Carmen Simonsen

  • Clinical psychologist; PhD
  • +47 230 27331

Publications 2025

Romm KL, Skoge M, Barrett EA, Berentzen LC, Bergsager D, Fugelli P, Bjella T, Gardsjord ES, Kling K, Kruse SH, Kværner KJ, Melle I, Mork E, Ihler HM, Rognli EB, Simonsen C, Værnes TG, Aminoff SR (2025)
A Mobile Health Intervention to Support Collaborative Decision-Making in Mental Health Care: Development and Usability
JMIR Form Res, 9, e57614
DOI 10.2196/57614, PubMed 39823632

Publications 2024

Berthet P, Haatveit BC, Kjelkenes R, Worker A, Kia SM, Wolfers T, Rutherford S, Alnaes D, Dinga R, Pedersen ML, Dahl A, Fernandez-Cabello S, Dazzan P, Agartz I, Nesvåg R, Ueland T, Andreassen OA, Simonsen C, Westlye LT, Melle I, Marquand A (2024)
A 10-Year Longitudinal Study of Brain Cortical Thickness in People with First-Episode Psychosis Using Normative Models
Schizophr Bull, 51 (1), 95-107
DOI 10.1093/schbul/sbae107, PubMed 38970378

Danielsen AV, Andreasen JJ, Dinesen B, Hansen J, Petersen KK, Duch KS, Bisgaard J, Simonsen C, Arendt-Nielsen L (2024)
Pain trajectories and neuropathic pain symptoms following lung cancer surgery: A prospective cohort study
Eur J Pain, 28 (8), 1343-1355
DOI 10.1002/ejp.2265, PubMed 38528589

Kreis I, Lagerberg TV, Wold KF, Åsbø G, Simonsen C, Flaaten CB, Engen MJ, Lyngstad SH, Widing LH, Ueland T, Melle I (2024)
Behind the heterogeneity in the long-term course of first-episode psychosis: Different psychotic symptom trajectories are associated with different patterns of cannabis and stimulant use
Schizophr Res, 271, 91-99
DOI 10.1016/j.schres.2024.07.006, PubMed 39018985

Kreis I, Wold KF, Åsbø G, Simonsen C, Flaaten CB, Engen MJ, Lyngstad SH, Widing LH, Ueland T, Melle I (2024)
The relationship between visual hallucinations, functioning, and suicidality over the course of illness: a 10-year follow-up study in first-episode psychosis
Schizophrenia (Heidelb), 10 (1), 30
DOI 10.1038/s41537-024-00450-8, PubMed 38431677

Millgate E, Smart SE, Pardiñas AF, Kravariti E, Ajnakina O, Kępińska AP, Andreassen OA, Barnes TRE, Berardi D, Crespo-Facorro B, D'Andrea G, Demjaha A, Di Forti M, Doody GA, Üçok A, Kassoumeri L, Ferchiou A, Guidi L, Joyce EM, Lastrina O, Melle I, Pignon B, Richard JR, Simonsen C, Szöke A et al. (2024)
Corrigendum to "Cognitive performance at first episode of psychosis and the relationship with future treatment resistance: Evidence from an international prospective cohort study" [Schizophr. Res. volume 225 (May 2023) 173-181]
Schizophr Res, 270, 495-496
DOI 10.1016/j.schres.2024.06.029, PubMed 39079354

Simonsen C, Åsbø G, Slade M, Wold KF, Widing L, Flaaten CB, Engen MJ, Lyngstad SH, Gardsjord E, Bjella T, Romm KL, Ueland T, Melle I (2024)
A good life with psychosis: rate of positive outcomes in first-episode psychosis at 10-year follow-up
Psychol Med, 54 (9), 2112-2121
DOI 10.1017/S0033291724000205, PubMed 38389456

Wold KF, Kreis IV, Åsbø G, Flaaten CB, Widing L, Engen MJ, Lyngstad SH, Johnsen E, Ueland T, Simonsen C, Melle I (2024)
Long-term clinical recovery and treatment resistance in first-episode psychosis: a 10-year follow-up study
Schizophrenia (Heidelb), 10 (1), 69
DOI 10.1038/s41537-024-00489-7, PubMed 39174576

Wold KF, Ottesen A, Flaaten CB, Kreis I, Lagerberg TV, Romm KL, Simonsen C, Widing L, Åsbø G, Melle I (2024)
Childhood trauma and treatment resistance in first-episode psychosis: Investigating the role of premorbid adjustment and duration of untreated psychosis
Schizophr Res, 270, 441-450
DOI 10.1016/j.schres.2024.07.001, PubMed 38991420

