Aden, Petra | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Advani, Rajiv | Oslo Stroke Clinical Research Group [Else Charlotte Sandset] |
Alfstad, Kristin Å. | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Allen, Sara Maria Kristina | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Alvestad, Silje | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Andelic, Nada | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Andersen, Maren Stolp | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Andersson, Vebjørn | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Annexstad, Ellen | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Argren, Maria Bengtson | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] ; Headache and pain |
Arora, Tarun | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Aukrust, Camilla Grøver | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Aurlien, Dag | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Baumann-Larsen, Monica | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Bautz-Holter, Erik | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] ; Painful musculoskeletal conditions |
Benterud, Anna | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Berge, Helene | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Berge, Tone | Molecular and immunological MS studies; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS; Multiple Sclerosis |
Berge, Victoria-Seidl | Molecular studies of Parkinson's disease [Toft] |
Berger, Toni C. | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Berg-Hansen, Pål | Multiple Sclerosis |
Beyer, Mona K. | Imaging studies of MS; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS |
Bjerkeli, Vigdis | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Bjerknes, Silje Kristin | Inger Marie Skogseid’s Project Group [Skogseid] ; Molecular studies of Parkinson's disease |
Bjorland, Siri | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] |
Bjørke, Agnes Balint | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Bjørneboe, John | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] ; Rehabilitation after trauma |
Bjørnerud, Atle | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Bjørnvold, Marit | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Blagojevic, Dragoljub | Imaging studies of MS |
Boateng, Marcus Juliussen | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Bogale Bungudo, Binyam | Multiple Sclerosis |
Boldingh, Marion | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Borgen, Ida M.H. | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Bos, Steffan Daniël | Molecular and immunological MS studies; Multiple Sclerosis |
Boye, Birgitte | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Brataas, Maja | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Broch, Line | Multiple Sclerosis |
Brommeland, Tor | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Brorson, Ina Skaara | Multiple Sclerosis; Molecular and immunological MS studies |
Brox, Jens Ivar | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] |
Brune-Ingebretsen, Synne | Molecular and immunological MS studies; Multiple Sclerosis |
Bryne, Eline | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Brynjulvsen, Marit | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Bråten, Lars Christian Haugli | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Bürker, Britta | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Bøen, Erlend | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Børte, Sigrid | Headache and pain [Winsvold] |
Bånerud, Ingrid Fjeldheim | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Cappelletti, Chiara | Molecular and immunological MS studies; Multiple Sclerosis |
Celius, Elisabeth Gulowsen | Multiple Sclerosis; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS |
Corona, Iris Fortes | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Dahlberg, Daniel | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Dalby, Gry Cecilie | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
de Rodez Benavent, Sigrid A. | Multiple Sclerosis |
Dietrichs, Espen | Clinical Studies of Movement Disorders |
Djirackor, Luna | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Do, Hoang Oanh Pauline | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Drews, Ainar | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Due-Tønnessen, Bernt Johan | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Dunker, Øystein | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Dunne, Cecilia | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Dunvoll, Guro | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Døving, Mats | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Ebbs, Eira Kathleen | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Egge, Arild | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] ; Pediatric Neurosurgery |
Eide, Per Kristian | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Elsais, Ahmed | Clinical Studies of Movement Disorders |
Elveseter, Lise | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Engebretsen, Kaia Beck | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] |
Engstrand, Helene | Headache and pain [Winsvold] |
Enriquez, Brian Anthony | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] ; The Cerebrovascular Research Group |
Eriksson, Anna Maria | Molecular and immunological MS studies |
Estabillo, Lance Joederick Lopez | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Etholm, Lars | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] |
Faye, Cathrine | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Fjeld, Olaf Randall | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Flemmen, Heidi Øyen | Multiple Sclerosis |
Folge, Juni Kristensen | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Forslund, Marit Vindal | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Fossmo, Hanne Ludt | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Frič, Radek | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] ; Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group |
