Torleiv Ole Rognum

  • Professor emeritus; MD, PhD

Publications 2023

Rognum TO, Bøylestad L (2023)
Drap av nyfødte
In Lærebok i rettsmedisin, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS, Oslo
PublikaID 503, ISBN 9788205584167

Rognum TO, Opdal SH, Vege, Stray-Pedersen A, Ferrante L, Bøylestad L (2023)
In Lærebok i rettsmedisin, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS, Oslo
PublikaID 502, ISBN 9788205584167

Publications 2021

Eidahl JML, Stray-Pedersen A, Rognum TO, Opdal SH (2021)
Aquaporin 4 expression in the hippocampus in sudden infant death syndrome and sudden unexplained death in childhood
J. Chem. Neuroanat., 115, 101962
DOI 10.1016/j.jchemneu.2021.101962

Ferrante L, Opdal SH, Nygard S, Vege A, Rognum TO (2021)
Gene expression profile in cases of infectious death in infancy
Pediatr. Res., 89 (3), 483-487
DOI 10.1038/s41390-020-0896-4

Opdal SH, Ferrante L, Rognum TO, Stray-Pedersen A (2021)
Aquaporin-1 and aquaporin-9 gene variations in sudden infant death syndrome
Int. J. Legal Med., 135 (3), 719-725
DOI 10.1007/s00414-020-02493-9

Rognum TO (2021)
The long road to a specialty in forensic medicine
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen., 141 (3), 278-281

Stray-Pedersen A, Vollmer-Sandholm MJ, Aukland SM, Due-Tonnessen BJ, Grogaard JB, Haugen OH, Myhre AK, Moller C, Osberg S, Rognum TO (2021)
Re-evaluation of abusive head trauma in Norway appears flawed
Acta Paediatr.
DOI 10.1111/apa.16069

Publications 2020

Boylestad L, Stray-Pedersen A, Vege A, Osberg S, Rognum T (2020)
Death-scene investigations contribute to legal protection in unexpected child deaths in Norway
Acta Paediatr., 109 (12), 2627-2635
DOI 10.1111/apa.15284

Publications 2019

Bjornvall CD, Opdal SH, Rognum TO, Ferrante L (2019)
Polymorphisms in the myeloid differentiation primary response 88 pathway do not explain low expression levels in sudden infant death syndrome
Acta Paediatr., 108 (7), 1262-1266
DOI 10.1111/apa.14696

Eidahl JML, Opdal SH, Rognum TO, Stray-Pedersen A (2019)
Postmortem evaluation of brain edema: An attempt with measurements of water content and brain-weight-to-inner-skull-circumference ratio
J. Forensic Leg. Med., 64, 1-6
DOI 10.1016/j.jflm.2019.03.003

Goldstein RD, Blair PS, Sens MA, Shapiro-Mendoza CK, Krous HF, Rognum TO, Moon RY, Anderson RN, Bundock EA, Crandall LG, Darnall RA, Goldstein RD, Hauck F, Haynes RL, Himes B, Hollander S, Holm IA, Keywan C, McEntire B, Mitchell EA, Sperhake J, Sampson BA, Super M, 3 Int Congress Sudden Infant (2019)
Inconsistent classification of unexplained sudden deaths in infants and children hinders surveillance, prevention and research: recommendations from The 3rd International Congress on Sudden Infant and Child Death
Forensic Sci. Med. Pathol., 15 (4), 622-628
DOI 10.1007/s12024-019-00156-9

Nygaard UC, Vege A, Rognum T, Grob K, Cartier C, Cravedi JP, Alexander J (2019)
Toxic effects of mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) and relation to accumulation in rat liver
Food Chem. Toxicol., 123, 431-442
DOI 10.1016/j.fct.2018.11.022

Stray-Pedersen A, Moller C, de Lange C, Myhre AK, Rognum TO, Due-Tonnessen BJ, Grogaard JB, Haugen OH, Hikmat O, Mahesparan R, Muller LSO, Myhre MC, Nedregaard B, Nordhov SM, Rosendahl K, Sorbo T, Vollmer-Sandholm MJ, Aukland SM (2019)
The doctors' role in cases of suspected child abuse
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen., 139 (2), 126-128

Publications 2018

Rognum TO, Vege, Stray-Pedersen A, Bøylestad L (2018)
A scandinavian perspective.
In SIDS Sudden Infant and Early Childhood Death: The Past, the Present and the Future. , University of Adelaide Press, Adelaide, 1, 421-430
PublikaID 324, ISBN 9781925261684