Åsbø G, Haavind H, Kruse SH, Wold KF, Hegelstad WTV, Romm KL, Slade M, Ueland T, Melle I, Simonsen C (2024)
Taking what you get or Getting what you Need: A Qualitative Study on Experiences with Mental Health and Welfare Services in Long-Term Recovery in First-Episode Psychosis
Community Ment Health J, 61 (2), 350-364
DOI 10.1007/s10597-024-01356-6, PubMed 39414695

Publications 2023

Flaaten CB, Melle I, Bjella T, Engen MJ, Åsbø G, Wold KF, Widing L, Gardsjord E, Øie MG, Lyngstad SH, Haatveit B, Simonsen C, Ueland T (2023)
Long-term course of cognitive functioning in bipolar disorder: A ten-year follow-up study
Bipolar Disord, 26 (2), 136-147
DOI 10.1111/bdi.13364, PubMed 37356974

Ihler HM, Lyngstad SH, Gardsjord ES, Widing LH, Flaaten CB, Åsbø G, Wold KF, Engen MJ, Simonsen C, Ueland T, Lagerberg TV, Melle I, Romm KL (2023)
The trajectory of two negative symptom dimensions in first-episode psychosis and the role of cannabis use: A 10-year follow-up study
Schizophr Res, 252, 317-325
DOI 10.1016/j.schres.2023.01.024, PubMed 36706477

Lunding SH, Ueland T, Aas M, Høegh MC, Werner MCF, Rødevand L, Johansen IT, Hjell G, Ormerod MBEG, Ringen PA, Ottesen A, Lagerberg TV, Melle I, Andreassen OA, Simonsen C, Steen NE (2023)
Tobacco smoking related to childhood trauma mediated by cognitive control and impulsiveness in severe mental disorders
Schizophr Res, 261, 236-244
DOI 10.1016/j.schres.2023.09.041, PubMed 37806047

Millgate E, Smart SE, Pardiñas AF, Kravariti E, Ajnakina O, Kępińska AP, Andreassen OA, Barnes TRE, Berardi D, Crespo-Facorro B, D'Andrea G, Demjaha A, Di Forti M, Doody GA, Kassoumeri L, Ferchiou A, Guidi L, Joyce EM, Lastrina O, Melle I, Pignon B, Richard JR, Simonsen C, Szöke A, Tarricone I et al. (2023)
Cognitive performance at first episode of psychosis and the relationship with future treatment resistance: Evidence from an international prospective cohort study
Schizophr Res, 255, 173-181
DOI 10.1016/j.schres.2023.03.020, PubMed 37001392

Widing L, Simonsen C, Bjella T, Engen MJ, Flaaten CB, Gardsjord E, Haatveit B, Haug E, Lyngstad SH, Svendsen IH, Vik RK, Wold KF, Åsbø G, Ueland T, Melle I (2023)
Long-term Outcomes of People With DSM Psychotic Disorder NOS
Schizophr Bull Open, 4 (1), sgad005
DOI 10.1093/schizbullopen/sgad005, PubMed 39145337

Wold KF, Ottesen A, Camilla BF, Johnsen E, Lagerberg TV, Romm KL, Simonsen C, Ueland T, Widing L, Åsbø G, Melle I (2023)
Early identification of treatment non-response in first-episode psychosis
Eur Psychiatry, 66 (1), e30
DOI 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2023.15, PubMed 36915260

Publications 2022

Aminoff SR, Mork E, Barrett EA, Simonsen C, Ten Velden Hegelstad W, Lagerberg TV, Melle I, Romm KL (2022)
Locked out during COVID-19 lockdown-an online survey of relatives of people with psychotic and bipolar disorders in Norway
BMC Public Health, 22 (1), 294
DOI 10.1186/s12889-022-12625-y, PubMed 35151293

Aminoff SR, Onyeka IN, Ødegaard M, Simonsen C, Lagerberg TV, Andreassen OA, Romm KL, Melle I (2022)
Lifetime and point prevalence of psychotic symptoms in adults with bipolar disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Psychol Med, 52 (13), 2413-2425
DOI 10.1017/S003329172200201X, PubMed 36016504

