Erik Boye

  • Professor Emeritus; PhD
  • +47 454 75 204

Curriclum vitae

Member, yeast cell biology group.
Professor emeritus at the Institute for Biosciences, University of Oslo.


  • Graduated in biophysics from the Norwegian Technical University, Trondheim
  • Ph.D. in radiation biology, University of Oslo


  • 1973-1983: Physicist, Department of Medical Physics, The Norwegian Radium Hospital.
  • 1983-1997: Senior scientist, Department of Biophysics, Institute for Cancer Research.
  • 1997- 2016: Head of Department of Cell Biology, Institute for Cancer Research
  • 2013: Acting Research Director, Institute for Cancer Research
  • 2003- 2016 : Adjunct professor at the Institute of Molecular Biosciences, University of Oslo

Current Research Interests

  • Mechanisms and control of DNA replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
  • DNA damage and repair.
  • Cell-cycle regulation
  • Checkpoint control mechanisms.
  • Translation and its regulation

Research distinctions

  • The Stiansen Biomedical Research prize (1998)
  • Several major grants

International Committees and Organizations

  • Member of EMBO
  • Member of EMBO Council 2001-2007
  • Vice chair of EMBO Council 2004-2007
  • Member of the editorial boards in EMBO Journal and EMBO Reports
  • Membership & Publications Committee, EMBO (1996-1999)
  • FEBS Council 2003-2007
  • FEBS Publication Committee, 2017-
  • Panel chair European Research Council 2008-10

National Committees and Organizations

  • Member of the Norwegian Society for Science and Letters (since 2000)
  • Secretary General of the Norwegian Biochemical Society (2003-2007)
  • Scientific Advisory Committee for the Computational Biology Unit (Univ of Bergen) (2003-2008)
  • Biomolex AS, Board member (2001-2003)
  • Programme committee for "Cell and gene technology", NFR (1998-2002)
  • Chairman of the board, Norsk Hydros Fund for Cancer Research (1999- 2016)
  • Member of the board, Norsk Hydros Fund for Cancer Research (2016- )
  • EMBIO (Univ of Oslo), Board member (2007-2009)

In-house activities

  • Translational Research Board (Forskningsutvalget, 2002-2004).
  • Steering group for construction of a new research building (2003-2009).
  • Users’ group for new research building (2001-2003)
  • Institutional web committee (2003-2007)
  • Committee for reorganisation of the Institute (1999-2000)
  • Member of Institute Council (1997-)
  • Leader of Scientists Union (1981-82)
  • Member of the editorial board of internal newspaper (1991-1998)
  • Deputy member of the board of the Research Foundation (2000-2002)
  • Board for IT and networking (1999-2002)

Teaching and Ph.D dissertations

  • Sporadic lectures at Oslo and Tromsø Universities since 1980s.
  • Teaching of multiple courses at Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Univ of Oslo(2003-).
  • EMBO Practical Course on fission yeast biology, Copenhagen, 2002 and 2004.
  • 17 Ph.D. dissertations, of which 8 were abroad.

Major scientific achievements

  • The oxygen effect of ionising radiation is due to chemical reactions and not to enzymatic repair (Nature 1975)
  • Produced the first DNA histograms of bacteria by flow cytometry (J. Bacteriol 1980).
  • Initiation of DNA replication in E. coli initiates in synchrony at multiple origins (EMBO Journal 1986).
  • The DnaA protein determines the initiation mass in coli (Cell 1989)
  • DNA methylation is a major determinant of timing and synchrony of initiation of DNA replication in E. coli (Cell 1990)
  • The mass at initiation in E. coli cells is not constant and varies with growth rate - in contradiction to the dogma (EMBO Journal 1994)
  • SeqA is a negative regulator of DNA replication in coli (Cell 1994, Cell 1995, PNAS 1996)
  • The mass at entry into S phase of pombe cells varies with growth rate (J.Cell Sci 1999)
  • There is no classical G1/S checkpoint in pombe, but this transition is governed by a novel mechanism (PNAS 2003)
  • The G1/S checkpoint is governed by the Gcn2 kinase (Genes Dev 2007)
  • Revision of the main mechanism to negatively regulate translation in all organisms (J. Cell Sci 2015, Curr Genet 2019)

Research grants

Received major grants from The Norwegian Cancer Society, The Norwegian Research Council (including "Miljøstøtte" and "Grunnleggende sykdomsmekanismer"), National Institutes of Health (U.S.A.) and minor grants from
The Odd Fellows Research Fund, Martin Flatners Legat, Siomon Fougner Hartmanns Familiefond and Familien Blix' fond.

