Stephan M. Röhrl

  • Head of CIRRO; Professor, MD
  • +47 22 22 09 87

Stephan Maximillian Röhrl is a consultant at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Oslo University Hospital Ullevål. Stephan is a specialist in general surgery and orthopaedic surgery and his clinical practice is focusing on reconstructive surgery of the hip and the knee. During his basic orthopaedic training in Umeå, Sweden, he started to work with radiostereometry and DEXA. After his PhD thesis on "wear and fixation of the acetabular component" in 2004 he was research fellow in 2005 at the University of Western Australia in Perth and came to Oslo in 2006. Since, he is leading CIRRO and focusing on research of joints with and without implants. In 2009 he became head of the Norwegian Society for Hip and Knee Surgery.
Stephan is a former German and European cup champion in Judo and has served as physician for the national judo team in Sweden and Norway.



Present position Consultant surgeon at the department of trauma and orthopaedics,
Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Head of CIRRO: Center for Implant and Radiostereometric Research Oslo, Norway
Head of the Norwegian Society for Hip and Knee Surgery (NSHKS)
Personal information Place of birth: Regensburg, Germany
Date of birth: 03.02.1966
Nationality: German
Civil status: married, 2 children
Address: Agathe Grøndahlsgate 46, 0478 Oslo, Norway
Telephone: +47 94424677
Education 1972-1986 Goethe Gymnasium Regensburg, Germany
1983-1984 Cottage Grove high school USA
1986-1987 Military service Germany
1987-1994 Medical school
Ludwig Maximilian Universität, München, Germany
1996 Ph.D, Ludwig Maximilian University Germany
2003 Licentiat, Umeå University Sweden
2004 Ph.D, Umeå University Sweden
2005 Research fellow, University of WA, Perth Australia
2007 Head of CIRRO (Implant RSA research) Norway
1994 M.D. Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany
1997 Specialist in Sports medicine Germany
1998 Chiropractor Germany
2003 Orthopaedic consultant Sweden
Professional experience 1995-1997 Postgrad. internship , University Regensburg, Germany
1997-2002 Speciality training in orthopaedic surgery
University hospital of Northern Sweden, Sweden

Consultant positions
2003-2004 University of Northern Sweden, Umeå Sweden
2005 Fremantle University hospital WA Australia
2006 - now Oslo University hospital, Ullevål Oslo, Norway
Teaching 2000-2004 Clinical student courses at Umeå university, Sweden
2005 Courses for students at the university of WA, Australia
International reviewer

Acta Scandinavica
Journal of Orthopaedic Research
Journal of Biomechanics
European Journal for Rehabilitation Medicine
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research


1998-2001 Team doctor for premiar league icehockey, Sweden
2001 Team doctor for premiar league football, Sweden
2002 Travelling fellowship of the Swedish Orthopaedic Federation
2002-2003 Physician for the National Judo team of Sweden
2005 Postdoc fellowship, Zimmer Scandinavia, Perth, Australia.
2007 Physician for the National Judo team of Norway
2008 Medical, psychological committee, Judo Norway
2009 Head of the Norwegian Society for Hip and Knee Surgery (NSHKS)
2010 Board member of the Norwegian Arthroplasty registry
2012 Member of the European Hip Society