Bjørnstad PM, Aaløkken R, Åsheim J, Sundaram AYM, Felde CN, Østby GH, Dalland M, Sjursen W, Carrizosa C, Vigeland MD, Sorte HS, Sheng Y, Ariansen SL, Grindedal EM, Gilfillan GD(2024) Publisher Correction: A 39 kb structural variant causing Lynch syndrome detected by optical genome mapping and nanopore sequencing Eur J Hum Genet, 32(5), 601-602 DOI 10.1038/s41431-023-01519-1, PubMed 38172175
Cobb L, de Muinck E, Kollias S, Skage M, Gilfillan GD, Sydenham MAK, Qiao SW, Star B(2024) High-throughput sequencing of insect specimens with sub-optimal DNA preservation using a practical, plate-based Illumina-compatible Tn5 transposase library preparation method PLoS One, 19(3), e0300865 DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0300865, PubMed 38517905
Bjørnstad PM, Aaløkken R, Åsheim J, Sundaram AYM, Felde CN, Østby GH, Dalland M, Sjursen W, Carrizosa C, Vigeland MD, Sorte HS, Sheng Y, Ariansen SL, Grindedal EM, Gilfillan GD(2023) A 39 kb structural variant causing Lynch Syndrome detected by optical genome mapping and nanopore sequencing Eur J Hum Genet, 32(5), 513-520 DOI 10.1038/s41431-023-01494-7, PubMed 38030917
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Gregor Gilfillan - Visiting /postal address: Dept. Medical Genetics, Building 25, 2nd floor (North), Ullevål Hospital, Kirkeveien 166, 0450 Oslo