Research visits/sabbaticals

  • Gunnar Ahnström, Stockholm University (1975)
  • Robert E. Krisch, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A. (1976-77)
  • Wolfgang Köhnlein, University of Münster (1982)
  • Arthur Kornberg, Stanford University (1987)
  • Paul Nurse, ICRF,London (1995)
  • Jose Sogo, ETH, Zürich (2002)
  • Ralf Wellinger, Sevilla (2017)

Meeting organisation
Main organiser of numerous national and international meetings, including an EMBO practical course (1986), two EMBO Conferences on DNA replication (1998 and 2008), EMBO Members Meeting (2002), the 50th anniversary meeting of the Norwegian Biochemical Society (2004), a Nordic meeting on DNA replication (1990),  the Nordic network meeting on fission yeast biology (2001) and 3rd Norwegian Cancer Symposium (2013).

Multiple articles on popular science and science politics in media in Norway and abroad, including appearances in radio and TV.


Publications 2022

Nissen-Meyer J, Skotland T, Boye E (2022)
Are doping tests in sports trustworthy?: Athletes suffer from insufficiently defined criteria for doping tests: Athletes suffer from insufficiently defined criteria for doping tests
EMBO Rep, 23 (3), e54431
DOI 10.15252/embr.202154431, PubMed 35156749

Publications 2021

Anda S, Boye E, Schink KO, Grallert B (2021)
Cosegregation of asymmetric features during cell division
Open Biol, 11 (8), 210116
DOI 10.1098/rsob.210116, PubMed 34343465

Publications 2019

Boye E, Grallert B (2019)
eIF2α phosphorylation and the regulation of translation
Curr Genet, 66 (2), 293-297
DOI 10.1007/s00294-019-01026-1, PubMed 31485739

Nissen-Meyer J, Skotland T, Østerud B, Boye E (2019)
Improving scientific practice in sports-associated drug testing
FEBS J, 286 (14), 2664-2669
DOI 10.1111/febs.14920, PubMed 31095893

Pielke R, Boye E (2019)
Scientific integrity and anti-doping regulation
Int. J. Sport Policy Polit., 11 (2), 295-313
DOI 10.1080/19406940.2019.1596968

Pielke R, Tucker R, Boye E (2019)
Scientific integrity and the IAAF testosterone regulations
Int. Sports Law J., 19 (1-2), 18-26
DOI 10.1007/s40318-019-00143-w

Pielke R, Tucker R, Boye E (2019)
Scientific integrity and the IAAF testosterone regulations (vol 19, pg 18, 2019)
Int. Sports Law J., 19 (1-2), 27-28
DOI 10.1007/s40318-019-00149-4

Publications 2018

Bøe CA, Håland TW, Boye E, Syljuåsen RG, Grallert B (2018)
A novel role for ATR/Rad3 in G1 phase
Sci Rep, 8 (1), 6880
DOI 10.1038/s41598-018-25238-6, PubMed 29720710

Stonyte V, Boye E, Grallert B (2018)
Regulation of global translation during the cell cycle
J Cell Sci, 131 (17)
DOI 10.1242/jcs.220327, PubMed 30072440

Publications 2017

Boye E, Skotland T, Østerud B, Nissen-Meyer J (2017)
Doping and drug testing: Anti-doping work must be transparent and adhere to good scientific practices to ensure public trust
EMBO Rep, 18 (3), 351-354
DOI 10.15252/embr.201643540, PubMed 28167676

Rothe C, Rødland GE, Anda S, Stonyte V, Boye E, Lopez-Aviles S, Grallert B (2017)
A checkpoint-independent mechanism delays entry into mitosis after UV irradiation
J Cell Sci, 130 (23), 4028-4037
DOI 10.1242/jcs.204693, PubMed 29046339

Publications 2016

Anda S, Rothe C, Boye E, Grallert B (2016)
Consequences of abnormal CDK activity in S phase
Cell Cycle, 15 (7), 963-73
DOI 10.1080/15384101.2016.1152423, PubMed 26918805

Boye E, Anda S, Rothe C, Stokke T, Grallert B (2016)
Analyzing Schizosaccharomyces pombe DNA Content by Flow Cytometry
Cold Spring Harb Protoc, 2016 (6)
DOI 10.1101/pdb.prot091280, PubMed 27250946

