Jens Henrik Norum

  • Senior scientist; PhD
  • +47 22 78 14 83

Publications 2021

Oksvold MP, Berglund UW, Gad H, Bai BY, Stokke T, Rein ID, Pham T, Sanjiv K, Oy GF, Norum JH, Smeland EB, Myklebust JH, Helleday T, Vatsveen TK (2021)
Karonudib has potent anti-tumor effects in preclinical models of B-cell lymphoma
Sci Rep, 11 (1), 6317
DOI 10.1038/s41598-021-85613-8

Publications 2020

Fougner C, Bergholtz H, Norum JH, Sorlie T (2020)
Re-definition of claudin-low as a breast cancer phenotype
Nat. Commun., 11 (1), 1787
DOI 10.1038/s41467-020-15574-5

Norum JH, Frings O, Kasper M, Bergholtz H, Thime HZ, Bergstrom A, Andersson A, Kuiper R, Fredlund E, Sorlie T, Toftgard R (2020)
GLI1-induced mammary gland tumours are transplantable and maintain major molecular features
Int. J. Cancer, 146 (4), 1125-1138
DOI 10.1002/ijc.32522

Publications 2019

Fougner C, Bergholtz H, Kuiper R, Norum JH, Sorlie T (2019)
Claudin-low-like mouse mammary tumors show distinct transcriptomic patterns uncoupled from genomic drivers
Breast Cancer Res., 21, 85
DOI 10.1186/s13058-019-1170-8

Publications 2018

Norum JH, Skarpen E, Brech A, Kuiper R, Waaler J, Krauss S, Sorlie T (2018)
The tankyrase inhibitor G007-LK inhibits small intestine LGR5(+) stem cell proliferation without altering tissue morphology
Biol. Res., 51, 3
DOI 10.1186/s40659-017-0151-6

Publications 2017

Byrne AT, Alferez DG, Amant F, Annibali D, Arribas J, Biankin AV, Bruna A, Budinska E, Caldas C, Chang DK, Clarke RB, Clevers H, Coukos G, Dangles-Marie V, Eckhardt SG, Gonzalez-Suarez E, Hermans E, Hidalgo M, Jarzabek MA, de Jong S, Jonkers J, Kemper K, Lanfrancone L, Maelandsmo GM, Marangoni E et al. (2017)
Interrogating open issues in cancer precision medicine with patient-derived xenografts
Nat. Rev. Cancer, 17 (4), 254-268
DOI 10.1038/nrc.2016.140

Publications 2015

Norum JH, Bergstrom A, Andersson AB, Kuiper RV, Hoelzl MA, Sorlie T, Toftgard R (2015)
A conditional transgenic mouse line for targeted expression of the stem cell marker LGR5
Dev. Biol., 404 (2), 35-48
DOI 10.1016/j.ydbio.2015.05.002

Publications 2014

Norum JH, Andersen K, Sorlie T (2014)
Lessons learned from the intrinsic subtypes of breast cancer in the quest for precision therapy
Br. J. Surg., 101 (8), 925-938
DOI 10.1002/bjs.9562

Publications 2008

Aesoy R, Sanchez BC, Norum JH, Lewensohn R, Viktorsson K, Linderholm B (2008)
An Autocrine VEGF/VEGFR2 and p38 Signaling Loop Confers Resistance to 4-Hydroxytamoxifen in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells
Mol. Cancer Res., 6 (10), 1630-1638
DOI 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-07-2172

Publications 2007

Norum JH, Dawood H, Mattingly RR, Sandnes D, Levy FO (2007)
Epac- and Rap-independent ERK1/2 phosphorylation induced by G(s)-coupled receptor stimulation in HEK293 cells
FEBS Lett., 581 (1), 15-20
DOI 10.1016/j.febslet.2006.11.069