Barrett EA, Simonsen C, Aminoff SR, Hegelstad WTV, Lagerberg TV, Melle I, Mork E, Romm KL (2022)
The COVID-19 pandemic impact on wellbeing and mental health in people with psychotic and bipolar disorders
Brain Behav, 12 (5), e2559
DOI 10.1002/brb3.2559, PubMed 35385888

Engen MJ, Vaskinn A, Melle I, Færden A, Lyngstad SH, Flaaten CB, Widing LH, Wold KF, Åsbø G, Haatveit B, Simonsen C, Ueland T (2022)
Cognitive and Global Functioning in Patients With First-Episode Psychosis Stratified by Level of Negative Symptoms. A 10-Year Follow-Up Study
Front Psychiatry, 13, 841057
DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.841057, PubMed 35401286

Flaaten CB, Melle I, Bjella T, Engen MJ, Åsbø G, Wold KF, Widing L, Gardsjord E, Sæther LS, Øie MG, Lyngstad SH, Haatveit B, Simonsen C, Ueland T (2022)
Domain-specific cognitive course in schizophrenia: Group- and individual-level changes over 10 years
Schizophr Res Cogn, 30, 100263
DOI 10.1016/j.scog.2022.100263, PubMed 35783460

Flaaten CB, Melle I, Gardsjord E, Bjella T, Engen MJ, Vaskinn A, Åsbø G, Wold KF, Widing L, Lyngstad SH, Haatveit B, Simonsen C, Ueland T (2022)
Course of intellectual functioning in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: a 10-year follow-up study
Psychol Med, 53 (6), 2662-2670
DOI 10.1017/S0033291721004645, PubMed 35256030

Mork E, Aminoff SR, Barrett EA, Simonsen C, Hegelstad WTV, Lagerberg TV, Melle I, Romm KL (2022)
COVID-19 lockdown - who cares? The first lockdown from the perspective of relatives of people with severe mental illness
BMC Public Health, 22 (1), 1104
DOI 10.1186/s12889-022-13458-5, PubMed 35655294

Pardiñas AF, Smart SE, Willcocks IR, Holmans PA, Dennison CA, Lynham AJ, Legge SE, Baune BT, Bigdeli TB, Cairns MJ, Corvin A, Fanous AH, Frank J, Kelly B, McQuillin A, Melle I, Mortensen PB, Mowry BJ, Pato CN, Periyasamy S, Rietschel M, Rujescu D, Simonsen C, St Clair D, Tooney P et al. (2022)
Interaction Testing and Polygenic Risk Scoring to Estimate the Association of Common Genetic Variants With Treatment Resistance in Schizophrenia
JAMA Psychiatry, 79 (3), 260-269
DOI 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.3799, PubMed 35019943

Smart SE, Agbedjro D, Pardiñas AF, Ajnakina O, Alameda L, Andreassen OA, Barnes TRE, Berardi D, Camporesi S, Cleusix M, Conus P, Crespo-Facorro B, D'Andrea G, Demjaha A, Di Forti M, Do K, Doody G, Eap CB, Ferchiou A, Guidi L, Homman L, Jenni R, Joyce E, Kassoumeri L, Lastrina O et al. (2022)
Clinical predictors of antipsychotic treatment resistance: Development and internal validation of a prognostic prediction model by the STRATA-G consortium
Schizophr Res, 250, 1-9
DOI 10.1016/j.schres.2022.09.009, PubMed 36242784

Widing L, Simonsen C, Flaaten CB, Haatveit B, Vik RK, Wold KF, Åsbø G, Ueland T, Melle I (2022)
Premorbid characteristics of patients with DSM-IV psychotic disorders
Compr Psychiatry, 115, 152310
DOI 10.1016/j.comppsych.2022.152310, PubMed 35385814

Åsbø G, Ueland T, Haatveit B, Bjella T, Flaaten CB, Wold KF, Widing L, Engen MJ, Lyngstad SH, Gardsjord E, Romm KL, Melle I, Simonsen C (2022)
The Time is Ripe for a Consensus Definition of Clinical Recovery in First-episode Psychosis: Suggestions Based on a 10-Year Follow-up Study
Schizophr Bull, 48 (4), 839-849
DOI 10.1093/schbul/sbac035, PubMed 35419608

Publications 2021

Lunding SH, Simonsen C, Aas M, Rødevand L, Werner MCF, Laskemoen JF, Hjell G, Ringen PA, Lagerberg TV, Melle I, Andreassen OA, Ueland T, Steen NE (2021)
Childhood trauma and cardiometabolic risk in severe mental disorders: The mediating role of cognitive control
Eur Psychiatry, 64 (1), e24
DOI 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2021.14, PubMed 33775258