Tuveng JM, Berling BM, Bunford G, Vanoye CG, Welch RC, Leren TP, George AL, Rognum TO (2018)
Long QT syndrome KCNH2 mutation with sequential fetal and maternal sudden death
Forensic Sci. Med. Pathol., 14 (3), 367-371
DOI 10.1007/s12024-018-9989-3

Publications 2017

Opdal SH, Vege A, Stray-Pedersen A, Rognum TO (2017)
The gene encoding the inwardly rectifying potassium channel Kir4.1 may be involved in sudden infant death syndrome
Acta Paediatr., 106 (9), 1474-1480
DOI 10.1111/apa.13928

Publications 2016

Ferrante L, Rognum TO, Vege A, Nygard S, Opdal SH (2016)
Altered gene expression and possible immunodeficiency in cases of sudden infant death syndrome
Pediatr. Res., 80 (1), 77-84
DOI 10.1038/pr.2016.45

Rognum TO, Holmen S, Musse MA, Dahlberg PS, Stray-Pedersen A, Saugstad OD, Opdal SH (2016)
Estimation of time since death by vitreous humor hypoxanthine, potassium, and ambient temperature
Forensic Sci.Int., 262, 160-165
DOI 10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.03.001

Publications 2015

Bruun J, Kolberg M, Ahlquist TC, Royrvik EC, Nome T, Leithe E, Lind GE, Merok MA, Rognum TO, Bjorkoy G, Johansen T, Lindblom A, Sun XF, Svindland A, Liestol K, Nesbakken A, Skotheim RI, Lothe RA (2015)
Regulator of Chromosome Condensation 2 Identifies High-Risk Patients within Both Major Phenotypes of Colorectal Cancer
Clin. Cancer Res., 21 (16), 3759-3770
DOI 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-14-3294

Vedeld HM, Andresen K, Eilertsen IA, Nesbakken A, Seruca R, Gladhaug IP, Thiis-Evensen E, Rognum TO, Boberg KM, Lind GE (2015)
The novel colorectal cancer biomarkers CDO1, ZSCAN18 and ZNF331 are frequently methylated across gastrointestinal cancers
Int. J. Cancer, 136 (4), 844-853
DOI 10.1002/ijc.29039

Publications 2014

Byard RW, Krous HF, Rognum TO (2014)
The Soria Moria approach to pediatric forensic issues
Forensic Sci. Med. Pathol., 10 (3), 293-294
DOI 10.1007/s12024-013-9470-2

Lovf M, Nome T, Bruun J, Eknaes M, Bakken AC, Mpindi JP, Kilpinen S, Rognum TO, Nesbakken A, Kallioniemi O, Lothe RA, Skotheim RI (2014)
A novel transcript, VNN1-AB, as a biomarker for colorectal cancer
Int. J. Cancer, 135 (9), 2077-2084
DOI 10.1002/ijc.28855

Nome T, Hoff AM, Bakken AC, Rognum TO, Nesbakken A, Skotheim RI (2014)
High Frequency of Fusion Transcripts Involving TCF7L2 in Colorectal Cancer: Novel Fusion Partner and Splice Variants
PLoS One, 9 (3), e91264
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0091264

Opdal SH, Vege A, Rognum TO (2014)
Genetic variation in the monoamine oxidase A and serotonin transporter genes in sudden infant death syndrome
Acta Paediatr., 103 (4), 393-397
DOI 10.1111/apa.12526

Publications 2013

Ferrante L, Opdal SH, Vege A, Rognum TO (2013)
Is there any correlation between HLA-DR expression in laryngeal mucosa and interleukin gene variation in sudden infant death syndrome?
Acta Paediatr., 102 (3), 308-313
DOI 10.1111/apa.12107

Publications 2012

Ahmed D, Danielsen SA, Aagesen TH, Bretthauer M, Thiis-Evensen E, Hoff G, Rognum TO, Nesbakken A, Lothe RA, Lind GE (2012)
A Tissue-Based Comparative Effectiveness Analysis of Biomarkers for Early Detection of Colorectal Tumors
Clin. Transl. Gastroenterol., 3, e27
DOI 10.1038/ctg.2012.21

Kinney HC, Rognum TO, Nattie EE, Haddad GG, Hyma B, McEntire B, Paterson DS, Crandall L, Byard RW (2012)
Sudden and unexpected death in early life: proceedings of a symposium in honor of Dr. Henry F. Krous
Forensic Sci. Med. Pathol., 8 (4), 414-425
DOI 10.1007/s12024-012-9376-4

