CogFam - Comparing enhanced cognitive-behavior therapy and family-based treatment for adolescents with an eating disorder: a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial. 

The CogFam study will compare the efficacy of the recommended treatment for adolescent eating disorders, family-based therapy (FBT), and enhanced cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT-E) in a large, country-wide RCT. Young patients, with transdiagnostic eating disorders (years 12-18) undergoing treatment from eight different outpatient clinics in Norway will participate in the study. The aim is to include 100 patients in the FBT and the CBT-E arm of the study. The main outcome measure will be ED psychopathology at the end of treatment, and at 6 and 12 months follow-up. Secondary aims will be to compare weight gain and changes in other psychopathology scores, cost effectiveness, investigating predictors and moderators of outcome and patients’ and parents’ experiences of the treatment. This study will be the first CBT-E versus FBT RCT in the world and the first large scale RCT for adolescents with EDs in Norway. The project period is 2023-2027 and inclusion of participants will start in 2024. The study is funded by «Nasjonalt program for klinisk behandlingsforskning i spesialisthelsetjenesten (KLINBEFORSK)». Contact person Øyvind Rø (PI).


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