Publications 2015

Håland TW, Boye E, Stokke T, Grallert B, Syljuåsen RG (2015)
Simultaneous measurement of passage through the restriction point and MCM loading in single cells
Nucleic Acids Res, 43 (22), e150
DOI 10.1093/nar/gkv744, PubMed 26250117

Knutsen JH, Rødland GE, Bøe CA, Håland TW, Sunnerhagen P, Grallert B, Boye E (2015)
Stress-induced inhibition of translation independently of eIF2α phosphorylation
J Cell Sci, 128 (23), 4420-7
DOI 10.1242/jcs.176545, PubMed 26493332

Publications 2014

Anda S, Boye E, Grallert B (2014)
Cell-cycle analyses using thymidine analogues in fission yeast
PLoS One, 9 (2), e88629
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0088629, PubMed 24551125

Publications 2013

Grallert B, Boye E (2013)
GCN2, an old dog with new tricks
Biochem Soc Trans, 41 (6), 1687-91
DOI 10.1042/BST20130210, PubMed 24256275

Rødland GE, Tvegård T, Boye E, Grallert B (2013)
Crosstalk between the Tor and Gcn2 pathways in response to different stresses
Cell Cycle, 13 (3), 453-61
DOI 10.4161/cc.27270, PubMed 24280780

Publications 2012

Bøe CA, Knutsen JH, Boye E, Grallert B (2012)
Hpz1 modulates the G1-S transition in fission yeast
PLoS One, 7 (9), e44539
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0044539, PubMed 22970243

Bøe CA, Krohn M, Rødland GE, Capiaghi C, Maillard O, Thoma F, Boye E, Grallert B (2012)
Induction of a G1-S checkpoint in fission yeast
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 109 (25), 9911-6
DOI 10.1073/pnas.1204901109, PubMed 22665798

Publications 2011

Knutsen JH, Rein ID, Rothe C, Stokke T, Grallert B, Boye E (2011)
Cell-cycle analysis of fission yeast cells by flow cytometry
PLoS One, 6 (2), e17175
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0017175, PubMed 21386895

Publications 2009

Boye E, Grallert B (2009)
In DNA replication, the early bird catches the worm
Cell, 136 (5), 812-4
DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2009.02.023, PubMed 19269359

Boye E, Skjølberg HC, Grallert B (2009)
Checkpoint regulation of DNA replication
Methods Mol Biol, 521, 55-70
DOI 10.1007/978-1-60327-815-7_4, PubMed 19563101

Skjølberg HC, Fensgård O, Nilsen H, Grallert B, Boye E (2009)
Global transcriptional response after exposure of fission yeast cells to ultraviolet light
BMC Cell Biol, 10, 87
DOI 10.1186/1471-2121-10-87, PubMed 20015352

Stepankiw N, Kaidow A, Boye E, Bates D (2009)
The right half of the Escherichia coli replication origin is not essential for viability, but facilitates multi-forked replication
Mol Microbiol, 74 (2), 467-79
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2958.2009.06877.x, PubMed 19737351

Publications 2008

Bøe CA, Garcia I, Pai CC, Sharom JR, Skjølberg HC, Boye E, Kearsey S, Macneill SA, Tyers MD, Grallert B (2008)
Rapid regulation of protein activity in fission yeast
BMC Cell Biol, 9, 23
DOI 10.1186/1471-2121-9-23, PubMed 18457584

Grallert B, Boye E (2008)
The multiple facets of the intra-S checkpoint
Cell Cycle, 7 (15), 2315-20
DOI 10.4161/cc.6389, PubMed 18677104

Krohn M, Skjølberg HC, Soltani H, Grallert B, Boye E (2008)
The G1-S checkpoint in fission yeast is not a general DNA damage checkpoint
J Cell Sci, 121 (Pt 24), 4047-54
DOI 10.1242/jcs.035428, PubMed 19033384

Publications 2007

Grallert B, Boye E (2007)
The Gcn2 kinase as a cell cycle regulator
Cell Cycle, 6 (22), 2768-72
DOI 10.4161/cc.6.22.4933, PubMed 17986863

Tvegård T, Soltani H, Skjølberg HC, Krohn M, Nilssen EA, Kearsey SE, Grallert B, Boye E (2007)
A novel checkpoint mechanism regulating the G1/S transition
Genes Dev, 21 (6), 649-54
DOI 10.1101/gad.421807, PubMed 17369398

Publications 2006

Boye E (2006)
DisA, a busy bee that monitors chromosome integrity
Cell, 125 (4), 641-3
DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2006.05.004, PubMed 16713555

