Frode Jahnsen's group Mucosal Immunology and Cancer Research

Frode L. JahnsenGroup leader
Frode L. Jahnsen
Group leader

We seek to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms that cause disease in the gut. Our long-term goal is to identify central mechanisms of disease that we can target with drugs to improve treatment. We are also looking for better biomarkers to improve diagnostics and personalized treatment.

We study cells and tissue from the patient with advanced single cell technologies. This includes single cell RNA sequencing and multiplex immunohistochemistry. This allow us to measure thousands of expressed genes and up to hundred proteins in every cell. We have established methods for spatial analyses in which we are able to directly study cellular interactions in situ. We have also established methods to study the interactions between the human body and the gut microbiota.

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Research projects

  • Colorectal cancer: We study the tumo rmicroenvironment in the primary tumor and metastasis in the liver. We have a particular focus on identifying those patients that will profit from immunotherapy with check point inhibitors.

  • Inflammatory bowel disease: We study ulcerative colitis and  Crohn’s disease; both underlying mechanisms of disease and the identification of biomarkers for improved diagnostics and treatment.

  • Hirschsprung’s disease: This is a birth defect in which babies lack nerves in the distal part of their gut. Many of these children develop serious complication with gut inflammation. We study the underlying pathology to find better treatment.

Contact information:
Group leader Professor and senior consultant Frode Jahnsen -
Department of Pathology and Centre for Immune Regulation Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet - Tel: +47 23071444 E-mail: