Silje Kristin Bjerknes

  • Consultant neurologist; MD, PhD

Publications 2021

Bjerknes S, Toft M, Brandt R, Rygvold TW, Konglund A, Dietrichs E, Andersson S, Skogseid IM (2021)
Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease: 5-Year Extension Study of a Randomized Trial
9 (1), 48-59
DOI 10.1002/mdc3.13348, PubMed 35005065

Publications 2020

Bjerknes S, Skogseid IM, Hauge TJ, Dietrichs E, Toft M (2020)
Subthalamic deep brain stimulation improves sleep and excessive sweating in Parkinson's disease
6, 29
DOI 10.1038/s41531-020-00131-0, PubMed 33083523

Publications 2018

Bjerknes S, Toft M, Konglund AE, Pham U, Waage TR, Pedersen L, Skjelland M, Haraldsen I, Andersson S, Dietrichs E, Skogseid IM (2018)
Multiple Microelectrode Recordings in STN-DBS Surgery for Parkinson's Disease: A Randomized Study
5 (3), 296-305
DOI 10.1002/mdc3.12621, PubMed 30009214

Publications 2014

Bjerknes S, Skogseid IM, Sæhle T, Dietrichs E, Toft M (2014)
Surgical site infections after deep brain stimulation surgery: frequency, characteristics and management in a 10-year period
9 (8), e105288
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0105288, PubMed 25122445

Børretzen MN, Bjerknes S, Sæhle T, Skjelland M, Skogseid IM, Toft M, Dietrichs E (2014)
Long-term follow-up of thalamic deep brain stimulation for essential tremor - patient satisfaction and mortality
14, 120
DOI 10.1186/1471-2377-14-120, PubMed 24903550