychosom Res, 34 (6), 643-9
DOI 10.1016/0022-3999(90)90108-g, PubMed 2135736

Ekeberg O, Kjeldsen SE, Eide IK, Greenwood DT, Enger E (1990)
Effects of beta 1- and beta 2-blockade on blood pressure and sympathetic responses to flight phobia stress
Clin Pharmacol Ther, 47 (5), 599-607
DOI 10.1038/clpt.1990.81, PubMed 1971540

Ekeberg O, Kjeldsen SE, Greenwood DT, Enger E (1990)
Correlations between psychological and physiological responses to acute flight phobia stress
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 50 (6), 671-7
DOI 10.3109/00365519009089186, PubMed 2247773

Ekeberg O, Kjeldsen SE, Greenwood DT, Enger E (1990)
Effects of selective beta-adrenoceptor blockade on anxiety associated with flight phobia
J Psychopharmacol, 4 (1), 35-41
DOI 10.1177/026988119000400106, PubMed 22282925

Gupta RK, Kjeldsen SE, Krause L, Kneisley J, Posvar E, Weder AB, Julius S (1990)
Hemodynamic effects of quinapril, a novel angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
Clin Pharmacol Ther, 48 (1), 41-9
DOI 10.1038/clpt.1990.116, PubMed 2196144

Husebye E, Kjeldsen SE, Lande K, Gjesdal K, Os I, Eide I (1990)
Increased arterial adrenaline is related to pain in uncomplicated myocardial infarction
J Intern Med, 228 (6), 617-22
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2796.1990.tb00288.x, PubMed 2149143

Julius S, Mejia A, Jones K, Krause L, Schork N, van de Ven C, Johnson E, Petrin J, Sekkarie MA, Kjeldsen SE (1990)
"White coat" versus "sustained" borderline hypertension in Tecumseh, Michigan
Hypertension, 16 (6), 617-23
DOI 10.1161/01.hyp.16.6.617, PubMed 2246029

Kjeldsen SE, Sejersted OM, Frederichsen P, Leren P, Eide IK (1990)
Increased erythrocyte magnesium in never treated essential hypertension
Am J Hypertens, 3 (7), 573-5
DOI 10.1093/ajh/3.7.573, PubMed 2194511

Kjeldsen SE, Sejersted OM, Frederichsen P, Leren P, Eide IK (1990)
Increased erythrocyte magnesium content in essential hypertension
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 50 (4), 395-400
DOI 10.3109/00365519009091597, PubMed 2392652

Rostrup M, Kjeldsen SE, Eide IK (1990)
Awareness of hypertension increases blood pressure and sympathetic responses to cold pressor test
Am J Hypertens, 3 (12 Pt 1), 912-7
DOI 10.1093/ajh/3.12.912, PubMed 2081012

Rostrup M, Mundal HH, Kjeldsen SE, Gjesdal K, Eide I (1990)
Awareness of high blood pressure stimulates platelet release reaction
Thromb Haemost, 63 (3), 367-70
PubMed 2144919

Westheim A, Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Fønstelien E, Eide IK (1990)
Renal haemodynamic and sympathetic responses to head-up tilt in essential hypertension
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 50 (8), 815-22
DOI 10.3109/00365519009104947, PubMed 2084819

Publications 1989

Ekeberg O, Ellertsen BB, Seeberg I, Kjeldsen SE (1989)
Plasma catecholamines in some airline passengers
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 49 (2), 183-8
DOI 10.3109/00365518909105419, PubMed 2520371

Gullestad L, Dolva LO, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Kjekshus J (1989)
Effect of beta-adrenergic blockade on hormonal responses during continuous and intermittent exercise
Cardiovasc Drugs Ther, 3 (1), 63-71
DOI 10.1007/BF01881530, PubMed 2577280

Jacobsen D, Kjeldsen SE, Wickstrøm E (1989)
Akutte forgiftninger: en veileder
Universitetsforlaget, Oslo (2. utg.), 204 s.
BIBSYS 885012542, ISBN 82-00-43046-4

Kjeldsen SE (1989)
Indremedisin og kirurgi
Universitetsforl., Oslo (3. utg.), 300 s.
BIBSYS 890149275, ISBN 82-00-43076-6

Kjeldsen SE, Neubig RR, Weder AB, Zweifler AJ (1989)
The hypertension-coronary heart disease dilemma: the catecholamine-blood platelet connection
J Hypertens, 7 (11), 851-60
DOI 10.1097/00004872-198911000-00001, PubMed 2691575

