Ljiljana Vlatkovic

  • Researcher

Publications 2024

Cyll K, Skaaheim Haug E, Pradhan M, Vlatkovic L, Carlsen B, Löffeler S, Kildal W, Skogstad K, Hauge Torkelsen F, Syvertsen RA, Askautrud HA, Liestøl K, Kleppe A, Danielsen HE (2024)
DNA ploidy and PTEN as biomarkers for predicting aggressive disease in prostate cancer patients under active surveillance
Br J Cancer, 131 (5), 895-904
DOI 10.1038/s41416-024-02780-x, PubMed 38961192

Kildal W, Cyll K, Kalsnes J, Islam R, Julbø FM, Pradhan M, Ersvær E, Shepherd N, Vlatkovic L, OSBREAC, Tekpli X, Garred Ø, Kristensen GB, Askautrud HA, Hveem TS, Danielsen HE, OSBREAC - Oslo Breast Cancer Consortium (2024)
Deep learning for automated scoring of immunohistochemically stained tumour tissue sections - Validation across tumour types based on patient outcomes
Heliyon, 10 (13), e32529
DOI 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e32529, PubMed 39040241

Kleppe A, Lindemann K, Kildal W, Tobin KAR, Pradhan M, Vlatkovic L, Isaksen MX, Danielsen HE, Askautrud HA, Kristensen GB (2024)
Prognostic and therapeutic implication of molecular classification including L1CAM expression in high-risk endometrial cancer
Gynecol Oncol, 192, 80-88
DOI 10.1016/j.ygyno.2024.11.005, PubMed 39549540

Lindemann K, Kildal W, Kleppe A, Tobin KAR, Pradhan M, Isaksen MX, Vlatkovic L, Danielsen HE, Kristensen GB, Askautrud HA (2024)
Impact of molecular profile on prognosis and relapse pattern in low and intermediate risk endometrial cancer
Eur J Cancer, 200, 113584
DOI 10.1016/j.ejca.2024.113584, PubMed 38330767

Skingen VE, Salberg UB, Hompland T, Fjeldbo CS, Helgeland H, Frikstad KM, Ragnum HB, Vlatkovic L, Hole KH, Seierstad T, Lyng H (2024)
Spatial analysis of microRNA regulation at defined tumor hypoxia levels reveals biological traits of aggressive prostate cancer
J Pathol, 264 (3), 270-283
DOI 10.1002/path.6344, PubMed 39329425

Publications 2023

Skingen VE, Hompland T, Fjeldbo CS, Salberg UB, Helgeland H, Ragnum HB, Aarnes EK, Vlatkovic L, Hole KH, Seierstad T, Lyng H (2023)
Prostate cancer radiogenomics reveals proliferative gene expression programs associated with distinct MRI-based hypoxia levels
Radiother Oncol, 188, 109875
DOI 10.1016/j.radonc.2023.109875, PubMed 37640161

Publications 2022

Salberg UB, Skingen VE, Fjeldbo CS, Hompland T, Ragnum HB, Vlatkovic L, Hole KH, Seierstad T, Lyng H (2022)
A prognostic hypoxia gene signature with low heterogeneity within the dominant tumour lesion in prostate cancer patients
Br J Cancer, 127 (2), 321-328
DOI 10.1038/s41416-022-01782-x, PubMed 35332267

Publications 2021

Cyll K, Kleppe A, Kalsnes J, Vlatkovic L, Pradhan M, Kildal W, Tobin KAR, Reine TM, Wæhre H, Brennhovd B, Askautrud HA, Skaaheim Haug E, Hveem TS, Danielsen HE (2021)
PTEN and DNA Ploidy Status by Machine Learning in Prostate Cancer
Cancers (Basel), 13 (17)
DOI 10.3390/cancers13174291, PubMed 34503100

Hole KH, Tulipan AJ, Reijnen JS, Hernes E, Vlatkovic L, Lie AK, Revheim ME, Seierstad T (2021)
Localization of primary prostate cancer: FACBC PET/CT compared with multiparametric MRI using histopathology as reference standard
Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 11 (5), 387-394
PubMed 34754609

Tulipan AJ, Salberg UB, Hole KH, Vlatkovic L, Aarnes EK, Revheim ME, Lyng H, Seierstad T (2021)
Amino acid transporter expression and 18F-FACBC uptake at PET in primary prostate cancer
Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 11 (4), 250-259
PubMed 34513278

