
Important milestone for the Pseudovax project: BeiGene has agreed to support the Pseudovax trial with their PD-1 inhibitor Tislelizumab

The Pseudovax trial will explore a novel peptide vaccine targeting mutated GNAS in combination with PD-1 inhibition in patients with recurrent or unresectable pseudomyxoma peritonei.

For more information about the Pseudovax trial click here

PSOGI conference 2023

A  delegation of  10 with both clinicians and researchers from Oslo University Hospital attended the 13th International Congress on Peritoneal Surface Malignancies in Venice, October 4th – 6th, 2023. The conference had a lot of exciting presentations with different practice experiences and cutting-edge scientific knowledge, and there was a lot of opportunity to talk to long-standing and new international colleagues and collaborators.

Picture 1: The Norwegian delegate outside the conference venue in Venice




Bridging the gap: Collaborative event bringing together surgeons, researchers, collaborators and user panel members.

On Friday 22 September, a common research meeting was organized at Institute for Cancer Research by Section for oncological pelvic surgery and the Translational Cancer Therapy research group. A number of collaborative partners and our user panel were present.

Clinical and translational research projects were presented to give the participants an overview of ongoing research activities and insight into why these projects are important.  An important purpose of the meeting was to strengthen the close collaboration between the clinical and translational teams.


The Pseudovax project presented by Kjersti Flatmark during handover to the Minister of Health

Kjersti Flatmark during her presentation
Kjersti Flatmark during her presentation

On Friday 26 May, the Minister of Health and Care Services Ingvild Kjerkol received a report from the regional health trust with national key figures and a mention of the best research and innovation projects in the hospitals in 2022.
The Pseudovax project was chosen as one of several important research projects to be presented in this national report. And this specific project was earlier this year selected as the project from our health trust to be presented in connection with the submission of the report to the Minister of Health. Kjersti was invited to give a 12 min oral presentation together with one project from each of the other health regions in connection with the report being handed over to the Minister of Health and Care Services.

Perimmune research meeting

The new PERIMMUNE project, with collaborators from Belgium, France, Germany and Turkey has begun and the norwegian collaborators , members of Kjersti Flatmarks and Else Marit Inderbergs groups and study nurses involved in the project met to get more acquainted, discuss the results from the pilot study and future execution of the project.  


User participation in our research

User participation is important in research, and can make it better and more relevant. Kjersti was invited by the Norwegian Cancer Society to give a short talk on user involvement in our research during the seminar last week "How do we succeed with user-MED action in research?". "We have been working to involve users in our projects since 2017. User participation is important for us researchers to understand how the disease affects the patients and their caretakers. User participation has also been instrumental in teaching us  how to better communicate our research and research results in a clear and understandable way." says Kjersti Flatmark

Research meeting at Norefjell

Members of the Translational Cancer Therapy research group and Section for Oncological pelvic surgery participated in an inspiring and fruitful translational research meeting at Norefjell  15th-16th September with the kind support from Hydros fond. There were presentations of both clinical and translational research projects, giving the participants a better understanding of each other’s work, with the aim of improving the collaboration between the groups and thus also improve the research.


Participants at the meeting. Photo: Annette Torgunrud
Participants at the meeting. Photo: Annette Torgunrud


EuroPMP meeting in Ghent

Thursday June 23rd , a meeting for all the members of the EuroPMP Cost action were held in Ghent, Belgium. This was the first face to face meeting in EuroPMP since the start of the COVID pandemic. Colleagues from all over Europe, all working together to improve the treatment for patients with Pseudomyxoma peritonei attended. Everyone was thrilled at finally getting the chance to meet colleagues face to face after the pandemic to exchange ideas, research results and further promote collaboration.

An enlightening translational research meeting between pelvic surgeons and researchers at the Radium Hospital

Participants at the translational research meeting. Foto: Per M. Didriksen
Participants at the translational research meeting. Foto: Per M. Didriksen

On Friday 15 October, an inspiring translational research meeting was organized at the Institute for Cancer Research. Invited participants from the Section for Oncological pelvic surgery and the Translational Cancer Therapy research group, together with a number of collaborative partners and our user panel were present.

"We are so happy that we finally had the opportunity to organize such a meeting again. It is important to be able to meet and present and discuss many of our exciting research projects"
says head of Oncological pelvic surgery Dr. Stein G. Larsen.