Frich, Jan Christian | Clinical Studies of Movement Disorders |
Galteland, Pål | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Gervin, Kristina | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] |
Ghafaji, Hajar | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Gjefsen, Elisabeth | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Gjerstad, Leif | Department of Neurology |
González, Alba | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Granberg, Anette Lie | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Grieg, Zanina | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Grotle, Margreth | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Guddal, Maren Hjelle | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Gulbrandsen, Eirik Sandvik | Molecular and immunological MS studies |
Gundersen, Vidar | Clinical Studies of Movement Disorders |
Hagberg, Guri | Oslo Stroke Clinical Research Group [Else Charlotte Sandset] |
Halldórsson, Skarphéðinn | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Haraldsen, Hannah Diotima | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Haraldsen, Ira Ronit Hebold | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Harbo, Hanne Flinstad | Molecular and immunological MS studies; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS; Imaging studies of MS; Multiple Sclerosis |
Hassel, Bjørnar | Intellectual disability and neurohabilitation [Hassel] |
Hatlestad-Hall, Christoffer | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Haugan, Hildegunn | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Hauger, Lisa Evju | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Heimisdottir, Fridny | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] ; Genetics and epigenetics in disease |
Heitmann, Linn Aarbakke | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Helland, Gisle Berg | Multiple Sclerosis; Imaging studies of MS |
Hellstrøm, Torgeir | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Helmstaedter, Christoph | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Helseth, Eirik | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Henning, Oliver J. | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Herrman, Helle | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Heuch, Ingrid | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Heuser, Kjell | Translational epilepsy research [Heuser] ; ERGO - Dept of Neurology |
Hlauschek, Gernot | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Holmen, Lone | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Hommelstad, Jorunn | Department of Neurosurgery |
Hov, Maren Ranhoff | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Howe, Emilie I. | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Hynnekleiv, Torfinn | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Høgestøl, Einar August | Multiple Sclerosis; Imaging studies of MS; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS |
Ihle-Hansen, Hege | Oslo Stroke Clinical Research Group [Else Charlotte Sandset] |
Iqbal, Zafar | Molecular studies of Parkinson's disease [Toft] |
Ivanovic, Jugoslav | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] ; Pediatric Neurosurgery |
Jarovic, Mirna | Molecular and immunological MS studies |
Johannesen, Synne | Treatment and vaccine studies in MS [Gro O. Nygaard] |
Johnsen, Marianne Bakke | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] |
Juel, Niels Gunnar | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] |
Kaddoura, Ahmad | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Karterud, Hilde Nordahl | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Kefaloykos, Christina | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Kerty, Emilia | Clinical Studies of Movement Disorders |
Kirkeby, Ingunn Rise | Department of Neurosurgery |
Kitsos, Ioannis | Department of Neurology |
Kleffelgård, Ingerid | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Kleggetveit, Inge Petter | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Koht, Jeanette | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] |
Kolstad, Frode | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] |
Konglund, Ane Eidahl | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] |
Kostov, Konstantin H. | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Kraglund, Kristian Lundsgaard | Oslo Stroke Clinical Research Group [Else Charlotte Sandset] |
Kvalheim, Synnøve | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] |
Kverneland, Magnhild | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Kvernmo, Nadja Anette Myrvik | Inger Marie Skogseid’s Project Group [Skogseid] |
Kyte, Eli B. | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
König, Marton | Multiple Sclerosis; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS |
Lambert, Anna Tancin | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Landmark, Cecilie Johannessen | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Langmoen, Iver Arne | Department of Neurosurgery; Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Langvatn, Erlend | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Larsen, Karianne | Oslo Stroke Clinical Research Group [Else Charlotte Sandset] |
Larsson, Pål Gunnar | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] |
Lashkarivand, Aslan | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Lian, Sofie Lysholm | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Lie, Ingeborg Haugesag | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Lied, Bjarne | Department of Neurosurgery |
Linnerud, Hege | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Lossius, Morten Ingvar | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Lund, Christian G. | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Lundby, Rigmor | Treatment and vaccine studies in MS [Gro O. Nygaard] |