Publications 2020

Argani P, Reuter VE, Eble JN, Vlatkovic L, Yaskiv O, Swanson D, Dickson BC, Antonescu CR, Matoso A, Gagan J, Palsgrove DN (2020)
Biphasic Hyalinizing Psammomatous Renal Cell Carcinoma (BHP RCC): A Distinctive Neoplasm Associated With Somatic NF2 Mutations
Am J Surg Pathol, 44 (7), 901-916
DOI 10.1097/PAS.0000000000001467, PubMed 32217839

Ersvaer E, Hveem TS, Vlatkovic L, Brennhovd B, Kleppe A, Tobin KAR, Pradhan M, Cyll K, Waehre H, Kerr DJ, Danielsen HE (2020)
Prognostic value of DNA ploidy and automated assessment of stroma fraction in prostate cancer
Int J Cancer, 147 (4), 1228-1234
DOI 10.1002/ijc.32832, PubMed 31846064

Aas K, Dorothea Fosså S, Åge Myklebust T, Møller B, Kvåle R, Vlatkovic L, Berge V (2020)
Increased curative treatment is associated with decreased prostate cancer-specific and overall mortality in senior adults with high-risk prostate cancer; results from a national registry-based cohort study
Cancer Med, 9 (18), 6646-6657
DOI 10.1002/cam4.3297, PubMed 32750229

Publications 2019

Del Risco Kollerud R, Ruud E, Haugnes HS, Cannon-Albright LA, Thoresen M, Nafstad P, Vlatkovic L, Blaasaas KG, Næss Ø, Claussen B (2019)
Family history of cancer and risk of paediatric and young adult's testicular cancer: A Norwegian cohort study
Br J Cancer, 120 (10), 1007-1014
DOI 10.1038/s41416-019-0445-2, PubMed 30967648

Ersvær E, Kildal W, Vlatkovic L, Cyll K, Pradhan M, Kleppe A, Hveem TS, Askautrud HA, Novelli M, Wæhre H, Liestøl K, Danielsen HE (2019)
Prognostic value of mitotic checkpoint protein BUB3, cyclin B1, and pituitary tumor-transforming 1 expression in prostate cancer
Mod Pathol, 33 (5), 905-915
DOI 10.1038/s41379-019-0418-2, PubMed 31801961

Switlyk MD, Salberg UB, Geier OM, Vlatkovic L, Lilleby W, Lyng H, Seierstad T (2019)
PTEN Expression in Prostate Cancer: Relationship With Clinicopathologic Features and Multiparametric MRI Findings
AJR Am J Roentgenol, 212 (6), 1206-1214
DOI 10.2214/AJR.18.20743, PubMed 30888866

Publications 2018

Hompland T, Hole KH, Ragnum HB, Aarnes EK, Vlatkovic L, Lie AK, Patzke S, Brennhovd B, Seierstad T, Lyng H (2018)
Combined MR Imaging of Oxygen Consumption and Supply Reveals Tumor Hypoxia and Aggressiveness in Prostate Cancer Patients
Cancer Res, 78 (16), 4774-4785
DOI 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-3806, PubMed 29945958

Kleppe A, Albregtsen F, Vlatkovic L, Pradhan M, Nielsen B, Hveem TS, Askautrud HA, Kristensen GB, Nesbakken A, Trovik J, Wæhre H, Tomlinson I, Shepherd NA, Novelli M, Kerr DJ, Danielsen HE (2018)
Chromatin organisation and cancer prognosis: a pan-cancer study
Lancet Oncol, 19 (3), 356-369
DOI 10.1016/S1470-2045(17)30899-9, PubMed 29402700

Tulipan AJ, Hole KH, Vlatkovic L, Revheim ME, Reijnen JS, Willoch F, Seierstad T, Lilleby W (2018)
Localization of radio-recurrence within the prostate: anti-3-18F-FACBC PET/CT compared with multiparametric MRI using histopathology as reference standard
Acta Radiol, 60 (8), 1028-1038
DOI 10.1177/0284185118810977, PubMed 30379559