Kjeldsen SE, Schork NJ, Leren P, Eide IK (1989)
Arterial plasma norepinephrine correlates to blood pressure in middle-aged men with sustained essential hypertension
Am Heart J, 118 (4), 775-81
DOI 10.1016/0002-8703(89)90592-9, PubMed 2801485

Kjeldsen SE, Sejersted OM, Frederichsen P, Leren P, Eide IK (1989)
Increased erythrocyte magnesium in untreated essential hypertension
J Hypertens Suppl, 7 (6), S156-7
DOI 10.1097/00004872-198900076-00074, PubMed 2632702

Lande K, Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Westheim A, Hjermann I, Eide I, Gjesdal K (1989)
Effect of dopamine and dopamine-antagonist infusion on blood platelet count, size and release reaction in hypertensive and normotensive subjects
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 49 (4), 307-15
DOI 10.3109/00365518909089102, PubMed 2525805

Publications 1988

Beckmann SL, Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Mogensen B, Norum KR, Hjermann I (1988)
[Non-pharmacological treatment of mild to moderate hypertension. A randomized, controlled study--results 1 1/2 years later]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 108 (22), 1593-7
PubMed 3046045

Kjeldsen SE, Gjesdal K, Leren P, Eide IK (1988)
Decreased platelet-free dopamine and unchanged noradrenaline and adrenaline in essential hypertension
Thromb Haemost, 60 (2), 251-4
PubMed 3217920

Kjeldsen SE, Lande K, Gjesdal K, Leren P, Eide IK (1988)
Plasma adrenaline: relations to blood pressure, blood platelet function and blood lipids in essential hypertension
Pharmacol Toxicol, 63 Suppl 1, 35-7
DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0773.1988.tb02036.x, PubMed 3200793

Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Westheim A, Frederichsen P, Hjermann I, Eide IK, Gautvik K (1988)
Decreased serum phosphate in essential hypertension. Related to increased sympathetic tone
Am J Hypertens, 1 (4 Pt 1), 403-9
DOI 10.1093/ajh/1.4.403, PubMed 3214562

Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Westheim A, Lande K, Gjesdal K, Hjermann I, Eide I (1988)
Hyper-responsiveness to low-dose epinephrine infusion in mild essential hypertension
J Hypertens Suppl, 6 (4), S581-3
DOI 10.1097/00004872-198812040-00182, PubMed 3241257

Kjeldsen SE, Westheim A, Lande K, Gjesdal K, Leren P, Enger E, Eide IK (1988)
Sodium depletion increases platelet and plasma catecholamines in hypertensive men
Hypertension, 11 (5), 477-82
DOI 10.1161/01.hyp.11.5.477, PubMed 3366481

Lande K, Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Westheim A, Hjermann I, Eide I, Gjesdal K (1988)
Increased platelet and vascular smooth muscle reactivity to low-dose adrenaline infusion in mild essential hypertension
J Hypertens, 6 (3), 219-25
DOI 10.1097/00004872-198803000-00006, PubMed 2966193

Myreng Y, Kjeldsen SE, Eide IK, Grendahl H, Gjesdal K (1988)
Long-term pacing in VVI-modes elicit similar sympathetic drive
Pacing Clin Electrophysiol, 11 (7), 1114-5
DOI 10.1111/j.1540-8159.1988.tb03960.x, PubMed 2457893

Publications 1987

Ellingsen O, Vengen OA, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Ilebekk A (1987)
Myocardial potassium uptake and catecholamine release during cardiac sympathetic nerve stimulation
Cardiovasc Res, 21 (12), 892-901
DOI 10.1093/cvr/21.12.892, PubMed 3455356

Gullestad L, Dolva LO, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Kjekshus J (1987)
The effects of naloxone and timolol on plasma catecholamine levels during short-term dynamic exercise
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 47 (8), 847-51
PubMed 2893446

Kjeldsen SE, Lande K, Gjesdal K, Westheim A, Foss OP, Leren P, Eide IK (1987)
Increased platelet release reaction in 50-year-old men with essential hypertension: correlation with atherogenic cholesterol fractions
Am Heart J, 113 (1), 151-5
DOI 10.1016/0002-8703(87)90023-8, PubMed 2948378

Kjeldsen SE, Taylor I, Westheim A, Foss OP, Leren P, Eide IK (1987)
Severe sodium restriction alone and with potassium supplementation does not alter blood lipoproteins in essential hypertension
Eur J Clin Invest, 17 (2), 182-6
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2362.1987.tb02398.x, PubMed 3108006

