Akerø, AinaDept of Pulmonary Diseases
Aksnes, MariDementia research group [Knapskog]
Aksnes, Tonje AmbOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Alonso-Rodriguez, NoeliaChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Amland, RachelDept of Geriatric Medicine
Andersen, Geir ØysteinCardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen]
Andersen, Ingrid AlmThyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Hammerstad]
Andrup, SimonIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Anisdahl, KarolineInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Arnesen, Erik K.Lipid research group [Asprusten]
Arnesen, HaraldOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Asbjørnsen, Rikke AuneDepartment of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes]
Asprusten, Emil AndreasLipid research group [Asprusten]
Atar, DanIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Aukrust, Sverre GrøverOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Aune, Susanne KristineOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Awoyemi, AyodejiOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Bakken, ArnhildIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Bakåsmoen-Holm, Ingeborg EmmyMorbid obesity [Tom Mala]
Barca, Maria LageDept of Geriatric Medicine
Berg, Tore JulsrudDiabetes 1
Berge, TrygveDepartment of Cardiology Ullevaal
Berger, Simon GirmaiDept of Acute Medicine
Bergersen, Bente MagnyChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Berild, DagDept of Infectious Diseases
Birkeland, ElineMorbid obesity [Tom Mala]
Birkeland, Jon Arne KroDept of Nephrology
Birkeland, Kåre IngeDiabetes 2; Section of Endocrinology
Bjørnaas, Mari AsphjellDept of Acute Medicine
Blom-Høgestøl, Ingvild K.Morbid obesity [Tom Mala]
Bogsrud, Martin PrøvenLipid research group [Asprusten]
Bollerslev, JensSection of Endocrinology
Bornstedt, Mette EskildLipid research group [Asprusten]
Bostrøm, KatrineDepartment of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes]
Brantsæter, Arne BrochDept of Infectious Diseases
Bratseth, VibekeOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Bredahl, May Kristin LyamouriThyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Hammerstad]
Brekke, KristinChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Brottveit, MargitGastroenterology
Brækhus, AnneDept of Geriatric Medicine
Buer, Lydia Celine TansemInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Byrkjeland, RuneOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Børøsund, ElinDepartment of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes]
Calland, Jessica KateChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Callegari, EnricoDrug use in the elderly [Romskaug]
Chahal-Kummen, MonicaMorbid obesity [Tom Mala]
Christensen, Erik EgelandChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Claussen, Hege SynnøveIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Cvancarova, Milada SmåstuenInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Dakhil, ShamsOslo Delirium Research Group [Neerland]
de Sousa, Ana Rita SequeiraPreventive Cardiology
Dyrhol-Riise, Anne MargaritaChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Edlund, Iselin HøgbakkChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Edwin, Trine HoltDementia research group [Knapskog]
Ekeberg, ØivindDept of Acute Medicine
Engstad, ToraFrailty and cancer [Rostoft]
Engvig, AndreasPreventive Cardiology
Eribe, Inger Elisabeth LøkkenMorbid obesity [Tom Mala]
Eritsland, JanCardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen]
Evang, Johan ArildSection of Endocrinology
Evensen, HelgeGastroenterology
Falch, Camilla MariaSection of Endocrinology
Feruglio, Siri LauraChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Finnes, ElisabethInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Finnes, Trine ElisabethThyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Hammerstad]
Flaa, ArnljotCardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen] ; Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory
Fosse, Hilde KristinIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Fosshaug, Linn ElisabethIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Fuglehaug, StinePreventive Cardiology
Fyksen, Tea SæterengIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Glad, Ida FrivoldInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Godang, KristinSection of Endocrinology
Gravning, Jørgen A.Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Grimholt, Tine K.Dept of Acute Medicine
Gukasyan, LianaChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Gulati, GeetaIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Gulseth, Hanne LøvdalDiabetes 2; Section of Endocrinology
Gupta, HeddaIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Hadley, Cathrine LundDept of Acute Medicine
Hall, Trygve SundbyIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Halse, IngeborgDept of Geriatric Medicine
Halvorsen, SigrunIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Halaas, Nathalie BoddOslo Delirium Research Group [Neerland]
Hammerstad, Sara SalehiThyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Hammerstad]
Hansen, Charlotte HolstOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Hansen, Simen HyllInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Hanssen, Kristian F.Diabetes 1
Hanvold, Susanna ElisabethMorbid obesity [Tom Mala]
