Bård Endre Waldum-Grevbo
- Group leader, professor; MD, PhD
Publications 2024
A prototype photoplethysmography-based cuffless device shows promising results in tracking changes in blood pressure
Front Med Technol, 6, 1464473
DOI 10.3389/fmedt.2024.1464473, PubMed 39498215
Publications 2023
Accuracy of non-invasive cuffless blood pressure in the intensive care unit: Promises and challenges
Front Med (Lausanne), 10, 1154041
DOI 10.3389/fmed.2023.1154041, PubMed 37138759
Accuracy and User Acceptability of 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring by a Prototype Cuffless Multi-Sensor Device Compared to a Conventional Oscillometric Device
Blood Press, 32 (1), 2274595
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2023.2274595, PubMed 37885101
[Diabetes and chronic kidney disease]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 143 (12)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.22.0822, PubMed 37668137
Publications 2022
Associations of Serum Uromodulin and Urinary Epidermal Growth Factor with Measured Glomerular Filtration Rate and Interstitial Fibrosis in Kidney Transplantation
Am J Nephrol, 53 (2-3), 108-117
DOI 10.1159/000521757, PubMed 35104815
Blood Pressure Response and Pulse Arrival Time During Exercise Testing in Well-Trained Individuals
Front Physiol, 13, 863855
DOI 10.3389/fphys.2022.863855, PubMed 35899026
Blood pressure altering method affects correlation with pulse arrival time
Blood Press Monit, 27 (2), 139-146
DOI 10.1097/MBP.0000000000000577, PubMed 34855653
Publications 2021
Marine n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Cellular Senescence Markers in Incident Kidney Transplant Recipients: The Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Renal Transplantation (ORENTRA) Randomized Clinical Trial
Kidney Med, 3 (6), 1041-1049
DOI 10.1016/j.xkme.2021.07.010, PubMed 34939013
Blood Pressure Treatment in Kidney Transplant Recipients-Can We Improve?
Transplant Direct, 7 (4), e688
DOI 10.1097/TXD.0000000000001142, PubMed 33786373
Publications 2020
Data from the ERA-EDTA Registry were examined for trends in excess mortality in European adults on kidney replacement therapy
Kidney Int, 98 (4), 999-1008
DOI 10.1016/j.kint.2020.05.039, PubMed 32569654
Survival of patients treated with extended-hours haemodialysis in Europe: an analysis of the ERA-EDTA Registry
Nephrol Dial Transplant, 35 (3), 488-495
DOI 10.1093/ndt/gfz208, PubMed 31740955
Publications 2019
Cardiovascular rEmodelling in living kidNey donorS with reduced glomerular filtration rate: rationale and design of the CENS study
Blood Press, 29 (2), 123-134
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2019.1684817, PubMed 31718316
Gender differences in association between uric acid and all-cause mortality in patients with chronic heart failure
BMC Cardiovasc Disord, 19 (1), 4
DOI 10.1186/s12872-018-0989-8, PubMed 30611196
Publications 2018
The epidemiology of renal replacement therapy in two different parts of the world: the Latin American Dialysis and Transplant Registry versus the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association Registry
Rev. Panam. Salud Publica, 42, e87
DOI 10.26633/RPSP.2018.87
Mortality due to bleeding, myocardial infarction and stroke in dialysis patients
J Thromb Haemost, 16 (10), 1953-1963
DOI 10.1111/jth.14254, PubMed 30063819
Publications 2017
Immune markers, diurnal blood pressure profile and cardiac function in virologically suppressed HIV-infected patients
Blood Press, 26 (6), 332-340
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2017.1346459, PubMed 28675304
Spironolactone Treatment and Effect on Survival in Chronic Heart Failure Patients with Reduced Renal Function: A Propensity-Matched Study
Cardiorenal Med, 7 (2), 128-136
DOI 10.1159/000454933, PubMed 28611786
Publications 2016
Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine: Brussels, Belgium. 15-18 March 2016
Crit Care, 20, 347
DOI 10.1186/s13054-016-1358-6, PubMed 31268434
36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine : Brussels, Belgium. 15-18 March 2016
Crit Care, 20 (Suppl 2), 94
DOI 10.1186/s13054-016-1208-6, PubMed 27885969
Impact of acute kidney injury on patient outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a prospective observational study
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 60 (8), 1170-81
DOI 10.1111/aas.12753, PubMed 27306254
Urine biomarkers give early prediction of acute kidney injury and outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
Crit Care, 20 (1), 314
DOI 10.1186/s13054-016-1503-2, PubMed 27716377
The effect of renal transplantation on quality of sleep in former dialysis patients
Transpl Int, 30 (1), 49-56
DOI 10.1111/tri.12866, PubMed 27696543
Prevalent Diabetes Mellitus: Mortality and Management in Norwegian Heart Failure Outpatients
Cardiology, 134 (4), 413-22
DOI 10.1159/000444658, PubMed 27120050
Is HRQOL in dialysis associated with patient survival or graft function after kidney transplantation?