Lunestad, Astrid | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Løchting, Ida | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Maki-Marttunen, Veronica | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Malt, Ulrik F. | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Maniaol, Angelina Hatlø | Myasthenia gravis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [Maniaol] |
Markhus, Rune | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Martinsen, Amy E. | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] ; Headache and pain |
Maurtveten, Ellen Hoven | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Melbye, Gøril Brevik | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Mellegård, Monica | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Mendoza Mireles, Eduardo Erasmus | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] |
Mero, Inger-Lise | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] |
Mjønes, Sverre Bugge | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Mjåset, Christer | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Moberget, Torgeir | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Mochol, Monika | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Moksnes, Håkon Øgreid | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Molteberg, Ellen | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Mughal, Awais Ahmad | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] ; Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Munthe-Kaas, Monica Cheng | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Myhre, Kjersti | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] |
Mørk, Marianne | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Nakken, Karl Otto | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Netteland, Dag Ferner | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Niehusmann, Pitt | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Nilsen, Kristian Bernhard | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Nome, Cecilie G. | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Nordengen, Kaja | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Nordenmark, Tonje Haug | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Nordhøy, Wibeke | Imaging studies of MS |
Nordstrøm, Marianne | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Normannseth, Henrik | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Nygaard, Gro Owren | Treatment and vaccine studies in MS [Gro O. Nygaard] ; Multiple Sclerosis; Imaging studies of MS |
Næss, Ingar | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Nævra, Marianne | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] |
Olsen, Ketil Berg | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] ; Functional Neurosurgery Group |
Ormel, Lasse | Oslo Stroke Clinical Research Group [Else Charlotte Sandset] |
Osnes, Kåre | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Palmero, Emily T. | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Palmero, Sheryl | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Parnemann, Anne Gro | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Pedersen, Linda Margareth | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] ; Molecular and immunological MS studies |
Pedersen, Sigrid | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] ; Complex Epilepsy Research Group |
Perez, Ana | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Pihlstrøm, Lasse | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Popperud, Trine Haug | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Popperud, Trine Haug | Clinical Studies of Movement Disorders |
Puhr, Anita | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Ramm-Pettersen, Jon | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Rasmussen, Magnhild | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Rasmussen, Mari S. | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Rasmussen, Tilde Harridsleff | Treatment and vaccine studies in MS [Gro O. Nygaard] |
Rasmussen-Hellebust, Emil | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Ratajczak-Tretel, Barbara | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Richter, Grit | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Rise, Henning Hoel | Imaging studies of MS |
Rizvi, Syed Ali Mujtaba | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Rolfsen, Mads Peder | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Romundstad, Luis Georg | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Roy, Ansar Ahmad | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Ryan, Stephen James | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Rydning, Pål Nicolay Fougner | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Rydning, Siri Lynne | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] |
Røe, Cecilie | Painful musculoskeletal conditions [Røe] ; Rehabilitation after trauma |
Rønning, Pål | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] ; Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group |
Rønning, Tone Hakvåg | Headache and pain [Winsvold] |
Raaf, Nora | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Sandberg, Cecilie Jonsgar | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Sandset, Else Charlotte | Oslo Stroke Clinical Research Group [Else Charlotte Sandset] |
Schistad, Ellina Iordanova | Dept of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation |
Schjørlien, Therese | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Schulze, Daniel Gregor | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Selmer, Kaja K. | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] ; Complex Epilepsy Research Group |
Siddique, Khadeeja | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Siewers, Vibeke | Inger Marie Skogseid’s Project Group [Skogseid] |
Siewers, Vibeke | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Simonsen, Cecilia Smith | Multiple Sclerosis |
Skaga, Erlend | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory |
Skagen, Karolina Ryeng | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Skarbø, Anne-Britt | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Skattebøl, Lars | Multiple Sclerosis; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS; Imaging studies of MS |
Skattør, Thor Håkon | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] ; The Cerebrovascular Research Group |
Skjelland, Mona | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Skogan, Annette Holth | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Skogseid, Inger Marie | Inger Marie Skogseid’s Project Group [Skogseid] |
Skytioti, Maria | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Sogn, Carl Johan | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Sorteberg, Angelika Gabriele | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] ; Pediatric Neurosurgery |
Sorteberg, Wilhelm | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Sowa, Piotr | Multiple Sclerosis; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS; Imaging studies of MS |
Stang, Nora Kathinka | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Stangeland, Helle | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Stensland, Synne Øien | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Stenstad, Elise Helene | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Stensvold, Einar | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Storheim, Kjersti | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Stray, August Vincent | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Stø, Kristine | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Sundseth, Jarle | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Svalheim, Sigrid | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Sveberg, Line | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Sveen, Unni | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] |
Svendsen, Torleiv | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Szczepanski, Tomasz Szymon | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Sætre, Erik | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Søberg, Helene Lundgaard | Rehabilitation after trauma [Andelic] ; Painful musculoskeletal conditions |
Sødal, Hild Flatmark | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Sødal, Hild Flatmark | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Sømark, Jesper | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Tallaksen, Chantal M.E. | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] |
Tan, Manuela MX | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Taubøll, Erik | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] |
Thorgersen, Jørn Klepp | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Thorsen, Camilla | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Toft, Mathias | Molecular studies of Parkinson's disease [Toft] |
Torjussen, Tale Mæhre | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Tschamper, Merete Kristin Bustetun | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Tunold, Jon-Anders | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
Tveit, Lars Hansen | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Tveitstøl, Thomas | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Tverdal, Cathrine Buaas | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |
Tveter, Mats | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Tønne, Elin | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Ulvin, Line Bédos | ERGO - Dept of Neurology [Taubøll] ; Research group for applied neurophysiology |
Ulvmoen, Aina | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Upreti, Ramesh | Cognitive health research group [Ira Haraldsen] |
Valnes, Lars Magnus | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Valori, Miko | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] |
van Walsem, Marleen R. | Huntington's disease and neurodegenerative genomics [Pihlstrøm] ; Intellectual disability and neurohabilitation |
Vera Quesada, Cesar Luis | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] |
Vigdal, Ørjan Nesse | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Vigeland, Magnus D. | Genetics and epigenetics in disease [Selmer] |
Vigeland, Maria Dehli | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] |
Vikin, Truls | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Vik-Mo, Einar Osland | Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory; Pediatric Neurosurgery |
Villagran, Antonia | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Wallace, Sean | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Warncke, Torhild | Department of Neurology |
Warsza, Bogna | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Wedding, Iselin Marie | Inger Marie Skogseid’s Project Group [Skogseid] ; Genetics and epigenetics in disease |
Wendel-Haga, Marte | Multiple Sclerosis; Treatment and vaccine studies in MS |
Wiedmann, Markus | Neurovascular & Cerebrospinal Fluid Research Group [Per Kr. Eide] ; The Cerebrovascular Research Group |
Wiig, Ulrikke Straume | Pediatric Neurosurgery [Frič] |
Wik-Klokk, Merete | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Wilhelmsen, Bettina Kjøge | Research group for applied neurophysiology [Kristian Bernhard Nilsen] |
Winsvold, Bendik S. | Headache and pain [Winsvold] |
Zak, Nathalia | Brain plasticity [Elvsåshagen] |
Zamani, Mahtab | The Cerebrovascular Research Group [Skjelland] |
Zwart, John-Anker | Musculoskeletal health [Storheim] ; Headache and pain |
Züchner, Mark | Functional Neurosurgery Group [Ane E. Konglund] |
Ørstavik, Kristin | Rare Neuromuscular Disorders [Østravik and Wallace] |
Øverås, Mathias H. | Treatment and vaccine studies in MS [Gro O. Nygaard] |
Aaberg, Kari Modalsli | Complex Epilepsy Research Group [Lossius] |
Aakervik, Lydia Emilie | Translational neurodegeneration group [Nordengen] |
Aamodt, Anne Hege | Headache and stroke [Aamodt] |
Aarhus, Mads | Oslo Neurosurgical Neurotrauma Group [Helseth] |