Publications 2020

Barrett EA, Aminoff SR, Simonsen C, Romm KL (2020)
Opening the curtains for better sleep in psychotic disorders - considerations for improving sleep treatment
Compr Psychiatry, 103, 152207
DOI 10.1016/j.comppsych.2020.152207, PubMed 32977246

Laskemoen JF, Aas M, Vaskinn A, Berg AO, Lunding SH, Barrett EA, Melle I, Simonsen C (2020)
Sleep disturbance mediates the link between childhood trauma and clinical outcome in severe mental disorders
Psychol Med, 51 (14), 2337-2346
DOI 10.1017/S0033291720000914, PubMed 32321600

Lyngstad SH, Gardsjord ES, Engen MJ, Haatveit B, Ihler HM, Wedervang-Resell K, Simonsen C, Melle I, Færden A (2020)
Trajectory and early predictors of apathy development in first-episode psychosis and healthy controls: a 10-year follow-up study
Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 270 (6), 709-722
DOI 10.1007/s00406-020-01112-3, PubMed 32130475

Simonsen C, Thorsen-Streit S, Sundberg A, Djurhuus SS, Mortensen CE, Qvortrup C, Pedersen BK, Svendsen LB, de Heer P, Christensen JF (2020)
Effects of high-intensity exercise training on physical fitness, quality of life and treatment outcomes after oesophagectomy for cancer of the gastro-oesophageal junction: PRESET pilot study
BJS Open, 4 (5), 855-864
DOI 10.1002/bjs5.50337, PubMed 32856785

Widing L, Simonsen C, Flaaten CB, Haatveit B, Vik RK, Wold KF, Åsbø G, Ueland T, Melle I (2020)
Symptom Profiles in Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
Front Psychiatry, 11, 580444
DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.580444, PubMed 33281644

Publications 2019

Engen MJ, Simonsen C, Melle I, Færden A, Lyngstad SH, Haatveit B, Vaskinn A, Ueland T (2019)
Cognitive functioning in patients with first-episode psychosis stratified by level of negative symptoms: A 1-year follow-up study
Psychiatry Res, 281, 112554
DOI 10.1016/j.psychres.2019.112554, PubMed 31499342

Laskemoen JF, Büchmann C, Barrett EA, Collier-Høegh M, Haatveit B, Vedal TJ, Ueland T, Melle I, Aas M, Simonsen C (2019)
Do sleep disturbances contribute to cognitive impairments in schizophrenia spectrum and bipolar disorders?
Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 270 (6), 749-759
DOI 10.1007/s00406-019-01075-0, PubMed 31587109

Laskemoen JF, Simonsen C, Büchmann C, Barrett EA, Bjella T, Lagerberg TV, Vedal TJ, Andreassen OA, Melle I, Aas M (2019)
Sleep disturbances in schizophrenia spectrum and bipolar disorders - a transdiagnostic perspective
Compr Psychiatry, 91, 6-12
DOI 10.1016/j.comppsych.2019.02.006, PubMed 30856497

Simonsen C, Aminoff SR, Vaskinn A, Barrett EA, Faerden A, Ueland T, Andreassen OA, Romm KL, Melle I (2019)
Perceived and experienced stigma in first-episode psychosis: A 1-year follow-up study
Compr Psychiatry, 95, 152134
DOI 10.1016/j.comppsych.2019.152134, PubMed 31669787

Publications 2018

Christensen JF, Simonsen C, Banck-Petersen A, Thorsen-Streit S, Herrstedt A, Djurhuus SS, Egeland C, Mortensen CE, Kofoed SC, Kristensen TS, Garbyal RS, Pedersen BK, Svendsen LB, Højman P, de Heer P (2018)
Safety and feasibility of preoperative exercise training during neoadjuvant treatment before surgery for adenocarcinoma of the gastro-oesophageal junction
BJS Open, 3 (1), 74-84
DOI 10.1002/bjs5.50110, PubMed 30734018

Faerden A, Lyngstad SH, Simonsen C, Ringen PA, Papsuev O, Dieset I, Andreassen OA, Agartz I, Marder SR, Melle I (2018)
Reliability and validity of the self-report version of the apathy evaluation scale in first-episode Psychosis: Concordance with the clinical version at baseline and 12 months follow-up
Psychiatry Res, 267, 140-147
DOI 10.1016/j.psychres.2018.05.065, PubMed 29906681