Tulipan AJ, Vlatkovic L, Malinen E, Brennhovd B, Hole KH, Lie AK, Ragnum HB, Revheim ME, Seierstad T (2018)
Comparison of time curves from dynamic 18F-fluciclovine positron emission tomography and dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging for primary prostate carcinomas
Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol, 7, 51-57
DOI 10.1016/j.phro.2018.09.003, PubMed 33458405

Aas K, Fosså SD, Kvåle R, Møller B, Myklebust TÅ, Vlatkovic L, Müller S, Berge V (2018)
Is time from diagnosis to radical prostatectomy associated with oncological outcomes?
World J Urol, 37 (8), 1571-1580
DOI 10.1007/s00345-018-2570-6, PubMed 30483947

Publications 2017

Cyll K, Ersvær E, Vlatkovic L, Pradhan M, Kildal W, Avranden Kjær M, Kleppe A, Hveem TS, Carlsen B, Gill S, Löffeler S, Haug ES, Wæhre H, Sooriakumaran P, Danielsen HE (2017)
Tumour heterogeneity poses a significant challenge to cancer biomarker research
Br J Cancer, 117 (3), 367-375
DOI 10.1038/bjc.2017.171, PubMed 28618431

Lilleby W, Gaudernack G, Brunsvig PF, Vlatkovic L, Schulz M, Mills K, Hole KH, Inderberg EM (2017)
Phase I/IIa clinical trial of a novel hTERT peptide vaccine in men with metastatic hormone-naive prostate cancer
Cancer Immunol Immunother, 66 (7), 891-901
DOI 10.1007/s00262-017-1994-y, PubMed 28391357

Saeter T, Vlatkovic L, Waaler G, Servoll E, Nesland JM, Axcrona K, Axcrona U (2017)
Intraductal Carcinoma of the Prostate on Diagnostic Needle Biopsy Predicts Prostate Cancer Mortality: A Population-Based Study
Prostate, 77 (8), 859-865
DOI 10.1002/pros.23326, PubMed 28240424

Publications 2016

Baco E, Rud E, Vlatkovic L (2016)
Reply to Yi Zhou, Weigang Yan, and Hanzhong Li's Letter to the Editor re: Eduard Baco, Erik Rud, Lars Magne Eri, et al. A Randomized Controlled Trial to Assess and Compare the Outcomes of Two-core Prostate Biopsy Guided by Fused Magnetic Resonance and Transrectal Ultrasound Images and Traditional 12-core Systematic Biopsy. Eur Urol 2016;69:149-56
Eur Urol, 70 (2), e55
DOI 10.1016/j.eururo.2016.01.031, PubMed 26852076

Hveem TS, Kleppe A, Vlatkovic L, Ersvær E, Wæhre H, Nielsen B, Kjær MA, Pradhan M, Syvertsen RA, Nesheim JA, Liestøl K, Albregtsen F, Danielsen HE (2016)
Chromatin changes predict recurrence after radical prostatectomy
Br J Cancer, 114 (11), 1243-50
DOI 10.1038/bjc.2016.96, PubMed 27124335

Paur I, Lilleby W, Bøhn SK, Hulander E, Klein W, Vlatkovic L, Axcrona K, Bolstad N, Bjøro T, Laake P, Taskén KA, Svindland A, Eri LM, Brennhovd B, Carlsen MH, Fosså SD, Smeland SS, Karlsen AS, Blomhoff R (2016)
Tomato-based randomized controlled trial in prostate cancer patients: Effect on PSA
Clin Nutr, 36 (3), 672-679
DOI 10.1016/j.clnu.2016.06.014, PubMed 27406859

Saeter T, Vlatkovic L, Waaler G, Servoll E, Nesland JM, Axcrona K, Axcrona U (2016)
Combining lymphovascular invasion with reactive stromal grade predicts prostate cancer mortality
Prostate, 76 (12), 1088-94
DOI 10.1002/pros.23192, PubMed 27271973

Publications 2015

Baco E, Rud E, Eri LM, Moen G, Vlatkovic L, Svindland A, Eggesbø HB, Ukimura O (2015)
A Randomized Controlled Trial To Assess and Compare the Outcomes of Two-core Prostate Biopsy Guided by Fused Magnetic Resonance and Transrectal Ultrasound Images and Traditional 12-core Systematic Biopsy
Eur Urol, 69 (1), 149-56
DOI 10.1016/j.eururo.2015.03.041, PubMed 25862143

