Eating Disorders Research Group

Group leader
The research group is part of the Regional Section for Eating Disorders (RASP) at Oslo University Hospital. Within the research team, we have members with clinical backgrounds (nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, dietitians) and background from research in psychology, cognitive psychology and neuroscience in addition to administration and support staff. The team currently consists of both senior research staff and several PhD candidates and post-doctoral research fellows. The research team at RASP has a range of projects investigating prevalence, risk factors, prevention, treatment, functioning, co-morbidities and symptomatology of eating disorders, obesity, and related conditions. Through a variety of different methods and approaches, we aim to contribute to further the knowledge on eating disorders for both research and clinical purposes.
Ongoing main research projects:
Body project
EMA/Meal anxiety
NORMA microbiota
See RESEARCH PROJECTS for the complete list of ongoing research.
Click here for the strategic plan for RASP research in the period 2021-2025 (PDF)
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