Käthe Birgitte Meyer

  • Intensive care nurse; PhD

Publications 2024

Andersen MH, Hermansen Å, Dahl KG, Lønning K, Meyer KB, Vidnes TK, Wahl AK (2024)
Profiles of health literacy and digital health literacy in clusters of hospitalised patients: a single-centre, cross-sectional study
BMJ Open, 14 (5), e077440
DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-077440, PubMed 38772592

Vidnes TK, Wahl AK, Larsen MH, Meyer KB, Engebretsen E, Hermansen Å, Urstad KH, Dahl KG, Borge CR, Andersen MH (2024)
Effectiveness of a health communication intervention on health literacy in the first year following kidney transplantation - A randomized controlled study
Patient Educ Couns, 123, 108207
DOI 10.1016/j.pec.2024.108207, PubMed 38447477

Publications 2017

Meyer KB, Bjørk IT, Wahl AK, Lennerling A, Andersen MH (2017)
Long-term experiences of Norwegian live kidney donors: qualitative in-depth interviews
BMJ Open, 7 (2), e014072
DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014072, PubMed 28209606

Meyer KB, Hartmann A, Mjøen G, Andersen MH (2017)
Relationships Between Clinical, Self-Reported, and Donation Specific Outcomes: A Prospective Follow-up Study 10 Years After Kidney Donation
Ann Transplant, 22, 148-155
DOI 10.12659/aot.902330, PubMed 28321111

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