Erik Bautz-Holter

  • Professor II; MD
  • (221)18713/906 58 091

Publications 2024

Røe C, Gutenbrunner C, Bökel A, Kirkevold M, Nugraha B, Andelic N, Lu J, Bautz-Holter E, Perrin PB, Anke A, Jahnsen R, Månum G, Howe E, Kildal Bragstad L, Soberg HL (2024)
Proposed categories for reporting of service organization in rehabilitation in clinical trials: a discussion paper
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 60 (6), 1070-1077
DOI 10.23736/S1973-9087.24.08494-6, PubMed 39374051

Publications 2023

Olsen MI, Søndenaa E, Tymi A, Tessem S, Langballe EM, Bautz-Holter E, Anke A (2023)
Health checks for adults with intellectual disabilities
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 143 (10)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.23.0303, PubMed 37376939

Publications 2022

Olsen MI, Søndenaa E, Langballe EM, Halvorsen MB, Wilhelmsen P, Bautz-Holter E, Anke A (2022)
Use of health and dental care services in adults with intellectual disability in relation to age and intellectual disability levels
J Intellect Dev Disabil, 48 (2), 172-183
DOI 10.3109/13668250.2022.2109823, PubMed 39815906

Røe C, Bautz-Holter E, Andelic N, Søberg HL, Nugraha B, Gutenbrunner C, Boekel A, Kirkevold M, Engen G, Lu J (2022)
Organization of Rehabilitation Services in Randomized Controlled Trials: Which Factors Influence Functional Outcome? A Systematic Review
Arch Rehabil Res Clin Transl, 4 (2), 100197
DOI 10.1016/j.arrct.2022.100197, PubMed 35756983

Publications 2021

Olsen MI, Halvorsen MB, Søndenaa E, Langballe EM, Bautz-Holter E, Stensland E, Tessem S, Anke A (2021)
How do multimorbidity and lifestyle factors impact the perceived health of adults with intellectual disabilities?
J Intellect Disabil Res, 65 (8), 772-783
DOI 10.1111/jir.12845, PubMed 33977582

Olsen MI, Halvorsen MB, Søndenaa E, Strand BH, Langballe EM, Årnes A, Michalsen H, Larsen FK, Gamst W, Bautz-Holter E, Anke A (2021)
Factors associated with non-completion of and scores on physical capability tests in health surveys: The North Health in Intellectual Disability Study
J Appl Res Intellect Disabil, 35 (1), 231-242
DOI 10.1111/jar.12942, PubMed 34643025

Preede L, Soberg HL, Dalen H, Nyquist A, Jahnsen R, Saebu M, Bautz-Holter E, Røe C (2021)
Rehabilitation Goals and Effects of Goal Achievement on Outcome Following an Adapted Physical Activity-Based Rehabilitation Intervention
Patient Prefer Adherence, 15, 1545-1555
DOI 10.2147/PPA.S311966, PubMed 34276210

Publications 2018

Røe C, Kirkevold M, Andelic N, Soberg HL, Sveen U, Bautz-Holter E, Jahnsen R, van Walsem MR, Kildal Bragstad L, Gabrielsen Hjelle E, Klevberg G, Oretorp P, Habberstad A, Hagfors J, Væhle R, Engen G, Gutenbrunner C (2018)
The challenges of describing rehabilitation services: A discussion paper
J Rehabil Med, 50 (2), 151-158
DOI 10.2340/16501977-2299, PubMed 29260837

Publications 2017

Kvalvaag E, Anvar M, Karlberg AC, Brox JI, Engebretsen KB, Soberg HL, Juel NG, Bautz-Holter E, Sandvik L, Roe C (2017)
Shoulder MRI features with clinical correlations in subacromial pain syndrome: a cross-sectional and prognostic study
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 18 (1), 469
DOI 10.1186/s12891-017-1827-3, PubMed 29157224

Kvalvaag E, Brox JI, Engebretsen KB, Soberg HL, Juel NG, Bautz-Holter E, Sandvik L, Roe C (2017)
Effectiveness of Radial Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (rESWT) When Combined With Supervised Exercises in Patients With Subacromial Shoulder Pain: A Double-Masked, Randomized, Sham-Controlled Trial
Am J Sports Med, 45 (11), 2547-2554
DOI 10.1177/0363546517707505, PubMed 28586628