Boye E (2006)
Er det tabloid forskning vi vil ha?
In Hva skal vi med vitenskap?: 13 innlegg fra striden om tellekantene, Universitetsforl., Oslo, S. 88-91
BIBSYS 070160589

Ralph E, Boye E, Kearsey SE (2006)
DNA damage induces Cdt1 proteolysis in fission yeast through a pathway dependent on Cdt2 and Ddb1
EMBO Rep, 7 (11), 1134-9
DOI 10.1038/sj.embor.7400827, PubMed 17039252

Publications 2005

Bates D, Epstein J, Boye E, Fahrner K, Berg H, Kleckner N (2005)
The Escherichia coli baby cell column: a novel cell synchronization method provides new insight into the bacterial cell cycle
Mol Microbiol, 57 (2), 380-91
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2958.2005.04693.x, PubMed 15978072

Publications 2004

Nilssen EA, Synnes M, Tvegård T, Vebø H, Boye E, Grallert B (2004)
Germinating fission yeast spores delay in G1 in response to UV irradiation
BMC Cell Biol, 5 (1), 40
DOI 10.1186/1471-2121-5-40, PubMed 15498101

Publications 2003

Boye E, Nordström K (2003)
Coupling the cell cycle to cell growth
EMBO Rep, 4 (8), 757-60
DOI 10.1038/sj.embor.embor895, PubMed 12897798

Nilssen EA, Synnes M, Kleckner N, Grallert B, Boye E (2003)
Intra-G1 arrest in response to UV irradiation in fission yeast
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 100 (19), 10758-63
DOI 10.1073/pnas.1833769100, PubMed 12960401

Skarstad K, Boye E, Fanning E (2003)
Circles in the sand
EMBO Rep, 4 (7), 661-5
DOI 10.1038/sj.embor.embor888, PubMed 12835752

Publications 2002

Synnes M, Nilssen EA, Boye E, Grallert B (2002)
A novel chk1-dependent G1/M checkpoint in fission yeast
J Cell Sci, 115 (Pt 18), 3609-18
DOI 10.1242/jcs.00004, PubMed 12186947

Publications 2001

Boye E, Blinkova A, Walker JR (2001)
Defective initiation in an Escherichia coli dnaA(Cs,Sx) mutant
Biochimie, 83 (1), 25-32
DOI 10.1016/s0300-9084(00)01230-x, PubMed 11254971

Boye E, Grallert B (2001)
[The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 121 (30), 3500
PubMed 11808003

Morigen, Boye E, Skarstad K, Løbner-Olesen A (2001)
Regulation of chromosomal replication by DnaA protein availability in Escherichia coli: effects of the datA region
Biochim Biophys Acta, 1521 (1-3), 73-80
DOI 10.1016/s0167-4781(01)00292-5, PubMed 11690638

Weigel C, Messer W, Preiss S, Welzeck M, Morigen, Boye E (2001)
The sequence requirements for a functional Escherichia coli replication origin are different for the chromosome and a minichromosome
Mol Microbiol, 40 (2), 498-507
DOI 10.1046/j.1365-2958.2001.02409.x, PubMed 11309131

Publications 2000

Boye E, Løbner-Olesen A, Skarstad K (2000)
Limiting DNA replication to once and only once
EMBO Rep, 1 (6), 479-83
DOI 10.1093/embo-reports/kvd116, PubMed 11263490

Grallert B, Kearsey SE, Lenhard M, Carlson CR, Nurse P, Boye E, Labib K (2000)
A fission yeast general translation factor reveals links between protein synthesis and cell cycle controls
J Cell Sci, 113 ( Pt 8), 1447-58
DOI 10.1242/jcs.113.8.1447, PubMed 10725227

Torheim NK, Boye E, Løbner-Olesen A, Stokke T, Skarstad K (2000)
The Escherichia coli SeqA protein destabilizes mutant DnaA204 protein
Mol Microbiol, 37 (3), 629-38
DOI 10.1046/j.1365-2958.2000.02031.x, PubMed 10931356

Publications 1999

Carlson CR, Grallert B, Stokke T, Boye E (1999)
Regulation of the start of DNA replication in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
J Cell Sci, 112 ( Pt 6), 939-46
DOI 10.1242/jcs.112.6.939, PubMed 10036243