Haug, Helene MarieMorbid obesity [Tom Mala]
Hauge, TrulsGastroenterology
Haukeland, John WillyHepatology research group [Midgard]
Heck, AnsgarSection of Endocrinology
Heen, Espen KolstadThyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Hammerstad]
Heggen, EliPreventive Cardiology
Helseth, RagnhildOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Hewitt, StephenMorbid obesity [Tom Mala]
Heyerdahl, FridtjofDept of Acute Medicine
Holm, MariannePreventive Cardiology
Holten, Aleksander RyghDept of Acute Medicine; Chronic Infections Research Group (CIRG)
Holven, Kirsten BjørklundLipid research group [Asprusten]
Hovda, Knut ErikDept of Acute Medicine
Husebye, TrygveCardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen]
Høieggen, AudDept of Nephrology
Høivik, Marte LieInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Jacobsen, DagDept of Acute Medicine
Jenum, Anne KarenDiabetes 2
Jenum, SynneChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Jessen, StianDepartment of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes]
Johannessen, AsgeirTropical
Johansen, IngunnInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Jørgensen, Anders P.Section of Endocrinology
Kalstad, Are AnnesønnOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Kindberg, Kristine MørkOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Kjetland, Eyrun FlöreckeTropical
Klemsdal, Tor OlePreventive Cardiology
Kleve, RagnhildPreventive Cardiology
Kluge, Karsten EngsethOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Knapskog, Anne BritaDementia research group [Knapskog]
Knudsen, Eva CecilieIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Kolnes, Anders JensenSection of Endocrinology
Konopski, ZbigniewHepatology research group [Midgard]
Kristensen, Vendel A.Gastroenterology; Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Kristinsson, JonMorbid obesity [Tom Mala]
Kristjansdottir, Olof BirnaDepartment of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes]
Kristoffersen, Hannah VesethInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Krogh, Henriette WalaasLipid research group [Asprusten]
Krogstad, Marianne LinnerudDementia research group [Knapskog]
Kvale, DagChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Landrø, KarolineHepatology research group [Midgard]
Langseth, Miriam SjåstadOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Lao, Yvonne E.Dept of Acute Medicine
Larsen, Karl-OttoDept of Pulmonary Diseases
Larssen, LeneGastroenterology
Larsson, GeirInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Lee-Ødegård, SindreDiabetes 2; Thyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group
Lind, AndreasChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Lindholm, Håvard TakleInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Lund, CharlotteInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Lunde, Ida GjervoldOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Lundekvam, Jonas AndreInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Laake, Knut OleDept of Gastroenterology
Mala, TomMorbid obesity [Tom Mala]
Maseng, Maria GjerstadInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Mathisen, Charlotte Bache-WiigInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Maurud, SigurdInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Medhus, Asle WilhelmGastroenterology; Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Mehlum, Maria HollundDept of Geriatric Medicine
Melberg, Mathias BaumannCardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen]
Meyer-Myklestad, Malin HolmChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Michelet, MonaDept of Geriatric Medicine
Midgard, HåvardHepatology research group [Midgard]
Mikalsen, Ingrid MarieGastroenterology
Mjørud, MaritDept of Geriatric Medicine
Moe, Ingrid SkarePreventive Cardiology
Moum, Bjørn AllanInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Mundal, Liv JorunnLipid research group [Asprusten]
Myhre, Peder LangelandOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Myrvang, BjørnDept of Infectious Diseases
Mæland, ArildChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Maagaard, AnneChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Nakstad, Espen RostrupDept of Acute Medicine
Narverud, IngunnLipid research group [Asprusten]
Neerland, Bjørn ErikOslo Delirium Research Group [Neerland]
Nendl, AndrazOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Nordeng, JosteinDepartment of Cardiology Ullevaal; Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory
Nore, Kristin GrotleChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Normann, Kjersti RingvollSection of Endocrinology
Nur, SarahChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Olafsen, Morten KvamOslo Delirium Research Group [Neerland]
Olarescu, Nicoleta CristinaSection of Endocrinology
Ommundsen, NinaFrailty and cancer [Rostoft]
Opdahl, Fredrik LossiusOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Opdahl, HelgeDept of Acute Medicine
Opheim, RandiInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Opstad, Trine BaurOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Orlien, Stian Magnus StaurungTropical
Ormaasen, VidarChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise] ; Dept of Infectious Diseases
Os, IngridDept of Nephrology
Otterstad, MarianneInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] ; Hepatology research group
