Harald Stenmark

  • Group leader, Professor (Centre for Cancer Cell Reprogramming)
  • +47 22 78 18 18


Education: Cand.Pharm. 1985 at the University of Oslo

Doctoral degree: Dr.Philos. (Ph.D.) 1991 at the Norwegian Radium Hospital

Postdoctoral training: From August 1991 to November 1994 in Marino Zerial's group at EMBL, Heidelberg

Independent investigator award: From December 1994 to December 1996, the Norwegian Cancer Society

Group leader position: From 1997 to present, group leader at the Norwegian Radium Hospital

Adjunct professorships: From 1999 to 2003, professor II at the Institute of Pharmacy, Oslo. From 2004 to present, professor II at the Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Trondheim.

Current positions: From September 2007, Director, Centre for Cancer Biomedicine, and Professor, the Medical Faculty of the University of Oslo. From November 2009, Head of Department of Molecular Cell Biology, the Norwegian Radium Hospital. From January 2018, Director, CanCell - Centre for Cancer Cell Reprogramming.


Awards and honours:

1998 Investigator of the Top Research Programme

1999 Anders Jahre’s prize for Nordic medical scientists under 40 years

2000 Olav Torgersen’s prize

2002 Research Prize of the Norwegian Radium Hospital

2002 Elected member of EMBO

2004 Elected member of the Norwegian Academy of Science

2007 Centre of Excellence grant from the Research Council of Norway

2009 Advanced Grant from the European Research Council

2010 Sir Hans Krebs Medal

2011 Elected member of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences

2013 Research Prize of Oslo University Hospital

2014 H.M. King Olav V's prize for Cancer Research

2015 Møbius award 2015

2018 University of Oslo Research Prize 2018

2016 Elected member of the Royal Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters

2017 Centre of Excellence Grant from the Research Council of Norway

2018 Advanced Grant from the European Research Council.

2021 Fridtjof Nansen´s Award

2022 Anders Jahre´s Major Nordic Prize in Medicine

2023 Eric K. Fernström´s Nordic Prize in Medicine

Editorial boards:


Biochemical Journal

Current Biology

Developmental Cell

Experimental Cell Research

Journal of Cell Biology


EMBO Journal

Selected publications

Nähse V*, Raiborg C, Tan KW, Mørk S, Torgersen ML, Wenzel EM, Nager M, Salo VT, Johansen T, Ikonen E, Schink KO* and Stenmark H* (2023). ATPase activity of DCFP1 controls selective autophagy. Nature Comm. 14: 4051

Radulovic M*, Wenzel EM, Gilani S, Holland LKK, Lystad AH, Phuyal S, Olkkonen VM, Brech A, Jäättelä M, Maeda K, Raiborg C and Stenmark H* (2022). Cholesterol transfer via endoplamic reticulum contacts mediates lysosome damage repair. EMBO J: e112677

Schink KO*, Tan KW, Spangenberg H, Martorana D, Sneeggen M, Stévenin V, Enninga J, Campsteijn C, Raiborg C and Stenmark H* (2021). The phosphoinositide coincidence detector Phafin2 promotes macropinocytosis by coordinating actin organisation at forming macropinosomes. Nature Comm. 12: 6577

Vietri M, Schultz SW, Bellanger A, Jones CM, Petersen LI, Raiborg C, Skarpen E, Pedurupillay CRJ, Kjos I, Kip E, Timmer R, Jain A, Collas P, Knorr RL, Grellscheid SN, Kusumaatmaja H, Brech A, Micci F, Stenmark H* and Campsteijn C* (2020). Unrestrained ESCRT-III drives micronuclear catastrophe and chromosome fragmentation. Nature Cell Biol. 22: 856-867

Sneeggen M, Pedersen NM, Campsteijn C, Haugsten EM, Stenmark H* and Schink KO* (2019). WDFY2 restrains matrix metalloproteinase secretion and cell invasion by controlling VAMP3-dependent recycling. Nature Comm. 10: 2850

Radulovic M, Schink KO, Wenzel EM, Nähse V, Bongiovanni A, Lafont F and Stenmark H (2018). ESCRT-mediated lysosome repair precedes lysophagy and promotes cell survival. EMBO J. 37: e99753