Lyngstadaas A, Løbner-Olesen A, Grelland E, Boye E (1999)
The gene for 2-phosphoglycolate phosphatase (gph) in Escherichia coli is located in the same operon as dam and at least five other diverse genes
Biochim Biophys Acta, 1472 (1-2), 376-84
DOI 10.1016/s0304-4165(99)00146-4, PubMed 10572959

Publications 1998

Asai T, Bates DB, Boye E, Kogoma T (1998)
Are minichromosomes valid model systems for DNA replication control? Lessons learned from Escherichia coli
Mol Microbiol, 29 (3), 671-5
DOI 10.1046/j.1365-2958.1998.00901.x, PubMed 9723907

Bernander R, Stokke T, Boye E (1998)
Flow cytometry of bacterial cells: comparison between different flow cytometers and different DNA stains
Cytometry, 31 (1), 29-36
DOI 10.1002/(sici)1097-0320(19980101)31:1<29::aid-cyto4>;2-e, PubMed 9450522

Lyngstadaas A, Sprenger GA, Boye E (1998)
Impaired growth of an Escherichia coli rpe mutant lacking ribulose-5-phosphate epimerase activity
Biochim Biophys Acta, 1381 (3), 319-30
DOI 10.1016/s0304-4165(98)00046-4, PubMed 9729441

Wold S, Boye E, Slater S, Kleckner N, Skarstad K (1998)
Effects of purified SeqA protein on oriC-dependent DNA replication in vitro
EMBO J, 17 (14), 4158-65
DOI 10.1093/emboj/17.14.4158, PubMed 9670030

Publications 1997

Bates DB, Boye E, Asai T, Kogoma T (1997)
The absence of effect of gid or mioC transcription on the initiation of chromosomal replication in Escherichia coli
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 94 (23), 12497-502
DOI 10.1073/pnas.94.23.12497, PubMed 9356478

Carlson CR, Grallert B, Bernander R, Stokke T, Boye E (1997)
Measurement of nuclear DNA content in fission yeast by flow cytometry
Yeast, 13 (14), 1329-35
DOI 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0061(199711)13:14<1329::AID-YEA185>3.0.CO;2-M, PubMed 9392077

Publications 1996

Boye E, Stokke T, Kleckner N, Skarstad K (1996)
Coordinating DNA replication initiation with cell growth: differential roles for DnaA and SeqA proteins
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 93 (22), 12206-11
DOI 10.1073/pnas.93.22.12206, PubMed 8901558

Publications 1995

Bates DB, Asai T, Cao Y, Chambers MW, Cadwell GW, Boye E, Kogoma T (1995)
The DnaA box R4 in the minimal oriC is dispensable for initiation of Escherichia coli chromosome replication
Nucleic Acids Res, 23 (16), 3119-25
DOI 10.1093/nar/23.16.3119, PubMed 7667087

Lyngstadaas A, Løbner-Olesen A, Boye E (1995)
Characterization of three genes in the dam-containing operon of Escherichia coli
Mol Gen Genet, 247 (5), 546-54
DOI 10.1007/BF00290345, PubMed 7603433

Skarstad K, Bernander R, Boye E (1995)
Analysis of DNA replication in vivo by flow cytometry
Methods Enzymol, 262, 604-13
DOI 10.1016/0076-6879(95)62047-8, PubMed 8594381

Slater S, Wold S, Lu M, Boye E, Skarstad K, Kleckner N (1995)
E. coli SeqA protein binds oriC in two different methyl-modulated reactions appropriate to its roles in DNA replication initiation and origin sequestration
Cell, 82 (6), 927-36
DOI 10.1016/0092-8674(95)90272-4, PubMed 7553853

Publications 1994

Lu M, Campbell JL, Boye E, Kleckner N (1994)
SeqA: a negative modulator of replication initiation in E. coli
Cell, 77 (3), 413-26
DOI 10.1016/0092-8674(94)90156-2, PubMed 8011018

Norris V, Ayala JA, Begg K, Bouché JP, Bouloc P, Boye E, Canvin J, Casaregola S, Cozzone AJ, Crooke E (1994)
Cell cycle control: prokaryotic solutions to eukaryotic problems?
J Theor Biol, 168 (2), 227-30
DOI 10.1006/jtbi.1994.1102, PubMed 8022199

Séror SJ, Casarégola S, Vannier F, Zouari N, Dahl M, Boye E (1994)
A mutant cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase affecting timing of chromosomal replication initiation in B. subtilis and conferring resistance to a protein kinase C inhibitor
EMBO J, 13 (10), 2472-80
DOI 10.1002/j.1460-2075.1994.tb06532.x, PubMed 8194536

