Theresa Wilberg

  • Consultant; MD, PhD

Publications 2025

Malkomsen A, Wilberg T, Bull-Hansen B, Dammen T, Evensen JH, Hummelen B, Løvgren A, Osnes K, Ulberg R, Røssberg JI (2025)
Comparative effectiveness of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy for major depression in psychiatric outpatient clinics: a randomized controlled trial
BMC Psychiatry, 25 (1), 113
DOI 10.1186/s12888-025-06544-6, PubMed 39934737

Sveen CA, Pedersen G, Wilberg T, Kvarstein EH (2025)
The societal costs of avoidant personality disorder
Personal Ment Health, 19 (1), e1644
DOI 10.1002/pmh.1644, PubMed 39572388

Publications 2024

Breivik Øvstebø R, Pedersen G, Wilberg T, Røssberg JI, Johnsen Dahl HS, Kvarstein EH (2024)
Countertransference, alliance, and outcome in the treatment of patients with personality disorder: a longitudinal naturalistic study
Front Psychiatry, 15, 1490056
DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1490056, PubMed 39777194

Dahl K, Bremer K, Wilberg T (2024)
The significance of connectedness: avoidant personality disorder patients' subjective experiences of change after attending a specialized treatment program
Front Psychol, 15, 1412665
DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1412665, PubMed 39040961

Malkomsen A, Røssberg JI, Dammen T, Wilberg T, Løvgren A, Ulberg R, Evensen J (2024)
"It takes time to see the whole picture": patients' views on improvement in cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic therapy after three years
Front Psychiatry, 15, 1342950
DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1342950, PubMed 38559399

Ulvestad DA, Johansen MS, Kvarstein EH, Pedersen G, Wilberg T (2024)
Minding mentalizing - convergent validity of the Mentalization Breakdown Interview
Front Psychiatry, 15, 1380532
DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1380532, PubMed 38974920

Ulvestad DA, Johansen MS, Kvarstein EH, Pedersen G, Wilberg T (2024)
Corrigendum: Minding mentalizing - convergent validity of the Mentalization Breakdown Interview
Front Psychiatry, 15, 1479612
DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1479612, PubMed 39234622

Wichstrøm L, Wilberg T, Hartveit Kvarstein E, Steinsbekk S (2024)
Childhood predictors of avoidant personality disorder traits in adolescence: a seven-wave birth cohort study
J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 66 (3), 366-377
DOI 10.1111/jcpp.14064, PubMed 39496569

Publications 2023

Kvarstein EH, Frøyhaug M, Pettersen MS, Carlsen S, Ekberg A, Fjermestad-Noll J, Ulvestad DA, Gikling EL, Hjermann E, Lindberget K, Omvik S, Eikenæs IU, Hummelen B, Morken KTE, Wilberg T, Pedersen GAF (2023)
Improvement of personality functioning among people treated within personality disorder mental health services. A longitudinal, observational study
Front Psychiatry, 14, 1163347
DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1163347, PubMed 37229394

Sveen CA, Pedersen G, Ulvestad DA, Zahl KE, Wilberg T, Kvarstein EH (2023)
Societal costs of personality disorders: A cross-sectional multicenter study of treatment-seeking patients in mental health services in Norway
J Clin Psychol, 79 (8), 1752-1769
DOI 10.1002/jclp.23504, PubMed 36916214

Sveen CA, Pedersen G, Ulvestad DA, Zahl KE, Wilberg T, Kvarstein EH (2023)
Societal costs of personality disorders among treatment-seeking patients in Norway: the relative contribution of specific DSM-5 categories
Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 274 (1), 139-149
DOI 10.1007/s00406-023-01655-1, PubMed 37598131

Wilberg T, Pedersen G, Bremer K, Johansen MS, Kvarstein EH (2023)
Combined group and individual therapy for patients with avoidant personality disorder-A pilot study
Front Psychiatry, 14, 1181686
DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1181686, PubMed 37215654