Katheder NS, Khezri R, O'Farrell F, Schultz SW, Jain A, Rahman MM, Schink KO, Theodossiou TA, Johansen T, Juhász G, Bilder D, Brech A, Stenmark H, Rusten TE (2017). Microenvironmental autophagy promotes tumour growth. Nature, 541 (7637), 417-420

Vietri M, Schink KO, Campsteijn C, Wegner CS, Schultz SW, Christ L, Thoresen SB, Brech A, Raiborg C, Stenmark H (2015). Spastin and ESCRT-III coordinate mitotic spindle disassembly and nuclear envelope sealing. Nature. 522: 231-235

Raiborg C, Wenzel EM, Pedersen NM, Olsvik H, Schink KO, Schultz SW, Vietri M, Nisi V, Bucci C, Brech A, Johansen T, Stenmark H (2015). Repeated ER-endosome contacts promote endosome translocation and neurite outgrowth. Nature. 520: 234–238

Thoresen SB, Campsteijn C, Vietri M, Schink KO, Liestøl K, Andersen JS, Raiborg C and Stenmark H (2014). ANCHR mediates Aurora B-dependent abscission checkpoint control through retention of VPS4. Nat. Cell Biol. 16: 550-560

Rusten TE, Vaccari T and Stenmark H (2012). Shaping development with ESCRTs. Nat.Cell Biol. 14: 38-45

Schink KO and Stenmark H (2012). Midbody remnants – junk or fate factors? Curr.Biol. 21: R958-R960

Abrahamsen H and Stenmark H (2011). Growth signaling from inside. Science 334: 611-612

Raiborg C and Stenmark H (2011). A helix for the final cut. Science 331: 1533-1534

Nezis IP, Shravage BP, Lamark T, Rusten TE, Sagona AP, Bjørkøy G, Johansen T, Brech A, Baehrecke E and Stenmark H (2010). Autophagic degradation of inhibitor of apoptosis dBruce triggers cell death during late oogenesis in Drosophila. J. Cell Biol. 190: 523-531

Abrahamsen H and Stenmark H (2010). Unconventional exit by exophagy. Curr.Biol. 20: R415-R418

Haglund K, Nezis IP, Lemus D, Grabbe C, Wesche J, Liestøl K, Dikic I, Palmer R and Stenmark H (2010). Cindr interacts with anillin to control cytokinesis in Drosophila melanogaster. Curr.Biol. 20: 944-950

Lobert VH, Brech A, Pedersen NM, Wesche J, Oppelt A, Malerød L and Stenmark H (2010). Ubiquitination of α5β1 integrin controls fibroblast migration through lysosomal degradation of fibronectin-integrin complexes. Dev. Cell 19: 148-159

Sagona AP, Nezis IP, Pedersen NM, Liestøl K, Poulton J, Rusten TE, Skotheim RI, Raiborg C and Stenmark H (2010). PtdIns(3)P controls cytokinesis through KIF13A-mediated recruitment of FYVE-CENT to the midbody. Nat. Cell Biol. 12: 362-371

Rusten TE and Stenmark H (2010). p62, an autophagy hero or culprit? Nat. Cell Biol. 12: 207-209

Raiborg C and Stenmark H (2009). The ESCRT machinery in endosomal sorting of ubiquitylated membrane proteins. Nature 458: 445-453

Malerød L and Stenmark H (2009). ESCRTing membrane deformation. Cell 136: 15-17

Roxrud I, Raiborg C, Pedersen NM, Stang E and Stenmark H (2008). An endosomally localized isoform of Eps15 interacts with Hrs to mediate degradation of epidermal growth factor receptor. J. Cell Biol. 180: 1205-1218

Nezis IP, Simonsen A, Sagona AP, Finley K, Gaumer S, Contamine D, Rusten TE, Stenmark H and Brech A (2008). Ref(2)P, the Drosophila melanogaster homologue of mammalian p62, is required for the formation of protein aggregates in adult brain. J. Cell Biol. 180: 1065-1071

Simonsen A and Stenmark H (2007). Stimulating the cell's appetite for itself. Nat. Chem.Biol. 3: 304-306