Skarstad K, Boye E (1994)
The initiator protein DnaA: evolution, properties and function
Biochim Biophys Acta, 1217 (2), 111-30
DOI 10.1016/0167-4781(94)90025-6, PubMed 8110826

Steen HB, Jernaes MW, Skarstad K, Boye E (1994)
Staining and measurement of DNA in bacteria
Methods Cell Biol, 42 Pt B, 477-87
DOI 10.1016/s0091-679x(08)61091-2, PubMed 7533253

Wold S, Skarstad K, Steen HB, Stokke T, Boye E (1994)
The initiation mass for DNA replication in Escherichia coli K-12 is dependent on growth rate
EMBO J, 13 (9), 2097-102
DOI 10.1002/j.1460-2075.1994.tb06485.x, PubMed 8187762

Publications 1993

Skarstad K, Boye E (1993)
Degradation of individual chromosomes in recA mutants of Escherichia coli
J Bacteriol, 175 (17), 5505-9
DOI 10.1128/jb.175.17.5505-5509.1993, PubMed 8366035

Stokke T, Erikstein BK, Smedshammer L, Boye E, Steen HB (1993)
The retinoblastoma gene product is bound in the nucleus in early G1 phase
Exp Cell Res, 204 (1), 147-55
DOI 10.1006/excr.1993.1019, PubMed 8416792

Publications 1992

Boye E, Marinus MG, Løbner-Olesen A (1992)
Quantitation of Dam methyltransferase in Escherichia coli
J Bacteriol, 174 (5), 1682-5
DOI 10.1128/jb.174.5.1682-1685.1992, PubMed 1537808

Løbner-Olesen A, Boye E (1992)
Different effects of mioC transcription on initiation of chromosomal and minichromosomal replication in Escherichia coli
Nucleic Acids Res, 20 (12), 3029-36
DOI 10.1093/nar/20.12.3029, PubMed 1620598

Løbner-Olesen A, Boye E, Marinus MG (1992)
Expression of the Escherichia coli dam gene
Mol Microbiol, 6 (13), 1841-51
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2958.1992.tb01356.x, PubMed 1630320

Wu TH, Grelland E, Boye E, Marinus MG (1992)
Identification of a weak promoter for the dam gene of Escherichia coli
Biochim Biophys Acta, 1131 (1), 47-52
DOI 10.1016/0167-4781(92)90097-j, PubMed 1581360

Publications 1991

Allman R, Schjerven T, Boye E (1991)
Cell cycle parameters of Escherichia coli K-12
J Bacteriol, 173 (24), 7970-4
DOI 10.1128/jb.173.24.7970-7974.1991, PubMed 1744054

Boye E (1991)
The hemimethylated replication origin of Escherichia coli can be initiated in vitro
J Bacteriol, 173 (14), 4537-9
DOI 10.1128/jb.173.14.4537-4539.1991, PubMed 2066345

Boye E (1991)
A turnstile for initiation of DNA replication
Trends Cell Biol, 1 (5), 107-9
DOI 10.1016/0962-8924(91)90100-n, PubMed 14731540

Boye E, Løbner-Olesen A (1991)
Bacterial growth control studied by flow cytometry
Res Microbiol, 142 (2-3), 131-5
DOI 10.1016/0923-2508(91)90020-b, PubMed 1925010

Publications 1990

Boye E (1990)
Hvem ønsker bestrålt mat?
In Rapport, Naturvernforbundet, Oslo, 2-90, 137 s.
BIBSYS 930412508, ISBN 82-7478-056-6

Boye E, Løbner-Olesen A (1990)
Flow cytometry: illuminating microbiology
New Biol, 2 (2), 119-25
PubMed 2083247

Boye E, Løbner-Olesen A (1990)
The role of dam methyltransferase in the control of DNA replication in E. coli
Cell, 62 (5), 981-9
DOI 10.1016/0092-8674(90)90272-g, PubMed 2203541

Jaffé A, Boye E, D'Ari R (1990)
Rule governing the division pattern in Escherichia coli minB and wild-type filaments
J Bacteriol, 172 (6), 3500-2
DOI 10.1128/jb.172.6.3500-3502.1990, PubMed 2188963

Steen HB, Skarstad K, Boye E (1990)
DNA measurements of bacteria
Methods Cell Biol, 33, 519-26
DOI 10.1016/s0091-679x(08)60551-8, PubMed 2084483

