Unit of Cellular Electron Microscopy (UCEM)

Andreas Brech

The study of cellular mechanism such as intracellular traffic, growth factor receptor sorting and signaling demands a thorough understanding of the subcellular localization of the involved proteins. It is our principal goal to implement electron microscopical techniques in the ongoing research within the Department of Molecular Cell Biology to facilitate this task. We are using the EM facilities generously provided by the Pathology Dept./ Section for Ultrastructural Pathology.

Current projects

  • Sorting of proteins within endosomes.
  • Autophagy in the fruitfly drosophila melanogaster
  • The role of autophagy in the removal of protein aggregates
  • The role of phosphoinositides in receptor sorting and multivesicular body formation


We use EM to study cellular morphology and protein localization. To do so we use several techniques, ranging from conventional plastic embedding to immunocytochemistry on cryosections. The latter technique allows us to visualize antigen localization on sections with the help of antibodies and protein A gold particles.
Our research is supported by FUGE (www.fuge.no)




Catherine Sem Wegner
Rosa Linn Andersen


Group contact information:
Andreas Brech, Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute for Cancer Research
The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Montebello, 0379 Oslo, Norway
Phone +47 22 78 19 29 Switchboard: +47 22 93 40 00
Email: Andreas.Brech@rr-research.no