Abdelmaguid, Naser | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim); Cancer Informatics |
Ahmad, Rafi | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Ailte, Ieva | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Aittokallio, Tero | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Akdeniz, Bayram Cevdet | Dominguez-Valentin project group |
Ali, Muhammad | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Ali Ahmad, Ahmad | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Alver, Tine Norman | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] ; Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer |
Anda, Silje | Regulation of translation in cell cycle and stress [Grallert] |
Andersen, Rosa Linn | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Andersson, Sarah Natalia | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Andersson, Yvonne | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Andresen, Nikolai Kragøe | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Antunes, Marina | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Arnesen, Karen Irene | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Arnesen, Karen Irene | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Arous, Delmon | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Arozamena, Carlos Casas | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Asp, Nagham Theres | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Athanasiadis, Paschalis | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Aukrust, Inger Kristine Fjeldskaar | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] ; Recombinant Light Activated Therapeutics |
Axcrona, Karol | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Axcrona, Ulrika | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Ayuda-Durán, Pilar | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Azouzi, Naima | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Bakkan, Sara Marie Engelsberg | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Bakken, Anne Cathrine | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Barbakken, Annbjørg | Bioinformatics Core Facility |
Bartolomé-Casado, Raquel | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Bassols, Chema | Department of Molecular Biology |
Beck, Carole | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Behsen, Alenka Djarmila | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Berg, Kristian | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Berge, Viktor | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] |
Berger, Kari Aalrust | Institute for Cancer Research Administration; Institute for Cancer Research |
Bergersen, Anne Gro | Department of Molecular Biology |
Bergheim, Inger Riise | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Genomic alterations in breast cancer |
Bergholtz, Helga | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Bergsland, Christian H. | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Bischof, Katharina | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Bjørnerud, Birgitte | Cancer cell migration, invasion and metastasis [Haugsten] ; Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Bodor, Iván József | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Autophagy and related pathways |
Bogaard, Mari | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Borchers, Ann-Christin | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Borgersen, Ingrid Sand | Dominguez-Valentin project group |
Bostad, Monica | Department of Core Facilities; Lymphoma Biology |
Boxaspen, Thorstein | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Boye, Erik | Regulation of translation in cell cycle and stress [Grallert] |
Boye, Kjetil | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Brandt Winge, Sara | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Brech, Andreas | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Bright, Mentowa Fürst | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Britu Marås, Thilde | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Brodal, Hans Petter | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Brodersen, Andrea Moen | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Bruel, Arno | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Braadland, Peder Rustøen | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] |
Böddeker, Thomas | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Bøe, Sigurd Leinæs | Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Børve, Mari | Therapy prediction in lung cancer [Haakensen] ; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Cancellieri, Samuele | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Cao, Elena Sofie | Autophagy in cancer [Engedal] |
Casoni, Giovanna Perinetti | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Castaneda Zegarra, Sergio Miguel | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] ; Recombinant Light Activated Therapeutics |
Castells López, Júlia | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Cecchetto, Thomas | Genomic Regulation for Precision Cancer Medicine Lab [Urbanucci] |
Chandler, Nicholas J. | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Chauhan, Sudhir Kumar | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Chica, Nathalia | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Choudhury, Subhendu Roy | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Christensen, Terje | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Christensen, Thea Josefine | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Corrales, Jeanne G. | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Dagenborg, Vegar Johansen | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Dahl, Anette Kathinka | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Dahle, Maria Aaanesland | Molecular precision medicine in breast cancer [Haugen] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Dalen, Tonje Sofie | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Translational studies on solid tumours |
Dalsgaard, Astrid Marie | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Danenbarger, Teodor | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Danielsen, Britina Kjuul | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Translational studies on solid tumours |
de Deckere, Saartje | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
