Body project

The Body Project is a body acceptance and eating disorder prevention program targeting individuals at risk for eating disorders. In the Body Project 6-8 young individuals meet in groups led by group-facilitators to discuss appearance ideals, how to resist appearance pressures, and how we can work to promote a positive body image. Ongoing research includes two large RCT studies investigating the effects of virtually delivered Body Project among i) 441 young females aged 15-25 (funded by Health South-East); and ii) 280 young females with type 1 diabetes in a multi-site trial conducted in Norway, the Netherlands, and USA (funded by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). Additionally, ongoing pilot studies investigate the feasibility of the Body Project among young male and females athletes and the Body Project Treatment among individuals with eating disorders. Contact person: Line Wisting (PI).

Websites and social media: 

The following publications are based on the preliminary pilot studies of Body Project in Oslo:

Wisting, L., Haugvik, S., Wennersberg, AL., Hage, TW., Stice, E., Olmsted, MP., Ghaderi, A., Brunborg, C., Skrivarhaug, T., Dahl-Jørgensen, K., Rø, Ø. (2021). Feasibility of a Virtually-Delivered Eating Disorder Prevention Program for Young Females with Type 1 Diabetes. International Journal of Eating Disorders.  

Hage, T., Nilsen, J-V., Karlsen, L., Lyslid, M.H., Wennersberg, A.L., & Wisting, L. (2023). “I am not alone”. Qualitative feasibility study of eating disorders prevention groups for young females with type 1 diabetes. Journal of Eating Disorders.

Wisting, L., Hage, T.W., Aarmo, I., Wennersberg, A.L., Haugnes, S.N., Danielsen, M. (2023). Body Project Treatment: a novel, group-based, treatment for eating disorders. In press Journal of Norwegian Psychological Association. 

Other media/press:

Body Project fremmer godt kroppsbilde - Oslo universitetssykehus (

Stor studie om diabetes og spiseforstyrrelser - har fått 20 millioner i støtte - Oslo universitetssykehus (

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