Øvstebø RB, Pedersen G, Wilberg T, Røssberg JI, Dahl HSJ, Kvarstein EH (2023)
Countertransference in the treatment of patients with personality disorders: A longitudinal study
Psychother Res, 34 (8), 1051-1065
DOI 10.1080/10503307.2023.2279645, PubMed 37963354

Publications 2022

Hummelen B, Ulltveit-Moe Eikenæs I, Wilberg T (2022)
Is the alternative model for personality disorders able to capture avoidant personality disorder according to Section II of the DSM-5? A systematic review
Personal Disord, 13 (4), 412-417
DOI 10.1037/per0000553, PubMed 35787131

Malkomsen A, Røssberg JI, Dammen T, Wilberg T, Løvgren A, Ulberg R, Evensen J (2022)
How therapists in cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic therapy reflect upon the use of metaphors in therapy: a qualitative study
BMC Psychiatry, 22 (1), 433
DOI 10.1186/s12888-022-04083-y, PubMed 35761306

Pedersen G, Wilberg T, Hummelen B, Hartveit Kvarstein E (2022)
The Norwegian network for personality disorders - development, contributions and challenges through 30 years
Nord J Psychiatry, 77 (5), 512-520
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2022.2147995, PubMed 36409693

Ulvestad DA, Selsbakk Johansen M, Hartveit Kvarstein E, Pedersen G, Wilberg T (2022)
A borderline focused Reflective Functioning measure - Interrater reliability of the Mentalization Breakdown Interview
Nord J Psychiatry, 77 (4), 360-366
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2022.2123040, PubMed 36244024

Zahl KE, Pedersen G, Eikenaes IU, Stänicke LI, Wilberg T, Baltzersen ÅL, Pettersen MS, Hummelen B, Arnevik E, Johansen MS, Hartveit Kvarstein E (2022)
Avoidant and borderline personality disorder patients during the first Covid-19 wave in Norway - a survey-based comparison of therapy changes and patients' accommodations
Nord J Psychiatry, 77 (4), 336-344
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2022.2110614, PubMed 35984379

Publications 2021

Hartveit Kvarstein E, Zahl KE, Stänicke LI, Pettersen MS, Baltzersen ÅL, Johansen MS, Eikenæs IU, Hummelen B, Wilberg T, Ajo Arnevik E, Pedersen G (2021)
Vulnerability of personality disorder during COVID-19 crises: a multicenter survey of mental and social distress among patients referred to treatment
Nord J Psychiatry
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2021.1942980, PubMed 34369842

Kvarstein EH, Antonsen BT, Klungsøyr O, Pedersen G, Wilberg T (2021)
Avoidant personality disorder and social functioning: A longitudinal, observational study investigating predictors of change in a clinical sample
Personal Disord, 12 (6), 594-605
DOI 10.1037/per0000471, PubMed 33507789

Kvarstein EH, Zahl KE, Stänicke LI, Pettersen MS, Baltzersen ÅL, Johansen MS, Eikenaes IU, Arnevik EA, Hummelen B, Wilberg T, Pedersen G (2021)
Vulnerability of personality disorder during the Covid-19 crises - a multicenter survey of treatment experiences among patients referred to treatment
Nord J Psychiatry, 76 (1), 52-63
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2021.1934110, PubMed 34126854

Malkomsen A, Røssberg JI, Dammen T, Wilberg T, Løvgren A, Horgen Evensen J (2021)
The Synergistic Process of Improvement in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Major Depression
Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18 (5)
DOI 10.3390/ijerph18052292, PubMed 33652563

Malkomsen A, Røssberg JI, Dammen T, Wilberg T, Løvgren A, Ulberg R, Evensen J (2021)
Digging down or scratching the surface: how patients use metaphors to describe their experiences of psychotherapy
BMC Psychiatry, 21 (1), 533
DOI 10.1186/s12888-021-03551-1, PubMed 34706691

