Øyvind Haugen Lie

  • Group leader and Consultant interventional cardiologist; MD, PhD

Kristoffer Russell

  • Consultant Cardiologist, MD, PhD
  • +47 230 73798

Christian Eek

  • Head of section for intensive cardiac care; MD, PhD

Lars Aaberge

  • Head of section for interventional cardiology; MD, PhD
  • +47 230 73671

Ketil Lunde

  • Consultant interventional cardiologist; MD, PhD

Ole Geir Solberg

  • Consultant interventional cardiologist; MD, PhD

Kristin Angel

  • Consultant interventional cardiologist; MD, PhD

Haakon Kiil Grøgaard

  • Consultant interventional cardiologist; MD, PhD

Sophie Foss Kløve

  • Research nurse

John M. Aalen

  • Postdoc and cardiology fellow; MD, PhD

Christopher S. Dodgson

  • PhD fellow; MD

Darijan Ribic

  • PhD fellow and cardiologist; MD