Publications 1989

Løbner-Olesen A, Skarstad K, Hansen FG, von Meyenburg K, Boye E (1989)
The DnaA protein determines the initiation mass of Escherichia coli K-12
Cell, 57 (5), 881-9
DOI 10.1016/0092-8674(89)90802-7, PubMed 2541928

Skarstad K, Løbner-Olesen A, Atlung T, von Meyenburg K, Boye E (1989)
Initiation of DNA replication in Escherichia coli after overproduction of the DnaA protein
Mol Gen Genet, 218 (1), 50-6
DOI 10.1007/BF00330564, PubMed 2550764

Publications 1988

Boye E, Løbner-Olesen A, Skarstad K (1988)
Timing of chromosomal replication in Escherichia coli
Biochim Biophys Acta, 951 (2-3), 359-64
DOI 10.1016/0167-4781(88)90107-8, PubMed 2850013

Skarstad K, Boye E (1988)
Perturbed chromosomal replication in recA mutants of Escherichia coli
J Bacteriol, 170 (6), 2549-54
DOI 10.1128/jb.170.6.2549-2554.1988, PubMed 3286612

Skarstad K, von Meyenburg K, Hansen FG, Boye E (1988)
Coordination of chromosome replication initiation in Escherichia coli: effects of different dnaA alleles
J Bacteriol, 170 (2), 852-8
DOI 10.1128/jb.170.2.852-858.1988, PubMed 2828328

Smeland EB, Blomhoff HK, Ohlsson R, De Lange Davies C, Funderud S, Boye E (1988)
Transcription of protooncogenes during stimulation of normal human B lymphocytes
Eur J Immunol, 18 (11), 1847-50
DOI 10.1002/eji.1830181131, PubMed 3060364

Publications 1987

Boye E (1987)
[Cancer and specific chromosome aberrations. Activation of cellular oncogens]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 107 (17-18), 1563-5, 1571
PubMed 3603528

von Meyenburg K, Boye E, Skarstad K, Koppes L, Kogoma T (1987)
Mode of initiation of constitutive stable DNA replication in RNase H-defective mutants of Escherichia coli K-12
J Bacteriol, 169 (6), 2650-8
DOI 10.1128/jb.169.6.2650-2658.1987, PubMed 3034862

Publications 1986

Skarstad K, Boye E, Steen HB (1986)
Timing of initiation of chromosome replication in individual Escherichia coli cells
EMBO J, 5 (7), 1711-7
DOI 10.1002/j.1460-2075.1986.tb04415.x, PubMed 3527695

Steen HB, Skarstad K, Boye E (1986)
Flow cytometry of bacteria: cell cycle kinetics and effects of antibiotics
Ann N Y Acad Sci, 468, 329-38
DOI 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1986.tb42050.x, PubMed 2942091

Publications 1985

Br. J. Radiol., 58 (685), 101
DOI 10.1259/0007-1285-58-685-101-a

Kogoma T, Skarstad K, Boye E, von Meyenburg K, Steen HB (1985)
RecA protein acts at the initiation of stable DNA replication in rnh mutants of Escherichia coli K-12
J Bacteriol, 163 (2), 439-44
DOI 10.1128/jb.163.2.439-444.1985, PubMed 2991187

Rootwelt K, Skretting A, Bjørnerud T, Boye E, Berthelsen T, Hertzenberg L, Nerdrum HJ, Falch D, Bremer PO (1985)
[Are the Norwegian nuclear medicine laboratories good enough? A report from a nationwide quality control survey of nuclear medicine instruments performed by the Norwegian Society for Nuclear Medicine and the National Institute for Radiation Protection]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 105 (28), 1978-81
PubMed 4071490

Skarstad K, Steen HB, Boye E (1985)
Escherichia coli DNA distributions measured by flow cytometry and compared with theoretical computer simulations
J Bacteriol, 163 (2), 661-8
DOI 10.1128/jb.163.2.661-668.1985, PubMed 3894332

Publications 1984

Boye E, Köhnlein W, Skarstad K (1984)
Characterization of intracellular DNA strand breaks induced by neocarzinostatin in Escherichia coli cells
Nucleic Acids Res, 12 (21), 8281-91
DOI 10.1093/nar/12.21.8281, PubMed 6239141

Boye E, Lindegaard MW, Paus E, Skretting A, Davy M, Jakobsen E (1984)
Whole-body distribution of radioactivity after intraperitoneal administration of 32P colloids
Br J Radiol, 57 (677), 395-402
DOI 10.1259/0007-1285-57-677-395, PubMed 6722434