Pedersen G, Kvarstein EH, Wilberg T, Folmo EJ, Burlingame GM, Lorentzen S (2021)
The Group Questionnaire (GQ)-Psychometric Properties Among Outpatients With Personality Disorders
Group Dyn.-Theory Res. Pract.
DOI 10.1037/gdn0000176

Pedersen G, Normann-Eide E, Eikenaes IU, Kvarstein EH, Wilberg T (2021)
Psychometric evaluation of the Norwegian Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) in a multisite clinical sample of patients with personality disorders and personality problems
J Clin Psychol, 78 (6), 1118-1136
DOI 10.1002/jclp.23270, PubMed 34716595

Pettersen MS, Moen A, Børøsund E, Wilberg T (2021)
Therapists’ experiences with mentalization-based treatment for avoidant personality disorder
European Journal for Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy, 11, 143-159
PublikaID 386

Paap MCS, Heltne A, Pedersen G, Germans Selvik S, Frans N, Wilberg T, Hummelen B (2021)
More is more: Evidence for the incremental value of the SCID-II/SCID-5-PD specific factors over and above a general personality disorder factor
Personal Disord, 13 (2), 108-118
DOI 10.1037/per0000426, PubMed 33600207

Røssberg JI, Evensen J, Dammen T, Wilberg T, Klungsøyr O, Jones M, Bøen E, Egeland R, Breivik R, Løvgren A, Ulberg R (2021)
Mechanisms of change and heterogeneous treatment effects in psychodynamic and cognitive behavioural therapy for patients with depressive disorder: a randomized controlled trial
BMC Psychol, 9 (1), 11
DOI 10.1186/s40359-021-00517-6, PubMed 33482927

Publications 2020

Breivik R, Wilberg T, Evensen J, Røssberg JI, Dahl HSJ, Pedersen G (2020)
Countertransference feelings and personality disorders: a psychometric evaluation of a brief version of the Feeling Word Checklist (FWC-BV)
BMC Psychiatry, 20 (1), 141
DOI 10.1186/s12888-020-02556-6, PubMed 32228529

Kvarstein EH, Folmo E, Antonsen BT, Normann-Eide E, Pedersen G, Wilberg T (2020)
Social Cognition Capacities as Predictors of Outcome in Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT)
Front Psychiatry, 11, 691
DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00691, PubMed 32792996

Paap MCS, Hummelen B, Braeken J, Arnevik EA, Walderhaug E, Wilberg T, Berghuis H, Hutsebaut J, Pedersen G (2020)
A multi-center psychometric evaluation of the Severity Indices of Personality Problems 118 (SIPP-118): Do we really need all those facets?
Qual Life Res, 30 (2), 567-575
DOI 10.1007/s11136-020-02654-8, PubMed 33029679

Simonsen S, Eikenaes IU, Bach B, Kvarstein E, Gondan M, Møller SB, Wilberg T (2020)
Level of alexithymia as a measure of personality dysfunction in avoidant personality disorder
Nord J Psychiatry, 75 (4), 266-274
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2020.1841290, PubMed 33146059

Sørensen KD, Wilberg T, Berthelsen E, Råbu M (2020)
Subjective experience of the origin and development of avoidant personality disorder
J Clin Psychol, 76 (12), 2232-2248
DOI 10.1002/jclp.23013, PubMed 32585050

Publications 2019

Arnevik EA, Pedersen G, Walderhaug E, Lien I, Wilberg T, Hummelen B (2019)
Measuring Personality Problems in Patients With Substance Use Disorders: A Cross-Sample Validation
J Dual Diagn, 15 (4), 324-332
DOI 10.1080/15504263.2019.1668583, PubMed 31571533

Normann-Eide E, Antonsen BRT, Kvarstein EH, Pedersen G, Vaskinn A, Wilberg T (2019)
Are Impairments in Theory of Mind Specific to Borderline Personality Disorder?
J Pers Disord, 34 (6), 827-841
DOI 10.1521/pedi_2019_33_417, PubMed 30785865