Lande K, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Leren P, Gjesdal K (1987)
Does increased platelet release normalize during anti-hypertensive treatment?
Thromb Haemost, 58 (3), 834-8
PubMed 2963402

Lande K, Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Westheim A, Hjermann I, Eide I, Gjesdal K (1987)
Increased platelet size and release reaction in essential hypertension
J Hypertens, 5 (4), 401-6
PubMed 2959720

Myreng Y, Lande K, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Grendahl H, Gjesdal K (1987)
Increase in beta-thromboglobulin during exercise
Thromb Res, 48 (1), 111-5
DOI 10.1016/0049-3848(87)90351-3, PubMed 2962334

Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Beckmann SL, Eide I, Hjermann I, Leren P, Westheim A (1987)
[Sodium restriction in hypertension. Sympathetic tonus, renin and vasopressin]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 107 (10-11), 954-7
PubMed 3299859

Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Westheim A, Akesson I, Eide I, Skjøtø J, Hjermann I, Leren P (1987)
Aging and urinary vasopressin excretion in healthy men
Scand J Urol Nephrol, 21 (3), 235-9
DOI 10.3109/00365598709180328, PubMed 3433025

Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Westheim A, Lande K, Norman N, Hjermann I, Eide I (1987)
Endocrine and haemodynamic responses to graded dopamine infusion in essential hypertension
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 47 (4), 371-7
PubMed 3602915

Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Westheim A, Aakesson I, Norman N, Enger E, Hjermann I, Eide I (1987)
Decreased central dopaminergic activity in essential hypertension
J Hypertens, 5 (2), 191-7
DOI 10.1097/00004872-198704000-00010, PubMed 3611768

Publications 1986

Gjesdal K, Kjeldsen SE, Lande K, Westheim A, Aakesson I, Foss OP, Leren P, Eide IK (1986)
Blood platelet release correlates with serum lipids in 50 year old men with essential hypertension
Acta Med Scand Suppl, 714, 125-8
DOI 10.1111/j.0954-6820.1986.tb08980.x, PubMed 2953173

Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Os I, Westheim A, Aakesson I, Børre Mogensen S, Frederichsen P, Hjermann I, Gautvik K (1986)
Serum phosphate and sympathetic tone in mild essential hypertension
Acta Med Scand Suppl, 714, 119-23
DOI 10.1111/j.0954-6820.1986.tb08979.x, PubMed 3472434

Kjeldsen SE, Lande K, Gjesdal K, Jackson MB, Westheim A, Frederichsen P, Leren P, Eide I (1986)
Increased plasma noradrenaline during severe sodium restriction does not stimulate platelet release in essential hypertension
Thromb Haemost, 56 (2), 120-3
PubMed 2949387

Kjeldsen SE, Westheim A, Aakesson I, Eide I, Leren P (1986)
Plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline during orthostasis in man: the importance of arterial sampling
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 46 (5), 397-401
DOI 10.3109/00365518609083689, PubMed 3749784

Lande K, Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Westheim A, Aakesson I, Hjermann I, Eide I, Gjesdal K (1986)
Platelet volume, platelet release reaction and platelet response to infused adrenaline are increased in essential hypertension
Acta Med Scand Suppl, 714, 129-32
DOI 10.1111/j.0954-6820.1986.tb08981.x, PubMed 2953174

Oian P, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Maltau JM (1986)
Increased arterial catecholamines in pre-eclampsia
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 65 (6), 613-7
DOI 10.3109/00016348609158398, PubMed 3799158

Oian P, Lande K, Kjeldsen SE, Gjesdal K, Aakesson I, Eide I, Maltau JM (1986)
Enhanced platelet release reaction related to arterial plasma adrenaline and blood pressure in pre-eclampsia
Br J Obstet Gynaecol, 93 (6), 548-53
DOI 10.1111/j.1471-0528.1986.tb07952.x, PubMed 2942173

Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Skjøtø J, Westheim A, Lande K, Aakesson I, Frederichsen P, Leren P, Hjermann I, Eide IK (1986)
Increased plasma vasopressin in low renin essential hypertension
Hypertension, 8 (6), 506-13
DOI 10.1161/01.hyp.8.6.506, PubMed 2872161

Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Westheim A, Jackson MB, Akesson I, Frederichsen P, Eide I, Leren P (1986)
The effect of sodium depletion and potassium supplementation on vasopressin, renin and catecholamines in hypertensive men
Acta Med Scand, 220 (3), 195-203
DOI 10.1111/j.0954-6820.1986.tb02751.x, PubMed 3535395

Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Westheim A, Jackson MB, Aakesson I, Frederichsen P, Leren P, Eide I (1986)
Hormonal responses to treatment of high blood pressure with low-salt diet alone and combined with added potassium
Acta Med Scand Suppl, 714, 93-7
DOI 10.1111/j.0954-6820.1986.tb08975.x, PubMed 3554904

Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Westheim A, Normann N, Aakesson I, Hjermann I, Eide I (1986)
Central dopaminergic control of prolactin in essential hypertension
Acta Med Scand Suppl, 714, 113-7
DOI 10.1111/j.0954-6820.1986.tb08978.x, PubMed 3472433

Publications 1985

Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Aakesson I, Oian P, Maltau JM, Lande K, Gjesdal K (1985)
Increased arterial adrenaline is highly correlated to blood pressure and in vivo platelet function in pre-eclampsia
J Hypertens Suppl, 3 (3), S93-5
PubMed 2856791

Kjeldsen SE, Os I, Forsberg G, Aakesson I, Skjøtø J, Frederichsen P, Fønstelien E, Eide I (1985)
Dietary sodium intake increases vasopressin secretion in man
J Clin Hypertens, 1 (2), 123-31
PubMed 3915319

Lande K, Gjesdal K, Fønstelien E, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I (1985)
Effects of adrenaline infusion on platelet number, volume and release reaction
Thromb Haemost, 54 (2), 450-3
PubMed 2417349

Lande K, Gjesdal K, Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Westheim A, Hjermann I (1985)
Does arterial rather than venous plasma beta-thromboglobulin better reflect in vivo platelet release reaction?
Thromb Haemost, 54 (2), 547
PubMed 2417355

Oian P, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Norman N (1985)
Adrenaline and preeclampsia
Acta Med Scand Suppl, 693, 29-32
DOI 10.1111/j.0954-6820.1985.tb08772.x, PubMed 3887855

Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Aakesson I, Skjøtø J, Eide I, Hjermann I, Leren P (1985)
Evidence of age-related variation in plasma vasopressin of normotensive men
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 45 (3), 263-8
DOI 10.3109/00365518509161004, PubMed 3890133

Publications 1984

Dahl T, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Opahl H, Dedichen H, Grønseth T (1984)
[Pheochromocytoma. 2 cases diagnosed by newer technics]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 104 (32), 2244-7
PubMed 6523455

Helgeland A, Leren P, Kjeldsen S, Eide I, Foss OP (1984)
Changes in the lipoprotein profile during antihypertensive therapy
Acta Pharmacol Toxicol (Copenh), 54 Suppl 1, 75-7
DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0773.1984.tb03637.x, PubMed 6711333


Kjeldsen SE (1984)
Arterial plasma adrenaline in essential hypertension
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 44 (4), 271-4
DOI 10.3109/00365518409083807, PubMed 6463559

Kjeldsen SE (1984)
Some aspects of the sympathetic nervous system with special reference to essential hypertension
[S. E. Kjeldsen], Oslo, 1 b.(flere pag.)
BIBSYS 842195734, ISBN 82-991115-0-1

Kjeldsen SE (1984)
Indremedisin og kirurgi 1
In Sykdomslære, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 1, 384 s.
BIBSYS 845005766, ISBN 82-00-28739-4

Kjeldsen SE, Forsberg G, Eide I, Aakesson I, Os I, Skjøtø J, Frederichsen P (1984)
Dietary sodium intake and vasopressin excretion in man
J Hypertens Suppl, 2 (3), S301-3
PubMed 6599675

Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Aakesson I, Skjøtø J, Westheim A, Eide I, Leren P (1984)
Arteriovenous difference of plasma vasopressin in normal man and effect of posture
Acta Physiol Scand, 122 (1), 49-53
DOI 10.1111/j.1748-1716.1984.tb07480.x, PubMed 6239521

Skjøtø J, Aakesson I, Os I, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Leren P (1984)
Increased plasma vasopressin and serum uric acid in the low renin type of essential hypertension
Acta Med Scand, 215 (2), 165-72
DOI 10.1111/j.0954-6820.1984.tb04988.x, PubMed 6367368

Publications 1983

Ilebekk A, Andersen FR, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I (1983)
Dopamine release from the porcine myocardium
Acta Physiol Scand, 119 (2), 197-201
DOI 10.1111/j.1748-1716.1983.tb07326.x, PubMed 6659987

Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Leren P, Foss OP (1983)
Effects of posture on serum cholesterol fractions, cholesterol ratio and triglycerides
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 43 (2), 119-21
PubMed 6577578

Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Aakesson I, Amundsen R, Eriksen IL, Leren P (1983)
Increased plasma free dopamine after treatment with atenolol and oxprenolol in essential hypertension
Acta Med Scand, 214 (5), 367-71
DOI 10.1111/j.0954-6820.1983.tb08610.x, PubMed 6660046

Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Aakesson I, Leren P (1983)
Influence of body weight on plasma catecholamine patterns in middle-aged, normotensive men
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 43 (4), 339-42
PubMed 6635540

Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Aakesson I, Leren P (1983)
Increased arterial catecholamine concentrations in 50-year-old men with essential hypertension
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 43 (4), 343-9
PubMed 6635541

Kjeldsen SE, Flaaten B, Eide I, Helgeland A, Leren P (1983)
Increased peripheral catecholamine release in patients with long-standing, untreated essential hypertension
Acta Med Scand Suppl, 677, 17-20
DOI 10.1111/j.0954-6820.1984.tb08621.x, PubMed 6584000

Kjeldsen SE, Flaaten B, Eide I, Helgeland A, Leren P, Fønstelien E (1983)
Decreased peripheral dopaminergic activity in essential hypertension?
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 43 (1), 15-20
PubMed 6622964

Kjeldsen SE, Gjesdal K, Eide I, Aakesson I, Amundsen R, Foss OP, Leren P (1983)
Increased beta-thromboglobulin in essential hypertension: interactions between arterial plasma adrenaline, platelet function and blood lipids
Acta Med Scand, 213 (5), 369-73
DOI 10.1111/j.0954-6820.1983.tb03753.x, PubMed 6192689

Leren P, Eide I, Foss OP, Helgeland A, Hjermann I, Holme I, Kjeldsen SE, Lund-Larsen PG (1983)
Blood lipids and antihypertensive drugs. The Oslo study
J Pharmacol, 14 Suppl 2, 217-20
PubMed 6632918

Publications 1982

Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Christensen C, Westheim A, Müller O (1982)
Renal contribution to plasma catecholamines--effect of age
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 42 (5), 461-6
PubMed 7156858

Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Leren P, Foss OP, Holme I, Eriksen IL (1982)
The effect on HDL cholesterol of oxprenolol and atenolol
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 42 (5), 449-53
PubMed 6130595

Kjeldsen SE, Flaaten B, Eide I, Helgeland A, Leren P (1982)
Evidence of increased peripheral catecholamine release in patients with long-standing, untreated essential hypertension
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 42 (3), 217-23
PubMed 7134805

Leren P, Eide I, Foss OP, Helgeland A, Hjermann I, Holme I, Kjeldsen SE, Lund-Larsen PG (1982)
Antihypertensive drugs and blood lipids: the Oslo study
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 4 Suppl 2, S222-4
PubMed 6177960

Leren P, Eide I, Foss OP, Helgeland A, Hjermann I, Holme I, Kjeldsen SE, Lund-Larsen PG (1982)
[Antihypertensive agents and blood lipids--The Oslo study]
Wien Med Wochenschr, 132 Spec No, 10-3
PubMed 7080512

Leren P, Eide I, Foss OP, Helgeland A, Hjermann I, Holme I, Kjeldsen SE, Lund-Larsen PG (1982)
Antihypertensive drugs and blood lipids: the Oslo study
Br J Clin Pharmacol, 13 (Suppl 2), 441S-444S
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2125.1982.tb01954.x, PubMed 7104158

Publications 1981

Kjeldsen SE, Flaaten B, Eide I, Helgeland A, Leren P (1981)
Increased peripheral release of noradrenaline and uptake of adrenaline in essential hypertension?
Clin Sci (Lond), 61 Suppl 7, 215s-217s
DOI 10.1042/cs061215s, PubMed 7318326

Kjeldsen SE, Jacobsen D, Lund K (1981)
Medisinsk sykdomslære
Universitetsforl., Oslo, 338 s.
BIBSYS 822070855, ISBN 82-00-27774-7

Publications 1979

Jacobsen D, Kjeldsen SE, Bredesen JE (1979)
[Hazards of benzodiazepine poisoning]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 99 (33), 1707-8
PubMed 43605