Publications 1983

Boye E, Steen HB, Skarstad K (1983)
Flow cytometry of bacteria: a promising tool in experimental and clinical microbiology
J Gen Microbiol, 129 (4), 973-80
DOI 10.1099/00221287-129-4-973, PubMed 6350534

Skarstad K, Steen HB, Boye E (1983)
Cell cycle parameters of slowly growing Escherichia coli B/r studied by flow cytometry
J Bacteriol, 154 (2), 656-62
DOI 10.1128/jb.154.2.656-662.1983, PubMed 6341358

Publications 1982

Steen HB, Boye E, Skarstad K, Bloom B, Godal T, Mustafa S (1982)
Applications of flow cytometry on bacteria: cell cycle kinetics, drug effects, and quantitation of antibody binding
Cytometry, 2 (4), 249-57
DOI 10.1002/cyto.990020409, PubMed 7035105

Publications 1981

Boye E, Alver S, Skarstad K (1981)
Deoxyribonucleic acid replication in permeable and fully viable Escherichia coli cells
J Bacteriol, 145 (3), 1413-6
DOI 10.1128/jb.145.3.1413-1416.1981, PubMed 7009586

MOAN J, BOYE E (1981)
PHOTOBIOCH PHOTOBIOP, 2 (4-5), 301-307

Steen HB, Boye E (1981)
Escherichia coli growth studied by dual-parameter flow cytophotometry
J Bacteriol, 145 (2), 1091-4
DOI 10.1128/jb.145.2.1091-1094.1981, PubMed 7007339

Publications 1980

Boye E (1980)
Formation and repair of DNA double-strand breaks in superinfecting phage lambda after ionizing irradiation of Escherichia coli host cells
Radiat Res, 81 (3), 427-40
DOI 10.2307/3575201, PubMed 6444747

Boye E (1980)
DNA repair and replication in cells of Escherichia coli made permeable with hypotonic buffers
Radiat Res, 84 (1), 35-45
PubMed 7005926

Boye E (1980)
Induction and repair of DNA strand breaks in the bacterium Escherichia coli
Department of Medical Physics, The Norwegian Radium Hospital and Department of Biophysics, Norsk Hydro's Institute of Cancer Research, Oslo, 1 b. (fl.pag.)
BIBSYS 812138155

Boye E, Krisch RE (1980)
Induction and repair of double- and single-strand DNA breaks in bacteriophage lambda superinfecting Escherichia coli
Int J Radiat Biol Relat Stud Phys Chem Med, 37 (2), 119-33
DOI 10.1080/09553008014550191, PubMed 6445341

BOYE E, MOAN J (1980)
Photochem. Photobiol., 31 (3), 223-228
DOI 10.1111/j.1751-1097.1980.tb03711.x

Steen HB, Boye E (1980)
Bacterial growth studied by flow cytometry
Cytometry, 1 (1), 32-6
DOI 10.1002/cyto.990010108, PubMed 7023880

Publications 1978

Ley RD, Sedita BA, Boye E (1978)
DNA polymerase I-mediated repair of 365 nm-induced single-strand breaks in the DNA of Escherichia coli
Photochem Photobiol, 27 (3), 323-7
DOI 10.1111/j.1751-1097.1978.tb07607.x, PubMed 366633

Publications 1976

Boye E, Johansen I, Brustad T (1976)
The yield of radiation-induced DNA single-strand breaks in Escherichia coli and superinfecting phage lambda at different dose rates. Repair of strand breaks in different buffers
Radiat Res, 68 (3), 499-508
PubMed 794917

Radiat. Res., 68 (3), 499-508
DOI 10.2307/3574331

Brustad T, Boye E, Wold E (1976)
Toxic effects upon bacteria of phosphate-buffered saline exposed in a high-frequency argon discharge
Radiat Res, 65 (1), 98-100
DOI 10.2307/3574290, PubMed 1108097

Nature, 259 (5542), 426

Publications 1975

Johansen I, Boye E (1975)
Radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in E. coli measured within a fraction of a second
Nature, 255 (5511), 741-2
DOI 10.1038/255740a0, PubMed 237238

Publications 1974

Boye E, Johansen I, Brustad T (1974)
Time scale for rejoining of bacteriophage lambda deoxyribonucleic acid molecules in superinfected pol+ and polA1 strains of Escherichia coli after exposure to 4 MeV electrons
J Bacteriol, 119 (2), 522-6
DOI 10.1128/jb.119.2.522-526.1974, PubMed 4605387

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