Filimonenko M, Stuffers S, Raiborg C, Yamamoto A, Malerød L, Isaacs A, Fisher E, Brech A, Stenmark H and Simonsen A (2007). Functional multivesicular bodies are required for autophagic clearance of protein aggregates associated with neurodegenerative disease. J. Cell Biol. 179: 485-500

Rusten TE, Vaccari T, Lindmo K, Rodahl LMW, Nezis, IP, Sem-Jacobsen C, Wendler F, Vincent J-P, Brech A, Bilder D and Stenmark H (2007). ESCRTs and Fab1 regulate distinct steps of autophagy. Curr. Biol. 17: 1817-1825

Rusten TE and Stenmark H (2007). Moonlighting at the pole. Nature 445: 497-499

Hirano S, Suzuki N, Slagsvold T, Kawasaki M, Trambaiolo D, Kato R, Stenmark H and Wakatsuki S (2006). Structural basis of ubiquitin recognition by mammalian Eap45 GLUE domain. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 13: 1031-1032

Haglund K and Stenmark H (2006). Working out coupled monoubiquitination. Nat. Cell Biol. 8; 1218-1219

Slagsvold T, Marchese A, Brech A and Stenmark H (2006). CISK attenuates degradation of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 via the ubiquitin ligase AIP4. EMBO J. 25: 3738-3749

Hirano S, Kawasaki M, Ura H, Kato R, Raiborg C, Stenmark H and Wakatsuki S (2006). Double sided ubiquitin binding of Hrs-UIM in endosomal protein sorting. Nat.Struct.Mol.Biol. 13: 272-277.

Hoeller D, Crosetto N, Blagoev B, Raiborg C, Wagner S, Kowanetz K, Tikkanen R, Breitling R, Mann M, Stenmark H and Dikic I (2006). Regulation of ubiquitin-binding proteins by monoubiquitylation. Nat.Cell Biol. 8: 163-169

Rusten TE and Stenmark H (2006). Analyzing phosphoinositides and their interacting proteins. Nat. Methods 3: 251-258

Bjørkøy G, Lamark T, Brech A, Outzen H, Perander M, Øvervatn A, Stenmark H and Johansen T (2005). p62/SQSTM1 forms protein aggregates degraded by autophagy and has a protective effect on huntingtin-induced cell death. J. Cell Biol. 171: 603-614

Hoepfner S, Severin F, Cabezas A, Habermann A, Runge A, Gillooly DJ, Stenmark H and Zerial M (2005). Modulation of receptor recycling and degradation by the endosomal kinesin KIF16B. Cell 121: 437-450

Slagsvold T and Stenmark H (2004). The structure of an endosomal protein sorter. Dev. Cell 7: 457-458

Rusten TE, Lindmo K, Juhasz G, Sass M, Seglen P, Brech A and Stenmark H (2004). Programmed autophagy in the Drosophila fat body is induced by ecdysone through regulation of the PI3K pathway. Dev.Cell 7: 179-192.

Bache KG, Slagsvold T and Stenmark H (2004). Defective downregulation of receptor tyrosine kinases in cancer. EMBO J. 23: 2707-2712

Sharma M, Pampinella F, Nemes C, Benharouga M, Papsin B, So J, Du K, Bache KG, Papsin B, Zherangue N, Stenmark H and Lukacs GL (2004). Misfolding diverts cell surface CFTR from recycling to degradation: protein quality control at sorting endosomes. J.Cell Biol. 164: 923-933

Gruenberg J and Stenmark H (2004). The biogenesis of multivesicular endosomes. Nat.Rev.Mol.Cell Biol.: 5: 317-323

Marchese A, Raiborg C, Santini F, Keen JH, Stenmark H and Benovic JL (2003). The E3 ubiquitin ligase AIP4 mediates ubiquitination and sorting of the G protein-coupled receptor CXCR4. Dev. Cell 5: 709-722

Bache KG, Brech A, Mehlum A and Stenmark H (2003). Hrs regulates multivesicular body formation via ESCRT recruitment to endosomes. J.Cell Biol. 162: 435-442.

Petiot A, Fauré J, Stenmark H and Gruenberg J (2003). PI3P signaling regulates receptor sorting but not transport in the endosomal pathway. J.Cell Biol. 162: 971-979

González-Gaitán M and Stenmark H (2003). Endocytosis and signaling: a relationship under development. Cell 115: 513-521

Raiborg C, Bache KG, Gillooly DJ, Madshus IH, Stang E and Stenmark H (2002) Hrs sorts ubiquitinated proteins into clathrin-coated microdomains of early endosomes. Nat. Cell Biol. 4: 394-398.