Kvalvaag E, Roe C, Engebretsen KB, Soberg HL, Juel NG, Bautz-Holter E, Sandvik L, Brox JI (2017)
One year results of a randomized controlled trial on radial Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment, with predictors of pain, disability and return to work in patients with subacromial pain syndrome
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 54 (3), 341-350
DOI 10.23736/S1973-9087.17.04748-7, PubMed 28655271

Vikane E, Hellstrøm T, Røe C, Bautz-Holter E, Aßmus J, Skouen JS (2017)
Multidisciplinary outpatient treatment in patients with mild traumatic brain injury: A randomised controlled intervention study
Brain Inj, 31 (4), 475-484
DOI 10.1080/02699052.2017.1280852, PubMed 28296510

Publications 2016

Myhre K, Lau B, Marchand GH, Leivseth G, Bautz-Holter E, Røe C (2016)
Demand, Control and Support at Work Among Sick-Listed Patients with Neck or Back Pain: A Prospective Study
J Occup Rehabil, 26 (2), 183-94
DOI 10.1007/s10926-015-9602-5, PubMed 26286432

Pinxsterhuis I, Sandvik L, Strand EB, Bautz-Holter E, Sveen U (2016)
Effectiveness of a group-based self-management program for people with chronic fatigue syndrome: a randomized controlled trial
Clin Rehabil, 31 (1), 93-103
DOI 10.1177/0269215515621362, PubMed 26672998

Roe C, Myhre K, Marchand GH, Lau B, Leivseth G, Bautz-Holter E (2016)
Measurement Properties of the Nordic Questionnaire for Psychological and Social Factors at Work: A Rasch Analysis
J Appl Meas, 17 (2), 227-238
PubMed 28009586

Røe C, Preede L, Dalen H, Bautz-Holter E, Nyquist A, Sandvik L, Saebu M (2016)
Does adapted physical activity‑based rehabilitation improve mental and physical functioning? A randomized trial
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 54 (3), 419-427
DOI 10.23736/S1973-9087.16.04189-7, PubMed 27171538

Skatteboe S, Roe C, Perrin PB, Dalen H, Bautz-Holter E, Nyquist A, Saebu M (2016)
One-year trajectories of motivation and physical activity in persons with disabilities
J Rehabil Med, 48 (4), 371-7
DOI 10.2340/16501977-2071, PubMed 26936650

Vikane E, Hellstrøm T, Røe C, Bautz-Holter E, Aßmus J, Skouen JS (2016)
Predictors for Return to Work in Subjects with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Behav Neurol, 2016, 8026414
DOI 10.1155/2016/8026414, PubMed 26980942

Publications 2015

Kvalvaag E, Brox JI, Engebretsen KB, Søberg HL, Bautz-Holter E, Røe C (2015)
Is radial Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (rEWST) combined with supervised exercises (SE) more effective than sham rESWT and SE in patients with subacromial shoulder pain? Study protocol for a double-blind randomised, sham-controlled trial
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 16, 248
DOI 10.1186/s12891-015-0712-1, PubMed 26361756

Marchand GH, Lau B, Myhre K, Røe C, Bautz-Holter E, Leivseth G (2015)
Pain and disability do not influence psychological and social factors at work among sick-listed patients with neck and back pain
Work, 53 (3), 499-509
DOI 10.3233/WOR-152226, PubMed 26835854

Marchand GH, Myhre K, Leivseth G, Sandvik L, Lau B, Bautz-Holter E, Røe C (2015)
Change in pain, disability and influence of fear-avoidance in a work-focused intervention on neck and back pain: a randomized controlled trial
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 16, 94
DOI 10.1186/s12891-015-0553-y, PubMed 25896785

Preede L, Saebu M, Perrin PB, Nyquist A, Dalen H, Bautz-Holter E, Røe C (2015)
One-year trajectories of mental and physical functioning during and after rehabilitation among individuals with disabilities
Health Qual Life Outcomes, 13, 135
DOI 10.1186/s12955-015-0328-z, PubMed 26315445

Soberg HL, Bautz-Holter E, Finset A, Roise O, Andelic N (2015)
Physical and mental health 10 years after multiple trauma: A prospective cohort study
J Trauma Acute Care Surg, 78 (3), 628-33
DOI 10.1097/TA.0000000000000541, PubMed 25710437

Publications 2014

Andelic N, Ye J, Tornas S, Roe C, Lu J, Bautz-Holter E, Moger T, Sigurdardottir S, Schanke AK, Aas E (2014)
Cost-effectiveness analysis of an early-initiated, continuous chain of rehabilitation after severe traumatic brain injury
J Neurotrauma, 31 (14), 1313-20
DOI 10.1089/neu.2013.3292, PubMed 24720788

Myhre K, Marchand GH, Leivseth G, Keller A, Bautz-Holter E, Sandvik L, Lau B, Røe C (2014)
The effect of work-focused rehabilitation among patients with neck and back pain: a randomized controlled trial
Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 39 (24), 1999-2006
DOI 10.1097/BRS.0000000000000610, PubMed 25271499

Sveen U, Andelic N, Bautz-Holter E, Røe C (2014)
Self-reported competency--validation of the Norwegian version of the patient competency rating scale for traumatic brain injury
Disabil Rehabil, 37 (3), 239-46
DOI 10.3109/09638288.2014.913706, PubMed 24773117

Vikane E, Hellstrøm T, Røe C, Bautz-Holter E, Assmus J, Skouen JS (2014)
Missing a follow-up after mild traumatic brain injury--does it matter?
Brain Inj, 28 (11), 1374-80
DOI 10.3109/02699052.2014.919532, PubMed 24946256

Publications 2013

Myhre K, Røe C, Marchand GH, Keller A, Bautz-Holter E, Leivseth G, Sandvik L, Lau B (2013)
Fear-avoidance beliefs associated with perceived psychological and social factors at work among patients with neck and back pain: a cross-sectional multicentre study
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 14, 329
DOI 10.1186/1471-2474-14-329, PubMed 24261336

Roe Y, Bautz-Holter E, Juel NG, Soberg HL (2013)
Identification of relevant International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health categories in patients with shoulder pain: a cross-sectional study
J Rehabil Med, 45 (7), 662-9
DOI 10.2340/16501977-1159, PubMed 23695858

Roe Y, Soberg HL, Bautz-Holter E, Ostensjo S (2013)
A systematic review of measures of shoulder pain and functioning using the International classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF)
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 14, 73
DOI 10.1186/1471-2474-14-73, PubMed 23445557

Røe C, Bautz-Holter E, Cieza A (2013)
Low back pain in 17 countries, a Rasch analysis of the ICF core set for low back pain
Int J Rehabil Res, 36 (1), 38-47
DOI 10.1097/MRR.0b013e328357883c, PubMed 22868946

Publications 2012

Andelic N, Johansen JB, Bautz-Holter E, Mengshoel AM, Bakke E, Roe C (2012)
Linking self-determined functional problems of patients with neck pain to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF)
Patient Prefer Adherence, 6, 749-55
DOI 10.2147/PPA.S36165, PubMed 23118531

Dalen HE, Nyquist A, Saebu M, Roe C, Bautz-Holter E (2012)
Implementation of ICF in goal setting in rehabilitation of children with chronic disabilities at Beitostolen Healthsports Centre
Disabil Rehabil, 35 (3), 198-205
DOI 10.3109/09638288.2012.690499, PubMed 22671288

Soberg HL, Finset A, Roise O, Bautz-Holter E (2012)
The trajectory of physical and mental health from injury to 5 years after multiple trauma: a prospective, longitudinal cohort study
Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 93 (5), 765-74
DOI 10.1016/j.apmr.2011.08.050, PubMed 22459698

Publications 2011

Andelic N, Bautz-Holter E, Ronning P, Olafsen K, Sigurdardottir S, Schanke AK, Sveen U, Tornas S, Sandhaug M, Roe C (2011)
Does an early onset and continuous chain of rehabilitation improve the long-term functional outcome of patients with severe traumatic brain injury?
J Neurotrauma, 29 (1), 66-74
DOI 10.1089/neu.2011.1811, PubMed 21864138

