Kebebew Negera
- PhD student. Special adviser
- +47 482 83 557
Reaserch Interests:
Health services
Health economics and outcomes
Quality improvement in detoxification treatment services: Repeated admissions, treatment completion and transition to substance use disorder treatment
PhD Project:
Quality improvement in detoxification treatment services: Repeated admissions, treatment completion and transition to substance use disorder treatment
Hagen, Terje P., Holom GH, Ameyu, Kebebew Negera. Outsourcing day surgery to private for-profit hospitals: the price effects of competitive tendering. Health Econ Policy Law 2017:118. doi:10.1017/S1744133117000019 Google Scholar
Hagen, Terje P., Ameyu, Kebebew Negera, Godager, Geir; Iversen, Tor; Øien, Henning (2011). Utviklingen i kommunenes helse- og omsorgstjenester 1986-2010. ISBN: 978-82-7756-225-4. 82 s. HERO. http://www.med.uio.no/helsam/forskning/nettverk/hero/publikasjoner/skriftserie/2011/2011_5.pdf
Kebebew Negera. An Informal Care Leave Arrangement- An Economic Evaluation, Working Paper 1/2009. Ragnar Frisch Center for Economic research, Oslo. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/255631174_An_Informal_Care_Leave_Arrangement_-_An_Economic_Evaluation