de la Ballina, Laura Rodriguez | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Deng, Ke | Genomic Regulation for Precision Cancer Medicine Lab [Urbanucci] |
Deng, Min | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Dernjami, Nurtene | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Desgarnier, Marie-Catherine Drigeard | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Membrane dynamics in tumorigenesis |
Dhakal, Sushil | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Dillard, Caroline | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Dominguez-Valentin, Mev | Dominguez-Valentin project group; Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Douvlataniotis, Karolos | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Dunn, Claire | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Dyvik, Ingrid | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Edin, Nina Jeppesen | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Edwards, Victoria Tudor | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Egeland, Eivind Valen | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Eide, Inger Johanne Zwicky | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] |
Eide, Turid | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] |
Eilertsen, Ina Andrassy | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Eknæs, Mette | Genetics Group (Lothe); Functional Oncology |
Ekstrøm, Per Olaf | Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Engebråten, Olav | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Engedal, Nikolai | Autophagy in cancer [Engedal] |
Enserink, Jorrit | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Erlingsson, Linnéa Anna Margaretha | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Famestad, Marlene Tande | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Farooqi, Saima Jamil | Therapy prediction in lung cancer [Haakensen] ; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Feenstra, Marike | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Molecular dynamics during T cell activation; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Feith, Marek | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Femtehjell, Mathias | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Finnsdatter, Marte | Radiation Biology and DNA Damage Signaling (Syljuåsen) |
Fjeldbo, Christina Sæten | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Flatekvål, Helene Midtun | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Breast tumor initiation and progression; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Flatmark, Kjersti | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Fleischer, Thomas | Epigenomics of Breast Cancer [Fleischer] ; Computational Systems Medicine |
Fleten, Karianne Giller | Experimental treatment of peritoneal metastasis [Fleten] ; Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Fløisand, Yngvar | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink); Immunomodulation and Targeted Therapies |
Foerster-Massay, Nina | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Forfot Rise, Anne-Sofie | Functional precision medicine for haematological cancers [Skånland] ; Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation |
Fremstedal, Ane Sofie Viset | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Frikstad, Kari-Anne Myrum | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Førde, Jan-Lukas | Molecular precision medicine in breast cancer [Haugen] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Gajewska, Kasia | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Membrane dynamics in tumorigenesis |
García-Díaz, Nuria | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Garvert, Anna Christina | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] |
Gashi, Lauresa | Functional precision medicine for haematological cancers [Skånland] ; Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation |
Geitvik, Gry Aarum | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik) |
Giannakopoulou, Eirini | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Gillstrøm, Marie K. | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] |
Gillstrøm, Marie K. | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] |
Gjerdingen, Thea Johanne | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Gjøstøl Strømsvåg, Ida Sophie | Genetics Group (Lothe); Functional Oncology |
Glømmi Bergmann, Dina | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Glømmi Bergmann, Dina | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Grallert, Beata | Regulation of translation in cell cycle and stress [Grallert] |
Grytli, Helene Hartvedt | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] |
Grønning, Anna | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Grønning, Anna | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Guldvik, Ingrid Jenny | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] |
Hagen, Mona | Institute for Cancer Research Administration; Institute for Cancer Research |
Haglund, Kaisa | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Cytokinesis in development and carcinogenesis (Haglund) |
Hajdarevic, Riad | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Hamersma, Eline | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Hamfjord, Julian | Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer [Kure] ; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Hanes, Robert | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Hauge, Sissel | Radiation Biology and DNA Damage Signaling (Syljuåsen) |
Haugen, Mads Haugland | Molecular precision medicine in breast cancer [Haugen] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Haugland, Martin Gullaksen | Institute for Cancer Research Administration |
Haugsten, Ellen M. | Cancer cell migration, invasion and metastasis [Haugsten] ; Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Haukeland, Nora Sofie | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Haukaas, Håvard | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Heintz, Karen-Marie | Institute for Cancer Research Administration |
Heinzelbecker, Julia | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Hektoen, Helga Helseth | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] |
Hektoen, Merete | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Helland, Åslaug | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] |