Lilleby W, Narrang A, Tafjord G, Vlatkovic L, Russnes KM, Stensvold A, Hole KH, Tran P, Eilertsen K (2015)
Favorable outcomes in locally advanced and node positive prostate cancer patients treated with combined pelvic IMRT and androgen deprivation therapy
Radiat Oncol, 10, 232
DOI 10.1186/s13014-015-0540-3, PubMed 26577452

Lilleby W, Vlatkovic L, Meza-Zepeda LA, Revheim ME, Hovig E (2015)
Translocational renal cell carcinoma (t(6;11)(p21;q12) with transcription factor EB (TFEB) amplification and an integrated precision approach: a case report
J Med Case Rep, 9, 281
DOI 10.1186/s13256-015-0749-7, PubMed 26654961

Saeter T, Bogaard M, Vlatkovic L, Waaler G, Servoll E, Nesland JM, Axcrona K, Axcrona U (2015)
The relationship between perineural invasion, tumor grade, reactive stroma and prostate cancer-specific mortality: A clinicopathologic study on a population-based cohort
Prostate, 76 (2), 207-14
DOI 10.1002/pros.23112, PubMed 26477789

Saeter T, Vlatkovic L, Waaler G, Servoll E, Nesland JM, Axcrona K, Axcrona U (2015)
The prognostic value of reactive stroma on prostate needle biopsy: a population-based study
Prostate, 75 (6), 662-71
DOI 10.1002/pros.22957, PubMed 25620661

Publications 2014

Baco E, Rud E, Ukimura O, Vlatkovic L, Svindland A, Matsugasumi T, Bernhard JC, Rewcastle JC, Eggesbø HB (2014)
Effect of targeted biopsy guided by elastic image fusion of MRI with 3D-TRUS on diagnosis of anterior prostate cancer
Urol Oncol, 32 (8), 1300-7
DOI 10.1016/j.urolonc.2014.07.014, PubMed 25189687

Baco E, Rud E, Vlatkovic L, Svindland A, Eggesbø HB, Hung AJ, Matsugasumi T, Bernhard JC, Gill IS, Ukimura O (2014)
Predictive value of magnetic resonance imaging determined tumor contact length for extracapsular extension of prostate cancer
J Urol, 193 (2), 466-72
DOI 10.1016/j.juro.2014.08.084, PubMed 25150643

Baco E, Ukimura O, Rud E, Vlatkovic L, Svindland A, Aron M, Palmer S, Matsugasumi T, Marien A, Bernhard JC, Rewcastle JC, Eggesbø HB, Gill IS (2014)
Magnetic resonance imaging-transectal ultrasound image-fusion biopsies accurately characterize the index tumor: correlation with step-sectioned radical prostatectomy specimens in 135 patients
Eur Urol, 67 (4), 787-94
DOI 10.1016/j.eururo.2014.08.077, PubMed 25240973

Gill AJ, Hes O, Papathomas T, Šedivcová M, Tan PH, Agaimy A, Andresen PA, Kedziora A, Clarkson A, Toon CW, Sioson L, Watson N, Chou A, Paik J, Clifton-Bligh RJ, Robinson BG, Benn DE, Hills K, Maclean F, Niemeijer ND, Vlatkovic L, Hartmann A, Corssmit EP, van Leenders GJ, Przybycin C et al. (2014)
Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)-deficient renal carcinoma: a morphologically distinct entity: a clinicopathologic series of 36 tumors from 27 patients
Am J Surg Pathol, 38 (12), 1588-602
DOI 10.1097/PAS.0000000000000292, PubMed 25025441

Ragnum HB, Vlatkovic L, Lie AK, Axcrona K, Julin CH, Frikstad KM, Hole KH, Seierstad T, Lyng H (2014)
The tumour hypoxia marker pimonidazole reflects a transcriptional programme associated with aggressive prostate cancer
Br J Cancer, 112 (2), 382-90
DOI 10.1038/bjc.2014.604, PubMed 25461803

Servoll E, Sæter T, Vlatkovic L, Nesland JM, Waaler G, Axcrona K (2014)
Prostate-specific antigen doubling time subsequent to radical prostatectomy is a predictor of outcome following salvage external beam radiation therapy: a single-centre experience
Scand J Urol, 49 (3), 218-23
DOI 10.3109/21681805.2014.982168, PubMed 25428750

