The fight against doping

Yvette DehnesGroup leader
Yvette Dehnes
Group leader

The Norwegian Doping Control Laboratory at Aker Hospital is one of 31 WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency)-accredited laboratories around the world. Although the focus of the Norwegian Doping Control Laboratory is to render analytical services to anti-doping organizations like Antidoping Norway as well as international federations, WADA requires at least 7 % of the total budget to be spent on anti-doping research.

The laboratory is engaged in research promoting the development of methodologies in analytical chemistry for the detection of doping agents and prohibited methods, as well as the identification of novel doping trends and pharmacological studies on doping agents and methods. Detection of new drugs (steroids and their metabolites, erythropoiesis stimulating agents), as well as the use of longitudinal profiles of indirect markers for doping (hematological, endocrine), have been the laboratory’s research focus areas.

Research projects

  • Hepcidin and ALAS2 mRNA as potential biomarkers for the detection of testosterone administration
  • Transfer of Protocol for Detection of Autologous Blood Transfusion (Collaboration with C. Malm and ProTest Diagnostics Sweden and M. Ericsson, Swedish Doping Control Laboratory).
  • Master thesis (Silje Bogetveit): Effect of testosterone administration on the GH-biomarkers IGF-1 and PIIINP
  • New fast screening method for EPO (Collaboration with Ø. Oll, Asker Hundeklubb)
  • Physiological and psychiological effects of doping with CERA (Collaboration with Hjelle and Fredriksen, Kristiania Høyskole)

Contact information:

Dr. Yvette Dehnes
Laboratory Director Norwegian
Doping Control Laboratory (NLD)
Department of Pharmacology/KLM
Tel: +47 22894914/48179727