Sveen A, Agesen TH, Nesbakken A, Meling GI, Rognum TO, Liestol K, Skotheim RI, Lothe RA (2012)
ColoGuidePro: A Prognostic 7-Gene Expression Signature for Stage III Colorectal Cancer Patients
Clin. Cancer Res., 18 (21), 6001-6010
DOI 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-11-3302

Sveen A, Bakken AC, Agesen TH, Lind GE, Nesbakken A, Nordgard O, Brackmann S, Rognum TO, Lothe RA, Skotheim RI (2012)
The exon-level biomarker SLC39A14 has organ-confined cancer-specificity in colorectal cancer
Int. J. Cancer, 131 (6), 1479-1485
DOI 10.1002/ijc.27399

Publications 2011

Lind GE, Danielsen SA, Ahlquist T, Merok MA, Andresen K, Skotheim RI, Hektoen M, Rognum TO, Meling GI, Hoff G, Bretthauer M, Thiis-Evensen E, Nesbakken A, Lothe RA (2011)
Identification of an epigenetic biomarker panel with high sensitivity and specificity for colorectal cancer and adenomas
Mol. Cancer, 10, 85
DOI 10.1186/1476-4598-10-85

Lind GE, Raiborg C, Danielsen SA, Rognum TO, Thiis-Evensen E, Hoff G, Nesbakken A, Stenmark H, Lothe RA (2011)
SPG20, a novel biomarker for early detection of colorectal cancer, encodes a regulator of cytokinesis
Oncogene, 30 (37), 3967-3978
DOI 10.1038/onc.2011.109

Opdal SH, Melien O, Hynnekleiv T, Rognum TO (2011)
The brain-derived neutrophic factor val66met polymorphism and sudden unexpected infant death
Acta Paediatr., 100 (1), 86-89
DOI 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2010.01960.x

Opdal SH, Rognum TO (2011)
Gene variants predisposing to SIDS: current knowledge
Forensic Sci. Med. Pathol., 7 (1), 26-36
DOI 10.1007/s12024-010-9182-9

Sirnes S, Honne H, Ahmed D, Danielsen SA, Rognum TO, Meling GI, Leithe E, Rivedal E, Lothe RA, Lind GE (2011)
DNA methylation analyses of the connexin gene family reveal silencing of GJC1 (Connexin45) by promoter hypermethylation in colorectal cancer
Epigenetics, 6 (5), 602-609
DOI 10.4161/epi.6.5.15237

Skjerven-Martinsen M, Naess PA, Hansen TB, Rognum TO, Lereim I, Stray-Pedersen A (2011)
In-Depth Evaluation of Real-World Car Collisions: Fatal and Severe Injuries in Children Are Predominantly Caused by Restraint Errors and Unstrapped Cargo
Traffic Inj. Prev., 12 (5), 491-499
DOI 10.1080/15389588.2011.596868

Stray-Pedersen A, Omland S, Nedregaard B, Klevberg S, Rognum TO (2011)
An infant with subdural hematoma and retinal hemorrhages: does von Willebrand disease explain the findings?
Forensic Sci. Med. Pathol., 7 (1), 37-41
DOI 10.1007/s12024-010-9176-7

Sveen A, Agesen TH, Nesbakken A, Rognum TO, Lothe RA, Skotheim RI (2011)
Transcriptome instability in colorectal cancer identified by exon microarray analyses: Associations with splicing factor expression levels and patient survival
Genome Med., 3, 32
DOI 10.1186/gm248

Publications 2010

Ferrante L, Opdal SH, Vege A, Rognum TO (2010)
Cytokine gene polymorphisms and sudden infant death syndrome
Acta Paediatr., 99 (3), 384-388
DOI 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2009.01611.x

Ferrante L, Opdal SH, Vege A, Rognum TO (2010)
IL-1 gene cluster polymorphisms and sudden infant death syndrome
Hum. Immunol., 71 (4), 402-406
DOI 10.1016/j.humimm.2010.01.011

Opdal SH, Vege A, Stray-Pedersen A, Rognum TO (2010)
Aquaporin-4 Gene Variation and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Pediatr. Res., 68 (1), 48-51
DOI 10.1203/PDR.0b013e3181df4e7c

