Head of section
Founded in 2006, the Norwegian Research Centre for Women’s Health focuses on research, development of expertise and dissemination of knowledge.
Our research focus:
Norwegian Center for Women’s Research is an interdisciplinary research center that produces research at a high academic level. In this way, the research center can increase knowledge about women's health and disease throughout the life course. The center shall conduct research on the prevention and treatment of diseases and ailments that primarily affect women, occur more frequently in women, and that affect women differently than men. Examples of such diseases are reproductive health, cardiovascular diseases, immune diseases, mental disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, and cancer. It is an important task for the center to identify current issues related to women's health at all times.
Our primary goal is to be a national source of the most updated knowledge of women's health, for both health authorities and health professionals. Through regular training courses we aim to increase health professionals competence and skills in meeting new challenges of care. In addition to scientific publications we disseminate new research based knowledge about women's health to the public.
Collaborators and networks:
Cancer Registry of Norway
Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Norwegian audit group for maternal deaths
Nordic audit group for maternal deaths
Nordic Marcé Society
INOSS International Obstetric Surveillance Systems
ROAM - Reproductive outcomes and migration
FOKO - Research on female genital mutilation
Contact information:
Head of section, Professor, MD PhD, Specialist in Obstetric & Gynaecology Siri Vangen
Oslo University Hospital HF; Rikshospitalet; PO box 4950 Nydalen; 0424 Oslo, Norway
Tel: + 47 23 07 26 89, Email: kvinnehelse@ous-hf.no