Lyngstad SH, Gardsjord ES, Simonsen C, Engen MJ, Romm KL, Melle I, Færden A (2018)
Consequences of persistent depression and apathy in first-episode psychosis - A one-year follow-up study
Compr Psychiatry, 86, 60-66
DOI 10.1016/j.comppsych.2018.07.015, PubMed 30081208

Simonsen C, Faerden A, Ueland T, Vaskinn A, Bjella T, Andreassen O, Romm KL, Melle I (2018)
Self-rated disability in first treated episode of psychosis: A 1-year follow-up study
Compr Psychiatry, 85, 48-54
DOI 10.1016/j.comppsych.2018.06.004, PubMed 29981504

Publications 2017

Demmo C, Lagerberg TV, Kvitland LR, Aminoff SR, Hellvin T, Simonsen C, Haatveit B, Andreassen OA, Melle I, Ueland T (2017)
Neurocognitive functioning, clinical course and functional outcome in first-treatment bipolar I disorder patients with and without clinical relapse: A 1-year follow-up study
Bipolar Disord, 20 (3), 228-237
DOI 10.1111/bdi.12569, PubMed 29121444

Gjerde PB, Dieset I, Simonsen C, Hoseth EZ, Iversen T, Lagerberg TV, Lyngstad SH, Mørch RH, Skrede S, Andreassen OA, Melle I, Steen VM (2017)
Increase in serum HDL level is associated with less negative symptoms after one year of antipsychotic treatment in first-episode psychosis
Schizophr Res, 197, 253-260
DOI 10.1016/j.schres.2017.10.042, PubMed 29129510

Nerhus M, Berg AO, Simonsen C, Haram M, Haatveit B, Dahl SR, Gurholt TP, Bjella TD, Ueland T, Andreassen OA, Melle I (2017)
Vitamin D Deficiency Associated With Cognitive Functioning in Psychotic Disorders
J Clin Psychiatry, 78 (7), e750-e757
DOI 10.4088/JCP.16m10880, PubMed 28493652

Simonsen C, Faerden A, Romm KL, Berg AO, Bjella T, Sundet K, Ueland T, Andreassen O, Melle I (2017)
Early clinical recovery in first-episode psychosis: Symptomatic remission and its correlates at 1-year follow-up
Psychiatry Res, 254, 118-125
DOI 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.04.050, PubMed 28460281

Vaskinn A, Lagerberg TV, Bjella TD, Simonsen C, Andreassen OA, Ueland T, Sundet K (2017)
Impairment in emotion perception from body movements in individuals with bipolar I and bipolar II disorder is associated with functional capacity
Int J Bipolar Disord, 5 (1), 13
DOI 10.1186/s40345-017-0083-7, PubMed 28332121

Publications 2016

Berg AO, Melle I, Zuber V, Simonsen C, Nerhus M, Ueland T, Andreassen OA, Sundet K, Vaskinn A (2016)
Modelling difficulties in abstract thinking in psychosis: the importance of socio-developmental background
Cogn Neuropsychiatry, 22 (1), 39-52
DOI 10.1080/13546805.2016.1259998, PubMed 28005457

Demmo C, Lagerberg TV, Aminoff SR, Hellvin T, Kvitland LR, Simonsen C, Andreassen OA, Melle I, Ueland T (2016)
History of psychosis and previous episodes as potential explanatory factors for neurocognitive impairment in first-treatment bipolar I disorder
Bipolar Disord, 18 (2), 136-47
DOI 10.1111/bdi.12377, PubMed 26990158

Demmo C, Lagerberg TV, Aminoff SR, Hellvin T, Kvitland LR, Simonsen C, Haatveit B, Andreassen OA, Melle I, Ueland T (2016)
Course of neurocognitive function in first treatment bipolar I disorder: One-year follow-up study
Psychiatry Res, 249, 286-292
DOI 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.12.048, PubMed 28142102

Steen NE, Aas M, Simonsen C, Dieset I, Tesli M, Nerhus M, Gardsjord E, Mørch R, Agartz I, Melle I, Ueland T, Spigset O, Andreassen OA (2016)
Serum levels of second-generation antipsychotics are associated with cognitive function in psychotic disorders
World J Biol Psychiatry, 18 (6), 471-482
DOI 10.1080/15622975.2016.1245441, PubMed 27712130

