Welcome to Department of Cancer Immunology
Department head: Professor Johanna Olweus
Deputy department head: Professor Karl-Johan Malmberg
Biomedical laboratory scientist/management: Kristina Ivanauskiene
Administrative consultant: Peter Wiedswang
“Our goal is to improve cancer diagnostics and therapy through cutting edge research on tumor immunology and lymphocyte biology”
The Department of Cancer Immunology (DCI) has six research groups. Among the PIs, four are full professors at UiO, one is visiting professor at Univ of Tunis, and one is also visiting professor at Karolinska Institute.
The research groups in the DCI are partners of the K.G. Jebsen Center for Cancer Immunotherapy (JCIT, Director: Olweus) and the KG Jebsen Centre for B Cell Malignancies. The DCI has a strong emphasis on translation and extensive involvement in clinical. The DCI counted 71 members in 2018.