Fisher RJ, Gaynor C, Kerr M, Langhorne P, Anderson C, Bautz-Holter E, Indredavik B, Mayo NE, Power M, Rodgers H, Rønning OM, Widén Holmqvist L, Wolfe CD, Walker MF (2011)
A consensus on stroke: early supported discharge
Stroke, 42 (5), 1392-7
DOI 10.1161/STROKEAHA.110.606285, PubMed 21441151

Keller A, Boyle E, Skog TA, Cassidy JD, Bautz-Holter E (2011)
Are Modic changes prognostic for recovery in a cohort of patients with non-specific low back pain?
Eur Spine J, 21 (3), 418-24
DOI 10.1007/s00586-011-1964-6, PubMed 21837412

Soberg HL, Roise O, Bautz-Holter E, Finset A (2011)
Returning to work after severe multiple injuries: multidimensional functioning and the trajectory from injury to work at 5 years
J Trauma, 71 (2), 425-34
DOI 10.1097/TA.0b013e3181eff54f, PubMed 21045746

Publications 2010

Ekeberg OM, Bautz-Holter E, Juel NG, Engebretsen K, Kvalheim S, Brox JI (2010)
Clinical, socio-demographic and radiological predictors of short-term outcome in rotator cuff disease
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 11, 239
DOI 10.1186/1471-2474-11-239, PubMed 20950433

Ekeberg OM, Bautz-Holter E, Keller A, Tveitå EK, Juel NG, Brox JI (2010)
A questionnaire found disease-specific WORC index is not more responsive than SPADI and OSS in rotator cuff disease
J Clin Epidemiol, 63 (5), 575-84
DOI 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2009.07.012, PubMed 19836206

Engebretsen K, Grotle M, Bautz-Holter E, Ekeberg OM, Brox JI (2010)
Determinants of the shoulder pain and disability index in patients with subacromial shoulder pain
J Rehabil Med, 42 (5), 499-505
DOI 10.2340/16501977-0548, PubMed 20544164

Engebretsen K, Grotle M, Bautz-Holter E, Ekeberg OM, Brox JI (2010)
Predictors of shoulder pain and disability index (SPADI) and work status after 1 year in patients with subacromial shoulder pain
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 11, 218
DOI 10.1186/1471-2474-11-218, PubMed 20863369

Engebretsen K, Grotle M, Bautz-Holter E, Ekeberg OM, Juel NG, Brox JI (2010)
Supervised exercises compared with radial extracorporeal shock-wave therapy for subacromial shoulder pain: 1-year results of a single-blind randomized controlled trial
Phys Ther, 91 (1), 37-47
DOI 10.2522/ptj.20090338, PubMed 21088117

Soberg HL, Bautz-Holter E, Roise O, Finset A (2010)
Mental health and posttraumatic stress symptoms 2 years after severe multiple trauma: self-reported disability and psychosocial functioning
Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 91 (3), 481-8
DOI 10.1016/j.apmr.2009.11.007, PubMed 20298843

Sveen U, Bautz-Holter E, Sandvik L, Alvsåker K, Røe C (2010)
Relationship between competency in activities, injury severity, and post-concussion symptoms after traumatic brain injury
Scand J Occup Ther, 17 (3), 225-32
DOI 10.3109/11038120903171295, PubMed 20302448

Publications 2009

Ekeberg OM, Bautz-Holter E, Tveitå EK, Juel NG, Kvalheim S, Brox JI (2009)
Subacromial ultrasound guided or systemic steroid injection for rotator cuff disease: randomised double blind study
BMJ, 338, a3112
DOI 10.1136/bmj.a3112, PubMed 19168537

Engebretsen K, Grotle M, Bautz-Holter E, Sandvik L, Juel NG, Ekeberg OM, Brox JI (2009)
Radial extracorporeal shockwave treatment compared with supervised exercises in patients with subacromial pain syndrome: single blind randomised study
BMJ, 339, b3360
DOI 10.1136/bmj.b3360, PubMed 19755551

Giske L, Bautz-Holter E, Sandvik L, Røe C (2009)
Relationship between pain and neuropathic symptoms in chronic musculoskeletal pain
Pain Med, 10 (5), 910-7
DOI 10.1111/j.1526-4637.2009.00622.x, PubMed 19453955