Hermansen, Johanne Uthus | Functional precision medicine for haematological cancers [Skånland] ; Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation |
Hermoso Duran, Sonia | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Hernández Mesa, Maria | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Hilden, Vera Irene | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Hillestad, Tiril | Department of Core Facilities |
Hoel, Hanna Julie | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Holte, Harald H. | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Hompland, Tord | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng); Department of Core Facilities |
Horndalsveen, Henrik | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] |
Hovig, Eivind | Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig); Bioinformatics Core Facility; Dominguez-Valentin project group |
Hu, Xian Edna | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Husbyn, Hannah Cuthbertson | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Huse, Kanutte | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Høye, Eirik | Genomic Regulation for Precision Cancer Medicine Lab [Urbanucci] |
Høyvik, Anna Julie Kjøl | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Haakensen, Vilde Drageset | Therapy prediction in lung cancer [Haakensen] ; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Håkerud, Monika | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Isaksen, Kathrine Thuestad | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Ivanauskiene, Kristina | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Iversen, Tore-Geir | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Nanoparticles in Biomedicine: In vitro studies (Iversen) |
Jallad, Mary-Ann | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Jallad, Mary-Ann | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Janas, Martyna | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Jebsen, Jenny Karoline | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Jin, Yixin | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Johannessen, Bjarne | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim); Cancer Informatics |
Johnson, Lauren Sophie | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Jonuzi, Visame | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Jordal Moe, Joachim | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Jordal Moe, Joachim | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Juell, Siri | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Juvkam, Inga Solgård | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Juzenas, Petras | Protonics [Theodossiou] |
Juzeniene, Asta | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Kakar, Manish | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Kalbskopf, Victor | Bioinformatics Core Facility |
Kanduth, Markus | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Karadas, Ayse Miriam | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark); Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Karim, Hamayoun | Institute for Cancer Research Administration |
Karlsen, Karine Flem | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Katare, Parmeshwar Bajirao | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng); Preclinical and translational proton therapy |
Katyayini, Niveditha Umesh | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Kaur, Namrita | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Autophagy and related pathways |
Khadse, Anand | Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer [Kure] ; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Khezri, Rojyar | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Kidd, Susanne G. | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Kleinauskas, Andrius | Protonics [Theodossiou] |
Klokkerud, Solveig Margrete Knoph | Genetics Group (Lothe); Computational Oncology |
Knudsen, Lars Mørland | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Knudsen, Lars Mørland | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Kokkvoll, Solveig | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Translational studies on solid tumours |
Kongsrud, Karoline | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Kostas, Michal | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Kournoutis, Athanasios | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Kowalewska-Harbiyeli, Magdalena Maria | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Kranjec, Christian | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Kresse, Stine Henrichson | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Kristiansen, Sandra Kvarsvik | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Krokeide, Silje Zandstra | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Kryeziu, Kushtrim | Genetics Group (Lothe); Functional Oncology |
Kure, Elin H. | Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer [Kure] ; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Kurganovs, Natalie Jayne | Autophagy in cancer [Engedal] |
Kvalvaag, Audun Sverre | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Molecular dynamics during T cell activation |
Kveberg, Lise | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Kyte, Jon Amund | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Labori, Knut Jørgen | Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer [Kure] |
LaMont, Colin Harry | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Lamsal, Apsana | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Membrane dynamics in tumorigenesis |
Lande, Karin Teien | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik) |
Lande, Karin Teien | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Langerud, Jonas | Genetics Group (Lothe); Computational Oncology |
Langmyhr, Margrete | Epigenomics of Breast Cancer [Fleischer] ; Computational Systems Medicine |
Lavelle, Timothy J. | Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Lehander, Madeleine | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Leithe, Edward | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Leithe, Edward | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Li, Yingqian | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Li, Youxian | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Liao, Sifang | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Lid, Ana B. | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] |