Rognum TO (2010)
Commentary on the Multi-Agency Approach to the Investigation of SUDI
Curr. Pediatr. Rev., 6 (1), 19-20
DOI 10.2174/157339610791317188

Rognum TO (2010)
Lærebok i rettsmedisin
Gyldendal akademisk, Oslo (2. utg.), 491 s.
BIBSYS 102600341, ISBN 978-82-05-33497-7

Publications 2009

Al-Samarraie MSJ, Karinen R, Rognum T, Hasvold I, Stokke MO, Christophersen AS (2009)
Lethal Poisoning with Ethiofencarb and Ethanol
J. Anal. Toxicol., 33 (7), 389-392
DOI 10.1093/jat/33.7.389

Danielsen SA, Lind GE, Biornslett M, Meling GI, Rognum TO, Heim S, Lothe RA (2009)
Novel Mutations of the Suppressor Gene PTEN in Colorectal Carcinomas Stratified by Microsatellite Instability- and TP53 Mutation- Status (vol 29, pg E252, 2008)
Hum. Mutat., 30 (6), 1023
DOI 10.1002/humu.21048

Hegstad S, Stray-Pedersen A, Olsen L, Vege A, Rognum TO, Morland J, Christophersen AS (2009)
Determination of Cotinine in Pericardial Fluid and Whole Blood by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
J. Anal. Toxicol., 33 (4), 218-222
DOI 10.1093/jat/33.4.218

Lobmaier IVK, Vege A, Gaustad P, Rognum TO (2009)
Bacteriological investigation-significance of time lapse after death
Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis., 28 (10), 1191-1198
DOI 10.1007/s10096-009-0762-0

Rognum IJ, Haynes RL, Vege A, Yang M, Rognum TO, Kinney HC (2009)
Interleukin-6 and the serotonergic system of the medulla oblongata in the sudden infant death syndrome
Acta Neuropathol., 118 (4), 519-530
DOI 10.1007/s00401-009-0535-y

Stray-Pedersen A, Vege A, Opdal SH, Moberg S, Rognum TO (2009)
Surfactant protein A and D gene polymorphisms and protein expression in victims of sudden infant death
Acta Paediatr., 98 (1), 62-68
DOI 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2008.01090.x

Publications 2008

Ahlquist T, Bottillo I, Danielsen SA, Meling GI, Rognum TO, Lind GE, Dallapiccola B, Lothe RA (2008)
RAS signaling in colorectal carcinomas through alterations of RAS, RAF, NF1, and/or RASSF1A
Neoplasia, 10 (7), 680-U3
DOI 10.1593/neo.08312

Ahlquist T, Lind GE, Costa VL, Meling GI, Vatn M, Hoff GS, Rognum TO, Skotheim RI, Thiis-Evensen E, Lothe RA (2008)
Gene methylation profiles of normal mucosa, and benign and malignant colorectal tumors identify early onset markers
Mol. Cancer, 7, 94
DOI 10.1186/1476-4598-7-94

Berge KE, Haugaa KH, Fruh A, Anfinsen OG, Gjesdal K, Siem G, Oyen N, Greve G, Carlsson A, Rognum TO, Hallerud M, Kongsgard E, Amlie JP, Leren TP (2008)
Molecular genetic analysis of long QT syndrome in Norway indicating a high prevalence of heterozygous mutation carriers
Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest., 68 (5), 362-U28
DOI 10.1080/00365510701765643

Danielsen SA, Lind GE, Bjornslett M, Meling GI, Rognum TO, Heim S, Lothe RA (2008)
Novel Mutations of the Suppressor Gene PTEN in Colorectal Carcinomas Stratified by Microsatellite Instability- and TP53 Mutation- Status
Hum. Mutat., 29 (11), E252-E262
DOI 10.1002/humu.20860

Ferrante L, Opdal SH, Vege A, Rognum TO (2008)
TNF-alpha promoter polymorphisms in sudden infant death
Hum. Immunol., 69 (6), 368-373
DOI 10.1016/j.humimm.2008.04.006

Lind GE, Ahlquist T, Kolberg M, Berg M, Eknaes M, Alonso MA, Kallioniemi A, Meling GI, Skotheim RI, Rognum TO, Thiis-Evensen E, Lothe RA (2008)
Hypermethylated MAL gene - a silent marker of early colon tumorigenesis
J. Transl. Med., 6, 13
DOI 10.1186/1479-5876-6-13