Pedersen G, Arnevik EA, Hummelen B, Walderhaug E, Wilberg T (2019)
Psychometric Properties of the Severity Indices of Personality Problems (SIPP) in Two Samples A Norwegian Community Sample and Clinical Samples of Patients With and Without Personality Disorders
Eur. J. Psychol. Assess., 35 (5), 698-711
DOI 10.1027/1015-5759/a000436

Simonsen S, Bateman A, Bohus M, Dalewijk HJ, Doering S, Kaera A, Moran P, Renneberg B, Ribaudi JS, Taubner S, Wilberg T, Mehlum L (2019)
European guidelines for personality disorders: past, present and future
Borderline Personal Disord Emot Dysregul, 6, 9
DOI 10.1186/s40479-019-0106-3, PubMed 31143448

Simonsen S, Eikenaes IUM, Norgaard NL, Normann-Eide E, Juul S, Wilberg T (2019)
Specialized Treatment for Patients with Severe Avoidant Personality Disorder: Experiences from Scandinavia
J. Contemp. Psychother., 49 (1), 27-38
DOI 10.1007/s10879-018-9395-x

Sørensen KD, Råbu M, Wilberg T, Berthelsen E (2019)
Struggling to be a person: Lived experience of avoidant personality disorder
J Clin Psychol, 75 (4), 664-680
DOI 10.1002/jclp.22740, PubMed 30609024

Sørensen KD, Wilberg T, Berthelsen E, Råbu M (2019)
Lived Experience of Treatment for Avoidant Personality Disorder: Searching for Courage to Be
Front Psychol, 10, 2879
DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02879, PubMed 31920894

Publications 2018

Johansen MS, Karterud SW, Normann-Eide E, Ro FG, Kvarstein EH, Wilberg T (2018)
The Relationship Between Reflective Functioning and Affect Consciousness in Patients With Avoidant and Borderline Personality Disorders
Psychoanal. Psychol., 35 (4), 382-393
DOI 10.1037/pap0000169

Kvarstein EH, Pedersen G, Folmo E, Urnes Ø, Johansen MS, Hummelen B, Wilberg T, Karterud S (2018)
Mentalization-based treatment or psychodynamic treatment programmes for patients with borderline personality disorder - the impact of clinical severity
Psychol Psychother, 92 (1), 91-111
DOI 10.1111/papt.12179, PubMed 29582581

Mehlum L, Bateman A, Dalewijk HJ, Doering S, Kaera A, Moran PA, Renneberg B, Ribaudi JS, Simonsen S, Wilberg T, Bohus M (2018)
Building a strong European alliance for personality disorder research and intervention
Borderline Personal Disord Emot Dysregul, 5, 7
DOI 10.1186/s40479-018-0082-z, PubMed 29619226

Pedersen G, Urnes Ø, Hummelen B, Wilberg T, Kvarstein EH (2018)
Revised manual for the Global Assessment of Functioning scale
Eur Psychiatry, 51, 16-19
DOI 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.12.028, PubMed 29510296

Publications 2017

Klungsøyr O, Antonsen B, Wilberg T (2017)
Contours of a causal feedback mechanism between adaptive personality and psychosocial function in patients with personality disorders: a secondary analysis from a randomized clinical trial
BMC Psychiatry, 17 (1), 210
DOI 10.1186/s12888-017-1365-4, PubMed 28583098

Pedersen G, Kvarstein EH, Wilberg T (2017)
The Work and Social Adjustment Scale: Psychometric properties and validity among males and females, and outpatients with and without personality disorders
Personal Ment Health, 11 (4), 215-228
DOI 10.1002/pmh.1382, PubMed 28681505

Paap MCS, Braeken J, Pedersen G, Urnes Ø, Karterud S, Wilberg T, Hummelen B (2017)
A Psychometric Evaluation of the DSM-IV Criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder: Dimensionality, Local Reliability, and Differential Item Functioning Across Gender
Assessment, 27 (1), 89-101
DOI 10.1177/1073191117745126, PubMed 29284276

Publications 2016

Karterud S, Pedersen G, Johansen M, Wilberg T, Davis K, Panksepp J (2016)
Primary emotional traits in patients with personality disorders
Personal Ment Health, 10 (4), 261-273
DOI 10.1002/pmh.1345, PubMed 27257161

Kvarstein EH, Nordviste O, Dragland L, Wilberg T (2016)
Outpatient psychodynamic group psychotherapy - outcomes related to personality disorder, severity, age and gender
Personal Ment Health, 11 (1), 37-50
DOI 10.1002/pmh.1352, PubMed 27766761

Publications 2015

Antonsen BT, Johansen MS, Rø FG, Kvarstein EH, Wilberg T (2015)
Is reflective functioning associated with clinical symptoms and long-term course in patients with personality disorders?
Compr Psychiatry, 64, 46-58
DOI 10.1016/j.comppsych.2015.05.016, PubMed 26104432

Antonsen BT, Kvarstein EH, Urnes Ø, Hummelen B, Karterud S, Wilberg T (2015)
Favourable outcome of long-term combined psychotherapy for patients with borderline personality disorder: Six-year follow-up of a randomized study
Psychother Res, 27 (1), 51-63
DOI 10.1080/10503307.2015.1072283, PubMed 26261865

Eikenaes I, Egeland J, Hummelen B, Wilberg T (2015)
Avoidant personality disorder versus social phobia: the significance of childhood neglect
PLoS One, 10 (3), e0122846
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0122846, PubMed 25815817

Eikenaes I, Egeland J, Hummelen B, Wilberg T (2015)
Correction: Avoidant Personality Disorder versus Social Phobia: The Significance of Childhood Neglect
PLoS One, 10 (5), e0128737
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0128737, PubMed 25978045

Eikenaes I, Pedersen G, Wilberg T (2015)
Attachment styles in patients with avoidant personality disorder compared with social phobia
Psychol Psychother, 89 (3), 245-60
DOI 10.1111/papt.12075, PubMed 26332087

Johansen MS, Normann-Eide E, Normann-Eide T, Klungs Yr O, Kvarstein E, Wilberg T (2015)
Relationship Between Affect Consciousness and Personality Functioning in Patients With Personality Disorders: A Prospective Study
J Pers Disord, 30 (5), 633-652
DOI 10.1521/pedi_2015_29_220, PubMed 26168325

Lorentzen S, Wilberg T, Martinsen EW (2015)
Group Psychotherapy in Norway
Int J Group Psychother, 65 (4), 543-51
DOI 10.1521/ijgp.2015.65.4.543, PubMed 26401797

Normann-Eide E, Johansen MS, Normann-Eide T, Egeland J, Wilberg T (2015)
Personality Disorder and Changes in Affect Consciousness: A 3-Year Follow-Up Study of Patients with Avoidant and Borderline Personality Disorder
PLoS One, 10 (12), e0145625
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0145625, PubMed 26699730

Pedersen G, Eikenæs I, Urnes Ø, Skulberg GM, Wilberg T (2015)
Experiences in Close Relationships – Psychometric properties among patients with personality disorders
Personal Ment Health, 9 (3), 208-19
DOI 10.1002/pmh.1298, PubMed 26033784

Vaskinn A, Antonsen BT, Fretland RA, Dziobek I, Sundet K, Wilberg T (2015)
Theory of mind in women with borderline personality disorder or schizophrenia: differences in overall ability and error patterns
Front Psychol, 6, 1239
DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01239, PubMed 26379577