Lie, Iselin | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Lien, Torbjørn Amundsen | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Lind, Guro Elisabeth | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Lindbergsengen, Lilian | Radiation Biology and DNA Damage Signaling (Syljuåsen); Regulation of translation in cell cycle and stress |
Lindland, Kim | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Lingjærde, Ole Christian | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Liu, Dan | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Liukaityte, Rugile | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Llorente, Alicia | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Exosomes and Prostate Cancer (Llorente) |
Lode, Kristin | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark); Experimental treatment of peritoneal metastasis |
Longva, Ane Sager | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] ; Recombinant Light Activated Therapeutics |
López, Alberto | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Lorenz, Susanne | Bioinformatics Core Facility; Translational Genomics; Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche); Department of Core Facilities |
Lothe, Inger Marie Bowitz | Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer [Kure] |
Lothe, Ragnhild A. | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Lund-Andersen, Christin | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Lyng, Heidi | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Lystad, Alf Håkon | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Autophagy and related pathways |
Læret, Riccarda K. | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Løchen, Arja Katrina Lea Arnesen | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Løvstakken, Emil | Experimental treatment of peritoneal metastasis [Fleten] ; Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Ma, Li-Wei | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Magamadov, Isa | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Malinen, Eirik | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Malmberg, Karl-Johan | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Maltau, Aase M. V. | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Mariampillai, Adrian Eek | Radiation Biology and DNA Damage Signaling (Syljuåsen) |
Marrah, Musa | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Martin, Karen Elizatebeth | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Martín-Gracia, Beatriz | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Exosomes and Prostate Cancer (Llorente) |
Mathai, Benan John | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Mathiesen, Randi Margit Ruud | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
McCarron, Katy | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Mechanisms and importance of lysosome repair |
Medhus, Astrid | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] ; Recombinant Light Activated Therapeutics |
Mello, Ine | Autophagy in cancer [Engedal] |
Meyer, Saskia | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Meza-Zepeda, Leonardo A. | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] ; Department of Core Facilities; Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Migliano, Simona | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Membrane dynamics in tumorigenesis |
Mirza, Shanu Shanima | Regulation of translation in cell cycle and stress [Grallert] |
Mjøen, Linda Uv | Institute for Cancer Research Administration; Institute for Cancer Research |
Mo, Torgeir | Epigenomics of Breast Cancer [Fleischer] ; Computational Systems Medicine |
Moens, Walt | Autophagy in cancer [Engedal] |
Monrad, Julie | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Monrad, Julie Synøve | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik) |
Moosavi, Seyed Hossein | Genetics Group (Lothe); Computational Oncology |
Mosaker, Emilie | Radiation Biology and DNA Damage Signaling (Syljuåsen) |
Munthe, Else | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Murphy, Sarah Louise | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Myklebost, Ola | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Myklebust, June Helen | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Müller, Elisabeth | Therapy prediction in lung cancer [Haakensen] ; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Mælandsmo, Gunhild Mari | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Mærli, Ingrid-Juliane Blakstvedt | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Møller, Pål | Dominguez-Valentin project group; Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Mørkved Stenersen, Jakob | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Nakken, Sigve | Dominguez-Valentin project group; Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Nebdal, Daniel | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Computational Systems Medicine |
Nedberg, Anne Grete | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Nesbakken, Arild | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Netskar, Herman Krogstad | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Nguyen, Maria Thuy Kieu Thi | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Nielsen, Morten Milek | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Nilsen, Thale Andrea | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Nordquelle, Kaja Hermine | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Norreen-Thorsen, Marthe | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Norum, Jens Henrik | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Notø, Heidi Ødegaard | Department of Core Facilities; Lymphoma Biology |
Nunes, Luís | Genetics Group (Lothe); Computational Oncology |
Nunes-Xavier, Caroline Elisabeth | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Nyakas, Marta Sølvi | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Nygaard, Vigdis | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Nymoen, Hanne Marte Gjertsen | Therapy prediction in lung cancer [Haakensen] ; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Nähse, Viola | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Næss, Stine | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Olweus, Johanna | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Otterlei Fjørtoft, Marit | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Ottestad, Anine | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Ottestad, Anine | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] |