Røe C, Sveen U, Alvsåker K, Bautz-Holter E (2009)
Post-concussion symptoms after mild traumatic brain injury: influence of demographic factors and injury severity in a 1-year cohort study
Disabil Rehabil, 31 (15), 1235-43
DOI 10.1080/09638280802532720, PubMed 19116810

Røe C, Sveen U, Cieza A, Geyh S, Bautz-Holter E (2009)
Validation of the Brief ICF core set for low back pain from the Norwegian perspective
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 45 (3), 403-14
PubMed 19396057

Røe C, Sveen U, Geyh S, Cieza A, Bautz-Holter E (2009)
Construct dimensionality and properties of the categories in the ICF Core Set for low back pain
J Rehabil Med, 41 (6), 429-37
DOI 10.2340/16501977-0368, PubMed 19479155

Publications 2008

Andelic N, Hammergren N, Bautz-Holter E, Sveen U, Brunborg C, Røe C (2008)
Functional outcome and health-related quality of life 10 years after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury
Acta Neurol Scand, 120 (1), 16-23
DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0404.2008.01116.x, PubMed 18976326

Bautz-Holter E, Sveen U, Cieza A, Geyh S, Røe C (2008)
Does the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) core set for low back pain cover the patients' problems? A cross-sectional content-validity study with a Norwegian population
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 44 (4), 387-97
PubMed 19002088

Ekeberg OM, Bautz-Holter E, Tveitå EK, Keller A, Juel NG, Brox JI (2008)
Agreement, reliability and validity in 3 shoulder questionnaires in patients with rotator cuff disease
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 9, 68
DOI 10.1186/1471-2474-9-68, PubMed 18482438

Røe C, Dalen H, Lein M, Bautz-Holter E (2008)
Comprehensive rehabilitation at Beitostølen Healthsports Centre: influence on mental and physical functioning
J Rehabil Med, 40 (6), 410-7
DOI 10.2340/16501977-0179, PubMed 18509554

Røe C, Sveen U, Bautz-Holter E (2008)
Retaining the patient perspective in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for low back pain
Patient Prefer Adherence, 2, 337-47
DOI 10.2147/ppa.s4419, PubMed 19920981

Røe C, Sveen U, Kristoffersen OJ, Fossen B, Hammergren N, Iversen VT, Hannestad K, Bautz-Holter E (2008)
[Testing of ICF core set for low back pain]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 128 (23), 2706-8
PubMed 19079415

Soberg HL, Finset A, Roise O, Bautz-Holter E (2008)
Identification and comparison of rehabilitation goals after multiple injuries: an ICF analysis of the patients', physiotherapists' and other allied professionals' reported goals
J Rehabil Med, 40 (5), 340-6
DOI 10.2340/16501977-0174, PubMed 18461258

Sveen U, Mongs M, Røe C, Sandvik L, Bautz-Holter E (2008)
Self-rated competency in activities predicts functioning and participation one year after traumatic brain injury
Clin Rehabil, 22 (1), 45-55
DOI 10.1177/0269215507080768, PubMed 18089663

Tveitå EK, Ekeberg OM, Juel NG, Bautz-Holter E (2008)
Range of shoulder motion in patients with adhesive capsulitis; intra-tester reproducibility is acceptable for group comparisons
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 9, 49
DOI 10.1186/1471-2474-9-49, PubMed 18405388

Tveitå EK, Ekeberg OM, Juel NG, Bautz-Holter E (2008)
Responsiveness of the shoulder pain and disability index in patients with adhesive capsulitis
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 9, 161
DOI 10.1186/1471-2474-9-161, PubMed 19055757

Tveitå EK, Sandvik L, Ekeberg OM, Juel NG, Bautz-Holter E (2008)
Factor structure of the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index in patients with adhesive capsulitis
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 9, 103
DOI 10.1186/1471-2474-9-103, PubMed 18637165

Tveitå EK, Tariq R, Sesseng S, Juel NG, Bautz-Holter E (2008)
Hydrodilatation, corticosteroids and adhesive capsulitis: a randomized controlled trial
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 9, 53
DOI 10.1186/1471-2474-9-53, PubMed 18423042

Publications 2007

Bautz-Holter E, Sveen U, Søberg H, Røe C (2007)
[Challenges and trends in rehabilitation]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 127 (3), 304-6
PubMed 17279109

