Our research group aims to contribute to all phases of cancer therapy development, from preclinical studies to clinical implementation. We are uniquely positioned to focus on peritoneal metastases and locally advanced and recurrent rectal cancer through our close connection with Department of Gastroenterological Surgery at the Norwegian Radium Hospital.

One focus area is the study of peritoneal metastases, which develop through distinct mechanisms and provide unique challenges with respect to diagnosis and treatment. We also work to improve treatment of locally advanced and recurrent rectal cancer.

Our research strategy involves preclinical models, clinical cohort studies and clinical intervention trials to increase our understanding of cancer biology, to develop biomarkers associated with disease progression, and efficacious new therapies.

Contact information:

Department of Tumor Biology
Institute for Cancer Research
Oslo University Hospital HF - Radiumhospitalet
Montebello, 0379
Oslo, Norway
Telephone: (047) 22 78 18 63