Ottestad, Lars | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Palashati, Heyilimu | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Panagopoulos, Ioannis | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Panda, Swarupa | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Pandya, Abhilash D. | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Pankiv, Serhiy | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Peng, Qian | Immunomodulation and Targeted Therapies [Sioud] |
Pérez Jiménez, María | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Persiconi, Irene | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Petrikonyte, Patricija | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Pettersen, Ina Katrine Nitschke | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Pettersen, Solveig | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Pharo, Heidi | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Phuyal, Santosh | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Pinto, Rita | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Pitman, Kathinka | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Pladsen, Arne Valebjørg | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Po, Yongfang | Institute for Cancer Research Administration |
Prasmickaite, Lina | Tumor-stroma interactions in metastasis and therapy [Prasmickaite] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Pust, Sascha | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Cytokinesis in development and carcinogenesis (Haglund) |
Radulovic, Maja | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Mechanisms and importance of lysosome repair |
Raiborg, Camilla | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Protein dynamics in tumor suppressor pathways (Raiborg) |
Rakaee, Mehrdad | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] |
Ramberg, Håkon | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Ranum, Helene Wold | Institute for Cancer Research Administration |
Rein, Idun Dale | Department of Core Facilities; Lymphoma Biology |
Reinertsen, Vilde | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Reis, José G. T. | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Riis, Margit Leonie Hesla | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Riis, Margit Leoni Hesla | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Rodgers, Sam | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Rodríguez, Patricia González | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Rofstad, Einar K. | Radiation Biology |
Rokkones, Erik | Dominguez-Valentin project group |
Romero, Silvana | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Exosomes and Prostate Cancer (Llorente) |
Romero-Becerra, Rafael | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Rosvold, Marie Elise Engkvist | Epigenomics of Breast Cancer [Fleischer] ; Computational Systems Medicine |
Rozario, Diana Denzil | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Russnes, Hege Elisabeth Giercksky | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Rustad, Even Holth | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Rusten, Tor Erik | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] ; Cellular membrane dynamics |
Ryan, Elin | Protonics [Theodossiou] |
Rye, Inga Hansine | Genomic alterations in breast cancer [Russnes] |
Rykkelid, Anne Marit | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Rønningen, Helene | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Røssevold, Andreas Hagen | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Raabe, Tine T. Henriksen | Protonics [Theodossiou] |
Saidu, Nathaniel Edward Bennett | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Samarakoon, Pubudu Saneth | Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Sambamoorthy, Gayathri | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Sandvig, Kirsten | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Intracellular transport |
Schink, Kay Oliver | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Phosphoinositide control of early endocytic trafficking (Schink) |
Schultz, Sebastian W. | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Seip, Kotryna | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo); Tumor-stroma interactions in metastasis and therapy |
Selbo, Pål Kristian | Photochemical internalisation (PCI) [Selbo] |
Selvarajah, Mughilan | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Nanoparticles in Biomedicine: In vitro studies (Iversen); Exosomes and Prostate Cancer (Llorente) |
Serina Gilje Grøsvik, Anne | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Shariatnasery, Maria | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Sharma, Ankush | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Shehata, Ola | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Sike, Ádám | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Simonsen, Anne Gjøen | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Singh, Amrinder | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Singh, Rohit | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Singh, Sakshi | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Singstad, Øyvind | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Sioud, Mouldy | Immunomodulation and Targeted Therapies [Sioud] |
Sivanesan, Shivanthe | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Skanthamany, Sujeevini | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Skarpen, Ellen | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Department of Core Facilities |
Skingen, Vilde Eide | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Skipar, Kjersti | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Skjerven Strømnes, Nora | Functional Oncology [Kryeziu] ; Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Skotheim, Rolf I. | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Skotland, Tore | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Skourti, Eleni | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo); Tumor-stroma interactions in metastasis and therapy |
Skrede, Martina Landschoof | The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik); Translational studies on solid tumours; Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer |
Skålhegg, Bjørn Steen | Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer [Kure] |