Soberg HL, Bautz-Holter E, Roise O, Finset A (2007)
Long-term multidimensional functional consequences of severe multiple injuries two years after trauma: a prospective longitudinal cohort study
J Trauma, 62 (2), 461-70
DOI 10.1097/01.ta.0000222916.30253.ea, PubMed 17297337

Soberg HL, Finset A, Bautz-Holter E, Sandvik L, Roise O (2007)
Return to work after severe multiple injuries: a multidimensional approach on status 1 and 2 years postinjury
J Trauma, 62 (2), 471-81
DOI 10.1097/TA.0b013e31802e95f4, PubMed 17297338

Publications 2005

Langhorne P, Taylor G, Murray G, Dennis M, Anderson C, Bautz-Holter E, Dey P, Indredavik B, Mayo N, Power M, Rodgers H, Ronning OM, Rudd A, Suwanwela N, Widen-Holmqvist L, Wolfe C (2005)
Early supported discharge services for stroke patients: a meta-analysis of individual patients' data
Lancet, 365 (9458), 501-6
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)17868-4, PubMed 15705460

Publications 2004

Sveen U, Thommessen B, Bautz-Holter E, Wyller TB, Laake K (2004)
Well-being and instrumental activities of daily living after stroke
Clin Rehabil, 18 (3), 267-74
DOI 10.1191/0269215504cr719oa, PubMed 15137558

Publications 2003

Wyller TB, Thommessen B, Sødring KM, Sveen U, Pettersen AM, Bautz-Holter E, Laake K (2003)
Emotional well-being of close relatives to stroke survivors
Clin Rehabil, 17 (4), 410-7
DOI 10.1191/0269215503cr627oa, PubMed 12785250

Wyller TB, Thommessen B, Sødring KM, Sveen U, Pettersen AM, Bautz-Holter E, Laake K (2003)
Emotional well-being of close relatives to stroke survivors
In Clinical rehabilitation, Edward Arnold, Sevenoaks, 17(2003)4, s.410-7
BIBSYS 041729099

Publications 2002

Bautz-Holter E, Sveen U, Rygh J, Rodgers H, Wyller TB (2002)
Early supported discharge of patients with acute stroke: a randomized controlled trial
Disabil Rehabil, 24 (7), 348-55
DOI 10.1080/09638280110093677, PubMed 12022784

Thommessen B, Thoresen GE, Bautz-Holter E, Laake K (2002)
Validity of the aphasia item from the Scandinavian Stroke Scale
Cerebrovasc Dis, 13 (3), 184-6
DOI 10.1159/000047773, PubMed 11914535

Publications 2001

Thommessen B, Wyller TB, Bautz-Holter E, Laake K (2001)
Acute phase predictors of subsequent psychosocial burden in carers of elderly stroke patients
Cerebrovasc Dis, 11 (3), 201-6
DOI 10.1159/000047639, PubMed 11306768

Publications 1999

Halsaa KE, Sødring KM, Bjelland E, Finsrud K, Bautz-Holter E (1999)
Inter-rater reliability of the Sødring Motor Evaluation of Stroke patients (SMES)
Scand J Rehabil Med, 31 (4), 240-3
PubMed 10599901

Sveen U, Bautz-Holter E, Sødring KM, Wyller TB, Laake K (1999)
Association between impairments, self-care ability and social activities 1 year after stroke
Disabil Rehabil, 21 (8), 372-7
DOI 10.1080/096382899297477, PubMed 10503978

Thommessen B, Bautz-Holter E, Laake K (1999)
Predictors of outcome of rehabilitation of elderly stroke patients in a geriatric ward
Clin Rehabil, 13 (2), 123-8
DOI 10.1191/026921599666507386, PubMed 10348392

Thommessen B, Thoresen GE, Bautz-Holter E, Laake K (1999)
Screening by nurses for aphasia in stroke--the Ullevaal Aphasia Screening (UAS) test
Disabil Rehabil, 21 (3), 110-5
DOI 10.1080/096382899297846, PubMed 10206350

Publications 1998

Sødring KM, Laake K, Sveen U, Wyller TB, Bautz-Holter E (1998)
Validation of the screening instrument for neuropsychological impairment in stroke
Physiother Res Int, 3 (1), 15-26
DOI 10.1002/pri.119, PubMed 9718614