Publications 2014

Antonsen BT, Klungsøyr O, Kamps A, Hummelen B, Johansen MS, Pedersen G, Urnes O, Kvarstein EH, Karterud S, Wilberg T (2014)
Step-down versus outpatient psychotherapeutic treatment for personality disorders: 6-year follow-up of the Ullevål personality project
BMC Psychiatry, 14, 119
DOI 10.1186/1471-244X-14-119, PubMed 24758722

Hummelen B, Pedersen G, Wilberg T, Karterud S (2014)
Poor Validity of the DSM-IV Schizoid Personality Disorder Construct as a Diagnostic Category
J Pers Disord, 29 (3), 334-46
DOI 10.1521/pedi_2014_28_159, PubMed 25248009

Kvarstein EH, Pedersen G, Urnes Ø, Hummelen B, Wilberg T, Karterud S (2014)
Changing from a traditional psychodynamic treatment programme to mentalization-based treatment for patients with borderline personality disorder--does it make a difference?
Psychol Psychother, 88 (1), 71-86
DOI 10.1111/papt.12036, PubMed 25045028

Wilberg T, Kvarstein EH, Røvik JO (2014)
Patients with personality disorders in private specialist practice
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 134 (23-24), 2267-72
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.13.1581, PubMed 25492335

Publications 2013

Bakali JV, Wilberg T, Klungsoyr O, Lorentzen S (2013)
Development of Group Climate in Short- and Long-Term Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy
Int. J. Group Psychother., 63 (3), 367-393

Bakali JV, Wilberg T, Klungsøyr O, Lorentzen S (2013)
Development of group climate in short- and long-term psychodynamic group psychotherapy
Int J Group Psychother, 63 (3), 366-93
DOI 10.1521/ijgp.2013.63.3.366, PubMed 23734920

Eikenaes I, Hummelen B, Abrahamsen G, Andrea H, Wilberg T (2013)
Personality functioning in patients with avoidant personality disorder and social phobia
J Pers Disord, 27 (6), 746-63
DOI 10.1521/pedi_2013_27_109, PubMed 23786266

Johansen MS, Normann-Eide E, Normann-Eide T, Wilberg T (2013)
Emotional dysfunction in avoidant compared to borderline personality disorder: a study of affect consciousness
Scand J Psychol, 54 (6), 515-21
DOI 10.1111/sjop.12076, PubMed 24107113

Kvarstein EH, Arnevik E, Halsteinli V, Rø FG, Karterud S, Wilberg T (2013)
Health service costs and clinical gains of psychotherapy for personality disorders: a randomized controlled trial of day-hospital-based step-down treatment versus outpatient treatment at a specialist practice
BMC Psychiatry, 13, 315
DOI 10.1186/1471-244X-13-315, PubMed 24268099

Pedersen G, Karterud S, Hummelen B, Wilberg T (2013)
The impact of extended longitudinal observation on the assessment of personality disorders
Personal Ment Health, 7 (4), 277-87
DOI 10.1002/pmh.1234, PubMed 24343977

Publications 2012

Gullestad FS, Johansen MS, Høglend P, Karterud S, Wilberg T (2012)
Mentalization as a moderator of treatment effects: findings from a randomized clinical trial for personality disorders
Psychother Res, 23 (6), 674-89
DOI 10.1080/10503307.2012.684103, PubMed 22612470

Gullestad FS, Wilberg T, Klungsøyr O, Johansen MS, Urnes O, Karterud S (2012)
Is treatment in a day hospital step-down program superior to outpatient individual psychotherapy for patients with personality disorders? 36 months follow-up of a randomized clinical trial comparing different treatment modalities
Psychother Res, 22 (4), 426-41
DOI 10.1080/10503307.2012.662608, PubMed 22417131

Karterud S, Pedersen G, Engen M, Johansen MS, Johansson PN, Schlüter C, Urnes O, Wilberg T, Bateman AW (2012)
The MBT Adherence and Competence Scale (MBT-ACS): development, structure and reliability
Psychother Res, 23 (6), 705-17
DOI 10.1080/10503307.2012.708795, PubMed 22916991