BMC Nephrol, 17, 94
DOI 10.1186/s12882-016-0316-5, PubMed 27456506
Publications 2015
Symptom Clusters From Dialysis to Renal Transplantation: A Five-Year Longitudinal Study
J Pain Symptom Manage, 51 (3), 512-9
DOI 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2015.10.012, PubMed 26550937
What physicians need to know about renal function in outpatients with heart failure
Cardiology, 131 (2), 130-8
DOI 10.1159/000381012, PubMed 25966919
Impact of initial dialysis modality on mortality: a propensity-matched study
BMC Nephrol, 16, 179
DOI 10.1186/s12882-015-0175-5, PubMed 26519164
Publications 2014
Symptom clusters in patients on dialysis and their association with quality-of-life outcomes
J Ren Care, 40 (1), 23-33
DOI 10.1111/jorc.12051, PubMed 24438743
Symptom clusters predict mortality among dialysis patients in Norway: a prospective observational cohort study
J Pain Symptom Manage, 49 (1), 27-35
DOI 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2014.04.005, PubMed 24858738
From dialysis to transplantation: a 5-year longitudinal study on self-reported quality of life
BMC Nephrol, 15, 191
DOI 10.1186/1471-2369-15-191, PubMed 25465066
Health related quality of life in patients in dialysis after renal graft loss and effect of gender
BMC Womens Health, 14 (1), 34
DOI 10.1186/1472-6874-14-34, PubMed 24580724
Publications 2013
Sleep complaints, depression and quality of life in Norwegian dialysis patients
Clin Nephrol, 80 (2), 88-97
DOI 10.5414/CN107916, PubMed 23611520
Self-perceived quality of sleep and mortality in Norwegian dialysis patients
Hemodial Int, 18 (1), 87-94
DOI 10.1111/hdi.12066, PubMed 23841517
The cardiorenal syndrome: what the cardiologist needs to know
Cardiology, 126 (3), 175-86
DOI 10.1159/000353261, PubMed 24022166
Publications 2012
Hypertension in women: latest findings and clinical implications
Ther Adv Chronic Dis, 3 (3), 137-46
DOI 10.1177/2040622312438935, PubMed 23251774
Prognostic utility of B-type natriuretic peptides in patients with heart failure and renal dysfunction
Clin Kidney J, 6 (1), 55-62
DOI 10.1093/ckj/sfs174, PubMed 24422171
Baseline anemia is not a predictor of all-cause mortality in outpatients with advanced heart failure or severe renal dysfunction. Results from the Norwegian Heart Failure Registry
J Am Coll Cardiol, 59 (4), 371-8
DOI 10.1016/j.jacc.2011.10.864, PubMed 22261159
Publications 2010
Renal function in outpatients with chronic heart failure
J Card Fail, 16 (5), 374-80
DOI 10.1016/j.cardfail.2010.01.001, PubMed 20447572