Skånland, Sigrid S. | Functional precision medicine for haematological cancers [Skånland] ; Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation |
Skåttun, Irmelin Vilde | Radiation Biology and DNA Damage Signaling (Syljuåsen) |
Smedsrud, Thea | Department of Core Facilities |
Smedsrud, Thea C. | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] |
Smeland, Erlend Bremertun | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Solbakken, Arne M. | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Solheim, Kaja | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Solli, Elise | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Solvoll, Ingjerd | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] |
Spasevska, Ivana | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Spustova, Karolina | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Stadheim, Maria | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Steen, Chloé Beate | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Stenersen, Jakob Mørkved | Genetics Group (Lothe); Functional Oncology |
Stenmark, Harald | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Institute for Cancer Research |
Stokke, Trond | Radiation Biology |
Stonyte, Vilte | Regulation of translation in cell cycle and stress [Grallert] |
Stranger, Ane | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim) |
Stålberg, Stina Margrethe | Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer [Kure] ; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Sun, Jinchang | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] |
Sveen, Anita | Genetics Group (Lothe); Computational Oncology |
Svensen, Lars | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Swaminathan, Priyanka | Regulation of translation in cell cycle and stress [Grallert] |
Syljuåsen, Randi Gussgard | Radiation Biology and DNA Damage Signaling (Syljuåsen) |
Szabo, Edina Krisztina | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Sørensen, Vigdis | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Department of Core Facilities |
Sørlie, Therese | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] |
Taskén, Kjetil | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Taskén, Kristin Austlid | Urological Molecular Biology [Kristin A. Taskén] ; Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Taylor, Kristofer Gordon | Genome Biology Group (Skotheim); Cancer Informatics |
Terrasi, Andrea | Translational Genomics [Meza-Zepeda] |
Terrasi, Andrea | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Theodossiou, Theodossis Athanassios | Protonics [Theodossiou] |
Thorkildsen, Evy Marie | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Thunold, Solfrid Maria | Therapy prediction in lung cancer [Haakensen] ; Translational studies on solid tumours |
Titov, Aleksei | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Tolsau, Mireia Franco | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Torgunrud, Annette | Translational Cancer Therapy (Flatmark) |
Torralba-Raga, Lamberto | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Trachsel-Moncho, Laura Cristina | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Trageton, Marie | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Tveit, Kjell Magne | Translational studies with a special focus on pancreatic cancer [Kure] |
Ullern, Andreas | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Urbanucci, Alfonso | Genomic Regulation for Precision Cancer Medicine Lab [Urbanucci] ; Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
van de Ven, Janiek | Cancer Molecular Medicine (Enserink) |
Vedeld, Hege Marie | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Veroni, Chiara | Autophagy [Anne Simonsen] |
Vestre, Katharina | Tumor-Host Biology [Rusten] |
Vietri, Marina | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Membrane dynamics in tumorigenesis |
Vikan Sjurgard, Ingrid | Epigenetics Group (Lind) |
Vincenti, Marianna | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Vodák, Daniel | Computational Cancer Genomics and Melanoma Systems Biology (Hovig) |
Vu, Phuong | Breast tumor initiation and progression [Sørlie] ; The Laboratory Technology Unit (Geitvik) |
Våtsveen, Thea Kristin | Lymphoma Biology [Myklebust] |
Wamstad Finsrud, Jenny Marie | Clinical Radiation Biology (Lyng) |
Wang, Ling | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Protein dynamics in tumor suppressor pathways (Raiborg) |
Wang, Shixiong | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Wangen-Riise, Rina | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Wegner, Catherine Sem | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Wei, Qian | Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation [Kjetil Taskén] |
Wenzel, Eva M. | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] ; Protein dynamics in tumor suppressor pathways (Raiborg) |
Wesche, Jørgen | Molecular Biology of Sarcomas (Wesche) |
Weyergang, Anette | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] ; Photochemical internalisation (PCI); Recombinant Light Activated Therapeutics |
Wiedlocha, Antoni | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Wiedswang, Peter | Institute for Cancer Research Administration; Institute for Cancer Research |
Wiig, Elisabeth | Targeted alpha therapy [Juzeniene] |
Wiiger, Merete Thune | Natural Killer Cell Biology and Cell Therapy [Malmberg] |
Willoch, Katarina | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Wivestad Elster, Vilde Cecilie | Genetics Group (Lothe); Computational Oncology |
Yang, Weiwen | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Yang, Ying | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |
Yin, Yanping | Functional precision medicine for haematological cancers [Skånland] ; Cell Signaling and Immune Regulation |
Yohannes, Zeremariam | Genetics Group (Lothe) |
Yohannes, Zeremariam | Cell signalling (Leithe) |
Zachrisson Totland, Max | Genetics Group (Lothe); Functional Oncology |
Zeun, Julia | Experimental Immunotherapy Group [Olweus] |
Zhen, Yan | Cellular membrane dynamics [Stenmark] |
Zlygosteva, Olga | Preclinical and translational proton therapy [Malinen] |
Zobolas, John | Computational Systems Medicine [Aittokallio] |
Øjlert, Åsa Kristina | Translational studies on solid tumours [Helland] |
Øy, Geir Frode | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Øyjord, Tove | Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (Mælandsmo) |
Aamdal, Elin | Immunotherapy against solid cancers [Kyte] |