Mortensen ES, Rognum TO, Straume B, Jorgensen L (2008)
Frequency of acute asymptomatic myocardial infarction and an estimate of infarct age in cases of abrupt sudden death observed in a forensic autopsy material
J. Cell. Mol. Med., 12 (5B), 2119-2129
DOI 10.1111/j.1582-4934.2008.00247.x

Opdal SH, Vege A, Rognum TO (2008)
Serotonin transporter gene variation in sudden infant death syndrome
Acta Paediatr., 97 (7), 861-865
DOI 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2008.00813.x

Rhodes TE, Abraham RL, Welch RC, Vanoye CG, Crotti L, Arnestad M, Insolia R, Pedrazzini M, Ferrandi C, Vege A, Rognum T, Roden DM, Schwartz PJ, George AL (2008)
Cardiac potassium channel dysfunction in sudden infant death syndrome
J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 44 (3), 571-581
DOI 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2007.11.015

Stray-Pedersen A, Vege A, Rognum TO (2008)
Helicobacter pylori antigen in stool is associated with SIDS and sudden infant deaths due to infectious disease
Pediatr. Res., 64 (4), 405-410
DOI 10.1203/PDR.0b013e31818095f7

Stray-Pedersen A, Vege A, Stray-Pedersen A, Holmskov U, Rognum TO (2008)
Post-neonatal drop in alveolar SP-A expression: Biological significance for increased vulnerability to SIDS?
Pediatr. Pulmonol., 43 (2), 160-168
DOI 10.1002/ppul.20750

Publications 2007

Arnestad M, Crotti L, Rognum TO, Insolia R, Pedrazzini M, Ferrandi C, Vege A, Wang DW, Rhodes TE, George AL, Schwartz PJ (2007)
Prevalence of long-QT syndrome gene variants in sudden infant death syndrome
Circulation, 115 (3), 361-367
DOI 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.106.658021

Arnestad M, Opdal SH, Vege A, Rognum TO (2007)
A mitochondrial DNA polymorphism associated with cardiac arrhythmia investigated in sudden infant death syndrome
Acta Paediatr., 96 (2), 206-210
DOI 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2007.00022.x

Bajanowski T, Vege A, Byard RW, Krous HF, Arnestad M, Bachs L, Banner J, Blair PS, Borthne A, Dettmeyer R, Fleming P, Gaustad P, Gregersen M, Grogaard J, Holter E, Isaksen CV, Jorgensen JV, de Lange C, Madea B, Moore I, Morland J, Opdal SH, Rasten-Almqvisti P, Schlaud M, Sidebotham P et al. (2007)
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) - Standardised investigations and classification: Recommendations
Forensic Sci.Int., 165 (2-3), 129-143
DOI 10.1016/j.forsciint.2006.05.028

Kleivi K, Lind GE, Diep CB, Meling GI, Brandal LT, Nesland JM, Myklebost O, Rognum TO, Giercksky KE, Skotheim RI, Lothe RA (2007)
Gene expression profiles of primary colorectal carcinomas, liver metastases, and carcinomatoses
Mol. Cancer, 6, 2
DOI 10.1186/1476-4598-6-2

Lovig T, Andersen SN, Clausen OP, Rognum TO (2007)
Microsatellite instability in long-standing ulcerative colitis
Scand. J. Gastroenterol., 42 (5), 586-591
DOI 10.1080/00365520601013747

Opdal SH, Rognum TO (2007)
The IL6-174G/C polymorphism and sudden infant death syndrome
Hum. Immunol., 68 (6), 541-543
DOI 10.1016/j.humimm.2007.02.008

Opdal SH, Vege A, Arnestad M, Musse MA, Rognum TO (2007)
Mitochondrial tRNA genes and flanking regions in sudden infant death syndrome
Acta Paediatr., 96 (2), 211-214
DOI 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2007.00085.x

Rognum TO, Ottosen E (2007)
Bioteknologi på liv og død: en enkel bok om Mehmet og Dolly, stamceller og donorsøsken, bioetikk og menneskeverd
Lunde, Oslo, 112 s.
BIBSYS 070587787, ISBN 978-82-520-4972-5

Stray-Pedersen A, Gaustad P, Stray-Pedersen B, Rognum TO (2007)
Detection rate of Helicobacter pylori stool antigen in newborn infants and small children
J. Perinat. Med., 35 (2), 155-158
DOI 10.1515/JPM.2007.040