Normann-Eide E, Johansen MS, Normann-Eide T, Egeland J, Wilberg T (2012)
Is low affect consciousness related to the severity of psychopathology? A cross-sectional study of patients with avoidant and borderline personality disorder
Compr Psychiatry, 54 (2), 149-57
DOI 10.1016/j.comppsych.2012.07.003, PubMed 22998844

Wilberg T (2012)
Avoidant personality, cluster A traits and Taijin kyofusho: Deconstructing a treatment resistant socially fearful young man: A commentary on a case by Maruta et al.
Personal. Ment. Health, 6 (3), 276-278
DOI 10.1002/pmh.1209

Publications 2011

Gullestad FS, Wilberg T (2011)
Change in reflective functioning during psychotherapy--a single-case study
Psychother Res, 21 (1), 97-111
DOI 10.1080/10503307.2010.525759, PubMed 21331977

Publications 2010

Arnevik E, Wilberg T, Urnes Ø, Johansen M, Monsen JT, Karterud S (2010)
Psychotherapy for personality disorders: 18 months' follow-up of the ullevål personality project
J Pers Disord, 24 (2), 188-203
DOI 10.1521/pedi.2010.24.2.188, PubMed 20420475

Bakali JV, Wilberg T, Hagtvet KA, Lorentzen S (2010)
Sources Accounting for Alliance and Cohesion at Three Stages in Group Psychotherapy: Variance Component Analyses
Group Dyn.-Theory Res. Pract., 14 (4), 368-383
DOI 10.1037/a0019170

Karterud S, Wilberg T, Urnes Ø (2010)
Gyldendal akademisk, Oslo, 538 s.
BIBSYS 100699510, ISBN 978-82-05-39210-6

Publications 2009

Arnevik E, Wilberg T, Monsen JT, Andrea H, Karterud S (2009)
A cross-national validity study of the Severity Indices of Personality Problems (SIPP-118)
Personal. Ment. Health, 3 (1), 41-55
DOI 10.1002/pmh.60

Wilberg T, Karterud S, Pedersen G, Urnes Ø (2009)
The impact of avoidant personality disorder on psychosocial impairment is substantial
Nord J Psychiatry, 63 (5), 390-6
DOI 10.1080/08039480902831322, PubMed 19333817

Wilberg T, Karterud S, Pedersen G, Urnes Ø, Costa PT (2009)
Nineteen-month stability of Revised NEO Personality Inventory domain and facet scores in patients with personality disorders
J Nerv Ment Dis, 197 (3), 187-95
DOI 10.1097/NMD.0b013e3181923fa0, PubMed 19282686

Publications 2008

Arnevik E, Wilberg T, Urnes O, Johansen M, Monsen JT, Karterud S (2008)
Psychotherapy for personality disorders: short-term day hospital psychotherapy versus outpatient individual therapy - a randomized controlled study
Eur Psychiatry, 24 (2), 71-8
DOI 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2008.09.004, PubMed 19097870

Hummelen B, Wilberg T, Pedersen G, Karterud S (2008)
The quality of the DSM-IV obsessive-compulsive personality disorder construct as a prototype category
J Nerv Ment Dis, 196 (6), 446-55
DOI 10.1097/NMD.0b013e3181775a4e, PubMed 18552621

Lynum LI, Wilberg T, Karterud S (2008)
Self-esteem in patients with borderline and avoidant personality disorders
Scand J Psychol, 49 (5), 469-77
DOI 10.1111/j.1467-9450.2008.00655.x, PubMed 18564322

Wilberg T, Hummelen B, Pedersen G, Karterud S (2008)
A study of patients with personality disorder not otherwise specified
Compr Psychiatry, 49 (5), 460-8
DOI 10.1016/j.comppsych.2007.12.008, PubMed 18702931

Wilberg T, Karterud S (2008)
Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in the Context of an Avoidant Personality Disorder
Personal. Ment. Health, 2 (2), 110-112
DOI 10.1002/pmh.37