Publications 1997

Advocaat C, Bautz-Holter E (1997)
[Prognosis one year after hip fracture]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 117 (26), 3801-3
PubMed 9417684

Advocaat C, Bautz-Holter E (1997)
Hoftebrudd: hvem får det? : hvordan går det? : prosjektrapport
Ullevål sykehus. Klinikk for geriatri og rehabilitering. Universitetsenheten, Oslo, 75 s.
BIBSYS 000185345

Bautz-Holter E (1997)
En helhetlig slagomsorg: prosjektrapport
Ullevål sykehus, Oslo, 53 s.
BIBSYS 000185450

Thommessen B, Laake K, Bautz-Holter E (1997)
[Rehabilitation of elderly stroke patients in a geriatric department. Course and prognosis]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 117 (26), 3834-7
PubMed 9417692

Wyller TB, Sveen U, Sødring KM, Pettersen AM, Bautz-Holter E (1997)
Subjective well-being one year after stroke
Clin Rehabil, 11 (2), 139-45
DOI 10.1177/026921559701100207, PubMed 9199866

Wyller TB, Sødring KM, Sveen U, Ljunggren AE, Bautz-Holter E (1997)
Are there gender differences in functional outcome after stroke?
Clin Rehabil, 11 (2), 171-9
DOI 10.1177/026921559701100211, PubMed 9199870

Publications 1996

Wyller TB, Sveen U, Bautz-Holter E (1996)
The Frenchay Activities Index in stroke patients: agreement between scores by patients and by relatives
Disabil Rehabil, 18 (9), 454-9
DOI 10.3109/09638289609165909, PubMed 8877304

Wyller TB, Sødring KM, Sveen U, Ljunggren AE, Bautz-Holter E (1996)
Predictive validity of the Sødring Motor Evaluation of Stroke Patients (SMES)
Scand J Rehabil Med, 28 (4), 211-6
PubMed 9122649

Publications 1995

Laake K, Laake P, Ranhoff AH, Sveen U, Wyller TB, Bautz-Holter E (1995)
The Barthel ADL index: factor structure depends upon the category of patient
Age Ageing, 24 (5), 393-7
DOI 10.1093/ageing/24.5.393, PubMed 8669341

Sødring KM, Bautz-Holter E, Ljunggren AE, Wyller TB (1995)
Description and validation of a test of motor function and activities in stroke patients. The Sødring Motor Evaluation of Stroke Patients
Scand J Rehabil Med, 27 (4), 211-7
PubMed 8650505

Wyller TB, Sveen U, Bautz-Holter E (1995)
The Barthel ADL index one year after stroke: comparison between relatives' and occupational therapist's scores
Age Ageing, 24 (5), 398-401
DOI 10.1093/ageing/24.5.398, PubMed 8669342

Publications 1992

Schmidt L, Advocaat C, Bautz-Holter E (1992)
[Care for the elderly: Katz' ADL-index--a nursing tool]
Fag Tidsskr Sykepleien, 80 (2), 26-30
PubMed 1599782

Publications 1988

Bautz-Holter E (1988)
[Technical aids for patients with rheumatism]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 108 (26), 2151-3
PubMed 3264627

Publications 1986

Bautz-Holter E, Breder M, Sødring KM (1986)
Bevegelseshemmet i Sogn og Fjordane: en epidemiologisk undersøkelse om helse, sosiale forhold og helsetjeneste blant bevegelseshemmete i distrikts-Norge
In Rapport, Gruppen, Oslo, 1986:8, 244, 20 s.
BIBSYS 872051854

Publications 1981

Bautz-Holter E (1981)
Spørsmål og svar om skulderlidelser
In Syntex terapiserie, Astra-Syntex A.s, Strømmen, 1-1981, 18 s.
BIBSYS 822057816

Publications 1975

Vokac Z, Bell H, Bautz-Holter E, Rodahl K (1975)
Oxygen uptake/heart rate relationship in leg and arm exercise, sitting and standing
J Appl Physiol, 39 (1), 54-9
DOI 10.1152/jappl.1975.39.1.54, PubMed 1150592