Wang DW, Desai RR, Crotti L, Arnestad M, Insolia R, Pedrazzini M, Ferrandi C, Vege A, Rognum T, Schwartz PJ, George AL (2007)
Cardiac sodium channel dysfunction in sudden infant death syndrome
Circulation, 115 (3), 368-376
DOI 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.106.646513

Publications 2006

Lind GE, Kleivi K, Meling GI, Teixeira MR, Thiis-Evensen E, Rognum TO, Lothe RA (2006)
ADAMTS1, CRABP1, and NR3C1 identified as epigenetically deregulated genes in colorectal tumorigenesis
Cell. Oncol., 28 (5-6), 259-272

Opdal SH, Melien O, Rootwelt H, Vege A, Arnestad M, Rognum TO (2006)
The G protein beta 3 subunit 825C allele is associated with sudden infant death due to infection
Acta Paediatr., 95 (9), 1129-1132
DOI 10.1080/08035250600580529

Publications 2004

Lind GE, Thorstensen L, Lovig T, Meling GI, Hamelin R, Rognum TO, Esteller M, Lothe RA (2004)
A CpG island hypermethylation profile of primary colorectal carcinomas and colon cancer cell lines
Mol. Cancer, 3, 28
DOI 10.1186/1476-4598-3-28

Rognum TO (2004)
Stamceller og etikk
In Etikk, tro og pluralisme: festskrift til Lars Østnor, Fagbokforl., Bergen, S. 135-150
BIBSYS 041822900

Publications 2001

Rognum TO (2001)
Rettsmedisinsk sakkyndighet i straffesaker: utredning fra utvalg oppnevnt av Justis- og politidepartementet 2. april 1998 : avgitt 2. april 2001
In Norges offentlige utredninger, Departementenes servicesenter, Informasjonsforvaltning, Oslo, NOU 2001: 12, 203 s.
BIBSYS 010710213, ISBN 82-583-0574-3

Rognum TO (2001)
Lærebok i rettsmedisin
Gyldendal akademisk, Oslo, 348 s.
BIBSYS 012081582, ISBN 978-82-05-28073-1

Rognum TO (2001)
Rettsmedisinsk sakkyndighet i straffesaker: utredningen fra et utvalg oppnevnt av Justis- og politidepartementet 2. april 1998 : avgitt 2. april 2001
Statens forvaltningstjeneste, Informasjonsforvaltning, Oslo, 203 s.
BIBSYS 060378824

Publications 1997

Lundevall J, Rognum TO (1997)
Lundevalls rettsmedisin
Universitetsforl., Oslo (7. utg.), 311 s.
BIBSYS 970969686, ISBN 82-00-42997-0

Publications 1996

Hofstad B, Vatn MH, Andersen SN, Huitfeldt HS, Rognum T, Larsen S, Osnes M (1996)
Growth of colorectal polyps: Redetection and evaluation of unresected polyps for a period of three years
Gut, 39 (3), 449-456
DOI 10.1136/gut.39.3.449

Langard S, Rognum T, Flotterod O, Skaug V (1996)
Fatal accident resulting from methyl bromide poisoning after fumigation of a neighbouring house; Leakage through sewage pipes
J. Appl. Toxicol., 16 (5), 445-448
DOI 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1263(199609)16:5<445::AID-JAT370>3.0.CO;2-A

Publications 1988

Rognum TO, Thorbjørnsen SO, Frøland SS (1988)
AIDS: frykt og fakta : utfordring til handling og omsorg
Ansgar, [Oslo], 95 s.
BIBSYS 894008668, ISBN 82-503-0849-2

Aalen ES, Rognum TO, Oftestad BB (1988)
Det var ikke planlagt: ti år med Alternativ til abort i Norge
Ansgar, Oslo, 118 s.
BIBSYS 88213390x, ISBN 82-503-0815-8

Publications 1984

Brandtzæg P, Rognum TO (1984)
Evaluation of nine different fixatives: 1. Preservation of immunolobulin isotypes, J chain, and secretory component in human tissues
Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, s. 250-266
BIBSYS 080981585

Publications 1982

J. Clin. Pathol., 35 (9), 922-933
DOI 10.1136/jcp.35.9.922

Rognum TO (1982)
Immunological markers of large bowel neoplasia: local immune response patterns and epithelial antigens inhuman colorectal carcinomas and premalignant lesions
[Forfatteren], [Oslo], 1 b.(fl. pag.)
BIBSYS 832024279, ISBN 82-90252-11-0

Publications 1979

Lancet, 1 (8127), 1189