Publications 2007

Hummelen B, Wilberg T, Karterud S (2007)
Interviews of female patients with borderline personality disorder who dropped out of group psychotherapy
Int J Group Psychother, 57 (1), 67-91
DOI 10.1521/ijgp.2007.57.1.67, PubMed 17266430

Hummelen B, Wilberg T, Pedersen G, Karterud S (2007)
The relationship between avoidant personality disorder and social phobia
Compr Psychiatry, 48 (4), 348-56
DOI 10.1016/j.comppsych.2007.03.004, PubMed 17560956

Karterud S, Wilberg T (2007)
From general day hospital treatment to specialized treatment programmes
Int Rev Psychiatry, 19 (1), 39-49
DOI 10.1080/09540260601080821, PubMed 17365157

Publications 2006

Hummelen B, Wilberg T, Pedersen G, Karterud S (2006)
An investigation of the validity of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition avoidant personality disorder construct as a prototype category and the psychometric properties of the diagnostic criteria
Compr Psychiatry, 47 (5), 376-83
DOI 10.1016/j.comppsych.2006.01.006, PubMed 16905400

Wilberg T (2006)
Clinical Utility of Dimensional Models for Personality Pathology

Publications 2003

Wilberg T, Karterud S, Pedersen G, Urnes O, Irion T, Brabrand J, Haavaldsen G, Leirvåg H, Johnsen K, Andreasen H, Hedmark H, Stubbhaug B (2003)
Outpatient group psychotherapy following day treatment for patients with personality disorders
J Pers Disord, 17 (6), 510-21
DOI 10.1521/pedi.17.6.510.25357, PubMed 14744077

Publications 2002

Chiesa M, Bateman A, Wilberg T, Friis S (2002)
Patients' characteristics, outcome and cost-benefit of hospital-based treatment for patients with personality disorder: a comparison of three different programmes
Psychol Psychother, 75 (Pt 4), 381-92
DOI 10.1348/147608302321151899, PubMed 12674121

Karterud S, Wilberg T (2002)
[American guidelines for treatment of borderline personality disorder]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 122 (20), 2028-9
PubMed 12555452

Wilberg T (2002)
[Models for understanding personality pathology]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 122 (1), 54-8
PubMed 11851297

Publications 2001

Wilberg T, Karterud S (2001)
The place of group psychotherapy in the treatment of personality disorders
Curr. Opin. Psychiatr., 14 (2), 125-129
DOI 10.1097/00001504-200103000-00005

Publications 2000

Wilberg T, Dammen T, Friis S (2000)
Comparing Personality Diagnostic questionnaire-4+ with Longitudinal, Expert, All Data (LEAD) standard diagnoses in a sample with a high prevalence of axis I and axis II disorders
Compr Psychiatry, 41 (4), 295-302
DOI 10.1053/comp.2000.0410295, PubMed 10929799

Publications 1999

Wilberg T (1999)
Clinical studies of personality disordered patients treated in a psychotherapeutic day unit, with emphasis on assessment, treatment and course
Department Group of Psychiatry, University of Oslo, Division of Psychiatry, Ullevål Hospital, Oslo, 1 b. (flere pag.)
BIBSYS 000531901, ISBN 82-91049-27-0

Wilberg T, Urnes O, Friis S, Irion T, Pedersen G, Karterud S (1999)
One-year follow-up of day treatment for poorly functioning patients with personality disorders
Psychiatr Serv, 50 (10), 1326-30
DOI 10.1176/ps.50.10.1326, PubMed 10506302

Wilberg T, Urnes O, Friis S, Pedersen G, Karterud S (1999)
Borderline and avoidant personality disorders and the five-factor model of personality: a comparison between DSM-IV diagnoses and NEO-PI-R
J Pers Disord, 13 (3), 226-40
DOI 10.1521/pedi.1999.13.3.226, PubMed 10498036