Gillooly D, Simonsen A and Stenmark H (2001). Phosphoinositides and phagocytosis. J. Cell Biol. 155: 15-17

Pattni K, Jepson M, Stenmark H and Banting G (2001). A PI(3)P specific probe cycles on and off host cell membranes during Salmonella invasion of mammalian cells. Curr.Biol. 11: 1636-1642

Raiborg C, Bache KG, Mehlum A, Stang E and Stenmark H (2001) Hrs recruits clathrin to early endosomes. EMBO J. 20: 5008-5021.

Simonsen A and Stenmark H (2001) PX domains: attracted by phosphoinositides. Nat. Cell Biol. 3: E179-E182

Gillooly DJ and Stenmark H (2001) A lipid oils the endocytosis machine. Science 291: 993-994

Gillooly DJ, Morrow, IC, Lindsay M, Gould R, Bryant, NJ, Gaullier J-M, Parton RG and Stenmark H (2000) Localization of phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate in yeast and mammalian cells. EMBO J. 19: 4577-4588.

Stenmark H (2000) Cycling lipids. Curr. Biol. 10: R57-R59

Zacchi P, Stenmark H, Parton RG, Orioli D, Lim F, Giner A, Mellman I, Zerial M and Murphy C (1998) Rab17 regulates membrane trafficking through apical recycling endosomes in polarized epithelial cells. J. Cell Biol. 140: 1039-1053

Gournier H, Stenmark H, Rybin V, Lippé R and Zerial M (1998) Two distinct effectors of the small GTPase Rab5 cooperate in endocytic membrane fusion. EMBO J. 17: 1930-1940

Vitale G, Rybin V, Christoforidis S, Thornquist P-O, McCaffrey M, Stenmark H and Zerial M (1998) Two distinct Rab binding domains mediate the direct interaction between Rabaptin-5 and GTP-bound Rab4 and Rab5. EMBO J. 17: 1941-1951

Simonsen A, Lippé R, Christoforidis S, Gaullier J-M, Brech A, Callaghan JM, Toh B-H, Murphy C, Zerial M and Stenmark H (1998) EEA1 links PI(3)K function to Rab5 regulation of endosome fusion. Nature 394: 494-498.

Gaullier J-M, Simonsen A, D’Arrigo A, Bremnes B, Aasland R and Stenmark H (1998) FYVE fingers bind PtdIns(3)P. Nature 394: 432-433.

Stenmark H, Vitale G, Ullrich O and Zerial M (1995) Rabaptin-5 is a direct effector of the small GTPase Rab5 in endocytic membrane fusion. Cell 83: 423-432

Stenmark H, Valencia A, Martinez O, Ullrich O, Goud B and Zerial M (1994) Distinct structural elements of rab5 define its functional specificity. EMBO J. 13: 575-583.

Singer-Krüger B, Stenmark H, Düsterhöft A, Philippsen P, Yoo J-S, Gallwitz D and Zerial M (1994) Role of three rab5-like GTPases, Ypt51p, Ypt52p, and Ypt53p, in the endocytic and vacuolar protein sorting pathways of yeast. J. Cell Biol. 125: 283-298

Stenmark H, Parton RG, Steele-Mortimer O, Lütcke A, Gruenberg J and Zerial M (1994) Inhibition of rab5 GTPase activity stimulates membrane fusion in endocytosis. EMBO J. 13: 1287-1296

Stenmark H, Moskaug JØ, Madshus IH, Sandvig K and Olsnes S (1991) Peptides fused to the amino-terminal end of diphtheria toxin are translocated to the cytosol. J. Cell Biol. 113: 1025-1032

McGill S, Stenmark H, Sandvig K and Olsnes S (1989) Membrane interactions of diphtheria toxin analyzed using in vitro translated mutants. EMBO J. 8: 2843-2848

Stenmark H, McGill S, Olsnes S and Sandvig K (1989) Permeabilization of the plasma membrane by deletion mutants of diphtheria toxin. EMBO J. 8: 2849-2853