Laila Skogstad
- PhD
Oslo Accident and Emergency Outpatient Clinic, City of Oslo Health Agency
Department of cardiothoracic surgery, OUS
Research projects:
Publications 2021
Use of Alcohol and Addictive Drugs During the COVID-19 Outbreak in Norway: Associations With Mental Health and Pandemic-Related Problems
Front. Public Health, 9, 667729
DOI 10.3389/fpubh.2021.667729
Substance use in the Norwegian general population: prevalence and associations with disease
J. Subst. Use, 26 (2), 144-150
DOI 10.1080/14659891.2020.1784303
Suicide Thoughts and Attempts in the Norwegian General Population during the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Outbreak
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18 (8), 4102
DOI 10.3390/ijerph18084102
Healthcare professionals in COVID-19-intensive care units in Norway: preparedness and working conditions: a cohort study
BMJ Open, 11 (10), e049135
DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049135
Optimists' and pessimists' self-reported mental and global health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway
HEALTH PSYCHOL. REP., 9 (2), 160-168
DOI 10.5114/hpr.2021.102394
Psychological responses and associated factors during the initial lockdown due to the corona disease epidemic (COVID-19) among Norwegian citizens
J. Ment. Heal.
DOI 10.1080/09638237.2021.1952949
Concerns in the Norwegian Population during the Initial Lockdown Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18 (11), 6119
DOI 10.3390/ijerph18116119
Concerns Related to the COVID-19 in Adult Norwegians during the First Outbreak in 2020: A Qualitative Approach
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18 (8), 4312
DOI 10.3390/ijerph18084312
Occurrence and characteristics of pain after ICU discharge: A longitudinal study
Nurs. Crit. Care
DOI 10.1111/nicc.12701
Publications 2020
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Associated Factors during the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Norway
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17 (24), 9210
DOI 10.3390/ijerph17249210
Daily use of alcohol in the Norwegian general population: Prevalence and associated factors
Drugs Alcohol Today, 20 (2), 109-121
DOI 10.1108/DAT-02-2020-0010
Sexual Assault and the Association With Health, Quality of Life, and Self-Efficacy in the General Norwegian Population
J. Interpers. Violence, 0886260520926307
DOI 10.1177/0886260520926307
Post-traumatic stress symptoms and sense of coherence in proximity to intensive care unit discharge
Nurs. Crit. Care, 25 (2), 117-125
DOI 10.1111/nicc.12466
Effect of Nurse-Led Consultations on Post-Traumatic Stress and Sense of Coherence in Discharged ICU Patients With Clinically Relevant Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms-A Randomized Controlled Trial
Crit. Care Med., 48 (12), E1218-E1225
DOI 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004628
Publications 2019
Self-rated global health in the Norwegian general population
Health Qual. Life Outcomes, 17 (1), 188
DOI 10.1186/s12955-019-1258-y
Self-evaluated anxiety in the Norwegian population: prevalence and associated factors
Arch. PUblic Health, 77, 10
DOI 10.1186/s13690-019-0338-0
General self-efficacy in the Norwegian population: Differences and similarities between sociodemographic groups
Scand. J. Public Health, 47 (7), 695-704
DOI 10.1177/1403494818756701
Flight Anxiety Reported from 1986 to 2015
Aerosp. Med.Hum. Perform., 90 (4), 384-388
DOI 10.3357/AMHP.5125.2019
Serious life events and post-traumatic stress disorder in the Norwegian population
BJPsych Open, 5 (5), e82
DOI 10.1192/bjo.2019.62
Optimists report fewer physical and mental health conditions than pessimists in the general Norwegian population
HEALTH PSYCHOL. REP., 7 (1), 9-18
DOI 10.5114/hpr.2019.81003
Publications 2018
Self-diagnosed depression in the Norwegian general population - associations with neuroticism, extraversion, optimism, and general self-efficacy
BMC Public Health, 18, 1076
DOI 10.1186/s12889-018-5990-8
22 July 2011-psychological reactions in patients at the emergency room in Oslo
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen., 138 (11), 1022-1028
Publications 2016
The association between alcohol, medicinal drug use and post-traumatic stress symptoms among Norwegian rescue workers after the 22 July twin terror attacks
Int. Emerg. Nurs., 28, 29-33
DOI 10.1016/j.ienj.2016.03.003
Brain Activity in Response to Trauma-specific, Negative, and Neutral Stimuli. A fMRI Study of Recent Road Traffic Accident Survivors
Front. Psychol., 7, 1173
DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01173
Emergency Preparedness and Role Clarity among Rescue Workers during the Terror Attacks in Norway July 22, 2011
PLoS One, 11 (6), e0156536
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0156536
Post-traumatic stress among rescue workers after terror attacks in Norway
Occup. Med.-Oxf., 66 (7), 528-535
DOI 10.1093/occmed/kqw063
Publications 2015
Sick-leave and help seeking among rescue workers after the terror attacks in Norway, 2011
Int. J. Emergency Medicine, 8 (1), 31
DOI 10.1186/s12245-015-0081-4
Exposure and posttraumatic stress symptoms among first responders working in proximity to the terror sites in Norway on July 22, 2011-a cross-sectional study
Scand. J. Trauma Resusc. Emerg. Med., 23, 23
DOI 10.1186/s13049-015-0104-4
Publications 2014
Psychological distress after physical injury: A one-year follow-up study of conscious hospitalised patients
Injury-Int. J. Care Inj., 45 (1), 289-298
DOI 10.1016/j.injury.2012.10.001
Publications 2012
Prevalence and predictors of return to work in hospitalised trauma patients during the first year after discharge: A prospective cohort study
Injury-Int. J. Care Inj., 43 (9), 1606-1613
DOI 10.1016/j.injury.2011.03.038
Publications 2011
The casualty chain inventory: a new scale for measuring peritraumatic responses: a cross-sectional study
BMC Emerg. Med., 11, 6
DOI 10.1186/1471-227X-11-6
Health related quality of life in trauma patients. Data from a one-year follow up study compared with the general population
Scand. J. Trauma Resusc. Emerg. Med., 19, 22
DOI 10.1186/1757-7241-19-22
Publications 2010
Psychological Distress After Severe Trauma: A Prospective 1-Year Follow-Up Study of a Trauma Intensive Care Unit Population
J. Trauma-Injury Infect. Crit. Care, 69 (6), 1552-1559
DOI 10.1097/TA.0b013e3181e125f3
Publications 2005
Which Mini-Mental State Exam items can be used to screen for delirium and cognitive impairment?
J. Pain Symptom Manage., 30 (1), 41-50
DOI 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2005.05.001
Publications 2003
Har sykepleiere i akuttmottak behov for å bearbeide opplevelser etter m ottak av kritisk syke pasienter, og i så fall på hvilke måter?
21 s. (flere pag.)
BIBSYS 060024690