Øyvind Haugen Lie

  • Group leader and Consultant interventional cardiologist; MD, PhD

Øyvind Haugen Lie, MD, PhD, Department of Cardiology, Rikshospitalet, Oslo University Hospital

Øyvind Haugen Lie successfully defended his PhD thesis "Risk stratification and management of patients with right ventricular arrhythmias" in December 2018. His supervisors were Associate Professor Kristina Hermann Haugaa, MD, PhD and Professor Thor Edvardsen, MD, PhD.

During his fellowship Lie was awarded with Prof. J. Roelandt’s Young Investigator Award for best original work in clinical science at the 2017 EuroEcho-Imaging Congress.  The award was given in recognition of the work “Harmful effects of exercise intensity and exercise duration in patients with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy”.

Lie also won the best poster prize in the session for “Diagnostic and therapeutical strategies for cardiac disease” at the annual Center for Heart Failure Research Symposium two years in a row. He was give the prize in recognition of the work “How many are too many – Frequent premature ventricular contractions and left ventricular function” and "V-3 QRS-duration of premature ventricular contractions relates to ventricular tachycardia in patients with outflow tract arrhythmia", respectively.

Lie, together with his colleagues, discovered that the threshold ectopy burden associated with impaired left ventricular function was lower than previously assumed when accurate and sensitive echocardiographic tools were used. Patients with frequent premature ventricular contractions of right ventricular outflow tract origin may contract an ectopy-induced cardiomyopathy, those with more than 8000 premature ventricular contractions per 24 hours may benefit from antiarrhythmic therapy.

Higher exercise intensity is a strong and independent marker of adverse outcome in patients with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, irrespective of longer exercise duration. Together with ECG-abnormalities and subtle left ventricular contraction abnormalities, information on exercise intensity at study entry yielded precise risk stratification that may be useful in the challenging selection of patients with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy who may benefit from a primary preventive implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.