Servoll E, Vlatkovic L, Sæter T, Nesland JM, Axcrona U, Waaler G, Axcrona K (2014)
The length of a positive surgical margin is of prognostic significance in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer treated with radical prostatectomy
Urol Int, 93 (3), 289-95
DOI 10.1159/000362342, PubMed 25170745

Publications 2013

Brennhovd B, Axcrona K, Fosså SD, Giercksky KE, Vlatkovic L, Dahl AA (2013)
Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy of clinical high-risk patients with prostate cancer: a controlled study of operative and short-term postoperative events
Scand J Urol, 47 (6), 449-55
DOI 10.3109/21681805.2013.780257, PubMed 24328733

Liu Y, Sæter T, Vlatkovic L, Servoll E, Waaler G, Axcrona U, Giercksky KE, Nesland JM, Suo ZH, Axcrona K (2013)
Dendritic and lymphocytic cell infiltration in prostate carcinoma
Histol Histopathol, 28 (12), 1621-8
DOI 10.14670/HH-28.1621, PubMed 23729368

Ma Y, Liang D, Liu J, Wen JG, Servoll E, Waaler G, Sæter T, Axcrona K, Vlatkovic L, Axcrona U, Paus E, Yang Y, Zhang Z, Kvalheim G, Nesland JM, Suo Z (2013)
SHBG is an important factor in stemness induction of cells by DHT in vitro and associated with poor clinical features of prostate carcinomas
PLoS One, 8 (7), e70558 (Retracted)
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0070558, PubMed 23936228

Ragnum HB, Røe K, Holm R, Vlatkovic L, Nesland JM, Aarnes EK, Ree AH, Flatmark K, Seierstad T, Lilleby W, Lyng H (2013)
Hypoxia-independent downregulation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 targets by androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 87 (4), 753-60
DOI 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2013.07.023, PubMed 24035332

Røe K, Bratland Å, Vlatkovic L, Ragnum HB, Saelen MG, Olsen DR, Marignol L, Ree AH (2013)
Hypoxic tumor kinase signaling mediated by STAT5A in development of castration-resistant prostate cancer
PLoS One, 8 (5), e63723
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0063723, PubMed 23675504

Wæhre H, Vlatkovic L, Cvancarova M, Paus E, Fosså SD, Danielsen HE (2013)
Fifteen-year mortality after radical prostatectomy: which factors are available for patient counselling?
Scand J Urol, 48 (2), 123-30
DOI 10.3109/21681805.2013.817483, PubMed 23885810

Publications 2012

Hole KH, Axcrona K, Lie AK, Vlatkovic L, Geier OM, Brennhovd B, Knutstad K, Olsen DR, Seierstad T (2012)
Routine pelvic MRI using phased-array coil for detection of extraprostatic tumour extension: accuracy and clinical significance
Eur Radiol, 23 (4), 1158-66
DOI 10.1007/s00330-012-2669-x, PubMed 23114883

Liu Y, Vlatkovic L, Sæter T, Servoll E, Waaler G, Nesland JM, Giercksky KE, Axcrona K (2012)
Is the clinical malignant phenotype of prostate cancer a result of a highly proliferative immune-evasive B7-H3-expressing cell population?
Int J Urol, 19 (8), 749-56
DOI 10.1111/j.1442-2042.2012.03017.x, PubMed 22487487

Publications 2011

Axcrona K, Vlatkovic L, Hovland J, Brennhovd B, Kongsgaard U, Giercksky KE (2011)
Robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy in a 68-year-old patient with previous heart transplantation and pelvic irradiation
J Robot Surg, 6 (1), 81-3
DOI 10.1007/s11701-011-0270-y, PubMed 22408687

Dimmen M, Vlatkovic L, Hole KH, Nesland JM, Brennhovd B, Axcrona K (2011)
Transperineal prostate biopsy detects significant cancer in patients with elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels and previous negative transrectal biopsies
BJU Int, 110 (2 Pt 2), E69-75
DOI 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2011.10759.x, PubMed 22093091

Servoll E, Saeter T, Vlatkovic L, Lund T, Nesland J, Waaler G, Axcrona K, Beisland HO (2011)
Impact of a tertiary Gleason pattern 4 or 5 on clinical failure and mortality after radical prostatectomy for clinically localised prostate cancer
BJU Int, 109 (10), 1489-94
DOI 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2011.10583.x, PubMed 21933333

Publications 2010

Servoll E, Saeter T, Vlatkovic L, Nesland J, Waaler G, Beisland HO (2010)
Does a tertiary Gleason pattern 4 or 5 influence the risk of biochemical relapse after radical prostatectomy for clinically localized prostate cancer?
Scand J Urol Nephrol, 44 (4), 217-22
DOI 10.3109/00365591003720283, PubMed 20367396

Publications 2009

Pretorius ME, Waehre H, Abeler VM, Davidson B, Vlatkovic L, Lothe RA, Giercksky KE, Danielsen HE (2009)
Large scale genomic instability as an additive prognostic marker in early prostate cancer
Cell Oncol, 31 (4), 251-9
DOI 10.3233/CLO-2009-0463, PubMed 19633362

Publications 2008

Goscinski MA, Suo Z, Flørenes VA, Vlatkovic L, Nesland JM, Giercksky KE (2008)
FAP-alpha and uPA show different expression patterns in premalignant and malignant esophageal lesions
Ultrastruct Pathol, 32 (3), 89-96
DOI 10.1080/01913120802034934, PubMed 18570153

Publications 2005

Jensenius M, Flaegstad T, Stenstad T, Gjølberg T, Vlatkovic L, Schjøth-Iversen L, Berild D, Bordmann G, Myrvang B (2005)
Fascioliasis imported to Norway
Scand J Infect Dis, 37 (6-7), 534-7
DOI 10.1080/00365540510034518, PubMed 16012024

Publications 2003

Rasmussen S, Albrechtsen S, Irgens LM, Dalaker K, Maartmann-Moe H, Vlatkovic L, Markestad T (2003)
Risk factors for unexplained antepartum fetal death in Norway 1967-1998
Early Hum Dev, 71 (1), 39-52
DOI 10.1016/s0378-3782(02)00111-1, PubMed 12614949

Rasmussen S, Albrechtsen S, Irgens LM, Dalaker K, Maartmann-Moe H, Vlatkovic L, Markestad T (2003)
Unexplained antepartum fetal death in Norway, 1985-97: diagnostic validation and some epidemiologic aspects
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 82 (2), 109-15
DOI 10.1034/j.1600-0412.2003.00009.x, PubMed 12648170

Publications 2002

Farstad IN, Johansen FE, Vlatkovic L, Jahnsen J, Scott H, Fausa O, Bjørneklett A, Brandtzaeg P, Halstensen TS (2002)
Heterogeneity of intraepithelial lymphocytes in refractory sprue: potential implications of CD30 expression
Gut, 51 (3), 372-8
DOI 10.1136/gut.51.3.372, PubMed 12171959

Farstad IN, Johansen FE, Vlatkovic L, Jahnsen J, Scott H, Fausa O, Bjørneklett A, Brandtzæg P, Halstensen TS (2002)
Heterogeneity of intraepithelial lymphocytes in refractory sprue: potential implications of CD30 expression
In Gut, British Medical Association, London, 51(2002)nr 3, s. 372-378
BIBSYS 031255752

Publications 1998

Schulerud H, Kristensen GB, Liestøl K, Vlatkovic L, Reith A, Albregtsen F, Danielsen HE (1998)
A review of caveats in statistical nuclear image analysis
Anal Cell Pathol, 16 (2), 63-82
DOI 10.1155/1998/436382, PubMed 9692681

Publications 1997

Schulerud H, Kristensen GB, Vlatkovic L, Albregtsen F, Liestol K, Danielsen HE (1997)
Prognosis of cervical cancer using image analysis of cell nuclei.

Publications 1987

Vlatkovic L, Lykkesfeldt AE, Hou-Jensen K, Briand P (1987)
Comparison of the immunocytochemical assay (ER-ICA) and the biochemical assay for estrogen receptor in human breast cancer cell lines
Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol, 23 (6), 755-60
DOI 10.1016/0277-5379(87)90274-4, PubMed 3653193

Publications 1979

Vranjes M, Vlatković L (1979)
[Fibroelastosis of the endocardium associated with polycystic kidney degeneration in a newborn]
Med Arh, 33 (4), 279-82
PubMed 548677