Palmero, SherylOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Paulsen, Else QuistChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Persett, Per SverreDept of Acute Medicine
Persson, KarinDementia research group [Knapskog]
Pettersen, Alf-Åge R.Oslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Pettersen, Frank OlavChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Pope, Marita KnudsenIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Prebensen, Christian HauglandChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Pretorius, MikkelThyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Hammerstad] ; Section of Endocrinology
Qvigstad, EirikCardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen]
Qvigstad, ElisabethDiabetes 2; Thyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group
Randsborg, Vibeke ElyIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Reikvam, Dag HenrikChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Retterstøl, KjetilLipid research group [Asprusten]
Risstad, HildeMorbid obesity [Tom Mala]
Romskaug, RitaDrug use in the elderly [Romskaug]
Rossebø, Anne B.Ischemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Rostoft, SiriFrailty and cancer [Rostoft]
Rostrup, MortenDept of Acute Medicine
Rygg, Silje-Emilie SoltvedtOslo Delirium Research Group [Neerland]
Rypdal, Karoline BjarnesdatterOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Røstad, KjerstinChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Røsvik, JanneDept of Geriatric Medicine
Sagedal, SolbjørgDept of Nephrology
Salte, Odd BjørnMorbid obesity [Tom Mala]
Sandstad, OlavGastroenterology
Sannes, MetteChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Santervas, Leonor RoaDrug use in the elderly [Romskaug]
Sarna, Vikas KumarHepatology research group [Midgard] ; Gastroenterology
Schreiner, ThomasSection of Endocrinology
Seim, GunnhildInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Seland, LeneThyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Hammerstad]
Selbæk, GeirDept of Geriatric Medicine
Seljeflot, IngebjørgOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Seljelid, BeritDepartment of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes]
Shetelig, ChristianCardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen]
Sjue, LivInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Sjåmo, Maren BaarsrudInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Skeie, Linda GailChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Skjønsberg, Ole HenningDept of Pulmonary Diseases
Smebye, Kristofer LislerudDementia research group [Knapskog]
Solberg Nes, LiseDepartment of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes]
Solem, Ingrid Konstanse LedelDepartment of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes]
Solhaug, Inger CamillaDept of Gastroenterology
Solheim, SveinOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Stiksrud, BirgitteChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Strand, Elin BolleDepartment of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes]
Strandberg, Sindre TobiasOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Strande, VibekeInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Strøm, Ellen CharlotteLipid research group [Asprusten]
Sveen, Kari AnnePreventive Cardiology
Svendsen, KarianneLipid research group [Asprusten]
Svendsen, MettePreventive Cardiology
Sverre, EliseIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
Søvik, Torgeir T.Morbid obesity [Tom Mala]
Taskén, KjetilChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Thorsby, Per MedbøeThyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Hammerstad]
Tonby, KristianChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Tonstad, SerenaPreventive Cardiology
Tøllefsen, Ingvild M.Cardiological intensive care [Geir Ø. Andersen] ; Dept of Acute Medicine
Tønjum, Tuva Catherine KoomeyInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik] ; Hepatology research group
Tønnessen, TheisOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Ueland, ThorSection of Endocrinology
Urke, Eli BjørnøyLipid research group [Asprusten]
Vallersnes, Odd MartinDept of Acute Medicine
Vander-Elst, Karoline RappInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Vangstad, MarieDept of Acute Medicine
Varsi, CecilieDepartment of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes]
Vistnes, MariaIschemic Heart Disease [Sigrid Halvorsen and Dan Atar]
von der Lippe, NannaDept of Nephrology
Warlo, Ellen Mathea KirschOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Watland, SolbjørgDepartment of Digital Health Research [Solberg Nes]
Weider, ThereseThyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Hammerstad]
Westbye, Alexander BauerThyroid and Osteoporosis Reasearch group [Hammerstad]
Wiken, TheaInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Wimmer, HenningDept of Acute Medicine
Wium, CecilieDiabetes 2
Wyller, Torgeir BruunDrug use in the elderly [Romskaug] ; Oslo Delirium Research Group
Wæhre, TorgunChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Zaidi, HaniOslo Center for Clinical Heart Research - Laboratory [Lunde]
Zerouga, InsafInflammatory Bowel Disease [Høivik]
Øktedalen, OlavChronic Infections Research Group (CIRG) [Dyrhol-Riise]
Øystese, Kristin AstridSection of Endocrinology
Ånonsen, Kim VidarGastroenterology; Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Aarskog, Nikolai RavnDept of Acute Medicine
Aas, Anne-MarieDiabetes 2