Steen NE, Aas M, Simonsen C, Dieset I, Tesli M, Nerhus M, Gardsjord E, Mørch R, Agartz I, Melle I, Vaskinn A, Spigset O, Andreassen OA (2016)
Serum concentrations of mood stabilizers are associated with memory, but not other cognitive domains in psychosis spectrum disorders; explorative analyses in a naturalistic setting
Int J Bipolar Disord, 4 (1), 24
DOI 10.1186/s40345-016-0067-z, PubMed 27858347

Aas M, Andreassen OA, Aminoff SR, Færden A, Romm KL, Nesvåg R, Berg AO, Simonsen C, Agartz I, Melle I (2016)
A history of childhood trauma is associated with slower improvement rates: Findings from a one-year follow-up study of patients with a first-episode psychosis
BMC Psychiatry, 16, 126
DOI 10.1186/s12888-016-0827-4, PubMed 27146044

Publications 2015

Berg AO, Barrett EA, Nerhus M, Büchman C, Simonsen C, Faerden A, Andreassen OA, Melle I (2015)
Psychosis: clinical insight and beliefs in immigrants in their first episode
Early Interv Psychiatry, 12 (2), 185-192
DOI 10.1111/eip.12297, PubMed 26663787

Haukvik UK, Hartberg CB, Nerland S, Jørgensen KN, Lange EH, Simonsen C, Nesvåg R, Dale AM, Andreassen OA, Melle I, Agartz I (2015)
No progressive brain changes during a 1-year follow-up of patients with first-episode psychosis
Psychol Med, 46 (3), 589-98
DOI 10.1017/S003329171500210X, PubMed 26526001

Steen NE, Aas M, Simonsen C, Dieset I, Tesli M, Nerhus M, Gardsjord E, Mørch R, Agartz I, Melle I, Vaskinn A, Spigset O, Andreassen OA (2015)
Serum level of venlafaxine is associated with better memory in psychotic disorders
Schizophr Res, 169 (1-3), 386-392
DOI 10.1016/j.schres.2015.10.021, PubMed 26516101

Publications 2013

Bourne C, Aydemir Ö, Balanzá-Martínez V, Bora E, Brissos S, Cavanagh JT, Clark L, Cubukcuoglu Z, Dias VV, Dittmann S, Ferrier IN, Fleck DE, Frangou S, Gallagher P, Jones L, Kieseppä T, Martínez-Aran A, Melle I, Moore PB, Mur M, Pfennig A, Raust A, Senturk V, Simonsen C, Smith DJ et al. (2013)
Neuropsychological testing of cognitive impairment in euthymic bipolar disorder: an individual patient data meta-analysis
Acta Psychiatr Scand, 128 (3), 149-62
DOI 10.1111/acps.12133, PubMed 23617548

Hoestgaard-Jensen K, O'Connor RM, Dalby NO, Simonsen C, Finger BC, Golubeva A, Hammer H, Bergmann ML, Kristiansen U, Krogsgaard-Larsen P, Bräuner-Osborne H, Ebert B, Frølund B, Cryan JF, Jensen AA (2013)
The orthosteric GABAA receptor ligand Thio-4-PIOL displays distinctly different functional properties at synaptic and extrasynaptic receptors
Br J Pharmacol, 170 (4), 919-32
DOI 10.1111/bph.12340, PubMed 23957253

Publications 2012

Jónsdóttir H, Opjordsmoen S, Birkenaes AB, Simonsen C, Engh JA, Ringen PA, Vaskinn A, Friis S, Sundet K, Andreassen OA (2012)
Predictors of medication adherence in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Acta Psychiatr Scand, 127 (1), 23-33
DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0447.2012.01911.x, PubMed 22900964

Publications 2009

Ringen PA, Vaskinn A, Sundet K, Engh JA, Jónsdóttir H, Simonsen C, Friis S, Opjordsmoen S, Melle I, Andreassen OA (2009)
Opposite relationships between cannabis use and neurocognitive functioning in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
Psychol Med, 40 (8), 1337-47
DOI 10.1017/S0033291709991620, PubMed 19891810

Publications 2007

Vaskinn A, Sundet K, Friis S, Simonsen C, Birkenaes AB, Engh JA, Jónsdóttir H, Ringen PA, Opjordsmoen S, Andreassen OA (2007)
The effect of gender on emotion perception in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Acta Psychiatr Scand, 116 (4), 263-70
DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0447.2007.00991.x, PubMed 17803756