
Recent external funding and stipends in the last 5 years:

Helse Sør-Øst (South-Eastern Norway regional Health authority), 3.88 million NOK for a PhD-stipend (2024-2026): Effectiveness of Temperament Based Therapy with Support (TBT-S): A Novel 5-day Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa”

Nasjonalt program for klinisk behandlingsforskning i spesialisthelsetjenesten (KLINBEFORS), 20 million NOK 2023-2027 to the CogFam project, 2022

The Research Council of Norway, 16 million NOK to the NORMA study (collab between RASP and NMBU), 2022

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, 20 million NOK to the Diabetes Body Project multi-site RCT, 2022

Helse Sør-Øst (South-Eastern Norway regional health authority), 3.4 million NOK for a PhD-stipend in the Body project RCT, 2022

Stiftelsen Dam, 1.4 million NOK to the EMA/meal anxiety project, 2022

Stiftelsen DAM, 2 million NOK to Diabetes Body Project: a pilot study, 2020 

Stiftelsen DAM, 2 million NOK to “Feeding and Eating Disorders: Development and Utility of a Diagnostic App”, 2020

Helse Sør-Øst (South-Eastern Norway regional health authority), 3.4 million NOK  for a Post doc in the Oslo Bariatric Surgery Study (OBSS) 5 year follow-up, 2020 

Helse Sør-Øst (South-Eastern Norway regional health authority), 3.1 million NOK for a PhD-stipend (2017-2021) Cognitive Function and Weight Loss in Surgical Treatment of Severe Obesity- A Prospective Observational Study Oslo Bariatric Surgery Study (OBSS-Cognitive)

Helse Sør-Øst (South-Eastern Norway regional health authority), (2017-2019) 3,1 million NOK for a post
doc study: Environmental and genetic risk factors associated with eating disorders

"Frie Forskningsmidler" (PHA, OUS):

2023: “Effectiveness of the body project to prevent eating disorders in young femalis at risk”; 130 000 NOK, «Pasienter og pårørendes erfaringer med en ny 5-dagers behandling for spiseforstyrrelser»; 100 000 NOK

2022: “Døgnbehandling for ungdom med alvorlig anoreksi. Hva kjennetegner behandleres beslutningstaking i forbindelse med vurdering av innleggelse i døgnavdeling og planlegging og organisering av behandlingstilbudet?”; 16 000 NOK, «Kliniske utfordringer i flerkulturell psykiatri: En studie blant leger i Norge»; 40 000 NOK

2021: “Body Project treatment: feasibility of a novel brief eating disorder treatment”; 50 000 NOK, “Temperamentbasert terapi med støtte. En ny intensiv, individfokusert og nevrobiologisk basert behandling for anoreksi”; 50 000 NOK

2020: “Feeding and eating disorder in the digital era:Investigating the clincal utility of a new diagnostic app”; 100 000 NOK, “Microbiota and gastrointesinal complaints in anorexia nervosa”; 75 000 NOK, “Familiebasert døgnbehandling ved alvorlig anoreksi, erfaringer fra ett brukerpserspektiv»; 100 000 NOK, «Tailoring treatment for Binge Eating Disorder»; 100 000 NOK

2019: “An investigation of early childhood weight trajectories in eating disorders. Data from the Norwegian Mother and Child cohort study various projects”; 50 000 NOK, “Cognitive Neuropsychology of anorexia Nevrosa”; 100 000 NOK, “Correlates of structural brain alterations in anorexia Nervosa”; 50 000, “Bruk av tvang ved anorksi Bruker, pårørende og behandleres perspektiver”; 100 000 NOK